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The Plushy of Bright Moon Mansion C3: Puffy Playtime
Nidoking was panting as he ran as fast as he could down the hallway he came from.
“What the heck was that?! It just ate Nidoqueen!” The memory of her kicking feet sticking out of that Lugia's mouth before that monster simply smiled and pushed her into his mouth and swallowed her whole still fresh in his mind.
And the sound of her muffled please in it’s neck could still be heard in his ears even now.
“Crud, Lucario! I need to warn him!” Nidoking quickly changed direction, but stopped.
“Where was the laundry room?” He observed the hallway he was standing in. At the end of the hallway, he saw a sign saying, “Laundry Room”. Nidoking sprinted over and swung the door open.
“Lucario we need to go!” Nidoking yelled. There was no one in the room. All of the washing machines and dryers were silent, but one of them was open.
“Lucario? Are you in here?” Nidoking called for him.
“Oh he’s not here. He’s in a much better place.” A voice said behind him. Nidoking turned and was greeted with a big blue belly. Looking up with fearful eyes, he saw the head and face of a Lugia looking down at him, licking his lips.
“Would you care to join him and your female friend?” Lugia placed his big wing-shaped hand on his belly. Nidoking screamed and quickly dashed past him, running down the hallway as fast as he could. Lugia could have stopped him, but decided to let him run off.
“Heh, I do love chasing my meals, but that Nidoqueen was much more filling than I thought.” The Lugia rubbed his still stuffed plump belly. He giggled before stepping into the laundry room and closing the door.
“We need to get the heck out of here!” Nidoking yelled as he reached the main hall again. He slid and almost fell over before catching himself and crawling up the stairs. Running around the corner rail and down another hallway, he saw the master bedroom at the end. Funny how the hallway seemed longer as he ran with panic than walking calmly. Nidoking grabbed the doorknob and pushed the doors open, almost breaking the hinges.
“Guys!” he yelled. Zoroark, who was still on the bed, yelled in surprise and rolled off, landing on the floor with a thud.
“Arceus, Nidoking! You scared me!” Zoroark getting back up frustrated. Blaziken stepped out of the bathroom wearing a full on tuxedo he found in the closet.
“We need to get out of this place now!” Nidoking stepped inside the room, visible panic on his body.
“Calm down will ya? I knew you would get scared on the way, but not this scared.” Zoroark drilling into his ear from Nidoking’s loud yelling.
“I saw a monster! A… Lugia! It ate Nidoqueen whole and probably Lucario too!” Nidoking explaining, his eyes full of fear and panic.
“What? You saw a Lugia?” Blaziken asked approaching Nidoking.
“And it ate both Nidoqueen and Lucario? Nidoking nodded.
“I swear I saw it. He even stood right behind me at one point and didn’t stop me. He just let me go. Probably because he knows he’s gonna get us.” Nidoking held his sides worried.
“Oh you have got to be kidding me!” Zoroark spoke up. Both Blaziken and Nidoking looked at Zoroark confused.
“That is such a made up story. A Lugia? Here at this mansion all this time? They are near impossible to find, and they live in the arctic, or ocean, or whatever. What could one be doing here at this place? And one that eats other Pokémon?” Zoroark questioning Nidoking. Blaziken thought about it and had to agree. It all sounded impossible honestly.
“It’s true! I saw it with my own eyes! Go down to the kitchen and see for yourself!” Nidoking pointing to the door.
“Hey hey let’s just calm down ok?” Blaziken speaking up. “I think we spent a long enough time here ok? Nidoking? Let’s just stick together and find the others. Then when the storm dies down he bail.” Blaziken explained.
Nidoking calmed down and nodded in agreement. Zoroark rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
“Psh. A Lugia eating other Pokémon. This is your best myth yet.” He chuckled. Blaziken took off his tux and tossed it on the bed, not needing it anymore. They grouped up and all left the master bedroom to look for the others.
