Scaling Up YCH - Miku_Wiku (Full) - Textless
To kick things off with this Scaling Up YCH set, I’ll be sharing a Scaling Up YCH commission I did for my friend
Miku_Wiku! This features his bard/thief character Arimias from a DnD game I was running a while ago. Thanks again to him for commissioning me, and I hope you all enjoy this rat’s descent into gluttony!
Interested in this YCH? You can find more information on it here!
Traveling to a land you’ve never seen with technology you’ve never known can be quite bewildering - all the more bewildering when you get cornered by keen businessmen eager to recruit “outlanders” for vague experiments and… what was it he called it - a branding deal? But… how could you say no when he was offering THAT much? So what if you skimmed the contract a little… you have a roof over your head and food in your belly! And so what if you weigh a tad more than you thought - it’s only according to this new, strange scale after all. It’s probably a glitch, or a conversion error… or… oh, who the hell cares. It’s no big deal, and you really don’t have time to worry about it- after all, breakfast is waiting…
So… the scale’s tipped a little further. But hey, it isn’t that big of a deal, right? I mean… you are holding a burger, that could make you heavier… yeah, that has to be it! Hm? What’s that? 2nd lunch? Oh, well, you can’t be missing that - run off now Arimias, and don’t mind the scale - it must be busted. Now, eat to your heart’s content!
Cutting back!?! NO! That’s a horrible idea! Y’know what’s a better idea? Finishing that last bit of chicken and hurrying your butt along to another long, blissful day of gorging and growing… hurry along, fat rat! You’re burning precious daylight…
Yes… YES… It is heaven, isn’t it? Those clothes are so terribly, terribly restrictive though. Why are you hiding such a luscious, lard-laden form beneath all that? I think it’s high time you slip out of those, fat rat - but before you do, don’t forget the 3 other pies waiting by your bed. They’re simply begging to be eaten…
At last, you have done it! You have bested that dastardly, vile contraption - this calls for a celebration of 50 bags of Lardi-Meals from everyone’s favorite new fast food joint, Lard-Laden Rat - after all, a mascot’s got to look his best… and you, darling, are wonderful, but there’s still room for improvement… Enough talking though, it’s high time we get this party started! Feel free to follow the attendant along to your new accommodations…
Appreciating the new room, dear rat? Well, you should be… you’ll be stuck here for a nice, long time! Who knew you could keep a mascot in proper shape AND solve that whole issue of excess burger counts at the same time? Talk about killing two birds with one stone… Anyhow, best to let you get back to eating, Lard-Laden Rodent - wouldn’t want to take away from your fun… See you again when you hit the next ton!

Interested in this YCH? You can find more information on it here!
Traveling to a land you’ve never seen with technology you’ve never known can be quite bewildering - all the more bewildering when you get cornered by keen businessmen eager to recruit “outlanders” for vague experiments and… what was it he called it - a branding deal? But… how could you say no when he was offering THAT much? So what if you skimmed the contract a little… you have a roof over your head and food in your belly! And so what if you weigh a tad more than you thought - it’s only according to this new, strange scale after all. It’s probably a glitch, or a conversion error… or… oh, who the hell cares. It’s no big deal, and you really don’t have time to worry about it- after all, breakfast is waiting…
So… the scale’s tipped a little further. But hey, it isn’t that big of a deal, right? I mean… you are holding a burger, that could make you heavier… yeah, that has to be it! Hm? What’s that? 2nd lunch? Oh, well, you can’t be missing that - run off now Arimias, and don’t mind the scale - it must be busted. Now, eat to your heart’s content!
Cutting back!?! NO! That’s a horrible idea! Y’know what’s a better idea? Finishing that last bit of chicken and hurrying your butt along to another long, blissful day of gorging and growing… hurry along, fat rat! You’re burning precious daylight…
Yes… YES… It is heaven, isn’t it? Those clothes are so terribly, terribly restrictive though. Why are you hiding such a luscious, lard-laden form beneath all that? I think it’s high time you slip out of those, fat rat - but before you do, don’t forget the 3 other pies waiting by your bed. They’re simply begging to be eaten…
At last, you have done it! You have bested that dastardly, vile contraption - this calls for a celebration of 50 bags of Lardi-Meals from everyone’s favorite new fast food joint, Lard-Laden Rat - after all, a mascot’s got to look his best… and you, darling, are wonderful, but there’s still room for improvement… Enough talking though, it’s high time we get this party started! Feel free to follow the attendant along to your new accommodations…
Appreciating the new room, dear rat? Well, you should be… you’ll be stuck here for a nice, long time! Who knew you could keep a mascot in proper shape AND solve that whole issue of excess burger counts at the same time? Talk about killing two birds with one stone… Anyhow, best to let you get back to eating, Lard-Laden Rodent - wouldn’t want to take away from your fun… See you again when you hit the next ton!
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fat Furs
Species Rat
Gender Male
Size 592 x 1280px
File Size 200.3 kB