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William was decking the halls with boughs of holly, humming out loud with little Blue “singing” along, following the owl around to help him prepare their house for Santa’s arrival. Tis the season to be jolly after all, and Blue was getting excited for Santa’s visit this year, his eyes full of wonder and glee while the house was adorned with Christmas decorations. Collie, a bernese, was hired by Randal to help William watch and take care of Blue so he wouldn't get hurt. Collie decorated the house with care, being cautious so no one would get hurt, his tail wagging slowly behind him, showing he was a little excited for Christmas, and while the three were decorating the inside of the house, a couple of cars pulled up to the curb out front.
It was Randal, and he arrived in a truck full of outdoor decorations as well as a few friends. He turned off the truck’s engine once he had all the brakes set, and he climbed out before shutting the door and heading to the back of the truck to take down the decorations. There were large inflatables, and long strands of christmas lights to outline the entire house from front to back and top to bottom. He couldn’t wait to see Blue’s excitement at the decorated house! He loved his grandsus’ little smile and excitement, and seeing him full of wonder and glee was something he loved and cherished. Randal brought down the santa and Frosty inflatables and carried them over to the porch while a couple of hired folks who had a track record of a saint stepped out to get the lights for the house. The electric bill would be expensive, but Randal was willing to pay it off and had the funds to do so after saving up. It was still the first of December, and yet, snow had already fallen.
Randal knocked on William’s door, and the tutelary owl walked over to the door and opened it. He greeted Randal with a smile and allowed the foxtor to step inside and sit a little bit, though Randal was instantly glomped by a little pegasus. He looked down to smile at Blue, who was looking up with a smile of his own. He stood on his hind legs, his forelegs wrapping around Randal’s legs in a hug, his tiny wings opening and closing with joy when blue saw his grandfoxer had arrived.
“I love you,” Randal said as he bent down with his knees to lift his grandsus into the air. Blue squeed with delight once he was lifted, and Randal tossed him into the air a few times, enjoying Blue’s happiness. He caught him after the tenth toss and brought him close to kiss his forehead, and Blue gave his grandfoxer a few love lickies before nuzzling him affectionately.
“I have to do some work, but I’ll come to play when I’m finished,” Randal responded after a few moments of Blue’s affection. He sat Blue down onto the ground and made him face the way to the living room, then gently pushed him forward with the palm of his hands.
“He’s adorable,” Randal quietly said before stepping out. William nodded in agreement, though Collie would think the tyke was too much of a handful. He kept it to himself, though and wrapped the banister with a wreath looking strand that had some lights on it as he went up the stairs that creaked beneath him with each step. Randal had gone to get a ladder so the helpers could climb up and rig up the lights to the house. They had to work fast so they could go christmas tree shopping the next day, since it would take a few good hours to actually finish decorating the place. The helpers climbed up the metallic ladder and began to outline the house with the christmas lights, starting from the house’s left side and carefully followed the framing of the house, heading to the front and up the middle, then down as they made it to the house’s right side. While the helpers were putting up the lights, Randal was busy hanging up the wooden decorations that looked like gift boxes on the front of the house before he put up the plastic santa the lit up when plugged in as well as Mrs. Claus, who stood on Santa’s left. He got the frosty inflatable and hooked it up to an extension cord after tying it down to spikes in the ground. It was eleven feet tall, and it faced the house. Randal looked at his handy work and realized he sat it up wrong. He unplugged the cord and watched Frosty deflate, its light inside turning off and once it had no more air, he went and undid the strings and turned Frosty around and reinflated him. The candy canes were next to go up, and they were posted around the edge of the porch, hiding the neatly trimmed bushes that grew on the front of the porch.
Blue started to follow Collie rather closely as if to monitor what he was doing. Collie was hanging up the winter “projects” Blue had done in November, ignoring Thanksgiving so Santa could be pleased. There were colorings of Snowmen, Santa, a christmas tree with presents under it, and a picture of William, Randal, and himself visiting Santa’s workshop. Blue believed he was such a good boy this year, he was bound to get lots of presents! He saw some green thing trailing behind Collie and decided he’d help, but then decide he’d want to play. He took the end trailing on the floor into his mouth and sat down as if to impede Collie’s process of hanging up the thing. Collie felt a gentle tug, though he blinked once or twice when he saw Blue sitting down with a smile on his face with the decoration in his mouth. Collie bent over and ruffled Blue’s mane before he reached for the decoration.
“Come on, little guy. We gotta decorate for Santa!” Collie said, gently tugging on the long strand of tinsel. Blue only stood on his hooves and crouched down before tugging back. Collie did his best to get the tinsel out of Blue’s mouth, only to be met with resistance.
“Blue, please. If you wanna help, you can… help by putting these on the couch and William’s chair,” Collie practically begged, reaching into a box and got out a stuffed Santa and reindeer. Blue let go of the tinsel streamer strand that was eleven feet long, and he happily took the two stuffed decorations, waddling off into the living room. Collie gave a small smile as he watched Blue make his way down the hall, finding the tyke to be cute and adorable despite being too much of a handful for him. He ceased the opportunity he made and began to hang the strand of tinsel around the door frames, cutting a piece off once the strands of tinsel reached around the door frame, and he did it for each door frame. He found a wreath in the box and decided he’d adorne the front door with it, his steps walking with careful strides, barely leaving the floor as he took each step towards the door. As he made his way into the living room, he saw Blue having a tea party with the two Stuffed animals Collie gave him to put on the couch, though he said nothing since Blue was distracted by the tea party he was throwing using a small, blue, plastic table to hold the plastic tea cups and tea pot as well as the sugar bowl. Collie exuberantly opened the screen door before opening the front door, hanging it outside before he hastily shut the door, causing a slam to be heard before he zoomed to the hallway.
