First dates were always nerve-racking, you were always stuck deciding things; what to wear, what to say, how to act, how to correctly use a soup spoon, etcetera. Was it inward or outward? Those were just a few of the many decisions and questions that ran through little Yulia’s mind as she picked out her outfit for her date with a boy she really liked. It took every muscle in her body to not thump her feet against the floor repeatedly out of nervousness when the fox boy asked her out. She had planned to ask him out herself, but she must have been taking a little too long and he became impatient. There was a ton of romantic tension between the two that was oh-so-obvious to everyone around them. Yulia had feelings for him, but she was unsure if those feelings were mutual. She did not want to fall head-over-heels for this boy, just to end up flat on her face. But with a date, time, and place set for them to spend time together, Yulia raced home as fast as she could to tell her big sister the good news.
After crashing through the door, and climbing up the stairs at an alarmingly fast speed, the bunny burst into her big sister’s room without knocking. “ALEX ALEX ALEX!!!!” she shouted, her feet thumping against the carpet in between her excited hops up and down. Yulia moved so quick that all Alex saw was a cream-colored blur zooming through her room and hopping up and down like a child with a post-trick-or-treating sugar rush. The tigress was in the middle of packing a bag for a trip to Cabo that her record label had arranged for her. She raised her brows at her sister as she dropped her bikinis and dresses into her suitcase. “What has you so excited, Yules? Can’t you see I’m in my underwear?” the tigress looked down at her cow-pattern bra and panties and let out a chuckle as she continued grabbing things to stuff into her luggage; underwear, more bikinis, oh, and sunscreen.
“HE ASKED ME OUT!!! HE ASKED ME OUT!!!” Yulia screamed. She continued to hop up and down, reinforcing the stereotypes that bunnies were known for. Every time she hopped up, her skirt lifted as she came back down and her shirt untucked itself from underneath it to reveal the lower buttons that she didn’t bother doing before she went to school that morning.
After tossing her second bottle of sunscreen into her luggage, Alex turned to look at her sister and put her hands on her hips. “Who asked you out?” she furrowed her brows. “I don’t know all the guys in your school Yulia. I graduated a few years ago, remember?”
“Blake!!! The one I told you about! You told me to ask him out because he was taking so long to ask me out!” Yulia finally stopped her hopping but she still thumped her foot against the floor excitedly. Her chest rose and fell as she caught her breath and her big, bright, and purple eyes stared at her sister.
“That fox boy? Took him long enough.” Alex smirked proudly as she turned to grab more of the clothing she had folded out on her bed and pack them into her suitcase. “When’s the date?” she asked.
“Tonight!!!!” Yulia replied. “8:30 PM, at Rosie’s.” The schoolgirl bunny clasped her hands together and started to do that shy girl twisting and turning thing with her body as she thought about the fox boy. Her mind went so far as to imagine them sharing a bowl of fancy overpriced spaghetti Lady and the Tramp style. Her cheeks flushed red as she daydreamed, but it was cut short when her sister interrupted her.
“Ooooh fancy.” The tigress nodded her head, surprised. Rosie’s wasn’t your run-of-the-mill restaurant; it was the most expensive one in town. This meant that this Blake guy had rich parents and was either very into Yulia or had ulterior motives. Rich kids didn’t have the best reputation in their town, so the worry bug took a small bite into Alex, but she wanted to be supportive. She had a crush on a bad-boy rich kid before, so stopping her sister before meeting him would have been hypocritical. “Well, you better get ready, then. It’s already 5:30. How are you going to get there?”
Yulia stepped closer to Alex, placed both hands on her bed, and leaned forward. “I was thinking… Since you were already headed to the airport, you could drive me?” She put on her best puppy-dog eyes and pursed her lips into a cute kissy face. Her little rabbit nose twitched and wiggled, too. She was pulling out all the stops. “It’s on the way! I checked on maps, it’ll only make you lose 3 minutes!” she quickly added before her sister could give her the stink-eye that she usually did whenever she asked her to drive her somewhere. It came right on cue; the tigress squinted her eyes at her sister and turned her head ever-so-slightly to the side. The Alex Stink Eye.
As much as her sisterly instinct wanted to tell her that she couldn’t give her a ride, Yulia made a great point. A few minutes of extra driving time wasn’t going to make her miss her flight. Plus, this way, she would be able to get a good look at the boy that was taking her little sister out to such a fancy-schmancy restaurant on the first date. Maybe find out his motives, or whether he really liked her sister or not. She would never admit it in front of Yulia, but her protective big sister instincts were kicking in. She felt like an Italian-American mobster whose sister was bringing back a non-Italian-American boyfriend to the family Christmas dinner. Her stink-eye slowly faded away and she nodded. “Alright, alright, I’ll take you. Just go get ready, wheels rollin’ at 7:45.”
“WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Yulia cheered as she dashed out of Alex’s room faster than when she barged in. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, Alex!” she thanked her sister as she dashed through the hallway and into her room to get ready. The volume of her voice decreased the further away she got and she went completely silent after she slammed her bedroom door shut.