The heavy rain clashed against the windows and walls as flashes of lightning were seen followed by the low rumbles of thunder lightly shaking the mansion. The three Pokémon were treading down the hallway, calling out for their friends as the mansion was silent while also looking like it had been taken care of the entire time. There was not a speck of dust anywhere, nor a crumb in the carpet.
“Let’s head to the kitchen first to see if Nidoqueen is there. Maybe we can find Lucario with her too.” Blaziken suggested.
“M-maybe. But what if that Lugia is there?” Nidoking holding his sides scared.
“Why don’t you give it a good punch in the gut? You're supposed to be strong aren't you?” Zoroark taunted. Nidoking gave him a look of annoyance while Zoroark smirked. They took steady steps down the stairs and around another corner. Nidoking stopped dead in his tracks, causing Zoroark to bump into him.
“Hey what’s the hold up tree stump?” He questioned. Blaziken turned and saw Nidoking with a fearful look. Looking ahead, he didn’t see anyone or anything strange.
“This is where he was, right behind me.” Nidoking said with fear in his voice. Right before them was the laundry room, and further down was the kitchen.
“Well he’s not here anymore. Come on, let's check the kitchen. You can check the laundry room Zoroark.” Blaziken ordered. Zoroark grunted as he was bossed around while Nidoking stood next to Blaziken.
“If you find any good snacks, you better share them with me.” Zoroark threatened as he entered the laundry room.
“Why is he such a jerk?” Nidoking asked.
“Heh, maybe his big red hair is the source of his ego. If we shave it off, maybe he’ll be nicer.” Both of them had a good laugh while imagining Zoroark bald as they entered the kitchen.
“Stupid laundry room. I wanted the kitchen! Getting hungry honestly.” Zoroark complained as he observed the laundry room. It was dark and hard to see.
“Light switch?” He reached for the walls on the sides of the door, feeling flat smooth walls before he felt something blocky and pointing out. With a flick, the room lit up, illuminating the laundry room. There were about a dozen large washing machines and a dozen more dryers. Zoroark walked between the lines of washers and dryers like he was shopping for a new one.
“Should definitely bring the boys back after this. Wonder if we could get some hefty cash from raiding this place.” Zoroark dreamed of the money he could rake in. Each and every machine was closed and cleaned spotless.
“Hey Lucario! Where are you? Did you fall in one of them?” He laughed. Zoroark started checking each one inside, all empty.
“Welp. My job’s done here. Now for the kitchen.” He turned and sped walked towards the door. Just before he was about to reach the door, he heard a metal squeak and stopped. Zoroark turned and spotted one of the washing machines open, all on it’s own.
“Heh, good one Lucario. Got so scared you hid inside one huh?” Zoroark smirked as he approached the open washing machine. The metal door was on the top of the machine.
“Come on out man, there’s nothing to-” He looked inside, confused by what he saw. It was a spiral of white fluffy looking sheets with a hole in the middle. It looked like some kinda black hole or something. “What th-” Before he could react, two big white wings reached up and grabbed Zoroark by his sides, holding him in a tight grip.
“H-hey! Let me go!” He yelled and squirmed. He was lifted up off the ground and raised over the washing machine with his head pointed down. Suddenly he was pulled down into the machine and the hole of the spiral white sheets.
“Wait! Mmmmph!” His voice became muffled as his body was pulled inside, legs kicking and squirming like mad as he was pulled and slurped up inside until he was completely pulled into the washing machine. Its door leaned forward and closed shut with a locking click. The room grew silent as the lights turned themselves off.
“I… this is impossible!” Nidoking was in shock.
“What do you mean?” Blaziken asked, looking around the spotless clean kitchen. It looked like it was never used. There were no dirty dishes, no crumbs on the floor, or even a drop of water in the sinks.
“B-but this place was a mess! There were plates and… and cookie crumbs and cake frosting! I swear I know what I saw.” Nidoking looked for any evidence to prove Lugia and Nidoqueen were here, but found nothing. Even as Blaziken opened the refrigerator, there was nothing inside. No cake, pastries, cookies, or anything. It was completely empty and clean.
