Once the inhabitants of Ephalon learned how to utilise FTL space-flight, they entered the 8th Era, known as the Era of Exploration.
It wasn't long thereafter that they came in contact with multiple different species. Many were interested in the ancient Nechronian-tech of the crashed space ship in Mount Arramore, Erafar.
Most were friendly or neutral, but some threatened invasion; however, upon realising Ephalonians had created the fearsome anti-matter bomb, they quickly felt dissuaded to engage. This horrific weapon was powerful enough to annihilate an entire planet if unleashed.
Over time the Free Trade Act was created, a universe spanning set of rules that each member species was obliged to follow. It functioned as a quasi political structure, for the moment, to keep the peace, as a forum for disagreements. General rules on the types of goods that were legal to transport etc.
Next came the GFP, Galactic Federation of Planets, a guiding governance to help settle disputes in a more formal manner. The creation of the GFP ushered in the 9th Era, known as the War of Feathers.
During the early years of the 9th Era, an Ephalonion exploration vessel, Jude's Hope, was found by a Trellion scout ship, completely riddled with holes, and otherwise destroyed. Restored recordings revealed that an odd looking spaceship had besieged the vessel, trapping it in some kind of electrical web. The ship itself had avian features. And when one of the aliens somehow teleported onboard, were revealed to be large bird-like creatures, and attached to their chest a strange red-parasite creature.
More info to follow later...
Art by Netherwulf
(possessed) Ascrae © Robert Edwards
Ephalon © Robert Edwards
Please be aware that this image is copyrighted. And may never under any circumstance be re-posted without the explicit written authorization of myself. This includes the changing or modifying of the image.
It wasn't long thereafter that they came in contact with multiple different species. Many were interested in the ancient Nechronian-tech of the crashed space ship in Mount Arramore, Erafar.
Most were friendly or neutral, but some threatened invasion; however, upon realising Ephalonians had created the fearsome anti-matter bomb, they quickly felt dissuaded to engage. This horrific weapon was powerful enough to annihilate an entire planet if unleashed.
Over time the Free Trade Act was created, a universe spanning set of rules that each member species was obliged to follow. It functioned as a quasi political structure, for the moment, to keep the peace, as a forum for disagreements. General rules on the types of goods that were legal to transport etc.
Next came the GFP, Galactic Federation of Planets, a guiding governance to help settle disputes in a more formal manner. The creation of the GFP ushered in the 9th Era, known as the War of Feathers.
During the early years of the 9th Era, an Ephalonion exploration vessel, Jude's Hope, was found by a Trellion scout ship, completely riddled with holes, and otherwise destroyed. Restored recordings revealed that an odd looking spaceship had besieged the vessel, trapping it in some kind of electrical web. The ship itself had avian features. And when one of the aliens somehow teleported onboard, were revealed to be large bird-like creatures, and attached to their chest a strange red-parasite creature.
More info to follow later...
Art by Netherwulf
(possessed) Ascrae © Robert Edwards
Ephalon © Robert Edwards
Please be aware that this image is copyrighted. And may never under any circumstance be re-posted without the explicit written authorization of myself. This includes the changing or modifying of the image.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fantasy
Species Avian (Other)
Gender Male
Size 960 x 1280px
File Size 150.6 kB
Listed in Folders
Ephalon is a huge fantasy universe I've been working on for many years now. I've written 9 books so far. The sci-fi stuff I'm posting is regarding the next 3 books I want to write in the series, set 3000 (give or take) years after the previous entry.
So far I've got 3 books set during the 4th Era, which is medieval fantasy, 3 books set in the 5th Era, which is modern fantasy, and 3 books set in the 6th Era, which is post-modern/soft sci-fi age.
So far I've got 3 books set during the 4th Era, which is medieval fantasy, 3 books set in the 5th Era, which is modern fantasy, and 3 books set in the 6th Era, which is post-modern/soft sci-fi age.