Pokétitan: Crusher the Tyrantrum
Moves: Head Smash, Hyper Beam, Dragon Claw, Earthquake
Special Move: Size Manipulation
Crusher is a professional wrestler and bodybuilder in the Pokemon world. Standing at an already intimidating height of 8’ 2’’ he isn’t one to mess with. He constantly butts heads with Titan but other than that he gets along remarkably well with the other team members, though he does have a bit of an ego. When Arther first met Crusher, he was participating in a wrestling match in Celadon City against a Tyranitar. Unfortunately, Crusher does not win the fight. Arthur, however, still being the kindhearted young trainer he is, goes to meet him and thank him for the amazing show but as he approaches the back area of the arena, he can overhear Crusher’s trainer talking to him. About how he’s sorry that he can’t train him as well as he used to ever since he got into an accident and that he can’t travel the world to get stronger. Arthur knocks on the door and a man opens it. Arthur is shocked to see that Crusher’s trainer is confined to a wheelchair because he is missing his legs. The two of them talk and Crusher’s trainer reveals he used to be a team rocket grunt. However when he realized he was getting in too deep with their experiments to mutate berries to increase their Pokemon’s power, the leader of team rocket ordered that he should be taken out. So he orchestrated a lab accident that resulted in a chemical gas explosion, crippling Crusher’s trainer. He was able to just barely make it out alive thanks to Crusher and seek treatment. Ever since then they’ve moved to a different town and tried to start a new life. But due to his lingering injuries Crusher’s trainer couldn’t travel very far now due to his regularly scheduled hospital checkups.
Arthur offered to train Crusher in his place and all three of them agree. Both Crusher and his trainer are happy about this because this means that Crusher can go get stronger by traveling the world just like he wanted instead of being confined to Celadon city. As Crusher and Arthur make their way back to Arthur’s camp, Titan senses Crusher’s presences almost immediately. Two alpha pokemon being in the same vicinity always seem to know when the other is present. The enormous Charizard questions Arthur because he was under the impression that he just went to the wrestling match for fun and wants to know who this new pokemon was, not fully trusting another alpha on the team. Arthur tells Titan as well as the rest of his gathered mon’s what the situation is and that Crusher will be joining them. The rest of the team welcomes him with open arms though Titan is still a little moody about it, having been used to being the only alpha on the team for so long. Terren gives Crusher one of the special Team Rocket berries and before long Crusher can talk just like the rest of them. Later on that night after the sun had set:
“Arthur, kiddo, are you sure this is a good idea?” Titan asked, pulling his young trainer aside in his tent. Titan and Arthur poked their heads though the flap and peered out. There, they could see Crusher helping out Mary, a Meganium and team healer set up logs next to a large fire that Terren had a large pot positioned over while he was cooking. Terren and Luna, a Lapras, and team navigator were both at a different table preparing ingredients. Arthur and Titan pulled their heads back into the tent “I don’t know what the problem is Titan. Crusher fits in just fine! He was really friendly when he met Terren, Mary, and Luna and now he’s even helping set up for dinner. I don’t know what the issue is?”
Titan snorted in annoyence, a puff of black smoke bellowing out of his nostrils and hitting Arthur in the face “I don’t like him,” he said, turning his nose up stubbornly.
“Is that it?” Arthur coughed, waving away the smoke “We’ll you’re gonna have to learn to like him. He’s a team member now Titan! He’s family! Titan rolled his eyes. “Come on don’t be like that,” Arthur said as he walked towards the tent flap “Spend some time with him and get to know him. I’m sure you two will become great friends in no time,”
“Alright everyone Dinner’s ready!” Terren boomed from outside “Hope you’re ready to try a special dish from Galar: Spicy Bone Curry! Extra large!”
Titan and Arthur left the tent and made their way over to the fire pit where the rest of the team was already waiting and took their plates. “Um, Arthur dear? You might want to wash your face before eating. You look like you fell into a pit of coal,” Mary said.
Dinner was an enjoyable affair. Now that Crusher could speak to humans as well as Pokemon he happily retold some stories of him being a professional Pokemon wrestler and his time in the ring. Afterwards Luna and Terren gave Crusher the rundown on the special Team Rocket berry he ate and what it does.