William had set up a small village on a long table, and had a choo-choo train set up, the clay hard and shiny as they reflected the light that shone on them. He even had the wooden people standing around a styrofoam snowman! He ignored the light thumping on the roof, and Randal came in with banister decorations, and he wrapped the wreath looking strand around the railing as he went up, making sure the lights would be visible. Once he got to the top, he turned on the lights to see if they worked, and smiled as he did. He noticed Blue was having a tea party, and it warmed his heart to see his grandsus being wholesome, his smile turning into a grin. He noticed the upstairs hall was bare, and he instantly knew Blue would say “This wall needs work done,” if Blue could talk, and he got to thinking.
“What else could go on these walls?” Randal thought to himself as he stood there. Collie noticed the newly decorated railing and looked up to see Randal thinking, and William noticed too. The two walked up the stairs, though Collie made sure Blue was within his sights so the tyke couldn’t get into trouble.
“What’s up?” William asked. Randal continued to look at the hallway when he answered.
“Blue is going to want this hallway decorated,” and William had to agree. He knew the little guy liked to go all out when it was christmas time… and when it was time to eat desserts.
“Do you think he’d mind if we used the same decorations as the ones downstairs?” Collie asked, keeping his attention to Blue.
“It’s hard to say… but do we have more Holly?” Randal answered.
“I have some more. They’re down stairs, let me get them,” William remarked as he turned to head back down the stairs. Little Blue was finished with his tea party and walked across the little table, careful to not break his tea set and nuzzled the stuffed animal before he carried it to the couch and found it hard to place the stuffy on it. He didn’t think of throwing it, but William came along and picked the two up and placed them on the couch before turning to get the reindeer and placed that on the opposite end of the couch. He then made his way to the kitchen table that had a sleigh centerpiece that was red and took the brown box he had with him earlier before he placed Christmas Window stickers on the windows. He carried them up the stairs, passing Collie who had headed down to feed Blue since he was little and needed to eat more from how active he was.
“Maybe we should have wooden decorations hanging up, like reindeer and Santa skiing,” William suggested, and Randal liked that idea.
“Elves too,” he suggested.
“Do you think we should send Collie to the store to get them?” William asked.
“He might need more time with Blue,” Randal responded, turning down the stairs, next to William as they talked about who is going to the store.
“Hey, let’s send Collie to the store and we take Blue to get a tree!” The duo said at the same time, causing laughter to erupt from the both of them. Blue clapped his hooves together and began to giggle, just joining in even though he didn’t know what Randal and William were laughing about.
Collie turned to the two just as he was about to feed Blue a pear.
“What’s up?” he asked as he smiled at the two. Blue was buckled in his high chair, so he wasn’t worried about Blue getting into trouble.
“We’re going to take Blue to get a tree, and we need you to go get some decorations for the upstairs hall,” William said as Randal went to make silly faces to make Blue laugh, and laugh the little guy did.
“Are you guys going to get something to eat?” Collie inquired as he sat the pear slice on the baby-safe plate.
“We’ll stop at a place before getting a tree,” Randal answered as he started to remove the tray and unbuckle Blue. Collie had removed the plate and went to get a bowl from the cabinet to store the sliced fruit for later, and William took a pen and paper to write down what they wanted and how many before handing it to Collie, then they parted ways.
William, Randal, and Blue were stuck in traffic, though little Blue was playing with his new toy he got from the vegetarian friendly joint they went to. It wasn’t until nightfall and a couple of bathroom stops that they finally made it to the tree lot. There were still a lot of trees left, and since Blue wasn’t in school, they figured they’d let him stay up late though they decided he should get to decide the tree. They had him dressed up with the extra clothes they had in case they needed it, and Blue was all dressed and warm. They sat him down and followed behind. Blue waddled up to the first tree and looked at it, up and down. It was at least eleven feet tall, and Blue got under it with a smile.
“Deh-wuh,” he said as he tapped it with his right hoof. Randal and William looked at each other and decided they would get that one, but as soon as they were about to get someone to help with the tree, Blue waddled to another tree and “examined” it before making a happy sound.
“Deh-wuh! Deh-wuh!” he called as he tilted his snoot into the air, his eyes looking at his sky wizard friend and his beloved grandfoxer. The two looked at each other and headed over to the tree Blue had chosen. Randal squatted down to get eye-level with Blue.
“Don’t you want the first one?” Randal asked.
“Deh-wuh,” Blue repeated, pointed his left hoof at the tree. William and Randal nodded, but then Blue scampered off again, causing the older males to panic since he randomly took off running away from them.
“Blue!” they both shouted, their hearts pounding quickly as they ran after Blue, accidentally knocking people over and merely bumping others. They saw Blue looking at a short tree and saw that smile of his that was full of wonder and love, his eyes “sparkling” as he stared at it, sitting down as he watched it.
