Everyone needs a vacation, right? After many years without an adventure, a young man decided it was finally time to treat himself. He geared up for a long cross country trip and departed for his journey. Once at his destination, he began unpacking and settling into his hotel room. By now it was too late into the night to do anything, so he plopped down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. Some time passed before he realized that he had not fully decided how to spend his vacation. During the day he planned to go sightseeing, but he had no arrangements for when the sun set. The young man let out a gentle sigh before rolling onto his side and spotting a pamphlet on the nightstand. He reached over to grab the booklet before browsing through the sights and attractions. The young man flipped through the pages and let loose another sigh. He already planned to visit most of the locations that were listed, and the majority of the attractions seemed bland. However, what piqued his interest was a magic show that claimed to use "real" magic. The name of the show seemed familiar and he could vaguely recall hearing good reviews about it. The tickets were a bit pricey, but the advertisement claimed the show to be an "unforgettable experience."
On the following day, the young man pondered whether to attend the magic show or not. His sightseeing adventure had been amazing so far, but the sun neared the horizon. Soon there would be no sights to see, and it was about time for him to start making his way back to the hotel anyways. As he was driving his stomach began to growl, so he stopped by a restaurant to get something to eat. As he chowed down on his meal, he asked himself what to do next. He could either go back to the hotel and lay in bed doing nothing for the rest of the night, or he could allow himself to enjoy his vacation and attend the magic show. He shook his head because the answer was obvious, yet he took the entire day to make up his mind. After the young man finished his meal, he navigated the streets to reach the magic show.
Upon arriving at the venue, the young man purchased a ticket and walked into the theater. He looked around and saw many empty seats, but expected nothing more considering he was early to the event. Luckily for him there were plenty of front row seats available, so he situated himself close to the stage. As time passed and the beginning of the show neared, the theater filled with spectators. A quick glance around the room revealed many individuals standing as all the seats were filled.
Several minutes passed before the lights dimmed and the curtains opened. The young man examined the props on the stage and let his mind wander. What kind of magic tricks would he see today? How easily would he be fooled by the magician's sleight of hand? And most importantly, what was that menacing cage on the stage for? The young man's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a spotlight turning on and the magician appearing in the center of the stage. The magician was soon joined by another female, who the young man could only assume to be her assistant. The magician opened the show with a typical hook to draw the audience in. She made the bold claim that her show was unlike any other and explained that her format was to expose how magic tricks work, then remove the "trick" part and use "magic" to bring the performance to life. The young man rolled his eyes at her claims despite wishing magic truly existed. However, he gave the magician credit for trying to get ahead of the skepticism and make her act more believable. The young man was pulled from his thoughts as the magician started the show. She began the performance with small tricks to get the momentum rolling, but nothing done thus far captivated the audience.
As the show continued, the tricks progressively became more complex. The magician's assistant ducked out of sight before reappearing on the stage wearing a top hat. As she walked to the table in the center of the stage, she adjusted the hat with her hand to draw the audience's attention to it. She laid the hat on the table, took a few steps back, and waited for the magician to interact with it. The magician walked over to the table and nonchalantly pulled a rabbit out of the hat. She handed the rabbit to her assistant before rolling her eyes with an unamused expression on her face. The magician kicked over the table, which revealed a hidden compartment where the bunny was hiding. She spoke of how disappointed she was for the lack of creativity that went into creating magical tricks. She then walked over to the hat and picked it up off the ground. The magician showed the opening on the hat to the crowd before making a gesture that resembled her sealing it shut. Her assistant joined her side and placed the rabbit back inside the hat. The magician shook the hat up and down before looking to the audience. She spoke of how a white rabbit was too generic, and mentioned that the show needed a little more pizzazz.
