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The 9 Eeveelutions: Shattering Screaming Sliding Silhouet...
The first in a fun series of 9 Eeveelution siblings (this includes Eevee) getting into misadventures in various locations.
In this story, the siblings find themselves in the Crown Tundra, and end up falling into an underground ice cavern where they all end up slip, sliding away!
A long, loud, howling breeze blew across the Crown Tundra of Galar, sending snow drifts rushing across the frozen ground. The air was chilly and nippy, very uncomfortable for anything either without fur or clothing, or not already made of ice or rock. Now snow was falling, but the skies were still gray. It was quite cold, but not a blizzard, which was something to be thankful for.
A group of nine Pokemon were walking across the cold ground and through the drifting clouds of snow. Leading the pack was a confident and intrepid looking Eevee. Her light brown fur blew in the breeze, and she stopped a moment to shake the snow off of her face and look back at her seven siblings with an encouraging smile.
Behind Eevee was Flareon, who was walking boldly through the snow being blown against her. She huffed as she lifted her legs as high as she could. Flareon stuck her tongue out as she raised her right hind leg and shook it, grimacing at how wet her paws and fur were from all the snow that kept melting on her fur.
Jolteon timidly and quickly stepped behind Flareon, occasionally letting out a sneeze and glancing around with wide eyes. His quills were sticking out and shaking both with fear and from the cold.
Not too far from Jolteon, Umbreon marched onward with an irritated expression on his face. He let out a sigh and glanced at Espeon, who was nuzzling up close to him for both warmth and comfort. Espeon let out a contented sigh to contrast with Umbreon annoyed sigh, smiling as she closed her eyes and nestled her head into Umbreon’s neck. Her forked tail laid atop her brother’s back lovingly, much to Umbreon’s annoyance.
In a flash of pink and white, Sylveon leapt by the pair and laughed, letting his ribbons flow in the snowy breeze as he pranced around weightlessly. He turned around and tip-toed in place with his paws close together before winking at the Eeveelutions at the back of the pack and moonwalking away from them.
Umbreon just rolled his eyes and huffed.
Similarly happy was Glaceon, who was hopping onward on all four paws like a Spoink. She let her dangles flow in the chilly breeze, the biggest and brightest of smiles on her face. She spun around 180 degrees and waved to Vaporeon, urging her to keep up, and the spun around another 180 degrees and bounced onward.
Vaporeon slid across the ground smoothly, pulling herself forward on her belly with her forepaws. She turned to look behind her and growled at her tail. She managed to lift it slightly, and it fell back down with a thud. Her tail was the first of Vaporeon’s water-based body to freeze solid, much to her annoyance. With another growl, Vaporeon focused her attention ahead of her and went back to pulling her body along, which thankfully slid easily over the cold ground.
The last of the group was a Leafeon, whose teeth were chattering as she fought to move step by step through the snowy wind across the freezing ground. All of her leafy green parts were covered with frost, and her nose was turning blue. She gritted her teeth to stop their chattering, and she lowered her head as she forced herself to take another step. Leafeon struggled to take a step, and looked down to see that her front-left paw was frozen to the ground. Leafeon growled and put all her remaining strength in lifting up her paw.
Leafeon’s paw went upward, and she regained her balance and examined her paw. To her surprise, she saw that there was a six inch wedge of ice stuck to her paw. She looked down and saw a deep hole in the ground where her paw was stuck to. Then, a series of loud cracks could be heard as a crack snaked out from the hole Leafeon had made and towards the Eeeveelutions ahead of her.
Meanwhile, Vaporeon was fed up with dragging herself around and attempted to stand up on all four paws again. Planting her hind paws firmly on the ground, she slowly but surely raised her frozen tail, and the rest of her body, up off of the ground. She smiled, and took a step forward just as the crack traveled right in her path. Her front left paw came down and slipped into the crack, causing Vaporeon to trip and land flat on her face. While still face flat, she let out another growl and hit the ground with her right forepaw.
Umbreon’s and Espeon’s ears suddenly twitch when they heard the cracking sound, and they both looked down and jumped away from each other as the crack raced right between them. They both stared down at the crack, then up at each other. Espeon slowly reached out a forepaw to Umbreon, who replied by huffing and turning away. However, his ear twitched again when he heard his sister whimpering. Then he turned and saw that Espeon was getting teary eyed as he continued to reach out to him. Umbreon sighed and begrudgingly touched his forepaw to hers, eliciting a relieved smile from Espeon.
