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In a secret lab hidden under a tall hill with thick trees spread across its surface, two scientists were in a lab mixing chemicals and various colors and ingredients to discover the secrets of science. These two were wearing their white lab coats and safety goggles. One was a black and orange spotted gecko and the other was an owl who had been working here for a long time. Today, they were on a breakthrough in science. A special mixer machine spun six green vials inside before clicking to a stop. The gecko putting on gloves, carefully opened the lid and pulled out the rack of the six vials of green liquid inside.
“Careful. That's five months' work of progress in your hands.” The owl warned as the gecko carefully and slowly walked over to another larger rack and placed the vials in them, holding them inches off the ground making sure that they will sit still without falling over.
“Whew. Thank god that’s over with.” The Gecko said relieved, removing his goggles and gloves.
“Me too.” The owl added, patting the gecko on his back.
He picked up one of the green vials, observing it in the light as it almost glowed.
“Finally, a liquid that provides infinite air! Just think, we put this in a scuba air tank, and divers won't have to resurface for weeks! Or perhaps we put these in astronauts' suits and they could float in space for years!” The owl said, already dreaming of the possibilities.
“Please. One miracle at a time.” The gecko said with a snarky attitude.
“Yeah I know, but finally we made a breakthrough!” The owl smiled confidently.
Suddenly, an alarm went off and red lights filled the lab and the hallway outside the lab’s windows.
“Warning! A test subject has escaped his cell. All staff report to your instructed safe rooms. This is not a drill.” The voice of the speaker said.
“Damn! Not another one.” The owl grunted.
“Let me lock these away before we go.” The Gecko quickly picked up the rack of green vials and carefully put them in a safe in the lab.
He closed the safe, but the blaring alarm made it hard to hear if it was locked or not.
“Hey! You two! To your safe rooms! Move it!” A guard instructed the scientist to move as a squad ran past the windows.
“Let’s go. I don’t wanna know which one got out this time.” The Gecko said as he and the owl left the room, closing the door behind them.
The gust of wind from the door closing made a small breeze in the lab, causing a pencil cup on the edge of a table to fall over onto the floor, and the safe door that was supposedly locked, to creak open enough for it to be seen as unlocked.
Sprinting down a hallway, a slightly chubby green lizard, shirtless and only wearing bright baggy orange pants that looked like deflated scuba pants with a thin ring of black and a thicker ring of white around his waist, ran for his life down a hall before stopping and hiding behind a wall, listening for guards running past to quickly move again safely.
“I’m getting the heck out of here! I’m not staying in this stupid place any longer.” The lizard said as he rounded another corner.
He was the reason for the alarm blaring. The lizard had escaped his cell after trading some items with the other test subjects and managing to knock out a guard and steal their ID card to free himself. His chubby body, however, was the result of too many fattening sweets for lunch during his time here. The biggest problem was finding a way out of here. This place was like a maze, and these baggy pants he wore swishing against each other didn't help at all, but it was the only piece of clothing he had. The lizard stopped again and hid as another squad of guards ran past him, not noticing him as he sprinted down another hall.
“Where’s the exit? Don’t these people have a map or something?” He grunted as he realized he ran in a circle.
“There he is!” A guard said as he turned and spotted a guard pointing at him and a squad behind chasing after him.
“Crud!” The lizard panicked and sprinted down another hallway, one he knew he had not gone down before.
Rounding some corners and down another hallway, he saw a window and a lab inside of it. The lizard quickly stepped into the lab and hid behind the wall under the window. The sound of at least a dozen guards running by was heard before the hallway grew silent.
“Whew. Finally got rid of them for now.” The lizard sighed victoriously.
Standing up, he took this moment of peace to observe his surroundings. The lizard found himself in some lab with test tubes and complicated equipment. He had just kinda sprinted in here and didn’t even realize what kinda room he hid in.
“Huh, looks like the eggheads work here. Maybe there’s something here that can help me escape.” He said as he looked at the colored liquids, some with no names, some with a powder or clumpy chunks of something inside.
Some of the bigger bottles in the glass planetary windows and shelves had names too complicated to even pronounce.
“Dammit. I can’t just chug whatever I find in here. I don’t wanna end up with a third leg or a different species entirely. Come on, there's gotta be something…” He grunted as he moved aside some gallon jugs of… whatever they were.
When nothing of value was found, the lizard backed up against a desk and sighed, looking across the countertop at all the colored mysterious liquids. That is until he saw an open safe in the corner.
His baggy pants swishing and swooshing against each other, he strode over to the safe and found it unlocked. The lizard pulled the safe door open, seeing a set of green vials of liquid inside. He grabbed one, not seeing a label on it.
“Well, this might come in handy. It’s gotta be important if it was put in a safe.” The reptile smiled as he grabbed the rack vials and placed them on the countertop.
There was also a rack of unlabeled red vials in the safe too, which he also grabbed and placed on the countertop next to the green ones. Closing the empty safe, the lizard backed up and turned, going to check the cabinet in the corner of the room next. However, his search was cut short as he unknowingly stepped on a pencil cup on the floor. The lizard’s foot landed on the cylinder object and shifted under his weight. His foot flew forward as he leaned his body too far forward for his walk.
“Crud!” He yelled before he landed on his back on the solid cold floor.
During his fall, however, he reached out his hand to grab the countertop to stop his fall, grabbing the vial racks instead and pulling them over. The vials all spilled out onto him and his pants. The red vials poured into his body and pants, while the green vials poured entirely onto his orange pants.
“Uuugh. Stupid eggheads. I thought they looked after their lab.” He grunted as he got back up.
Dusting himself off and seeing and feeling his front body and pants soaked in red and green liquids.
“Dang it! There goes my only escape. Ugh, this is bad…” The lizard grunted frustratedly.
But the chemicals were already taking effect. They had quickly soaked into the rubbery latex fabric of the lizard’s pants and his body, spreading across entirely before any wetness on him dried up almost instantly. Once they were dry, his new life all started… with a hiss.
The lizard stuck his head up, confused. There was a sudden strange hissing noise going on. He looked around the room, trying to spot perhaps a loose steam pipe, or maybe a tank of gas had opened up, but he didn't see anything.
“Where is that hissing coming from?” He asked himself, looking around the lab.
Right under him, his bright orange baggy pants shifted and seemed wider than usual. The pants at his legs and waist seemed to look a little tighter than usual. The bagginess of the pants also seemed to be going away as they were growing much more… puffier or roundish. The lizard, unable to find the source anywhere of the hissing, now felt something new. He felt… bigger, wider, and lighter too for some reason.
“Hmmm… something’s off.” He placed his hands on his hips, unaware that his orange pants had now puffed up enough to where barely any folds were visible.
They had almost reached smooth roundness. The pants now hid his feet under them as they stuck out, still visible but not viewable to him anymore. The lizard shook his head, not worrying so much about it.
“I need to get out of here.” He nodded as he made his way towards the door, but walking towards the door proved much more difficult all of a sudden like he couldn't bend his legs properly anymore.
His pant legs had now reached beach ball-sized while even the butt of his pants had inflated and expanded too, giving him a much larger rump. When the lizard opened the door and peeked out, seeing the hallways empty, he smiled.
“Alright. Hopefully, the exit won’t be so fa-'' Shwoomp. He was suddenly stopped from going through the door.
Confused, he grabbed the sides of the door and tried to pull himself through, but something was preventing him from getting through, making a squeak and creak noise.
“Ugh, C-come on! Why can’t I get… through?” He grunted as his inflated pants were much too large to fit through the doorway, creaking and squeaking as it grew more and more difficult to squeeze through as they continued to hiss and inflate.
He grunted and pulled and pushed as hard as he could, until he was flung back, rolling across the floor and into a wall, landing against something puffy and comfy to cushion him.
“What the heck? Is there like some force field active?” He questioned as he got to his feet, and… in the bottom of his vision, he saw something bright orange creeping more and more into his view.
He looked down, confused at first, but then suddenly shocked… “W-what the heck?!”
“M-my pants! Their… they're blowing up! This is where the hissing was coming from?!” He said in complete shock and panic as he witnessed his own pants, inflating and blowing up all on their own.
The legs were as big as overinflated yoga balls, while the upper part was like an inflated pool ring. Turning his head to the side, he saw even the butt of his pants was inflating too, giving him a proper balloon butt and making him blush. His legs were stiff, unable to properly bend causing the lizard to shift his balance and stick out his arms to prevent him from falling over.
“Woah Woah!” His pant legs were bigger than ever, bigger than exercise balls, even bigger!
“No no no no! Stop doing this!” The lizard growled as he slammed his fist into his bright orange inflating pants.
His fist landed on them, sinking in a little and absorbing the impact, wobbling around a little. In fact, they seemed to be inflating even faster! The lizard didn’t even realize how much space they were taking up in this lab. More than half the lab was already consumed as the pants pushed against the counters, pushing off beakers and glass and pressing against some of the machines. Heck, he was even getting… Taller? Or was he… bigger? Not just his pants but himself. The lizard looked up, seeing his head just now brush against the ceiling.
“Aw crud! These stupid things are getting too big!” He yelled as he pushed against the ceiling.
His whole body was bigger than before as his hands covered the fluorescent lights. It seemed like another effect from the infinite air solution, or perhaps it was the red liquid.
“Come on I think he’s this way!” A group of guards yelled.
They had heard a crash coming from down the hall, sprinting and expecting to finally catch the lab rat that escaped. When they turned down another hallway, nearing the source of the crash, they all stopped and stared… confused at what they were seeing. It was one of the labs, but through the window, it was entirely blocked by some giant bright orange rubbery thing, shifting around and making a constant hissing noise.
“What the?” One guard said.
A few others got close to the window, seeing it press against the glass before it suddenly shattered! The orange blob thing fwoomped through the window, bouncing a few of the guards against the wall. Not even the broken class made a scratch on its surface. The door to the lab was bending, looking like it would bust soon. The guards backed up as the orange thing still kept expanding, blocking the hallway.
“We… we need to get the heck out of here!” A guard said as they all sprinted away.
One guard however was pinned against the wall with the orange blob thing still hissing and inflating, pressing tighter and together against him as the guard unintentionally blushed and moaned a little as he was swallowed whole by the bright orange anomaly.
“Evacuate the facility immediately. This is not a drill. Evacuate the facility immediately.” A female voice spoke on the intercom repeatedly.
Scientists and guards in their saferooms were all getting the heck out of the lab, taking their research notes and any equipment small enough to carry. Back inside the lab, the Lizard grunted as he was tightly smushed between his inflating pants and the ceiling.
“Mmmph. I’m… I'm gonna sink into my own pants!” He panicked as most of his body was sunken into his pants, and his arms and head were nearing the point of being swallowed up whole.
The pants had filled the lab entirely and were spreading outside the lab too, filling up rooms and hallways and busting down walls while the hissing and the creaks and stretching were deeper toned, and louder than ever. Then the ceiling finally broke, and the lizard shot upwards. It was dark in here, seeing the shafts and ducts. Looking up, he was approaching another ceiling, he quickly pressed his large hands against it again, but this time it broke much easier. Now he found himself rising higher and higher, rising through the floor of another lab. This time though, he observed his surroundings. Everything in here was… much smaller. His head alone took half the room. His shoulders busted through the floor as he felt his pants fwoomp up again.
“Sounds like the lab with my pants under me couldn’t hold it any longer .” He assumed from the sudden fwoomp and crashing noise.
Looking up, another ceiling. This time though, the lizard raised his arms, much much larger than before. He dug his claws into the ceiling and ripped it apart like paper.
“Woah!” He said amazed, even surprised by himself.
Looking at his hands and his arms, they looked normal, but his body was so much larger than before. He smiled and clenched his hands into fists.
“Heh heh alright! Time to bust my way out of here!” He laughed and reached up, ripping apart another ceiling and floor as he rose up, up, up.
Most of the laboratory had been destroyed by now. Rooms and sections were taken over or destroyed as the orange pants and their hissing noise was heard everywhere, taking over everything. Most of the staff were lucky and managed to escape, including some of the other test subjects who the guards didn’t have time for and didn’t care about. Some, however… were not so lucky. A group of scientists ran by a lab, only to see their fellow researchers pinned against a window, trying to wiggle free, but the orange pants closed in around them, swallowing them up whole. The scientist watched in fear before a guard pushed them to move it.
The silent hill on the surface outside vibrated. The trees rattled and birds flew off into the distance from the sound of a rumble. The rumbling sound came from under the hill before a large green hand shot out from the ground, then another hand, and finally, a big reptilian head rose up, pushing away the dirt and roots as he roared into the sky as his body rose up too, stretching his arms into the sky.
“Ahhhhhh! Ah, sweet freedom!” He yelled as his voice thundered.
Not too far below him though, his still inflating pants fwoomped up around below him, pushing the rubble of the hill away. The lizard smiled, watching his pants continue to grow and inflate.
“You just don’t stop do you huh?” The lizard chuckled, rubbing his pants and feeling how big and puffy they were.
They felt like they could still go on and on. In fact, they showed no signs of a bursting limit, just smooth and round as always. The lizard wiggled and shifted his way out of the crumbled hill, able to still waddle at least. His feet still stuck out from the bottom, large and wide, still having mobility at least, but only able to waddle instead of normal walking. Most of his view below was entirely blocked by his bright orange pants as they had now swelled up as big as an overinflated parade balloon. They constantly pushed the rubble of the mountain away, clearing the field around him.