“Blue?” Randal said, confused, and Blue tilted his head up and whispered
“Deh-wuh.” Blue then went back to looking at the tree, his warm heart beating with joy. He named it “Hat” and William and Randal carefully lifted the tree off of the ground and Blue followed them to the cashier who only charged fifty cents. Randal paid for it and got back his change, though he gave a tip of ten-fifty, leaving him with nine dollars in change. Blue had looked around at the other trees, and as soon as they began to head out, Blue turned to the trees and waved “bye” to them before heading to the car, only to turn around and wave again. With the tree in the car, it was time to head home, and Blue was gently placed in his car seat. A hoof could be seen waving as the car drove away.
Collie had waited for the two men to return with the tree and Blue, and once they did, went over to help with the tree, surprised that it was a short one. He didn’t say anything since this was his first christmas with them and didn’t know their Christmas tradition. He unbuckled Blue, who had fallen asleep on the way home after eating, and carried him over to the door that William was unlocking, and carried him in. He tip-toed up the stairs, trying to be quiet as to keep the babe undisturbed, his movements small and steady. He carefully stripped the pegasus of his warm clothes and went over to his dresser before getting out his christmas jammies, smiling at how innocent Blue looked while slumbering. He put him in his christmas onesie and buttoned it up before Randal and snuck up the stairs once the tree was inside. Collie turned and saw Randal step into the room, who whispered Blue likes it when he’s tucked in, though only Randal was able to do it. Anyone else does it wrong and would end up letting the monsters get him. Collie thought it cute, but he didn’t stay in the room any longer, quietly shuffling his feet on the carpeted floor. William offered the two to stay the night, and both agreed. The next morning, Randal, William, and Blue woke up for a great day. “Blue, it’s time to decorate the tree!” and Blue scampered to the staircase, turning around to climb down, his tiny wings flapping excitedly. Randal had a pillowcase and walked down the stairs and went into the garage to get the fishing pole, and carefully hooked it to the fishing line and went to Blue and placed him into the pillow case. William came down the stairs and went to the garage to get the christmas tree ornaments. Once he got them, he came out with a large tote and placed it on the floor next to Randal and opened it.
“Okay, Blue, flap your wings!” Randal said with a smile. Blue flapped his wings, and Randal reeled back the fishing line, lifting Blue off the floor, then moved the fishing pole over the open tote, then lowered Blue. Blue grabbed an ornament, wearing a smile on his white muzzle, then moved the pole over to the tree, lowering Blue so he could decorate the lower tree first. It was like he was going fishing with how he moved Blue left and right, lowering and raising him with the fishing line and despite the tree getting decorated, it was still decorated little by little. Once the tree was finished, Randal let Blue down and Blue scampered off. Collie left early to head home, since he didn’t have a car. They each went shopping throughout the month, getting things for each other and little Blue. Collie had to text Randal and William what Blue liked, since he only started to watch him the last week of November, and they told him some of the things he liked. Tea parties, mail stuff, flying, his family. Collie asked if Blue had doll versions of them, though they both said he hadn’t, so Collie said he’d get a couple of stuffed animals made to look like them, so they each took a pic and sent it to Collie, who then walked into the toy store he knew of that only certain others knew of. It was lacking the funds to be open, and Collie tried to get business for them in the past, but it seemed his favourite toy store was going to close up shop. His eyes got tearful as he made the final transaction and bought Blue the custom stuffed animals and a large blockset. He shed a tear and thanked the shop owner before turning to leave. He didn’t bawl, but tears dropped to the ground as he walked out with his gifts for Blue. He texted the two and let them know that the toy store he was at was having a sale since they were closing shop soon, and they had a lot of great toys left since not a lot of people shopped there! Randal eventually made it to the toy store and shopped around, finding a great selection of toys, even getting some that were educational so he could play with Blue! William came to the shop and was thrilled to find some wooden toys for Blue to play with. Even ones that play music! Blue loved to dance, though he also got some paint. Collie managed to call some friends, and he asked William and Randal to call up friends to let them know about the toy store. Collie even went to social media and advertised for it. He knew it wouldn’t be enough to save the store, but he at least wanted to show the owner support. Blue did some shopping of his own, but for Randal, William, and Collie. He chose some balls and some jammies for Randal, and for William, he chose a sky wizard bath and some jammies. Collie, he decided Broccoli was the way to go. Of course, William and Randal also bought stuff for Collie since they wanted him to feel welcome and show they appreciate him babysitting Blue when he could. They bought him stuff from them and stuff from “Blue” and Collie also shopped for Randal and William. He didn’t know what they liked, so he decided to take a gamble. He went shopping for glasses cleaners for Randal, and some new clothes to wear when on a day off or just to be casual, though he bought him a red fountain pen that was shiny and had a golden nib and bought black ink for him. For William, he bought clothes as well, though he bought him a dark green fountain pen that was shiny and had a golden nib, and he bought black ink for him too! He did buy two different journals and letter kits for them. There were enough christmas presents just for Blue to surround the christmas tree, but William kept all the gifts hidden so Blue would think Santa was there, and one the day before Christmas Eve, they took Blue to sit on Santa’s lap.
“What would you like?” Santa asked. Blue waved his hoof, and Santa leaned down.
“Toy,” Blue whispered. Santa laughed his trademark laugh and gave Blue a mailtruck toy, and then Randal and William got into the photo and surrounded Santa for a photo with Santa.