Sylveon was still in the midst of dancing when the crack moved past her. His ears rose at the sight of it, and with a cocky smile he hopped forward, raised his right fore paw, and stomped hard right at the end of the crack, grinding his paw into the ground decisively. Before he could laugh victoriously, two cracks opened up from beneath his paw and continued onward. Sylveon blinked, then shook his head and did a leap up into the air, backflipping one and a half times, and came down hard on his hind legs, his two hind paws landing on the ends of both cracks.
Sylveon cheered and posed dramatically, only for his eyes to widen when she felt both of her paws sink into the ground. Two sharp cracks perked up his pink ears, and he looked down just in time to see the two cracks continue on from beneath his pink paws.
Jolteon froze midstep at the sound of cracking behind him, and he whirled around fast and screamed in fear at the sight of the ominous cracks racing towards him. He frantically stumbled backward, hyperventilating at the sight of the cracks, until he inevitably fell on his rear and stared wide-eyed at the approaching danger. Jolteon grabbed his ears and pulled them down over his eyes, and sat there trembling.
The cracks ironically moved right around Jolteon on either side and continued onward to Flareon. The Fire-type turned and paused when she saw the cracks. At the same time however, Glaceon noticed them as well. Glaceon ceased her prancing and immediately went towards the cracks. Flareon turned around completely, and eagerly scampered over towards the cracks. Glaceon stopped short and fired an Ice Beam right as Flareon reared up and stomped on the ends of the cracks with her forepaws.
Flareon gasped, her eyes wide as her paws were encased in ice. She pouted at Glaceon, who then smiled sheepishly and shrugged in response. Flareon lowered her eyes at her frozen paws, and then breathed out Flamethrower onto the ice encasing them. The ice shattered, and Flareon lifted up her paws and sighed, flexing them comfortably. However, after the ice shattered, the cracks proceed to open up again and circled right around Flareon, much to her distress.
Glaceon groaned and face pawed.
Flareon just blushed through her orange fur and chuckled nervously.
Eevee was still walking along, eyes closed and smiling with her ears swaying as her head moved back and forth. But then she paused when both of her ears popped up at the sound of the cracks. Eevee stood paused as the cracks moved past her on both sides then circled around to top right in front of her. Eevee opened her eyes and looked down at the two cracks, then hopped backwards when two small, thin chunks of ice popped up at the end of either crack.
Eevee blinked and cocked her head at the two ice “buttons.” She lifted her right forepaw and tapped her chin thoughtfully as she considered her two choices. Nervously, Eevee turned around to look at her siblings.
At the back, Leafeon was struggling to put her tiny wedge of ice back into the hole she’s pulled it out of. Vaporeon’s paw was still stuck in the crack as she struggled to pull it out. Espeon was looking right at Eevee and was motioning with her forepaws for the Normal-type to keep calm. This was in stark contrast to Umbreon, who had a piercing glare in his eyes as he slashed his paw across his throat and shook his head. Sylveon was huffing and puffing as he stood up on his hind legs, his paws still stuck in the ground as he stood with his ribbons flowing smoothly as he folded his forelegs across his chest. Jolteon was still covering his eyes and trembling. Glaceon and Flareon stood side by side with their heads tilted towards each other, and then they each pointed toward a different ice “button.”
Eevee had a look of confusion on her face because of all this, then turned back to the two pieces of ice that had been pushed up in front of her. Eevee gave each of the two “buttons” a sniff, took a moment to scratch behind her right ear with her right hindpaw, then raised her left forepaw and moved it over the left piece of ice. She raised her forepaw high, then paused as a nervous look crossed her face, and she put that paw down and lifted her right paw to lightly press down the piece of ice on her left back down into the ground.
Flareon jumped over and hugged Glaceon nervously, much to the Ice-type’s surprise.
Jolteon cried out and cringed.
Sylveon slapped his forepaws to his cheeks dramatically.
Espeon gulped audibly as Umbreon’s ears hung low to match the look of terror on his face.
Vaporeon stopped in mid pull to watch with wide eyes.
Leafeon stood stock still with her right forepaw still on the wedge of ice.
Eevee stared at the ground, then carefully lifted up her paw. She smiled and turned back to her family, giving them a reassuring nod.
Flareon sighed in relief, and Glaceon patted her back gently.
Jolteon uncovered his eyes and looked about, then smiled in relief.
Sylveon just chuckled as he finally stepped out of his own paw prints, but remained on two legs so he could pirouette a few times, rippling her ribbons for effect.
Umbreon grinned and held out a forepaw up high to Espeon. The Psychic-type breathed out through her nose and begrudgingly gave her brother a high-paw.
Vaporeon let herself go flat onto the ground as she allowed herself to relax completely.
Leafeon let out a few chuckles and shook her head as she leaned on the ice spike underneath her right-forepaw, allowing all of her weight to go on it.
