![Click to change the View ~Maomao : Tanya-Keys's tickly-challenge~ [COLAB]](/https://d.furaffinity.net/art/hake-feretto/1671144103/1671144103.hake-feretto_maomao_and_tanya-key-s-challenge.png)
Tanya-Keys :*Hysterical laughters*
Maomao : *Sneaky Smirk*
Haw c'mon Tanya... You told me you could ESCAPE from ANY KIND of situation right ?? So....time to prove yourself
before I take care of your second foot *grin* After all...it's not fun without a bit of "challenge" ! Coochy coochy coo~~
Tanya-Keys : *laughing even more*
Konbanwa Mina-san !
Long time no see right ? Well sorry I was pretty busy these last time between real-life stuff, my job and my commisisons
I must found a good rythm and it's not easy at all but I'll manage !
Anyway I'm not back with nothing like you can see gehehehe... I'm a biiiig fan of Maomao and I admit than after him,
Tanya-Keys was an other great target I wanted to do !
The story/reason behind this draw is fun as it was originaly a patreon-reward where i can give an idea during
a stream and it's sketched with other patreon ideas. Once the stream is done all the sketch are placed in a pole
than choose wich draw will get the luck to be compleeted.
However this time we felt on a problem, the 3 drawing in pole get the EXACT same number of vote so we were stuck
until I propose a deal !
Patreon-Artis is

myself, leting him grab the two remaning drawing splace them in a new pole (than got a real winner this time ;p).
So for all fit I tryed my best to nail Burr's style, you can so consider this pic as a COLAB between us as he did the most big
รขrt of the job so the sketch-base/pose and me did lineart and color/shading !
I had loooot of fun working on this draw and can put my pen on Maomao again just was a real nice experience to me ^w^ !
Now I hope you guys will enjoy it as much than Burr and me !!
About the draw's story it no have a real one just here Tanya and Maomao tolk together about theyr past adventures
and the Tanuki took pleasure to tease our hero, they finaly ended talk about they way to escape to dangerous situations !
Of course Tanya no stoped to said she never failed any missions because she was able to escape to "any kind" of situations...
Maomao took her on words and did a bet with her : he'll tie her up and she'll must escape and do a demonstrations of her "skills"
without using any of her magic-tricks !
Certain to win this challenge easy our lady leted our black-cat tie her up in very embarassing position and before Tanya could
try anything our hero decided to add a "real challenge" to the situation : a tickle-interrogation situation !
As she never met any of these the poor Tanya get took by surprise and discovered, at her depends, how ticklish she were at
the end... Now Maomao know such a weackness you can be sure he'll not miss to exploit it in paiment for all the "troubles"
Tanya leted him in by the past ):3...!
DId Tanya-Keys will succeed to escape ? Well she can try at least...but Maomao will certainly not go easy on her !!
Sooo it's all for today, thanks to my besti

I'll be back soon with other funny/cutie stuff so pleas stay up รจw<\ !
This ferret wish you a very nice day, matane mina-san and pleas don't hesitate to let a coment, it's still very
mean to can interact with you all ^w^/ !
Also don't hesitate to put an eyes into