“Wait, let me get this straight. Not only does this berry let me speak to humans but it allows me to change the size of anything I wish?” Crusher asked, “That seems…oddly specific,”
Mary giggled “Yes, I though it was strange too. But being able to manipulate the size of anything, even ourselves, has come in handy quite a few times,” she said. Mary turned over to Arthur and just for fun, shrunk him.
“Hey!” Arthur squeaked indigently as he watched the blades of grass start to loom above him like a forest. Mary’s vine whip lowered itself from the sky and coiled around him, bringing him over to where she was sitting as she nuzzled him against her cheek.
Crusher watched the display with a small smile “Well, I do plan on putting this new ability to good use. During future Pokemon battles and especially during training,”
And Crusher would be true to his word. Early the next morning he emerged from the tent that he, Terren, and Titan were sharing. Terren had already gotten up to prepare breakfast. “We’re you going so early?” Titan asked, staring at him from his hammock. “Gonna go for a morning jog,” Crusher replied curtly as he put on a black vest. Titan apparently didn’t like the fact that another Alpha was on the team. And the feeling was mutual. Too many dominating personalities will usually lead to them butting heads. But Arthur wanted them all to be friends, which is probably why he had them share a tent
Titan just stared at him for a second before settling back down on his hammock and closing his eyes “Fine, whatever. But when you get big don’t hurt anyone while you’re jogging ya hear? Watch where you step and keep an eye on the ground.”
Crusher frowned “How did you know I was going to get big before heading out?”
“Because you said it yesterday. I quote ‘Well, I do plan on putting this new ability to good use. During future Pokemon battles and especially during training,’ jogging is another form of training, no?” Titan asked, not even bothering to open his eyes. Crusher rolled his “Yeah, whatever,” he said and made his way outside with a water bottle in his large hand.
Crusher gave it a few seconds of concentration as he focused his new ability and willed himself to get bigger. He practiced a little last night with Terren and it looks like it paid off. He could do it with ease now. Crusher found himself outgrowing the forest and soon even the region. He towered high above the land, thousands of kilometers tall.
"Well, if I'm going to train, might as well go all out!" Crusher thought with a small chuckle as he took a step. His gargantuan foot landed next to a countryside. Churning up the earth as he left behind a colossal footprint. The villagers all timidly peeked outside their homes as they watched this new PokeTitan begin his morning jog.
“Let’s see how far I can go today,” Crusher thought as he picked up pace, the world shuddering under his footfalls “I normally run a few laps around the city. This time I think I’ll run a few laps around the continent!”
Crusher laughed to himself. Life from now on was certainly going to be very interesting.
People all over the country pointed up in awe as they saw the gigantic Tyrantrum storm across the land. The ground shook heavily from his steps and his titanic from completely dwarfing everything in its path. From entire cities to mountains.
“Look out below little guys!” Crusher thundered with a good natured smirk “Your country sized neighbor is out for his morning jog!”
Crusher is an alpha Pokemon so he too has a bit of a dominant personality to him, though he doesn’t allow that to be his only trait. Since Crusher was a wrestler and bodybuilder before he started his travels with Arthur, you can usually see him working out at a nearby gym whenever he stops by a town. But don’t let his intimidating height scare you, he’s actually a really sweet guy! Always happy to lead a helping hand to those who need it. Though Crusher owns his own workout gym in Celadon city, He doesn’t mind serving as an impromptu trainer for newbies who just started going to the gym during his travels. Always happy to encourage others to do their best. Crusher likes to work out a lot, and this translates over to when he’s a giant. So, don’t be surprised if you suddenly find your city or town in the palm of Crusher’s hand being used as dumbbells or be frightened if a giant dinosaur Pokemon foot slams down next to your area of residence while Crusher is out jogging. But don’t worry, he doesn’t want to scare anyone too badly. Maybe some of that dominant personality encourages a little bit of showing off but after one of his giant workouts Crusher would usually show his appreciation to the city he was “borrowing” by giving it and the hundreds of residents inside a big old hug.
