Original Work - https://www.furaffinity.net/view/15192958/
“…Oops!” blushed Kendra as she started opening up the drawers of her dresser. “I forgot that today was laundry day.”
Takoda adjusted the towel she had wrapped around her waist. It was a tight fit and constantly required her to readjust it so that it would not slip off.
“All your clothes?” she asked with disbelief while rubbing at the translucent fins on top of her head. “What about an old pair of underwear? Or, as I’m desperate, your gym shorts?”
“I’m sorry,” Kendra replied with frustration as she removed her one-piece, purple-colored swimsuit. “All I have is this and my stash until my folks get back.”
Takoda was taken aback to hear her powder-blue bellied mention having a ‘Stash’.
“Stash?” she asked while allowing her towel to fall to her feet. “What kind of stash?”
The fuchsia-scaled dragon felt her face burn with embarrassment.
“Double oops!” she gasped while trying to cover her blush with her hands. “Why would I have a stash?”
Takoda had known Kendra since elementary school. This meant that she also knew when her friend was not being totally honest about a potentially sensitive topic.
“You can tell me,” she calmly assured. “I doubt it’s anything bad given how I couldn’t even convince you to drink sparkling grape juice over New Years’.”
Kendra lowered her hands and sighed.
“Well…,” she nervously replied while rocking herself from side-to-side. “It’s kind of, uh, kinky.”
“Kinky…?” the white-scaled dragon thought aloud as her eyes widened with surprise. “You mean, umm, like, lingerie?”
Kendra noticed how her best friend had grown a noticeable blush upon her face.
“Yeah…,” she nervously replied with an awkward chuckle. “How about I just give you my swimsuit so you can get back to your house before your folks get back?”
“What about you?” Takoda inquired. “The last thing I want to do is get you in trouble for helping me to get out of trouble with my parents.”
“…,” Kendra appeared at a loss for words as she started to hum while starting to move herself closer to her large closet.
“KAZOOTLES!” Kendra cried upon suddenly crashing into a group of empty clothes hingers.
Takoda could only watch as her longtime friend tried desperately to catch herself before crashing hard upon the floor.
“KENDRA!” she cried with concern while rushing to her friend’s aid.
“Triple oops!” yelped Kendra as her hand only managed to take hold of a loose flap of a very worn out looking, cardboard box.
Kendra’s eyes grew as wide as a cartoon character who had just realized they were in possession of a bomb that was a second away from blowing up.
“What the…?” wondered Takoda as she curiously watched a chunk of the old, cardboard box that her friend had taken ahold of during her fall be torn off, tipped, and spilling out a number of folded, rectangular, plastic bag-like objects from its torn remains.
“Owie,” the fuchsia-scaled dragon moaned as her first attempt to pick herself off the floor had her firmly gripping and pressing down upon one of the rustling-rectangles. “I can explain… Really, I can…”
Takoda’s entire face grew fifty shades of pink as she felt nearly every possible emotion a teenage dragon could possibly feel within a matter of mere seconds.
“You have…,” she struggled to say without seeming excited over how her closest friend had also found comfort in such a juvenile garment. “D-diapers?”
Kendra remained motionless upon the floor with her eyes firmly closed shut.
“Please don’t hate me,” she pleaded while seeming to use the butterfly-printed, disposable diaper like a security blanket. “You’re my best friend and I don’t want to lose you over something so totally taboo that I don’t even understand myself why I have them.”
Takoda’s blush quickly faded as she watched her friend curl herself up against the wall. The way Kendra trembled as she held the oversized hatchling garment with both hands against her chest while her tail rose from beneath her bottom to shield her lowered head was like something out of a horror movie.
“Kendra…,” she said softly while moving slowly towards her frightened friend. “Can I tell you something…?”
The trembling, fuchsia-scaled dragon opened her eyes and lifted her head upon feeling Takoda’s hands softly being placed upon her shoulders.
“…,” she gulped nervously as she held her breath while doing all she could to keep eye contact with her white-scaled friend who now was sitting nearly nose-to-nose in front of her.