Leafeon’s eyes bugged out of her head as the wedge of ice went all the wall back down into its hole.
A huge section of the icy ground shattered, creating a massive hole underneath the Eeveelutions. All of them screamed as they fell down into the massive hole, with the exception of Leafeon. The Grass-type was hanging over the edge, her hind paws still holding onto the ledge behind her. Leafeon hyperventilated as she stared down into the deep cavern below her. She then felt her hindpaws begin to slip, particularly her six toes. Soon she was holding on with only 4 toes, then only her 2 middle toes, then she lost her grip completely and fell straight down into the caverns below.
The Eeveelutions all fell into the complex cave systems, the walls all completely made of ice and extra smooth. They slid frictionlessly through the tubular caves, quickly splitting up and each going down their own paths.
Eevee quickly went into fits of laughter as she quickly began to enjoy the ride as she kicked her footpaws giddily while sliding on her back. He slid side to side and even spun around in a circle as she slipped away down the frozen ramps through the ice cavern.
Jolteon was screaming bloody murder as faliled his arms and legs wildly while spinning out of control on his back. He slid up a ramp and flipped over, and his screams of terror got louder and higher when he saw the massive amount of pointy icy stalagmites below him. He cleared the massive chasm of ice spikes below and landed hard on his rear. As he slid onward, Jolteon pressed his forepaws against his chest as he fought to catch his breath, the fear still evident in his eyes.
Umbreon cried out as he slid towards a hole that led straight down. Umbreon promptly fell down the hole and flipped about as he fell. He managed to spread himself eagled and fell flat and face up. The hole was just big enough for him to reach the sides with all four paws. He dug his claws into ice in an attempt to stop himself, but all this did was create a loud, scratching sound as his claws left scratches on the sides of the tunnel as he fell. Umbreon shouted along with the screeching sound as he slid down the tunnel, until he finally reached the end of the tunnel and fell out. Umbreon ended up partailly flipping in mid air and falling head first. He landed right on his head on a sloped surface that sent him sliding on his head down the new tunnel.
Flareon was running as fast as she could, moving her paw as swiftly as possible. She turned to look behind her and saw that she was still sliding backwards down the tunnel. She turned forward and lowered her head, giving it all she had, but her warm paws did too good a job at melting the ice, giving her absolutely no traction as she slid backwards faster and faster.
Vaporeon had landed right on her tail fins, which were frozen solid. She slid on her tail like some kind of oddly shaped ski, making her an odd sight as she waved her forelegs awkwardly as she slid. She reached down and rubbed at her tail to try and warm it up, but when she glanced upward she saw many icicles up ahead.
Vaporeon then proceeded to hit every single icicle ahead of her. Each one shattered on contact with her face, but each hit caused her face to change in a different way. She went from derp eyed to puckered lips to tongue hanging out to dizzy smile to clenched teeth to a goofy fish-face by the time she made it through the gauntlet.
Espeon fought to control her breathing as she slid on all fours down the tunnel. She peered down the tunnel, and gasped when she saw that the tunnel opened up into a narrow rail of ice that extended over a very deep pit that had who knows what on the bottom.
Espeon took a deep breath and jumped up and landed smoothly onto her right hind paw and slid on that paw out onto the narrow beam of ice. She breathed in and out through her nose with her forepaws held together in front of chest. She peacefully slid across and into a new tunnel on the other side of the large ice chamber.
Sylveon slid with her ribbons streaming out behind him like flags. He entered a long chamber with various ice stalagmites and huge snow boulders in the way. Sylveon sprang over boulders and used his ribbons to grab onto stalagmites and swing around them. He flung himself up and over obstacles, and even landed on one hind leg just so she could limbo over a fallen ice spike. He spun around afterwards and waved cheekily at the obstacles he overcame, still balanced on one paw.
Leafeon was sobbing as she slid on her stomach through the freezing tunnel, but her tears stopped the moment she saw a mass of ice spikes blocking the bottom half of the tunnel, many of which were pointed right at her. She found the desperate will to push herself up and jump over the spikes. She landed on all fours, only to see more spikes choking the tunnel ahead of her.
Leafeon had to contort her body in many ways to get through the gauntlet. She lifted her two right legs and slid past standing sideways on her left legs, threw herself to the right and bent her body in a crescent shape while sliding on her hind legs, and even had to drop back quickly on all fours and arc her back to keep her belly from being spiked.
Looking like a scared cat, Leafeon laughed nervously as she saw that she’d dodged the dangers. Then she turned and fear returned to her. A freezing cold waterfall could be seen covering the exit of the tunnel. Leafeon wailed and moved onto her haunches, her forepaws held together in a begging position as she sobbed and pleaded brokenly right before splashing right through the freezing water.
