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Garubamba’s hot air filled battle
Near the base of a huge mountain that was once an active volcano long ago, a small temple was constructed here with tall pillars made of stone. Some of the pillars had small cracks and some had scorch marks on them. Strange rounded shapes stood on top of the stone pillars of something large and roundish, looking like some kind of big round bird figure. These figures both on the pillars and on the ground were carved statues of the legendary fire bird known as Garubamba. He was very well known as the phoenix or the flaming feathered warrior. But the hero wasn’t exactly in… perfect shape. The statues showed Garubamba hugely fat, not just chubby fat, no, I mean walking blob kinda fat. They do say legends come in all sorts of shapes and sizes though. Past the columns and the statues, there was a scorched red gate with burn marks scorched onto the stone tile pathway and around the base of the red gate. A loud echo was heard within the cave as the ground lightly shook. The cave entrance had a cloak or curtain of darkness, unable to see what was inside, but whatever was inside, revealed itself in the sunlight.
A large smooth feathery red belly wobbled and jiggled in the light, followed by purple on the sides, and a ring of orange and yellow flags under the massive belly. Large thick heavy bird legs fattened in size holding up the massive belly walked out too. The bird’s large hands and thick arms with wings rubbed the big red belly before its head shined in the light. His eyes had red pupils, a sun-feathered crown, his face a mix of red and purple feathers, a sharp wide beak, and long bright red hair running down their back, along with some large purple and orange-tipped tail feathers behind him. It was the legendary hero and bird of the sun Garubamba, in all of his large glory.
“Yaaaawwwwwn. Mmm, I'm hungry.”
Garu yawned, rubbing his eyes and removing the tiredness from them. He stretched his thick arm wings up high stretching them, sticking out his massive belly while stretching out his back too.
“Hmmm, no one here to worship me? Humph, what’s the problem here? Don’t people know how much of a hero I am?”
Garu humphed, crossing his arms.
“Guess I need to go get my food and feed myself.”
He grumbled as he walked or, waddled back into his cave. His large fat body wobbled and jiggled with every step while pebbles and rocks on the ground around him shook as he walked. His purple and orange-tipped tail feathers waved about behind him. Inside his cave, he walked past his giant and comfy bed, over to his mountain of meats and sweets and loaves of bread the townspeople from all over had generously donated and offered to him as thanks for saving their lives and their towns. Of course, years ago, Garubamma was slim, fit, and quite agile. Though now he’s…
Gotten a little gluttonous from all the fame and offerings. Garu was filling his mouth with meat, making some super stacked sandwiches with loaves and slices of bread, and scarfing down the sweet cakes and desserts that he had saved. It took a lot to stuff this turkey.
“Ahhh, a meal fit for a hero! URP!”
He belched again, slapping his belly, causing it to wobble and jiggle around as it gurgled and bubbled, digesting only his first breakfast of the day. Minutes later, he had stuffed himself until he could eat no more as he lay on his bed, rubbing his stuffed stomach as it made all sorts of noises that echoed in the cave. Sometimes when he belched, he would breathe a stream of fire, which would explain all the scorch marks on the ceiling above his bed. Garubamba rubbed his big gut some more, admiring how big he truly was.
“Hmph. With a body of this size, I could flatten any threat that comes my way. More threats, more glory from the townsfolk, and more offerings to stuff myself with.”
He chuckled as he crossed his legs and rested his head against his arms. But this relaxing moment didn’t last for too long. The sunlight light from outside illuminating the cave quickly grew dimmer and dimmer until it was almost considered midnight. Garubamba had noticed the strange sudden darkening of his cave and “Quickly'' climbed out of his bed and rushed outside as the ground shook from his heavyweight.
When he got outside his cave, the whole area around him seemed darker, and the sky looked strange, and… sounded squeaky?
“Wait… that’s not the sky!”
Garubamba quickly backed up, trying to get a clue as to what this was. The sky looked like it was part of something big, very very big, quite shiny and smooth. Suddenly a gust of wind picked up, stronger, stronger, even stronger! It felt like a hurricane was blowing through here, a massive one. Garubamba stood his ground, trying to fight against the wind. It didn’t lighten up, only getting stronger every second. The statues of the great fat avian began tipping over, falling to the ground and cracking, even breaking to pieces.
“No! Not my handsome figure!”
Garu grunted, rushing over to stop a statue of him flexing his arms and showing off his big gut from falling over. But it rolled out of his hands and broke in half when he caught it.
“That was my favorite one!”
He yelled, now getting upset. The heavy winds then managed to lift the two-ton turkey, spinning him around in the air.
“Woah Woah! This isn’t a normal storm!”
He panicked, being spun all over the place in circles before flying right into his cave and making a loud crash inside.
Garu had swirls in his eyes, sitting upside down with a bunch of bread covering him and his feet dangling about. He shook his head and rolled onto his back, flattening several loaves of bread as flat as… well flatter than flat bread or wraps, under his titanic butt and large belly.
“Ugh. What the heck was that?”
He groaned rubbing his head. From the outside of his cave, the winds seemed to be dying down and sunlight returning. Rushing outside, he saw the destruction of his temple. Just about all the statues were broken, fallen over, or shattered. Most of the pillars were leaning, some had fallen over, and the red gate to his cave had collapsed.
“My home! My glory! My image! It’s all ruined!”
He wept as he held a decapitated head to one of his statues, looking at his image and seeing his good looks now cracked. He grunted as he looked to the sky again, seeing a weird thick green puffy tail moving across the sky.
“Of course! A blimp dragon! You are responsible for running my statues!”
Garubamba pointed to the sky and yelled at the big green blimp dragon floating by. A blimp dragon was a species of dragon said to be made of puffy rubber and they mostly float across the sky, rather than fly. They may sound like a joking and passive species, but blimp dragons have been known for the most powerful winds ever created, and experienced blimp dragons could create hurricanes and tornadoes that could blow away a mountain. This one here was more of a hot-air balloon dragon, meaning it’s not too old. Newborn blimp dragons can be as big as regular balloons. Adults are definitely in the blimp size, and elder blimp dragons can be as big as zeppelins, though very few have been known to exist.
Garubamba followed the blimp dragon’s tail, past its big inflated rubbery belly and towards his head, squished in between its puffed cheeks on its face. The blimp dragon didn’t even seem to know or acknowledge the great Garubamba’s presence.