Alex couldn’t help but chuckle and smile as her sister sped away with excitement that she remembered herself having when a boy she liked asked her out. “Let’s hope you aren’t a bad boy, Blake…” the tigress said to herself before she closed her suitcase and zipped it up.
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After crashing through the door, and climbing up the stairs at an alarmingly fast speed, the bunny burst into her big sister’s room without knocking. “ALEX ALEX ALEX!!!!” she shouted, her feet thumping against the carpet in between her excited hops up and down. Yulia moved so quick that all Alex saw was a cream-colored blur zooming through her room and hopping up and down like a child with a post-trick-or-treating sugar rush. The tigress was in the middle of packing a bag for a trip to Cabo that her record label had arranged for her. She raised her brows at her sister as she dropped her bikinis and dresses into her suitcase. “What has you so excited, Yules? Can’t you see I’m in my underwear?” the tigress looked down at her cow-pattern bra and panties and let out a chuckle as she continued grabbing things to stuff into her luggage; underwear, more bikinis, oh, and sunscreen.
“HE ASKED ME OUT!!! HE ASKED ME OUT!!!” Yulia screamed. She continued to hop up and down, reinforcing the stereotypes that bunnies were known for. Every time she hopped up, her skirt lifted as she came back down and her shirt untucked itself from underneath it to reveal the lower buttons that she didn’t bother doing before she went to school that morning.
After tossing her second bottle of sunscreen into her luggage, Alex turned to look at her sister and put her hands on her hips. “Who asked you out?” she furrowed her brows. “I don’t know all the guys in your school Yulia. I graduated a few years ago, remember?”
“Blake!!! The one I told you about! You told me to ask him out because he was taking so long to ask me out!” Yulia finally stopped her hopping but she still thumped her foot against the floor excitedly. Her chest rose and fell as she caught her breath and her big, bright, and purple eyes stared at her sister.
“That fox boy? Took him long enough.” Alex smirked proudly as she turned to grab more of the clothing she had folded out on her bed and pack them into her suitcase. “When’s the date?” she asked.
“Tonight!!!!” Yulia replied. “8:30 PM, at Rosie’s.” The schoolgirl bunny clasped her hands together and started to do that shy girl twisting and turning thing with her body as she thought about the fox boy. Her mind went so far as to imagine them sharing a bowl of fancy overpriced spaghetti Lady and the Tramp style. Her cheeks flushed red as she daydreamed, but it was cut short when her sister interrupted her.
“Ooooh fancy.” The tigress nodded her head, surprised. Rosie’s wasn’t your run-of-the-mill restaurant; it was the most expensive one in town. This meant that this Blake guy had rich parents and was either very into Yulia or had ulterior motives. Rich kids didn’t have the best reputation in their town, so the worry bug took a small bite into Alex, but she wanted to be supportive. She had a crush on a bad-boy rich kid before, so stopping her sister before meeting him would have been hypocritical. “Well, you better get ready, then. It’s already 5:30. How are you going to get there?”
Yulia stepped closer to Alex, placed both hands on her bed, and leaned forward. “I was thinking… Since you were already headed to the airport, you could drive me?” She put on her best puppy-dog eyes and pursed her lips into a cute kissy face. Her little rabbit nose twitched and wiggled, too. She was pulling out all the stops. “It’s on the way! I checked on maps, it’ll only make you lose 3 minutes!” she quickly added before her sister could give her the stink-eye that she usually did whenever she asked her to drive her somewhere. It came right on cue; the tigress squinted her eyes at her sister and turned her head ever-so-slightly to the side. The Alex Stink Eye.
As much as her sisterly instinct wanted to tell her that she couldn’t give her a ride, Yulia made a great point. A few minutes of extra driving time wasn’t going to make her miss her flight. Plus, this way, she would be able to get a good look at the boy that was taking her little sister out to such a fancy-schmancy restaurant on the first date. Maybe find out his motives, or whether he really liked her sister or not. She would never admit it in front of Yulia, but her protective big sister instincts were kicking in. She felt like an Italian-American mobster whose sister was bringing back a non-Italian-American boyfriend to the family Christmas dinner. Her stink-eye slowly faded away and she nodded. “Alright, alright, I’ll take you. Just go get ready, wheels rollin’ at 7:45.”
“WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” Yulia cheered as she dashed out of Alex’s room faster than when she barged in. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, Alex!” she thanked her sister as she dashed through the hallway and into her room to get ready. The volume of her voice decreased the further away she got and she went completely silent after she slammed her bedroom door shut.
Alex couldn’t help but chuckle and smile as her sister sped away with excitement that she remembered herself having when a boy she liked asked her out. “Let’s hope you aren’t a bad boy, Blake…” the tigress said to herself before she closed her suitcase and zipped it up.
Story continued on my Patreon and also my SubscribeStar!
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Category Artwork (Digital) / General Furry Art
Species Tiger
Gender Female
Size 4000 x 4000px
File Size 5.23 MB
Listed in Folders
Yes! This is what I love! Gentle and sweet !! What kind of lighting and ut the artist was able to convey. Your character also looks beautiful and very gentle. How beautifully he takes care of his sister's hair * giggles* I really like it! I continue to consider further the details of the entire work.. Impossible to stop lol!