“Heh heh, well this is not how I planned my escape, but I couldn’t have had a better and more fun and… relaxing way of escaping.” The lizard smiled as he turned again, seeing the butt of his pants and how massive they were.
He playfully shook his backside as the pants wobbled, squeaked, and bobbed around. The lizard even reached back and gave an area of the rump of his pants a hard press and a squeeze, groping them which caused a wonderful feeling across his pants and his body.
“Ooooh. Heh heh, that felt good. Gosh, my butt is so big.” He blushed as he had to admit his pants were just so big.
“I feel… so big! So strong! Haha, I feel like one of those Kaiju monsters!” He flexed his arms and spread his legs as best he could as his blimping pants wobbled some more and were always so much bigger than his body sticking out from the top.
Then the lizard spotted the big city not too far in the distance. Already it seemed like the town was aware of his presence. The lizard smiled playfully.
“Heh heh, might as well have some fun too.” He chuckled as he grabbed his blown-up pants and at first, tried to push and wiggle out of them, but it was no use.
These pants felt locked onto him tightly, not that he would want to get out or take them off anymore anyway. After that, he gripped his pants tighter, making them creak and squeak before he pulled them up high. The waist of his pants slid up his body, managing to get them right under his chubby belly as he pulled the pants free from the rest of the hill. They made loud fwoomp noise and wobbled like crazy in the new free space.
“Hehe, now that that’s taken care of. Hmmm… I’m gonna need a name. Something intimidating and frightening.” He thought for a moment, looking over himself and his pants.
“Pants…Zilla? Hehe, yea! That’s perfect! Look out world! Pantszilla is here to take over!” He laughed before he waddled his way towards town, leaving behind large footprints and dragging the bottom of his pants against the ground as he flattened trees and created a crevasse along the way, the land shaking with every step and the creaks and hissing of his pants still inflating blocked out almost any other sound.
“Oh no… He’s heading towards town!” One of the research scientists yelled, pointing to the massive orange balloon with green lizard feet, shuffling and squeaking his way toward the big city.
“If he gets to town, it’ll be chaos! We have to stop him!” A guard said as they all looked towards the scientist for answers.
A certain owl and black-spotted gecko duo silently tip-toed their way toward the back away from the group in case things might get ugly.
“Is it possible something in the lab made him like that?” The Gecko questioned.
“It’s a possibility. Could it have been… the other mixture we made?” The Owl questioned too.
“The growth formula? But it was locked in the safe. And even if he did somehow open it and use the growth formula, there’s no way it should have made him… that big! And those pants of his, they're the ones the test subjects wear. They are reinforced to be durable, comfy, and extra stretchy to fit anyone of any size, but… there is no way they should have been able to stretch this much! They should have exploded a long time ago!” The Gecko responded.
“Your right. Something is different with them.” The owl grunted as he tried to think of an explanation.
“Let’s just pop his pants! Poke them with something sharp and pointy.” A guard stepped forward smiling as if he had the answer.
“I’m afraid… that’s not possible.” A parrot scientist spoke.
“Those pants for our test subjects are made to stretch with them and handle anything so they have a pair of clothing to wear. It was to help with our finances of constantly purchasing new clothes all the time. And… we planned on marketing them in the future for the public.” The parrot explained further.
Everyone was in a panic once again, discussing any idea on how to stop Pantszilla, as they all heard the name the lizard yelled, Pantszilla. All of them came up with useless, insane ideas. One suggested launching him into space, another said to lure him away with meat, and one suggested creating another Pantszilla to fight him which would only make things even worse. Clearly, they were desperate. The Owl and Gecko separate from the group had an idea of how to stop them and also find answers. They both nodded to each other, knowing the plan before running back into the destroyed rubble of the lab. Meanwhile… Pantszilla had arrived.
From the moment they saw him emerge from the hill, the people in town had already been in a panic. I mean, Pantszilla as he called himself wasn’t exactly a silent surprise. But here he was, showing off to everyone as he waddled his bright orange hissing squeaking pants through town. People in the buildings watched as he waddled in between them, lightly scraping against buildings and windows, making squeaks and creaks. He was bigger than ever while his puffy pants surpassed the size of a small blimp. Cars were flattened under his big feet stomping on them like soda cans, while others were dragged under the weight at the bottom of his pants, scraping up the road. The lizard still couldn’t see much below him, but he saw enough where people were running away from him down the road. Some were standing still, taking as many photos, selfies, and even live streaming the event, but the egotistical ones who wanted to get as much coverage and fame as they could during this event were soon cut off or rolled over and flattened by the orange balloon waddling close to them. Nobody was hurt thankfully, but it was the squishing of a lifetime.
“Scuse me! Big pants coming through!” Pantszilla smiled as he waddled through the smaller 4-way roads, approaching a roundabout with much wider open space.
But there was something special in the center of the roundabout. A large statue of the town’s founder, a german shepherd old dog with his reaper sword pointed high. The statue was about half his height. Pantszilla smiled at this statue as if it was initiating a challenge.
“Oh? You wanna get flattened under my blimp butt huh? Your on!” Pantszilla smiled as he managed to turn himself around until his huge smooth rubbery and fat hissing balloon butt of his pants pointed towards the statue.
He somehow managed to bend his legs over, sticking his mighty orange pants butt up high.
“Fear the power of pantszilla’s BUTT SLAM!” He yelled before he forcefully moved his butt downwards.
The balloon butt of his pants closed in around the statue, staring with the tip of the reaper before the statue was engulfed whole. The pants creaked and squeaked as the place of the statue had a deep sunken part, which soon shifted after some more creaks, before a crumbling sound was made under it. Panstzilla didn't even feel like he sat down on anything pointy at all with so much pants. It felt more like sitting on a sand hill that flattened under your rump. When he raised his butt up and back on his feet, he turned around and witnessed the statue had been crushed to rubble.
“Haha! My pants are indestructible!” He laughed victoriously as people below had hoped the reaper or the statue would have ripped his pants and made them explode, but they truly were indestructible, not even leaving a mark on their surface.
The lizard rested his arms on his pants like a desk before a new sound tickled his ear. There was another certain creaking and squeaking noise not too far. Turning his head, he saw something colorful and moving in between two buildings.
“Oh? Now, what’s this huh?” He asked curiously as he waddled his way on over through town again towards the point of interest.
“Did it even survive? Everything was crushed.” The Gecko asked his owl researcher friend as they were digging through their own destroyed lab.
“It has to be here. It has to have survived. It’s perhaps the only thing that can contain him. If not, then we are doomed.” The owl said as he lifted a heavy rock aside.
“Ah ha!” He said excitedly.
The Gecko moved over the rubble to find what they were looking for. It was a large roundish black case as big as a duffle bag, made of metal and completely undamaged despite all that transpired here.
“Help me lift this.” The owl said as he and the Gecko grabbed the case and picked it up.
It looked and felt like it was heavy but not all that much actually. They placed it on a table, dusting the sand and dirt off of it. The owl fiddled with the locks until they were undone. Then he slowly lifted it open. Both stared at its contents.
“Are you… are you sure this thing will work?” The Gecko asked doubtfully.
“This thing can handle anything. But I… don’t know if it can handle something of his size. I’ve never really even tested it myself yet.” The owl said concerned.
“Well we're scientists, and that’s your hypothesis. We won't know until we try it out.” The Gecko responded, putting his hand on his friend’s shoulder.
The owl nodded and took a breath. He closed up the case and placed it on a janitor’s cart in what used to be a hallway.
“Let’s get to town as quickly as possible. Every second that passes he gets bigger and bigger.” The owl explained.
“We’ll rush to the carts in the garage. That will be the fastest way to town.” The Gecko also explained as they both nodded.
“Wait! One more thing.” The Owl said, rushing back into the crumbled lab.
He saw the safe where the infinite air and red liquid were stored, dented and smash, but the lock looked intact. He opened a fallen-over cabinet and grabbed some papers and a file.
“I’m gonna try and figure out what happened while you drive.” The Owl explained as the Gecko pushed the cart and his partner followed.
“Mmph! What the?” Pantszilla’s waddling had come to a sudden stop.
Looking to his left and right, he saw two large buildings quite close in between him and saw his reflection in the windows. He tried to waddle forward, but his pants protested and creaked in response.
“Mmmph. Ugh, what’s the hold-up?” He grunted, trying to waddle forwards harder, but still, he didn’t move an inch.
Observing his surroundings and trying to shake his blimp pants around, the lizard found that he couldn’t even wobble his pants anymore. Looking from side to side again, he found the problem.
“Oh heh. I'm wedged just like the doorway. Alright, I can get out of this.” the lizard nodded as he grabbed the back of his pants, gripping them tightly and lifting them while pushing his feet against the ground to push himself forward.
His pants creaked louder and the hissing of his inflating pants changed tone a few times too, but it was working. His pants wedged in between two buildings moving forward more and more little by little. Pantszilla grunted and, admittedly, blushed as he was getting a bit physical with his blimp pants and how good they felt. His blimp butt jiggled and bounced before a loud pop noise was made. The lizard found himself rolling forward a few times, having his upper body squished in between the ground and his pants tightly, while his feet wiggled about for a solid surface. He had ripped part of the building off from his wedged trap, showing some furs who had watched the whole thing as they on each side had a much bigger open window just like how they complained to their boss about. Pantszilla came to a stop with his rolling, dizzy, but giggling at the fun he had. He shook his head around, trying to get the dizziness off.
“Dang that was fun! Maybe I should start rolling instead of waddling.” He smiled.
He was currently upside down with his big feet dangling in the air. It was quite a struggle, but he managed to stand up again after the building behind him collapsed of course. Looking down another street, he found what he saw in between the buildings.
“A parade!” He said surprised.
Confetti rained down and floats were abandoned as the whole event was kinda called off because a reptile with giant inflating bright orange pants was taking a stroll through the city and causing a ruckus. He was pretty hard to miss both sightwise from the bright orange balloon he wore that was pants, and also hearing wise from the squeaks and creaks and constant hissing. What got panstzilla’s attention the most about the parade was the anchored parade balloons the workers had left behind, and they were big too.
“Ooooh. I always wanted to be part of a parade, and now I am! With a special prize too…” He snickered as he waddled towards the first big puffy-looking parade balloon.
Meanwhile, at the edge of town, the two scientists with their day-saving case tied to the back of their cart had finally reached the city. They had to swerve around some of the city’s citizens as they ran for their lives. Not to mention all the huge footprint craters left behind in the road, gradually getting larger and deeper the more they followed the tracks. They also took note of the damage on some of the buildings and all over the street. Flattened cars, broken fire hydrants, and missing street lights were seen all over the road and it got worse the more they went. Up above, some of the windows had smudges and some had cracks, others had windows broken or missing entirely.
“All this destruction. If we don't stop him soon he may end up flattening the whole city!” The Gecko said concerned while his partner was reading the papers in the file.
Suddenly the Gecko came to a screeching stop as the owl had to grip the bars to prevent from flying out.
“Why did you stop?” The owl asked.
The Gecko pointed forward to a pile of rubble in a grassy circle, a roundabout. The owl followed his gaze and was confused at first looking at the pile, but soon he knew what it was.
“The statue?” The owl asked.
“Yea. But this wasn’t destroyed by a kick or anything. It was crushed, he sat on it.” The Gecko explained.
“He sat on it? But it should have made his pants explode! But the tip of it… it’s broken.” The owl explained, pointing to the reaper sword crushed to pieces.
“This is bad. If the statue didn't pop them, then we are in much bigger trouble!” The gecko panicked.
“I don’t get it. Those pants we made for the test subjects are reinforced and designed to stretch, but they shouldn’t be able to stretch this big for this long! Why haven’t they popped or exploded yet? In fact, what’s making them inflate anyway? Those are clearly the sounds of like… a balloon blowing up.” The Gecko grunted as he couldn't figure out what was going on with them.
“Of course!” The Owl suddenly yelled.
“I understand it all now!” He added looking closely at the file.
“The mixtures we made! The infinite air formula and the growth serum we made! He must have mixed them together and poured it on himself!” The Owl explained.
“He Mixed them? But… combining those two with the infinite air supply and growth… Oh no.” The Gecko fearfully made the connection.
“That’s why his pants haven't exploded yet, It’s because they aren’t just simply inflating, they’re growing too! And with the infinite part mixed with the growth serum. They could inflate and grow… forever…” The Owl was horrified at the results as even his Gecko partner was the same too.
Suddenly there was a loud squeak and what sounded like a building falling over. Both looked toward the direction of the noise and watched as a tall windowed building lowered to the ground out of sight.
“We’ll have to come up with a plan to reverse the effects, for now, let’s stop him while we can. You said this thing can handle anything, but I don’t know about him at this size!” The Gecko warned before he sped off down the street as the owl gripped his seat tightly, following the large footprints and an increasing amount of rubble and destroyed buildings.
“Hehe whoops. Too powerful of a booty bump.” Pantszilla giggled as he brushed the rubble of the building off his pants.
The parade balloons he saw were of various monsters from those fancy kaiju movies. There was Zippa, the big purple reptile balloon, this big red and black snake named Slither, the bigger winged bird named Flax the phoenix, and in the very back was the king of the monsters himself, the biggest balloon he had ever seen. Repzilla! The king of the monsters! Pantszilla smiled as he saw the giant reptile lizard parade balloon in the back.