Thank you to the amazing
blurthefur for the picture
Moves: Head Smash, Hyper Beam, Dragon Claw, Earthquake
Special Move: Size Manipulation
Crusher is a professional wrestler and bodybuilder in the Pokemon world. Standing at an already intimidating height of 8’ 2’’ he isn’t one to mess with. He constantly butts heads with Titan but other than that he gets along remarkably well with the other team members, though he does have a bit of an ego. When Arther first met Crusher, he was participating in a wrestling match in Celadon City against a Tyranitar. Unfortunately, Crusher does not win the fight. Arthur, however, still being the kindhearted young trainer he is, goes to meet him and thank him for the amazing show but as he approaches the back area of the arena, he can overhear Crusher’s trainer talking to him. About how he’s sorry that he can’t train him as well as he used to ever since he got into an accident and that he can’t travel the world to get stronger. Arthur knocks on the door and a man opens it. Arthur is shocked to see that Crusher’s trainer is confined to a wheelchair because he is missing his legs. The two of them talk and Crusher’s trainer reveals he used to be a team rocket grunt. However when he realized he was getting in too deep with their experiments to mutate berries to increase their Pokemon’s power, the leader of team rocket ordered that he should be taken out. So he orchestrated a lab accident that resulted in a chemical gas explosion, crippling Crusher’s trainer. He was able to just barely make it out alive thanks to Crusher and seek treatment. Ever since then they’ve moved to a different town and tried to start a new life. But due to his lingering injuries Crusher’s trainer couldn’t travel very far now due to his regularly scheduled hospital checkups.
Arthur offered to train Crusher in his place and all three of them agree. Both Crusher and his trainer are happy about this because this means that Crusher can go get stronger by traveling the world just like he wanted instead of being confined to Celadon city. As Crusher and Arthur make their way back to Arthur’s camp, Titan senses Crusher’s presences almost immediately. Two alpha pokemon being in the same vicinity always seem to know when the other is present. The enormous Charizard questions Arthur because he was under the impression that he just went to the wrestling match for fun and wants to know who this new pokemon was, not fully trusting another alpha on the team. Arthur tells Titan as well as the rest of his gathered mon’s what the situation is and that Crusher will be joining them. The rest of the team welcomes him with open arms though Titan is still a little moody about it, having been used to being the only alpha on the team for so long. Terren gives Crusher one of the special Team Rocket berries and before long Crusher can talk just like the rest of them. Later on that night after the sun had set:
“Arthur, kiddo, are you sure this is a good idea?” Titan asked, pulling his young trainer aside in his tent. Titan and Arthur poked their heads though the flap and peered out. There, they could see Crusher helping out Mary, a Meganium and team healer set up logs next to a large fire that Terren had a large pot positioned over while he was cooking. Terren and Luna, a Lapras, and team navigator were both at a different table preparing ingredients. Arthur and Titan pulled their heads back into the tent “I don’t know what the problem is Titan. Crusher fits in just fine! He was really friendly when he met Terren, Mary, and Luna and now he’s even helping set up for dinner. I don’t know what the issue is?”
Titan snorted in annoyence, a puff of black smoke bellowing out of his nostrils and hitting Arthur in the face “I don’t like him,” he said, turning his nose up stubbornly.
“Is that it?” Arthur coughed, waving away the smoke “We’ll you’re gonna have to learn to like him. He’s a team member now Titan! He’s family! Titan rolled his eyes. “Come on don’t be like that,” Arthur said as he walked towards the tent flap “Spend some time with him and get to know him. I’m sure you two will become great friends in no time,”
“Alright everyone Dinner’s ready!” Terren boomed from outside “Hope you’re ready to try a special dish from Galar: Spicy Bone Curry! Extra large!”
Titan and Arthur left the tent and made their way over to the fire pit where the rest of the team was already waiting and took their plates. “Um, Arthur dear? You might want to wash your face before eating. You look like you fell into a pit of coal,” Mary said.
Dinner was an enjoyable affair. Now that Crusher could speak to humans as well as Pokemon he happily retold some stories of him being a professional Pokemon wrestler and his time in the ring. Afterwards Luna and Terren gave Crusher the rundown on the special Team Rocket berry he ate and what it does.