Glaceon whooped and hollered with joy as she slid on her belly down a tunnel. She slid up and around the round tube of the ice tunnel, giggling with the utmost joy as she felt the icy coolness of the cavern tube on her body. Her tail and dangles flapped behind her as he took in the incredible sensation of speed.
Eevee continued to slide onward, swiftly moving forward on her rump at the speed of Quick Attack and laughing as she was rather enjoying the ride. Like a toddler on a playground slide, Eevee threw up her forelegs and cheered with her eyes closed.
Eevee felt her body smack hard into a hard, flat surface. She opened his eyes and realized that she had slid right into a wall of compacted snow. She groaned as he found her forelegs spread eagled with her little chin stuck in the snow. Her ears suddenly perked up as she heard her siblings coming, and tried in vain to free her face and paws from the frozen wall.
First came Jolteon, who was also sliding on his rump. He screamed and flailed his forelegs wildly, turning himself partway right before he collided with Eevee and the frosty wall. The collision had just enough force for Jolteon to plow right through the wall, leaving a hole in the exact shape of a screaming Jolteon sitting on his rear with his quills all spiky, ears sticking up, and forelegs extended out to either side of him in an expression of pure panic.
Next came Umbreon, who was still sliding painfully on his head. His eyes widened at the sight of the approaching wall, and he let out a wail of grief right before he smashed through Jolteon’s silhouette. A layer of the wall collapsed, revealing a hole in the shape of an Umbreon standing on his head, his ears spread out, and his tail sticking straight upwards as it was being held by his hindpaws.
After this, Flareon came out of the tunnel, and she spotted the wall ahead of time. She bit her lip as she tried to twist herself sideways and skid to a halt. However, it was no use as her perpetually hot paws melted the ice beneath her and made her slide faster. Flareon cried out as she slammed sideways into Umbreon’s impresion. A layer of ice and snow collapsed again, revealing a silhouette of a Flareon with her mouth wide open, standing on hind-left and and front-right paws while her hind-right paw was sticking out behind her and her front-left paw was extended ahead of her.
Vaporeon then slid out on her still frozen tail. She continued to rub and blow on it in her continued attempts to thaw it out, only to stop when she saw the wall she was swiftly approaching. Her eyes widened, and she gritted her teeth and made an attempt at steering her half-frozen body away. However, this only turned her body 90 degrees without changing her direction, so she crashed into the wall, which collapsed further to reveal a hole that depicted was could be a Vaporeon in mid leap, cail and body curved like a crescent moon.
After this, Espeon slid out quickly, awkwardly balanced on her right hind-paw. She had her vision directed downwards at her paw as she fought to retain her balance. She then glanced up at the approaching end to her trip, and let out a small gasp of fear before quickly calming down and closing her eyes tight. She put her paws together as she took on a Yoga pose right before smashing into the wall. Another layer of ice and snow fell, and the perfect image of an Espeon doing the Tree-pose was revealed.
Sylveon could be heard laughing long before he came out of the narrower tunnel. His ribbons steamed majestically behind him as he slid perfectly balanced on his right hind-paw. He even did a front flip onto his right forepaw and continued onward. Sylveon was clearly proud of his moving, upside down, one-paw stand. However, his pride turned to panic when he saw the wall. He shut his eyes tight as he collided with it. Another layer fell, and now a hole in the shape of an upside-down Sylveon on one leg with ribbons in a nice shape all around him.
Leafeon was still frozen in a standing, begging position when she slid out and towards the wall. Her teeth continued to chatter as her pupils shrank at the end of the line. She moved sideways as she crashed into the wall, knocking out more ice and snow to reveal the silhouette of a Leafeon standing on her hind legs, her ears and tail sticking out perfectly straight and at sharp angles to her body, while her forepaws were held up and close together under her chin.
Lastly, Glaceon belly slid down through the tunnel like a missile and launched up, out, and through the air towards the wall. She cried out and covered her face with her forepaws just in time. She crashed into the wall with such force and speed that, finally, the entire mass of ice and snow behind it all collapsed in a massive heap of mercifully soft snow.
Seven of the Eeveelutions popped their heads up out of the snow. They all looked around at each other at first, then Flareon gasped, dived back into the snow, and came back up hugging the frozen Leafeon. Leafeon quickly thawed out, and let out a contented sigh before returning Flareon’s hug. Then, Glaceon popped out and cheered, waving her forepaws into the air victoriously. The others merely stared at their Ice-type sister, except for Jolteon who promptly zapped Glaceon with Thunderbolt, which sent her flopping down into snow while twitching.
Eevee blinked, then smiled, then shrugged, and then winked.
