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"You Don't Look As Big In Your Profile Photo..."
A fox excitedly prepares to meet with a date he’s been talking to for the past few months: A handsome, muscly wolf. Things take a turn when it turns out that those pictures of his muscles are a little outdated, and he is much softer, rounder and chunkier than he was making out. Thankfully for the both of them, it just so turns out that this little fox has a thing for fatties, and they’ve chosen the most delicious all-you-can-eat in town…
I’ve decided to use the little doodles I make now and then, you’ll find illustrations and pictures to go alongside this story in the pdf.! (They’re styled a little different from each other as I’m still trying to get better at art! I'll likely post these separately at some point).
Oh, also, although this is a fun little silly fetish story, please don’t actually catfish people. It’s not healthy for either side, and no good relationship, be it friendly or romantic, starts with a lie about yourself. Find someone who makes you feel comfortable about who you are, even if you’re a big handsome wobbly wolf ~
“You Don’t Look As Big In Your Profile Photo”
Ace: “Hey fluff, are we still good to meet tonight? I’m just done with work, will make it on time”.
Renard: “Yeah! It’s gonna be so good to finally meet you in person! The place you suggested for lunch looks awesome, I’ve never seen an all-you-can-eat before!”
Ace: “Haha, It’s one of my favourites, just you wait and see, sometimes it’s hard to put the fork down. I’ll see you there!”
Renard: “Right! Remember what we agreed on, casual wear, no fancy clothes ;3”
Renard is offline.
Renard excitedly slipped his phone onto the desk and looked into the mirror, readjusting the fluff on his chest. The fox had dated a few times before, but this was the first time he truly felt a connection to someone; it wasn’t just that Ace was attractive in his pictures with his chiseled chin and striking eyes, but the way he talked, the way he was always encouraging of anything Renard did, the playful flirts he made that melted the fox to his very core… safe to say he was more than willing to put himself out there for the wolf.
At first he was nervous, worried he was punching above his weight as he looked at those pictures of Ace again. He was so well-built! Previous dates he’d gone on had been chunkier and softer; a brief look at his history would definitely indicate a particular leaning towards larger, softer men. As he prepped for his date with Ace, he gazed at his face in the mirror; ambient lighting and peaceful music put him at ease within his rather classy home. He didn’t want to go too far with his attire, what with their agreement and all, but he couldn’t help slipping on a small, cute bow-tie over his shirt before heading off.
Along the way he happily smiled to himself. Perhaps he’d go for pasta… maybe that’s too messy. Sushi? He probably knows a lot about sushi…
Ace’s face was much less relaxed as he looked into his own mirror. Sure, the wolf was wealthy and clever. He was kind and lovable. His problem was that he hadn’t been entirely honest on his dating profile.
The pictures he’d used were of 5 years ago at his physical prime, before his career had taken off. Since then his success had placed him in a very fortunate position. So fortunate, in fact, that he found himself obliging to luxury’s benefits a little too hard over the years. A cheesecake here, a burger there, it all adds up when you can’t seem to help yourself.
Long story short, while his profile pictures depicted a less-than-modest wolf of 200lbs, a confident smile and generously worked-out form, the wolf in front of the mirror was very much different. He sat there in his undies, looking down at his generous belly. He was over 6 feet and still had a little strength to his form, but it was heavily hindered by the extra soft roundness attached to it all.
Ace was fat. At least 350lbs to be precise. The confidence and pride he exuded was abated the moment he looked in the mirror to see a wolf with a big round belly staring back. He lifted his paws to his chest and squeezed gently. The steps he took that used to assert his presence now caused a jiggle around his body. When he sat at his desk, occasionally his belly would push back.
It wasn’t that the big brown dough-ball felt bad about his form, in fact he quite liked spoiling himself and feeling less pressure to keep himself in peak form. He even enjoyed his larger softness. It was that he had essentially been lying to Renard. Signing up for that dating sight and using those pictures was only meant to be an experiment to see how things would go, to see if anyone would take an interest. He never thought he’d meet someone like Renard, or that it’d go so far that they’d want to meet.
As much as he tried to justify it to himself, he knew he’d been lying. He sighed, doing his best to dress nicely. He at least owed Renard an apology, in person. Perhaps if things ended poorly he’d lose some weight afterwards and try again with some real photos this time.
Today was the day. Renard had arrived 15 minutes early at the restaurant, eagerly glancing at his watch to make sure. The short little fox felt so prim and proper in his little bow-tie, eagerly eyeing up anyone who passed by. He spotted a large bovine lady in a red dress, likely on her way to one of the fancy shows on Main St. He smiled at a passing elephant couple holding shoulders along the sidewalk. He dreamily stared at the belly of a wolf crossing the road ahead of him.
Renard’s mind twisted to flustered thoughts of larger men once more. It contrasted the cute posture he emanated; a well dressed, handsome little fox. Surely he wouldn’t be thinking about things like big belly rubs and smooshing himself up against someone too greedy for their own good. His mind turned to wondering what Ace would think of his thing for chub if things went further than a date. Ace was muscular, nothing like the usual dates he enjoyed meeting up with. He imagined he’d have to admit what he was into eventually. As the fat wolf came closer, he glanced past him to see if Ace was anywhere nearby.
“Renard?” The fat wolf spoke.
Oh my god. It was him. The fat wolf was Ace.
Every part of the small fox froze. He couldn’t move or speak. Time seemed to freeze as a range of emotions barraged him like an emotional tidal wave. Anger and anxiety that Ace hadn’t been entirely honest about his physical self was first, but he found that melting away after seeing the same smile from the large dopey wolf he’d always imagined seeing. His eyes darted from Ace’s tubby face, to his belly, to the attire he was wearing, back to his face again. Taking him in. He at least made an effort, the wolf was wearing a slightly-tight but elegant shirt, nice wear all over. Ace’s expression didn’t match the confident, appealing, muscular wolf he thought he was meeting. It was a bashful face. An almost shy face. Those chubby cheeks seemed to rest heavily as his apologetic grin grew wide. That big smile of his. The way he anxiously scratched his neck and looked to the side before making eye contact again. The sheer BELLY on that wolf.
It looked as if he had stuffed a couple of cushions beneath his shirt. The wolf was so fat that you could see the ample curves that marked his rolls of soft, bulky fur jutting out a good 2-3 feet in front of him. The seams of his shirt around his waist looked stretched, as if only a few threads more loose and the whole thing would burst open, revealing Ace’s great gut to the world. Atop the big wolfish dome of a stomach laid another bulky protrusion; Ace’s chest definitely no longer resembled the pecs Renard was all too used to seeing. Instead they were softer, creating a visible crease in Ace’s shirt. If he were any fatter the thing would be turning into a makeshift bra.
Renard smiled, he HAD to get the name of the company that made such durable clothing. It was all too easy to catch a glimpse of, what with Renard almost being eye-level with his tummy.
It didn’t excuse the dishonesty that Ace had decided on, but Renard felt himself melting for the big wolf, just like he did when they first met online. He knew he should’ve been irritated, hell, anyone would be, but Renard couldn’t lie to himself; he still found the larger, fatter Ace attractive.
Wait. Oh god, how long had he been staring?! He had to say something. Anything! Renard opened his mouth, and for a brief moment nothing came. His mind was full with all the turns of events going on.
Say something.
Don’t just leave him standing there.
“You don’t look as big in your profile photo!”
Renard went red in the face. THAT was what he chose to break the silence with?! Usually he was good at this sort of thing, had this fat wolf flustered him to the point of making such a blunt statement?!
Ace scratched his neck and looked from side to side again. He was ready to apologize profusely, explain what had happened, say he’d been so nervous about meeting and get ready to leave right away, before the silence broke once more.
“Haha, sorry, I just… I’m really happy we’re meeting together. Those ol’ photos, they look good huh? I’m really glad you came!”
Renard smiled up at Ace, to which Ace let out a gentle grin back at him. It was a little more comfortable, though the tension could still be cut with a knife.
“You look amazing, Renny! I uh… heh, they’re old pictures that I use, things have changed a bit since back then…” Ace trailed off, looking down at his waistline, blissfully unaware that Renard was doing the same. “Shall we find our table?”