“Man! He’s as big as my pants! How did they even do that?” He asked himself as Repzilla was just as big as Pantszilla was, slightly bigger even.
Suddenly he smirked and came up with an idea… a little, or rather… a big idea.
“Oooh, I see what’s going on here… you are all challenging me! So you dare challenge the new king of the monsters? Pantszilla! Haha, foolish creatures! I will put you all in your proper place! Inside my pants! Hahaha! Especially you Repzilla!” He laughed evilly and pointed to the balloons with one hand and slapped his pants with the other, making them wobble and ripple.
The balloons only creaked in response.
“I’ll start with Zippa first! Come here you!” He grabbed the purple reptile dino balloon first, giving it a big tight hug and a squeeze against his chest and his face, in his arms feeling the rubbery puffiness of the balloon which made Pantszilla stick out his tongue from how balloony it was.
He never got an opportunity to hug a big balloon like this, and now he was gonna savor it, and the best part was next as he used one hand to grab the waist of his pants and managed to pull it open enough to where he could see what used to be the real waist of the pants, sealed around him, but able to be opened just enough to where something… big could fit inside.
“Heh heh, I see. So nothing can come out, but anything can go in. Well Zippa, welcome to your new home.” Panstzilla smiled at the balloon before he grabbed its head, raised him upwards, and shwoomp!
Pantszilla stuffed the rubbery head of Zippa right into his pants.
He shivered as the rubber dino squished against his body. He took a breather before grabbing Zippa’s back and began to push the purple dino into his pants some more as it loudly squeaks.
“Hehe, that’s right. Get in my pants you big balloon dino.” Pantszilla chuckled as he stuffed the shoulders and torso into his big pants.
He giggled seeing the parade balloon’s muscular rubber legs sticking out, wiggling in the wind as if it protested being stuffed into big puffy pants. He pushed and shoved some more as Zippa’s legs were pushed deeper as they disappeared into the pants until one last push against his big purple balloon feet and shwoomp. Zippa the big purple reptile was now gone from sight, sealed away inside the superior rubber reptile in town.
“Ahhh. Hehe, you were like a good meal Zippa.” Pantszilla chuckled, rubbing and patting his pants as if it was his stomach.
He could physically feel Zippa all curled up inside, pressing against his legs and the walls inside his pants. Waddling forward, he grabbed Slither, the big black snake balloon next, who was Repzilla’s nemesis in the movies.
“I always loved that squeeze move you did on Repzilla. But now I got a big spaghetti noodle to slurp up.” Pantszilla grabbed at Slithers head, giving it a smooch before shoving its head into his pants.
Unlike Zippa, Slither was thinner, but that didn’t mean he was smaller. He was longer and bigger than Zippa was. Pantszilla repeated the process of grabbing his body and stuffing and pushing him inside as Slither just slithered on into the pants. His rubber scales brushing against Pantszilla with every push and pull, making him shift around and blush as he kept pushing the noodle in.
“Ooooh. Oh, Slither! If you're that desperate to get inside all you needed to do was ask.” Pantszilla chuckled as the rest of Slither slipped on inside past the waist with its tail wiggling before disappearing with a very satisfying slurp, joining Zippa all curled up and squished inside.
“Hehe, that was one big and long spaghetti noodle. You're up next Flax! You big fiery chicken you.” He smirked as he grabbed Flax’s bird feet.
Flax was the second biggest parade balloon here. After this was Repzilla, still the biggest of all. Pantszilla eagerly just got started, shoving Flax’s bird feet and pulling his legs into his pants.
“Thank goodness the talons are made of rubber, otherwise this would hurt a lot.” Pantszilla said relieved.
He just could not stop giggling and laughing at the situation. Seeing this big balloon chicken get stuffed into a pair of giant inflated pants was just too funny to ignore. Not to mention it felt so freaking good too, and the loud squeaks and creaks of rubber against rubber was like music to his ears. Pantszilla stuffed Flax’s roundish body inside and its head down inside past the waistline and pushed and shoved Flax’s big fiery wings down in too with another satisfying loud squeak of rubber against rubber and a slurp as the waistband closed shut.
“Whew. Stuffing these balloons into my pants is hard work.” Pantszilla said, taking a breather.
He could feel the balloons stuffed into his pants even more, shifting around and pressing against his legs tighter and against one another and the walls, making small bulges across the surface too.
“Hehe, I wish I could join you guys in there. But I got one last balloon to deal with.” He raised his head up high, locking eyes with Repzilla.
During the whole ordeal, Pantszilla's pants kept inflating and he kept growing the entire time. His pants were taller than any building around and big enough to squash a city block, reaching skyscraper height soon and public park size as he was now taller and wider than Repzilla was. If nobody stops him soon, he may end up squashing the entire city soon. Pantszilla waddled on over to Repzilla with his big puffy pants brushing up against the tall buildings, grinding against them, and squashing anything and anyone under him, including the floats. It was amazing that his giant feet still stuck out from the bottom, almost sunken in entirely.
“Alright. King vs king. Let’s see if I can take your crown.” Pantszilla smirked challengingly as he grabbed Repzilla’s head and raised him up high above himself, grabbing his ankles as Pantszilla licked his lips hungrily.
“There he is!” The Gecko scientist yelled as he rounded a corner, gripping the steering wheel.
“Good lord! He’s huge!” The owl said, stunned.
They drove towards Pantszilla, driving around and avoiding the flattened parade floats and street rubble.
“Get me close enough and I’ll deploy the device. It looks like we aren’t too late to stop him! I hope.” The owl commanded as he gripped the large case.
As they approached, Pantszilla was already getting busy with Repzilla, stuffing those big rubbery stompers down the front of his pants. Being this small and so close to him, the squeaks and creaks were almost deafening. Pantszilla’s big orange pants butt was so big and wide, the two scientists could barely see the lizard up top, doing something with the familiar Repzilla balloon.
“What the heck is doing with the parade balloon?” The Gecko questioned.
“Don’t know, but this is perfect. He’s distracted, which means he won't be moving for a while.” The owl said as they were within feet of Pantszilla, driving under his big balloon butt and right underneath him, his giant reptilian feet somehow still sticking out from the bottom.
“Okay, let’s end this.” The Gecko said determined as both nodded, getting off the cart and grabbing the large black case, placing it on the ground.
The squeaks and creaks were deafening even louder under him. Pantszilla up above had managed to stuff those big and fat inflated hips Repzilla was famous for past his waistline.
“I always did like people commenting on your thunder thighs.” Pantszilla blushed, as he gave them a squeeze before shoving them past his waist.
“What is he talking about?” The Gecko asked as they could hear his thunderous voice above.
“Don’t care.” The owl responded, popping the locks and opening the case.
The device inside was revealed. It was a shiny silver and large cylinder machine with a thick long hose connected to one end of the device.
“The Suck O Max. The most powerful vacuum we ever built.” The Owl explained, picking it up and placing it on the ground outside of the case.
“This thing has a supercharged battery in it. It was struck by a lightning bolt, so the power is immense. The container is made of a special hammer space material. Basically, it means it can hold more than its own size and capacity. It’s bigger on the inside.” The Owl explained further, setting up the machine.
The Gecko helped set it up, not needing a plug or anything for it to power. He grabbed the hose and approached the closest part to the ground of Pantszilla orange inflated pants.
“Watch out!” The owl yelled, grabbing the gecko and forcefully pulling him back.
Pantszilla had just thrusted Repzilla’s big belly and back into his pants along with half of his tail, making him shiver and thrust himself downwards. Luckily the two scientists managed to get out of the way in time, but the cart they had used had been completely flattened, almost fused with the ground.
“Oh jeez. Thanks for saving me.” The Gecko thanked.
Getting back up, he ran under Pantszilla again, being much more cautious this time while Pantszilla had stuffed Repzilla’s chest and his tail into his pants as they were now head to head. It was a really tight squeeze as Repzilla was just so much bigger up close, really pressing himself against the lizard up top. It was quite a sight for the people who watched from a distance. The parade balloons rising up into the air, then lowering down and down with loud squeaks until they were gone from sight. But despite Repzilla’s large kaiju size, he was just disappearing downwards like he was being sucked up, or rather shoved into a giant pair of pants as if the pants themselves desired for its meal to join the others and was almost sentient itself. Repzilla’s shoulders have been stuffed past the waistline as the battle was almost over.
“Ahh. Your almost mine Repzilla. Soon you will be in the confines of my pants, and I will be the superior kaiju. The new king of the monsters!” Pantszilla laughed.
“Sorry mighty Pantszilla, but you won't be a king on this day!” The Gecko yelled from under him, too small and too far for Pantszilla to hear.
The Gecko thrusted the hose nozzle upwards, pressing against the orange rubber surface of the pants.
“Now!” He yelled to the owl as he nodded and turned the machine on.
It hummed loudly like an industrial machine with immense power. The suction from the nozzle was powerful alright. It sucked against the rubber bottom of the pants forming a super tight vacuum seal. It took a few seconds, but the gecko was amazed as it actually began sucking up the orange pants.
“It’s… it’s working!”
Pantszilla had placed his hands on top of Repzilla’s head, raising his arms up and pushing hard against Repzilla’s head as it sunk down with a creak. His muzzle sticking out before Pantszilla simply used one finger and pushed that inside with a final and very satisfying slurp as he was gone and the seal had shut tightly.
“Haha! I am the new king of the Kaiju’s! All will fear me! Pantszilla!” He roared victoriously.
Placing his hands on his pants, he could feel all the parade balloons stuffed inside his own pants, pressing against his legs even more and against the inner tighter. They were all squished and cramped against one another as the smallest movements constantly made them squeak and creak with the sounds of rubber against rubber. Despite the cramped space inside, he was still slowly making more room as his pants hissed and still inflated bigger while he grew too. Pantszilla rubbed and patted his big stuffed pants again, groping them in the process, satisfied with his victory.
“Hehe. Oh, I’m so big. The biggest of them all! Hehe. Now… what to do next?” He wondered as he looked around the city from above.
But… wait a second… the buildings seemed to be rising now. Was he… shrinking?
The Gecko held on tightly as the pants creaked and groaned loudly, gradually being sucked up. The hose bulged as finally, Pantszilla’s feet were beginning to forcefully pull closer to each other. It was something even Pantszilla could not ignore.
“Huh… I feel a light… pulling sensation under me.” He said as he tried to look under himself, but all he saw was his orange pants.
Letting the feeling press on, Pantszilla began to feel his own big feet move on their own. Worried, he tried to take a step forward, but to his surprise, it felt like there was a hook connected to his pants, and was unable to move from his spot.
The sudden attempt at movement did little to throw the Gecko off balance. The suction and seal was so tight that even Pantszilla at his size couldn’t move.
“Heh, you're not getting away this time!” The Gecko smiled confidently.
The owl watched from behind, seeing everything going smoothly so far. Pantszilla actually started to become airborne, waving his giant feet around, not feeling solid ground anymore.
“W-what’s happening? I can’t move! And where did the ground go?!” He said, growing more worried.
The pulling sensation on his feet was now entirely noticeable and concerning as they had almost touched. But instead of the feeling of more open air, his toes curled and were suddenly pulled into some unimaginably small and tight hole that felt as wide as a softball, causing Pantszilla to blush and panic even more. The Gecko was amazed at the size of their test subjects' big green feet. They were as big as football fields, and yet this Suck O Max was sucking them up like no problem. Pantszilla now fully realized that he was in trouble, and if he didn’t find a way free very soon, he may end up losing his freedom entirely again.
“I don’t wanna go back to being small like before!” Pantszilla yelled as he tried to reach out for support, but his hands were so big that the buildings he gripped easily crushed and crumbled in his hands around him and he was still too high up to reach the ground.
He was entirely off the ground, sticking straight up into the air.
His big fat green toes were sucked and slurped up one at a time, pulling in the rest, his heels, and finally, both his large feet had been sucked up, his ankles in a constant loud sucking and vacuuming noise.
“How are we doing back there?” The Gecko yelled back to the owl.
He found it funny how he held the nozzle straight upwards and held the giant up. He expected Pantszilla to weigh a few tons, but his pants were mostly air and surprisingly not that heavy. Perhaps it was the vacuum, or he was stronger than he thought. The Owl checked the stats of the Suck O Max and everything was still perfect. The dial for the storage of the vacuum was still deep in the safe green area, meaning it will have plenty of space left to fill.
“All green back here! I think we will be done here soon!” The owl responded.
Pantszilla was desperate to escape, pushing hard against his inflated pants as if he was trying to take them off. Him pushing down against his pants accelerated the process for a moment, thrusting and wiggling and struggling to break free, but just like back at the hill, his pants just refused to let go.
“C-come on! I don’t want to lose all this!” He complained.
His giant orange blimp pants were halfway sucked up and quickly reaching Pantszilla’s upper body. The parade balloons inside had no problem being compressed and sucked into the small nozzle of the vacuum hose, but strangely inside the pants, they started to glow and change their colors into orange as if they were reacting to something.
Seconds later of sucking and struggling, the Gecko finally saw the black line of Pantszilla’s pants and even the giant lizard himself who was as big as a building. The black line of his pants meant that this was all almost over as they were sucked up into the nozzle, then the white part of his pants until shwoomp! The lizard himself had finally reached the nozzle. Pantszilla felt his big inflated pants and his lower body being tight;y compressed and squeezed into the tube and into an even tighter chamber at the end. With his pants no longer in the way, the process became much easier. He turned his head and saw a really small Gecko fellow holding a hose, and an owl fellow behind him checking some shiny cylinder device.