In this story, the siblings find themselves in the Crown Tundra, and end up falling into an underground ice cavern where they all end up slip, sliding away!
The Nine Eeeveelutions
Shattering, Screaming, Sliding, Silhouettes
A long, loud, howling breeze blew across the Crown Tundra of Galar, sending snow drifts rushing across the frozen ground. The air was chilly and nippy, very uncomfortable for anything either without fur or clothing, or not already made of ice or rock. Now snow was falling, but the skies were still gray. It was quite cold, but not a blizzard, which was something to be thankful for.
A group of nine Pokemon were walking across the cold ground and through the drifting clouds of snow. Leading the pack was a confident and intrepid looking Eevee. Her light brown fur blew in the breeze, and she stopped a moment to shake the snow off of her face and look back at her seven siblings with an encouraging smile.
Behind Eevee was Flareon, who was walking boldly through the snow being blown against her. She huffed as she lifted her legs as high as she could. Flareon stuck her tongue out as she raised her right hind leg and shook it, grimacing at how wet her paws and fur were from all the snow that kept melting on her fur.
Jolteon timidly and quickly stepped behind Flareon, occasionally letting out a sneeze and glancing around with wide eyes. His quills were sticking out and shaking both with fear and from the cold.
Not too far from Jolteon, Umbreon marched onward with an irritated expression on his face. He let out a sigh and glanced at Espeon, who was nuzzling up close to him for both warmth and comfort. Espeon let out a contented sigh to contrast with Umbreon annoyed sigh, smiling as she closed her eyes and nestled her head into Umbreon’s neck. Her forked tail laid atop her brother’s back lovingly, much to Umbreon’s annoyance.
In a flash of pink and white, Sylveon leapt by the pair and laughed, letting his ribbons flow in the snowy breeze as he pranced around weightlessly. He turned around and tip-toed in place with his paws close together before winking at the Eeveelutions at the back of the pack and moonwalking away from them.
Umbreon just rolled his eyes and huffed.
Similarly happy was Glaceon, who was hopping onward on all four paws like a Spoink. She let her dangles flow in the chilly breeze, the biggest and brightest of smiles on her face. She spun around 180 degrees and waved to Vaporeon, urging her to keep up, and the spun around another 180 degrees and bounced onward.
Vaporeon slid across the ground smoothly, pulling herself forward on her belly with her forepaws. She turned to look behind her and growled at her tail. She managed to lift it slightly, and it fell back down with a thud. Her tail was the first of Vaporeon’s water-based body to freeze solid, much to her annoyance. With another growl, Vaporeon focused her attention ahead of her and went back to pulling her body along, which thankfully slid easily over the cold ground.
The last of the group was a Leafeon, whose teeth were chattering as she fought to move step by step through the snowy wind across the freezing ground. All of her leafy green parts were covered with frost, and her nose was turning blue. She gritted her teeth to stop their chattering, and she lowered her head as she forced herself to take another step. Leafeon struggled to take a step, and looked down to see that her front-left paw was frozen to the ground. Leafeon growled and put all her remaining strength in lifting up her paw.
Leafeon’s paw went upward, and she regained her balance and examined her paw. To her surprise, she saw that there was a six inch wedge of ice stuck to her paw. She looked down and saw a deep hole in the ground where her paw was stuck to. Then, a series of loud cracks could be heard as a crack snaked out from the hole Leafeon had made and towards the Eeeveelutions ahead of her.
Meanwhile, Vaporeon was fed up with dragging herself around and attempted to stand up on all four paws again. Planting her hind paws firmly on the ground, she slowly but surely raised her frozen tail, and the rest of her body, up off of the ground. She smiled, and took a step forward just as the crack traveled right in her path. Her front left paw came down and slipped into the crack, causing Vaporeon to trip and land flat on her face. While still face flat, she let out another growl and hit the ground with her right forepaw.
Umbreon’s and Espeon’s ears suddenly twitch when they heard the cracking sound, and they both looked down and jumped away from each other as the crack raced right between them. They both stared down at the crack, then up at each other. Espeon slowly reached out a forepaw to Umbreon, who replied by huffing and turning away. However, his ear twitched again when he heard his sister whimpering. Then he turned and saw that Espeon was getting teary eyed as he continued to reach out to him. Umbreon sighed and begrudgingly touched his forepaw to hers, eliciting a relieved smile from Espeon.
Sylveon was still in the midst of dancing when the crack moved past her. His ears rose at the sight of it, and with a cocky smile he hopped forward, raised his right fore paw, and stomped hard right at the end of the crack, grinding his paw into the ground decisively. Before he could laugh victoriously, two cracks opened up from beneath his paw and continued onward. Sylveon blinked, then shook his head and did a leap up into the air, backflipping one and a half times, and came down hard on his hind legs, his two hind paws landing on the ends of both cracks.