They spent a few minutes talking about their trip here to the restaraunt. It was all small-talk, trying to recollect themselves as they made it to their seats; a corner booth, blazoned with cute gingham tablecloths and baskets with bread ready for the taking. It was modest, but you didn’t come here for the decor.
Renard was trying to contain his excitement at the new revelation that his online mystery-wolf was so much fatter than he thought. It was an odd contrast; the genuine love and security he felt with Ace’s personality clashed with his perverse longing just to smoosh his face into that belly and watch him jiggle. He still had his wariness about him, what with Ace not entirely telling the truth about himself, but the wolf spoke and laughed and listened just like he did online. He didn’t seem sinister at all. It of course didn’t help that he followed Ace from behind, giving him the chance to admire his body from a new angle.
Even from behind, Ace’s belly was visible, bulging on either side as he walked. His soft neck rested gently against the tight collar of his shirt, while his pants did a fairly good job of accentuating the wolf’s heavy, wide hips. He chortled to himself as Ace struggled a little with fitting them into his side of the booth, turning to make sure there was enough space between him and the table.
Ace on the other hand was feeling a little more comfortable. He’d made it this far and it seemed to be going well; at least as well as it could considering how shocked Renard seemed at first. His main worry was being able to contain his appetite. He suddenly realized the flaw of taking Renard to his favourite eatery; an all-you-can-eat with devilishly addictive food…
“So, what would you recommend b-...?”
Renard had to stop himself from calling Ace “big guy”. It took every ounce of willpower from him not to try flirting with something about the wolf’s portly form. Instead, he simply laid his head on his hand, traced a finger on the table, and smiled warmly.
“Oh it’s really one of those places that has everything. Y’know, like, fries, burgers, nice tasty junk food…”
His eyes dreamily stared on towards the impressive heaps of fast food they had on display, before he contorted into worried eye contact with his little foxy date.
“...salads, healthy foods too… heh…”
In a way they were both teasing themselves, blissfully unaware that they were both into that burgeoning wolfish gut that occasionally bulged against the table. Ace would nervously stare at the displays of food when Renard wasn’t looking, worried he wouldn’t be able to control himself, woefully unaware that Renard would want nothing more than for him to let his appetite loose. Renard stole glances at Ace’s gut, imagining lifting that shirt and rubbing the furry bulk within.
The tension between them was palpable, and neither of them knew it.
Ace was the first to grab the start of their meal. He returned with an elegant sushi platter for the elegant fox, daintily sliding it over to him, a cute array of trays for soy sauce, wasabi and ginger, all presented with a sheepish smile from the portly wolf. He got the same for himself.
“Sushi, hmm? Very cultured…” Renard quipped. “You’re not trying to impress me, are you, fluffy?” He smiled smugly, gently tilting his head to the side.
The wolf’s tail beat a few times against his seat. The big softie had gotten used to cute pet names online and written affection, it felt even better hearing it in person.
“Well, you’ve inspired me to try a few things. I’m not a fussy eater, after all, I’d rather try classy things for a classy fox.” Ace responded, leaning over with a chubby paw to gently pinch the bow-tie attached to his date’s shirt.
Renard could feel warmth from his throat, through his chest, before it flushed over his body. The initial shock of his date was gone, and in its place, admiration reignited far stronger than it had for the beefy talking profile pic he was used to. If anything, the fact that Ace had gotten comfortable enough to flirt with him like they did online made him feel better about things.
They were both hungry. The sushi didn’t last long, while the small-talk certainly did. It wasn’t unpleasant, Ace would ooze over how he didn’t expect it to taste so good. The wolf felt he was doing well at eating patiently, conserving his appetite and making sure not to look too hungry, or greedy for that matter. In the eyes of your average fur, it would seem that his soft form wasn’t due to overindulgence.
Renard wasn’t your average fur. He could see all the signs familiar to his usual perverse fantasies.
His keen foxish ears could hear the hungry gurgles and growls of the wolf’s stomach as he slowly ate. He could see his eyes light up upon tasting those delicate and beautiful flavours. More than anything, he noticed Ace immediately glance at his empty plate, and then the next line up replaced at the buffet.
Ace wanted more, and he was doing oh-so-well at hiding it, just not well enough to hide it from someone into big appetites and bigger bellies.
“Another?” Renard winked, taking their plates back. Ace barely got a word in before he scooted off and returned. Two more platters of sushi, one for himself, and one for his date.
Ace grinned happily, Renard took the lead on these things so well, talking for most of the conversation while he listened happily about little things like using chopsticks and such. He felt he was doing well taking his mind off of it, and sushi was certainly lighter than some of the alternatives he usually binged on in secret.
His comfort led to his demise, however, as he didn’t realize just how quickly he was scooping piece after piece into his maw. Little chuffs and lip-licks gave away just how much he enjoyed eating the delectable little bites. It was all noticed by Renard, who smiled dreamily as Ace ate and ate.
He sat there, concentrating on Ace’s eyes as he finished the next plate quickly. Renard had barely had a couple of pieces himself before the wolf had already finished.
“Wow, seems like I’ve inspired some new tastes in you!” Renard teased, gently sliding his plate over to Ace. “Care to try the rest of mine? I’m getting a little full and want to leave space for something else.”
“O-oh, if you’re sure!” Ace hesitantly pulled it closer, and started eating just as he did before.
Inside, he was trying his best to contain his need for more, casually telling himself “Just don’t go overboard, not on the first date, don’t eat too much, just keep it light…”
Renard shuffled back, trapping his tail against the booth-seat to stop it from wagging at the sight of Ace spoiling himself. He just looked so cuddly, it was difficult not to imagine dangling food into his maw, rubbing that belly, telling him he was such a big bwoof.
With the sushi finished, Ace bashfully looked out the window. He could see what seemed to be two friends wearing just tank tops and shorts, their toned bodies hinting that they were gym buddies of some sort. He looked down at his own belly, straining the buttons on his shirt. Biting his lip and scratching his neck, he couldn’t help but worry about his bulk. Was he too big? Should he be working out? Does Renard even like guys his size?
Renard on the other hand was daydreaming, staring straight at Ace’s substantial chest. Oh how he wished he could just reach over and gently squeeze those moobs. He had to shake himself out of this train of thought, he was usually kind and sweet, these intrusive thoughts kept creeping up on him out of nowhere. Still, there was always room for mischief…
Gently sticking a leg out, he left without a whisper. Ace hadn’t noticed until he’d left the table, thinking the worst.
“Oh no… I didn’t eat too much did I? He’s leaving, and it’s because I’m too big. Man I really blew it…”
His eclipsing despair was sharply interrupted by a plate placed in front of him. A generous portion of fries, well over 3 servings, surrounded a burger so large it rivaled his usual orders; this was substantial, even for him.
Beyond it his little foxy date grinned eagerly, slipping a simple side salad on his side of the table.
“Oh, Rennie, this is a little…”
“A little too much?” Renard interrupted. “I know, but I just saw you watching those burgers on the other table, I think it’s important to treat yourself, don’t you?”
A tense silence hung over the booth. Renard tested the waters to see if Ace would let himself go. Just a little. Ace tried his best not to let his gluttony overcome himself. It was broken by the tell-tale sound of his growling belly.
“I suppose I can treat myself a bit, I’m sure I can exercise it away, right?” Ace said, playfully jostling his belly, to which Renard’s confidence shattered and he had to catch his breath at the sight of that wolf belly jiggling beyond the shirt. The tables had turned and Ace was all too ignorant of it.
“Aahah… yeah, treat yourself! Of course!” Renard said, before instantly getting to his salad, his face bright red as he covered it with a paw. It hadn’t gone un-noticed by Ace, who was questioning what just happened. Whatever it was, his fox-date was flustered, he just wasn’t sure why.
This time round, they ate quietly. Renard tried to recollect his confidence as he nibbled on his salad leaves. He tried his best not to gawk at Ace, who was giving quite the show.