“Grrrr you blimp dragon! I’m gonna make you burst if it's the last thing I do!”
Garu yelled as his fat body and belly wobbled and jiggled. He noticed that the blimp dragon seemed to be heading somewhere. Following its direction, Garubamba spotted the large village he was famous at and the blimp dragon heading right towards there.
“Now you plan on ruining my source of fame and food next? My fans and followers and worshipers! Oooh, that’s it! Now it’s on!”
Garubamba lowered his head. Despite his immense size and weight, Garu could somehow still fly. He squatted his thick fat legs and jumped as fire spewed out from under his talons, launching him through the sky. He could also somehow manage to flap his wings too, staying in the air for a while before having to land and jump again. At this pace, he could hopefully get to the village before the blimp dragon did. Sure he could stop him now, but no one in the town would see his victory, and thus no more fame and worship and a big feast to be held for his victory.
The town was already in a frenzy. Its citizens were also bird people just like Garubamba but much less fat and mostly chubby. They were panicking and running to their wooden and brick homes and underground basements, and some just fled with what they could carry. It wasn’t hard to miss a blimp dragon coming your way. If fact, it was almost a myth to not see one coming. They were so big that only a blind person could see them not coming. The blimp dragon had his eyes locked onto the town and begin sucking in a heavy gust of air, causing its cheeks to swell up and its massive belly to inflate, sucking up clouds that were unlucky to be in its pathway. The blimp dragon then blew, and the heavy winds started up, blowing the streets clean of market stands and carts. But luckily, their hero arrived as Garubamba ran across the blimp dragon’s back with his feet sinking into its squishy rubbery surface, bouncing with every step until he got past the blimp dragon’s useless wings and jumped onto its snout.
“Hey, you! You ruined my temple and my good-looking statues! Your gonna regret that fatso!”
Garu pointed and yelled, standing against the blimp dragon as it looked at the little purple bug on its snout. It sniffed, shaking off Garu as he fell, but luckily he softened his landing with his fire and wings.
“He’s here! Garubamba is here to save us all!”
One villager yelled as others followed, cheering on the fat bird’s name. Garubamba of course had to take this moment to wave and flex and show off to everyone.
“Yes yes, I’m here. Allow me to put an end to this big fat balloon in the sky while the rest of you prepare a victory feast in my name and my soon-to-be victory!”
He almost demanded, but again the villagers cheered. Garubamba did a fancy fiery spin as he lept up into the air, being all flashy and showing off when he really should be more focused on his battle.
Garubamba flew up towards the big blimp dragon, spinning and showing off his flames. The blimp dragon didn’t even seem to notice the big fiery purple bird flying right towards his rubbery belly underneath him.
“I’ll make this blimp pop with my sharp talons!”
Garu yelled as he did multiple flips before sticking his sharp talons out toward the rubbery belly. He made a fierce impact, however, his talons just sunk into its rubber belly as it squished up over his thigh with a loud squeak before slingshotting him back, slinging him towards the ground. Garubamba spun and yelled before adjusting himself in mid-air, flapping his wings rapidly to stay afloat.
“What the? My talons are not sharp enough to pop him? My fans sharpened them yesterday.”
Garu grunted as he had to think of another plan. Looking below, the villagers were confused, but still, they cheered him on, calling his name. The blimp dragon however did feel a poke, but paid no mind to it and kept blowing.
Market stands and wagons and rocks were being blown through town, making holes and cracks as some houses lost their roofs. The people had to take cover from the debris but still didn’t want to miss Garubamba in action. Garu then used his fire powers and flew toward the dragon’s face.
“Alright then? How about instead of air? I’ll fill you with fire!”
Garubamba smirked before flying and bumping his fat body against one of the blimp dragon’s eyes. He sunk into a rubbery surface again. Even his eyes were rubber-like on a pool toy. But this time, it seriously got his attention as Garubamba was launched off its bouncy, rubbery surface, flying away a good couple of meters. The blimp dragon made some kinda squeaky rubbery grunt as it was now focused on the flying fire chicken. The blimp dragon started sucking up air like a vortex, sucking up clouds and even rubble from the town. Its belly and whole body began inflating and stretching again but much bigger this time as Garu flew several feet away before stopping and turning to face the Blimp dragon. Eyes locked onto each other as the Blimp dragon had really swollen cheeks.
“Alright. This should be far enough. I’ll fill you with so much fire even your rubbery hide will melt. After this, my followers are gonna throw a whole festival for me! And I’ll use your hide as a cape!”
Garubamba chuckled as a ring of fire formed behind him and he readied his wings and fire under his feet before he took off like a meteor straight toward the blimp dragon.
He planned to get close enough and blast as much firepower as he could into the blimp dragon while he was sucking up air. As Garu flew towards the blimp dragon, leaving a thick and bright trail of fire behind him, he looked down below at the town, seeing the villagers cheer him on, chant his name, and he even saw that statue the town had built for him right in the center, big fat body and all.
“Hmph. I’m looking good from up here.”
Garu smirked, getting distracted. Suddenly a thick cloud got in his way, enveloping him whole as he couldn’t see.
“Gah! Stupid cloud!”
He yelled, not knowing how much closer he was to the blimp dragon, but he could still feel its suction power, meaning he was close, but still couldn’t see anything at all.
“Ugh. Maybe just a little bit clo-” SHWOOMP!
Suddenly, everything came to a stop. The suction had suddenly ceased and Garubamba felt his mouth stuck in something squishy and rubbery. Even the townspeople didn’t know what had happened as the cloud covered the blimp dragon’s head.
The blimp dragon shook his head around, clearing up the cloud. What each of them saw, and what the villagers saw were all confused. The blimp dragon couldn’t suck up air anymore, as if a cork was put in his mouth. Looking past his super-inflated cheeks and puffy snout, he still couldn’t see anything, but he could feel it. Garubamba was even confused as his beak was plugged into the blimp dragon’s mouth. He tried to remove his beak, but it didn’t budge. The suction made sure to keep his beak in. Below, the villagers were questioning Garubamba’s methods.
“Uh? Is this part of his plan?”
“What is he doing?”
“I’m… sure this is what he had planned right?”
They discussed amongst themselves what their hero’s methods were.
Garu muffled as he tried to pull himself free, pushing his legs and arms against the blimp dragon’s cheeks, but still no luck. Garu couldn’t even open his beak wide enough to spit a stream of fire and fill the blimp dragon with flame. Unable to break free, the blimp dragon struck first as Garubamba’s cheeks suddenly fwoomped up.