The magician waved her fingers over the top of the hat and smiled upon looking down into it. A few moments passed before a fox peeked its head out of the hat. The critter looked a bit shaken up, but it was most certainly a fox and not a rabbit. The audience wowed at the trick, how could she have fit a fox and a rabbit into such a small hat? The assistant picked up the fox so that the magician could show there was no longer a rabbit hiding in the hat. The young man seemed impressed by how convincing the magician could be, and he even started to wonder if magic truly was involved. His mind wandered to the many implementations of magic, which included his own fantasies. He turned his attention from the fox to the magician and paused once he noticed she was staring directly at him.
The magician grinned once deciding her target, "Our next act will require a volunteer from the crowd. As much as I adore my lovely assistant, we all know these performances are carefully choreographed. Let's change things up a bit, shall we? Our volunteer will not be a paid actor, so you'll have to excuse any hiccups." After the magician spoke, she exited the stage and walked around the room.
"Too big... Too small... You'd do quite well, if only you'd let my magic take hold of you." Despite already knowing her choice, the magician inspected multiple volunteers to keep the show going. Eventually, the magician stopped in front of the young man and turned to face him, "Ah, yes. You'll do just fine."
The young man looked side to side to ensure the magician wasn't speaking about someone next to him, "Uh... me? I didn't raise my hand."
The magician held out her hand and invited the young man to join her as she spoke, "You didn't raise your hand, yet of anyone in this entire theater you want this the most."
The young man shook his head in response, "There's no possible way you could determine that, and even if it was true, there's no way you're putting me on a stage in front of a crowd."
"You can't hide your desires from me dear, and trust me, I can be quite persuasive." The magician quickly grabbed the young man's hands and pulled him out of his seat. Before he could react, the magician grabbed his chin and tilted his head to look at her directly in the eyes. "Now, why don't we put on a lovely show for everyone?"
Upon realizing he was now in the spotlight, the young man assessed the situation. "I-I.. Uh... O-okay, I guess so." The young man reluctantly agreed once figuring the embarrassment of turning down this offer would be more embarrassing than going on the stage. Little did he know that the reasoning he used to make his decision was heavily influenced by the magician. There was something about staring into her eyes that made him docile. The young man would not be wrong to suggest he was hypnotized, but the magician's influence was so subtle he would never know it.
The magician slowly brushed her hand down the young man's arm before gently grabbing his wrist, "Come now." The magician said once she began to walk toward the stage. The young man complied and followed her to stage center without resisting her wishes. "It appears our volunteer is a little shy, give him a round of applause for his courage." Once the crowd began cheering, she muted her microphone and turned her attention to the young man.
The young man nervously looked around as he stood in front of at least a hundred people. His apprehension broke him out of the magician's influence, which caused him to begin panicking internally. Every second he stood on that stage his urge to leave and return to his hotel room grew. However, his thought patterns were broke by the sound of the magician whispering into his ear that there was no turning back. The young man took a deep breath and turned his focus to the props on the stage. The best thing he could do was try to pretend that an entire theater of people was not watching him. "So what's the trick?" He asked.
"Oh but there is no trick, only magic, my dear." The magician placed her hand on his shoulder, "Have you ever seen the performance where the magician turns their assistant into a tiger?"
"Uh, yes. I'm familiar." The young man replied.
"Perfect. You are going to be very familiar by the end of this performance, as I will be turning you into my tiger... Just play along with what I'm doing and nothing will go wrong." The magician nodded to her assistant, to which her assistant responded by rolling the cage front and center.
The magician turned her microphone on and faced the audience, "Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the final act! I will be turning our volunteer into a tiger! But first, let's dismantle any idea this could be fake!" She said with a grin, for it was now time for the fun to begin. She briefly looked at her assistant, which was her cue to spin the cage around.
As her assistant rotated the cage, the magician turned her attention back to the audience, "As you can see here, there is no tiger hidden behind a fake wall in the cage." The magician then looked to the young man, "Now, climb inside the cage and tell me if you see any hidden compartments."
The young man hesitated, but the longer he ignored the magician's commands, the harder it became to fight them. He took in a deep breath before climbing into the cage and looking around. He examined everything from the top and bottom of the cage to the bars that held it all together. There were no hidden compartments, only one way in and one way out. He was confused to say the least, what kind of game was this magician playing?