The bites he took from the burger were enormous; he ate monstrously and with reckless abandon. It seemed he was showing his true colours a bit more now, munching on bunches of fries at a time, guzzling the food down. If Renard listened closely, he could swear he could hear the buttons creaking on Ace’s fashionable shirt.
He was in two mindsets. One, that he was happy that Ace was much more comfortable around Renard; he seemed to be relaxing a bit more, and the way he spoke reflected the personable, confident manner he always had online. The second was that this confidence had unleashed within him an attitude that pushed all of Renard’s buttons. He just kept eating, occasionally itching his tummy or stretching to get more comfy (an action that very clearly showed his bulging midriff from beneath his achingly tight shirt).
As Ace ate, he was trying to figure out where the confident little fox had gone and why there was now a flustery mess of a date across from him. It wasn’t putting him off, rather, he liked that he had this effect on Renard. He recognised the little stammers in his speech from when they’d roleplay online. Ace smiled to himself. “A-are you sure you want to cuddle here?” was one of the goofy lines he read all too often between a pair of asterisks on their socials. What was he doing that was getting his little Rennie all ruffled up?
They both finished their meals at the same time, Renard’s little salad and Ace’s huge junk-binge. The wolf leaned back against the chair, letting out a low “mmm”, patting his belly with both hands and giving a wide grin.
“That was fantastic! Shame I haven’t tried the classier stuff, but you can’t beat a good burger. Certainly not one as massive as that!”
“Man, I don't know if little me could handle such a feast!”
“Oh you don’t even know half of it. I’m not even full yet…” Ace said with a comfortable sigh. He stretched once more, only for the bottom button to come flying off of his shirt.
Time seemed to slow as he could see it all happen. The sudden release of tightness around his midriff as his belly bulged outwards. The unapologetic, flying button hitting and bouncing off of Renard’s chest. The way it landed onto the table and spun before finally stopping in place. Ace raised his chubby paws to his chin. This was it. He’d gone too far. Surely now Renard would end up having second thoughts. He was ready to apologize until he heard the long, unmistakable whimper that came from the seemingly suave fox across the table.
He could see Renard’s eyes glance from the button to his exposed midriff. Renard looked at Ace’s belly the same way Ace looked at the massive burger.
Oh my god. It finally made sense.
This whole time Ace was worried about being on the large side. Now here he was on a date with someone who liked that about him. It was no wonder Renard had been so forgiving of his misleading profile picture.
Ace grinned mischievously. Leaning back to stretch, he was finally noticing his bloated mid-riff peeking out from his shirt after such a big meal, bulging out of the opening the loose-button used to have closed.
His grin grew wider when he noticed Renard could barely hide his true thoughts, struggling to maintain his confident little posture at the sight of Ace’s big belly. This discovery was a little strange for Ace, who had memories of people fawning over his muscles. It was like revisiting those moments again, except this time with a big jiggly gut. As unusual as it was for him nowadays, he certainly didn’t mind.
“Well we CAN call it there if you want to, Rennie…” Ace said, patting his belly much harder to make it wobble deliberately. “...I could maybe snack on the way home, unless you think we’re not finished yet?”
“Oh I’m happy to stay, if you’re still hungry that is…” Renard replied, practically begging Ace to keep eating in his mind. “You’re not still hungry, are you?”
“I don’t know foxy, AM I?” Ace growled playfully, leaning against the table far enough that his belly tested its strength as he loomed over the fox. “Because I could still eat if you felt so inclined to bring more to me…”
It was like a verbal sword-fight, daring Renard to bring Ace more food.
“You know, I think you’re hungrier than you’ve felt in a long time. A wolf’s gotta eat, after all…”
With that, there were no more secrets between them. They were head over heels in love with each other, and now they knew exactly why. Renard was back to taking the lead once more, just the way the big wolf liked it. He watched as the little fox trailed over to the food displays, returning the same impish grin.
He couldn’t believe his luck. Already Renard was incredible, but for him to have a thing for fat guys was like the stars aligning for Ace. He promised himself he’d never lie about these things again, rubbing his bloated belly as he let out a huff. He knew this was nowhere near the end of his meal, gently squeezing his gut as it returned a soft growl. He reached beneath, squeezing and massaging the bottom roll of his soft belly.
He didn’t care about social norms or what the usual person liked. If Renard wanted him to let himself go, he was going to let himself go.
Once more Renard returned, that same smug smile, this time accompanied with several members of staff who all held plates and platters, laying them out before the big fat wolf.
“I do remember a few things we spoke about online”, Renard said warmly. “Remember that story about when you were growing up and you HATED getting pickles?” He continued, gesturing towards another enormous burger, sans pickles.
Ace grew more and more surprised as Renard continued to mention things that he had mentioned months ago.
He remembered that Ace liked barbecue sauce, but not when it was too spicy, so he asked for a milder version to accompany his fries. He remembered the time Ace tried the odd combo of strawberries with cream cheese and really liked it, so he special-ordered the two together. He remembered how Ace once spoke about how he loves it when mozzarella sticks sometimes ooze the cheese out, cooking it against the hot frier surface, so he asked them to cook them specially for a little longer.
Renard continued to romantically list all these little intricacies and preferences that Ace had mentioned over their online chats with freakishly specific and accurate detail. There was enough food here to last for weeks, but every single dish was personalized to Ace’s likes under the fox’s requests. He was hardly a fussy eater, even the staff could see that, but it made him smitten to learn that Renard had remembered so much about him, and made all the effort to ensure that everything he wanted was made right to his specifics. Some of the staff looked at each other. Some, rather realistically, were astonished to see such an extreme showcase of gluttony, while others beamed at the romance of how Renard could recollect so much about his date.
“Far be it for me to judge…” one of the waiters said as they all left. “...but that fox DEFINITELY loves that wolf.”
Once the two of them were left to themselves, Renard dared to place a paw on his ample belly.
“...One last thing…” Renard quietly murmured into his ear as he almost had to stand on the table to reach. “...be it with muscle or with all this plush…” he teasingly patted the wolf’s gut, almost melting at the way his hand sunk and the shirt strained. “...you’re my big bwoof, and I want nothing more than the best for you…”
The fox murred softly as he kissed Ace’s chubby cheek, to which Ace let a low, flustered growl.
“...and right now, it seems the best for you is MORE.” he yipped, casually pushing the enormous burger close enough for Ace to reach with his finger..
With Ace’s inhibitions out of the way and his appetite ready to let loose, he didn’t even hesitate, grabbing the burger with the ferocity of a wild animal mercilessly guzzling it down. Renard raised his paws to his face, smitten with how he’d gotten through to Ace’s desires and helplessly attracted to the burgeoning appetite he created. The burger was gone in mere seconds as Ace crammed fries haphazardly into his maw. The delicate flavouring Renard requested specifically for him seemed to matter little in the wake of his big greedy wolf, though this couldn’t be any further from the case; it only encouraged Ace further to binge for his little fox.
Renard sat there as Ace devoured the entire plateful in less than a minute. He was almost fearful, sitting in front of the gluttonous monster he’d created like a mad-scientist, but allured for the way he was seeing the wolf’s true self.
“You only have to eat what you want to, don’t go too far for me if you’re not up for it!” Renard felt obligated to raise a paw, to which Ace simply smirked.
“You said yourself. The best for me is MORE and MORE!”
He really HAD created a monster. A monster he absolutely loved. First and foremost he wanted Ace to feel safe with him, but with Ace only further confirming that this was what he wanted, the fox only kept it going.
“Then eat. Eat as much as that hungry tummy of yours can manage, my big bwoof!” He said, watching Ace pour a bowl of chicken tenders into his maw like they were nothing. It was at this moment one of the waiters hesitantly walked over to announce the limitations Ace was rapidly encroaching on.
“S-sir… we’re closing in 20 minutes and you don’t have a booking for beyond that time. W-we can also only provide so much in the way of food u-unless you have paid extra and have more people in your group…”
Renard didn’t even pry his eyes away from Ace’s feeding frenzy, slipping his wallet out and taking whatever paper notes he had, handing them over to the waiter, who’s eyes bulged at the sight of a cash-wad larger than he’d ever seen in his career.