Christmas eve had come, and William took little Blue out for flight stuff. Once William and Blue were gone, Randal hurriedly gathered all the presents and placed them around the tree once he came out of hiding, his feet dashing all around while his arms carefully placed everything around the tree to not break anything. It was a half hour when William and Blue returned, and they flew in through Blue’s open window so Blue wouldn’t see the presents, and William gave Blue a kiss on the forehead before he tucked him in, and Blue fell asleep, excited for Santa’s visit. Randal had left before the two had returned, and he had locked the door; however, a couple of no-goodniks were hiding nearby. Burglars, thieves, toy stealers. They waited until everyone was asleep and once they were, they climbed up the house, then made their way down the chimney once they tied sturdy rope around the chimney and once on the floor, they looked at the tree and got their sacks, filling them upland sneaking out the house, taking the sacks two by two, and then they climbed up the roof to take their rope and down their ladder they went, taking it and locking the door behind before getting their supplies and heading down the street and into their truck and drove off. Little Blue woke up a few hours and climbed out of bed, giggling silently as he waddled out of his bedroom, clambering down the stairs, still giggling because of all the presents he was gonna get for being such a good boy, but when he saw the tree, it had nothing underneath! He slowly approached the tree.
“Chehwoah?” he said, out loud. The tree was unresponsive, though there were no presents. He sat down like a dog, his ears lowered to his head, his head drooping in sorrow, just like his wings.
Blue sat in sadness, even when the sun’s radiant rays reached over the horizon. William woke up and was excited to see Blue’s excitement from all the toys he was going to get, but then… he realized something was wrong when Blue wasn’t trying to wake him up. He sprung out of bed, then peeked into Blue’s room, though he didn’t see him. He went down stairs and saw Blue sitting down, glum. Blue heard William and turned his head to look at his sky wizard friend, tears streaking down his face, and he silently wept. William slowly approached Blue and kneeled down and picked him up. That was when he began to sob.
“It’s okay, Blue. I’m going to call Santa and let him know he missed you,” he said before he gently sat Blue down before pulling out his phone. He dialed Randal’s cell.
“Santa, you missed Blue. Can you bring back his presents?” William asked once Randal picked up.
“Tell Blue I’ll be right there,” and Randal hung up. William relayed the message while Randal was off to get his Santa outfit from home since he was on his way to William’s house to see Blue opened his presents. Randal was more than angry… he was infuriated! He stormed into his house and donned his Santa outfit and grabbed his phone, texting Collie to help him with a favour. Collie looked at his phone in disbelief.
“What’s the favour?” he asked.
“Blue’s presents were stolen, so we need to get him new presents… and I need you to lower me into the chimney,” Randal answered. Collie thought about it, though reluctantly agreed to help. Collie had showered and dried, then dressed himself before going to find some old toys of his he kept to give to Blue. He didn’t want to give away his toys, but he figured Blue could use them now. He gift wrapped half of his toys from when he was a pup, and he left his house with a bag of the toys for Blue. He texted Randal for the meeting place, and Randal gave a location and directions to get there. As luck would have it, Randal drove past a broken down pickup truck. He pulled over and crossed the street. He walked over to the truck and noticed a tag on it that said “To Blue Streak, from Santa,” and it infuriated Randal. He went to the front of the truck and tapped one of the men on the shoulder. The man looked up at Randal and was down right rude to him. Without warning, Randal punched the man in the face, knocking him out before taking the beer bottle from the second man, who hadn’t looked up until the first guy fell over. He quickly smashed the bottle on the second man, shattering it to pieces, though the man was only dizzy. Without hesitation, Randal grabbed the back of his head and brought up his knee as he brought the man’s head down, giving him a broken nose and making him unconscious. Randal hurried to the back of the truck and grabbed as many bags as he could and take them to his own car until he had each and everyone of them into his car.
“We’ll meet at William’s house, I found the presents,” and then he told William to make sure Blue can’t see out the front window and that he found the presents. He drove to William’s house and waited for Collie. Once Collie came walking up the street, Randal waved for Collie to hurry up, so Collie ran over, and up the ladder they both climbed with the sacks around Randal’s belted waist, and Randal tied one end of the rope around him while Collie grabbed one end before getting the sacks, getting one big sack and put the presents in it before climbing down. Once he was close to the floor, he undid his rope, and he let out Santa’s signature laugh.
Blue instantly looked at the chimney, and when Santa appeared, Blue squeed happily and reached over to Santa, and when he saw the gifts, he was even more excited.
“Sorry for forgetting you, Blue,” Santa said, making his belly shake like a bowl full of jello. He got each gift and placed them under the tree.
“You did a great job on the tree, Blue,” he commented when he looked at the tree. Blue made a prideful pose while being held by William. Blue was so thrilled to bits and couldn’t believe he got to see Santa visit him to leave the toys! Santa walked over and ruffled Blue’s mane before heading over to the chimney and reached up for the rope and tugged on it twice, and up he went. William placed Blue on the floor, and Blue ran over to the tree and presents, and he laughed with joy, his eyes now filled with joyful tears. After a few moments, Randal and Collie entered the house. They both saw Blue and how happy and excited he was, and Randal’s heart was full of joy at seeing how his grandsus was enraptured. He couldn’t help but shed a few tears of happiness himself at how elated Blue was, and Collie couldn’t help but be happy as well. William went over to the tree and got the presents for Randal, Collie, and himself before letting Blue open up the rest for him. Blue opened up all of them without mercy, and his happiness grew ever more when he saw his family in stuffed form, some paints, blocks, musical toys, even some music making too! He got a choo-choo train and a mail truck, and a few colouring books! He got so much more and the fact Santa came back to give them to him made it even much more great! The three older males opened their gifts and just smiled, though they went back to watching Blue play with his new toys.