“Are you sure they were here? Cause I don’t see anything out of the ordinary.” Blaziken starting to question Nidoking’s story.
“I swear I know exactly what I saw.” He even checked the exact spot where the big Lugia was standing exactly where he ate Nidoqueen. Not even a footprint was visible.
“T-they were here.” He said, sounding defeated. Blaziken put his hand on Nidoking’s shoulder.
“Dude. They probably went off exploring more. Let me tell you what I think happened.” Blaziken patted Nidoking’s back.
“Lucario dried himself off or found something to wear, Nidoqueen probably had something to eat, and then they probably left to explore and took a detour back to the master bedroom.” He explained. Nidoking did not believe it, but he didn’t know what happened to Lucario.
“B-but.” He was about to give his reason again when Blaziken stopped him.
“The Lugia you saw was probably just something from the lightning that made it look like a Lugia with Nidoqueen in it’s mouth. I mean think about it. A Lugia at a mansion like this? Eating Pokémon? Doesn't that sound kinda ridiculous?” Blaziken asked Nidoking, giving him a reality check. Nidoking was silent, trying to think of words to prove what he saw was real. There was no lighting flash, the kitchen was a mess, and he swore he saw the bulges of Nidoqueen coming from his stomach. But how could he prove what he saw was real? Nidoking sighed in defeat, unable to come up with a reasonable or logical answer.
“I’m sorry big guy. Maybe they are back at the master bedroom probably wondering where we are. Let’s head back. We can leave Zoroark behind.” That little joke made Nidoking smile and helped him ease his fear a little.
“Yea. Let’s head back.” Blaziken smiled as they both left the kitchen.
“Uuuugh. Wh-where am I?” Zoroark groaned as he rubbed his head. His vision was a blur, seeing a lot of fuzzy bright colors. He remembered the last thing he saw was a washing machine that was all white and blue inside. Then some big soft hands grabbed him and pulled him inside. After that, everything went dark and… soft. Even now, Zoroark still felt really soft and fuzzy, even his hand too.
“Wait a sec.” Zoroark rubbed his eyes as his vision became clear.
“Wha? What the heck?” He looked at his hands, wearing yellow and black mittens of some kind. It traveled up his arms too, and his legs, and feet. Zoroark looked over himself and realized he was wearing a one piece pajama set of something. He even had a big zig zag looking tail too. Besides that, he was in a room he had never seen before. He sat at some kids table with walls colored yellow like a… Pikachu’s color? And there were toys and board games all around, and a TV with a game console. Behind him was a big bed too with cute little pillows and a Lugia themed bed set with it.
“Oh Arceus. I’m back in kindergarten!” Zoroark gulped.
“Anything, anything but this.” He shook with fear. He saw a big double set of doors which must have been the exit. Zoroark tried to get out of his chair, but found himself stuck, unable to stand out of the chair.
“What the heck is this? Why can’t I get up?!” He yelled trying his best to stand up, but didn't know if it was these pajamas or what. There was no rope or belt or anything holding him down. It was as if his legs and body refused to move from this chair like some kind of binding spell or something.
“Oh good you're awake. Now we can play together.” A voice said. Zoroark stopped and looked around the room. There was no one else besides him. Suddenly, another door opened with clothes inside. Must’ve been the closet. A large white tail stuck out, followed by blue stick things and a large white body. There was some grunting and wiggling from the figure before he fully popped out.
“Heh heh. I’m bigger than I thought.” The figure spoke. Zoroark was in absolute, total disbelief. He didn’t know if he felt stupid or like a jerk for not believing Nidoking. There, right there, holding a stack of board games, was the very thing Nidoking was talking about. An actual Lugia, standing there with a smile on its face.
“Sorry I had to pull you into the washing machine. It was the best way to get you away from the others.” The Lugia approached and placed a stack of board games with the others on the table. Its big, white, wing-shaped hands were the same that grabbed him. Though Zoroark noticed something strange about the Lugia. As he saw its back, he swore he could see some white thing sticking out near its tail. Was that a… tag?