“I…,” blushed Takoda as she felt a lump grow in her throat. “I like to wear diapers, too.”
Kendra’s eyes widened as Takoda closed her own, lowered her head, and looked away from her powder-blue bellied buddy.
“Wow…,” giggled Kendra as a smile formed on her face. “We really are like twins hatched from the same egg.”
Takoda found herself starting to laugh as she brought herself in to hug her closest pal.
“Yeah,” she chuckled as she, too, grew an ear-to-ear smile. “Mind sharing one of your comfy crinkles with me? I could really use some comfy-cozy time after the day I just had.”
“Of course,” cooed Kendra as she handed the butterfly-print diaper she had been cuddling up with to her friend. “My folks won’t be back for another hour, or so. They also have this very annoying, yet helpful, habit of calling me to start dinner, or some other lame chore, when they are leaving from wherever it is they go while waiting for the laundry to finish up.”
Both Kendra and Takoda found themselves blushing and giggling as the fuchsia-scaled dragon took hold of another diaper from her ‘stash’ and prepared to place it beneath her posterior.
Kendra had no trouble placing and securing the diaper around her waist.
“D’aww!” Takoda swooned upon seeing how truly adorable her friend looked in the thickly-padded garment. “The big butterfly on the landing zone playing peekaboo is too adorable!”
The fuchsia-scaled teen grew a deep blush upon her cheeks as she scooted herself against the wall, spread her legs, and playfully tugged at her diaper’s frilly waistband.
“Peekaboo!” she chirped as she watched the large butterfly become more visible when she pulled her diaper up before seeming to disappear in a sea of wrinkly and crinkly plastic when she let go of it.
Takoda was eager to play with her padding, too. However she could not since she was far less experienced in diapering herself than Kendra was.
“Umm,” she bashfully said while weakly wiggling the open and unsecured front of her diaper. “Can you help me, Kenny?”
Kendra smiled as she got on all fours and playfully crawled over to her friend.
“Kenny help Cody!” she chirped while allowing her tail to wildly waggle about. “Help Cody be comfy-wumfy in fresh dipper!”
It was now takoda’s turn to bashfully blush as her friend went through all the motions of wrapping the cushiony garment over her exposed midsection.
“Done!” Kendra cheered while checking the fit of Takoda’s diaper one more time before breaking out in a fit of giggles, clapping her hands, plopping herself upon the ground, and playfully kicking her feet at her friend’s legs. “Play?”
The freshly padded, teenage dragon felt like a drake again as she worked to have her feet to evenly press back upon her fellow hatchling-at-heart.
“Paddleboat battle!” she squealed with delight while wildly cycling her legs in tandem with Kendra’s. “Vroom! Vroom!”
The next hour passed by in a blur as the padded pals crawled, hopped, danced, snuggled, laughed, and gave each other nose boops within Kendra’s room.
“Oh!” Kendra gasped as the ringtone for her parents ominously sounded from her smart phone.
“Drattles…,” Takoda sighed as her ‘little time’ was abruptly brought to an end. “We were just about to finish ‘Pocky & Rocky’, too.”
Kendra shimmied herself out of her diaper as she finished getting all of her parents’ ‘special requests’ for her to have completed before their return.
“This is why I really need to save up for diapers that use Velcro instead of tape,” she pouted while considering if she would be able to use the diaper she just dropped when she had time to herself again. “Perhaps we could split a case of ‘Nixwear’ when we next get paid at our jobs?”
“I’d…,” Takoda replied giddily. “Have you already tried one of their diaper?”
Kendra let out a bashful laugh as she slipped herself back into her one-piece swimsuit.
“Not yet,” she eagerly stated. “Did you have your eyes on any particular pamp?”
Takoda felt herself grow all tingly upon realizing what this conversation was leading up to.
“Nothing girly,” she answered. “What do you think of the ‘Space Opera’ ones?”
Kendra finished putting her ‘stash’ away before sliding the diaper she had been using under her bed.
“I should have known you had your eyes on those,” she playfully stated. “I hear that professional gamers wear those during speed runs and pivotal PVP matches.”
“…,” Takoda could only chuckle like a scheming toddler in response.
