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The Dragon Foot Key Hole
(Inspired by Sleeping Beauty by SlokSillywolf) - https://www.furaffinity.net/view/38636552/
The sound of flapping wings signaled the arrival of a certain bipedal dragon. His scales were jet black, speckled with a few darker spots of various sizes. He was two-tone in body color, as the smooth skin on his belly, neck, and underside of his tail were ivory in color. His ram-like horns, which curled backwards around his ears, were the same color. The dragon also had a third color to him, a reddish brown seen within his ears, and on the thin membrane that connected his mohawk-like head spikes and his bat-like wings. His wings were like a second set of arms and hands, the “fingers” making up the framework, with additional thumb-like claws. He also had an ordinary sert of arms and two legs, with fingers and toes ending in short, sharp blakc claws. In addition, his tail also ended in a sharp, triangular shaped blade with two smaller spikes sticking out on either side of it.
The dragon landed in front of a large cliff-face covered in thick ivy. The dragon studied the cliff side, and then unleashed a long stream of fire breath onto it. The ivy quickly burned away, revealing a massive stone door covered in intricate carvings.
The dragon’s eyes lit up with delight, thrilled that the information he’d gained through various means was true so far. This information also included how to open the large door as well. So, he quickly dropped down to all fours and studied the ground. Soon enough, he found a suspicious rock covered with moss. He grabbed it and wrenched it out of the ground, tossing it aside as he beheld what it hid. It was a small hole, surrounded by more carvings, with an indentation in the shape of a dragon’s foot.
Thrilled even further, the dragon jumped back up, raised his right foot, and brought it down into the hole, squeezing it into the indentation and discovering that it was a perfect fit. He felt his foot sink down a few inches, and a loud clunking and rumbling sound was heard. Right before his eyes, the massive doors slid open, revealing a mind boggling horde of gold coins and gemstones, the horde of a long dead dragon wanting to be claimed.
The dragon’s mouth hung open as his tongue hung out, drool flowing through his pointy teeth and down his tongue. In a near euphoric state, the dragon lunged towards the gleaming treasure several yards away from him. However, rather than leap forward into the treasure room, the dragon stopped in mid air and fell straight down on his stomach. Confused, the dragon looked behind him and saw that his right foot was still stuck in the “key hole.”
Frowning, the dragon tried to move his leg forward, only to find that his foot was holding steady in the indentation. Several more jerks of his leg yielded the same result, namely no result at all. Growling, the dragon dug the claws of his hands into the ground and began to crawl forward on his belly, moving his body forward as his foot still remained stuck. His right leg straightened out and he could feel his muscles straining. He clenched his interlocking teeth together as he tried to drag his body forward, his claws digging deep into the dirt as he strained his right leg even further. Then, he hit his pain threshold and groaned loudly as his right leg unstraightened as his claws left deep scratched in the dirt as he slid backwards to his initial position.
The dragon took a moment to gasp for breath, then he punched the ground irately as he beheld the gold and gems right in front of him. He then pushed himself up so that he was standing on two feet and took a step back two assess the situation. He lifted his left foot and wiggled his four toes, then he looked down at his right foot and frowned when he discovered that he couldn’t even wiggle his right toes due to the incredible tightness of the indentation.
Stomping his left foot in indignation, the dragon bent his knees, flailed out his wings, and jumped straight up into the air. He flapped his wings hard as he propelled himself upwards. Once again, his right leg straightened out as his foot remained tightly rooted in the hole. He clenched his fists as he flapped harder and harder, his nostril flaring as he channeled all his strength in pulling his foot free. The strain in his leg began building and building, until finally, the dragon’s leg acted like a spring and pulled him out of the air and down onto the ground. He landed painfully on his bent tail and then fell forward and landed face flat on the ground.
The dragon snorted, in spite of his snout being embedded into the dirt. He pulled his face out of the ground and blew the soil out of his nostrils.
The dragon quickly got up onto his feet and went into a lunge, bending his left leg at 90 degrees and trying to pull his right foot out heel first. Then, he threw himself flat onto his back and bent his left leg again, using it as leverage to try and wrench his right foot up and out.