“Oh s-sir… we really can’t take this much…”
“Keep the place open for just us” Renard interrupted quietly, still staring at the way Ace’s throat bulged with his voracious feast. “Split it between all the staff, just let my wolf EAT.”
“R-right away sir!”
By all intents and purposes, if this were a real-life situation, there’d be legal ramifications in which staff would be obligated not to allow a customer to enable himself in this way; liability for staff members who are entitled to work only their hours, implications that they weren’t keeping their customers safe, perhaps even union-mandated closing hours to ensure they’re not encroaching on other local businesses.
Thankfully this is a silly fat-fur story, so when the waiter returned to the rest of the staff with enough money for them all to pay their rent, the one thing they all set out to do was to keep this wolf fed with whatever he wanted.
Renard admired the consequences of his encouragement and Ace’s greed as his shirt started losing the fight against the wolf’s growing belly. A beautifully garnished salad, a thick, creamy lasagna, a well-balanced carbonara, it all fell down the ever-hungry gullet of Ace, who was starting to feel the effects of his binge. Another button popped from Ace’s shirt, then another as his body grew rounder and softer.
“Heh, it’s not often I get to eat like this, I’m sorry, I should maybe dial it back a bit”
Renard trilled, biting his lip.
“No you shouldn’t, the place is all ours except the staff. You should keep going, big guy…”
He giggled. It felt good to be able to call him that now.
The fox gleamed with admiration at how the bashful, embarrassed face of Ace was starkly contrasted by the way his belly was begging for release, bulging through the opening created by the missing buttons on his shirt. That soft brown fur was visible to him now, it was all he could do not to reach forward and grab it. Maybe later, perhaps he’d invite him back to his, for now he wanted Ace to truly spoil himself.
This was exactly the wavelength that Ace was on too. Finally he not only felt uninhibited with what he wanted to eat, but he was with someone who very much liked that about him. He was still incredibly self-conscious about the fact that he was growing even fatter than before, but the shrill yips and soft murrs of his foxy date only encouraged that unending appetite of his.
Unending it was, as even though he kept stuffing his face the more Renard let him, those consequences were only getting worse. The belly that spanned out in front of the wolf continued to span out even further. He could feel his hips and belly getting in the way when he reached for more. Every sudden movement or jolt caused a satisfying wobble.
Renard could see it all. Ace’s belly had gotten so big that it was starting to bulge against the table like a rising loaf of dough. Each of his moobs had gotten large enough to fill both of Renard’s hands. He could even see the heavy rump of the wolf, bulging at either side, starting to take up the booth entirely; quite the feat, considering his side was built for two.
“That’s it Ace… everything you wanted, as much as you can eat. Let that belly of yours grow, enjoy all those delicious flavours!” Renard practically sang as Ace continued to devour any platter he could reach. He’d gotten through the majority of them all, groaning to himself.
“Mmf… I can’t…. I-it’s gonna…” Ace struggled to come out with as he moved his arms behind his sides. Renard felt a pang of panic as he realized something was wrong, before a sudden, relieved groan from the enormous wolf echoed throughout the empty restaurant and the rest of the buttons flew off like a plastic barrage. Out flooded the enormous fluffy wolf rolls onto the table, enough weight and force to cause the booth to rumble. Soon after, the belt went next, snapping unceremoniously and allowing his midriff free to bulge and swell outwards. Renard could feel Ace’s soft flab against his legs. The whole display was seemingly monstrous, and yet made all that better by the same shy smile from the now heavily obese wolf. “That feels…. SO much better…” The wolf said, looking down and gently patting his huge moobs. He could barely see Renard past them.
“Mmf… I’ve eaten so much… I don’t think I’ve ever felt full like this before… and yet, I think I can manage just a little more…” The wolf said in between the occasional “mrrf” and “nngh”.
“If you can manage it for me…” Renard gently cooed, completely over the fact that Ace’s increasing mass was for him. “...there’s one plate left…”
“Feed it to me, little fox. Feed the entire thing into your big fat wolf…”
The wolf could hear some struggled grunts from beyond his big belly, before he felt Renard’s little paws scaling him like a big fluffy mountain. Finally, rising above the wolf’s plump moobs, arose Renard, smiling smugly, holding a small platter of sushi, their first and last meal of the day.
“Just a little more, my big bwoof”, Renard gently whispered, scooping pieces into Ace’s maw, as if he even had a choice. “You’re doing so well, getting nice and spoiled for me, just the way you should be…”
“Mmf…” came the leisurely moans of a well-glutted Ace, who was slowly starting to reach his limits. He could hear creaking in the background, but all he wanted was more. He raised a huge, chubby paw to stop Renard’s hand from feeding him the last few pieces at once. “...tell you what, I’ll eat the rest if you promise me a second date, little fox…”
“Oh no no, you’re coming home with me…” Renard grinned, stuffing the remains into Ace’s maw and ensuring he swallowed them down. “...we need to get you some bigger shirts if you’re going to be with me for any longer…”
Both of their ears perked as the creaking grew louder. Renard looked at Ace’s face, which showed no struggle, but the same concern.
“That’s not me” Ace said, before he suddenly felt his enormous belly droop. Within mere moments, the table came crashing down as one of the legs couldn’t bear the weight of Ace’s giant belly. Platters and plates scattered across the floor, creating a devastatingly loud chaos. They sat there in the wake of their own destruction and greed, before one of the waiters approached.
“Sir!” he asserted himself, before Renard held his paws up.
“I’m sorry, we’ll leave, I promise! I’ll send you money for the table” the fox panicked, before Ace simply grinned widely.
“I believe it’s my fault actually, do you accept card?” Ace joked, while the staff angrily nodded. Renard giggled, he liked this side of Ace. The Ace who enjoyed being big, and enjoyed being ogled over.
It took a long time for Renard and a number of staff to get Ace up, and even longer to settle a sizable bill. Perhaps most of all was the staff having to push Ace through the double-doored entrance, treating Renard to the sight of perhaps the biggest butt he’d ever seen on a wolf. Two members of staff had to press against each cheek, sinking in quite significantly.
When they were finally through, they closed the doors and locked them, staring at the hilariously contrasting couple as they left. Ace was glad that the streets were quiet, else they’d see his unapologetically massive belly wobble with each step past the constraints of his now undersized shirt. Even the sleeves were tight around his plump arms.
“You REALLY don’t mind that I’m a fatty, do you?” Ace had to question one last time. Renard liked that he was so nervous about it, a big enormous wolf with a small, shy personality.
“Ace, you could be the big muscly boy I fell in love with online, or this big soft mountain that appears before me now. You could stay like this, or work out later back to your fit form. It’s your personality I fell in love with. Let’s just agree not to keep anymore secrets?” Renard asked. He did at least owe some forgiveness, what with how large he’d let Ace get, and with the whole “into his largeness” thing. At least, that’s how he justified it to himself.
After the arduous task of getting Ace up the stairs, with multiple stops, and even more stuckages, the two eventually managed to reach Renard’s apartment. It looked just as smart as the fox did, which Ace found himself all too smitten for. Dim lights, soft music on vinyl, and modest decor, just like the fox himself, bar the fat fetish. They sat together, snuggling on the sofa for the rest of the day, idly talking about their favourite movies while Ace’s heavily bloated belly digested and grumbled, turning all those calories into more wolf for Renard to snuggle. When it got late, Ace was all too happy to join Renard to bed.
The small bed in question creaked as Ace slowly lowered himself onto it, belly up. He looked flustered enough as it was, until the complaints from the bed’s frame grew louder, only embarrassing him all the while. Renard simply hopped on, his comparable weight like nothing compared to the big fluffy whale who rested below him. For a moment, Renard leaned past Ace’s moobs and kissed his muzzle, finishing with a small tease.
“My big, fluffy bwoof”
Ace grinned his same dopey grin. Both of them slumbered better than they ever had, Renard sunk slightly into Ace’s huge gut, the warmth and softness made him feel like he was atop a fluffy bouncy castle, while the safety and security the kind fox had provided to Ace made him feel accomplished enough to feel good about himself and his many hundreds of pounds.
