🦊Konogo Paw Fun, Paw Kitty Stickers (Featuring Paige)
*Konogo and Bolt texting to eachother over they're phones*
"🦊Konogo: Sup Bolt, doing alright?"
"🦊Bolt: Yeah just helping out Kingi and Moko with a few things, what are ya up to bud?"
"🦊Konogo: Oh nothing much right now just chilling around at bushy meadow park for a while before I go start exploring again, also eating a popsicle right now."
"🦊Bolt: Cool!, rocking your new clothes as well are ya?, I really do like that shirt of yours😊"
"🦊Konogo: Yep I am and I totally love this shirt too!😁"
"🦊Bolt: Yeah the design of a little dude getting smooshed underpaw is a well unique design in my books👍"
"🦊Konogo: Yeah speaking of that I uhm may have stepped on two small cats along the way, kinda just now noticed them when I sat down and looked at my paws"
"🦊Bolt: wow really again?"
"🦊Konogo: Yep again, Im surprise I didn't felt them the first time cause how flat they look, but you know what Im kinda getting used to it , basically I starting not to even care anymore😒"
"🦊Bolt: I don't blame ya big bro, tiny folk and micros these days can be attracted to your paws like magnets especially the kind who want's you to squish them, you just can't avoid stepping on them."
"🦊Konogo: Man you know what Bolt I completely agree with ya all the way there buddy!👍"
"🦊Bolt: Hehe you know Im right!😁"
"🦊Konogo: heh totally, you know what I just realized one of these little cat dudes look pretty familiar like I see him somewhere getting stepped on and smooshed alot?😏"
"🦊Bolt: Oh really who's that?😮"
"🦊Konogo: If I know it's clearly Paige no doubt about it, didn't really expect to I'll run into him well stepped on him basically, and by part of his tail wagging something tells me he likes that, hope he doesn't mind me stepping on him for fun💙😋, not sure about the other dude thought but oh whatever!😏"
Oh man this one was quite fun to draw I enjoyed it alot, also featuring another favorite awesome artist
mr-rowboat cat sona Paige as another generous gift pic of him getting stepped on by Konogo and boy Konogo looks great in his summer wear, it's pretty fun to do Konogo in different outfits rather than just his original blue short pants and vest all the time.
Also he still does try his best to avoid accidently stepping on tiny folk and micros which he can become oblivious to them sometimes but at that point he just slowly starts to adapt to it and started care free no matter what tiny folk or micro he pancaked beneath his paws, but he still big tail fox with a big heart and often apologize for it.
But yeah I enjoyed this pic alot Im really grateful of how well it turn out, hope Paige didn't mind getting stepped on.
Also there's the shy Leafling dude again.
"🦊Konogo: Sup Bolt, doing alright?"
"🦊Bolt: Yeah just helping out Kingi and Moko with a few things, what are ya up to bud?"
"🦊Konogo: Oh nothing much right now just chilling around at bushy meadow park for a while before I go start exploring again, also eating a popsicle right now."
"🦊Bolt: Cool!, rocking your new clothes as well are ya?, I really do like that shirt of yours😊"
"🦊Konogo: Yep I am and I totally love this shirt too!😁"
"🦊Bolt: Yeah the design of a little dude getting smooshed underpaw is a well unique design in my books👍"
"🦊Konogo: Yeah speaking of that I uhm may have stepped on two small cats along the way, kinda just now noticed them when I sat down and looked at my paws"
"🦊Bolt: wow really again?"
"🦊Konogo: Yep again, Im surprise I didn't felt them the first time cause how flat they look, but you know what Im kinda getting used to it , basically I starting not to even care anymore😒"
"🦊Bolt: I don't blame ya big bro, tiny folk and micros these days can be attracted to your paws like magnets especially the kind who want's you to squish them, you just can't avoid stepping on them."