“Mmph mph mph mmmpmph?! (What are you doing?!)
He muffled as he felt an insane gust of wind flowing in through his beak. He felt his body begin to fill up and even inflate. The blimp dragon was blowing him up now!
Garu was in a panic as he pushed against the blimp dragon’s cheeks harder, wiggling and squirming about as the blimp dragon kept puffing and blowing into Garubamba. He could already feel the effects as the air flowed into his belly and he felt it begin to expand bigger at a rapid pace. A constant hissing came from the blimp dragon and from Garu himself as it looked like he was smiling, enjoying seeing this purple turkey inflate before him. Garu muffled and squirmed more, trying to break free but his beak simply refused to budge. Despite his belly blowing up, it was not as bad compared to his lower half. Garu managed to peek back behind himself and he wish he hadn't. His lower half, or rather his butt was swelling up the biggest so far! He could feel it too as his backside just stretched and swelled up bigger and rounder as if he was some kind of balloon. It even made this loud stretching noise too that could be heard from the town below. The villagers were confused now as they watched their fiery hero’s bottom swell and round out bigger.
“Uh… this… this is part of his plan?”
One said confused right now.
“No, wait… It is! Don’t you see? He’s sucking the air out of the blimp dragon! Look!”
Another spoke up and pointed toward the blimp dragon’s big balloon belly. Trying to look at what he meant, some did notice that the blimp dragon was actually deflating, slowly getting smaller while Garubamba inflated bigger.
“Your right! This is his plan! Though… does he have to inflate himself like that? Couldn’t he just pop a hole or something instead?”
One of the townsfolk questioned Garubamba’s method as his purple butt swelled larger than ever in a sphere shape.
“Mmmmph mmph mph!”
Garu muffled yelled again as he was forced to suck down a windstorm of air as he felt his butt still inflate bigger and bigger. He couldn’t tell how big it was, but looking into the shiny rubber of the blimp dragon’s cheeks and eyes, he could tell he was in the process of becoming a blimp bird. The air inside him swirled and spread out as his once-thick heavy bird legs now dangled, small from the sides of his house-sized purple booty as it stretched and creaked. Garu thought how the villagers must be thinking of him right now, laughing and making fun of him for this ridiculous situation this stupid ball or rubber and air put him in. Worst, his struggles and squirms often made his balloon rump wobble and bounce, which just made the situation even more embarrassing. Not to mention all the weight he had built up from all his feasts and offerings was quickly dropping too. His perfect heavy and large figure now rounding out like a balloon. Garu imagined himself as light as a feather by now, all because of this stupid blimp dragon blowing into him. If he had the strength to blow back he would, but trying to blow air back into a blimp dragon was like trying to blow away a category five hurricane with your breath, simply impossible. Worst of all, his struggles and fighting for freedom caused his big ballooning rump to wobble and bounce around more, making him look even more ridiculous, forcing himself to stop moving so much and just take it all in while watching this blimp dragon smirk and look straight at Garu while blowing him up as big as he desired.
By now, Garu’s rounded rump had cast a large growing round shadow across the town below. He heard and felt it creak and stretch and groan as it kept inflating bigger and bigger. Though he never felt any signs of exploding or nearing his limits soon, he did wish that this was over already. As his purple butt swelled and the air inside filled up, the air began to spread to other places as Garu felt a tingling sensation in his small tiny, and slightly sunken legs as they spread out and wiggled uselessly along with the rest of his body and including his arms too. Garu wiggled and waved his useless legs and feet about, trying to shake off the tingling sensation before suddenly BWOOMP! His right leg suddenly inflated instantly, becoming big and thick, and puffy. His right leg had tripled in size and all, puffy and thick with air. The sudden expansion caused Garu to blush embarrassingly as he didn’t want to admit it, but it felt really good. He wiggled his new inflated leg, feeling his toes each fwoomp up too like mini balloons one at a time as they rubbed against each other, and waved his inflated foot around. Then suddenly another BWOOMP and his left leg had turned into the same thing along with his toes. The air had built up in his rump so much that it spread to his legs. While it did relieve some pressure built up in his bum, it only made his situation a thousand times worse and even more embarrassing.
The blimp dragon blowing into him made loud squeaky laughs, spitting huge chunks of air into Garu, unaware that Garubamba was equal in size with the blimp dragon now. Even the villagers below heard and saw the sudden inflating of their hero’s legs, and they too couldn’t hold back the flood of laughter as they began chuckling and laughing too.
“Haha! Oh man, his legs are so fat!”
“Look at his butt wobble! Oh gosh, it’s so big and round!”
“Looks like we will have a blimp bird to deal with instead of a blimp dragon!”
They commented and laughed, it was difficult not to. Garu was so embarrassed, so ashamed of himself for getting into this situation. He could imagine himself looking so stupid with his big blimped butt and fat puffy legs wiggling about. His arms were now thick and inflated too, forced to stick out as each of his fingers swelled up, making those iconic pop noises. He could hear and tell that the blimp dragon was enjoying this as well, but even Garu noticed that the blimp dragon’s swollen cheeks and puffy torso were much smaller than before. Garu grunted, getting angry as his body seemed to flair up.
“Mmmmph mmph mmph mmmmph.” He muffled again with angry eyes. (Alright you big stupid blimp dragon. You wanna puff me up? Well, then I’ll just suck the air out of you! You wanna fill me up? Well allow me to help!)
Garu shifted about some, getting the blimp dragon’s attention as he still squeak laughs. Garu managed to close his throat for a second, then take a breath before suddenly the flow of air into Garubamba spiked high. Not only was the blimp dragon suddenly surprised at what his bird balloon did, but was also shocked too. Garubamba now turned the tables, sucking the air out of the blimp dragon like a straw.
How the situation changed so dramatically. This time Garubamba was the one smiling and the blimp dragon looked worried as Garu sucked hard and long. The blimp dragon’s inflated body was noticeably shrinking smaller and smaller and even folds were starting to appear. Garubamba however, swelled twice as fast as before. His rump and legs were already so massive with air that there wasn’t much space in them left to inflate, so the air had to spread upwards, inflating Garu’s belly and chest and his arms and cheeks even more, rounding out to a sphere shape balloon with tail feathers. Garubamba was now the new blimp dragon as the blimp dragon himself wanted to break free, but now he couldn’t do so. Garu sucked and forced himself to bear the embarrassing situation as this was perhaps the only way to defeat this stupid rubber reptile, and it certainly was the first way anyone had ever deflated a blimp dragon too. The townsfolk watched as Garubamba inflated bigger and bigger, squeaking and creaking and stretching louder and bigger, so much that his inflated rump and legs almost reached the house roofs and the big statue of himself.