Kendra was only able to giggle like a preschooler eager for snack time.
“You know,” she said as her facial-fins rose upward. “Maybe we could have a sleepover and really take our two-on-two matches to the next level.”
Takoda found herself starting to imagine how such a night would go. Both of them drinking gallons of soda, gobbling tons of snacks, and tearing down some of the best two player teams in their favorite online PVP, ‘Neptune M[/b]’.
Takoda smiled as she saw herself with Kendra doing a celebratory dance in their diapers that ended in them wrapping their tails together and enthusiastically rubbing their padded backsides together like a varsity cheerleader rallying the home team to victory.
“Cody?” asked Kendra as she tapped a tune on the back of her spaced-out friend’s crinkly bottom. “Earth to Cody.”
Reality returned to the white-scaled dragon as she quickly realized this was no time to get all derpy in her diapers.
“Kazootles!” she exclaimed. “Though, given how I appear to have been cuddling my tail and using the tip like a binky, I think you know my answer about having a dino-mite, diaper night.”
Kendra winked as she watched her friend move her tail back to its normal, standing position.
“Need some help taking off your diaper?” she asked while tugging at the crinkly, tissue-like flagging that rested visibly against Takoda’s dark-pink colored tummy.
Takoda found herself blushing again as she lowered her head.
“Could you…,” she started to say while tugging at her diaper’s frilly waistband. “Any chance I may be able to, uh, umm, be able to sneak this back home? I, uh, don’t want to waste a perfectly good diaper.”
Kendra nodded her head before kneeling down to perform a more surgical removal of the diaper’s tapes from the giant, smiling butterfly that was prominently printed on its landing zone.
“No prob!” she replied while using both of her hands to individually separate all four tapes from the diaper’s surface. “I’ve got some extra duct tape for you to take home if there isn’t enough stickiness to ensure a snug fit when you pad up later.”
As Kendra worked to complete the chores she had been assigned by her returning parents, the swimsuit clad, teen dragon asked Takoda to take a look at her super-secret, social media account. The, now, bare-naked dragon was in awe at all that she saw. There were apparently hundreds, if not thousands, of other people from all corners of the world who had a desire to return to a more simpler time than the stressful one that growing into and becoming an adult brought upon everybody. All species, races, and nationalities had seemingly found a way to move past their differences through sharing their thoughts and feelings using the creative arts.
Takoda’s powder-blue bellied buddy returned after about thirty minutes. She was fully clothed in a white t-shirt that prominently featured a cutesy, cartoon butterfly that looked just like the one that adorned the diapers they had just been wearing. It was then that Kendra offered Takoda a full set of clean clothes that the white-scaled dragon had accidentally left at their house over a week ago. This made it a lot easier for Takoda to appear as if she had genuinely came over for a visit and was preparing to go home before her parents returned from her baby brother’s playdate.
Takoda could not help but to whistle and hum as she merrily skipped her way back home. The day had started out great, became stressful, but ultimately turned out amazing. She felt so free knowing that she was not alone in her desire to have times where she could just step away from the stresses of college applications, final exams, and other such responsibilities by strapping herself into a cloud-like, crinkly cushion. Being able to have her best friend share in carefree snuggling while gaming together in nothing more than their adult-sized, baby diapers while eating and drinking to their harts’ content made it all feel like she was getting back something she had never realized she had lost.
Takoda managed to get home, enter the front door’s security code, and have everything in order just moments before her family returned from their big day out with Elliot. Nobody for a second believed anything to be out of sorts. The only notable hiccup in the teenage dragon’s effort to have not been noticed for having locked herself out in the backyard with no clothes on came in being told she is to be more mindful of when her parents try to call, or text, her.
When everyone had gone to bed, Takoda decided that she would benefit from a restful night’s sleep over staying up late in her room reading through all the high school drama taking place on her social media feeds. So, after adding the super-secret social media site Kendra had shown her to her very private, secondary login account of her computer, the dark-pink bellied dragon retrieved the diaper she had securely stashed within an old purse she kept under her bed.