William was decking the halls with boughs of holly, humming out loud with little Blue “singing” along, following the owl around to help him prepare their house for Santa’s arrival. Tis the season to be jolly after all, and Blue was getting excited for Santa’s visit this year, his eyes full of wonder and glee while the house was adorned with Christmas decorations. Collie, a bernese, was hired by Randal to help William watch and take care of Blue so he wouldn't get hurt. Collie decorated the house with care, being cautious so no one would get hurt, his tail wagging slowly behind him, showing he was a little excited for Christmas, and while the three were decorating the inside of the house, a couple of cars pulled up to the curb out front.
It was Randal, and he arrived in a truck full of outdoor decorations as well as a few friends. He turned off the truck’s engine once he had all the brakes set, and he climbed out before shutting the door and heading to the back of the truck to take down the decorations. There were large inflatables, and long strands of christmas lights to outline the entire house from front to back and top to bottom. He couldn’t wait to see Blue’s excitement at the decorated house! He loved his grandsus’ little smile and excitement, and seeing him full of wonder and glee was something he loved and cherished. Randal brought down the santa and Frosty inflatables and carried them over to the porch while a couple of hired folks who had a track record of a saint stepped out to get the lights for the house. The electric bill would be expensive, but Randal was willing to pay it off and had the funds to do so after saving up. It was still the first of December, and yet, snow had already fallen.
Randal knocked on William’s door, and the tutelary owl walked over to the door and opened it. He greeted Randal with a smile and allowed the foxtor to step inside and sit a little bit, though Randal was instantly glomped by a little pegasus. He looked down to smile at Blue, who was looking up with a smile of his own. He stood on his hind legs, his forelegs wrapping around Randal’s legs in a hug, his tiny wings opening and closing with joy when blue saw his grandfoxer had arrived.
“I love you,” Randal said as he bent down with his knees to lift his grandsus into the air. Blue squeed with delight once he was lifted, and Randal tossed him into the air a few times, enjoying Blue’s happiness. He caught him after the tenth toss and brought him close to kiss his forehead, and Blue gave his grandfoxer a few love lickies before nuzzling him affectionately.
“I have to do some work, but I’ll come to play when I’m finished,” Randal responded after a few moments of Blue’s affection. He sat Blue down onto the ground and made him face the way to the living room, then gently pushed him forward with the palm of his hands.
“He’s adorable,” Randal quietly said before stepping out. William nodded in agreement, though Collie would think the tyke was too much of a handful. He kept it to himself, though and wrapped the banister with a wreath looking strand that had some lights on it as he went up the stairs that creaked beneath him with each step. Randal had gone to get a ladder so the helpers could climb up and rig up the lights to the house. They had to work fast so they could go christmas tree shopping the next day, since it would take a few good hours to actually finish decorating the place. The helpers climbed up the metallic ladder and began to outline the house with the christmas lights, starting from the house’s left side and carefully followed the framing of the house, heading to the front and up the middle, then down as they made it to the house’s right side. While the helpers were putting up the lights, Randal was busy hanging up the wooden decorations that looked like gift boxes on the front of the house before he put up the plastic santa the lit up when plugged in as well as Mrs. Claus, who stood on Santa’s left. He got the frosty inflatable and hooked it up to an extension cord after tying it down to spikes in the ground. It was eleven feet tall, and it faced the house. Randal looked at his handy work and realized he sat it up wrong. He unplugged the cord and watched Frosty deflate, its light inside turning off and once it had no more air, he went and undid the strings and turned Frosty around and reinflated him. The candy canes were next to go up, and they were posted around the edge of the porch, hiding the neatly trimmed bushes that grew on the front of the porch.
Blue started to follow Collie rather closely as if to monitor what he was doing. Collie was hanging up the winter “projects” Blue had done in November, ignoring Thanksgiving so Santa could be pleased. There were colorings of Snowmen, Santa, a christmas tree with presents under it, and a picture of William, Randal, and himself visiting Santa’s workshop. Blue believed he was such a good boy this year, he was bound to get lots of presents! He saw some green thing trailing behind Collie and decided he’d help, but then decide he’d want to play. He took the end trailing on the floor into his mouth and sat down as if to impede Collie’s process of hanging up the thing. Collie felt a gentle tug, though he blinked once or twice when he saw Blue sitting down with a smile on his face with the decoration in his mouth. Collie bent over and ruffled Blue’s mane before he reached for the decoration.
“Come on, little guy. We gotta decorate for Santa!” Collie said, gently tugging on the long strand of tinsel. Blue only stood on his hooves and crouched down before tugging back. Collie did his best to get the tinsel out of Blue’s mouth, only to be met with resistance.
“Blue, please. If you wanna help, you can… help by putting these on the couch and William’s chair,” Collie practically begged, reaching into a box and got out a stuffed Santa and reindeer. Blue let go of the tinsel streamer strand that was eleven feet long, and he happily took the two stuffed decorations, waddling off into the living room. Collie gave a small smile as he watched Blue make his way down the hall, finding the tyke to be cute and adorable despite being too much of a handful for him. He ceased the opportunity he made and began to hang the strand of tinsel around the door frames, cutting a piece off once the strands of tinsel reached around the door frame, and he did it for each door frame. He found a wreath in the box and decided he’d adorne the front door with it, his steps walking with careful strides, barely leaving the floor as he took each step towards the door. As he made his way into the living room, he saw Blue having a tea party with the two Stuffed animals Collie gave him to put on the couch, though he said nothing since Blue was distracted by the tea party he was throwing using a small, blue, plastic table to hold the plastic tea cups and tea pot as well as the sugar bowl. Collie exuberantly opened the screen door before opening the front door, hanging it outside before he hastily shut the door, causing a slam to be heard before he zoomed to the hallway.