The green blimp dragon squeaked and creaked in protest as his rubbery body had more and more wrinkles and folds, now puny compared to Garubamba as he had the fat inflated cheeks now. Garu saw the end nearing and sucked as hard as he could, sucking the air out of the blimp dragon as he shriveled up until the flow of air finally ceased. Garu could no longer see the blimp dragon, but he did feel some wrinkled piece on his beak which he spat out. The blimp dragon looked like a deflated pool toy that’s been rolled out and flattened as it floated down and landed flat on a house, almost covering it entirely. The blimp dragon’s eyes had swirls and was entirely deflated. Not dead, but completely out of energy.
There was silence for a while before Garubamba smiled.
“That’s what happens when you mess with a legend!”
Garubamba spoke, shocked at himself that he could speak again. The townspeople all cheered and clapped, bowing to their big purple blimpy hero above. He tried to first blow the air out of his body as he blew, but no air would come out. He tried blowing harder but still no progress. He tried to use his arms or hands, but they had ended up all inflated as well, not entirely useless but too inflated to be any use. The resulting battle of air and lung had left Garubamba a literal sphere. His whole body made him just a super-inflated chicken sphere balloon rather than all just below the belt. Speaking of belt, his fire flag belt had managed to survive the battle as well, though now stretched and quite snug against his inflated body, Garu felt himself float down towards solid ground again. With the help of the wind and a house, he managed to roll enough to stand with his fat-inflated feet.
“Whew. Thank god that’s finally over with.”
He sighed relieved and victorious.
“Now… how do I deflate himself? I can’t blow it out, I might have to squeeze it out maybe?” He wondered.
“Garubamba our hero! You have saved us once again!”
The villagers cheered as they rushed to their big purple hero, observing his inflated body and the result of his battle. Garu couldn’t see anything below him, nothing at all. His head slightly sunken into his big blimp body and his cheeks inflated, he could just barely look forward, but mostly upwards at the sky.
“Yes yes, I saved you all once again! I do expect a nice big feast from all this, however.” Garubamba smirked.
“Of course! And we will create a new statue of your current form to remind everyone of the battle with the blimp dragon you have defeated here today!” Townsfolk said.
“Wait what? My current form? You mean me inflated like this!? No no no don’t do that!” Garubamba protested.
“Nonsense! You have taken a much bigger form than ever! Creating your new figure in your honor will take a massive boulder.” The same townfolk spoke who was a sculptor of Garubamba’s statues back at his cave.
“Quick! Get me a boulder from the mountain!” He ordered some of the other villagers to do so.
“No stop! Ugh, I’m out of here!” Garu grunted, trying to walk, but couldn’t.
Trying to bend his legs was like trying to bend an oak tree with your hands. Garu had to take a minute to move his inflated legs and feet around before he got a rhythm, of waddling.
Waddling, the most embarrassing form of walking ever, especially in this state. Garu’s whole blimp body squeaked and creaked and groaned as his inflated legs rubbed against his blimp body. Trying to waddle out of town was like stepping over rocks, but with his big inflated body and feet, he didn’t crush anything. In fact, his body squeezed up against two houses and they didn’t take any damage, but instead just pushed Garu up into the air a little.
“This is so embarrassing…”
He whined as he wanted out as fast as possible. The villagers all watched and enjoyed this amazing show of their blimped-up hero waddling and squeaking away.
“I hope you have a big enough rock to carve his new figure. I think it might be the biggest ever.” A villager said to the sculpture.
Garubamba squeaked and waddled until he was out of the village and waddled in the direction of his mountain home, waddling on uneven terrain and a light bounce with every step If he ended up falling over though, that was it.
“Hopefully I’ll run into a giant snake somewhere to squeeze all this air out. I’m a firebird, not a blimp bird. Ugh, stupid blimp dragon.” Garu complained as he squeaked and creaked past the mountain.
The next day, the villagers managed to make a statue of Garubamba all inflated and blimped up and displayed in town, and a copy was sent to his temple cave home. They were also all making repairs to their homes and their village. The deflated blimp dragon was packed up into a crate and shipped off to Garubamba’s cave home where they also repaired the fallen-over pillars and the statues that were broken from the blimp dragon. As for Garubamba himself? He was still a big fat blimp on his back right outside his cave, unable to fit inside it. He waved and wiggled his still-inflated arms and legs, making squeaks and creaks. The villagers wrapped multiple layers of rope around Garu’s big inflated belly and used bricks and rocks as a weight to try and squeeze the air out of him. It was working quite well, but still got a long way to go. Garubamba sighed as the rope squeezed his belly and pushed the air out.
“Ugh. I still feel so fat with air.”
He groaned. They still had a long way to go, but some of the villagers may have taken advantage of Garubamba’s situation. Who knew he would make such a comfy and warm giant bed to sleep on? Garu blushed being used as a big fat bed. but had to admit he was still getting the fame and worship he wanted. They say bigger is better, and Garubamba was certainly bigger, but maybe this wasn’t better. Or perhaps it was? He thought about perhaps keeping the blimp dragon, maybe for another time, or when he needed to be bigger, or maybe even as a pet. Garubamba sighed again but cracked a smile as he wiggled his fat-inflated hands and feet to feel himself, embarrassingly admitting he did feel pretty good like this.
Garubamba’s hot air filled battle
Near the base of a huge mountain that was once an active volcano long ago, a small temple was constructed here with tall pillars made of stone. Some of the pillars had small cracks and some had scorch marks on them. Strange rounded shapes stood on top of the stone pillars of something large and roundish, looking like some kind of big round bird figure. These figures both on the pillars and on the ground were carved statues of the legendary fire bird known as Garubamba. He was very well known as the phoenix or the flaming feathered warrior. But the hero wasn’t exactly in… perfect shape. The statues showed Garubamba hugely fat, not just chubby fat, no, I mean walking blob kinda fat. They do say legends come in all sorts of shapes and sizes though. Past the columns and the statues, there was a scorched red gate with burn marks scorched onto the stone tile pathway and around the base of the red gate. A loud echo was heard within the cave as the ground lightly shook. The cave entrance had a cloak or curtain of darkness, unable to see what was inside, but whatever was inside, revealed itself in the sunlight.
