BÜZ (Alistor! Impressed Me!)
Normally I wouldn't post such a thing but this was just way too fun and cool! While I was streaming the other day the conversation wandered around to generic packaging, and something that I always thought was fun: generic beer. Not because it's liable to be any good but because I was highly entertained by the packaging- there was a company in the Canadian west, back when I was in school (the 80's) that was the Beer Brand Beer Company: they sold very cheap, utterly generic beer in plain yellow cans that just read "BEER" (along with the usual nutritional information and other required sidebar stuff). I was having fun with the idea of generic alcohol in a can so I doodled a generic can of booze (for the fallout shelter?), though to be silly I spelled it "BÜZ" because hey, three big fat characters on a can! Plus an alcoholic content warning because why not?
I was still streaming, when not that much later someone says "Hey, go look over on the Discord!", and I pop over and Alistor! has done this great 3D render of the BÜZ can!
Yes, I have been told that it's "not that hard" in a lot of the 3D tools, but lemme tell you it would have taken *me* hours to do it, so *I* think it's amaze-cool! Thanks Alistor! !
I was still streaming, when not that much later someone says "Hey, go look over on the Discord!", and I pop over and Alistor! has done this great 3D render of the BÜZ can!
Yes, I have been told that it's "not that hard" in a lot of the 3D tools, but lemme tell you it would have taken *me* hours to do it, so *I* think it's amaze-cool! Thanks Alistor! !
Category Artwork (Digital) / Miscellaneous
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 864 x 483px
File Size 1.2 MB
It's not just the 80's
I had some of this a couple years ago. It was fine.
I had some of this a couple years ago. It was fine.