William had set up a small village on a long table, and had a choo-choo train set up, the clay hard and shiny as they reflected the light that shone on them. He even had the wooden people standing around a styrofoam snowman! He ignored the light thumping on the roof, and Randal came in with banister decorations, and he wrapped the wreath looking strand around the railing as he went up, making sure the lights would be visible. Once he got to the top, he turned on the lights to see if they worked, and smiled as he did. He noticed Blue was having a tea party, and it warmed his heart to see his grandsus being wholesome, his smile turning into a grin. He noticed the upstairs hall was bare, and he instantly knew Blue would say “This wall needs work done,” if Blue could talk, and he got to thinking.
“What else could go on these walls?” Randal thought to himself as he stood there. Collie noticed the newly decorated railing and looked up to see Randal thinking, and William noticed too. The two walked up the stairs, though Collie made sure Blue was within his sights so the tyke couldn’t get into trouble.
“What’s up?” William asked. Randal continued to look at the hallway when he answered.
“Blue is going to want this hallway decorated,” and William had to agree. He knew the little guy liked to go all out when it was christmas time… and when it was time to eat desserts.
“Do you think he’d mind if we used the same decorations as the ones downstairs?” Collie asked, keeping his attention to Blue.
“It’s hard to say… but do we have more Holly?” Randal answered.
“I have some more. They’re down stairs, let me get them,” William remarked as he turned to head back down the stairs. Little Blue was finished with his tea party and walked across the little table, careful to not break his tea set and nuzzled the stuffed animal before he carried it to the couch and found it hard to place the stuffy on it. He didn’t think of throwing it, but William came along and picked the two up and placed them on the couch before turning to get the reindeer and placed that on the opposite end of the couch. He then made his way to the kitchen table that had a sleigh centerpiece that was red and took the brown box he had with him earlier before he placed Christmas Window stickers on the windows. He carried them up the stairs, passing Collie who had headed down to feed Blue since he was little and needed to eat more from how active he was.
“Maybe we should have wooden decorations hanging up, like reindeer and Santa skiing,” William suggested, and Randal liked that idea.
“Elves too,” he suggested.
“Do you think we should send Collie to the store to get them?” William asked.
“He might need more time with Blue,” Randal responded, turning down the stairs, next to William as they talked about who is going to the store.
“Hey, let’s send Collie to the store and we take Blue to get a tree!” The duo said at the same time, causing laughter to erupt from the both of them. Blue clapped his hooves together and began to giggle, just joining in even though he didn’t know what Randal and William were laughing about.
Collie turned to the two just as he was about to feed Blue a pear.
“What’s up?” he asked as he smiled at the two. Blue was buckled in his high chair, so he wasn’t worried about Blue getting into trouble.
“We’re going to take Blue to get a tree, and we need you to go get some decorations for the upstairs hall,” William said as Randal went to make silly faces to make Blue laugh, and laugh the little guy did.
“Are you guys going to get something to eat?” Collie inquired as he sat the pear slice on the baby-safe plate.
“We’ll stop at a place before getting a tree,” Randal answered as he started to remove the tray and unbuckle Blue. Collie had removed the plate and went to get a bowl from the cabinet to store the sliced fruit for later, and William took a pen and paper to write down what they wanted and how many before handing it to Collie, then they parted ways.
William, Randal, and Blue were stuck in traffic, though little Blue was playing with his new toy he got from the vegetarian friendly joint they went to. It wasn’t until nightfall and a couple of bathroom stops that they finally made it to the tree lot. There were still a lot of trees left, and since Blue wasn’t in school, they figured they’d let him stay up late though they decided he should get to decide the tree. They had him dressed up with the extra clothes they had in case they needed it, and Blue was all dressed and warm. They sat him down and followed behind. Blue waddled up to the first tree and looked at it, up and down. It was at least eleven feet tall, and Blue got under it with a smile.
“Deh-wuh,” he said as he tapped it with his right hoof. Randal and William looked at each other and decided they would get that one, but as soon as they were about to get someone to help with the tree, Blue waddled to another tree and “examined” it before making a happy sound.
“Deh-wuh! Deh-wuh!” he called as he tilted his snoot into the air, his eyes looking at his sky wizard friend and his beloved grandfoxer. The two looked at each other and headed over to the tree Blue had chosen. Randal squatted down to get eye-level with Blue.
“Don’t you want the first one?” Randal asked.
“Deh-wuh,” Blue repeated, pointed his left hoof at the tree. William and Randal nodded, but then Blue scampered off again, causing the older males to panic since he randomly took off running away from them.
“Blue!” they both shouted, their hearts pounding quickly as they ran after Blue, accidentally knocking people over and merely bumping others. They saw Blue looking at a short tree and saw that smile of his that was full of wonder and love, his eyes “sparkling” as he stared at it, sitting down as he watched it.
“Blue?” Randal said, confused, and Blue tilted his head up and whispered
“Deh-wuh.” Blue then went back to looking at the tree, his warm heart beating with joy. He named it “Hat” and William and Randal carefully lifted the tree off of the ground and Blue followed them to the cashier who only charged fifty cents. Randal paid for it and got back his change, though he gave a tip of ten-fifty, leaving him with nine dollars in change. Blue had looked around at the other trees, and as soon as they began to head out, Blue turned to the trees and waved “bye” to them before heading to the car, only to turn around and wave again. With the tree in the car, it was time to head home, and Blue was gently placed in his car seat. A hoof could be seen waving as the car drove away.
