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Transcript of the first encounter with species now referred to as 'Vire'.
Conventus, third planet Tenebrae system.
Science outpost Tierdè, Isolation cell four
19:00 hours local time
The interview was conducted by lead scientist Alsma Pierce (hereafter AP), a female Conventien. (for reference, near-human identical species, only minor differences in physiology)
The subject of the interview: an unknown mechanical invader (hereafter UU) captured during a recent battle in orbit around the planet.
Additional security measures employed:
1) Isolation cell four was outfitted with a powerful forcefield preventing UU from escaping or radio communicating beyond the cell. Furthermore, a terminal was installed in the cell, allowing digital communication to a monitor outside its walls, assuming the mechanical unit could interface.
2) Surrounding rooms were set with automatic trigger explosives powerful enough to destroy the entire complex. Bombs planted were intended to plasma flash cell four, breaking down all matter into its most basic form.
3) The interviewing party's room had a door that could only be opened from the outside; this was implemented to avoid viral contamination or mental corruption if it occurred.
Transcript of interview:
AP: For the record, I am Alsma Pierce, head of the science outpost Tierdè. My regular duties usually have me overseeing investigations into the origins of long-range space debris; for instance, determining new tracking technologies to see how far it's travelled. Today I was called in to oversee an interview, or at the very least attempting one, with an unknown mechanical alien captured in high orbit.
AP: Throughout this interview, I will broadcast my voice in the room. I can cut this stream at any point. Right now, I'm trying to see if the machine reacts to the sound of my voice. So far, I have determined zero responsiveness. All the unit appears to be doing amid my chatting is examining the room in close detail. It might be formulating a method of escape.
AP: I have been told that the unit had a different shape whilst in space. It was much larger. Additionally, it has a distinct appearance from the original captured machine; it is believed to be a core component. Not unlike how our cells have microbial life helping each other. This machine could be part of a larger whole. Please note, that is but a theory I came up with whilst en route here.
AP: I will describe the machine in as much detail as possible. I will start by stating that calling it a machine is a misnomer. There are parts to it that fluctuate in waves and patterns closer resembling internal organs. Therefore, we should use the more accurate term bio-mechanical. It is roughly a meter in length.
AP: Its basic shape is highly reminiscent to that of an insect or an insect-like organism, not unlike the ones found here locally or even those we've discovered on other planets. Body parts, limbs, legs, they all seem purpose-built. They have multiple sections mimicking how many such organisms distribute weight or appendage strength across the body as evenly as possible. Why would someone build a machine of this size to look like a living creature? Why not improve the original design? It makes me wonder as to its function.
AP: The closet's approximation of the overall appearance of the unit would have to be that of an ant. Granted, there are still so many mechanical elements to it. I don't know what to make of it. I will now attempt to address the unit directly.
AP: Hello, can you understand me?
Camera feed: UU shows no visual response or acknowledgement of the words.
AP: I will now attempt to include motion when speaking.
Camera feed: AP stands up and repeats her earlier question to UU.
AP: UU has reacted to my standing up and getting closer to the glass window separating us. Hello, do you understand me? Can you communicate verbally?
Camera feed: UU's head twists as its gaze remains upon AP. AP eventually sits back down.
AP: The response I've gotten isn't evidence of either understanding or not. It's hard to determine with such a creature, given its lack of emotional expression. Moreover, I'm not familiar with any bio-mechanical entities alive on my planet for comparison, and insects aren't known for being very expressive.
UU: Yes.
AP: The unit just spoke to me. It said yes in a clear yet artificial-sounding voice. What do you mean yes? Can you understand me?
UU: Yes.
AP: How is it that you can speak my language?
UU: We have analysed your speech structure and cross-referenced it with previous encounters, synthesizing a basic language set for communication.
AP: I've momentarily switched off the audio feed into the room as I am being instructed through earphones that I should ask why it came here. I will comply, but I must state for the record; why did it explain itself to me? That seems odd. I'm turning the audio back on inside the room.
AP: Why have you come here?
UU: You captured me.
AP: I'm sorry, that's not what I meant.
UU: Clarify.
AP: What I meant to ask was, why did you come to this planet?
UU: To consume.
AP: Do you mean for energic purposes? Eating?
UU: Yes and no.
AP: Why else would you consume?
UU: To return matter to Alpha.
AP: What is Alpha?
UU: Origin.
AP: I've turned off the audio for a moment. I believe its usage of the word origin is a way to describe its home world. I will now ask what it is.
AP: What species are you?
UU: Vire.
