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The Starlight Festival
A little story showing the start of the bond Dylan and Seven have now. Though this story also serves as a thank you to a few close friends. For those that chose to be there for me. Even at my lowest points in my life. I genuinely wanna say thank you, I may be loud and depressed at times, still thank you. Thank you for not letting me be alone.
It was a cool Thursday morning. The leaves were turning a vibrant orange, the birds were flying south and the smell of pine trees filled the nostrils of one chubby blue Zekrom. Looking outside at light poles, papers were hung to advertise the coming festival tomorrow. Every year during fall a festival is held, when the night sky is at its clearest and the stars at its brightest. A day to celebrate the relationships one has forged. Of course, the mail van comes by as Dylan sips his hot cocoa, lifting his cup into the air a bit, “Morning Thomas.”
The delivery man tips his hat, his grizzled voice replying back, “Morning Dylan, that orange lizard fella still kickin’ about?”
Dylan sets his cup on the railing, “Oh you mean Seven? Yea, he’s still asleep right now. He did a set last night out at the Diamond Hills Arena. Huge turn out, and it wiped him out.”
Thomas chuckles softly, “I heard, my grandson was there last night. Lizard boy DJed his heart out and the crowd loved it. He’s got some talent.”
“No kidding, he’s been so passionate about being a DJ this last year. I’m proud of him. Either way, don’t let me hold you up. Have a good one Thomas,” Dylan smiles a bit and gives the old man a wave.
He tips his hat once more, “Have a good one Dylan, tell ol’ Lizard boy Stephen loved his set.” Thomas got back in his mail van after putting the mail into the box and heads off down the road.
“That old man, well let’s see what mail we got.” Dylan grabs his cup once more and makes his way down stairs to the mailbox. Looking through the letters, there’s a couple advertisement letters, one for bills, and one oddly addressed to Seven. Heading back inside, he opens the door to Seven’s room to see him almost fully dressed.
Sliding his black hoodie on, he turns around, “Sup tubbo, what ya need?”
Dylan chuckles and shakes his head, “Letter for you, seems it’s from the mayor of Diamond City.” He hands the letter over to Seven.
“The mayor? Heck he’d want with me?” Seven takes the letter and opens it. He quickly skims through it. Before his eyes go wide, he drops the letter.
Concerned, Dylan steps forward a bit, “You ok? Something bad happen? A new mission?”
Seven sits down on the bed, his voice soft, “I… I was asked… to do a set at the Starlight Festival…”
“Holy crap! Dude, that's amazing! I’ve heard the mayor only allows the best of the best to play at the festival!” Dylan hugs the smaller lizard, Sevens shock subsiding as he looks up at Dylan.
“This is probably one of the biggest moments of my life. I gotta get a set together! Out of my room, this is gonna require a lot of focus!” Seven pushes Dylan out of his room and locks the door.
Dylan smiles and heads out to the back yard and into his workshop. Going back to his machine tinkering as he slides on his bandolier of tools. He goes through filling out orders for clients and finalizing some blueprints for new machines that he can test after the festival. By the time he is finished for the day, Seven is on the back porch setting up his turntables and laptop. The equalizer on the front of the booth going up and down to the beat of the music.
He leans against the entrance of the workshop walls, watching Seven do his DJ work, seeing the genuine happiness on his face as he jumps up and down to the music. His dedication to making the perfect music set to bring the mood up for everyone. Dylan couldn’t help but smile to himself, remembering the time when he first met Seven.
Back about a year ago Seven was aggressive, even violent and always secluded from him. Always saying he didn’t need his help, didn’t want any friends. 8 months ago that changed, when Seven heard the upbeat music of a different DJ. They called her DJ Knight. Since that day, Seven started to build his skills as a DJ, throwing away the life of a contract assassin. Since that day, Seven began to open up, though only a little.
Night time came swiftly as Dylan got into his bed. The shimmering shine of the Starlight Festival ticket makes his room sparkle slightly as he dreams about the set Seven would do. How it would help Seven finally reach his dream of being a famous DJ, instead of being an infamous assassin.
By morning time, Seven was already waiting by the door, shaking with excitement as he tapped his foot on the hardwood floor, “Come on Dylan, we gotta get moving ya lazy bum.”
Dylan slings a backpack over his shoulder, “Don't worry, I’m right here. Let’s get a move on. The festival starts in less than an hour.”
“Agreed, got everything you need?” Seven stops tapping his foot and opens the door.
Dylan nods and puts his backpack on fully, “Yea, I got everything, hop on.” Dylan stands in front of Seven, as he hops on Dylan’s back. To which Dylan flies into the sky, heading towards the city. The two live together up on a mountain, overlooking a valley spanning city. The skyline of skyscrapers nearing the height of mountains around it. Near the northern end of the city was a massive fairgrounds, where the festival was taking place.