The magician stepped into the cage and rested her hands on the young man's shoulders. "Get close to the mic so you can tell everyone what you've discovered." She said with a smirk on her face.
The young man leaned in so that he could speak into the microphone. He was uncomfortably close to the magician's face, which caused him to hesitate for a moment before he finally spoke. "I didn't find any hidden compartments, which I-" The young man's words were interrupted by the magician placing her index finger across his lips and shushing him.
The magician maintained her uncomfortable proximity to the young man and spoke to the crowd. "You heard it here ladies and gentlemen, no hidden compartments, no fake walls, only magic." She muted the microphone again before nodding to her assistant. The assistant walked around the cage and concealed its occupants behind the curtains attached to it. Now that the two were hidden from the audience, the magician moved her finger and gently kissed young man.
The kiss caused a tingling sensation to develop in his lips and then spread throughout his body. Upon sensing her magic trickling through his body, the magician suggested the young man take off his socks and shoes. Once again under the magician's influence, he had no option but to take off his socks and shoes without question. However, once she commanded him to remove the rest of his clothing, his apprehension overwhelmed her influence. "I'm not taking off my clothing, what is wrong with you?" He protested.
The magician shook her head, "I suppose that's your loss then. You will not be reimbursed for any damage to personal belongings." She said while brushing her thumb across his cheek.
"Damage to my personal belongings? What do you m-" The young man's sentence was cut off by the magician pulling him into another kiss. At first he leaned into it, but then realized how uncomfortable it made him feel. The tingling sensation dramatically intensified, which caused him to push away from the magician. The young man exclaimed his distaste for her actions, but fumbled on his words. Something about his tongue felt off, so he reached up to touch it. A puzzled expression appeared on his face as he examined his swollen and lengthening tongue. Pressure began to build in his skull as small patches orange and white fur sprouted across his body.
The magician grinned ear to ear as the young man's body began changing. "I'm sorry about your tongue dear, it'll feel more natural soon enough. Besides, I can't have you screaming for help so loudly that the audience thinks you're being mauled by a tiger! That would be a show stopper, and we all know the saying... The show must go on!" She exclaimed. The magician paused for a moment and assessed the young man's progress. She shook her head upon realizing the show would last another thirty minutes at this rate. Dissatisfied with her results, she pinned the young man against the bars of the cage. "Now hold still this time, I'm not going to hurt you." The young man tried to protest, but his long tongue made speaking near impossible. "No more of that gibberish either, I want to hear you roar..." The magician then forcefully kissed the young man again to channel more of her magic into his body. The sudden surge of magical energy caused the transformation to amplify, and the changes became so intense that it caused the young man to fall onto his knees. The magician smirked as she watched him groan and squirm as the changes overwhelmed his body, "Third time's a charm." She remarked before exiting the cage and locking the door behind her.
Now that the use of her magic would be blatantly obvious, the magician needed to disguise it. The door of the cage was intentionally facing away from the audience to sell the illusion there was still trickery at play. The lengthy interaction inside the cage allowed enough time for the crowd to make the assumption that the tiger was walked in from backstage. The magician appeared from behind the cage and turned on her microphone once again. "I will now make the cage levitate as I transform our volunteer into a tiger." As she spoke, she made a gesture with her hands to symbolize her lifting the cage into the air. As the cage began levitating, the magician looked over her shoulder toward the audience and spoke to them, "Now, ladies and gentlemen, if you listen closely you may just hear the sounds of his clothing tearing as his bones reshape."
