So...yeah. Yet another fire dragon!
A bit of a thing when it comes to this character. I do already have a fire drake of my own, Sanguine, who I managed to get a pic of not too long ago (here, if you're curious). He was kind of a fun RP character who I basically made to...appeal to some of my mate's tastes a few years ago.
Thing was, as much as I tried to, I really just couldn't connect to him. He didn't feel like "a part of me" like all my other characters are. There was always a sort of disconnect between me and him. I didn't want to give him up, though, but I did want to have a different sort of fire drake to myself, one who kinda fits me a lot better.
And so, with
dreyk-daro's help, I finally have him! And I gotta say, he looks really damn good!
Ignes Ardoris is his name (for now, at least). He's a rather standard fire dragon, fire breath and heat-resistant scales and all. Personality-wise, he's a rather confident and cheerful person, knowing well his own value and often uplifting of others as well. And has a long, flowing mane which he always makes sure is well maintained.
I'm honestly quite happy with him, and I hope we'll get to see more of him in the future! Especially being from Solis's world, he'll have free reign to interact with most of my other characters, too.
Ignes Ardoris belongs to me!
Art is by
A bit of a thing when it comes to this character. I do already have a fire drake of my own, Sanguine, who I managed to get a pic of not too long ago (here, if you're curious). He was kind of a fun RP character who I basically made to...appeal to some of my mate's tastes a few years ago.
Thing was, as much as I tried to, I really just couldn't connect to him. He didn't feel like "a part of me" like all my other characters are. There was always a sort of disconnect between me and him. I didn't want to give him up, though, but I did want to have a different sort of fire drake to myself, one who kinda fits me a lot better.
And so, with

Ignes Ardoris is his name (for now, at least). He's a rather standard fire dragon, fire breath and heat-resistant scales and all. Personality-wise, he's a rather confident and cheerful person, knowing well his own value and often uplifting of others as well. And has a long, flowing mane which he always makes sure is well maintained.
I'm honestly quite happy with him, and I hope we'll get to see more of him in the future! Especially being from Solis's world, he'll have free reign to interact with most of my other characters, too.
Ignes Ardoris belongs to me!
Art is by

Category Artwork (Digital) / Fantasy
Species Western Dragon
Gender Male
Size 1180 x 1280px
File Size 190.4 kB
Listed in Folders
What a striking looking creature he is!
His colors not only blood red, but almost as red as the sun
And just like a rising red sun his beauty shines among many and these dark as night hairs are gorgeous like a waterfalls of oil
Dreyk definitely did wonderful job making him so elegant and handsome
His colors not only blood red, but almost as red as the sun
And just like a rising red sun his beauty shines among many and these dark as night hairs are gorgeous like a waterfalls of oil
Dreyk definitely did wonderful job making him so elegant and handsome