Lugia turned back and approached the table, sitting down right across from Zoroark, not needing a chair. Zoroark never said anything as he still could not believe that there was a real Lugia in this mansion.
“Nidoking was right!” kept repeating in his head. Zoroark also noticed strange parts of the Lugia. There were black stitching lines across his body. The Lugia was a living plushie! A living toy of a real Lugia.
“I… wha I…” Zoroark tried to question what was going on, but it was hard to face something so unrealistic actually being… realistic. Lugia giggled.
“Heh heh, first time? I know. I usually just gulp down my intruders, but sometimes I feel like having some fun with them before I add them to the others.” Zoroark gulped.
“O-others? Gulping down? You mean we're not the first?” He questioned fearfully.
“Oh goodness no! There have been others before you. I remember snacking on a spicy Charizard one time, and a delicious long noodle of an Arbok.” Zoroark knew those two. They were bullies back in high school. One day they said they were gonna attempt the challenge and stay a night at the Bright Moon Mansion he and the others were currently residing in. They never came back the next day. Zoroark and the others assumed they got scared and fled, or moved out of town. But really they ended up with this Lugia right in front of him who was… setting up a board game?
Zoroark tried to get out of his chair again. He placed his hands on the table and tried to push himself out but that still didn’t work. Even rocking the chair didn’t work either as it felt like it was glued or nailed to the floor.
“Are you trying to leave?” Lugia asked, stopped setting up the board game.
“Yes! Get me the heck out of here! I won’t end up like Lucario and Nidoqueen you beast!” Zoroark growled. Lugia looked sad.
“Aww. You’re just like the others. I had this whole plan of us playing a few games together and I’d set you free and all.” Zoroark stopped.
“But maybe I should just eat you instead.” Lugia moved his head over and across the table right above Zoroark, opening his wide maw. Zoroark saw his wiggling soft tongue, and fleshy plush mouth made of blue fabric, and the throat of a plushy tunnel he was gonna go down. Lugia’s lips were already at his waist as he lowered his head and closed them, lifting Zoroark up and off the chair, suddenly being able to move as he kicked and squirmed.
“Wait wait wait, I’ll play! I’ll play!” He yelled inside his mouth. Lugia grabbed his legs and pulled him out.
“Really? You will play?” Zoroark saw Lugia smiling excitedly.
“Yes! I’ll play!” He yelled, trying his best to smile while terrified of becoming a meal.
“Yay!” The lugia danced as he put Zoroark back down into the chair, suddenly unable to move his legs again. Lugia sat back down.
“I’m so glad! It’s been a long time since I had a playmate. The last one was so rude.” Lugia rubbed and patted his belly to show Zoroark where he would have ended up if he disagreed. Zoroark sighed with relief as Lugia finished setting up the board game. It was a game of Arboks and ladders. Zoroark sucked at Arboks and ladders.
“Oh great. Now even Zoroark ran off.” Blaziken sighed, frustrated as he and Nidoking checked the laundry room, no sign of Zoroark. Nidoking was conflicted in a way. On one hand he was kinda glad the Lugia captured or ate him next, but on the other hand he worried about him and hoped he was ok.
“Well he didn’t come into the kitchen, so maybe the Lugia captured him too?” Nidoking asked
“You're still on that Lugia thing? Honestly my opinion is that Nidoqueen and Lucario found him. Or maybe he just decided to head back on his own.” Blaziken shrugged.
“Maybe. Heh, I kinda hope he gets lost on the way back.” Blaziken chuckled.
“Heh me too honestly. Not hurt, just lost.” Both had a good chuckle.
“Anyway, there was nothing in the kitchen and Zoroark isn’t here. Let’s just head back to the bedroom.” Blaziken suggested.
“Yea. Hopefully this storm will end, and we can go home soon.” Nidoking and Blaziken both left the laundry room and headed back down the hall. The rain still clashing against the windows, possibly staying all night long. Both headed back up the stairs, hoping they would hear the laughs or voices of their lost friends.
“I win!” Lugia smiled. Zoroark sighed.