Sylveon cheered and posed dramatically, only for his eyes to widen when she felt both of her paws sink into the ground. Two sharp cracks perked up his pink ears, and he looked down just in time to see the two cracks continue on from beneath his pink paws.
Jolteon froze midstep at the sound of cracking behind him, and he whirled around fast and screamed in fear at the sight of the ominous cracks racing towards him. He frantically stumbled backward, hyperventilating at the sight of the cracks, until he inevitably fell on his rear and stared wide-eyed at the approaching danger. Jolteon grabbed his ears and pulled them down over his eyes, and sat there trembling.
The cracks ironically moved right around Jolteon on either side and continued onward to Flareon. The Fire-type turned and paused when she saw the cracks. At the same time however, Glaceon noticed them as well. Glaceon ceased her prancing and immediately went towards the cracks. Flareon turned around completely, and eagerly scampered over towards the cracks. Glaceon stopped short and fired an Ice Beam right as Flareon reared up and stomped on the ends of the cracks with her forepaws.
Flareon gasped, her eyes wide as her paws were encased in ice. She pouted at Glaceon, who then smiled sheepishly and shrugged in response. Flareon lowered her eyes at her frozen paws, and then breathed out Flamethrower onto the ice encasing them. The ice shattered, and Flareon lifted up her paws and sighed, flexing them comfortably. However, after the ice shattered, the cracks proceed to open up again and circled right around Flareon, much to her distress.
Glaceon groaned and face pawed.
Flareon just blushed through her orange fur and chuckled nervously.
Eevee was still walking along, eyes closed and smiling with her ears swaying as her head moved back and forth. But then she paused when both of her ears popped up at the sound of the cracks. Eevee stood paused as the cracks moved past her on both sides then circled around to top right in front of her. Eevee opened her eyes and looked down at the two cracks, then hopped backwards when two small, thin chunks of ice popped up at the end of either crack.
Eevee blinked and cocked her head at the two ice “buttons.” She lifted her right forepaw and tapped her chin thoughtfully as she considered her two choices. Nervously, Eevee turned around to look at her siblings.
At the back, Leafeon was struggling to put her tiny wedge of ice back into the hole she’s pulled it out of. Vaporeon’s paw was still stuck in the crack as she struggled to pull it out. Espeon was looking right at Eevee and was motioning with her forepaws for the Normal-type to keep calm. This was in stark contrast to Umbreon, who had a piercing glare in his eyes as he slashed his paw across his throat and shook his head. Sylveon was huffing and puffing as he stood up on his hind legs, his paws still stuck in the ground as he stood with his ribbons flowing smoothly as he folded his forelegs across his chest. Jolteon was still covering his eyes and trembling. Glaceon and Flareon stood side by side with their heads tilted towards each other, and then they each pointed toward a different ice “button.”
Eevee had a look of confusion on her face because of all this, then turned back to the two pieces of ice that had been pushed up in front of her. Eevee gave each of the two “buttons” a sniff, took a moment to scratch behind her right ear with her right hindpaw, then raised her left forepaw and moved it over the left piece of ice. She raised her forepaw high, then paused as a nervous look crossed her face, and she put that paw down and lifted her right paw to lightly press down the piece of ice on her left back down into the ground.
Flareon jumped over and hugged Glaceon nervously, much to the Ice-type’s surprise.
Jolteon cried out and cringed.
Sylveon slapped his forepaws to his cheeks dramatically.
Espeon gulped audibly as Umbreon’s ears hung low to match the look of terror on his face.
Vaporeon stopped in mid pull to watch with wide eyes.
Leafeon stood stock still with her right forepaw still on the wedge of ice.
Eevee stared at the ground, then carefully lifted up her paw. She smiled and turned back to her family, giving them a reassuring nod.
Flareon sighed in relief, and Glaceon patted her back gently.
Jolteon uncovered his eyes and looked about, then smiled in relief.
Sylveon just chuckled as he finally stepped out of his own paw prints, but remained on two legs so he could pirouette a few times, rippling her ribbons for effect.
Umbreon grinned and held out a forepaw up high to Espeon. The Psychic-type breathed out through her nose and begrudgingly gave her brother a high-paw.
Vaporeon let herself go flat onto the ground as she allowed herself to relax completely.
Leafeon let out a few chuckles and shook her head as she leaned on the ice spike underneath her right-forepaw, allowing all of her weight to go on it.
Leafeon’s eyes bugged out of her head as the wedge of ice went all the wall back down into its hole.