The room went quiet for a moment as the crowd quietly listened. Gasps filled the audience as loud cracks and pops followed by the sound of the young man groaning filled the air. Many members of the crowd became anxious that something was wrong happening, as each groan became deeper and more pronounced. Those who were the most engaged in the performance leaned to the edges of their seats as his grunts morphed into the beastial growls of a tiger. Those with a keen sense of hearing could detect the sound of his clothing tearing and bursting as he grew in mass. Some shrieked at the shivering sound of his claws scraping the bottom of the cage. The theater became still once the first roar pierced their ears. Each subsequent crack or pop became more violent, which caused the soon-to-be tiger to roar louder with every one. A short pause occurred before a prolonged series of bones snapping filled the air. The young tiger let loose a loud, drawn out roar as he neared his final moments of humanity. The roar was so powerful it left the audience paralyzed as the sound echoed off the walls and resonated in their bodies.
By now, the entire crowd were at the edges of their seats. The magician grinned and made a gesture to gently place the cage back on the stage. Once the cage was settled, both she and her assistant circled around the back of it. The magician peeked through the gap in the curtains to see her newly transformed tiger passed out from exhaustion. She smiled at the newest addition to her show before noticing her assistant struggling to turn the cage around. The assistant could perform the task just fine on her own earlier, but there was now a fully grown tiger inside. With the magician's help, the two were able to successfully rotate the cage to face the crowd.
The audience was eager to see the result of the performance, and the magical duo did not leave them waiting any longer. The room was completely silent until the removal of the curtains revealed a large tiger covered in torn clothing. Immediately, the entire theater took to their feet and began clapping and cheering. Meanwhile, the newly transformed tiger slowly regained consciousness as his sensitive ears were bombarded by the audience. He slowly moved his foreign body, but quickly became overwhelmed with denial. He tried to scream but all that escaped his mouth was a deep roar. The roaring caused the room to cheer louder, which caused him to turn his attention toward the audience. As the crowd peered into the cage, his eyes widened once he realized that it was now his turn to perform upon the stage. The young tiger became fearful because he did not know what would happen to him; but if one thing was certain, it would be that neither he nor the crowd would forget this performance.
Roar, I drew my first tiger. I'm currently exploring new ways to lessen the overall time investment on these projects. One of the ways I cut time on this project was by reducing the amount of polishing I did on the story. I don't know if it impacts the readability at all, but I'm hopeful it flows well and is enjoyable to read. ^^
Feedback is appreciated, as always! :)
On the following day, the young man pondered whether to attend the magic show or not. His sightseeing adventure had been amazing so far, but the sun neared the horizon. Soon there would be no sights to see, and it was about time for him to start making his way back to the hotel anyways. As he was driving his stomach began to growl, so he stopped by a restaurant to get something to eat. As he chowed down on his meal, he asked himself what to do next. He could either go back to the hotel and lay in bed doing nothing for the rest of the night, or he could allow himself to enjoy his vacation and attend the magic show. He shook his head because the answer was obvious, yet he took the entire day to make up his mind. After the young man finished his meal, he navigated the streets to reach the magic show.
Upon arriving at the venue, the young man purchased a ticket and walked into the theater. He looked around and saw many empty seats, but expected nothing more considering he was early to the event. Luckily for him there were plenty of front row seats available, so he situated himself close to the stage. As time passed and the beginning of the show neared, the theater filled with spectators. A quick glance around the room revealed many individuals standing as all the seats were filled.
Several minutes passed before the lights dimmed and the curtains opened. The young man examined the props on the stage and let his mind wander. What kind of magic tricks would he see today? How easily would he be fooled by the magician's sleight of hand? And most importantly, what was that menacing cage on the stage for? The young man's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a spotlight turning on and the magician appearing in the center of the stage. The magician was soon joined by another female, who the young man could only assume to be her assistant. The magician opened the show with a typical hook to draw the audience in. She made the bold claim that her show was unlike any other and explained that her format was to expose how magic tricks work, then remove the "trick" part and use "magic" to bring the performance to life. The young man rolled his eyes at her claims despite wishing magic truly existed. However, he gave the magician credit for trying to get ahead of the skepticism and make her act more believable. The young man was pulled from his thoughts as the magician started the show. She began the performance with small tricks to get the momentum rolling, but nothing done thus far captivated the audience.