“Tee-hee,” she playfully giggled while allowing herself time to take in the peekaboo butterfly that bashfully looked at her with innocent, welcoming eyes from the diaper’s landing zone. “Now to get you back on before slipping into my sleeper.”
Takoda was far from being a black belt in self-diapering, but her multiple times changing her little brother’s diapers provided her with enough previous experience to get it right after a handful of failed attempts. However, she had barely gotten herself all snuggled up in bed with her plush, cuddle buddy when the sound of crying made its way through her closed, bedroom door.
“Coming, Elliot,” she said aloud while slipping herself out of bed. There had been an agreement made between Takoda and her parents where the teenage dragon would be paid extra allowance if she took care of her little brother throughout the course of the night. This worked for Takoda since she was normally still working on her stories and chatting online when her little brother first cried out for help.
Elliot’s room was aglow with slow-moving, colored projections of stars and moons from the mobile that hung above his crib.
“Hey, little bro,” Takoda cooed softly as she reached in and brought the whimpering, white-scaled toddler up for a quick, diaper check. “Seems your tummy may not be agreeing with all those chicken nuggets and fires you had while playing with your friends.”
Elliot had yet to gain the ability to speak in full sentences. However this was not a problem for his big sister. His babble mixed with a word, or two, was more than she needed to understand what her teal-bellied, baby brother needed to feel that all was well in his little world.
“Ta-ta. Ta-ta diaper! Goosh-blap-ba-ba-baba…,” the tyke sputtered as his big sister laid him down on the changing table
Takoda felt herself blush as, upon looking down at herself, she could see the diaper she had underneath pushing against her sleeper just enough to give away how she and her brother were sporting the same kind of underpants this evening.
“Oh,” she laughed giggled before booping her brother on the nose. “It seems you have uncovered my little secret.”
“Ta-ta bat ticky-tick, ‘koda,” he burst with laughter as his arms and legs flailed wildly from being tickled by his sister’s surprise nose boop.
“I don’t mind you knowing my secret,” she softly said while pulling down Elliot’s pajama bottoms and unbuttoning the pastel-green onesie he had on underneath. “Just promise me that, no matter how old you get, you never forget to be a hatchling at heart.”
“Bwa-gwee,” Elliot responded as his diaper broke itself free of the onesie after Takoda had unsnapped the second of three clasps intended to prevent what was within from ever prematurely finding its way out.
The rest of Elliot’s late night diaper change went by with nothing particularly special happening as his sister made short work of swapping out his used diaper for a fresh one. She also made extra sure to clean his sensitive scales, apply rash cream, and sprinkle a generous amount of lavender-scented powder between his legs before pulling up the diaper’s front and fastening it snugly into place.
“I love you,” the older sister said fondly after she had snapped her brother’s onesie back on, pulled his pajama pants back up around his waist, and lifted him so that he could rest his head on her shoulder as she supported him from falling with a firm, but gentle, hand upon his pudgy posterior.
“Woo-arr-pa…,” the relaxed toddler yawned as he started to fall back to sleep.
“You know,” she softly stated while making her way over to a futon-like rocking chair. “Do you mind if I hang out here with you in your room for just a bit?”
Elliot could not answer as he had already fallen into a deep sleep that was punctuated by cute, little snorts that came out in regular intervals from his nose.
“Thanks, little bro,” she replied as she got comfortable in the rocking chair, moved her other hand to increase the support she had already given to him to slumber upon her shoulder, gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, and started to gently rock within the super-soft, concave cushion of the chair before joining her brother in sleeping soundly until the first rays of the sun peeked their way through his nursery window.


Original Work - https://www.furaffinity.net/view/15192958/
“…Oops!” blushed Kendra as she started opening up the drawers of her dresser. “I forgot that today was laundry day.”
Takoda adjusted the towel she had wrapped around her waist. It was a tight fit and constantly required her to readjust it so that it would not slip off.
“All your clothes?” she asked with disbelief while rubbing at the translucent fins on top of her head. “What about an old pair of underwear? Or, as I’m desperate, your gym shorts?”