A large smooth feathery red belly wobbled and jiggled in the light, followed by purple on the sides, and a ring of orange and yellow flags under the massive belly. Large thick heavy bird legs fattened in size holding up the massive belly walked out too. The bird’s large hands and thick arms with wings rubbed the big red belly before its head shined in the light. His eyes had red pupils, a sun-feathered crown, his face a mix of red and purple feathers, a sharp wide beak, and long bright red hair running down their back, along with some large purple and orange-tipped tail feathers behind him. It was the legendary hero and bird of the sun Garubamba, in all of his large glory.
“Yaaaawwwwwn. Mmm, I'm hungry.”
Garu yawned, rubbing his eyes and removing the tiredness from them. He stretched his thick arm wings up high stretching them, sticking out his massive belly while stretching out his back too.
“Hmmm, no one here to worship me? Humph, what’s the problem here? Don’t people know how much of a hero I am?”
Garu humphed, crossing his arms.
“Guess I need to go get my food and feed myself.”
He grumbled as he walked or, waddled back into his cave. His large fat body wobbled and jiggled with every step while pebbles and rocks on the ground around him shook as he walked. His purple and orange-tipped tail feathers waved about behind him. Inside his cave, he walked past his giant and comfy bed, over to his mountain of meats and sweets and loaves of bread the townspeople from all over had generously donated and offered to him as thanks for saving their lives and their towns. Of course, years ago, Garubamma was slim, fit, and quite agile. Though now he’s…
Gotten a little gluttonous from all the fame and offerings. Garu was filling his mouth with meat, making some super stacked sandwiches with loaves and slices of bread, and scarfing down the sweet cakes and desserts that he had saved. It took a lot to stuff this turkey.
“Ahhh, a meal fit for a hero! URP!”
He belched again, slapping his belly, causing it to wobble and jiggle around as it gurgled and bubbled, digesting only his first breakfast of the day. Minutes later, he had stuffed himself until he could eat no more as he lay on his bed, rubbing his stuffed stomach as it made all sorts of noises that echoed in the cave. Sometimes when he belched, he would breathe a stream of fire, which would explain all the scorch marks on the ceiling above his bed. Garubamba rubbed his big gut some more, admiring how big he truly was.
“Hmph. With a body of this size, I could flatten any threat that comes my way. More threats, more glory from the townsfolk, and more offerings to stuff myself with.”
He chuckled as he crossed his legs and rested his head against his arms. But this relaxing moment didn’t last for too long. The sunlight light from outside illuminating the cave quickly grew dimmer and dimmer until it was almost considered midnight. Garubamba had noticed the strange sudden darkening of his cave and “Quickly'' climbed out of his bed and rushed outside as the ground shook from his heavyweight.
When he got outside his cave, the whole area around him seemed darker, and the sky looked strange, and… sounded squeaky?
“Wait… that’s not the sky!”
Garubamba quickly backed up, trying to get a clue as to what this was. The sky looked like it was part of something big, very very big, quite shiny and smooth. Suddenly a gust of wind picked up, stronger, stronger, even stronger! It felt like a hurricane was blowing through here, a massive one. Garubamba stood his ground, trying to fight against the wind. It didn’t lighten up, only getting stronger every second. The statues of the great fat avian began tipping over, falling to the ground and cracking, even breaking to pieces.
“No! Not my handsome figure!”
Garu grunted, rushing over to stop a statue of him flexing his arms and showing off his big gut from falling over. But it rolled out of his hands and broke in half when he caught it.
“That was my favorite one!”
He yelled, now getting upset. The heavy winds then managed to lift the two-ton turkey, spinning him around in the air.
“Woah Woah! This isn’t a normal storm!”
He panicked, being spun all over the place in circles before flying right into his cave and making a loud crash inside.
Garu had swirls in his eyes, sitting upside down with a bunch of bread covering him and his feet dangling about. He shook his head and rolled onto his back, flattening several loaves of bread as flat as… well flatter than flat bread or wraps, under his titanic butt and large belly.
“Ugh. What the heck was that?”
He groaned rubbing his head. From the outside of his cave, the winds seemed to be dying down and sunlight returning. Rushing outside, he saw the destruction of his temple. Just about all the statues were broken, fallen over, or shattered. Most of the pillars were leaning, some had fallen over, and the red gate to his cave had collapsed.
“My home! My glory! My image! It’s all ruined!”
He wept as he held a decapitated head to one of his statues, looking at his image and seeing his good looks now cracked. He grunted as he looked to the sky again, seeing a weird thick green puffy tail moving across the sky.
“Of course! A blimp dragon! You are responsible for running my statues!”
Garubamba pointed to the sky and yelled at the big green blimp dragon floating by. A blimp dragon was a species of dragon said to be made of puffy rubber and they mostly float across the sky, rather than fly. They may sound like a joking and passive species, but blimp dragons have been known for the most powerful winds ever created, and experienced blimp dragons could create hurricanes and tornadoes that could blow away a mountain. This one here was more of a hot-air balloon dragon, meaning it’s not too old. Newborn blimp dragons can be as big as regular balloons. Adults are definitely in the blimp size, and elder blimp dragons can be as big as zeppelins, though very few have been known to exist.
Garubamba followed the blimp dragon’s tail, past its big inflated rubbery belly and towards his head, squished in between its puffed cheeks on its face. The blimp dragon didn’t even seem to know or acknowledge the great Garubamba’s presence.
“Grrrr you blimp dragon! I’m gonna make you burst if it's the last thing I do!”
Garu yelled as his fat body and belly wobbled and jiggled. He noticed that the blimp dragon seemed to be heading somewhere. Following its direction, Garubamba spotted the large village he was famous at and the blimp dragon heading right towards there.
“Now you plan on ruining my source of fame and food next? My fans and followers and worshipers! Oooh, that’s it! Now it’s on!”
Garubamba lowered his head. Despite his immense size and weight, Garu could somehow still fly. He squatted his thick fat legs and jumped as fire spewed out from under his talons, launching him through the sky. He could also somehow manage to flap his wings too, staying in the air for a while before having to land and jump again. At this pace, he could hopefully get to the village before the blimp dragon did. Sure he could stop him now, but no one in the town would see his victory, and thus no more fame and worship and a big feast to be held for his victory.