As the show continued, the tricks progressively became more complex. The magician's assistant ducked out of sight before reappearing on the stage wearing a top hat. As she walked to the table in the center of the stage, she adjusted the hat with her hand to draw the audience's attention to it. She laid the hat on the table, took a few steps back, and waited for the magician to interact with it. The magician walked over to the table and nonchalantly pulled a rabbit out of the hat. She handed the rabbit to her assistant before rolling her eyes with an unamused expression on her face. The magician kicked over the table, which revealed a hidden compartment where the bunny was hiding. She spoke of how disappointed she was for the lack of creativity that went into creating magical tricks. She then walked over to the hat and picked it up off the ground. The magician showed the opening on the hat to the crowd before making a gesture that resembled her sealing it shut. Her assistant joined her side and placed the rabbit back inside the hat. The magician shook the hat up and down before looking to the audience. She spoke of how a white rabbit was too generic, and mentioned that the show needed a little more pizzazz.
The magician waved her fingers over the top of the hat and smiled upon looking down into it. A few moments passed before a fox peeked its head out of the hat. The critter looked a bit shaken up, but it was most certainly a fox and not a rabbit. The audience wowed at the trick, how could she have fit a fox and a rabbit into such a small hat? The assistant picked up the fox so that the magician could show there was no longer a rabbit hiding in the hat. The young man seemed impressed by how convincing the magician could be, and he even started to wonder if magic truly was involved. His mind wandered to the many implementations of magic, which included his own fantasies. He turned his attention from the fox to the magician and paused once he noticed she was staring directly at him.
The magician grinned once deciding her target, "Our next act will require a volunteer from the crowd. As much as I adore my lovely assistant, we all know these performances are carefully choreographed. Let's change things up a bit, shall we? Our volunteer will not be a paid actor, so you'll have to excuse any hiccups." After the magician spoke, she exited the stage and walked around the room.
"Too big... Too small... You'd do quite well, if only you'd let my magic take hold of you." Despite already knowing her choice, the magician inspected multiple volunteers to keep the show going. Eventually, the magician stopped in front of the young man and turned to face him, "Ah, yes. You'll do just fine."
The young man looked side to side to ensure the magician wasn't speaking about someone next to him, "Uh... me? I didn't raise my hand."
The magician held out her hand and invited the young man to join her as she spoke, "You didn't raise your hand, yet of anyone in this entire theater you want this the most."
The young man shook his head in response, "There's no possible way you could determine that, and even if it was true, there's no way you're putting me on a stage in front of a crowd."
"You can't hide your desires from me dear, and trust me, I can be quite persuasive." The magician quickly grabbed the young man's hands and pulled him out of his seat. Before he could react, the magician grabbed his chin and tilted his head to look at her directly in the eyes. "Now, why don't we put on a lovely show for everyone?"
Upon realizing he was now in the spotlight, the young man assessed the situation. "I-I.. Uh... O-okay, I guess so." The young man reluctantly agreed once figuring the embarrassment of turning down this offer would be more embarrassing than going on the stage. Little did he know that the reasoning he used to make his decision was heavily influenced by the magician. There was something about staring into her eyes that made him docile. The young man would not be wrong to suggest he was hypnotized, but the magician's influence was so subtle he would never know it.
The magician slowly brushed her hand down the young man's arm before gently grabbing his wrist, "Come now." The magician said once she began to walk toward the stage. The young man complied and followed her to stage center without resisting her wishes. "It appears our volunteer is a little shy, give him a round of applause for his courage." Once the crowd began cheering, she muted her microphone and turned her attention to the young man.
The young man nervously looked around as he stood in front of at least a hundred people. His apprehension broke him out of the magician's influence, which caused him to begin panicking internally. Every second he stood on that stage his urge to leave and return to his hotel room grew. However, his thought patterns were broke by the sound of the magician whispering into his ear that there was no turning back. The young man took a deep breath and turned his focus to the props on the stage. The best thing he could do was try to pretend that an entire theater of people was not watching him. "So what's the trick?" He asked.