“I’m sorry,” Kendra replied with frustration as she removed her one-piece, purple-colored swimsuit. “All I have is this and my stash until my folks get back.”
Takoda was taken aback to hear her powder-blue bellied mention having a ‘Stash’.
“Stash?” she asked while allowing her towel to fall to her feet. “What kind of stash?”
The fuchsia-scaled dragon felt her face burn with embarrassment.
“Double oops!” she gasped while trying to cover her blush with her hands. “Why would I have a stash?”
Takoda had known Kendra since elementary school. This meant that she also knew when her friend was not being totally honest about a potentially sensitive topic.
“You can tell me,” she calmly assured. “I doubt it’s anything bad given how I couldn’t even convince you to drink sparkling grape juice over New Years’.”
Kendra lowered her hands and sighed.
“Well…,” she nervously replied while rocking herself from side-to-side. “It’s kind of, uh, kinky.”
“Kinky…?” the white-scaled dragon thought aloud as her eyes widened with surprise. “You mean, umm, like, lingerie?”
Kendra noticed how her best friend had grown a noticeable blush upon her face.
“Yeah…,” she nervously replied with an awkward chuckle. “How about I just give you my swimsuit so you can get back to your house before your folks get back?”
“What about you?” Takoda inquired. “The last thing I want to do is get you in trouble for helping me to get out of trouble with my parents.”
“…,” Kendra appeared at a loss for words as she started to hum while starting to move herself closer to her large closet.
“KAZOOTLES!” Kendra cried upon suddenly crashing into a group of empty clothes hingers.
Takoda could only watch as her longtime friend tried desperately to catch herself before crashing hard upon the floor.
“KENDRA!” she cried with concern while rushing to her friend’s aid.
“Triple oops!” yelped Kendra as her hand only managed to take hold of a loose flap of a very worn out looking, cardboard box.
Kendra’s eyes grew as wide as a cartoon character who had just realized they were in possession of a bomb that was a second away from blowing up.
“What the…?” wondered Takoda as she curiously watched a chunk of the old, cardboard box that her friend had taken ahold of during her fall be torn off, tipped, and spilling out a number of folded, rectangular, plastic bag-like objects from its torn remains.
“Owie,” the fuchsia-scaled dragon moaned as her first attempt to pick herself off the floor had her firmly gripping and pressing down upon one of the rustling-rectangles. “I can explain… Really, I can…”
Takoda’s entire face grew fifty shades of pink as she felt nearly every possible emotion a teenage dragon could possibly feel within a matter of mere seconds.
“You have…,” she struggled to say without seeming excited over how her closest friend had also found comfort in such a juvenile garment. “D-diapers?”
Kendra remained motionless upon the floor with her eyes firmly closed shut.
“Please don’t hate me,” she pleaded while seeming to use the butterfly-printed, disposable diaper like a security blanket. “You’re my best friend and I don’t want to lose you over something so totally taboo that I don’t even understand myself why I have them.”
Takoda’s blush quickly faded as she watched her friend curl herself up against the wall. The way Kendra trembled as she held the oversized hatchling garment with both hands against her chest while her tail rose from beneath her bottom to shield her lowered head was like something out of a horror movie.
“Kendra…,” she said softly while moving slowly towards her frightened friend. “Can I tell you something…?”
The trembling, fuchsia-scaled dragon opened her eyes and lifted her head upon feeling Takoda’s hands softly being placed upon her shoulders.
“…,” she gulped nervously as she held her breath while doing all she could to keep eye contact with her white-scaled friend who now was sitting nearly nose-to-nose in front of her.
“I…,” blushed Takoda as she felt a lump grow in her throat. “I like to wear diapers, too.”
Kendra’s eyes widened as Takoda closed her own, lowered her head, and looked away from her powder-blue bellied buddy.
“Wow…,” giggled Kendra as a smile formed on her face. “We really are like twins hatched from the same egg.”
Takoda found herself starting to laugh as she brought herself in to hug her closest pal.
“Yeah,” she chuckled as she, too, grew an ear-to-ear smile. “Mind sharing one of your comfy crinkles with me? I could really use some comfy-cozy time after the day I just had.”