“Y-you two?!” Pantszilla said, shocked, remembering these two scientists.
“That’s right. You're going back to the lab and we are gonna get you out of those pants!” The Gecko smiled confidently as Pantszilla’s chubby stomach was sucked up.
The Lizard pressed his hands against the ground under him, trying to slow the process of being sucked up, but it did little to slow it down. Then his hands slipped, ending up in the suction area and tightly pressed against his sides as his arms were pinned and large hands pulled inside.
“W-wait can’t we talk about this? I can protect the earth or something from other monsters!” Pantszilla bargained, but the lack of a response and his chest being sucked up pretty much spoke for itself.
He wiggled and struggled as his shoulders were pulled inside too as his neck got slurped up and only his head stuck out.
“Aww come on! Can’t we at least talk?!” He pleaded as the back of his head was sucked up, along with his face and cheeks until his green muzzle stuck out.
“Pantszilla will not be defe-” Shwoomp! His muzzle was gone.
The big bulge in the hose traveled downwards towards the vacuum tank, getting stuck for a moment before the bulge slipped inside. The owl turned off the Suck O Max as the motor died down. Then there was silence…
“We… We did it!” The Gecko scientist yelled, running up to his partner and hugging him as both jumped in place and celebrated their victory.
“Haha! I… I honestly didn't think that would work!” The Gecko said, amazed.
“Even I had my doubts. We never even got to test it yet in the field. So I had no idea if it could contain something as big as… Pantszilla.” The owl chuckled.
“That is a pretty funny name honestly.” The Gecko started laughing.
“Anyway, his pants should still be inflating even if they are contained inside the vacuum. We need to get back to the lab as soon as possible and figure out a reverse formula to stop the inflation and his growth.” The Owl explained.
“Right! I’ll start the… oh right.” The Gecko turned and saw the flattened cart.
“Ah… well, it looks like we will need to walk back.” The Owl put his hand on his partner's shoulder.
“Will we have enough time?” The gecko asked, concerned.
The owl checked the storage dial on the vacuum and it was still in the green zone.
“We will have plenty of time at this rate.” The owl reassured as they both nodded and began their journey back to the lab.
The Vacuum itself was actually still quite light, and thank goodness it had wheels.
“Mmph. Ugh, It’s so tight in here!” Pantszilla grumbled.
Inside the container, His pants and his macro size pretty much filled up every inch, every corner of the vacuum chamber. He was incredibly squished immensely tightly against the walls and his pants which were still hissing and still inflating. But with it being so compressed and tight in here it didn't have much room to inflate, and thus it forcefully slowed down the process. Pantszilla groaned as he could just barely wiggle his fingers and that was pretty much it. He felt the vacuum shaking and knew he was heading back to the lab. If he did, his whole escape plan would have been for nothing. This would have been just a fun day outside and that was about it, back to the lab.
“I can’t believe me, the mighty Pantszilla, defeated by a fancy household appliance! I need to escape, get outta here or something!” He tried struggling some more, shaking as best he could, but he was just pinned and squished too tightly to do anything.
He sighed, feeling defeated.
“Oh well… It was fun while it lasted…” He sighed. But all hope was not lost, not yet.
Remember that glow from inside his pants when he was getting vacuumed up? Well, that glow wasn’t for nothing. Inside Pantszilla’s pants, the parade balloons had completely turned orange and seemed to become more and more transparent. Pantszilla didn’t even feel the change, even as the parade balloons like Zippa, Slither, Flax, and Repzilla all just simply faded away as if they turned into air. This was actually a reaction to the infinite air formula and the growth serum that his body and pants absorbed, and it had some monstrous results.
Pantszilla was about to shut his eyes and simply fall asleep when suddenly his pants vibrated violently.
“W-Woah what the?” He questioned.
The vibrations felt like an earthquake, squeaking and creaking like mad. Then suddenly the light hissing turned into a loud and deep hissing. His pants suddenly started inflating again, but this time way stronger than ever! So strong that they began to engulf the lizard himself.
“What’s happening? What are my panmmph mmph mph.” He was cut off as his whole head had been swallowed up and the orange pants pressed forcefully against the chamber walls.
Back outside, the two scientists were still walking through their rubbled city. The Gecko was ahead while his owl partner was falling behind, struggling to pull the Suck O Max vacuum and resorting to using two hands. The Gecko noticed this and turned his attention to the owl, rushing back over to him.
“Is everything alright? You're slowing down much more than usual.” The Gecko asked.
“Ugh. It’s this Suck O Max vacuum. It feels way heavier than before.” The owl complained, setting it down.
“Heavier? But it’s only been a few minutes. His pants and his body shouldn’t have grown and inflated that big already right?” The Gecko questioned.
“Hold on let me take a look at-” The owl suddenly stopped, seeing the containment dial.
“W-what the?!” He yelled in shock.
“What is it?” The Gecko asked.
“The containment dial! It’s… It’s full!” He panicked.
The Gecko himself took a look at it and the dial was on red at the very end, beyond red and struggling to go even higher meaning it was full and still getting fuller.
“But that’s impossible! He couldn’t have gotten this big so quickly! How is that possible?” The Gecko questioned.
Both were trying to think of a reason, but suddenly a bolt popped off and whistled between them, smashing a glass window near the top of a tall office building. Both looked at the shattered window and back at the vacuum.
“No way… That’s impossible…” The Owl said, baffled.
The Suck O Max was... Bulging! It was slowly expanding and the bolts and nuts on it were struggling to stay on. Another bolt flew off.
“He’s outgrowing it inside!” The Gecko panicked.
“What do we do? What the heck do we do?!” The Gecko desperately seeking an answer.
Small bits of orange began peaking through the splits in the frame as if an orange balloon was expanding outside its prison.
“RUN!” The Owl stood up and grabbed his Gecko friend, sprinting as fast as they could away from the Suck O Max.
“To the subway! Underground is the only safe place left!” The Gecko pointed to a subway entrance.
They both ran right towards it when suddenly there was the sound of what would be described as a metal container breaking apart from the inside.
FWOOMP! The Suck O Max split apart, breaking into pieces and instantly right after that, an orange rubber balloon spread out, swallowing buildings whole and filling the streets, squashing anything in its path. The entire city was being covered in this as even the tallest buildings in town, literal skyscrapers were engulfed whole. The two scientists just barely made it to the steps in time as the orange rubber blocked off the stairs, sealing off the entrance.
At the very top of all this, a familiar green macro-sized lizard emerged, raising his fist into the air.
“Pantszilla cannot be contained!” He roared.
Taking this opportunity to stretch his body from being cramped so tightly for so long, he stretched his arms and twisted his head and his body around as his eyes got used to the sudden sunlight. When his eyes adjusted, he saw hills, forests, and even the ocean in the distance. Looking around, his head was in the clouds. Literally!
“Woah… How big did I get?” He asked himself.
His feet were pretty much engulfed entirely, no longer sticking out from the bottom anymore. Just two sunken and sealed holes where his feet used to stick out. Pantszilla’s pants had squashed the entire city under his pants and were inflating at an insanely rapid pace. Turns out, the parade balloons he stuffed in his pants had fused with his own pants, and the mixture combined with the parade balloons and the air inside them, enhanced the process, now making the inflating and growth process almost triple in efficiency.
Pantszilla admired the view as he rose up, up, up. His pants on the surface spread out, engulfing forest, hills, mountains, and his big fat balloon pants butt took over an ocean! Minutes later and his pants had taken over the entire country! Pantszilla watched above him as the blue sky began to turn darker, and darker. Looking out, he saw the curve of the planet and hundreds of white dots across the sky.
“No way… I’m in space!” He said excitedly. He watched the planet under him get smaller and covered more and more by his pants. He raised his arms and they simply floated up, not going back down unless he forced himself to do it. Then finally, it felt like the planet his pants sat on vanished, like gently floating out of a cushioned stool chair. His pants lifted up off the surface of the planet and floated up and up, not even thinking how he could just simply breathe in space. In space, Pantszilla now had full control of his pants, simply bending his legs and his lower body, he pushed his monstrous pants out of the way and saw his home planet right in front of him.
“Wow…” He smiled.
The scientist noticed that it was dark outside all of a sudden and the orange rubber was no longer blocking the subway entrance. Stepping outside, they saw the results of the city around them. Surprisingly, most of the buildings were still intact, not seriously damaged except the ones Pantszilla destroyed himself.
“What happened? Where did he go?” The Gecko questioned.
He saw his owl friend just looking up at the sky with his beak wide open in shock. Following his gaze, he too also left his jaw open. Pantszilla’s face looked down at the planet, slightly faded due to the sunlight reflecting off the planet's oceans for blue sky.
“Uh… You got a bigger vacuum for this?” The Gecko jokes.
“No… He’s beyond our power now.” The owl said.
His partner didn’t feel all… defeated actually. It was basically the biggest breakthrough in science, literally.
Pantszilla looked over the planet, seeing the scrapes his pants left behind on the surface while they were inflating. He moved his hands up and gently placed his fingertips on parts of the planet that looked like they wouldn’t cause too much damage. He… held it in his hands, the whole earth.
“Wow… It feels like a bowling ball.” He chuckled.
To him, the planet was about the size of a beach ball while his pants were about twice as big. The earth slowly getting smaller and smaller in his fingertips. He felt some weird small rock bump the side of his head through and he turned, seeing the moon.
“Oh heh heh. I forgot about you.” He chuckled, grabbing the moon with his fingers.
The moon was about the size of a large marble in his hands. Pantszilla rolled it in his fingers, seeing moon dust rub off it. Then, Pantszilla got an idea.
“I think I know what to do next. Heh heh.”
He moved the moon down to his stomach and shoved the moon right into his pants.
“Hehe, I’ll protect the planet in the safest place I know! My pants!” He giggled as he gently grabbed the earth which was now bowling ball size and moved it towards the lip of his ginormous pants.
The people on the planet felt their homeworld shake for a bit. Pantszilla grabbed the waistband of his pants and pulled it open as far as he could. Then he gently and carefully shoved the earth down into them, taking extra care not to break or damage the surface. The two scientists and everyone else in the whole world watched as the sky began to turn orange and planet-wide squeaks and creaks and a hissing noise was made.
“Careful… careful…” Pantszilla focused, using a single finger and pressing against an ocean to push the earth into his pants.
He was halfway in, pushing lightly until the rest took care of itself. With one last gentle push of his finger, the earth had slipped inside his pants.
Pantszilla had the biggest smile on his face as he let go of his waistband, snapping it shut.
“I’ve done it! I’ve conquered the entire earth! I am Pantszilla! And everything shall be stuffed into my pants!” He laughed long and giddy.
He rubbed his pants and patted them like always, but special this time, feeling their puffy squishy surface and how plump and fat and round they were. He also took a moment to reflect on what had recently happened. He planned an escape from the lab, but this was nowhere near how he had planned it to go. But this feeling of being so big, so large and in charge, it just felt so right. Not to mention these puffy pants of his were just so comfy and so relaxing to rub and squish. He smiled, having no regrets at all.
“Now hehe, what next? Hmmm, Perhaps Mars next! And the Sun too! Oooh. And the biggest of all, Saturn. Hehe, I’m gonna have a blast with that big giant!” Pantszilla giggled and imagined all the fun he was gonna have in space here.
Why stop at the planets anyway? His pants hissed and inflated in the void of space as he had big plans. Big, big plans.
The sky had turned entirely bright orange. Some could see giant reptilian legs sticking out from the top of the surface of the new sky, showing their new green guardian.
“So… Now what do we do now?” The Gecko asked his Owl partner, completely stumped.
“We need to get back to the lab. This is not over. We need a way to fix all of this and fast. If he won’t stop with us, he might stuff the whole solar system in his pants, maybe the entire galaxy!” The Owl warned.
The Gecko nodded and both went back into the subway and sprinted down the tunnel, knowing of a secret path back to the lab. Most of the entire lab was unground anyway. Pantszilla may have destroyed the hill and the labs, but hopefully, the advanced labs underground were not damaged. It was time for the ants to fight back and find a way to stop Pantszilla. They would need to create something to shrink him. Or perhaps… A rival…
The end?
In a secret lab hidden under a tall hill with thick trees spread across its surface, two scientists were in a lab mixing chemicals and various colors and ingredients to discover the secrets of science. These two were wearing their white lab coats and safety goggles. One was a black and orange spotted gecko and the other was an owl who had been working here for a long time. Today, they were on a breakthrough in science. A special mixer machine spun six green vials inside before clicking to a stop. The gecko putting on gloves, carefully opened the lid and pulled out the rack of the six vials of green liquid inside.
“Careful. That's five months' work of progress in your hands.” The owl warned as the gecko carefully and slowly walked over to another larger rack and placed the vials in them, holding them inches off the ground making sure that they will sit still without falling over.
“Whew. Thank god that’s over with.” The Gecko said relieved, removing his goggles and gloves.
“Me too.” The owl added, patting the gecko on his back.
He picked up one of the green vials, observing it in the light as it almost glowed.
“Finally, a liquid that provides infinite air! Just think, we put this in a scuba air tank, and divers won't have to resurface for weeks! Or perhaps we put these in astronauts' suits and they could float in space for years!” The owl said, already dreaming of the possibilities.