"🦊Konogo: Man you know what Bolt I completely agree with ya all the way there buddy!👍"
"🦊Bolt: Hehe you know Im right!😁"
"🦊Konogo: heh totally, you know what I just realized one of these little cat dudes look pretty familiar like I see him somewhere getting stepped on and smooshed alot?😏"
"🦊Bolt: Oh really who's that?😮"
"🦊Konogo: If I know it's clearly Paige no doubt about it, didn't really expect to I'll run into him well stepped on him basically, and by part of his tail wagging something tells me he likes that, hope he doesn't mind me stepping on him for fun💙😋, not sure about the other dude thought but oh whatever!😏"
Oh man this one was quite fun to draw I enjoyed it alot, also featuring another favorite awesome artist

Also he still does try his best to avoid accidently stepping on tiny folk and micros which he can become oblivious to them sometimes but at that point he just slowly starts to adapt to it and started care free no matter what tiny folk or micro he pancaked beneath his paws, but he still big tail fox with a big heart and often apologize for it.
But yeah I enjoyed this pic alot Im really grateful of how well it turn out, hope Paige didn't mind getting stepped on.
Also there's the shy Leafling dude again.
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Macro / Micro
Species Fox (Other)
Gender Male
Size 1280 x 987px
File Size 619 kB
Those kitties surely were lucky to be stomped by your cute paws! Surely though, I believe there's some kind of factor into play within these situations; either if some kind of unaware instinct makes you step on a micro or the micros being at the wrong place at the wrong time. ^^'
Either way, not sure if there's a reasoning or purpose for all of these shenanigans, but let's not think too deep onto this. Anyways, I notice that plant creature is curiously looking at your conversation through text.
Either way, not sure if there's a reasoning or purpose for all of these shenanigans, but let's not think too deep onto this. Anyways, I notice that plant creature is curiously looking at your conversation through text.
Well I say both really, but as Bolt said to Konogo through text that micros can attracted to your paws like magnets, so basically you can't really avoid stepping on then.
And of course I decided to include the flora fauna dude here again just for fun, you'll see that cute little guy real soon.
And of course I decided to include the flora fauna dude here again just for fun, you'll see that cute little guy real soon.
Hm? Well that sounds a little less like you, but although still possible that some micros may and will purposely try to get a face ful of paws, there will be also those that didn't ment to get into the path or likely have no choice. So you can't entirely blame every micros you step on to be their fault to get into this sort of shenanigans.
(This kinda give me an idea for some special additional for the big tail fox, something like.. some darker side of his.)
(This kinda give me an idea for some special additional for the big tail fox, something like.. some darker side of his.)
Nah, you're not. I just kinda thought that you think that it'll be the micros fault every time you step on them by accident or unaware. I honestly think how much it'll start to change from now on since you may start to become care-free about these sort of shenanigans, well mainly because there ain't much to avoid this every time. ^^'
*Blaze walks over with rave sunbathing on his arm to Konogo*
Blaze: well oh well got some new paw toys I see there Konogo *snikkers* looks like your going to play a game of endurance with em *smerks* it's good to see your seeing the real use for micros *ruffles your head* heheh how are u by the way ?
Rave: *glances at u then your paws looking at the micro cats for a moment before shugs not careing about the micors* hey konogo how's life ?
( heh this is really cute the summer outfit dose suit konogo very nicely honestly ^^ lovely work on the pic bud am sure they will love it :)
heh I see a cute bean in the distince
Blaze: well oh well got some new paw toys I see there Konogo *snikkers* looks like your going to play a game of endurance with em *smerks* it's good to see your seeing the real use for micros *ruffles your head* heheh how are u by the way ?
Rave: *glances at u then your paws looking at the micro cats for a moment before shugs not careing about the micors* hey konogo how's life ?
( heh this is really cute the summer outfit dose suit konogo very nicely honestly ^^ lovely work on the pic bud am sure they will love it :)
heh I see a cute bean in the distince
Blaze: *taps my chin* well I was refering to your paw toys under paw there but for dominance besides something being pretty funny with it it's a fun game I have done that to moko before got u a few times under paw serveing *snikkers* besides am a demon it would be odd if i didint menchon it every so *smiles taking a seat on bench* so bin up to much since last ?
Rave: that's good sounds like ya doing well *takes off sunglasses takeing out a mini snack grabing a cokie* so what's on the agenda for ya *leans up sitting on blazes arm looking at u*
Rave: that's good sounds like ya doing well *takes off sunglasses takeing out a mini snack grabing a cokie* so what's on the agenda for ya *leans up sitting on blazes arm looking at u*