A huge section of the icy ground shattered, creating a massive hole underneath the Eeveelutions. All of them screamed as they fell down into the massive hole, with the exception of Leafeon. The Grass-type was hanging over the edge, her hind paws still holding onto the ledge behind her. Leafeon hyperventilated as she stared down into the deep cavern below her. She then felt her hindpaws begin to slip, particularly her six toes. Soon she was holding on with only 4 toes, then only her 2 middle toes, then she lost her grip completely and fell straight down into the caverns below.
The Eeveelutions all fell into the complex cave systems, the walls all completely made of ice and extra smooth. They slid frictionlessly through the tubular caves, quickly splitting up and each going down their own paths.
Eevee quickly went into fits of laughter as she quickly began to enjoy the ride as she kicked her footpaws giddily while sliding on her back. He slid side to side and even spun around in a circle as she slipped away down the frozen ramps through the ice cavern.
Jolteon was screaming bloody murder as faliled his arms and legs wildly while spinning out of control on his back. He slid up a ramp and flipped over, and his screams of terror got louder and higher when he saw the massive amount of pointy icy stalagmites below him. He cleared the massive chasm of ice spikes below and landed hard on his rear. As he slid onward, Jolteon pressed his forepaws against his chest as he fought to catch his breath, the fear still evident in his eyes.
Umbreon cried out as he slid towards a hole that led straight down. Umbreon promptly fell down the hole and flipped about as he fell. He managed to spread himself eagled and fell flat and face up. The hole was just big enough for him to reach the sides with all four paws. He dug his claws into ice in an attempt to stop himself, but all this did was create a loud, scratching sound as his claws left scratches on the sides of the tunnel as he fell. Umbreon shouted along with the screeching sound as he slid down the tunnel, until he finally reached the end of the tunnel and fell out. Umbreon ended up partailly flipping in mid air and falling head first. He landed right on his head on a sloped surface that sent him sliding on his head down the new tunnel.
Flareon was running as fast as she could, moving her paw as swiftly as possible. She turned to look behind her and saw that she was still sliding backwards down the tunnel. She turned forward and lowered her head, giving it all she had, but her warm paws did too good a job at melting the ice, giving her absolutely no traction as she slid backwards faster and faster.
Vaporeon had landed right on her tail fins, which were frozen solid. She slid on her tail like some kind of oddly shaped ski, making her an odd sight as she waved her forelegs awkwardly as she slid. She reached down and rubbed at her tail to try and warm it up, but when she glanced upward she saw many icicles up ahead.
Vaporeon then proceeded to hit every single icicle ahead of her. Each one shattered on contact with her face, but each hit caused her face to change in a different way. She went from derp eyed to puckered lips to tongue hanging out to dizzy smile to clenched teeth to a goofy fish-face by the time she made it through the gauntlet.
Espeon fought to control her breathing as she slid on all fours down the tunnel. She peered down the tunnel, and gasped when she saw that the tunnel opened up into a narrow rail of ice that extended over a very deep pit that had who knows what on the bottom.
Espeon took a deep breath and jumped up and landed smoothly onto her right hind paw and slid on that paw out onto the narrow beam of ice. She breathed in and out through her nose with her forepaws held together in front of chest. She peacefully slid across and into a new tunnel on the other side of the large ice chamber.
Sylveon slid with her ribbons streaming out behind him like flags. He entered a long chamber with various ice stalagmites and huge snow boulders in the way. Sylveon sprang over boulders and used his ribbons to grab onto stalagmites and swing around them. He flung himself up and over obstacles, and even landed on one hind leg just so she could limbo over a fallen ice spike. He spun around afterwards and waved cheekily at the obstacles he overcame, still balanced on one paw.
Leafeon was sobbing as she slid on her stomach through the freezing tunnel, but her tears stopped the moment she saw a mass of ice spikes blocking the bottom half of the tunnel, many of which were pointed right at her. She found the desperate will to push herself up and jump over the spikes. She landed on all fours, only to see more spikes choking the tunnel ahead of her.
Leafeon had to contort her body in many ways to get through the gauntlet. She lifted her two right legs and slid past standing sideways on her left legs, threw herself to the right and bent her body in a crescent shape while sliding on her hind legs, and even had to drop back quickly on all fours and arc her back to keep her belly from being spiked.
Looking like a scared cat, Leafeon laughed nervously as she saw that she’d dodged the dangers. Then she turned and fear returned to her. A freezing cold waterfall could be seen covering the exit of the tunnel. Leafeon wailed and moved onto her haunches, her forepaws held together in a begging position as she sobbed and pleaded brokenly right before splashing right through the freezing water.