AP: Is that what you've named yourself?
UU: Vire designation was part of the instruction set from origin.
AP: I've cut the audio again as I noticed the lights started flickering. I'm told there's a signal entering the cell, but it's out of sync with space-time. We have no way of stopping it.
UU: Conventien unit known as Alsma Pierce. You will release Vire unit 445.668.154.993.3 from captivity. You will comply.
AP: I've been instructed to respond. Here goes.
AP: Who am I speaking to right now?
UU: Conventien unit known as Alsma Pierce. You will release Vire unit 445.668.154.993.3 from captivity. You will comply.
AP: Why?
UU: Release of Vire unit 445.668.154.993.3 will hasten consumption.
AP: That was mentioned earlier, consumption. What do you mean by that?
UU: We have determined your lack of prompt response to our demand as an act of defiance. We will change the wording of the request. Release Vire unit 445.668.154.993.3 and face extinction. Comply.
Camera feed: AP suddenly backed away from the window, turning around to be let out.
AP: Let me out! Let me out! I no longer want to do the interview... what do you mean I have to ask about its intent? It's pretty damn obvious!
UU: Unit Alsma Pierce, you will release Vire unit 445.668.154.993.3 and face extinction. You will not halt our purpose.
Camera feed: Vire unit slowly approached the forcefield. As it reached the edge, it started pushing against it, getting burned but not stopped. Slowly the machine pushed through before piercing the glass between it and the interviewer's room. The feed cut right after a flash of light appeared.
End Transcript
Transcript of the first encounter with species now referred to as 'Vire'.
Conventus, third planet Tenebrae system.
Science outpost Tierdè, Isolation cell four
19:00 hours local time
The interview was conducted by lead scientist Alsma Pierce (hereafter AP), a female Conventien. (for reference, near-human identical species, only minor differences in physiology)
The subject of the interview: an unknown mechanical invader (hereafter UU) captured during a recent battle in orbit around the planet.
Additional security measures employed:
1) Isolation cell four was outfitted with a powerful forcefield preventing UU from escaping or radio communicating beyond the cell. Furthermore, a terminal was installed in the cell, allowing digital communication to a monitor outside its walls, assuming the mechanical unit could interface.
2) Surrounding rooms were set with automatic trigger explosives powerful enough to destroy the entire complex. Bombs planted were intended to plasma flash cell four, breaking down all matter into its most basic form.
3) The interviewing party's room had a door that could only be opened from the outside; this was implemented to avoid viral contamination or mental corruption if it occurred.
Transcript of interview:
AP: For the record, I am Alsma Pierce, head of the science outpost Tierdè. My regular duties usually have me overseeing investigations into the origins of long-range space debris; for instance, determining new tracking technologies to see how far it's travelled. Today I was called in to oversee an interview, or at the very least attempting one, with an unknown mechanical alien captured in high orbit.
AP: Throughout this interview, I will broadcast my voice in the room. I can cut this stream at any point. Right now, I'm trying to see if the machine reacts to the sound of my voice. So far, I have determined zero responsiveness. All the unit appears to be doing amid my chatting is examining the room in close detail. It might be formulating a method of escape.
AP: I have been told that the unit had a different shape whilst in space. It was much larger. Additionally, it has a distinct appearance from the original captured machine; it is believed to be a core component. Not unlike how our cells have microbial life helping each other. This machine could be part of a larger whole. Please note, that is but a theory I came up with whilst en route here.
AP: I will describe the machine in as much detail as possible. I will start by stating that calling it a machine is a misnomer. There are parts to it that fluctuate in waves and patterns closer resembling internal organs. Therefore, we should use the more accurate term bio-mechanical. It is roughly a meter in length.
AP: Its basic shape is highly reminiscent to that of an insect or an insect-like organism, not unlike the ones found here locally or even those we've discovered on other planets. Body parts, limbs, legs, they all seem purpose-built. They have multiple sections mimicking how many such organisms distribute weight or appendage strength across the body as evenly as possible. Why would someone build a machine of this size to look like a living creature? Why not improve the original design? It makes me wonder as to its function.
AP: The closet's approximation of the overall appearance of the unit would have to be that of an ant. Granted, there are still so many mechanical elements to it. I don't know what to make of it. I will now attempt to address the unit directly.
AP: Hello, can you understand me?
Camera feed: UU shows no visual response or acknowledgement of the words.
AP: I will now attempt to include motion when speaking.
Camera feed: AP stands up and repeats her earlier question to UU.