“You cheated.” He complained.
“Heh heh, you just have bad luck is all.” Lugia laughed. Zoroark worried that now he lost he was gonna end up as his meal.
“Best 2 out of 3.” He said, hoping the Lugia would agree.
“Deal.” He said. Zoroark sighed in relief.
“Could I at least take this Pichu onesie off? I can’t find a zipper or anything.” Zoroark said, reaching for his back, front, and sides, but not finding any buttons, zippers, or any way to take this off.
“Only if you can beat me in the next game.” Lugia started setting up another board game.
“This is my best friend's favorite game.” He smiled. Zoroark looked at him confused.
“Best friend? Who are you talking about?” He asked. Lugia just kept smiling.
“It’s a long story. But you don’t look like the kinda person who would care.” He said a little harshly. But Zoroark did have to admit he was right. He wanted to escape, not hear about some freak's life story.
“I’ll let you start.” Lugia handling Zoroark some dice. Zoroark sighed as the next game was Rare Candyland. He rolled the dice as this game was for his freedom.
Nidoking and Blaziken made their way down the hallway, passing some double doors they didn’t really care for.
“Lucky!” A muffled voice was said. Nidoking stopped and raised his head.
“Blaziken? Did you hear that?” Blaziken stopped and turned to Nidoking.
“Hear what?” He asked. Nidoking listening for the voice again.
“You're cheating again!” A familiar voice said.
“Zoroark?” Nidoking looking around at the doors. Most of them were single, but there was a set of double doors with a name on them, “Pichu’s room.” Nidoking put his ear against the door, listening closely. He could hear sounds coming from inside. Blaziken approached too.
“I win again!” Another familiar voice said.
“Wait. That voice!” Nidoking grabbed the doorknobs and tried to open them, but they were locked.
“Blaziken! Zoroark’s in here!” Nidoking called. Blaziken sprinted close and tried to pull open the doors too. Lugia and Zoroark both looked at the door, hearing Nidoking and Blaziken on the other side.
“Guys! I'm in here!” Zoroark yelled. Lugia got up and approached the door. He unlocked them and cracked open the door. Both Nidoking and Blaziken saw the towering Lugia standing there, speechless, and shocked.
“Excuse me. But me and a friend of mine are playing a game. Could you two please keep it down?” Lugia asked so nicely before closing the door and locking it. Blaziken fell back on the floor while Nidoking took some steps back.
“What the heck was that thing?!” Blaziken asked.
“I told you! I told you there was a giant Lugia in the mansion!” Nidoking panicking again. Lugia walked back to the table and sat back down onto the floor.
“Heh heh, sorry about that. So where were we?” He asked, looking at the game board.
“Please let me go. I don’t wanna be eaten by you.” Zoroark begged. Lugia gave him a sad look.
“Oh no no no. I do not digest others. I never intend to hurt them at all. I do play with them, sure, but never to harm.” Lugia explained.
“But back to the game, I believe I was winning?” Lugia smiled before picking up the dice.
“It was real! I… I can’t believe you were right Nidoking.” Blaziken was still surprised.
“I told you and Zoroark! That thing ate Lucario and Nidoqueen. You guys didn’t believe me.” Nidoking leaning against the wall.
“Well what the heck do we do? We can’t leave Zoroark in there with him. Even if he’s a jerk, we would be the bigger jerks if we left him.” Nidoking grabbed the door handles again, shaking and pulling against them to try and open the locked doors. They rattled, but no progress was made.
“Dang it. We're gonna have to bust them down.” Nidoking grunted. He and Blaziken ran as fast as they could back to the master bedroom. Rushing inside, there were no signs of Nidoqueen, Lucario, or Zoroark which proved Nidoking’s point more.
“Grab something sturdy and strong.” They looked around, Nidoking grabbing a sturdy standing lamp while Blaziken grabbed a wooden chair.
“And… I win again.” Lugia laughed. Zoroark gulped and started to sweat.