He’d lose the weight, later. Probably. For now he enjoyed being spoiled by his little feeder fox…
I’ve decided to use the little doodles I make now and then, you’ll find illustrations and pictures to go alongside this story in the pdf.! (They’re styled a little different from each other as I’m still trying to get better at art! I'll likely post these separately at some point).
Oh, also, although this is a fun little silly fetish story, please don’t actually catfish people. It’s not healthy for either side, and no good relationship, be it friendly or romantic, starts with a lie about yourself. Find someone who makes you feel comfortable about who you are, even if you’re a big handsome wobbly wolf ~
“You Don’t Look As Big In Your Profile Photo”
Ace: “Hey fluff, are we still good to meet tonight? I’m just done with work, will make it on time”.
Renard: “Yeah! It’s gonna be so good to finally meet you in person! The place you suggested for lunch looks awesome, I’ve never seen an all-you-can-eat before!”
Ace: “Haha, It’s one of my favourites, just you wait and see, sometimes it’s hard to put the fork down. I’ll see you there!”
Renard: “Right! Remember what we agreed on, casual wear, no fancy clothes ;3”
Renard is offline.
Renard excitedly slipped his phone onto the desk and looked into the mirror, readjusting the fluff on his chest. The fox had dated a few times before, but this was the first time he truly felt a connection to someone; it wasn’t just that Ace was attractive in his pictures with his chiseled chin and striking eyes, but the way he talked, the way he was always encouraging of anything Renard did, the playful flirts he made that melted the fox to his very core… safe to say he was more than willing to put himself out there for the wolf.
At first he was nervous, worried he was punching above his weight as he looked at those pictures of Ace again. He was so well-built! Previous dates he’d gone on had been chunkier and softer; a brief look at his history would definitely indicate a particular leaning towards larger, softer men. As he prepped for his date with Ace, he gazed at his face in the mirror; ambient lighting and peaceful music put him at ease within his rather classy home. He didn’t want to go too far with his attire, what with their agreement and all, but he couldn’t help slipping on a small, cute bow-tie over his shirt before heading off.
Along the way he happily smiled to himself. Perhaps he’d go for pasta… maybe that’s too messy. Sushi? He probably knows a lot about sushi…
Ace’s face was much less relaxed as he looked into his own mirror. Sure, the wolf was wealthy and clever. He was kind and lovable. His problem was that he hadn’t been entirely honest on his dating profile.
The pictures he’d used were of 5 years ago at his physical prime, before his career had taken off. Since then his success had placed him in a very fortunate position. So fortunate, in fact, that he found himself obliging to luxury’s benefits a little too hard over the years. A cheesecake here, a burger there, it all adds up when you can’t seem to help yourself.
Long story short, while his profile pictures depicted a less-than-modest wolf of 200lbs, a confident smile and generously worked-out form, the wolf in front of the mirror was very much different. He sat there in his undies, looking down at his generous belly. He was over 6 feet and still had a little strength to his form, but it was heavily hindered by the extra soft roundness attached to it all.
Ace was fat. At least 350lbs to be precise. The confidence and pride he exuded was abated the moment he looked in the mirror to see a wolf with a big round belly staring back. He lifted his paws to his chest and squeezed gently. The steps he took that used to assert his presence now caused a jiggle around his body. When he sat at his desk, occasionally his belly would push back.
It wasn’t that the big brown dough-ball felt bad about his form, in fact he quite liked spoiling himself and feeling less pressure to keep himself in peak form. He even enjoyed his larger softness. It was that he had essentially been lying to Renard. Signing up for that dating sight and using those pictures was only meant to be an experiment to see how things would go, to see if anyone would take an interest. He never thought he’d meet someone like Renard, or that it’d go so far that they’d want to meet.
As much as he tried to justify it to himself, he knew he’d been lying. He sighed, doing his best to dress nicely. He at least owed Renard an apology, in person. Perhaps if things ended poorly he’d lose some weight afterwards and try again with some real photos this time.
Today was the day. Renard had arrived 15 minutes early at the restaurant, eagerly glancing at his watch to make sure. The short little fox felt so prim and proper in his little bow-tie, eagerly eyeing up anyone who passed by. He spotted a large bovine lady in a red dress, likely on her way to one of the fancy shows on Main St. He smiled at a passing elephant couple holding shoulders along the sidewalk. He dreamily stared at the belly of a wolf crossing the road ahead of him.
Renard’s mind twisted to flustered thoughts of larger men once more. It contrasted the cute posture he emanated; a well dressed, handsome little fox. Surely he wouldn’t be thinking about things like big belly rubs and smooshing himself up against someone too greedy for their own good. His mind turned to wondering what Ace would think of his thing for chub if things went further than a date. Ace was muscular, nothing like the usual dates he enjoyed meeting up with. He imagined he’d have to admit what he was into eventually. As the fat wolf came closer, he glanced past him to see if Ace was anywhere nearby.
“Renard?” The fat wolf spoke.
Oh my god. It was him. The fat wolf was Ace.
Every part of the small fox froze. He couldn’t move or speak. Time seemed to freeze as a range of emotions barraged him like an emotional tidal wave. Anger and anxiety that Ace hadn’t been entirely honest about his physical self was first, but he found that melting away after seeing the same smile from the large dopey wolf he’d always imagined seeing. His eyes darted from Ace’s tubby face, to his belly, to the attire he was wearing, back to his face again. Taking him in. He at least made an effort, the wolf was wearing a slightly-tight but elegant shirt, nice wear all over. Ace’s expression didn’t match the confident, appealing, muscular wolf he thought he was meeting. It was a bashful face. An almost shy face. Those chubby cheeks seemed to rest heavily as his apologetic grin grew wide. That big smile of his. The way he anxiously scratched his neck and looked to the side before making eye contact again. The sheer BELLY on that wolf.
It looked as if he had stuffed a couple of cushions beneath his shirt. The wolf was so fat that you could see the ample curves that marked his rolls of soft, bulky fur jutting out a good 2-3 feet in front of him. The seams of his shirt around his waist looked stretched, as if only a few threads more loose and the whole thing would burst open, revealing Ace’s great gut to the world. Atop the big wolfish dome of a stomach laid another bulky protrusion; Ace’s chest definitely no longer resembled the pecs Renard was all too used to seeing. Instead they were softer, creating a visible crease in Ace’s shirt. If he were any fatter the thing would be turning into a makeshift bra.
Renard smiled, he HAD to get the name of the company that made such durable clothing. It was all too easy to catch a glimpse of, what with Renard almost being eye-level with his tummy.
It didn’t excuse the dishonesty that Ace had decided on, but Renard felt himself melting for the big wolf, just like he did when they first met online. He knew he should’ve been irritated, hell, anyone would be, but Renard couldn’t lie to himself; he still found the larger, fatter Ace attractive.
Wait. Oh god, how long had he been staring?! He had to say something. Anything! Renard opened his mouth, and for a brief moment nothing came. His mind was full with all the turns of events going on.
Say something.
Don’t just leave him standing there.
“You don’t look as big in your profile photo!”
Renard went red in the face. THAT was what he chose to break the silence with?! Usually he was good at this sort of thing, had this fat wolf flustered him to the point of making such a blunt statement?!
Ace scratched his neck and looked from side to side again. He was ready to apologize profusely, explain what had happened, say he’d been so nervous about meeting and get ready to leave right away, before the silence broke once more.
“Haha, sorry, I just… I’m really happy we’re meeting together. Those ol’ photos, they look good huh? I’m really glad you came!”
Renard smiled up at Ace, to which Ace let out a gentle grin back at him. It was a little more comfortable, though the tension could still be cut with a knife.
“You look amazing, Renny! I uh… heh, they’re old pictures that I use, things have changed a bit since back then…” Ace trailed off, looking down at his waistline, blissfully unaware that Renard was doing the same. “Shall we find our table?”
They spent a few minutes talking about their trip here to the restaraunt. It was all small-talk, trying to recollect themselves as they made it to their seats; a corner booth, blazoned with cute gingham tablecloths and baskets with bread ready for the taking. It was modest, but you didn’t come here for the decor.
