Rose showing off the goods (Part 8 / 8 )
This is the final part of eight of a clothing image series. I'm quite fond of these. Nothing titillates more than form fitting attire. Here we are at the very end, gotta catch em all. I bet you'd love to squeeze those pokéballs ;P
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Art © Tierafoxglove
Rose Mary Haroldson © R.E.S.
Please be aware that this picture and/or story is copyrighted. And may never under any circumstance be reposted without the explicit written authorisation of the original artist AND/OR myself. This includes the changing or modifying of pictures/stories.
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - You are here
Art © Tierafoxglove
Rose Mary Haroldson © R.E.S.
Please be aware that this picture and/or story is copyrighted. And may never under any circumstance be reposted without the explicit written authorisation of the original artist AND/OR myself. This includes the changing or modifying of pictures/stories.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fantasy
Species Werewolf / Lycanthrope
Gender Female
Size 1154 x 1500px
File Size 323.6 kB