Luna : Lets drink 2022 over and start a new year together ~~ Hungry ? Get some cookies );3....
Konbanwa mina-san !!
Well I'm a bit late but I finaly was able to do this draw so Happy New year 2023 everyone, me and Luna wish you the best
and hope you'll know 2023 as a better year >x< !!
Tsss what a sneaky Vixen...she stoled all the remaning cookies from Christmas = w=.... But at leats she seem have kept
some just for you~~ Of course with a teasy attitude like her it's better to be careful...it could be a trap !
Howeve rif you guys are enough courageous then...maybe you'll can get some "extra-beans" in bonus who know~~
Well so here was my "last moment" New-Year special, yeah indeed i didn't intended to do anything this year but
when I was seraching on some nice pose on the web I felt on one than realy pleased me so I instant told me
"Damn I must draw luna doing that!!".
The pose-base I used as inspiration is basicly just a upper-view same kind than this one of a character, I just
personalised it by make it in full-view with Luna grabs a glass of milk and keep some cookies stuck between her toes !
I realy did the best i could on the character and even decided to use my "Colored-line" and the render look realy great,
I also did a Bg even if it was not predicted. Not the besty BG I can do but it's actualy rare I draw BG so I hope it's enough
great and fit with the pic's thematic (after-christmas)
But enough talking, I just hope the draw will pleas you all and worth the wait despite i realy did it at the last moments (december 25)
Now i wish you all a happy new year !! I wanted give a big thanks to all my friedns and watchers, thanks to follow/support me since so long
and i hope we'll can pass a better year all together with plenty of new stuff ^w^ !
Now here are my mains resolutions for 2023 :
-Work even more on myself, be less negative/hard on me and be proud of my work ( and myself too) than was a 2022 resolution
I was not able to reach fully unfortunatly so...let's keep working hard !
-Keep improving my work and speed for can give you all more content and for that YES FINALY will open public-commissions
for the first time ! I finaly jump the step and try myself in commission but don't exept see these open tommorow ! Indeed I
still have a looot to finish FIRST and i'll can't focus as long I'll be not rise of these UwU ! But no worry I'll do a journal the day
I'll decide to open ^^ so i hope see you guys in !
-Doing some reff for my characters than need some X3...
Sooo its actualy my main resolutions, I have otehr but these are just secondary and if i can't recah them it's okay > w>...
Well it's time for me to go, i wish you a good day !! Thanks again for still be here after all those years and realy hope
the draw worthed the wait !
I now let you enjoy the view or risk yourself to grab these cookies..Choice is your now gehehehe~~
Matane mina-san and take care, see you for other cute/funny/adorable stuff ! èw<\ *Poof*
PS :
Because of FA's new system HQ resolution for this draw can be found on my DA in the following link
No-Cookies version/no dialog available here :
HQ resolution : [/i]
~~Luna belong to me~~
~~Art by me~~
Konbanwa mina-san !!
Well I'm a bit late but I finaly was able to do this draw so Happy New year 2023 everyone, me and Luna wish you the best
and hope you'll know 2023 as a better year >x< !!
Tsss what a sneaky Vixen...she stoled all the remaning cookies from Christmas = w=.... But at leats she seem have kept
some just for you~~ Of course with a teasy attitude like her it's better to be careful...it could be a trap !
Howeve rif you guys are enough courageous then...maybe you'll can get some "extra-beans" in bonus who know~~
Well so here was my "last moment" New-Year special, yeah indeed i didn't intended to do anything this year but
when I was seraching on some nice pose on the web I felt on one than realy pleased me so I instant told me
"Damn I must draw luna doing that!!".
The pose-base I used as inspiration is basicly just a upper-view same kind than this one of a character, I just
personalised it by make it in full-view with Luna grabs a glass of milk and keep some cookies stuck between her toes !
I realy did the best i could on the character and even decided to use my "Colored-line" and the render look realy great,
I also did a Bg even if it was not predicted. Not the besty BG I can do but it's actualy rare I draw BG so I hope it's enough
great and fit with the pic's thematic (after-christmas)
But enough talking, I just hope the draw will pleas you all and worth the wait despite i realy did it at the last moments (december 25)
Now i wish you all a happy new year !! I wanted give a big thanks to all my friedns and watchers, thanks to follow/support me since so long
and i hope we'll can pass a better year all together with plenty of new stuff ^w^ !
Now here are my mains resolutions for 2023 :
-Work even more on myself, be less negative/hard on me and be proud of my work ( and myself too) than was a 2022 resolution
I was not able to reach fully unfortunatly so...let's keep working hard !