The town was already in a frenzy. Its citizens were also bird people just like Garubamba but much less fat and mostly chubby. They were panicking and running to their wooden and brick homes and underground basements, and some just fled with what they could carry. It wasn’t hard to miss a blimp dragon coming your way. If fact, it was almost a myth to not see one coming. They were so big that only a blind person could see them not coming. The blimp dragon had his eyes locked onto the town and begin sucking in a heavy gust of air, causing its cheeks to swell up and its massive belly to inflate, sucking up clouds that were unlucky to be in its pathway. The blimp dragon then blew, and the heavy winds started up, blowing the streets clean of market stands and carts. But luckily, their hero arrived as Garubamba ran across the blimp dragon’s back with his feet sinking into its squishy rubbery surface, bouncing with every step until he got past the blimp dragon’s useless wings and jumped onto its snout.
“Hey, you! You ruined my temple and my good-looking statues! Your gonna regret that fatso!”
Garu pointed and yelled, standing against the blimp dragon as it looked at the little purple bug on its snout. It sniffed, shaking off Garu as he fell, but luckily he softened his landing with his fire and wings.
“He’s here! Garubamba is here to save us all!”
One villager yelled as others followed, cheering on the fat bird’s name. Garubamba of course had to take this moment to wave and flex and show off to everyone.
“Yes yes, I’m here. Allow me to put an end to this big fat balloon in the sky while the rest of you prepare a victory feast in my name and my soon-to-be victory!”
He almost demanded, but again the villagers cheered. Garubamba did a fancy fiery spin as he lept up into the air, being all flashy and showing off when he really should be more focused on his battle.
Garubamba flew up towards the big blimp dragon, spinning and showing off his flames. The blimp dragon didn’t even seem to notice the big fiery purple bird flying right towards his rubbery belly underneath him.
“I’ll make this blimp pop with my sharp talons!”
Garu yelled as he did multiple flips before sticking his sharp talons out toward the rubbery belly. He made a fierce impact, however, his talons just sunk into its rubber belly as it squished up over his thigh with a loud squeak before slingshotting him back, slinging him towards the ground. Garubamba spun and yelled before adjusting himself in mid-air, flapping his wings rapidly to stay afloat.
“What the? My talons are not sharp enough to pop him? My fans sharpened them yesterday.”
Garu grunted as he had to think of another plan. Looking below, the villagers were confused, but still, they cheered him on, calling his name. The blimp dragon however did feel a poke, but paid no mind to it and kept blowing.
Market stands and wagons and rocks were being blown through town, making holes and cracks as some houses lost their roofs. The people had to take cover from the debris but still didn’t want to miss Garubamba in action. Garu then used his fire powers and flew toward the dragon’s face.
“Alright then? How about instead of air? I’ll fill you with fire!”
Garubamba smirked before flying and bumping his fat body against one of the blimp dragon’s eyes. He sunk into a rubbery surface again. Even his eyes were rubber-like on a pool toy. But this time, it seriously got his attention as Garubamba was launched off its bouncy, rubbery surface, flying away a good couple of meters. The blimp dragon made some kinda squeaky rubbery grunt as it was now focused on the flying fire chicken. The blimp dragon started sucking up air like a vortex, sucking up clouds and even rubble from the town. Its belly and whole body began inflating and stretching again but much bigger this time as Garu flew several feet away before stopping and turning to face the Blimp dragon. Eyes locked onto each other as the Blimp dragon had really swollen cheeks.
“Alright. This should be far enough. I’ll fill you with so much fire even your rubbery hide will melt. After this, my followers are gonna throw a whole festival for me! And I’ll use your hide as a cape!”
Garubamba chuckled as a ring of fire formed behind him and he readied his wings and fire under his feet before he took off like a meteor straight toward the blimp dragon.
He planned to get close enough and blast as much firepower as he could into the blimp dragon while he was sucking up air. As Garu flew towards the blimp dragon, leaving a thick and bright trail of fire behind him, he looked down below at the town, seeing the villagers cheer him on, chant his name, and he even saw that statue the town had built for him right in the center, big fat body and all.
“Hmph. I’m looking good from up here.”
Garu smirked, getting distracted. Suddenly a thick cloud got in his way, enveloping him whole as he couldn’t see.
“Gah! Stupid cloud!”
He yelled, not knowing how much closer he was to the blimp dragon, but he could still feel its suction power, meaning he was close, but still couldn’t see anything at all.
“Ugh. Maybe just a little bit clo-” SHWOOMP!
Suddenly, everything came to a stop. The suction had suddenly ceased and Garubamba felt his mouth stuck in something squishy and rubbery. Even the townspeople didn’t know what had happened as the cloud covered the blimp dragon’s head.
The blimp dragon shook his head around, clearing up the cloud. What each of them saw, and what the villagers saw were all confused. The blimp dragon couldn’t suck up air anymore, as if a cork was put in his mouth. Looking past his super-inflated cheeks and puffy snout, he still couldn’t see anything, but he could feel it. Garubamba was even confused as his beak was plugged into the blimp dragon’s mouth. He tried to remove his beak, but it didn’t budge. The suction made sure to keep his beak in. Below, the villagers were questioning Garubamba’s methods.
“Uh? Is this part of his plan?”
“What is he doing?”
“I’m… sure this is what he had planned right?”
They discussed amongst themselves what their hero’s methods were.
Garu muffled as he tried to pull himself free, pushing his legs and arms against the blimp dragon’s cheeks, but still no luck. Garu couldn’t even open his beak wide enough to spit a stream of fire and fill the blimp dragon with flame. Unable to break free, the blimp dragon struck first as Garubamba’s cheeks suddenly fwoomped up.
“Mmph mph mph mmmpmph?! (What are you doing?!)
He muffled as he felt an insane gust of wind flowing in through his beak. He felt his body begin to fill up and even inflate. The blimp dragon was blowing him up now!