“Of course,” cooed Kendra as she handed the butterfly-print diaper she had been cuddling up with to her friend. “My folks won’t be back for another hour, or so. They also have this very annoying, yet helpful, habit of calling me to start dinner, or some other lame chore, when they are leaving from wherever it is they go while waiting for the laundry to finish up.”
Both Kendra and Takoda found themselves blushing and giggling as the fuchsia-scaled dragon took hold of another diaper from her ‘stash’ and prepared to place it beneath her posterior.
Kendra had no trouble placing and securing the diaper around her waist.
“D’aww!” Takoda swooned upon seeing how truly adorable her friend looked in the thickly-padded garment. “The big butterfly on the landing zone playing peekaboo is too adorable!”
The fuchsia-scaled teen grew a deep blush upon her cheeks as she scooted herself against the wall, spread her legs, and playfully tugged at her diaper’s frilly waistband.
“Peekaboo!” she chirped as she watched the large butterfly become more visible when she pulled her diaper up before seeming to disappear in a sea of wrinkly and crinkly plastic when she let go of it.
Takoda was eager to play with her padding, too. However she could not since she was far less experienced in diapering herself than Kendra was.
“Umm,” she bashfully said while weakly wiggling the open and unsecured front of her diaper. “Can you help me, Kenny?”
Kendra smiled as she got on all fours and playfully crawled over to her friend.
“Kenny help Cody!” she chirped while allowing her tail to wildly waggle about. “Help Cody be comfy-wumfy in fresh dipper!”
It was now takoda’s turn to bashfully blush as her friend went through all the motions of wrapping the cushiony garment over her exposed midsection.
“Done!” Kendra cheered while checking the fit of Takoda’s diaper one more time before breaking out in a fit of giggles, clapping her hands, plopping herself upon the ground, and playfully kicking her feet at her friend’s legs. “Play?”
The freshly padded, teenage dragon felt like a drake again as she worked to have her feet to evenly press back upon her fellow hatchling-at-heart.
“Paddleboat battle!” she squealed with delight while wildly cycling her legs in tandem with Kendra’s. “Vroom! Vroom!”
The next hour passed by in a blur as the padded pals crawled, hopped, danced, snuggled, laughed, and gave each other nose boops within Kendra’s room.
“Oh!” Kendra gasped as the ringtone for her parents ominously sounded from her smart phone.
“Drattles…,” Takoda sighed as her ‘little time’ was abruptly brought to an end. “We were just about to finish ‘Pocky & Rocky’, too.”
Kendra shimmied herself out of her diaper as she finished getting all of her parents’ ‘special requests’ for her to have completed before their return.
“This is why I really need to save up for diapers that use Velcro instead of tape,” she pouted while considering if she would be able to use the diaper she just dropped when she had time to herself again. “Perhaps we could split a case of ‘Nixwear’ when we next get paid at our jobs?”
“I’d…,” Takoda replied giddily. “Have you already tried one of their diaper?”
Kendra let out a bashful laugh as she slipped herself back into her one-piece swimsuit.
“Not yet,” she eagerly stated. “Did you have your eyes on any particular pamp?”
Takoda felt herself grow all tingly upon realizing what this conversation was leading up to.
“Nothing girly,” she answered. “What do you think of the ‘Space Opera’ ones?”
Kendra finished putting her ‘stash’ away before sliding the diaper she had been using under her bed.
“I should have known you had your eyes on those,” she playfully stated. “I hear that professional gamers wear those during speed runs and pivotal PVP matches.”
“…,” Takoda could only chuckle like a scheming toddler in response.
Kendra was only able to giggle like a preschooler eager for snack time.
“You know,” she said as her facial-fins rose upward. “Maybe we could have a sleepover and really take our two-on-two matches to the next level.”
Takoda found herself starting to imagine how such a night would go. Both of them drinking gallons of soda, gobbling tons of snacks, and tearing down some of the best two player teams in their favorite online PVP, ‘Neptune M[/b]’.