Collie had waited for the two men to return with the tree and Blue, and once they did, went over to help with the tree, surprised that it was a short one. He didn’t say anything since this was his first christmas with them and didn’t know their Christmas tradition. He unbuckled Blue, who had fallen asleep on the way home after eating, and carried him over to the door that William was unlocking, and carried him in. He tip-toed up the stairs, trying to be quiet as to keep the babe undisturbed, his movements small and steady. He carefully stripped the pegasus of his warm clothes and went over to his dresser before getting out his christmas jammies, smiling at how innocent Blue looked while slumbering. He put him in his christmas onesie and buttoned it up before Randal and snuck up the stairs once the tree was inside. Collie turned and saw Randal step into the room, who whispered Blue likes it when he’s tucked in, though only Randal was able to do it. Anyone else does it wrong and would end up letting the monsters get him. Collie thought it cute, but he didn’t stay in the room any longer, quietly shuffling his feet on the carpeted floor. William offered the two to stay the night, and both agreed. The next morning, Randal, William, and Blue woke up for a great day. “Blue, it’s time to decorate the tree!” and Blue scampered to the staircase, turning around to climb down, his tiny wings flapping excitedly. Randal had a pillowcase and walked down the stairs and went into the garage to get the fishing pole, and carefully hooked it to the fishing line and went to Blue and placed him into the pillow case. William came down the stairs and went to the garage to get the christmas tree ornaments. Once he got them, he came out with a large tote and placed it on the floor next to Randal and opened it.
“Okay, Blue, flap your wings!” Randal said with a smile. Blue flapped his wings, and Randal reeled back the fishing line, lifting Blue off the floor, then moved the fishing pole over the open tote, then lowered Blue. Blue grabbed an ornament, wearing a smile on his white muzzle, then moved the pole over to the tree, lowering Blue so he could decorate the lower tree first. It was like he was going fishing with how he moved Blue left and right, lowering and raising him with the fishing line and despite the tree getting decorated, it was still decorated little by little. Once the tree was finished, Randal let Blue down and Blue scampered off. Collie left early to head home, since he didn’t have a car. They each went shopping throughout the month, getting things for each other and little Blue. Collie had to text Randal and William what Blue liked, since he only started to watch him the last week of November, and they told him some of the things he liked. Tea parties, mail stuff, flying, his family. Collie asked if Blue had doll versions of them, though they both said he hadn’t, so Collie said he’d get a couple of stuffed animals made to look like them, so they each took a pic and sent it to Collie, who then walked into the toy store he knew of that only certain others knew of. It was lacking the funds to be open, and Collie tried to get business for them in the past, but it seemed his favourite toy store was going to close up shop. His eyes got tearful as he made the final transaction and bought Blue the custom stuffed animals and a large blockset. He shed a tear and thanked the shop owner before turning to leave. He didn’t bawl, but tears dropped to the ground as he walked out with his gifts for Blue. He texted the two and let them know that the toy store he was at was having a sale since they were closing shop soon, and they had a lot of great toys left since not a lot of people shopped there! Randal eventually made it to the toy store and shopped around, finding a great selection of toys, even getting some that were educational so he could play with Blue! William came to the shop and was thrilled to find some wooden toys for Blue to play with. Even ones that play music! Blue loved to dance, though he also got some paint. Collie managed to call some friends, and he asked William and Randal to call up friends to let them know about the toy store. Collie even went to social media and advertised for it. He knew it wouldn’t be enough to save the store, but he at least wanted to show the owner support. Blue did some shopping of his own, but for Randal, William, and Collie. He chose some balls and some jammies for Randal, and for William, he chose a sky wizard bath and some jammies. Collie, he decided Broccoli was the way to go. Of course, William and Randal also bought stuff for Collie since they wanted him to feel welcome and show they appreciate him babysitting Blue when he could. They bought him stuff from them and stuff from “Blue” and Collie also shopped for Randal and William. He didn’t know what they liked, so he decided to take a gamble. He went shopping for glasses cleaners for Randal, and some new clothes to wear when on a day off or just to be casual, though he bought him a red fountain pen that was shiny and had a golden nib and bought black ink for him. For William, he bought clothes as well, though he bought him a dark green fountain pen that was shiny and had a golden nib, and he bought black ink for him too! He did buy two different journals and letter kits for them. There were enough christmas presents just for Blue to surround the christmas tree, but William kept all the gifts hidden so Blue would think Santa was there, and one the day before Christmas Eve, they took Blue to sit on Santa’s lap.
“What would you like?” Santa asked. Blue waved his hoof, and Santa leaned down.
“Toy,” Blue whispered. Santa laughed his trademark laugh and gave Blue a mailtruck toy, and then Randal and William got into the photo and surrounded Santa for a photo with Santa.