“Please. One miracle at a time.” The gecko said with a snarky attitude.
“Yeah I know, but finally we made a breakthrough!” The owl smiled confidently.
Suddenly, an alarm went off and red lights filled the lab and the hallway outside the lab’s windows.
“Warning! A test subject has escaped his cell. All staff report to your instructed safe rooms. This is not a drill.” The voice of the speaker said.
“Damn! Not another one.” The owl grunted.
“Let me lock these away before we go.” The Gecko quickly picked up the rack of green vials and carefully put them in a safe in the lab.
He closed the safe, but the blaring alarm made it hard to hear if it was locked or not.
“Hey! You two! To your safe rooms! Move it!” A guard instructed the scientist to move as a squad ran past the windows.
“Let’s go. I don’t wanna know which one got out this time.” The Gecko said as he and the owl left the room, closing the door behind them.
The gust of wind from the door closing made a small breeze in the lab, causing a pencil cup on the edge of a table to fall over onto the floor, and the safe door that was supposedly locked, to creak open enough for it to be seen as unlocked.
Sprinting down a hallway, a slightly chubby green lizard, shirtless and only wearing bright baggy orange pants that looked like deflated scuba pants with a thin ring of black and a thicker ring of white around his waist, ran for his life down a hall before stopping and hiding behind a wall, listening for guards running past to quickly move again safely.
“I’m getting the heck out of here! I’m not staying in this stupid place any longer.” The lizard said as he rounded another corner.
He was the reason for the alarm blaring. The lizard had escaped his cell after trading some items with the other test subjects and managing to knock out a guard and steal their ID card to free himself. His chubby body, however, was the result of too many fattening sweets for lunch during his time here. The biggest problem was finding a way out of here. This place was like a maze, and these baggy pants he wore swishing against each other didn't help at all, but it was the only piece of clothing he had. The lizard stopped again and hid as another squad of guards ran past him, not noticing him as he sprinted down another hall.
“Where’s the exit? Don’t these people have a map or something?” He grunted as he realized he ran in a circle.
“There he is!” A guard said as he turned and spotted a guard pointing at him and a squad behind chasing after him.
“Crud!” The lizard panicked and sprinted down another hallway, one he knew he had not gone down before.
Rounding some corners and down another hallway, he saw a window and a lab inside of it. The lizard quickly stepped into the lab and hid behind the wall under the window. The sound of at least a dozen guards running by was heard before the hallway grew silent.
“Whew. Finally got rid of them for now.” The lizard sighed victoriously.
Standing up, he took this moment of peace to observe his surroundings. The lizard found himself in some lab with test tubes and complicated equipment. He had just kinda sprinted in here and didn’t even realize what kinda room he hid in.
“Huh, looks like the eggheads work here. Maybe there’s something here that can help me escape.” He said as he looked at the colored liquids, some with no names, some with a powder or clumpy chunks of something inside.
Some of the bigger bottles in the glass planetary windows and shelves had names too complicated to even pronounce.
“Dammit. I can’t just chug whatever I find in here. I don’t wanna end up with a third leg or a different species entirely. Come on, there's gotta be something…” He grunted as he moved aside some gallon jugs of… whatever they were.
When nothing of value was found, the lizard backed up against a desk and sighed, looking across the countertop at all the colored mysterious liquids. That is until he saw an open safe in the corner.
His baggy pants swishing and swooshing against each other, he strode over to the safe and found it unlocked. The lizard pulled the safe door open, seeing a set of green vials of liquid inside. He grabbed one, not seeing a label on it.
“Well, this might come in handy. It’s gotta be important if it was put in a safe.” The reptile smiled as he grabbed the rack vials and placed them on the countertop.
There was also a rack of unlabeled red vials in the safe too, which he also grabbed and placed on the countertop next to the green ones. Closing the empty safe, the lizard backed up and turned, going to check the cabinet in the corner of the room next. However, his search was cut short as he unknowingly stepped on a pencil cup on the floor. The lizard’s foot landed on the cylinder object and shifted under his weight. His foot flew forward as he leaned his body too far forward for his walk.
“Crud!” He yelled before he landed on his back on the solid cold floor.
During his fall, however, he reached out his hand to grab the countertop to stop his fall, grabbing the vial racks instead and pulling them over. The vials all spilled out onto him and his pants. The red vials poured into his body and pants, while the green vials poured entirely onto his orange pants.
“Uuugh. Stupid eggheads. I thought they looked after their lab.” He grunted as he got back up.
Dusting himself off and seeing and feeling his front body and pants soaked in red and green liquids.
“Dang it! There goes my only escape. Ugh, this is bad…” The lizard grunted frustratedly.
But the chemicals were already taking effect. They had quickly soaked into the rubbery latex fabric of the lizard’s pants and his body, spreading across entirely before any wetness on him dried up almost instantly. Once they were dry, his new life all started… with a hiss.
The lizard stuck his head up, confused. There was a sudden strange hissing noise going on. He looked around the room, trying to spot perhaps a loose steam pipe, or maybe a tank of gas had opened up, but he didn't see anything.
“Where is that hissing coming from?” He asked himself, looking around the lab.
Right under him, his bright orange baggy pants shifted and seemed wider than usual. The pants at his legs and waist seemed to look a little tighter than usual. The bagginess of the pants also seemed to be going away as they were growing much more… puffier or roundish. The lizard, unable to find the source anywhere of the hissing, now felt something new. He felt… bigger, wider, and lighter too for some reason.
“Hmmm… something’s off.” He placed his hands on his hips, unaware that his orange pants had now puffed up enough to where barely any folds were visible.
They had almost reached smooth roundness. The pants now hid his feet under them as they stuck out, still visible but not viewable to him anymore. The lizard shook his head, not worrying so much about it.
“I need to get out of here.” He nodded as he made his way towards the door, but walking towards the door proved much more difficult all of a sudden like he couldn't bend his legs properly anymore.
His pant legs had now reached beach ball-sized while even the butt of his pants had inflated and expanded too, giving him a much larger rump. When the lizard opened the door and peeked out, seeing the hallways empty, he smiled.
“Alright. Hopefully, the exit won’t be so fa-'' Shwoomp. He was suddenly stopped from going through the door.
Confused, he grabbed the sides of the door and tried to pull himself through, but something was preventing him from getting through, making a squeak and creak noise.
“Ugh, C-come on! Why can’t I get… through?” He grunted as his inflated pants were much too large to fit through the doorway, creaking and squeaking as it grew more and more difficult to squeeze through as they continued to hiss and inflate.
He grunted and pulled and pushed as hard as he could, until he was flung back, rolling across the floor and into a wall, landing against something puffy and comfy to cushion him.
“What the heck? Is there like some force field active?” He questioned as he got to his feet, and… in the bottom of his vision, he saw something bright orange creeping more and more into his view.
He looked down, confused at first, but then suddenly shocked… “W-what the heck?!”
“M-my pants! Their… they're blowing up! This is where the hissing was coming from?!” He said in complete shock and panic as he witnessed his own pants, inflating and blowing up all on their own.
The legs were as big as overinflated yoga balls, while the upper part was like an inflated pool ring. Turning his head to the side, he saw even the butt of his pants was inflating too, giving him a proper balloon butt and making him blush. His legs were stiff, unable to properly bend causing the lizard to shift his balance and stick out his arms to prevent him from falling over.
“Woah Woah!” His pant legs were bigger than ever, bigger than exercise balls, even bigger!
“No no no no! Stop doing this!” The lizard growled as he slammed his fist into his bright orange inflating pants.
His fist landed on them, sinking in a little and absorbing the impact, wobbling around a little. In fact, they seemed to be inflating even faster! The lizard didn’t even realize how much space they were taking up in this lab. More than half the lab was already consumed as the pants pushed against the counters, pushing off beakers and glass and pressing against some of the machines. Heck, he was even getting… Taller? Or was he… bigger? Not just his pants but himself. The lizard looked up, seeing his head just now brush against the ceiling.
“Aw crud! These stupid things are getting too big!” He yelled as he pushed against the ceiling.
His whole body was bigger than before as his hands covered the fluorescent lights. It seemed like another effect from the infinite air solution, or perhaps it was the red liquid.
“Come on I think he’s this way!” A group of guards yelled.
They had heard a crash coming from down the hall, sprinting and expecting to finally catch the lab rat that escaped. When they turned down another hallway, nearing the source of the crash, they all stopped and stared… confused at what they were seeing. It was one of the labs, but through the window, it was entirely blocked by some giant bright orange rubbery thing, shifting around and making a constant hissing noise.
“What the?” One guard said.
A few others got close to the window, seeing it press against the glass before it suddenly shattered! The orange blob thing fwoomped through the window, bouncing a few of the guards against the wall. Not even the broken class made a scratch on its surface. The door to the lab was bending, looking like it would bust soon. The guards backed up as the orange thing still kept expanding, blocking the hallway.
“We… we need to get the heck out of here!” A guard said as they all sprinted away.
One guard however was pinned against the wall with the orange blob thing still hissing and inflating, pressing tighter and together against him as the guard unintentionally blushed and moaned a little as he was swallowed whole by the bright orange anomaly.
“Evacuate the facility immediately. This is not a drill. Evacuate the facility immediately.” A female voice spoke on the intercom repeatedly.
Scientists and guards in their saferooms were all getting the heck out of the lab, taking their research notes and any equipment small enough to carry. Back inside the lab, the Lizard grunted as he was tightly smushed between his inflating pants and the ceiling.
“Mmmph. I’m… I'm gonna sink into my own pants!” He panicked as most of his body was sunken into his pants, and his arms and head were nearing the point of being swallowed up whole.
The pants had filled the lab entirely and were spreading outside the lab too, filling up rooms and hallways and busting down walls while the hissing and the creaks and stretching were deeper toned, and louder than ever. Then the ceiling finally broke, and the lizard shot upwards. It was dark in here, seeing the shafts and ducts. Looking up, he was approaching another ceiling, he quickly pressed his large hands against it again, but this time it broke much easier. Now he found himself rising higher and higher, rising through the floor of another lab. This time though, he observed his surroundings. Everything in here was… much smaller. His head alone took half the room. His shoulders busted through the floor as he felt his pants fwoomp up again.
“Sounds like the lab with my pants under me couldn’t hold it any longer .” He assumed from the sudden fwoomp and crashing noise.
Looking up, another ceiling. This time though, the lizard raised his arms, much much larger than before. He dug his claws into the ceiling and ripped it apart like paper.
“Woah!” He said amazed, even surprised by himself.
Looking at his hands and his arms, they looked normal, but his body was so much larger than before. He smiled and clenched his hands into fists.
“Heh heh alright! Time to bust my way out of here!” He laughed and reached up, ripping apart another ceiling and floor as he rose up, up, up.
Most of the laboratory had been destroyed by now. Rooms and sections were taken over or destroyed as the orange pants and their hissing noise was heard everywhere, taking over everything. Most of the staff were lucky and managed to escape, including some of the other test subjects who the guards didn’t have time for and didn’t care about. Some, however… were not so lucky. A group of scientists ran by a lab, only to see their fellow researchers pinned against a window, trying to wiggle free, but the orange pants closed in around them, swallowing them up whole. The scientist watched in fear before a guard pushed them to move it.
The silent hill on the surface outside vibrated. The trees rattled and birds flew off into the distance from the sound of a rumble. The rumbling sound came from under the hill before a large green hand shot out from the ground, then another hand, and finally, a big reptilian head rose up, pushing away the dirt and roots as he roared into the sky as his body rose up too, stretching his arms into the sky.
“Ahhhhhh! Ah, sweet freedom!” He yelled as his voice thundered.
Not too far below him though, his still inflating pants fwoomped up around below him, pushing the rubble of the hill away. The lizard smiled, watching his pants continue to grow and inflate.
“You just don’t stop do you huh?” The lizard chuckled, rubbing his pants and feeling how big and puffy they were.
They felt like they could still go on and on. In fact, they showed no signs of a bursting limit, just smooth and round as always. The lizard wiggled and shifted his way out of the crumbled hill, able to still waddle at least. His feet still stuck out from the bottom, large and wide, still having mobility at least, but only able to waddle instead of normal walking. Most of his view below was entirely blocked by his bright orange pants as they had now swelled up as big as an overinflated parade balloon. They constantly pushed the rubble of the mountain away, clearing the field around him.
“Heh heh, well this is not how I planned my escape, but I couldn’t have had a better and more fun and… relaxing way of escaping.” The lizard smiled as he turned again, seeing the butt of his pants and how massive they were.
He playfully shook his backside as the pants wobbled, squeaked, and bobbed around. The lizard even reached back and gave an area of the rump of his pants a hard press and a squeeze, groping them which caused a wonderful feeling across his pants and his body.
“Ooooh. Heh heh, that felt good. Gosh, my butt is so big.” He blushed as he had to admit his pants were just so big.
“I feel… so big! So strong! Haha, I feel like one of those Kaiju monsters!” He flexed his arms and spread his legs as best he could as his blimping pants wobbled some more and were always so much bigger than his body sticking out from the top.
Then the lizard spotted the big city not too far in the distance. Already it seemed like the town was aware of his presence. The lizard smiled playfully.
“Heh heh, might as well have some fun too.” He chuckled as he grabbed his blown-up pants and at first, tried to push and wiggle out of them, but it was no use.