“Oh come on! You cheated again!” He yelled and complained. Lugia looked down at him. “I never did cheat. The cards were in my favor.” He smiled. Zoroark grew scared and angry.
“Just let me go already!” He struggled in his chair again, still bound by some kinda magic or something.
“Alright. I’ll let you go.” Zoroark stopped and looked at the plushy Lugia.
“Wait? R-really?” He questioned.
“Yep. You can go……. If you complete one more game.” He held up a single plush finger.
“Aw come on! You're just gonna cheat and win again!” Zoroark going back to struggling.
“Not this time. This is a game just for you alone.” Lugia explained.
“What kind of game is it?” Zoroark asked. “Hey! What do you mean no cheating this time!?”
Lugia got up and walked around the table, picking up Zoroark in one of his big soft hands. Zoroark whimpered, wondering if this was it. Instead, Lugia reached for something behind him, his tail. Lugia grabbed the Pichu onesie tail and gave it a gentle yank. There was a click and a hissing sound as Lugia put Zoroark down on the ground. Zoroark suddenly felt strange and looked over to see what had happened. He saw the Pichu onesie shifting and… expanding?
“What’s happening?” He asked, but also realized this was his chance. He bolted to the door, but was grabbed by the tail again and stopped.
“Oh no. No cheating.” Lugia pulled him back. Zoroark grunted and tried to pull, but his grip was too strong.
“You're the one that’s cheating!” He yelled. He was pulled back near the table. Zoroark felt his movements getting stiffer and more restrictive. Looking down at himself, he gasped.
“What the!? This onesie is inflating!” He yelled as he looked over his pajama prison suit. The Pichu onesie was inflating like a balloon. The belly and back rounding out and expanding as the limbs grew thick with air. The wrist and ankles cuffed and locked to keep the air inside as the onesie inflated bigger and bigger. Zoroark could feel his limbs getting more stiff and restrictive as they were forced to spread out as he tried to struggle himself free, but stiffness was followed by a lack of strength.
“This is the last game. ‘Balloon on the Run’ I call it.” Lugia giggled, still holding the tail. Zoroark whimpered as he was forced to feel his suit inflate and his limbs forced to spread to their limits. Bigger and bigger he blew up as the view of the table was blocked by his onesie’s expanding belly. “Help! Heeelp!” He cried, but no response from the other side of the door.
“Come on! I heard Zoroark down the hall!” Nidoking said as both ran down the hall. They reached the lock doors again, objects in hand.
“We focus on one of the doors. Swing with all your might.” Nidoking explained as he raised the standing lamp and swung it against one of the doors with a crash. Lugia looked at the doors, not worried at all.
“Oh boy. They will get to see what a big balloon you are soon.” Lugia poked Zoroark’s puffy onesie. Zoroark’s hands and feet were spread out, looking like divots, no longer touching the ground as he waved and wiggled them while slowly sinking into his balloon suit. His chin centimeters away from the belly of the onesie as he tried to move. He couldn’t tell how big he was, but certainly knew he was big or almost as big as Lugia was. His chin had finally rested against the fabric of his Pichu onesie while his hands and feet were halfway absorbed into the soft puffy fabric. The hissing had ceased as Lugia giggled.
“This should be big enough. How do you feel being all big and round and weightless?” Lugia asked, rolling Zoroark around some.
“I hate it! I want to get out of this stupid thing!” He growled.
“Heh heh, and you will. Now here is how the game works. If you can get to the doors, you can deflate and escape.” Lugia pointed to the doors that were being attacked, starting to crack.
“Wha… What?! Are you serious?! I can't even touch the ground with my feet! How the heck am I gonna get to the doors like this?!” Zoroark yelled, wiggling his feet and hands uselessly. Lugia giggled as he hopped onto the bed.
“You will have to figure that out. You have 2 minutes starting now!” Lugia turned the dial on a timer he had as it ticked the time away. Zoroark panicked, trying to stretch his feet to reach the ground, but they were too sunken in and high up. Next he tried to twist and turn himself, no luck either.
“Come on! This is impossible!” He yelled to Lugia.