Takoda smiled as she saw herself with Kendra doing a celebratory dance in their diapers that ended in them wrapping their tails together and enthusiastically rubbing their padded backsides together like a varsity cheerleader rallying the home team to victory.
“Cody?” asked Kendra as she tapped a tune on the back of her spaced-out friend’s crinkly bottom. “Earth to Cody.”
Reality returned to the white-scaled dragon as she quickly realized this was no time to get all derpy in her diapers.
“Kazootles!” she exclaimed. “Though, given how I appear to have been cuddling my tail and using the tip like a binky, I think you know my answer about having a dino-mite, diaper night.”
Kendra winked as she watched her friend move her tail back to its normal, standing position.
“Need some help taking off your diaper?” she asked while tugging at the crinkly, tissue-like flagging that rested visibly against Takoda’s dark-pink colored tummy.
Takoda found herself blushing again as she lowered her head.
“Could you…,” she started to say while tugging at her diaper’s frilly waistband. “Any chance I may be able to, uh, umm, be able to sneak this back home? I, uh, don’t want to waste a perfectly good diaper.”
Kendra nodded her head before kneeling down to perform a more surgical removal of the diaper’s tapes from the giant, smiling butterfly that was prominently printed on its landing zone.
“No prob!” she replied while using both of her hands to individually separate all four tapes from the diaper’s surface. “I’ve got some extra duct tape for you to take home if there isn’t enough stickiness to ensure a snug fit when you pad up later.”
As Kendra worked to complete the chores she had been assigned by her returning parents, the swimsuit clad, teen dragon asked Takoda to take a look at her super-secret, social media account. The, now, bare-naked dragon was in awe at all that she saw. There were apparently hundreds, if not thousands, of other people from all corners of the world who had a desire to return to a more simpler time than the stressful one that growing into and becoming an adult brought upon everybody. All species, races, and nationalities had seemingly found a way to move past their differences through sharing their thoughts and feelings using the creative arts.
Takoda’s powder-blue bellied buddy returned after about thirty minutes. She was fully clothed in a white t-shirt that prominently featured a cutesy, cartoon butterfly that looked just like the one that adorned the diapers they had just been wearing. It was then that Kendra offered Takoda a full set of clean clothes that the white-scaled dragon had accidentally left at their house over a week ago. This made it a lot easier for Takoda to appear as if she had genuinely came over for a visit and was preparing to go home before her parents returned from her baby brother’s playdate.
Takoda could not help but to whistle and hum as she merrily skipped her way back home. The day had started out great, became stressful, but ultimately turned out amazing. She felt so free knowing that she was not alone in her desire to have times where she could just step away from the stresses of college applications, final exams, and other such responsibilities by strapping herself into a cloud-like, crinkly cushion. Being able to have her best friend share in carefree snuggling while gaming together in nothing more than their adult-sized, baby diapers while eating and drinking to their harts’ content made it all feel like she was getting back something she had never realized she had lost.
Takoda managed to get home, enter the front door’s security code, and have everything in order just moments before her family returned from their big day out with Elliot. Nobody for a second believed anything to be out of sorts. The only notable hiccup in the teenage dragon’s effort to have not been noticed for having locked herself out in the backyard with no clothes on came in being told she is to be more mindful of when her parents try to call, or text, her.
When everyone had gone to bed, Takoda decided that she would benefit from a restful night’s sleep over staying up late in her room reading through all the high school drama taking place on her social media feeds. So, after adding the super-secret social media site Kendra had shown her to her very private, secondary login account of her computer, the dark-pink bellied dragon retrieved the diaper she had securely stashed within an old purse she kept under her bed.
“Tee-hee,” she playfully giggled while allowing herself time to take in the peekaboo butterfly that bashfully looked at her with innocent, welcoming eyes from the diaper’s landing zone. “Now to get you back on before slipping into my sleeper.”
Takoda was far from being a black belt in self-diapering, but her multiple times changing her little brother’s diapers provided her with enough previous experience to get it right after a handful of failed attempts. However, she had barely gotten herself all snuggled up in bed with her plush, cuddle buddy when the sound of crying made its way through her closed, bedroom door.