Renard was trying to contain his excitement at the new revelation that his online mystery-wolf was so much fatter than he thought. It was an odd contrast; the genuine love and security he felt with Ace’s personality clashed with his perverse longing just to smoosh his face into that belly and watch him jiggle. He still had his wariness about him, what with Ace not entirely telling the truth about himself, but the wolf spoke and laughed and listened just like he did online. He didn’t seem sinister at all. It of course didn’t help that he followed Ace from behind, giving him the chance to admire his body from a new angle.
Even from behind, Ace’s belly was visible, bulging on either side as he walked. His soft neck rested gently against the tight collar of his shirt, while his pants did a fairly good job of accentuating the wolf’s heavy, wide hips. He chortled to himself as Ace struggled a little with fitting them into his side of the booth, turning to make sure there was enough space between him and the table.
Ace on the other hand was feeling a little more comfortable. He’d made it this far and it seemed to be going well; at least as well as it could considering how shocked Renard seemed at first. His main worry was being able to contain his appetite. He suddenly realized the flaw of taking Renard to his favourite eatery; an all-you-can-eat with devilishly addictive food…
“So, what would you recommend b-...?”
Renard had to stop himself from calling Ace “big guy”. It took every ounce of willpower from him not to try flirting with something about the wolf’s portly form. Instead, he simply laid his head on his hand, traced a finger on the table, and smiled warmly.
“Oh it’s really one of those places that has everything. Y’know, like, fries, burgers, nice tasty junk food…”
His eyes dreamily stared on towards the impressive heaps of fast food they had on display, before he contorted into worried eye contact with his little foxy date.
“...salads, healthy foods too… heh…”
In a way they were both teasing themselves, blissfully unaware that they were both into that burgeoning wolfish gut that occasionally bulged against the table. Ace would nervously stare at the displays of food when Renard wasn’t looking, worried he wouldn’t be able to control himself, woefully unaware that Renard would want nothing more than for him to let his appetite loose. Renard stole glances at Ace’s gut, imagining lifting that shirt and rubbing the furry bulk within.
The tension between them was palpable, and neither of them knew it.
Ace was the first to grab the start of their meal. He returned with an elegant sushi platter for the elegant fox, daintily sliding it over to him, a cute array of trays for soy sauce, wasabi and ginger, all presented with a sheepish smile from the portly wolf. He got the same for himself.
“Sushi, hmm? Very cultured…” Renard quipped. “You’re not trying to impress me, are you, fluffy?” He smiled smugly, gently tilting his head to the side.
The wolf’s tail beat a few times against his seat. The big softie had gotten used to cute pet names online and written affection, it felt even better hearing it in person.
“Well, you’ve inspired me to try a few things. I’m not a fussy eater, after all, I’d rather try classy things for a classy fox.” Ace responded, leaning over with a chubby paw to gently pinch the bow-tie attached to his date’s shirt.
Renard could feel warmth from his throat, through his chest, before it flushed over his body. The initial shock of his date was gone, and in its place, admiration reignited far stronger than it had for the beefy talking profile pic he was used to. If anything, the fact that Ace had gotten comfortable enough to flirt with him like they did online made him feel better about things.
They were both hungry. The sushi didn’t last long, while the small-talk certainly did. It wasn’t unpleasant, Ace would ooze over how he didn’t expect it to taste so good. The wolf felt he was doing well at eating patiently, conserving his appetite and making sure not to look too hungry, or greedy for that matter. In the eyes of your average fur, it would seem that his soft form wasn’t due to overindulgence.
Renard wasn’t your average fur. He could see all the signs familiar to his usual perverse fantasies.
His keen foxish ears could hear the hungry gurgles and growls of the wolf’s stomach as he slowly ate. He could see his eyes light up upon tasting those delicate and beautiful flavours. More than anything, he noticed Ace immediately glance at his empty plate, and then the next line up replaced at the buffet.
Ace wanted more, and he was doing oh-so-well at hiding it, just not well enough to hide it from someone into big appetites and bigger bellies.
“Another?” Renard winked, taking their plates back. Ace barely got a word in before he scooted off and returned. Two more platters of sushi, one for himself, and one for his date.
Ace grinned happily, Renard took the lead on these things so well, talking for most of the conversation while he listened happily about little things like using chopsticks and such. He felt he was doing well taking his mind off of it, and sushi was certainly lighter than some of the alternatives he usually binged on in secret.
His comfort led to his demise, however, as he didn’t realize just how quickly he was scooping piece after piece into his maw. Little chuffs and lip-licks gave away just how much he enjoyed eating the delectable little bites. It was all noticed by Renard, who smiled dreamily as Ace ate and ate.
He sat there, concentrating on Ace’s eyes as he finished the next plate quickly. Renard had barely had a couple of pieces himself before the wolf had already finished.
“Wow, seems like I’ve inspired some new tastes in you!” Renard teased, gently sliding his plate over to Ace. “Care to try the rest of mine? I’m getting a little full and want to leave space for something else.”
“O-oh, if you’re sure!” Ace hesitantly pulled it closer, and started eating just as he did before.
Inside, he was trying his best to contain his need for more, casually telling himself “Just don’t go overboard, not on the first date, don’t eat too much, just keep it light…”
Renard shuffled back, trapping his tail against the booth-seat to stop it from wagging at the sight of Ace spoiling himself. He just looked so cuddly, it was difficult not to imagine dangling food into his maw, rubbing that belly, telling him he was such a big bwoof.
With the sushi finished, Ace bashfully looked out the window. He could see what seemed to be two friends wearing just tank tops and shorts, their toned bodies hinting that they were gym buddies of some sort. He looked down at his own belly, straining the buttons on his shirt. Biting his lip and scratching his neck, he couldn’t help but worry about his bulk. Was he too big? Should he be working out? Does Renard even like guys his size?
Renard on the other hand was daydreaming, staring straight at Ace’s substantial chest. Oh how he wished he could just reach over and gently squeeze those moobs. He had to shake himself out of this train of thought, he was usually kind and sweet, these intrusive thoughts kept creeping up on him out of nowhere. Still, there was always room for mischief…
Gently sticking a leg out, he left without a whisper. Ace hadn’t noticed until he’d left the table, thinking the worst.
“Oh no… I didn’t eat too much did I? He’s leaving, and it’s because I’m too big. Man I really blew it…”
His eclipsing despair was sharply interrupted by a plate placed in front of him. A generous portion of fries, well over 3 servings, surrounded a burger so large it rivaled his usual orders; this was substantial, even for him.
Beyond it his little foxy date grinned eagerly, slipping a simple side salad on his side of the table.
“Oh, Rennie, this is a little…”
“A little too much?” Renard interrupted. “I know, but I just saw you watching those burgers on the other table, I think it’s important to treat yourself, don’t you?”
A tense silence hung over the booth. Renard tested the waters to see if Ace would let himself go. Just a little. Ace tried his best not to let his gluttony overcome himself. It was broken by the tell-tale sound of his growling belly.
“I suppose I can treat myself a bit, I’m sure I can exercise it away, right?” Ace said, playfully jostling his belly, to which Renard’s confidence shattered and he had to catch his breath at the sight of that wolf belly jiggling beyond the shirt. The tables had turned and Ace was all too ignorant of it.
“Aahah… yeah, treat yourself! Of course!” Renard said, before instantly getting to his salad, his face bright red as he covered it with a paw. It hadn’t gone un-noticed by Ace, who was questioning what just happened. Whatever it was, his fox-date was flustered, he just wasn’t sure why.
This time round, they ate quietly. Renard tried to recollect his confidence as he nibbled on his salad leaves. He tried his best not to gawk at Ace, who was giving quite the show.
The bites he took from the burger were enormous; he ate monstrously and with reckless abandon. It seemed he was showing his true colours a bit more now, munching on bunches of fries at a time, guzzling the food down. If Renard listened closely, he could swear he could hear the buttons creaking on Ace’s fashionable shirt.