Glaceon whooped and hollered with joy as she slid on her belly down a tunnel. She slid up and around the round tube of the ice tunnel, giggling with the utmost joy as she felt the icy coolness of the cavern tube on her body. Her tail and dangles flapped behind her as he took in the incredible sensation of speed.
Eevee continued to slide onward, swiftly moving forward on her rump at the speed of Quick Attack and laughing as she was rather enjoying the ride. Like a toddler on a playground slide, Eevee threw up her forelegs and cheered with her eyes closed.
Eevee felt her body smack hard into a hard, flat surface. She opened his eyes and realized that she had slid right into a wall of compacted snow. She groaned as he found her forelegs spread eagled with her little chin stuck in the snow. Her ears suddenly perked up as she heard her siblings coming, and tried in vain to free her face and paws from the frozen wall.
First came Jolteon, who was also sliding on his rump. He screamed and flailed his forelegs wildly, turning himself partway right before he collided with Eevee and the frosty wall. The collision had just enough force for Jolteon to plow right through the wall, leaving a hole in the exact shape of a screaming Jolteon sitting on his rear with his quills all spiky, ears sticking up, and forelegs extended out to either side of him in an expression of pure panic.
Next came Umbreon, who was still sliding painfully on his head. His eyes widened at the sight of the approaching wall, and he let out a wail of grief right before he smashed through Jolteon’s silhouette. A layer of the wall collapsed, revealing a hole in the shape of an Umbreon standing on his head, his ears spread out, and his tail sticking straight upwards as it was being held by his hindpaws.
After this, Flareon came out of the tunnel, and she spotted the wall ahead of time. She bit her lip as she tried to twist herself sideways and skid to a halt. However, it was no use as her perpetually hot paws melted the ice beneath her and made her slide faster. Flareon cried out as she slammed sideways into Umbreon’s impresion. A layer of ice and snow collapsed again, revealing a silhouette of a Flareon with her mouth wide open, standing on hind-left and and front-right paws while her hind-right paw was sticking out behind her and her front-left paw was extended ahead of her.
Vaporeon then slid out on her still frozen tail. She continued to rub and blow on it in her continued attempts to thaw it out, only to stop when she saw the wall she was swiftly approaching. Her eyes widened, and she gritted her teeth and made an attempt at steering her half-frozen body away. However, this only turned her body 90 degrees without changing her direction, so she crashed into the wall, which collapsed further to reveal a hole that depicted was could be a Vaporeon in mid leap, cail and body curved like a crescent moon.
After this, Espeon slid out quickly, awkwardly balanced on her right hind-paw. She had her vision directed downwards at her paw as she fought to retain her balance. She then glanced up at the approaching end to her trip, and let out a small gasp of fear before quickly calming down and closing her eyes tight. She put her paws together as she took on a Yoga pose right before smashing into the wall. Another layer of ice and snow fell, and the perfect image of an Espeon doing the Tree-pose was revealed.
Sylveon could be heard laughing long before he came out of the narrower tunnel. His ribbons steamed majestically behind him as he slid perfectly balanced on his right hind-paw. He even did a front flip onto his right forepaw and continued onward. Sylveon was clearly proud of his moving, upside down, one-paw stand. However, his pride turned to panic when he saw the wall. He shut his eyes tight as he collided with it. Another layer fell, and now a hole in the shape of an upside-down Sylveon on one leg with ribbons in a nice shape all around him.
Leafeon was still frozen in a standing, begging position when she slid out and towards the wall. Her teeth continued to chatter as her pupils shrank at the end of the line. She moved sideways as she crashed into the wall, knocking out more ice and snow to reveal the silhouette of a Leafeon standing on her hind legs, her ears and tail sticking out perfectly straight and at sharp angles to her body, while her forepaws were held up and close together under her chin.
Lastly, Glaceon belly slid down through the tunnel like a missile and launched up, out, and through the air towards the wall. She cried out and covered her face with her forepaws just in time. She crashed into the wall with such force and speed that, finally, the entire mass of ice and snow behind it all collapsed in a massive heap of mercifully soft snow.
Seven of the Eeveelutions popped their heads up out of the snow. They all looked around at each other at first, then Flareon gasped, dived back into the snow, and came back up hugging the frozen Leafeon. Leafeon quickly thawed out, and let out a contented sigh before returning Flareon’s hug. Then, Glaceon popped out and cheered, waving her forepaws into the air victoriously. The others merely stared at their Ice-type sister, except for Jolteon who promptly zapped Glaceon with Thunderbolt, which sent her flopping down into snow while twitching.
Eevee blinked, then smiled, then shrugged, and then winked.
The End
Category Story / Pokemon
Species Pokemon
Gender Any
Size 80 x 120px
File Size 23.7 kB