These pants felt locked onto him tightly, not that he would want to get out or take them off anymore anyway. After that, he gripped his pants tighter, making them creak and squeak before he pulled them up high. The waist of his pants slid up his body, managing to get them right under his chubby belly as he pulled the pants free from the rest of the hill. They made loud fwoomp noise and wobbled like crazy in the new free space.
“Hehe, now that that’s taken care of. Hmmm… I’m gonna need a name. Something intimidating and frightening.” He thought for a moment, looking over himself and his pants.
“Pants…Zilla? Hehe, yea! That’s perfect! Look out world! Pantszilla is here to take over!” He laughed before he waddled his way towards town, leaving behind large footprints and dragging the bottom of his pants against the ground as he flattened trees and created a crevasse along the way, the land shaking with every step and the creaks and hissing of his pants still inflating blocked out almost any other sound.
“Oh no… He’s heading towards town!” One of the research scientists yelled, pointing to the massive orange balloon with green lizard feet, shuffling and squeaking his way toward the big city.
“If he gets to town, it’ll be chaos! We have to stop him!” A guard said as they all looked towards the scientist for answers.
A certain owl and black-spotted gecko duo silently tip-toed their way toward the back away from the group in case things might get ugly.
“Is it possible something in the lab made him like that?” The Gecko questioned.
“It’s a possibility. Could it have been… the other mixture we made?” The Owl questioned too.
“The growth formula? But it was locked in the safe. And even if he did somehow open it and use the growth formula, there’s no way it should have made him… that big! And those pants of his, they're the ones the test subjects wear. They are reinforced to be durable, comfy, and extra stretchy to fit anyone of any size, but… there is no way they should have been able to stretch this much! They should have exploded a long time ago!” The Gecko responded.
“Your right. Something is different with them.” The owl grunted as he tried to think of an explanation.
“Let’s just pop his pants! Poke them with something sharp and pointy.” A guard stepped forward smiling as if he had the answer.
“I’m afraid… that’s not possible.” A parrot scientist spoke.
“Those pants for our test subjects are made to stretch with them and handle anything so they have a pair of clothing to wear. It was to help with our finances of constantly purchasing new clothes all the time. And… we planned on marketing them in the future for the public.” The parrot explained further.
Everyone was in a panic once again, discussing any idea on how to stop Pantszilla, as they all heard the name the lizard yelled, Pantszilla. All of them came up with useless, insane ideas. One suggested launching him into space, another said to lure him away with meat, and one suggested creating another Pantszilla to fight him which would only make things even worse. Clearly, they were desperate. The Owl and Gecko separate from the group had an idea of how to stop them and also find answers. They both nodded to each other, knowing the plan before running back into the destroyed rubble of the lab. Meanwhile… Pantszilla had arrived.
From the moment they saw him emerge from the hill, the people in town had already been in a panic. I mean, Pantszilla as he called himself wasn’t exactly a silent surprise. But here he was, showing off to everyone as he waddled his bright orange hissing squeaking pants through town. People in the buildings watched as he waddled in between them, lightly scraping against buildings and windows, making squeaks and creaks. He was bigger than ever while his puffy pants surpassed the size of a small blimp. Cars were flattened under his big feet stomping on them like soda cans, while others were dragged under the weight at the bottom of his pants, scraping up the road. The lizard still couldn’t see much below him, but he saw enough where people were running away from him down the road. Some were standing still, taking as many photos, selfies, and even live streaming the event, but the egotistical ones who wanted to get as much coverage and fame as they could during this event were soon cut off or rolled over and flattened by the orange balloon waddling close to them. Nobody was hurt thankfully, but it was the squishing of a lifetime.
“Scuse me! Big pants coming through!” Pantszilla smiled as he waddled through the smaller 4-way roads, approaching a roundabout with much wider open space.
But there was something special in the center of the roundabout. A large statue of the town’s founder, a german shepherd old dog with his reaper sword pointed high. The statue was about half his height. Pantszilla smiled at this statue as if it was initiating a challenge.
“Oh? You wanna get flattened under my blimp butt huh? Your on!” Pantszilla smiled as he managed to turn himself around until his huge smooth rubbery and fat hissing balloon butt of his pants pointed towards the statue.
He somehow managed to bend his legs over, sticking his mighty orange pants butt up high.
“Fear the power of pantszilla’s BUTT SLAM!” He yelled before he forcefully moved his butt downwards.
The balloon butt of his pants closed in around the statue, staring with the tip of the reaper before the statue was engulfed whole. The pants creaked and squeaked as the place of the statue had a deep sunken part, which soon shifted after some more creaks, before a crumbling sound was made under it. Panstzilla didn't even feel like he sat down on anything pointy at all with so much pants. It felt more like sitting on a sand hill that flattened under your rump. When he raised his butt up and back on his feet, he turned around and witnessed the statue had been crushed to rubble.
“Haha! My pants are indestructible!” He laughed victoriously as people below had hoped the reaper or the statue would have ripped his pants and made them explode, but they truly were indestructible, not even leaving a mark on their surface.
The lizard rested his arms on his pants like a desk before a new sound tickled his ear. There was another certain creaking and squeaking noise not too far. Turning his head, he saw something colorful and moving in between two buildings.
“Oh? Now, what’s this huh?” He asked curiously as he waddled his way on over through town again towards the point of interest.
“Did it even survive? Everything was crushed.” The Gecko asked his owl researcher friend as they were digging through their own destroyed lab.
“It has to be here. It has to have survived. It’s perhaps the only thing that can contain him. If not, then we are doomed.” The owl said as he lifted a heavy rock aside.
“Ah ha!” He said excitedly.
The Gecko moved over the rubble to find what they were looking for. It was a large roundish black case as big as a duffle bag, made of metal and completely undamaged despite all that transpired here.
“Help me lift this.” The owl said as he and the Gecko grabbed the case and picked it up.
It looked and felt like it was heavy but not all that much actually. They placed it on a table, dusting the sand and dirt off of it. The owl fiddled with the locks until they were undone. Then he slowly lifted it open. Both stared at its contents.
“Are you… are you sure this thing will work?” The Gecko asked doubtfully.
“This thing can handle anything. But I… don’t know if it can handle something of his size. I’ve never really even tested it myself yet.” The owl said concerned.
“Well we're scientists, and that’s your hypothesis. We won't know until we try it out.” The Gecko responded, putting his hand on his friend’s shoulder.
The owl nodded and took a breath. He closed up the case and placed it on a janitor’s cart in what used to be a hallway.
“Let’s get to town as quickly as possible. Every second that passes he gets bigger and bigger.” The owl explained.
“We’ll rush to the carts in the garage. That will be the fastest way to town.” The Gecko also explained as they both nodded.
“Wait! One more thing.” The Owl said, rushing back into the crumbled lab.
He saw the safe where the infinite air and red liquid were stored, dented and smash, but the lock looked intact. He opened a fallen-over cabinet and grabbed some papers and a file.
“I’m gonna try and figure out what happened while you drive.” The Owl explained as the Gecko pushed the cart and his partner followed.
“Mmph! What the?” Pantszilla’s waddling had come to a sudden stop.
Looking to his left and right, he saw two large buildings quite close in between him and saw his reflection in the windows. He tried to waddle forward, but his pants protested and creaked in response.
“Mmmph. Ugh, what’s the hold-up?” He grunted, trying to waddle forwards harder, but still, he didn’t move an inch.
Observing his surroundings and trying to shake his blimp pants around, the lizard found that he couldn’t even wobble his pants anymore. Looking from side to side again, he found the problem.
“Oh heh. I'm wedged just like the doorway. Alright, I can get out of this.” the lizard nodded as he grabbed the back of his pants, gripping them tightly and lifting them while pushing his feet against the ground to push himself forward.
His pants creaked louder and the hissing of his inflating pants changed tone a few times too, but it was working. His pants wedged in between two buildings moving forward more and more little by little. Pantszilla grunted and, admittedly, blushed as he was getting a bit physical with his blimp pants and how good they felt. His blimp butt jiggled and bounced before a loud pop noise was made. The lizard found himself rolling forward a few times, having his upper body squished in between the ground and his pants tightly, while his feet wiggled about for a solid surface. He had ripped part of the building off from his wedged trap, showing some furs who had watched the whole thing as they on each side had a much bigger open window just like how they complained to their boss about. Pantszilla came to a stop with his rolling, dizzy, but giggling at the fun he had. He shook his head around, trying to get the dizziness off.
“Dang that was fun! Maybe I should start rolling instead of waddling.” He smiled.
He was currently upside down with his big feet dangling in the air. It was quite a struggle, but he managed to stand up again after the building behind him collapsed of course. Looking down another street, he found what he saw in between the buildings.
“A parade!” He said surprised.
Confetti rained down and floats were abandoned as the whole event was kinda called off because a reptile with giant inflating bright orange pants was taking a stroll through the city and causing a ruckus. He was pretty hard to miss both sightwise from the bright orange balloon he wore that was pants, and also hearing wise from the squeaks and creaks and constant hissing. What got panstzilla’s attention the most about the parade was the anchored parade balloons the workers had left behind, and they were big too.
“Ooooh. I always wanted to be part of a parade, and now I am! With a special prize too…” He snickered as he waddled towards the first big puffy-looking parade balloon.
Meanwhile, at the edge of town, the two scientists with their day-saving case tied to the back of their cart had finally reached the city. They had to swerve around some of the city’s citizens as they ran for their lives. Not to mention all the huge footprint craters left behind in the road, gradually getting larger and deeper the more they followed the tracks. They also took note of the damage on some of the buildings and all over the street. Flattened cars, broken fire hydrants, and missing street lights were seen all over the road and it got worse the more they went. Up above, some of the windows had smudges and some had cracks, others had windows broken or missing entirely.
“All this destruction. If we don't stop him soon he may end up flattening the whole city!” The Gecko said concerned while his partner was reading the papers in the file.
Suddenly the Gecko came to a screeching stop as the owl had to grip the bars to prevent from flying out.
“Why did you stop?” The owl asked.
The Gecko pointed forward to a pile of rubble in a grassy circle, a roundabout. The owl followed his gaze and was confused at first looking at the pile, but soon he knew what it was.
“The statue?” The owl asked.
“Yea. But this wasn’t destroyed by a kick or anything. It was crushed, he sat on it.” The Gecko explained.
“He sat on it? But it should have made his pants explode! But the tip of it… it’s broken.” The owl explained, pointing to the reaper sword crushed to pieces.
“This is bad. If the statue didn't pop them, then we are in much bigger trouble!” The gecko panicked.
“I don’t get it. Those pants we made for the test subjects are reinforced and designed to stretch, but they shouldn’t be able to stretch this big for this long! Why haven’t they popped or exploded yet? In fact, what’s making them inflate anyway? Those are clearly the sounds of like… a balloon blowing up.” The Gecko grunted as he couldn't figure out what was going on with them.
“Of course!” The Owl suddenly yelled.
“I understand it all now!” He added looking closely at the file.
“The mixtures we made! The infinite air formula and the growth serum we made! He must have mixed them together and poured it on himself!” The Owl explained.
“He Mixed them? But… combining those two with the infinite air supply and growth… Oh no.” The Gecko fearfully made the connection.
“That’s why his pants haven't exploded yet, It’s because they aren’t just simply inflating, they’re growing too! And with the infinite part mixed with the growth serum. They could inflate and grow… forever…” The Owl was horrified at the results as even his Gecko partner was the same too.
Suddenly there was a loud squeak and what sounded like a building falling over. Both looked toward the direction of the noise and watched as a tall windowed building lowered to the ground out of sight.
“We’ll have to come up with a plan to reverse the effects, for now, let’s stop him while we can. You said this thing can handle anything, but I don’t know about him at this size!” The Gecko warned before he sped off down the street as the owl gripped his seat tightly, following the large footprints and an increasing amount of rubble and destroyed buildings.
“Hehe whoops. Too powerful of a booty bump.” Pantszilla giggled as he brushed the rubble of the building off his pants.
The parade balloons he saw were of various monsters from those fancy kaiju movies. There was Zippa, the big purple reptile balloon, this big red and black snake named Slither, the bigger winged bird named Flax the phoenix, and in the very back was the king of the monsters himself, the biggest balloon he had ever seen. Repzilla! The king of the monsters! Pantszilla smiled as he saw the giant reptile lizard parade balloon in the back.
“Man! He’s as big as my pants! How did they even do that?” He asked himself as Repzilla was just as big as Pantszilla was, slightly bigger even.
Suddenly he smirked and came up with an idea… a little, or rather… a big idea.
“Oooh, I see what’s going on here… you are all challenging me! So you dare challenge the new king of the monsters? Pantszilla! Haha, foolish creatures! I will put you all in your proper place! Inside my pants! Hahaha! Especially you Repzilla!” He laughed evilly and pointed to the balloons with one hand and slapped his pants with the other, making them wobble and ripple.
The balloons only creaked in response.
“I’ll start with Zippa first! Come here you!” He grabbed the purple reptile dino balloon first, giving it a big tight hug and a squeeze against his chest and his face, in his arms feeling the rubbery puffiness of the balloon which made Pantszilla stick out his tongue from how balloony it was.
He never got an opportunity to hug a big balloon like this, and now he was gonna savor it, and the best part was next as he used one hand to grab the waist of his pants and managed to pull it open enough to where he could see what used to be the real waist of the pants, sealed around him, but able to be opened just enough to where something… big could fit inside.