"Oh but there is no trick, only magic, my dear." The magician placed her hand on his shoulder, "Have you ever seen the performance where the magician turns their assistant into a tiger?"
"Uh, yes. I'm familiar." The young man replied.
"Perfect. You are going to be very familiar by the end of this performance, as I will be turning you into my tiger... Just play along with what I'm doing and nothing will go wrong." The magician nodded to her assistant, to which her assistant responded by rolling the cage front and center.
The magician turned her microphone on and faced the audience, "Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the final act! I will be turning our volunteer into a tiger! But first, let's dismantle any idea this could be fake!" She said with a grin, for it was now time for the fun to begin. She briefly looked at her assistant, which was her cue to spin the cage around.
As her assistant rotated the cage, the magician turned her attention back to the audience, "As you can see here, there is no tiger hidden behind a fake wall in the cage." The magician then looked to the young man, "Now, climb inside the cage and tell me if you see any hidden compartments."
The young man hesitated, but the longer he ignored the magician's commands, the harder it became to fight them. He took in a deep breath before climbing into the cage and looking around. He examined everything from the top and bottom of the cage to the bars that held it all together. There were no hidden compartments, only one way in and one way out. He was confused to say the least, what kind of game was this magician playing?
The magician stepped into the cage and rested her hands on the young man's shoulders. "Get close to the mic so you can tell everyone what you've discovered." She said with a smirk on her face.
The young man leaned in so that he could speak into the microphone. He was uncomfortably close to the magician's face, which caused him to hesitate for a moment before he finally spoke. "I didn't find any hidden compartments, which I-" The young man's words were interrupted by the magician placing her index finger across his lips and shushing him.
The magician maintained her uncomfortable proximity to the young man and spoke to the crowd. "You heard it here ladies and gentlemen, no hidden compartments, no fake walls, only magic." She muted the microphone again before nodding to her assistant. The assistant walked around the cage and concealed its occupants behind the curtains attached to it. Now that the two were hidden from the audience, the magician moved her finger and gently kissed young man.
The kiss caused a tingling sensation to develop in his lips and then spread throughout his body. Upon sensing her magic trickling through his body, the magician suggested the young man take off his socks and shoes. Once again under the magician's influence, he had no option but to take off his socks and shoes without question. However, once she commanded him to remove the rest of his clothing, his apprehension overwhelmed her influence. "I'm not taking off my clothing, what is wrong with you?" He protested.
The magician shook her head, "I suppose that's your loss then. You will not be reimbursed for any damage to personal belongings." She said while brushing her thumb across his cheek.
"Damage to my personal belongings? What do you m-" The young man's sentence was cut off by the magician pulling him into another kiss. At first he leaned into it, but then realized how uncomfortable it made him feel. The tingling sensation dramatically intensified, which caused him to push away from the magician. The young man exclaimed his distaste for her actions, but fumbled on his words. Something about his tongue felt off, so he reached up to touch it. A puzzled expression appeared on his face as he examined his swollen and lengthening tongue. Pressure began to build in his skull as small patches orange and white fur sprouted across his body.
The magician grinned ear to ear as the young man's body began changing. "I'm sorry about your tongue dear, it'll feel more natural soon enough. Besides, I can't have you screaming for help so loudly that the audience thinks you're being mauled by a tiger! That would be a show stopper, and we all know the saying... The show must go on!" She exclaimed. The magician paused for a moment and assessed the young man's progress. She shook her head upon realizing the show would last another thirty minutes at this rate. Dissatisfied with her results, she pinned the young man against the bars of the cage. "Now hold still this time, I'm not going to hurt you." The young man tried to protest, but his long tongue made speaking near impossible. "No more of that gibberish either, I want to hear you roar..." The magician then forcefully kissed the young man again to channel more of her magic into his body. The sudden surge of magical energy caused the transformation to amplify, and the changes became so intense that it caused the young man to fall onto his knees. The magician smirked as she watched him groan and squirm as the changes overwhelmed his body, "Third time's a charm." She remarked before exiting the cage and locking the door behind her.