The dragon eventually let out a loud growl of frustration as he lay on his back defeated. He turned his horned head to the side and noticed his thick tail, as well as the pointy sharp blade at the end of it. An idea suddenly came to him.
He quickly got up and then laid back down on his stomach in a position suggesting he was going to take off running on all fours directly into the treasure chamber. He looked behind him to check that his tail was in the right position, with the point of his tail blade aimed right at the right side of his butt. The dragon closed his eyes and took a moment to calm his nerves and focus. Then he focused on the treasure in front of him, nodded to himself, and then jabbed himself in the rear with his tail blade.
He roared out in pain as he took off straight ahead, his body flung forward towards the open door. His hands slapped down inches beyond the threshold, and he could see several gold coins just within his reach. However, the dragon also felt that his foot was still stuck and that his leg was starting to pull him back. The dragon desperately reached out with his clawed hands to the coins, and his left claws just managed to snag one coin between them before the dragon was snapped backward like a bungee cord.
The dragon was swung backward and slapped hard onto his back, then rebounded up and back down onto his stomach ever harder. This caused the single gold coin to slip from his fingers and roll and tumble away from him before finally falling over and coming to a stop.
The dragon gasped and reached out for the coin, only to discover that the coin was just half of a centimeter beyond the reach of his claws.
The dragon jumped back up and roared in rage, and he stomped his left foot into the ground, only for it to slip and nearly cause him to lose his balance. Confused, the dragon lifted his foot and saw that he had stepped in some of his drool that had dripped onto the ground when he first saw the treasure trove. Once again, a new idea came to him.
He stared at the treasure trove again, focusing on it. The gold, the gemstones, all of it. Once again, drool began to fill his mouth. Once it started to drip, the dragon bent over and held his mouth over his right foot. He flicked his long tongue a bit to ensure that his drool fell all around and over his stuck foot. The dragon could even feel the drool seep into the space between his foot and the impression it was stuck.
Once he felt his foot was covered with enough slippery dragon drool, he took a deep breath and wiped the excess drool from his mouth with his right hand. Then, he wiped his left foot on the grass and planted it firmly on dry ground, grabbed his right leg with both hands, and pulled with all of his might.
There was a loud pop, and his foot was freed.
The dragon laughed victoriously, wiggling his toes and jumping around eltatedly. Then he ran enthusiastically into the treasure chamber, crossing the threshold as he extended his arms wide as if to embrace the entire horde. Just as crossed that threshold, his still drool-covered foot made contact with the smooth stone floor and slipped, causing him to fall down flat on his face once again.
The dragon grumbled as he lifted his bruised snout off of the ground, but he became concerned when the sound of cracking stone could be heard. He looked and saw that when he had fallen down, the claws of his hands had pierced the stone floor, and now cracks were spider webbing out from his fingertips. The cracking continued for a moment, then there was a loud popping sound, and then nearly the entire floor of the chamber collapsed and all of the treasure plummeted straight down.
The dragon’s eyes were wide as he looked down over the edge of the small section of floor he was lying on. He watched as everything fell into a large flow of magma and disappeared forever into the molten rock.
The dragon lay still, dubstruck and despondent, until something came to mind that greatly excited him. He jumped up and flew out of the ruined chamber, and landed right where the single gold coin from earlier lay. He reached down and snatched up the coin with his right hand. He laughed and happily spun around in a circle. Then he simply smiled and held the coin up to his snout, sniffing it as he rubbed the coin between his fingers. However, his fingers still had some of the dragon on them from when he rubbed his mouth earlier, and the coin slipped right through his fingers and bounced and rolled right into the ruined chamber. The dragon gasped and moved to chase the coin, only to slip on his drool covered right foot. As the coin went over the edge and splashed into the magma, the dragon flipped backwards and landed headfirst onto a nearby rock. He then rebounded off of that and landed on his head again several feet away. He then fell onto his back, knocked unconscious by the two blows to his head. He laid there on the grass with his wings outstretched, his hands on his chest, his tail curled to his left, and the right side of his head against the ground. His mouth hung open and his tongue lolled out as he breathed in and out, a puddle of drool forming on the ground under his mouth.
Category Story / All
Species Dragon (Other)
Gender Male
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 56.2 kB