“Heh heh, I see. So nothing can come out, but anything can go in. Well Zippa, welcome to your new home.” Panstzilla smiled at the balloon before he grabbed its head, raised him upwards, and shwoomp!
Pantszilla stuffed the rubbery head of Zippa right into his pants.
He shivered as the rubber dino squished against his body. He took a breather before grabbing Zippa’s back and began to push the purple dino into his pants some more as it loudly squeaks.
“Hehe, that’s right. Get in my pants you big balloon dino.” Pantszilla chuckled as he stuffed the shoulders and torso into his big pants.
He giggled seeing the parade balloon’s muscular rubber legs sticking out, wiggling in the wind as if it protested being stuffed into big puffy pants. He pushed and shoved some more as Zippa’s legs were pushed deeper as they disappeared into the pants until one last push against his big purple balloon feet and shwoomp. Zippa the big purple reptile was now gone from sight, sealed away inside the superior rubber reptile in town.
“Ahhh. Hehe, you were like a good meal Zippa.” Pantszilla chuckled, rubbing and patting his pants as if it was his stomach.
He could physically feel Zippa all curled up inside, pressing against his legs and the walls inside his pants. Waddling forward, he grabbed Slither, the big black snake balloon next, who was Repzilla’s nemesis in the movies.
“I always loved that squeeze move you did on Repzilla. But now I got a big spaghetti noodle to slurp up.” Pantszilla grabbed at Slithers head, giving it a smooch before shoving its head into his pants.
Unlike Zippa, Slither was thinner, but that didn’t mean he was smaller. He was longer and bigger than Zippa was. Pantszilla repeated the process of grabbing his body and stuffing and pushing him inside as Slither just slithered on into the pants. His rubber scales brushing against Pantszilla with every push and pull, making him shift around and blush as he kept pushing the noodle in.
“Ooooh. Oh, Slither! If you're that desperate to get inside all you needed to do was ask.” Pantszilla chuckled as the rest of Slither slipped on inside past the waist with its tail wiggling before disappearing with a very satisfying slurp, joining Zippa all curled up and squished inside.
“Hehe, that was one big and long spaghetti noodle. You're up next Flax! You big fiery chicken you.” He smirked as he grabbed Flax’s bird feet.
Flax was the second biggest parade balloon here. After this was Repzilla, still the biggest of all. Pantszilla eagerly just got started, shoving Flax’s bird feet and pulling his legs into his pants.
“Thank goodness the talons are made of rubber, otherwise this would hurt a lot.” Pantszilla said relieved.
He just could not stop giggling and laughing at the situation. Seeing this big balloon chicken get stuffed into a pair of giant inflated pants was just too funny to ignore. Not to mention it felt so freaking good too, and the loud squeaks and creaks of rubber against rubber was like music to his ears. Pantszilla stuffed Flax’s roundish body inside and its head down inside past the waistline and pushed and shoved Flax’s big fiery wings down in too with another satisfying loud squeak of rubber against rubber and a slurp as the waistband closed shut.
“Whew. Stuffing these balloons into my pants is hard work.” Pantszilla said, taking a breather.
He could feel the balloons stuffed into his pants even more, shifting around and pressing against his legs tighter and against one another and the walls, making small bulges across the surface too.
“Hehe, I wish I could join you guys in there. But I got one last balloon to deal with.” He raised his head up high, locking eyes with Repzilla.
During the whole ordeal, Pantszilla's pants kept inflating and he kept growing the entire time. His pants were taller than any building around and big enough to squash a city block, reaching skyscraper height soon and public park size as he was now taller and wider than Repzilla was. If nobody stops him soon, he may end up squashing the entire city soon. Pantszilla waddled on over to Repzilla with his big puffy pants brushing up against the tall buildings, grinding against them, and squashing anything and anyone under him, including the floats. It was amazing that his giant feet still stuck out from the bottom, almost sunken in entirely.
“Alright. King vs king. Let’s see if I can take your crown.” Pantszilla smirked challengingly as he grabbed Repzilla’s head and raised him up high above himself, grabbing his ankles as Pantszilla licked his lips hungrily.
“There he is!” The Gecko scientist yelled as he rounded a corner, gripping the steering wheel.
“Good lord! He’s huge!” The owl said, stunned.
They drove towards Pantszilla, driving around and avoiding the flattened parade floats and street rubble.
“Get me close enough and I’ll deploy the device. It looks like we aren’t too late to stop him! I hope.” The owl commanded as he gripped the large case.
As they approached, Pantszilla was already getting busy with Repzilla, stuffing those big rubbery stompers down the front of his pants. Being this small and so close to him, the squeaks and creaks were almost deafening. Pantszilla’s big orange pants butt was so big and wide, the two scientists could barely see the lizard up top, doing something with the familiar Repzilla balloon.
“What the heck is doing with the parade balloon?” The Gecko questioned.
“Don’t know, but this is perfect. He’s distracted, which means he won't be moving for a while.” The owl said as they were within feet of Pantszilla, driving under his big balloon butt and right underneath him, his giant reptilian feet somehow still sticking out from the bottom.
“Okay, let’s end this.” The Gecko said determined as both nodded, getting off the cart and grabbing the large black case, placing it on the ground.
The squeaks and creaks were deafening even louder under him. Pantszilla up above had managed to stuff those big and fat inflated hips Repzilla was famous for past his waistline.
“I always did like people commenting on your thunder thighs.” Pantszilla blushed, as he gave them a squeeze before shoving them past his waist.
“What is he talking about?” The Gecko asked as they could hear his thunderous voice above.
“Don’t care.” The owl responded, popping the locks and opening the case.
The device inside was revealed. It was a shiny silver and large cylinder machine with a thick long hose connected to one end of the device.
“The Suck O Max. The most powerful vacuum we ever built.” The Owl explained, picking it up and placing it on the ground outside of the case.
“This thing has a supercharged battery in it. It was struck by a lightning bolt, so the power is immense. The container is made of a special hammer space material. Basically, it means it can hold more than its own size and capacity. It’s bigger on the inside.” The Owl explained further, setting up the machine.
The Gecko helped set it up, not needing a plug or anything for it to power. He grabbed the hose and approached the closest part to the ground of Pantszilla orange inflated pants.
“Watch out!” The owl yelled, grabbing the gecko and forcefully pulling him back.
Pantszilla had just thrusted Repzilla’s big belly and back into his pants along with half of his tail, making him shiver and thrust himself downwards. Luckily the two scientists managed to get out of the way in time, but the cart they had used had been completely flattened, almost fused with the ground.
“Oh jeez. Thanks for saving me.” The Gecko thanked.
Getting back up, he ran under Pantszilla again, being much more cautious this time while Pantszilla had stuffed Repzilla’s chest and his tail into his pants as they were now head to head. It was a really tight squeeze as Repzilla was just so much bigger up close, really pressing himself against the lizard up top. It was quite a sight for the people who watched from a distance. The parade balloons rising up into the air, then lowering down and down with loud squeaks until they were gone from sight. But despite Repzilla’s large kaiju size, he was just disappearing downwards like he was being sucked up, or rather shoved into a giant pair of pants as if the pants themselves desired for its meal to join the others and was almost sentient itself. Repzilla’s shoulders have been stuffed past the waistline as the battle was almost over.
“Ahh. Your almost mine Repzilla. Soon you will be in the confines of my pants, and I will be the superior kaiju. The new king of the monsters!” Pantszilla laughed.
“Sorry mighty Pantszilla, but you won't be a king on this day!” The Gecko yelled from under him, too small and too far for Pantszilla to hear.
The Gecko thrusted the hose nozzle upwards, pressing against the orange rubber surface of the pants.
“Now!” He yelled to the owl as he nodded and turned the machine on.
It hummed loudly like an industrial machine with immense power. The suction from the nozzle was powerful alright. It sucked against the rubber bottom of the pants forming a super tight vacuum seal. It took a few seconds, but the gecko was amazed as it actually began sucking up the orange pants.
“It’s… it’s working!”
Pantszilla had placed his hands on top of Repzilla’s head, raising his arms up and pushing hard against Repzilla’s head as it sunk down with a creak. His muzzle sticking out before Pantszilla simply used one finger and pushed that inside with a final and very satisfying slurp as he was gone and the seal had shut tightly.
“Haha! I am the new king of the Kaiju’s! All will fear me! Pantszilla!” He roared victoriously.
Placing his hands on his pants, he could feel all the parade balloons stuffed inside his own pants, pressing against his legs even more and against the inner tighter. They were all squished and cramped against one another as the smallest movements constantly made them squeak and creak with the sounds of rubber against rubber. Despite the cramped space inside, he was still slowly making more room as his pants hissed and still inflated bigger while he grew too. Pantszilla rubbed and patted his big stuffed pants again, groping them in the process, satisfied with his victory.
“Hehe. Oh, I’m so big. The biggest of them all! Hehe. Now… what to do next?” He wondered as he looked around the city from above.
But… wait a second… the buildings seemed to be rising now. Was he… shrinking?
The Gecko held on tightly as the pants creaked and groaned loudly, gradually being sucked up. The hose bulged as finally, Pantszilla’s feet were beginning to forcefully pull closer to each other. It was something even Pantszilla could not ignore.
“Huh… I feel a light… pulling sensation under me.” He said as he tried to look under himself, but all he saw was his orange pants.
Letting the feeling press on, Pantszilla began to feel his own big feet move on their own. Worried, he tried to take a step forward, but to his surprise, it felt like there was a hook connected to his pants, and was unable to move from his spot.
The sudden attempt at movement did little to throw the Gecko off balance. The suction and seal was so tight that even Pantszilla at his size couldn’t move.
“Heh, you're not getting away this time!” The Gecko smiled confidently.
The owl watched from behind, seeing everything going smoothly so far. Pantszilla actually started to become airborne, waving his giant feet around, not feeling solid ground anymore.
“W-what’s happening? I can’t move! And where did the ground go?!” He said, growing more worried.
The pulling sensation on his feet was now entirely noticeable and concerning as they had almost touched. But instead of the feeling of more open air, his toes curled and were suddenly pulled into some unimaginably small and tight hole that felt as wide as a softball, causing Pantszilla to blush and panic even more. The Gecko was amazed at the size of their test subjects' big green feet. They were as big as football fields, and yet this Suck O Max was sucking them up like no problem. Pantszilla now fully realized that he was in trouble, and if he didn’t find a way free very soon, he may end up losing his freedom entirely again.
“I don’t wanna go back to being small like before!” Pantszilla yelled as he tried to reach out for support, but his hands were so big that the buildings he gripped easily crushed and crumbled in his hands around him and he was still too high up to reach the ground.
He was entirely off the ground, sticking straight up into the air.
His big fat green toes were sucked and slurped up one at a time, pulling in the rest, his heels, and finally, both his large feet had been sucked up, his ankles in a constant loud sucking and vacuuming noise.
“How are we doing back there?” The Gecko yelled back to the owl.
He found it funny how he held the nozzle straight upwards and held the giant up. He expected Pantszilla to weigh a few tons, but his pants were mostly air and surprisingly not that heavy. Perhaps it was the vacuum, or he was stronger than he thought. The Owl checked the stats of the Suck O Max and everything was still perfect. The dial for the storage of the vacuum was still deep in the safe green area, meaning it will have plenty of space left to fill.
“All green back here! I think we will be done here soon!” The owl responded.
Pantszilla was desperate to escape, pushing hard against his inflated pants as if he was trying to take them off. Him pushing down against his pants accelerated the process for a moment, thrusting and wiggling and struggling to break free, but just like back at the hill, his pants just refused to let go.
“C-come on! I don’t want to lose all this!” He complained.
His giant orange blimp pants were halfway sucked up and quickly reaching Pantszilla’s upper body. The parade balloons inside had no problem being compressed and sucked into the small nozzle of the vacuum hose, but strangely inside the pants, they started to glow and change their colors into orange as if they were reacting to something.
Seconds later of sucking and struggling, the Gecko finally saw the black line of Pantszilla’s pants and even the giant lizard himself who was as big as a building. The black line of his pants meant that this was all almost over as they were sucked up into the nozzle, then the white part of his pants until shwoomp! The lizard himself had finally reached the nozzle. Pantszilla felt his big inflated pants and his lower body being tight;y compressed and squeezed into the tube and into an even tighter chamber at the end. With his pants no longer in the way, the process became much easier. He turned his head and saw a really small Gecko fellow holding a hose, and an owl fellow behind him checking some shiny cylinder device.
“Y-you two?!” Pantszilla said, shocked, remembering these two scientists.
“That’s right. You're going back to the lab and we are gonna get you out of those pants!” The Gecko smiled confidently as Pantszilla’s chubby stomach was sucked up.
The Lizard pressed his hands against the ground under him, trying to slow the process of being sucked up, but it did little to slow it down. Then his hands slipped, ending up in the suction area and tightly pressed against his sides as his arms were pinned and large hands pulled inside.
“W-wait can’t we talk about this? I can protect the earth or something from other monsters!” Pantszilla bargained, but the lack of a response and his chest being sucked up pretty much spoke for itself.
He wiggled and struggled as his shoulders were pulled inside too as his neck got slurped up and only his head stuck out.
“Aww come on! Can’t we at least talk?!” He pleaded as the back of his head was sucked up, along with his face and cheeks until his green muzzle stuck out.