He was in two mindsets. One, that he was happy that Ace was much more comfortable around Renard; he seemed to be relaxing a bit more, and the way he spoke reflected the personable, confident manner he always had online. The second was that this confidence had unleashed within him an attitude that pushed all of Renard’s buttons. He just kept eating, occasionally itching his tummy or stretching to get more comfy (an action that very clearly showed his bulging midriff from beneath his achingly tight shirt).
As Ace ate, he was trying to figure out where the confident little fox had gone and why there was now a flustery mess of a date across from him. It wasn’t putting him off, rather, he liked that he had this effect on Renard. He recognised the little stammers in his speech from when they’d roleplay online. Ace smiled to himself. “A-are you sure you want to cuddle here?” was one of the goofy lines he read all too often between a pair of asterisks on their socials. What was he doing that was getting his little Rennie all ruffled up?
They both finished their meals at the same time, Renard’s little salad and Ace’s huge junk-binge. The wolf leaned back against the chair, letting out a low “mmm”, patting his belly with both hands and giving a wide grin.
“That was fantastic! Shame I haven’t tried the classier stuff, but you can’t beat a good burger. Certainly not one as massive as that!”
“Man, I don't know if little me could handle such a feast!”
“Oh you don’t even know half of it. I’m not even full yet…” Ace said with a comfortable sigh. He stretched once more, only for the bottom button to come flying off of his shirt.
Time seemed to slow as he could see it all happen. The sudden release of tightness around his midriff as his belly bulged outwards. The unapologetic, flying button hitting and bouncing off of Renard’s chest. The way it landed onto the table and spun before finally stopping in place. Ace raised his chubby paws to his chin. This was it. He’d gone too far. Surely now Renard would end up having second thoughts. He was ready to apologize until he heard the long, unmistakable whimper that came from the seemingly suave fox across the table.
He could see Renard’s eyes glance from the button to his exposed midriff. Renard looked at Ace’s belly the same way Ace looked at the massive burger.
Oh my god. It finally made sense.
This whole time Ace was worried about being on the large side. Now here he was on a date with someone who liked that about him. It was no wonder Renard had been so forgiving of his misleading profile picture.
Ace grinned mischievously. Leaning back to stretch, he was finally noticing his bloated mid-riff peeking out from his shirt after such a big meal, bulging out of the opening the loose-button used to have closed.
His grin grew wider when he noticed Renard could barely hide his true thoughts, struggling to maintain his confident little posture at the sight of Ace’s big belly. This discovery was a little strange for Ace, who had memories of people fawning over his muscles. It was like revisiting those moments again, except this time with a big jiggly gut. As unusual as it was for him nowadays, he certainly didn’t mind.
“Well we CAN call it there if you want to, Rennie…” Ace said, patting his belly much harder to make it wobble deliberately. “...I could maybe snack on the way home, unless you think we’re not finished yet?”
“Oh I’m happy to stay, if you’re still hungry that is…” Renard replied, practically begging Ace to keep eating in his mind. “You’re not still hungry, are you?”
“I don’t know foxy, AM I?” Ace growled playfully, leaning against the table far enough that his belly tested its strength as he loomed over the fox. “Because I could still eat if you felt so inclined to bring more to me…”
It was like a verbal sword-fight, daring Renard to bring Ace more food.
“You know, I think you’re hungrier than you’ve felt in a long time. A wolf’s gotta eat, after all…”
With that, there were no more secrets between them. They were head over heels in love with each other, and now they knew exactly why. Renard was back to taking the lead once more, just the way the big wolf liked it. He watched as the little fox trailed over to the food displays, returning the same impish grin.
He couldn’t believe his luck. Already Renard was incredible, but for him to have a thing for fat guys was like the stars aligning for Ace. He promised himself he’d never lie about these things again, rubbing his bloated belly as he let out a huff. He knew this was nowhere near the end of his meal, gently squeezing his gut as it returned a soft growl. He reached beneath, squeezing and massaging the bottom roll of his soft belly.
He didn’t care about social norms or what the usual person liked. If Renard wanted him to let himself go, he was going to let himself go.
Once more Renard returned, that same smug smile, this time accompanied with several members of staff who all held plates and platters, laying them out before the big fat wolf.
“I do remember a few things we spoke about online”, Renard said warmly. “Remember that story about when you were growing up and you HATED getting pickles?” He continued, gesturing towards another enormous burger, sans pickles.
Ace grew more and more surprised as Renard continued to mention things that he had mentioned months ago.
He remembered that Ace liked barbecue sauce, but not when it was too spicy, so he asked for a milder version to accompany his fries. He remembered the time Ace tried the odd combo of strawberries with cream cheese and really liked it, so he special-ordered the two together. He remembered how Ace once spoke about how he loves it when mozzarella sticks sometimes ooze the cheese out, cooking it against the hot frier surface, so he asked them to cook them specially for a little longer.
Renard continued to romantically list all these little intricacies and preferences that Ace had mentioned over their online chats with freakishly specific and accurate detail. There was enough food here to last for weeks, but every single dish was personalized to Ace’s likes under the fox’s requests. He was hardly a fussy eater, even the staff could see that, but it made him smitten to learn that Renard had remembered so much about him, and made all the effort to ensure that everything he wanted was made right to his specifics. Some of the staff looked at each other. Some, rather realistically, were astonished to see such an extreme showcase of gluttony, while others beamed at the romance of how Renard could recollect so much about his date.
“Far be it for me to judge…” one of the waiters said as they all left. “...but that fox DEFINITELY loves that wolf.”
Once the two of them were left to themselves, Renard dared to place a paw on his ample belly.
“...One last thing…” Renard quietly murmured into his ear as he almost had to stand on the table to reach. “...be it with muscle or with all this plush…” he teasingly patted the wolf’s gut, almost melting at the way his hand sunk and the shirt strained. “...you’re my big bwoof, and I want nothing more than the best for you…”
The fox murred softly as he kissed Ace’s chubby cheek, to which Ace let a low, flustered growl.
“...and right now, it seems the best for you is MORE.” he yipped, casually pushing the enormous burger close enough for Ace to reach with his finger..
With Ace’s inhibitions out of the way and his appetite ready to let loose, he didn’t even hesitate, grabbing the burger with the ferocity of a wild animal mercilessly guzzling it down. Renard raised his paws to his face, smitten with how he’d gotten through to Ace’s desires and helplessly attracted to the burgeoning appetite he created. The burger was gone in mere seconds as Ace crammed fries haphazardly into his maw. The delicate flavouring Renard requested specifically for him seemed to matter little in the wake of his big greedy wolf, though this couldn’t be any further from the case; it only encouraged Ace further to binge for his little fox.
Renard sat there as Ace devoured the entire plateful in less than a minute. He was almost fearful, sitting in front of the gluttonous monster he’d created like a mad-scientist, but allured for the way he was seeing the wolf’s true self.
“You only have to eat what you want to, don’t go too far for me if you’re not up for it!” Renard felt obligated to raise a paw, to which Ace simply smirked.
“You said yourself. The best for me is MORE and MORE!”
He really HAD created a monster. A monster he absolutely loved. First and foremost he wanted Ace to feel safe with him, but with Ace only further confirming that this was what he wanted, the fox only kept it going.
“Then eat. Eat as much as that hungry tummy of yours can manage, my big bwoof!” He said, watching Ace pour a bowl of chicken tenders into his maw like they were nothing. It was at this moment one of the waiters hesitantly walked over to announce the limitations Ace was rapidly encroaching on.
“S-sir… we’re closing in 20 minutes and you don’t have a booking for beyond that time. W-we can also only provide so much in the way of food u-unless you have paid extra and have more people in your group…”
Renard didn’t even pry his eyes away from Ace’s feeding frenzy, slipping his wallet out and taking whatever paper notes he had, handing them over to the waiter, who’s eyes bulged at the sight of a cash-wad larger than he’d ever seen in his career.
“Oh s-sir… we really can’t take this much…”
“Keep the place open for just us” Renard interrupted quietly, still staring at the way Ace’s throat bulged with his voracious feast. “Split it between all the staff, just let my wolf EAT.”