“Coming, Elliot,” she said aloud while slipping herself out of bed. There had been an agreement made between Takoda and her parents where the teenage dragon would be paid extra allowance if she took care of her little brother throughout the course of the night. This worked for Takoda since she was normally still working on her stories and chatting online when her little brother first cried out for help.
Elliot’s room was aglow with slow-moving, colored projections of stars and moons from the mobile that hung above his crib.
“Hey, little bro,” Takoda cooed softly as she reached in and brought the whimpering, white-scaled toddler up for a quick, diaper check. “Seems your tummy may not be agreeing with all those chicken nuggets and fires you had while playing with your friends.”
Elliot had yet to gain the ability to speak in full sentences. However this was not a problem for his big sister. His babble mixed with a word, or two, was more than she needed to understand what her teal-bellied, baby brother needed to feel that all was well in his little world.
“Ta-ta. Ta-ta diaper! Goosh-blap-ba-ba-baba…,” the tyke sputtered as his big sister laid him down on the changing table
Takoda felt herself blush as, upon looking down at herself, she could see the diaper she had underneath pushing against her sleeper just enough to give away how she and her brother were sporting the same kind of underpants this evening.
“Oh,” she laughed giggled before booping her brother on the nose. “It seems you have uncovered my little secret.”
“Ta-ta bat ticky-tick, ‘koda,” he burst with laughter as his arms and legs flailed wildly from being tickled by his sister’s surprise nose boop.
“I don’t mind you knowing my secret,” she softly said while pulling down Elliot’s pajama bottoms and unbuttoning the pastel-green onesie he had on underneath. “Just promise me that, no matter how old you get, you never forget to be a hatchling at heart.”
“Bwa-gwee,” Elliot responded as his diaper broke itself free of the onesie after Takoda had unsnapped the second of three clasps intended to prevent what was within from ever prematurely finding its way out.
The rest of Elliot’s late night diaper change went by with nothing particularly special happening as his sister made short work of swapping out his used diaper for a fresh one. She also made extra sure to clean his sensitive scales, apply rash cream, and sprinkle a generous amount of lavender-scented powder between his legs before pulling up the diaper’s front and fastening it snugly into place.
“I love you,” the older sister said fondly after she had snapped her brother’s onesie back on, pulled his pajama pants back up around his waist, and lifted him so that he could rest his head on her shoulder as she supported him from falling with a firm, but gentle, hand upon his pudgy posterior.
“Woo-arr-pa…,” the relaxed toddler yawned as he started to fall back to sleep.
“You know,” she softly stated while making her way over to a futon-like rocking chair. “Do you mind if I hang out here with you in your room for just a bit?”
Elliot could not answer as he had already fallen into a deep sleep that was punctuated by cute, little snorts that came out in regular intervals from his nose.
“Thanks, little bro,” she replied as she got comfortable in the rocking chair, moved her other hand to increase the support she had already given to him to slumber upon her shoulder, gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, and started to gently rock within the super-soft, concave cushion of the chair before joining her brother in sleeping soundly until the first rays of the sun peeked their way through his nursery window.
Category Story / Baby fur
Species Dragon (Other)
Gender Any
Size 1280 x 639px
File Size 87.6 kB
Listed in Folders
It makes me super happy to hear your approval of this story. Your comment has special value based on how you are familiar with Leon's characters. If you did not feel I did Takoda, Kendra, or Elliot justice through my talents as a writer, I'd be going to Leon ASAP to ask how I could make good in properly representing his lovable dragons. :)
I think this is the first story of length about takoda, Kendra, and Elliot. Though, sadly, I did not learn much about them prior to losing all my physical eyesight. I was very familiar with Leon, Parker, and nixi. So, in doing this story, I feel delighted to collaborate with Leon so I can better appreciate these characters and the world they live in. :)
I think this is the first story of length about takoda, Kendra, and Elliot. Though, sadly, I did not learn much about them prior to losing all my physical eyesight. I was very familiar with Leon, Parker, and nixi. So, in doing this story, I feel delighted to collaborate with Leon so I can better appreciate these characters and the world they live in. :)