Greetings everyone, here's another concept art recently completed by
draggincat .
Here's a link to the artist who created the concept art: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/draggincat/
This scene depicts Juno neutralizing the guards surrounding one of her first targets, if the scene looks familiar it's because two other concept arts take place in this area. One immediately afterwards, and another the next day.
Juno prides herself on her own brand of professionalism, believing that killing individuals who are not the target, nor a direct threat to her, is "messy" assassin work. Hence she'll often attempt to neutralize as many nearby bodyguards as possible before closing in on her real target.
That's not to say Juno wont kill non target enemies however; if she gets detected or if she's forced to defend herself, then she'll often use lethal force.
Typically however, she'll surveil the target for weeks (or months) and plan multiple different routes of entry and exit before making her move, making certain that she knows all the possible variables are accounted for; thus ensuring she can get a "clean kill" if everything goes according to her calculations. Usually Juno is only forced to kill nearby enemies when there's outside interference, which is something she can't always control.
(She has experienced such interference lately from trio of salvagers turned mercenary led by a Blue Scale Dragon; neither side know much about the other though).
I think Seyumei did a fantastic job on the look of the characters as always, the other artists also contributed well and helped make everything super polished and refined.
My other three artists also helped with edits/adjustments, helping the final product look very polished. I'll list them below.
Dolphiana Henzy: https://www.deviantart.com/henzypoo Trent Rommel: https://www.artstation.com/trommel
In particular, I really like the slightly "crazy" look on Juno's face, as you can tell by this concept art that she enjoys her real job maybe just a little too much.
There's more concept art still in development, about 3 works in progress currently being refined, with any luck they should be posted throughout November. I'll probably give the artists most of the month of December off for the holidays and we'll probably resume in January of 2023.
As always, let me know what you guys think of the image, what can be used to improve future concept arts, and if there are any areas for possible improvement.
Thanks everyone! Hope you like the concept art!

Here's a link to the artist who created the concept art: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/draggincat/
This scene depicts Juno neutralizing the guards surrounding one of her first targets, if the scene looks familiar it's because two other concept arts take place in this area. One immediately afterwards, and another the next day.
Juno prides herself on her own brand of professionalism, believing that killing individuals who are not the target, nor a direct threat to her, is "messy" assassin work. Hence she'll often attempt to neutralize as many nearby bodyguards as possible before closing in on her real target.
That's not to say Juno wont kill non target enemies however; if she gets detected or if she's forced to defend herself, then she'll often use lethal force.
Typically however, she'll surveil the target for weeks (or months) and plan multiple different routes of entry and exit before making her move, making certain that she knows all the possible variables are accounted for; thus ensuring she can get a "clean kill" if everything goes according to her calculations. Usually Juno is only forced to kill nearby enemies when there's outside interference, which is something she can't always control.
(She has experienced such interference lately from trio of salvagers turned mercenary led by a Blue Scale Dragon; neither side know much about the other though).
I think Seyumei did a fantastic job on the look of the characters as always, the other artists also contributed well and helped make everything super polished and refined.
My other three artists also helped with edits/adjustments, helping the final product look very polished. I'll list them below.

In particular, I really like the slightly "crazy" look on Juno's face, as you can tell by this concept art that she enjoys her real job maybe just a little too much.
There's more concept art still in development, about 3 works in progress currently being refined, with any luck they should be posted throughout November. I'll probably give the artists most of the month of December off for the holidays and we'll probably resume in January of 2023.
As always, let me know what you guys think of the image, what can be used to improve future concept arts, and if there are any areas for possible improvement.
Thanks everyone! Hope you like the concept art!
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Feline (Other)
Gender Female
Size 1280 x 853px
File Size 186.7 kB