Now that the use of her magic would be blatantly obvious, the magician needed to disguise it. The door of the cage was intentionally facing away from the audience to sell the illusion there was still trickery at play. The lengthy interaction inside the cage allowed enough time for the crowd to make the assumption that the tiger was walked in from backstage. The magician appeared from behind the cage and turned on her microphone once again. "I will now make the cage levitate as I transform our volunteer into a tiger." As she spoke, she made a gesture with her hands to symbolize her lifting the cage into the air. As the cage began levitating, the magician looked over her shoulder toward the audience and spoke to them, "Now, ladies and gentlemen, if you listen closely you may just hear the sounds of his clothing tearing as his bones reshape."
The room went quiet for a moment as the crowd quietly listened. Gasps filled the audience as loud cracks and pops followed by the sound of the young man groaning filled the air. Many members of the crowd became anxious that something was wrong happening, as each groan became deeper and more pronounced. Those who were the most engaged in the performance leaned to the edges of their seats as his grunts morphed into the beastial growls of a tiger. Those with a keen sense of hearing could detect the sound of his clothing tearing and bursting as he grew in mass. Some shrieked at the shivering sound of his claws scraping the bottom of the cage. The theater became still once the first roar pierced their ears. Each subsequent crack or pop became more violent, which caused the soon-to-be tiger to roar louder with every one. A short pause occurred before a prolonged series of bones snapping filled the air. The young tiger let loose a loud, drawn out roar as he neared his final moments of humanity. The roar was so powerful it left the audience paralyzed as the sound echoed off the walls and resonated in their bodies.
By now, the entire crowd were at the edges of their seats. The magician grinned and made a gesture to gently place the cage back on the stage. Once the cage was settled, both she and her assistant circled around the back of it. The magician peeked through the gap in the curtains to see her newly transformed tiger passed out from exhaustion. She smiled at the newest addition to her show before noticing her assistant struggling to turn the cage around. The assistant could perform the task just fine on her own earlier, but there was now a fully grown tiger inside. With the magician's help, the two were able to successfully rotate the cage to face the crowd.
The audience was eager to see the result of the performance, and the magical duo did not leave them waiting any longer. The room was completely silent until the removal of the curtains revealed a large tiger covered in torn clothing. Immediately, the entire theater took to their feet and began clapping and cheering. Meanwhile, the newly transformed tiger slowly regained consciousness as his sensitive ears were bombarded by the audience. He slowly moved his foreign body, but quickly became overwhelmed with denial. He tried to scream but all that escaped his mouth was a deep roar. The roaring caused the room to cheer louder, which caused him to turn his attention toward the audience. As the crowd peered into the cage, his eyes widened once he realized that it was now his turn to perform upon the stage. The young tiger became fearful because he did not know what would happen to him; but if one thing was certain, it would be that neither he nor the crowd would forget this performance.
Roar, I drew my first tiger. I'm currently exploring new ways to lessen the overall time investment on these projects. One of the ways I cut time on this project was by reducing the amount of polishing I did on the story. I don't know if it impacts the readability at all, but I'm hopeful it flows well and is enjoyable to read. ^^
Feedback is appreciated, as always! :)
Category All / Transformation
Species Tiger
Gender Any
Size 2560 x 1440px
File Size 3.21 MB
Never doubt the abilities of a magician, he feels it and then he will prove to you that his magic powers are real.
How better to prove it than by turning a human into a wild beast.
A transformation is exhausting, you get tired, the tiger yawns and lies down on the page, the hands are just the last thing that reminds you that there was a human here a short time ago, they just become strong tiger paws.
A beautiful picture, and a good associated story.
How better to prove it than by turning a human into a wild beast.
A transformation is exhausting, you get tired, the tiger yawns and lies down on the page, the hands are just the last thing that reminds you that there was a human here a short time ago, they just become strong tiger paws.
A beautiful picture, and a good associated story.