AP: UU has reacted to my standing up and getting closer to the glass window separating us. Hello, do you understand me? Can you communicate verbally?
Camera feed: UU's head twists as its gaze remains upon AP. AP eventually sits back down.
AP: The response I've gotten isn't evidence of either understanding or not. It's hard to determine with such a creature, given its lack of emotional expression. Moreover, I'm not familiar with any bio-mechanical entities alive on my planet for comparison, and insects aren't known for being very expressive.
UU: Yes.
AP: The unit just spoke to me. It said yes in a clear yet artificial-sounding voice. What do you mean yes? Can you understand me?
UU: Yes.
AP: How is it that you can speak my language?
UU: We have analysed your speech structure and cross-referenced it with previous encounters, synthesizing a basic language set for communication.
AP: I've momentarily switched off the audio feed into the room as I am being instructed through earphones that I should ask why it came here. I will comply, but I must state for the record; why did it explain itself to me? That seems odd. I'm turning the audio back on inside the room.
AP: Why have you come here?
UU: You captured me.
AP: I'm sorry, that's not what I meant.
UU: Clarify.
AP: What I meant to ask was, why did you come to this planet?
UU: To consume.
AP: Do you mean for energic purposes? Eating?
UU: Yes and no.
AP: Why else would you consume?
UU: To return matter to Alpha.
AP: What is Alpha?
UU: Origin.
AP: I've turned off the audio for a moment. I believe its usage of the word origin is a way to describe its home world. I will now ask what it is.
AP: What species are you?
UU: Vire.
AP: Is that what you've named yourself?
UU: Vire designation was part of the instruction set from origin.
AP: I've cut the audio again as I noticed the lights started flickering. I'm told there's a signal entering the cell, but it's out of sync with space-time. We have no way of stopping it.
UU: Conventien unit known as Alsma Pierce. You will release Vire unit 445.668.154.993.3 from captivity. You will comply.
AP: I've been instructed to respond. Here goes.
AP: Who am I speaking to right now?
UU: Conventien unit known as Alsma Pierce. You will release Vire unit 445.668.154.993.3 from captivity. You will comply.
AP: Why?
UU: Release of Vire unit 445.668.154.993.3 will hasten consumption.
AP: That was mentioned earlier, consumption. What do you mean by that?
UU: We have determined your lack of prompt response to our demand as an act of defiance. We will change the wording of the request. Release Vire unit 445.668.154.993.3 and face extinction. Comply.
Camera feed: AP suddenly backed away from the window, turning around to be let out.
AP: Let me out! Let me out! I no longer want to do the interview... what do you mean I have to ask about its intent? It's pretty damn obvious!
UU: Unit Alsma Pierce, you will release Vire unit 445.668.154.993.3 and face extinction. You will not halt our purpose.
Camera feed: Vire unit slowly approached the forcefield. As it reached the edge, it started pushing against it, getting burned but not stopped. Slowly the machine pushed through before piercing the glass between it and the interviewer's room. The feed cut right after a flash of light appeared.
End Transcript
Ephalon (sci-fi) - Interview with captured Vire unit
This is a transcript from the first encounter with the species known as the Vire.
Sadly, the interviewing party is deceased despite concerted efforts to prevent such a fate.
Art by Netherwulf
Vire drone © Robert Edwards
Vire species © Robert Edwards
Ephalon © Robert Edwards
Please be aware that this image is copyrighted. And may never under any circumstance be re-posted without the explicit written authorization of myself. This includes the changing or modifying of the image.
Sadly, the interviewing party is deceased despite concerted efforts to prevent such a fate.
Art by Netherwulf
Vire drone © Robert Edwards
Vire species © Robert Edwards
Ephalon © Robert Edwards
Please be aware that this image is copyrighted. And may never under any circumstance be re-posted without the explicit written authorization of myself. This includes the changing or modifying of the image.
Category Story / Fantasy
Species Alien (Other)
Gender Other / Not Specified
Size 120 x 100px
File Size 7.1 kB
Listed in Folders
"And face extinction"
Whats the intent? Ah who knows might be death, might be something else, can anyone get the interviewer's remains to actually do their job? What do you mean she's dead? Get a bleepin re-animator on her brain stem then!
lol, suppose they know now at least that a energy field is either gonna need to be juiced or just not effective.
Whats the intent? Ah who knows might be death, might be something else, can anyone get the interviewer's remains to actually do their job? What do you mean she's dead? Get a bleepin re-animator on her brain stem then!
lol, suppose they know now at least that a energy field is either gonna need to be juiced or just not effective.