Don't you just hate it when you're browsing memes or youtube or refs, or just generally gaming and your tail just noodles out of your pants? Not to mention socks that don't fit anymore..
I don't remember exactly when I drew this, but I think it was somewhere during 2020 when I really wanted to start practising poses and birds. And paws. So what better species to choose from than lovely gryphons! Also.. Is it more of a tailburst or.. Tailflow?
I know it's just a sketch, but I'm always open for some critique~
- Roi
I don't remember exactly when I drew this, but I think it was somewhere during 2020 when I really wanted to start practising poses and birds. And paws. So what better species to choose from than lovely gryphons! Also.. Is it more of a tailburst or.. Tailflow?
I know it's just a sketch, but I'm always open for some critique~
- Roi
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Transformation
Species Gryphon
Gender Male
Size 1067 x 1280px
File Size 1.26 MB
Listed in Folders
Them paaaws.. It'd be a crime to cover the lovely beans :3 And thanks~
Yes, sitting at a desk, on pc/laptop browsing or gaming or.. Anything really. :D Both the desk and the chair were in the rough draft, but since this is just a sketch I didn't include them :)
Or just forgot to draw them :D
Yes, sitting at a desk, on pc/laptop browsing or gaming or.. Anything really. :D Both the desk and the chair were in the rough draft, but since this is just a sketch I didn't include them :)
Or just forgot to draw them :D
hey these 3 drawings look really good for sketches! you put a really nice amount of detail into them. the folds and tears on the shredded clothing look very well done. I actually think the detail of the tail sort of looping through the shorts is pretty nice! Although its a little hard to tell where exactly it's entering from in the 2nd opening since it looks like its exiting from the other hole in their shorts.
I think your strong suits in these sketches are definitely your incredible posing and expressions! me personally I like when the characters look super surprised or otherwise in complete shock and disbelief (i feel so bad when they look like they're in agonizing pain lol), you really nailed that here!
your anatomy looks great too! paws, talons, and feathers are some parts I definitely struggle with a lot myself, so kudos to you for tackling them all.. at once! and you did them super well in all 3 sketches. do you plan on doing more sketches like this?
I think your strong suits in these sketches are definitely your incredible posing and expressions! me personally I like when the characters look super surprised or otherwise in complete shock and disbelief (i feel so bad when they look like they're in agonizing pain lol), you really nailed that here!
your anatomy looks great too! paws, talons, and feathers are some parts I definitely struggle with a lot myself, so kudos to you for tackling them all.. at once! and you did them super well in all 3 sketches. do you plan on doing more sketches like this?
First of all; thanks for the critique, I appreciate it!
I still feel like I need a lot of practise with fabrics, but thank you! The tail is supposed to push the waist of the pants down as it slinks out the other pant leg :) The sketchiness might make the tail look a bit weird at the base.. But that's one of the dangers of leaving it just a sketch. For now at least.
And I appreciate that, I like finding and figuring out poses that tell a story from just a silhouette alone! Or at least try to.. But I do agree with expressions, confusion and shock are my two main emotions to go for. Also figuring out expressions on "alien" faces is a nice challenge. :)
When it comes to anatomy, thank you! I like to research anatomy on my free time, and transformation art is fun because you get to play around with that! I still, definitely, need more practise with paws, talons, especially feathers! But what is art if not constant improvement~
Thank you again for this comment, I honestly appreciate you picking the three sketches apart and spending time leaving a constructive critique!
And yes, I have a couple older, and newer, sketches waiting to be posted :)
I still feel like I need a lot of practise with fabrics, but thank you! The tail is supposed to push the waist of the pants down as it slinks out the other pant leg :) The sketchiness might make the tail look a bit weird at the base.. But that's one of the dangers of leaving it just a sketch. For now at least.
And I appreciate that, I like finding and figuring out poses that tell a story from just a silhouette alone! Or at least try to.. But I do agree with expressions, confusion and shock are my two main emotions to go for. Also figuring out expressions on "alien" faces is a nice challenge. :)
When it comes to anatomy, thank you! I like to research anatomy on my free time, and transformation art is fun because you get to play around with that! I still, definitely, need more practise with paws, talons, especially feathers! But what is art if not constant improvement~
Thank you again for this comment, I honestly appreciate you picking the three sketches apart and spending time leaving a constructive critique!
And yes, I have a couple older, and newer, sketches waiting to be posted :)