Commission for @prehensile@tech.lgbt. Please appreciate public transit.
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Chipmunk
Gender Trans (Female)
Size 500 x 1000px
File Size 190.2 kB
Listed in Folders
Cute chipmunk. Unfortunately for public transit in Boston, today they announced that they are shutting down two of the four subway lines for a month for maintainance ordered by the federal transportation agency. And the extension construction of one of the subway lines got it's opening date postponed a couple more months, because they have to divert construction resources over to the unplanned rail work.
It's gonna suck sooooo hard.
It's gonna suck sooooo hard.
I'm not directly affected, but all the lyft and uber drivers are gonna make out, and traffic is gonna be terrible. Even worse, the shutdown is going to be overlapping with college move-in week for all the Boston schools, which is already a terrible traffic week. Garunteed there is gonna be a couple of uhaul trucks get jammed under low bridges.