Landing backstage of the DJ venue, the mayor was waiting for the two. The mayor went by the name of Platinum Hand. His left hand was said to have been blown off many years ago, and his dad got him a new hand made of Platinum. Eventually Platinum took his dad's place as mayor once he died. Platinum looks at the two and smiles, “Well if it ain’t the two mountain dwellers.”
Seven puts a hand on his hip, “Sup Plate Hand, made it just in time for the start of the festival.”
“Yes you did, you two have plenty of time to enjoy the festival. As your set won’t be happening until 8:30 pm. Just an hour before the sky is at its brightest with the stars. Ending at 10:00 pm. Hope you are ready, it’s going to be a big crowd.” Platinum rests his hands on his cane, looking intently at Seven.
Seven rolls his eyes, “Trust me, I prepared all day yesterday. I got my set list.”
Platinum nods and makes his way towards the center on the festival grounds, “Then good luck Seven.”
Dylan watches the mayor leave, “So what’s the plan Seven, are gonna…?” He turns around to see Seven heading up the stage steps. “Hey, come on, we got some time to kill before your set. Let’s go enjoy the festival.”
“Look, this is my biggest night ever. I don’t want anything to go wrong, so just go off and do whatever you do.” Seven brushes him off and heads onto the stage, leaving Dylan standing there.
Dylan lets out a sad sigh and flies up to the top of the hill next to the concert section of the venue. He sat under a tree at the top and looked at the stage, watching Seven mess with lights, flames, and music. He pulls out his phone and texts friends, watching the sun slowly go down over the course of many hours.
Soon the festival begins, the sun setting over the horizon as the sky starts to light up with colorful and vibrant stars in the sky. The music from Seven’s set begins as the crowd of nearly 30,000 citizens clap and cheer. The music fills the valley as the sky only grows brighter with each passing minute. Seven is as always into his sets, enjoying every second as the crowd cheers for more. Though even through the crowd, he notices one person was absent, Dylan.
Seven finishes his set right as the night sky nears its peak in brightness. Though he heads off the stage to look for Dylan. Running through the stands and alleys, he comes up empty handed. Until finally he sees his silhouette on the hill, just above the concert. He climbs up the hill, seeing Dylan staring out at the lake that was on the other side of the hill.
Seven sits down next to Dylan, “Hey Dylan, did you… see the set?”
Dylan doesn’t even look at him, speaking in rather blunt statements, “I heard it…”
“Look… I’m sorry I pushed you away. That better?” Seven brought his knees to his chest.
Dylan still speaks in his blunt and quiet voice, “Hmmph, that’s it?”
Seven stands up, yelling at Dylan, “What else do you want me to say!? I’m sorry I’m trying to be the best DJ I can? Trying to be famous so I’m not seen as a ruthless killing machine? I don’t want to be known as that killer I once was. Being a DJ has been the one time I can be happy after everything I’ve been through!”
Dylan looks at him, “I just wanted to spend time together… you always seclude yourself in your room. Unless you are in the backyard practicing sets… I get you have that trauma but you can’t let it define you.”
Seven tears up a bit, still yelling at him, “Well I’m sorry I watched my family die in front of me! Losing the only people who care about me in this world!”
Dylan stands up, looking down at Seven, tears in his own eyes, “I care about you! I want you to be happy, that’s why I wanted to spend time with you at this festival! I was the same way, I was always alone, secluded and hating myself until I grew bonds with others. Some genuinely see me as family to them. Those few I care about with every fiber of my being. I’d gladly stand by their side if they need me, fight with them even.”
Seven lightly punches Dylan in the chest, “News flash, those bonds I had are gone too! Every bond I have ends with them dying because I wasn’t there!”
Dylan steps back a bit from the punch, his right claw on his chest , “Then choose to fight! Fight for those you care about! I’d do the same for you!”
“Y-you… what…?” Seven recoils a bit from what was said.
“Yea, I said it! I took you in to hopefully give you a better life. Away from the military and away from being an assassin! I wanted to be your friend!” Tears stream down Dylan's face, his claws clenched at his sides.
“But why… why care about me? I’m a monster, an abomination!” Seven’s own tears start to stream down his face.
Dylan sits down and stares out at the lake, “Because, everyone deserves to have someone by their side… be it a close friend, family… I wanted to do that for you.”
Seven sits next to Dylan, “I… I just… thank you…” he rests his head on Dylan’s shoulder.
Dylan wraps an arm around Seven, “You aren’t alone in this world, you have me by your side. Don’t forget that.” He looks up at the stars, “I know a few others who would be there for you too.
Seven rests his face into Dylan’s chest, tears going down his face, “Thank you, for everything.”