“Wait, let me get this straight. Not only does this berry let me speak to humans but it allows me to change the size of anything I wish?” Crusher asked, “That seems…oddly specific,”
Mary giggled “Yes, I though it was strange too. But being able to manipulate the size of anything, even ourselves, has come in handy quite a few times,” she said. Mary turned over to Arthur and just for fun, shrunk him.
“Hey!” Arthur squeaked indigently as he watched the blades of grass start to loom above him like a forest. Mary’s vine whip lowered itself from the sky and coiled around him, bringing him over to where she was sitting as she nuzzled him against her cheek.
Crusher watched the display with a small smile “Well, I do plan on putting this new ability to good use. During future Pokemon battles and especially during training,”
And Crusher would be true to his word. Early the next morning he emerged from the tent that he, Terren, and Titan were sharing. Terren had already gotten up to prepare breakfast. “We’re you going so early?” Titan asked, staring at him from his hammock. “Gonna go for a morning jog,” Crusher replied curtly as he put on a black vest. Titan apparently didn’t like the fact that another Alpha was on the team. And the feeling was mutual. Too many dominating personalities will usually lead to them butting heads. But Arthur wanted them all to be friends, which is probably why he had them share a tent
Titan just stared at him for a second before settling back down on his hammock and closing his eyes “Fine, whatever. But when you get big don’t hurt anyone while you’re jogging ya hear? Watch where you step and keep an eye on the ground.”
Crusher frowned “How did you know I was going to get big before heading out?”
“Because you said it yesterday. I quote ‘Well, I do plan on putting this new ability to good use. During future Pokemon battles and especially during training,’ jogging is another form of training, no?” Titan asked, not even bothering to open his eyes. Crusher rolled his “Yeah, whatever,” he said and made his way outside with a water bottle in his large hand.
Crusher gave it a few seconds of concentration as he focused his new ability and willed himself to get bigger. He practiced a little last night with Terren and it looks like it paid off. He could do it with ease now. Crusher found himself outgrowing the forest and soon even the region. He towered high above the land, thousands of kilometers tall.
"Well, if I'm going to train, might as well go all out!" Crusher thought with a small chuckle as he took a step. His gargantuan foot landed next to a countryside. Churning up the earth as he left behind a colossal footprint. The villagers all timidly peeked outside their homes as they watched this new PokeTitan begin his morning jog.
“Let’s see how far I can go today,” Crusher thought as he picked up pace, the world shuddering under his footfalls “I normally run a few laps around the city. This time I think I’ll run a few laps around the continent!”
Crusher laughed to himself. Life from now on was certainly going to be very interesting.
People all over the country pointed up in awe as they saw the gigantic Tyrantrum storm across the land. The ground shook heavily from his steps and his titanic from completely dwarfing everything in its path. From entire cities to mountains.
“Look out below little guys!” Crusher thundered with a good natured smirk “Your country sized neighbor is out for his morning jog!”
Crusher is an alpha Pokemon so he too has a bit of a dominant personality to him, though he doesn’t allow that to be his only trait. Since Crusher was a wrestler and bodybuilder before he started his travels with Arthur, you can usually see him working out at a nearby gym whenever he stops by a town. But don’t let his intimidating height scare you, he’s actually a really sweet guy! Always happy to lead a helping hand to those who need it. Though Crusher owns his own workout gym in Celadon city, He doesn’t mind serving as an impromptu trainer for newbies who just started going to the gym during his travels. Always happy to encourage others to do their best. Crusher likes to work out a lot, and this translates over to when he’s a giant. So, don’t be surprised if you suddenly find your city or town in the palm of Crusher’s hand being used as dumbbells or be frightened if a giant dinosaur Pokemon foot slams down next to your area of residence while Crusher is out jogging. But don’t worry, he doesn’t want to scare anyone too badly. Maybe some of that dominant personality encourages a little bit of showing off but after one of his giant workouts Crusher would usually show his appreciation to the city he was “borrowing” by giving it and the hundreds of residents inside a big old hug.
Thank you to the amazing

Category All / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Male
Size 1736 x 2122px
File Size 2.57 MB