Careful from going through the woods alone….
I’m not saying you shouldn’t. In a way it’s actually a really nice thing and a safe way for you to be alone with your thoughts and be with nature. Though it’s highly recommended to go hiking with a friend or buddy. Having an extra pair of eyes to watch out for things. Another person will discourage animals or predators from thinking you are an easy target,
In the tales of Red Ridinghood, European countries were constantly at war with one another, so there often times are a lot of men from broken families or displaced who had very little way of having a future. Thus at times men or people become predators to take what they can to survive. And in doing so they make victims of other people as well.
*note: I know I am recycling a lot of old ideas and just simply rearranging them, but in a way, I want to see how far I can take the individual parts and symbols and arrange them in different ways.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t. In a way it’s actually a really nice thing and a safe way for you to be alone with your thoughts and be with nature. Though it’s highly recommended to go hiking with a friend or buddy. Having an extra pair of eyes to watch out for things. Another person will discourage animals or predators from thinking you are an easy target,
In the tales of Red Ridinghood, European countries were constantly at war with one another, so there often times are a lot of men from broken families or displaced who had very little way of having a future. Thus at times men or people become predators to take what they can to survive. And in doing so they make victims of other people as well.
*note: I know I am recycling a lot of old ideas and just simply rearranging them, but in a way, I want to see how far I can take the individual parts and symbols and arrange them in different ways.
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Wolf
Gender Any
Size 900 x 1200px
File Size 180.4 kB