You were brought into a small park out on an autumn evening to a picnic table, your dinner date was supposed to be there waiting for you and there he was, waving to you. He had been wearing thigh highs around his slim legs and a tight and short shirt that revealed his slim belly with its black tattoo on it. He swayed around as you approached him before pulling you in for a kiss and hug, letting you run and caress his slim belly, before it let out a loud hungry growl.
“Mmmmmm, god I’m starving, wanna go find some micros?”
He asked you while rubbing his slim tummy and showing off his deep deer maw, huffing his warm deer breath, showing off his long sticky tongue and showing off his deep throat and uvula, wondering if you’ll accept his offer.
I’m an absolute lover or deer and other cervine preds and I especially love twinky preds as well! A gift to my lovely friend Tegan on Twitter!: https://mobile.twitter.com/TeganDeer
“Mmmmmm, god I’m starving, wanna go find some micros?”
He asked you while rubbing his slim tummy and showing off his deep deer maw, huffing his warm deer breath, showing off his long sticky tongue and showing off his deep throat and uvula, wondering if you’ll accept his offer.
I’m an absolute lover or deer and other cervine preds and I especially love twinky preds as well! A gift to my lovely friend Tegan on Twitter!: https://mobile.twitter.com/TeganDeer
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Vore
Species Deer
Gender Male
Size 1600 x 2303px
File Size 688.6 kB