Name: Shaaria (no last name known)
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Green
Scales: Pink/Lavender, with Lilac chest/belly/undertail.
Height: 6'1"
Weight: That's not polite to ask (I also have no idea)
Age: That's also rude to ask (but it's a lot)
Likes: Peace and quiet, classical music, books, herbal tea, sweet wine, being classy, new experiences
Dislikes: Spicy food, dirty things and places, cringe humor, hot and humid weather
Shaaria is capable of flight under her own power with her wings. She's quite a powerful magic user as well, primarily centered around classical elemental magic but she has a broad knowledge of almost everything after spending so much time studying and practicing. She doesn't speak much of where she is from; her childhood and adolescence were rarely happy and it was only after she was able to strike out on her own that she was able to grow and discover herself.
Eventually she learned how to travel between different places and times and now does just that, ever in search of new experiences. Always meeting new people, seeing new places, and finding things to do. Between her journeys she returns to an extraplanar pocket of space she claimed for herself that she calls Planeswalker's Retreat, where she can rest, relax, and prepare for another trip in a place that she has complete control over and total privacy in.
Wherever she goes and whatever she does, there is one constant factor; she enjoys being fulfilling to others. In some places that might simply mean spending time with people, in others it might be more involved or dangerous.
(If you want to see this in action, check out my book, The Planeswalker: Between Skies, which you can find at http://planeswalker.codelizard.net)
Finally, after more than tenthousand years, I finally got a reference sheet without the artist spontaneously combusting, closing commissions forever, breaking an arm, moving to Mars, or whatever the heck else kept happening to artists every time I found one who did ref sheets in a style I liked. It took so long I made a new primary character and got a sheet of her instead. So here's a sheet for Shaaria to show front+back, full hair length, and various other details.
I've been leaning more and more heavily into Shaaria as the "who I wish I could be" character (versus Code as "who I am"), but there's still a certain amount of meta design going into her. While previously I have re-used characters like Code in multiple places and consider them all separate instances, Shaaria explicitly leans into the idea of a character who shows up in many places in no well-defined order by being a Planeswalker (not an M:TG reference, just a fancy title). Moreover, this character trait of going to a place, fixing things or otherwise improving them, and then disappearing is an acknowledgement to the transient nature of my own life: I've moved around a lot, not just in terms of locations but also employment. Now, I work as a consultant, so going in, fixing things, and leaving to move on to the next place is actually my day job, and I've been enjoying it a lot, so Shaaria doing that with her whole life is a layer of meta.
But being the "who I wish I could be" character also makes her serve as an inspiration for me, someone to look up to and idealize, particularly in terms of confidence. It's only in the last couple years as I've actively tried to heal from the emotional abuse of my parents I went through as a child that I've been able to start feeling less insecure and more confident about myself. Portraying her as such - a character with a rough past who has moved on - gives me something to work towards too.
Art by
Shaaria is me.
Hair: Blue
Eyes: Green
Scales: Pink/Lavender, with Lilac chest/belly/undertail.
Height: 6'1"
Weight: That's not polite to ask (I also have no idea)
Age: That's also rude to ask (but it's a lot)
Likes: Peace and quiet, classical music, books, herbal tea, sweet wine, being classy, new experiences
Dislikes: Spicy food, dirty things and places, cringe humor, hot and humid weather
Shaaria is capable of flight under her own power with her wings. She's quite a powerful magic user as well, primarily centered around classical elemental magic but she has a broad knowledge of almost everything after spending so much time studying and practicing. She doesn't speak much of where she is from; her childhood and adolescence were rarely happy and it was only after she was able to strike out on her own that she was able to grow and discover herself.
Eventually she learned how to travel between different places and times and now does just that, ever in search of new experiences. Always meeting new people, seeing new places, and finding things to do. Between her journeys she returns to an extraplanar pocket of space she claimed for herself that she calls Planeswalker's Retreat, where she can rest, relax, and prepare for another trip in a place that she has complete control over and total privacy in.
Wherever she goes and whatever she does, there is one constant factor; she enjoys being fulfilling to others. In some places that might simply mean spending time with people, in others it might be more involved or dangerous.
(If you want to see this in action, check out my book, The Planeswalker: Between Skies, which you can find at http://planeswalker.codelizard.net)
Finally, after more than ten
I've been leaning more and more heavily into Shaaria as the "who I wish I could be" character (versus Code as "who I am"), but there's still a certain amount of meta design going into her. While previously I have re-used characters like Code in multiple places and consider them all separate instances, Shaaria explicitly leans into the idea of a character who shows up in many places in no well-defined order by being a Planeswalker (not an M:TG reference, just a fancy title). Moreover, this character trait of going to a place, fixing things or otherwise improving them, and then disappearing is an acknowledgement to the transient nature of my own life: I've moved around a lot, not just in terms of locations but also employment. Now, I work as a consultant, so going in, fixing things, and leaving to move on to the next place is actually my day job, and I've been enjoying it a lot, so Shaaria doing that with her whole life is a layer of meta.
But being the "who I wish I could be" character also makes her serve as an inspiration for me, someone to look up to and idealize, particularly in terms of confidence. It's only in the last couple years as I've actively tried to heal from the emotional abuse of my parents I went through as a child that I've been able to start feeling less insecure and more confident about myself. Portraying her as such - a character with a rough past who has moved on - gives me something to work towards too.
Art by

Shaaria is me.
Category Artwork (Digital) / General Furry Art
Species Western Dragon
Gender Herm
Size 1280 x 914px
File Size 258.9 kB