Christmas eve had come, and William took little Blue out for flight stuff. Once William and Blue were gone, Randal hurriedly gathered all the presents and placed them around the tree once he came out of hiding, his feet dashing all around while his arms carefully placed everything around the tree to not break anything. It was a half hour when William and Blue returned, and they flew in through Blue’s open window so Blue wouldn’t see the presents, and William gave Blue a kiss on the forehead before he tucked him in, and Blue fell asleep, excited for Santa’s visit. Randal had left before the two had returned, and he had locked the door; however, a couple of no-goodniks were hiding nearby. Burglars, thieves, toy stealers. They waited until everyone was asleep and once they were, they climbed up the house, then made their way down the chimney once they tied sturdy rope around the chimney and once on the floor, they looked at the tree and got their sacks, filling them upland sneaking out the house, taking the sacks two by two, and then they climbed up the roof to take their rope and down their ladder they went, taking it and locking the door behind before getting their supplies and heading down the street and into their truck and drove off. Little Blue woke up a few hours and climbed out of bed, giggling silently as he waddled out of his bedroom, clambering down the stairs, still giggling because of all the presents he was gonna get for being such a good boy, but when he saw the tree, it had nothing underneath! He slowly approached the tree.
“Chehwoah?” he said, out loud. The tree was unresponsive, though there were no presents. He sat down like a dog, his ears lowered to his head, his head drooping in sorrow, just like his wings.
Blue sat in sadness, even when the sun’s radiant rays reached over the horizon. William woke up and was excited to see Blue’s excitement from all the toys he was going to get, but then… he realized something was wrong when Blue wasn’t trying to wake him up. He sprung out of bed, then peeked into Blue’s room, though he didn’t see him. He went down stairs and saw Blue sitting down, glum. Blue heard William and turned his head to look at his sky wizard friend, tears streaking down his face, and he silently wept. William slowly approached Blue and kneeled down and picked him up. That was when he began to sob.
“It’s okay, Blue. I’m going to call Santa and let him know he missed you,” he said before he gently sat Blue down before pulling out his phone. He dialed Randal’s cell.
“Santa, you missed Blue. Can you bring back his presents?” William asked once Randal picked up.
“Tell Blue I’ll be right there,” and Randal hung up. William relayed the message while Randal was off to get his Santa outfit from home since he was on his way to William’s house to see Blue opened his presents. Randal was more than angry… he was infuriated! He stormed into his house and donned his Santa outfit and grabbed his phone, texting Collie to help him with a favour. Collie looked at his phone in disbelief.
“What’s the favour?” he asked.
“Blue’s presents were stolen, so we need to get him new presents… and I need you to lower me into the chimney,” Randal answered. Collie thought about it, though reluctantly agreed to help. Collie had showered and dried, then dressed himself before going to find some old toys of his he kept to give to Blue. He didn’t want to give away his toys, but he figured Blue could use them now. He gift wrapped half of his toys from when he was a pup, and he left his house with a bag of the toys for Blue. He texted Randal for the meeting place, and Randal gave a location and directions to get there. As luck would have it, Randal drove past a broken down pickup truck. He pulled over and crossed the street. He walked over to the truck and noticed a tag on it that said “To Blue Streak, from Santa,” and it infuriated Randal. He went to the front of the truck and tapped one of the men on the shoulder. The man looked up at Randal and was down right rude to him. Without warning, Randal punched the man in the face, knocking him out before taking the beer bottle from the second man, who hadn’t looked up until the first guy fell over. He quickly smashed the bottle on the second man, shattering it to pieces, though the man was only dizzy. Without hesitation, Randal grabbed the back of his head and brought up his knee as he brought the man’s head down, giving him a broken nose and making him unconscious. Randal hurried to the back of the truck and grabbed as many bags as he could and take them to his own car until he had each and everyone of them into his car.
“We’ll meet at William’s house, I found the presents,” and then he told William to make sure Blue can’t see out the front window and that he found the presents. He drove to William’s house and waited for Collie. Once Collie came walking up the street, Randal waved for Collie to hurry up, so Collie ran over, and up the ladder they both climbed with the sacks around Randal’s belted waist, and Randal tied one end of the rope around him while Collie grabbed one end before getting the sacks, getting one big sack and put the presents in it before climbing down. Once he was close to the floor, he undid his rope, and he let out Santa’s signature laugh.
Blue instantly looked at the chimney, and when Santa appeared, Blue squeed happily and reached over to Santa, and when he saw the gifts, he was even more excited.
“Sorry for forgetting you, Blue,” Santa said, making his belly shake like a bowl full of jello. He got each gift and placed them under the tree.
“You did a great job on the tree, Blue,” he commented when he looked at the tree. Blue made a prideful pose while being held by William. Blue was so thrilled to bits and couldn’t believe he got to see Santa visit him to leave the toys! Santa walked over and ruffled Blue’s mane before heading over to the chimney and reached up for the rope and tugged on it twice, and up he went. William placed Blue on the floor, and Blue ran over to the tree and presents, and he laughed with joy, his eyes now filled with joyful tears. After a few moments, Randal and Collie entered the house. They both saw Blue and how happy and excited he was, and Randal’s heart was full of joy at seeing how his grandsus was enraptured. He couldn’t help but shed a few tears of happiness himself at how elated Blue was, and Collie couldn’t help but be happy as well. William went over to the tree and got the presents for Randal, Collie, and himself before letting Blue open up the rest for him. Blue opened up all of them without mercy, and his happiness grew ever more when he saw his family in stuffed form, some paints, blocks, musical toys, even some music making too! He got a choo-choo train and a mail truck, and a few colouring books! He got so much more and the fact Santa came back to give them to him made it even much more great! The three older males opened their gifts and just smiled, though they went back to watching Blue play with his new toys.
Text version of the late Christmas story I did.
Category Story / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Male
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 26.5 kB