Garu was in a panic as he pushed against the blimp dragon’s cheeks harder, wiggling and squirming about as the blimp dragon kept puffing and blowing into Garubamba. He could already feel the effects as the air flowed into his belly and he felt it begin to expand bigger at a rapid pace. A constant hissing came from the blimp dragon and from Garu himself as it looked like he was smiling, enjoying seeing this purple turkey inflate before him. Garu muffled and squirmed more, trying to break free but his beak simply refused to budge. Despite his belly blowing up, it was not as bad compared to his lower half. Garu managed to peek back behind himself and he wish he hadn't. His lower half, or rather his butt was swelling up the biggest so far! He could feel it too as his backside just stretched and swelled up bigger and rounder as if he was some kind of balloon. It even made this loud stretching noise too that could be heard from the town below. The villagers were confused now as they watched their fiery hero’s bottom swell and round out bigger.
“Uh… this… this is part of his plan?”
One said confused right now.
“No, wait… It is! Don’t you see? He’s sucking the air out of the blimp dragon! Look!”
Another spoke up and pointed toward the blimp dragon’s big balloon belly. Trying to look at what he meant, some did notice that the blimp dragon was actually deflating, slowly getting smaller while Garubamba inflated bigger.
“Your right! This is his plan! Though… does he have to inflate himself like that? Couldn’t he just pop a hole or something instead?”
One of the townsfolk questioned Garubamba’s method as his purple butt swelled larger than ever in a sphere shape.
“Mmmmph mmph mph!”
Garu muffled yelled again as he was forced to suck down a windstorm of air as he felt his butt still inflate bigger and bigger. He couldn’t tell how big it was, but looking into the shiny rubber of the blimp dragon’s cheeks and eyes, he could tell he was in the process of becoming a blimp bird. The air inside him swirled and spread out as his once-thick heavy bird legs now dangled, small from the sides of his house-sized purple booty as it stretched and creaked. Garu thought how the villagers must be thinking of him right now, laughing and making fun of him for this ridiculous situation this stupid ball or rubber and air put him in. Worst, his struggles and squirms often made his balloon rump wobble and bounce, which just made the situation even more embarrassing. Not to mention all the weight he had built up from all his feasts and offerings was quickly dropping too. His perfect heavy and large figure now rounding out like a balloon. Garu imagined himself as light as a feather by now, all because of this stupid blimp dragon blowing into him. If he had the strength to blow back he would, but trying to blow air back into a blimp dragon was like trying to blow away a category five hurricane with your breath, simply impossible. Worst of all, his struggles and fighting for freedom caused his big ballooning rump to wobble and bounce around more, making him look even more ridiculous, forcing himself to stop moving so much and just take it all in while watching this blimp dragon smirk and look straight at Garu while blowing him up as big as he desired.
By now, Garu’s rounded rump had cast a large growing round shadow across the town below. He heard and felt it creak and stretch and groan as it kept inflating bigger and bigger. Though he never felt any signs of exploding or nearing his limits soon, he did wish that this was over already. As his purple butt swelled and the air inside filled up, the air began to spread to other places as Garu felt a tingling sensation in his small tiny, and slightly sunken legs as they spread out and wiggled uselessly along with the rest of his body and including his arms too. Garu wiggled and waved his useless legs and feet about, trying to shake off the tingling sensation before suddenly BWOOMP! His right leg suddenly inflated instantly, becoming big and thick, and puffy. His right leg had tripled in size and all, puffy and thick with air. The sudden expansion caused Garu to blush embarrassingly as he didn’t want to admit it, but it felt really good. He wiggled his new inflated leg, feeling his toes each fwoomp up too like mini balloons one at a time as they rubbed against each other, and waved his inflated foot around. Then suddenly another BWOOMP and his left leg had turned into the same thing along with his toes. The air had built up in his rump so much that it spread to his legs. While it did relieve some pressure built up in his bum, it only made his situation a thousand times worse and even more embarrassing.
The blimp dragon blowing into him made loud squeaky laughs, spitting huge chunks of air into Garu, unaware that Garubamba was equal in size with the blimp dragon now. Even the villagers below heard and saw the sudden inflating of their hero’s legs, and they too couldn’t hold back the flood of laughter as they began chuckling and laughing too.
“Haha! Oh man, his legs are so fat!”
“Look at his butt wobble! Oh gosh, it’s so big and round!”
“Looks like we will have a blimp bird to deal with instead of a blimp dragon!”
They commented and laughed, it was difficult not to. Garu was so embarrassed, so ashamed of himself for getting into this situation. He could imagine himself looking so stupid with his big blimped butt and fat puffy legs wiggling about. His arms were now thick and inflated too, forced to stick out as each of his fingers swelled up, making those iconic pop noises. He could hear and tell that the blimp dragon was enjoying this as well, but even Garu noticed that the blimp dragon’s swollen cheeks and puffy torso were much smaller than before. Garu grunted, getting angry as his body seemed to flair up.
“Mmmmph mmph mmph mmmmph.” He muffled again with angry eyes. (Alright you big stupid blimp dragon. You wanna puff me up? Well, then I’ll just suck the air out of you! You wanna fill me up? Well allow me to help!)
Garu shifted about some, getting the blimp dragon’s attention as he still squeak laughs. Garu managed to close his throat for a second, then take a breath before suddenly the flow of air into Garubamba spiked high. Not only was the blimp dragon suddenly surprised at what his bird balloon did, but was also shocked too. Garubamba now turned the tables, sucking the air out of the blimp dragon like a straw.
How the situation changed so dramatically. This time Garubamba was the one smiling and the blimp dragon looked worried as Garu sucked hard and long. The blimp dragon’s inflated body was noticeably shrinking smaller and smaller and even folds were starting to appear. Garubamba however, swelled twice as fast as before. His rump and legs were already so massive with air that there wasn’t much space in them left to inflate, so the air had to spread upwards, inflating Garu’s belly and chest and his arms and cheeks even more, rounding out to a sphere shape balloon with tail feathers. Garubamba was now the new blimp dragon as the blimp dragon himself wanted to break free, but now he couldn’t do so. Garu sucked and forced himself to bear the embarrassing situation as this was perhaps the only way to defeat this stupid rubber reptile, and it certainly was the first way anyone had ever deflated a blimp dragon too. The townsfolk watched as Garubamba inflated bigger and bigger, squeaking and creaking and stretching louder and bigger, so much that his inflated rump and legs almost reached the house roofs and the big statue of himself.
The green blimp dragon squeaked and creaked in protest as his rubbery body had more and more wrinkles and folds, now puny compared to Garubamba as he had the fat inflated cheeks now. Garu saw the end nearing and sucked as hard as he could, sucking the air out of the blimp dragon as he shriveled up until the flow of air finally ceased. Garu could no longer see the blimp dragon, but he did feel some wrinkled piece on his beak which he spat out. The blimp dragon looked like a deflated pool toy that’s been rolled out and flattened as it floated down and landed flat on a house, almost covering it entirely. The blimp dragon’s eyes had swirls and was entirely deflated. Not dead, but completely out of energy.