“R-right away sir!”
By all intents and purposes, if this were a real-life situation, there’d be legal ramifications in which staff would be obligated not to allow a customer to enable himself in this way; liability for staff members who are entitled to work only their hours, implications that they weren’t keeping their customers safe, perhaps even union-mandated closing hours to ensure they’re not encroaching on other local businesses.
Thankfully this is a silly fat-fur story, so when the waiter returned to the rest of the staff with enough money for them all to pay their rent, the one thing they all set out to do was to keep this wolf fed with whatever he wanted.
Renard admired the consequences of his encouragement and Ace’s greed as his shirt started losing the fight against the wolf’s growing belly. A beautifully garnished salad, a thick, creamy lasagna, a well-balanced carbonara, it all fell down the ever-hungry gullet of Ace, who was starting to feel the effects of his binge. Another button popped from Ace’s shirt, then another as his body grew rounder and softer.
“Heh, it’s not often I get to eat like this, I’m sorry, I should maybe dial it back a bit”
Renard trilled, biting his lip.
“No you shouldn’t, the place is all ours except the staff. You should keep going, big guy…”
He giggled. It felt good to be able to call him that now.
The fox gleamed with admiration at how the bashful, embarrassed face of Ace was starkly contrasted by the way his belly was begging for release, bulging through the opening created by the missing buttons on his shirt. That soft brown fur was visible to him now, it was all he could do not to reach forward and grab it. Maybe later, perhaps he’d invite him back to his, for now he wanted Ace to truly spoil himself.
This was exactly the wavelength that Ace was on too. Finally he not only felt uninhibited with what he wanted to eat, but he was with someone who very much liked that about him. He was still incredibly self-conscious about the fact that he was growing even fatter than before, but the shrill yips and soft murrs of his foxy date only encouraged that unending appetite of his.
Unending it was, as even though he kept stuffing his face the more Renard let him, those consequences were only getting worse. The belly that spanned out in front of the wolf continued to span out even further. He could feel his hips and belly getting in the way when he reached for more. Every sudden movement or jolt caused a satisfying wobble.
Renard could see it all. Ace’s belly had gotten so big that it was starting to bulge against the table like a rising loaf of dough. Each of his moobs had gotten large enough to fill both of Renard’s hands. He could even see the heavy rump of the wolf, bulging at either side, starting to take up the booth entirely; quite the feat, considering his side was built for two.
“That’s it Ace… everything you wanted, as much as you can eat. Let that belly of yours grow, enjoy all those delicious flavours!” Renard practically sang as Ace continued to devour any platter he could reach. He’d gotten through the majority of them all, groaning to himself.
“Mmf… I can’t…. I-it’s gonna…” Ace struggled to come out with as he moved his arms behind his sides. Renard felt a pang of panic as he realized something was wrong, before a sudden, relieved groan from the enormous wolf echoed throughout the empty restaurant and the rest of the buttons flew off like a plastic barrage. Out flooded the enormous fluffy wolf rolls onto the table, enough weight and force to cause the booth to rumble. Soon after, the belt went next, snapping unceremoniously and allowing his midriff free to bulge and swell outwards. Renard could feel Ace’s soft flab against his legs. The whole display was seemingly monstrous, and yet made all that better by the same shy smile from the now heavily obese wolf. “That feels…. SO much better…” The wolf said, looking down and gently patting his huge moobs. He could barely see Renard past them.
“Mmf… I’ve eaten so much… I don’t think I’ve ever felt full like this before… and yet, I think I can manage just a little more…” The wolf said in between the occasional “mrrf” and “nngh”.
“If you can manage it for me…” Renard gently cooed, completely over the fact that Ace’s increasing mass was for him. “...there’s one plate left…”
“Feed it to me, little fox. Feed the entire thing into your big fat wolf…”
The wolf could hear some struggled grunts from beyond his big belly, before he felt Renard’s little paws scaling him like a big fluffy mountain. Finally, rising above the wolf’s plump moobs, arose Renard, smiling smugly, holding a small platter of sushi, their first and last meal of the day.
“Just a little more, my big bwoof”, Renard gently whispered, scooping pieces into Ace’s maw, as if he even had a choice. “You’re doing so well, getting nice and spoiled for me, just the way you should be…”
“Mmf…” came the leisurely moans of a well-glutted Ace, who was slowly starting to reach his limits. He could hear creaking in the background, but all he wanted was more. He raised a huge, chubby paw to stop Renard’s hand from feeding him the last few pieces at once. “...tell you what, I’ll eat the rest if you promise me a second date, little fox…”
“Oh no no, you’re coming home with me…” Renard grinned, stuffing the remains into Ace’s maw and ensuring he swallowed them down. “...we need to get you some bigger shirts if you’re going to be with me for any longer…”
Both of their ears perked as the creaking grew louder. Renard looked at Ace’s face, which showed no struggle, but the same concern.
“That’s not me” Ace said, before he suddenly felt his enormous belly droop. Within mere moments, the table came crashing down as one of the legs couldn’t bear the weight of Ace’s giant belly. Platters and plates scattered across the floor, creating a devastatingly loud chaos. They sat there in the wake of their own destruction and greed, before one of the waiters approached.
“Sir!” he asserted himself, before Renard held his paws up.
“I’m sorry, we’ll leave, I promise! I’ll send you money for the table” the fox panicked, before Ace simply grinned widely.
“I believe it’s my fault actually, do you accept card?” Ace joked, while the staff angrily nodded. Renard giggled, he liked this side of Ace. The Ace who enjoyed being big, and enjoyed being ogled over.
It took a long time for Renard and a number of staff to get Ace up, and even longer to settle a sizable bill. Perhaps most of all was the staff having to push Ace through the double-doored entrance, treating Renard to the sight of perhaps the biggest butt he’d ever seen on a wolf. Two members of staff had to press against each cheek, sinking in quite significantly.
When they were finally through, they closed the doors and locked them, staring at the hilariously contrasting couple as they left. Ace was glad that the streets were quiet, else they’d see his unapologetically massive belly wobble with each step past the constraints of his now undersized shirt. Even the sleeves were tight around his plump arms.
“You REALLY don’t mind that I’m a fatty, do you?” Ace had to question one last time. Renard liked that he was so nervous about it, a big enormous wolf with a small, shy personality.
“Ace, you could be the big muscly boy I fell in love with online, or this big soft mountain that appears before me now. You could stay like this, or work out later back to your fit form. It’s your personality I fell in love with. Let’s just agree not to keep anymore secrets?” Renard asked. He did at least owe some forgiveness, what with how large he’d let Ace get, and with the whole “into his largeness” thing. At least, that’s how he justified it to himself.
After the arduous task of getting Ace up the stairs, with multiple stops, and even more stuckages, the two eventually managed to reach Renard’s apartment. It looked just as smart as the fox did, which Ace found himself all too smitten for. Dim lights, soft music on vinyl, and modest decor, just like the fox himself, bar the fat fetish. They sat together, snuggling on the sofa for the rest of the day, idly talking about their favourite movies while Ace’s heavily bloated belly digested and grumbled, turning all those calories into more wolf for Renard to snuggle. When it got late, Ace was all too happy to join Renard to bed.
The small bed in question creaked as Ace slowly lowered himself onto it, belly up. He looked flustered enough as it was, until the complaints from the bed’s frame grew louder, only embarrassing him all the while. Renard simply hopped on, his comparable weight like nothing compared to the big fluffy whale who rested below him. For a moment, Renard leaned past Ace’s moobs and kissed his muzzle, finishing with a small tease.
“My big, fluffy bwoof”
Ace grinned his same dopey grin. Both of them slumbered better than they ever had, Renard sunk slightly into Ace’s huge gut, the warmth and softness made him feel like he was atop a fluffy bouncy castle, while the safety and security the kind fox had provided to Ace made him feel accomplished enough to feel good about himself and his many hundreds of pounds.
He’d lose the weight, later. Probably. For now he enjoyed being spoiled by his little feeder fox…
Category Story / Fat Furs
Species Wolf
Gender Male
Size 120 x 120px
File Size 3.4 MB