“Pantszilla will not be defe-” Shwoomp! His muzzle was gone.
The big bulge in the hose traveled downwards towards the vacuum tank, getting stuck for a moment before the bulge slipped inside. The owl turned off the Suck O Max as the motor died down. Then there was silence…
“We… We did it!” The Gecko scientist yelled, running up to his partner and hugging him as both jumped in place and celebrated their victory.
“Haha! I… I honestly didn't think that would work!” The Gecko said, amazed.
“Even I had my doubts. We never even got to test it yet in the field. So I had no idea if it could contain something as big as… Pantszilla.” The owl chuckled.
“That is a pretty funny name honestly.” The Gecko started laughing.
“Anyway, his pants should still be inflating even if they are contained inside the vacuum. We need to get back to the lab as soon as possible and figure out a reverse formula to stop the inflation and his growth.” The Owl explained.
“Right! I’ll start the… oh right.” The Gecko turned and saw the flattened cart.
“Ah… well, it looks like we will need to walk back.” The Owl put his hand on his partner's shoulder.
“Will we have enough time?” The gecko asked, concerned.
The owl checked the storage dial on the vacuum and it was still in the green zone.
“We will have plenty of time at this rate.” The owl reassured as they both nodded and began their journey back to the lab.
The Vacuum itself was actually still quite light, and thank goodness it had wheels.
“Mmph. Ugh, It’s so tight in here!” Pantszilla grumbled.
Inside the container, His pants and his macro size pretty much filled up every inch, every corner of the vacuum chamber. He was incredibly squished immensely tightly against the walls and his pants which were still hissing and still inflating. But with it being so compressed and tight in here it didn't have much room to inflate, and thus it forcefully slowed down the process. Pantszilla groaned as he could just barely wiggle his fingers and that was pretty much it. He felt the vacuum shaking and knew he was heading back to the lab. If he did, his whole escape plan would have been for nothing. This would have been just a fun day outside and that was about it, back to the lab.
“I can’t believe me, the mighty Pantszilla, defeated by a fancy household appliance! I need to escape, get outta here or something!” He tried struggling some more, shaking as best he could, but he was just pinned and squished too tightly to do anything.
He sighed, feeling defeated.
“Oh well… It was fun while it lasted…” He sighed. But all hope was not lost, not yet.
Remember that glow from inside his pants when he was getting vacuumed up? Well, that glow wasn’t for nothing. Inside Pantszilla’s pants, the parade balloons had completely turned orange and seemed to become more and more transparent. Pantszilla didn’t even feel the change, even as the parade balloons like Zippa, Slither, Flax, and Repzilla all just simply faded away as if they turned into air. This was actually a reaction to the infinite air formula and the growth serum that his body and pants absorbed, and it had some monstrous results.
Pantszilla was about to shut his eyes and simply fall asleep when suddenly his pants vibrated violently.
“W-Woah what the?” He questioned.
The vibrations felt like an earthquake, squeaking and creaking like mad. Then suddenly the light hissing turned into a loud and deep hissing. His pants suddenly started inflating again, but this time way stronger than ever! So strong that they began to engulf the lizard himself.
“What’s happening? What are my panmmph mmph mph.” He was cut off as his whole head had been swallowed up and the orange pants pressed forcefully against the chamber walls.
Back outside, the two scientists were still walking through their rubbled city. The Gecko was ahead while his owl partner was falling behind, struggling to pull the Suck O Max vacuum and resorting to using two hands. The Gecko noticed this and turned his attention to the owl, rushing back over to him.
“Is everything alright? You're slowing down much more than usual.” The Gecko asked.
“Ugh. It’s this Suck O Max vacuum. It feels way heavier than before.” The owl complained, setting it down.
“Heavier? But it’s only been a few minutes. His pants and his body shouldn’t have grown and inflated that big already right?” The Gecko questioned.
“Hold on let me take a look at-” The owl suddenly stopped, seeing the containment dial.
“W-what the?!” He yelled in shock.
“What is it?” The Gecko asked.
“The containment dial! It’s… It’s full!” He panicked.
The Gecko himself took a look at it and the dial was on red at the very end, beyond red and struggling to go even higher meaning it was full and still getting fuller.
“But that’s impossible! He couldn’t have gotten this big so quickly! How is that possible?” The Gecko questioned.
Both were trying to think of a reason, but suddenly a bolt popped off and whistled between them, smashing a glass window near the top of a tall office building. Both looked at the shattered window and back at the vacuum.
“No way… That’s impossible…” The Owl said, baffled.
The Suck O Max was... Bulging! It was slowly expanding and the bolts and nuts on it were struggling to stay on. Another bolt flew off.
“He’s outgrowing it inside!” The Gecko panicked.
“What do we do? What the heck do we do?!” The Gecko desperately seeking an answer.
Small bits of orange began peaking through the splits in the frame as if an orange balloon was expanding outside its prison.
“RUN!” The Owl stood up and grabbed his Gecko friend, sprinting as fast as they could away from the Suck O Max.
“To the subway! Underground is the only safe place left!” The Gecko pointed to a subway entrance.
They both ran right towards it when suddenly there was the sound of what would be described as a metal container breaking apart from the inside.
FWOOMP! The Suck O Max split apart, breaking into pieces and instantly right after that, an orange rubber balloon spread out, swallowing buildings whole and filling the streets, squashing anything in its path. The entire city was being covered in this as even the tallest buildings in town, literal skyscrapers were engulfed whole. The two scientists just barely made it to the steps in time as the orange rubber blocked off the stairs, sealing off the entrance.
At the very top of all this, a familiar green macro-sized lizard emerged, raising his fist into the air.
“Pantszilla cannot be contained!” He roared.
Taking this opportunity to stretch his body from being cramped so tightly for so long, he stretched his arms and twisted his head and his body around as his eyes got used to the sudden sunlight. When his eyes adjusted, he saw hills, forests, and even the ocean in the distance. Looking around, his head was in the clouds. Literally!
“Woah… How big did I get?” He asked himself.
His feet were pretty much engulfed entirely, no longer sticking out from the bottom anymore. Just two sunken and sealed holes where his feet used to stick out. Pantszilla’s pants had squashed the entire city under his pants and were inflating at an insanely rapid pace. Turns out, the parade balloons he stuffed in his pants had fused with his own pants, and the mixture combined with the parade balloons and the air inside them, enhanced the process, now making the inflating and growth process almost triple in efficiency.
Pantszilla admired the view as he rose up, up, up. His pants on the surface spread out, engulfing forest, hills, mountains, and his big fat balloon pants butt took over an ocean! Minutes later and his pants had taken over the entire country! Pantszilla watched above him as the blue sky began to turn darker, and darker. Looking out, he saw the curve of the planet and hundreds of white dots across the sky.
“No way… I’m in space!” He said excitedly. He watched the planet under him get smaller and covered more and more by his pants. He raised his arms and they simply floated up, not going back down unless he forced himself to do it. Then finally, it felt like the planet his pants sat on vanished, like gently floating out of a cushioned stool chair. His pants lifted up off the surface of the planet and floated up and up, not even thinking how he could just simply breathe in space. In space, Pantszilla now had full control of his pants, simply bending his legs and his lower body, he pushed his monstrous pants out of the way and saw his home planet right in front of him.
“Wow…” He smiled.
The scientist noticed that it was dark outside all of a sudden and the orange rubber was no longer blocking the subway entrance. Stepping outside, they saw the results of the city around them. Surprisingly, most of the buildings were still intact, not seriously damaged except the ones Pantszilla destroyed himself.
“What happened? Where did he go?” The Gecko questioned.
He saw his owl friend just looking up at the sky with his beak wide open in shock. Following his gaze, he too also left his jaw open. Pantszilla’s face looked down at the planet, slightly faded due to the sunlight reflecting off the planet's oceans for blue sky.
“Uh… You got a bigger vacuum for this?” The Gecko jokes.
“No… He’s beyond our power now.” The owl said.
His partner didn’t feel all… defeated actually. It was basically the biggest breakthrough in science, literally.
Pantszilla looked over the planet, seeing the scrapes his pants left behind on the surface while they were inflating. He moved his hands up and gently placed his fingertips on parts of the planet that looked like they wouldn’t cause too much damage. He… held it in his hands, the whole earth.
“Wow… It feels like a bowling ball.” He chuckled.
To him, the planet was about the size of a beach ball while his pants were about twice as big. The earth slowly getting smaller and smaller in his fingertips. He felt some weird small rock bump the side of his head through and he turned, seeing the moon.
“Oh heh heh. I forgot about you.” He chuckled, grabbing the moon with his fingers.
The moon was about the size of a large marble in his hands. Pantszilla rolled it in his fingers, seeing moon dust rub off it. Then, Pantszilla got an idea.
“I think I know what to do next. Heh heh.”
He moved the moon down to his stomach and shoved the moon right into his pants.
“Hehe, I’ll protect the planet in the safest place I know! My pants!” He giggled as he gently grabbed the earth which was now bowling ball size and moved it towards the lip of his ginormous pants.
The people on the planet felt their homeworld shake for a bit. Pantszilla grabbed the waistband of his pants and pulled it open as far as he could. Then he gently and carefully shoved the earth down into them, taking extra care not to break or damage the surface. The two scientists and everyone else in the whole world watched as the sky began to turn orange and planet-wide squeaks and creaks and a hissing noise was made.
“Careful… careful…” Pantszilla focused, using a single finger and pressing against an ocean to push the earth into his pants.
He was halfway in, pushing lightly until the rest took care of itself. With one last gentle push of his finger, the earth had slipped inside his pants.
Pantszilla had the biggest smile on his face as he let go of his waistband, snapping it shut.
“I’ve done it! I’ve conquered the entire earth! I am Pantszilla! And everything shall be stuffed into my pants!” He laughed long and giddy.
He rubbed his pants and patted them like always, but special this time, feeling their puffy squishy surface and how plump and fat and round they were. He also took a moment to reflect on what had recently happened. He planned an escape from the lab, but this was nowhere near how he had planned it to go. But this feeling of being so big, so large and in charge, it just felt so right. Not to mention these puffy pants of his were just so comfy and so relaxing to rub and squish. He smiled, having no regrets at all.
“Now hehe, what next? Hmmm, Perhaps Mars next! And the Sun too! Oooh. And the biggest of all, Saturn. Hehe, I’m gonna have a blast with that big giant!” Pantszilla giggled and imagined all the fun he was gonna have in space here.
Why stop at the planets anyway? His pants hissed and inflated in the void of space as he had big plans. Big, big plans.
The sky had turned entirely bright orange. Some could see giant reptilian legs sticking out from the top of the surface of the new sky, showing their new green guardian.
“So… Now what do we do now?” The Gecko asked his Owl partner, completely stumped.
“We need to get back to the lab. This is not over. We need a way to fix all of this and fast. If he won’t stop with us, he might stuff the whole solar system in his pants, maybe the entire galaxy!” The Owl warned.
The Gecko nodded and both went back into the subway and sprinted down the tunnel, knowing of a secret path back to the lab. Most of the entire lab was unground anyway. Pantszilla may have destroyed the hill and the labs, but hopefully, the advanced labs underground were not damaged. It was time for the ants to fight back and find a way to stop Pantszilla. They would need to create something to shrink him. Or perhaps… A rival…
The end?
A lab lizard has had enough of this science lab and plans a daring escape, but two scientists make a life-changing formula that ends up spilling onto the lizard, making him change bigger and wider than ever, and giving his pants a much puffier look too. His escape plans turn to excitement as he has a little fun with his new size and shape. All shall fear him as the mighty... Pantszilla!
This story is another one of my biggest stories yet and it took a lot of work to make this one. This story was based on an idea me and my friend Nagol had in our roleplay. Not the roleplay itself but an idea in the roleplay. I've also just instantly fallen in love with the lizard himself as I made the story in the process. So much so that I commissioned my friend AGroupOfFatties to draw some art based on scenes from the story to help visualize the scene and they came out so perfect!
Enjoy the origin story of Pantszilla and please leave your feedback on what you thought and show some love to Nagol and AGroupOfFatties for helping bring this story and character and his world to life.
Story Idea made by me and Nagol or Agent_8.1: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/agent8.1/
Commissioned drawings made by AGroupOfFatties: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/agroupoffatties/
I guess I technically own Pantszilla? Also if anyone wants to draw any fanart or make their own stories with Pantszilla please ask me first before doing so.
This story is another one of my biggest stories yet and it took a lot of work to make this one. This story was based on an idea me and my friend Nagol had in our roleplay. Not the roleplay itself but an idea in the roleplay. I've also just instantly fallen in love with the lizard himself as I made the story in the process. So much so that I commissioned my friend AGroupOfFatties to draw some art based on scenes from the story to help visualize the scene and they came out so perfect!
Enjoy the origin story of Pantszilla and please leave your feedback on what you thought and show some love to Nagol and AGroupOfFatties for helping bring this story and character and his world to life.
Story Idea made by me and Nagol or Agent_8.1: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/agent8.1/
Commissioned drawings made by AGroupOfFatties: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/agroupoffatties/
I guess I technically own Pantszilla? Also if anyone wants to draw any fanart or make their own stories with Pantszilla please ask me first before doing so.
Category Story / Inflation
Species Amphibian (Other)
Gender Male
Size 120 x 103px
File Size 64.4 kB