-Keep improving my work and speed for can give you all more content and for that YES FINALY will open public-commissions
for the first time ! I finaly jump the step and try myself in commission but don't exept see these open tommorow ! Indeed I
still have a looot to finish FIRST and i'll can't focus as long I'll be not rise of these UwU ! But no worry I'll do a journal the day
I'll decide to open ^^ so i hope see you guys in !
-Doing some reff for my characters than need some X3...
Sooo its actualy my main resolutions, I have otehr but these are just secondary and if i can't recah them it's okay > w>...
Well it's time for me to go, i wish you a good day !! Thanks again for still be here after all those years and realy hope
the draw worthed the wait !
I now let you enjoy the view or risk yourself to grab these cookies..Choice is your now gehehehe~~
Matane mina-san and take care, see you for other cute/funny/adorable stuff ! èw<\ *Poof*
PS :
Because of FA's new system HQ resolution for this draw can be found on my DA in the following link
No-Cookies version/no dialog available here :
HQ resolution : [/i]
~~Luna belong to me~~
~~Art by me~~
Category Artwork (Digital) / Paw
Species Fox (Other)
Gender Any
Size 1539 x 2394px
File Size 4.06 MB
Listed in Folders
Well you know Luna right ? Be mischievous and sneaky is her natur so she know her paws are appealing so...why not use them for reach peoples's attention huh ?
You can try to grab the cookies if you are courageous enough of course, but by doing it you also take the risk yo finish tickled yourself so...good luck ~~
Also thanks fkr the wish, lets hope the futur will be a better one !
You can try to grab the cookies if you are courageous enough of course, but by doing it you also take the risk yo finish tickled yourself so...good luck ~~
Also thanks fkr the wish, lets hope the futur will be a better one !
Sure you can, she nicely offer them to anyone courageous enough for try ;p... plus witha bit of luck you'll can have fun with these beans indeed however...by doing that you could see your feet tickled-back so... careful~~
Thanks for the wish my friend ^w^ I hole 2023 will be great and reach of content from me X3... thanks for your interest in my work~~
Thanks for the wish my friend ^w^ I hole 2023 will be great and reach of content from me X3... thanks for your interest in my work~~
Can definitely feel all the effort put into this, hehe, looks like a pose that must've been challenging to pull off x3!
Happy new year to you as well, hope it's a great one for you and your family/friends~ Hopefully we all get to meet our personal goals we set for ourselves this year ^^
Happy new year to you as well, hope it's a great one for you and your family/friends~ Hopefully we all get to meet our personal goals we set for ourselves this year ^^
Thanks Tammer ! Yeah this draw was challenging as I never did this pose before and the pose-reff I had was only the upper X3 I "builded" all the rest and I was realy happy with the result.
I love when character cross theyr legs teasy and show-off theyr soles, it's a pose I realy realy enjoyed to do ^w^ and be sure it's not the last I'll do hehe~~
But thanks for your kind words toward it Tammer, receive support and compliment from a more experimented artist is realy make me feel good and motived for keep doing my best ^w^ !!
So thanks for the kind wirds and yeah lets hope it will be a good year for everyone >÷< ! I'll do the best for reach all my goals even if it's not sure I can compleet them all but I'll do the best I can ^^.
Well wish you a good day Tammer and thanks again ^w^ !
I love when character cross theyr legs teasy and show-off theyr soles, it's a pose I realy realy enjoyed to do ^w^ and be sure it's not the last I'll do hehe~~
But thanks for your kind words toward it Tammer, receive support and compliment from a more experimented artist is realy make me feel good and motived for keep doing my best ^w^ !!
So thanks for the kind wirds and yeah lets hope it will be a good year for everyone >÷< ! I'll do the best for reach all my goals even if it's not sure I can compleet them all but I'll do the best I can ^^.
Well wish you a good day Tammer and thanks again ^w^ !
I could've sworn I commented on this! Well, let me do that now. xD
I absolutely love Luna, she's one of my favourites of yours! She's so adorable and pretty. >///<
She better watch out though! I want those cookies and I'll get them even if I have to grab that paw and tickle it until she lets go of them. >:^)
Great stuff, Hake! Love this! And the background as well! Really brings the picture to life.
I absolutely love Luna, she's one of my favourites of yours! She's so adorable and pretty. >///<
She better watch out though! I want those cookies and I'll get them even if I have to grab that paw and tickle it until she lets go of them. >:^)
Great stuff, Hake! Love this! And the background as well! Really brings the picture to life.