“Come on. I know you can do it.” Zoroark gave him a confused look.
‘Is he really trying to cheer me on?’ He said in his head. Any bodily movement was pretty much gone. He had to somehow think of moving while immobile.
Bam! Clash! Smash!
Blaziken and Nidoking smashed their lamp and chair against the door. It was working, as the thick wooden door was cracking, but they were getting exhausted.
“Dang these doors are sturdy.” Blaziken huffed as he was getting tired.
“We're almost through, we just need to smash some more.” Nidoking took a breath before he swung the standing lamp again.
Zoroark grunted, trying any method to move while being a balloon. It was incredibly tough, near impossible. The best he could do was wobble or lightly bounce, but never move.
“One minute left.” Lugia warned, checking the timer. Zoroark was panicking again, not wanting to be a meal for a stuffed toy. He tried moving his body up and down with the movement of this inflated Pichu onesie. Surprisingly, he actually managed to bounce. Zoroark followed the motion and started to bounce in place.
“Alright alright, now I just need to try and bounce forward. Jeez this is so stupid.” He said as he tried to move midair. He did manage to rotate or turn, but not move. Lugia was enjoying the show as he watched the big yellow onesie bounce, with a Zoroark wiggling his stubby hands and feet.
“Heh heh, that’s adorable.” Lugia complimented.
“Shut up!” Zoroark yelled blushing. A few more bounces and Zoroark was exhausted, forcing to stop.
“D-dang it!” He huffed and sweated.
“Oh? Time’s up! You lose.” Lugia said as he hopped off the bed.
The door was now almost in two. Nidoking and Blaziken could just barely be seen through the crack. Zoroark sweated bullets and sunk himself into his ballooned Pichu onesie as Lugia stood before him.
“W-wait wait! Could we play another game? For my freedom? Best 3 out of 4!” Zoroark shyly smiled. Lugia thought for a moment.
“Heh alright. One more game.” Zoroark was relieved. This would be his final chance to escape.
“S-so what game are we gonna play? Does it involve one where I'm not as big as a blimp like this?” He asked.
“Oh no. You have to stay like that for this game.” Lugia explained.
“B-but I can’t play like this! Let alone move!” He complained.
“I know. But this is a game for me.” Lugia then picked up Zoroark like the big balloon he was.
“This game I like to call: ‘Will it fit?’ Can you guess how this game goes?” Lugia asked, licking his lips.
“N-no way! You can’t eat me like this! I’m too big and round! You have no chance!” Zoroark actually smiled with confidence and worry. He couldn't find a way to deflate himself, but he surely knew that Lugia couldn't even get close to shoving him down his gullet. Another smash behind him and a chair stuck through the door.
“Hold on, Zoroark! We're just about through!” The voice of Nidoking spoke from the other side. Lugia still not looking worried that he would be interrupted. When Zoroark taunted his size, Lugia just laughed.
“That’s the point of the game silly! Don’t you remember? I told you I ate a Charizard. He was the biggest I had. But that Nidoqueen I fattened up was the best so far.” Zoroark knew he was talking about Nidoqueen. So he really did eat her. Lugia gave his Pichu & Zoroark balloon a few good squishes and light tosses.
“I always wanted to try this. And don’t worry. You won’t be harmed or anything. In fact, please do enjoy yourself while I have a good meal.” Lugia kissed the Pichu onesie’s belly before he rolled the Zoroark’s head right in front of his mouth. Lugia opened his maw wide, wider, as wide as he could. Zoroark saw that blue padded maw again and the Lugia’s soft tunnel of a throat. He moved his big wing-shaped hands to the bottom of his balloon meal before he readied himself and shoved the balloon into his mouth. Zoroark muffled from inside, waving his sunken hands and feet in panic.
The door fell, but only the top part. Nidoking and Blaziken saw in horror as Lugia was shoving some big yellow balloon into his mouth.