Dylan rests a hand on his head, “Brothers to the end?”
Seven nods, “Brothers… to the end.”
The End
It was a cool Thursday morning. The leaves were turning a vibrant orange, the birds were flying south and the smell of pine trees filled the nostrils of one chubby blue Zekrom. Looking outside at light poles, papers were hung to advertise the coming festival tomorrow. Every year during fall a festival is held, when the night sky is at its clearest and the stars at its brightest. A day to celebrate the relationships one has forged. Of course, the mail van comes by as Dylan sips his hot cocoa, lifting his cup into the air a bit, “Morning Thomas.”
The delivery man tips his hat, his grizzled voice replying back, “Morning Dylan, that orange lizard fella still kickin’ about?”
Dylan sets his cup on the railing, “Oh you mean Seven? Yea, he’s still asleep right now. He did a set last night out at the Diamond Hills Arena. Huge turn out, and it wiped him out.”
Thomas chuckles softly, “I heard, my grandson was there last night. Lizard boy DJed his heart out and the crowd loved it. He’s got some talent.”
“No kidding, he’s been so passionate about being a DJ this last year. I’m proud of him. Either way, don’t let me hold you up. Have a good one Thomas,” Dylan smiles a bit and gives the old man a wave.
He tips his hat once more, “Have a good one Dylan, tell ol’ Lizard boy Stephen loved his set.” Thomas got back in his mail van after putting the mail into the box and heads off down the road.
“That old man, well let’s see what mail we got.” Dylan grabs his cup once more and makes his way down stairs to the mailbox. Looking through the letters, there’s a couple advertisement letters, one for bills, and one oddly addressed to Seven. Heading back inside, he opens the door to Seven’s room to see him almost fully dressed.
Sliding his black hoodie on, he turns around, “Sup tubbo, what ya need?”
Dylan chuckles and shakes his head, “Letter for you, seems it’s from the mayor of Diamond City.” He hands the letter over to Seven.
“The mayor? Heck he’d want with me?” Seven takes the letter and opens it. He quickly skims through it. Before his eyes go wide, he drops the letter.
Concerned, Dylan steps forward a bit, “You ok? Something bad happen? A new mission?”
Seven sits down on the bed, his voice soft, “I… I was asked… to do a set at the Starlight Festival…”
“Holy crap! Dude, that's amazing! I’ve heard the mayor only allows the best of the best to play at the festival!” Dylan hugs the smaller lizard, Sevens shock subsiding as he looks up at Dylan.
“This is probably one of the biggest moments of my life. I gotta get a set together! Out of my room, this is gonna require a lot of focus!” Seven pushes Dylan out of his room and locks the door.
Dylan smiles and heads out to the back yard and into his workshop. Going back to his machine tinkering as he slides on his bandolier of tools. He goes through filling out orders for clients and finalizing some blueprints for new machines that he can test after the festival. By the time he is finished for the day, Seven is on the back porch setting up his turntables and laptop. The equalizer on the front of the booth going up and down to the beat of the music.
He leans against the entrance of the workshop walls, watching Seven do his DJ work, seeing the genuine happiness on his face as he jumps up and down to the music. His dedication to making the perfect music set to bring the mood up for everyone. Dylan couldn’t help but smile to himself, remembering the time when he first met Seven.
Back about a year ago Seven was aggressive, even violent and always secluded from him. Always saying he didn’t need his help, didn’t want any friends. 8 months ago that changed, when Seven heard the upbeat music of a different DJ. They called her DJ Knight. Since that day, Seven started to build his skills as a DJ, throwing away the life of a contract assassin. Since that day, Seven began to open up, though only a little.
Night time came swiftly as Dylan got into his bed. The shimmering shine of the Starlight Festival ticket makes his room sparkle slightly as he dreams about the set Seven would do. How it would help Seven finally reach his dream of being a famous DJ, instead of being an infamous assassin.
By morning time, Seven was already waiting by the door, shaking with excitement as he tapped his foot on the hardwood floor, “Come on Dylan, we gotta get moving ya lazy bum.”
Dylan slings a backpack over his shoulder, “Don't worry, I’m right here. Let’s get a move on. The festival starts in less than an hour.”
“Agreed, got everything you need?” Seven stops tapping his foot and opens the door.
Dylan nods and puts his backpack on fully, “Yea, I got everything, hop on.” Dylan stands in front of Seven, as he hops on Dylan’s back. To which Dylan flies into the sky, heading towards the city. The two live together up on a mountain, overlooking a valley spanning city. The skyline of skyscrapers nearing the height of mountains around it. Near the northern end of the city was a massive fairgrounds, where the festival was taking place.