-FA : https://www.furaffinity.net/user/drawsnstuff/
-DA :https://www.deviantart.com/watch/th.....urr/deviations
(You could also be tempted to support him on patreon so don't hesitate to put an eyes in it ^w^ !)
Now all the careds are betwene your hands so... having fun ! U/\U *Poof*
~~Pose/sketch-bases by :icondrawsnstuff~~
~~Final inking, colors and shading by me~~
~~Maomao and Tanya-Key belong to theyr respective owners~~
Category Artwork (Digital) / Paw
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Multiple characters
Size 1280 x 1280px
File Size 2.01 MB
Listed in Folders
Yep I'm perfectly aggree ! big and long wrinkly soles just desserve to be scratched, brushed and licked X3..
But here maomao is only at the first step..the finger-tickles and only ONE foot so... Tanya will not be ready
for what wait her after that..especialy the kitty-Tongue ;p......
But here maomao is only at the first step..the finger-tickles and only ONE foot so... Tanya will not be ready
for what wait her after that..especialy the kitty-Tongue ;p......
Arigato Gozaimasu ! well I no take all the credit haha my friend Burr than drew the sketch for his part of the job and it's only the mix
between my style and his than make this draw so great and these looong anb big ticklish paws so appealing~~
Personaly i still loved big longue paws and I get my satisfaction in tgis piece for sure X3 ! Anyway thanks for your adorable coment Azazel ^w^ ! Mean a lot for us !
between my style and his than make this draw so great and these looong anb big ticklish paws so appealing~~
Personaly i still loved big longue paws and I get my satisfaction in tgis piece for sure X3 ! Anyway thanks for your adorable coment Azazel ^w^ ! Mean a lot for us !
Hehe yep you did great on them especially Tanya than desserved it X3 ! I was happy to see her get it, than someone finaly jumped the step and targeted her gehehe~~
But yeah Maomao get a bit of "revenge" needed to happen so I did it and it's not the last time these two will apear in my gallery like said in my coment upper ;p !
So realy thanks for the little coment ^w^ ! I hope now see you do it too very soon ho and it have an other character I intend to target and than is very underated...
Here some little indications : it's white female dog with black task covering all her boddy but esoecialy her hindpaws and than looove skateboard! Also funny fact is her name start with the same letter than her dog specie~~
Let see if you guess who it is hehe ;3...
But yeah Maomao get a bit of "revenge" needed to happen so I did it and it's not the last time these two will apear in my gallery like said in my coment upper ;p !
So realy thanks for the little coment ^w^ ! I hope now see you do it too very soon ho and it have an other character I intend to target and than is very underated...
Here some little indications : it's white female dog with black task covering all her boddy but esoecialy her hindpaws and than looove skateboard! Also funny fact is her name start with the same letter than her dog specie~~
Let see if you guess who it is hehe ;3...
Hoho indeed she us not even close to get out as long she can't grab any leafs ! But remember...she said "no ninpo tricks" so she can only hope these ropes will untight a bit with tile X3... Her challenge id not ready to end ;p....
Well thanks again for the little colent than still is a pleasure to read frol each of you guys ^w^ ! I hole my next work will pleas as much !
Well thanks again for the little colent than still is a pleasure to read frol each of you guys ^w^ ! I hole my next work will pleas as much !
Haaaw arigato for your kind words than mean a lot for me >w< ! I just want offer the ebst i can on each draw even if
here 50% of the job is to credit to my friend Burr than did an amazing sketch-base than was very usefull for give a
nice result with my inking-style ^w^ !
here 50% of the job is to credit to my friend Burr than did an amazing sketch-base than was very usefull for give a
nice result with my inking-style ^w^ !
It's lovely to see Maomao again and this time at least he's the one who gets to be the tickler and show Tanya Keys he's got a bit of a mischievous side himself. Though with such large feet, it was a challenge that she probably wasn't going to win.
Wonderful work as well with the inking and shading by you on the sketch made by drawnstuff for another collaboration that's turned out very nicely. Also an artist whose work I shall be sure to watch from now on.
Wonderful work as well with the inking and shading by you on the sketch made by drawnstuff for another collaboration that's turned out very nicely. Also an artist whose work I shall be sure to watch from now on.
Well Tanya is so smirk in the show and i love her for that is what make her so unic and appealing but also make her so much desserve to be tricked
herself and captured before get submlited to a giood tickle-interrogation session ):3...
It's only fair for maomao, after had his feet licked by badger for hours cause of cookies he had no stole (Adorabat also get tickle-punished for it latter
by badger after have admit it was her X3..; but badger kept soft and only used a little feather, but our bat still giggled a lot X3.. ).
Anyway it was time to trick the tanuki and i had loooot of fun doing this pic for sure so thanks for your kind words hehe ^w^ ! And thanks , Burr is an amazing artist
and this draw had not bee, the same without is lovly sketch-base ^w^ so he desserve to get a watch from you !
herself and captured before get submlited to a giood tickle-interrogation session ):3...
It's only fair for maomao, after had his feet licked by badger for hours cause of cookies he had no stole (Adorabat also get tickle-punished for it latter
by badger after have admit it was her X3..; but badger kept soft and only used a little feather, but our bat still giggled a lot X3.. ).
Anyway it was time to trick the tanuki and i had loooot of fun doing this pic for sure so thanks for your kind words hehe ^w^ ! And thanks , Burr is an amazing artist
and this draw had not bee, the same without is lovly sketch-base ^w^ so he desserve to get a watch from you !