There was silence for a while before Garubamba smiled.
“That’s what happens when you mess with a legend!”
Garubamba spoke, shocked at himself that he could speak again. The townspeople all cheered and clapped, bowing to their big purple blimpy hero above. He tried to first blow the air out of his body as he blew, but no air would come out. He tried blowing harder but still no progress. He tried to use his arms or hands, but they had ended up all inflated as well, not entirely useless but too inflated to be any use. The resulting battle of air and lung had left Garubamba a literal sphere. His whole body made him just a super-inflated chicken sphere balloon rather than all just below the belt. Speaking of belt, his fire flag belt had managed to survive the battle as well, though now stretched and quite snug against his inflated body, Garu felt himself float down towards solid ground again. With the help of the wind and a house, he managed to roll enough to stand with his fat-inflated feet.
“Whew. Thank god that’s finally over with.”
He sighed relieved and victorious.
“Now… how do I deflate himself? I can’t blow it out, I might have to squeeze it out maybe?” He wondered.
“Garubamba our hero! You have saved us once again!”
The villagers cheered as they rushed to their big purple hero, observing his inflated body and the result of his battle. Garu couldn’t see anything below him, nothing at all. His head slightly sunken into his big blimp body and his cheeks inflated, he could just barely look forward, but mostly upwards at the sky.
“Yes yes, I saved you all once again! I do expect a nice big feast from all this, however.” Garubamba smirked.
“Of course! And we will create a new statue of your current form to remind everyone of the battle with the blimp dragon you have defeated here today!” Townsfolk said.
“Wait what? My current form? You mean me inflated like this!? No no no don’t do that!” Garubamba protested.
“Nonsense! You have taken a much bigger form than ever! Creating your new figure in your honor will take a massive boulder.” The same townfolk spoke who was a sculptor of Garubamba’s statues back at his cave.
“Quick! Get me a boulder from the mountain!” He ordered some of the other villagers to do so.
“No stop! Ugh, I’m out of here!” Garu grunted, trying to walk, but couldn’t.
Trying to bend his legs was like trying to bend an oak tree with your hands. Garu had to take a minute to move his inflated legs and feet around before he got a rhythm, of waddling.
Waddling, the most embarrassing form of walking ever, especially in this state. Garu’s whole blimp body squeaked and creaked and groaned as his inflated legs rubbed against his blimp body. Trying to waddle out of town was like stepping over rocks, but with his big inflated body and feet, he didn’t crush anything. In fact, his body squeezed up against two houses and they didn’t take any damage, but instead just pushed Garu up into the air a little.
“This is so embarrassing…”
He whined as he wanted out as fast as possible. The villagers all watched and enjoyed this amazing show of their blimped-up hero waddling and squeaking away.
“I hope you have a big enough rock to carve his new figure. I think it might be the biggest ever.” A villager said to the sculpture.
Garubamba squeaked and waddled until he was out of the village and waddled in the direction of his mountain home, waddling on uneven terrain and a light bounce with every step If he ended up falling over though, that was it.
“Hopefully I’ll run into a giant snake somewhere to squeeze all this air out. I’m a firebird, not a blimp bird. Ugh, stupid blimp dragon.” Garu complained as he squeaked and creaked past the mountain.
The next day, the villagers managed to make a statue of Garubamba all inflated and blimped up and displayed in town, and a copy was sent to his temple cave home. They were also all making repairs to their homes and their village. The deflated blimp dragon was packed up into a crate and shipped off to Garubamba’s cave home where they also repaired the fallen-over pillars and the statues that were broken from the blimp dragon. As for Garubamba himself? He was still a big fat blimp on his back right outside his cave, unable to fit inside it. He waved and wiggled his still-inflated arms and legs, making squeaks and creaks. The villagers wrapped multiple layers of rope around Garu’s big inflated belly and used bricks and rocks as a weight to try and squeeze the air out of him. It was working quite well, but still got a long way to go. Garubamba sighed as the rope squeezed his belly and pushed the air out.
“Ugh. I still feel so fat with air.”
He groaned. They still had a long way to go, but some of the villagers may have taken advantage of Garubamba’s situation. Who knew he would make such a comfy and warm giant bed to sleep on? Garu blushed being used as a big fat bed. but had to admit he was still getting the fame and worship he wanted. They say bigger is better, and Garubamba was certainly bigger, but maybe this wasn’t better. Or perhaps it was? He thought about perhaps keeping the blimp dragon, maybe for another time, or when he needed to be bigger, or maybe even as a pet. Garubamba sighed again but cracked a smile as he wiggled his fat-inflated hands and feet to feel himself, embarrassingly admitting he did feel pretty good like this.
The firey and large-figured bird hero Garubamba must defeat a giant evil that blows everything away, heading right to town. He must save the town and his many fans and followers before they get blown away. However, his method of stopping it is... questionable. Let's just say, it will all blow back into his face, or rather his beak.
Part of a trade with my good friend AGroupOfFatties https://www.furaffinity.net/user/agroupoffatties/ They wanted his character Garubamba to fight an evil blimp dragon in the style of the Stork's holiday. In return, they made this freaking epic art of my upcoming OC character https://www.furaffinity.net/view/50208151/ I had a lot of fun making this story for him and I'm so glad to be back in the story-making game. Big thanks and a big hug to AGroupOfFatties for being such a friendly and awesome guy.
Garubamba belongs to AGroupOfFatties
Edit: Thumbnail has been changed to show who Garubamba is.
Part of a trade with my good friend AGroupOfFatties https://www.furaffinity.net/user/agroupoffatties/ They wanted his character Garubamba to fight an evil blimp dragon in the style of the Stork's holiday. In return, they made this freaking epic art of my upcoming OC character https://www.furaffinity.net/view/50208151/ I had a lot of fun making this story for him and I'm so glad to be back in the story-making game. Big thanks and a big hug to AGroupOfFatties for being such a friendly and awesome guy.
Garubamba belongs to AGroupOfFatties
Edit: Thumbnail has been changed to show who Garubamba is.
Category Story / Inflation
Species Avian (Other)
Gender Male
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 29.1 kB