Landing backstage of the DJ venue, the mayor was waiting for the two. The mayor went by the name of Platinum Hand. His left hand was said to have been blown off many years ago, and his dad got him a new hand made of Platinum. Eventually Platinum took his dad's place as mayor once he died. Platinum looks at the two and smiles, “Well if it ain’t the two mountain dwellers.”
Seven puts a hand on his hip, “Sup Plate Hand, made it just in time for the start of the festival.”
“Yes you did, you two have plenty of time to enjoy the festival. As your set won’t be happening until 8:30 pm. Just an hour before the sky is at its brightest with the stars. Ending at 10:00 pm. Hope you are ready, it’s going to be a big crowd.” Platinum rests his hands on his cane, looking intently at Seven.
Seven rolls his eyes, “Trust me, I prepared all day yesterday. I got my set list.”
Platinum nods and makes his way towards the center on the festival grounds, “Then good luck Seven.”
Dylan watches the mayor leave, “So what’s the plan Seven, are gonna…?” He turns around to see Seven heading up the stage steps. “Hey, come on, we got some time to kill before your set. Let’s go enjoy the festival.”
“Look, this is my biggest night ever. I don’t want anything to go wrong, so just go off and do whatever you do.” Seven brushes him off and heads onto the stage, leaving Dylan standing there.
Dylan lets out a sad sigh and flies up to the top of the hill next to the concert section of the venue. He sat under a tree at the top and looked at the stage, watching Seven mess with lights, flames, and music. He pulls out his phone and texts friends, watching the sun slowly go down over the course of many hours.
Soon the festival begins, the sun setting over the horizon as the sky starts to light up with colorful and vibrant stars in the sky. The music from Seven’s set begins as the crowd of nearly 30,000 citizens clap and cheer. The music fills the valley as the sky only grows brighter with each passing minute. Seven is as always into his sets, enjoying every second as the crowd cheers for more. Though even through the crowd, he notices one person was absent, Dylan.
Seven finishes his set right as the night sky nears its peak in brightness. Though he heads off the stage to look for Dylan. Running through the stands and alleys, he comes up empty handed. Until finally he sees his silhouette on the hill, just above the concert. He climbs up the hill, seeing Dylan staring out at the lake that was on the other side of the hill.
Seven sits down next to Dylan, “Hey Dylan, did you… see the set?”
Dylan doesn’t even look at him, speaking in rather blunt statements, “I heard it…”
“Look… I’m sorry I pushed you away. That better?” Seven brought his knees to his chest.
Dylan still speaks in his blunt and quiet voice, “Hmmph, that’s it?”
Seven stands up, yelling at Dylan, “What else do you want me to say!? I’m sorry I’m trying to be the best DJ I can? Trying to be famous so I’m not seen as a ruthless killing machine? I don’t want to be known as that killer I once was. Being a DJ has been the one time I can be happy after everything I’ve been through!”
Dylan looks at him, “I just wanted to spend time together… you always seclude yourself in your room. Unless you are in the backyard practicing sets… I get you have that trauma but you can’t let it define you.”
Seven tears up a bit, still yelling at him, “Well I’m sorry I watched my family die in front of me! Losing the only people who care about me in this world!”
Dylan stands up, looking down at Seven, tears in his own eyes, “I care about you! I want you to be happy, that’s why I wanted to spend time with you at this festival! I was the same way, I was always alone, secluded and hating myself until I grew bonds with others. Some genuinely see me as family to them. Those few I care about with every fiber of my being. I’d gladly stand by their side if they need me, fight with them even.”
Seven lightly punches Dylan in the chest, “News flash, those bonds I had are gone too! Every bond I have ends with them dying because I wasn’t there!”
Dylan steps back a bit from the punch, his right claw on his chest , “Then choose to fight! Fight for those you care about! I’d do the same for you!”
“Y-you… what…?” Seven recoils a bit from what was said.
“Yea, I said it! I took you in to hopefully give you a better life. Away from the military and away from being an assassin! I wanted to be your friend!” Tears stream down Dylan's face, his claws clenched at his sides.
“But why… why care about me? I’m a monster, an abomination!” Seven’s own tears start to stream down his face.
Dylan sits down and stares out at the lake, “Because, everyone deserves to have someone by their side… be it a close friend, family… I wanted to do that for you.”
Seven sits next to Dylan, “I… I just… thank you…” he rests his head on Dylan’s shoulder.
Dylan wraps an arm around Seven, “You aren’t alone in this world, you have me by your side. Don’t forget that.” He looks up at the stars, “I know a few others who would be there for you too.
Seven rests his face into Dylan’s chest, tears going down his face, “Thank you, for everything.”
Dylan rests a hand on his head, “Brothers to the end?”
Seven nods, “Brothers… to the end.”
The End
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Size 50 x 50px
File Size 56.2 kB