“What the heck is he eating?” Blaziken asked. Nidoking looked around the inside of the room. There were toys and games and a table and all. The walls were colored yellow and the bed had a Lugia themed bed set. Nidoking would have investigated the room further, but the giant Lugia eating a balloon with Zoroark nowhere seen inside was a priority. They had to finish smashing the door as climbing over it would be painful as sharp splinters of wood stuck up. Blaziken and Nidoking smashed the rest of the door as the lock was far past busted, but still standing. Lugia’s plush lips and fabric maw defied logic as they stretched easily. The fabric he was made of looked sturdy, yet it stretched like it had hidden folds or so. Lugia pushed and shoved that big balloon further into his mouth, pushing Zoroark’s wiggling hands inside.
Zoroark screamed inside as he could not believe this plushy Lugia was actually eating him whole. It felt like a dream, a fantasy. It was physically not possible, but another shove proved that it was real. Zoroark filled Lugia’s entire mouth as his maw stretched easily to fit such a big round meal inside. He was at the halfway point.
The door had finally been destroyed. An exhausted Blaziken and Nidoking stepped inside, dropping a completely bent standing lamp, and the legs of what used to belong to a chair. They huffed and puffed as they saw the Lugia almost finished.
“We… we need to, huff. We need to find Zoroark!” Nidoking said between breaths. Lugia giggled as he passed the halfway point, the easy part. Lugia muffled something with the big balloon in his mouth. Using a single finger, he pushed against the bottom of the inflated Pichu onesie. It easily slipped right on inside his super stretched maw with a loud slurp like a blanket being rubbed against a pillow. The inflated Pichu onesie was now completely inside Lugia’s huge round mouth. Nidoking and Blaziken had to take a few seconds to realize that this big plushy Lugia defied logic as his plushy maw was super stretched, and the material should have torn apart the moment he started.
Now that Blaziken was near this beast, he felt so puny and the Lugia looked so much bigger than before.
“You won't have to look far.” Lugia said, probably from when they asked where Zoroark was. Lugia used his tongue to push the big balloon into one of his cheeks like a big jawbreaker. His left white soft cheek was super sized and stretched with a giant orb inside. Then Lugia moved back to the middle before pressing it into his right cheek, making sucking sounds with muffled noises coming from his cheek.
“Heh heh. It’s like a really big candy.” Lugia giggled as he sucked on it.
“Mmmmmph! Mmph!” His cheek muffled again. Nidoking looked all around the room, but didn’t see Zoroark anywhere, though someone left a finished board game on a table.
“Where’s Zoroark, you monster!?” Blaziken demanded answers as he held up a chair leg.
“Ah heh. He lost a few games. He had some back luck the entire time honestly.” The plushy Lugia giggled. Blaziken backed up. If he insulted him, he might end up being eaten himself. Lugia stuck his tongue out before moving his Pichu onesie balloon with Zoroark inside back to the center of his mouth.
Lugia then decided to swallow his candy by sticking his hands in his mouth and pressing against the balloon. As he opened his maw, Blaziken could swear he saw Zoroark’s wiggling feet inside. Nidoking caught a glimpse too, but couldn’t decide whether that was really Zoroark inside or not. Lugia swallowed and pushed, forcing the balloon into the back of his throat. His long white throat bulged and expanded like a frog as the fabric stretched itself easily. The massive sphere sliding back and down, causing his throat to bulge impossibly huge.
Blaziken and Nidoking witnessed the defiance of logic and reason, a god who could control physics at will almost. Lugia smiled as he pressed his hands against the bulge as it lowered deeper and deeper. Blaziken and Nidoking could see tiny lumps of hands and feet inside his neck while still hearing a familiar angry and fearful voice.
“No way.” Nidoking said, shocked. Blaziken had a hard time believing it too, but with Zoroark nowhere sighted in the room, there could have been only one conclusion. Lugia gulped and pressed as the massive sphere sank down to his chest and quickly shifted into his belly, causing it to surge in size and bounce Blaziken who stood too close into the air and landed on the bed while Lugia fell back from the sudden shift. Now his big round belly had a huge ball inside his belly that looked about as big as a snorlax, often wobbling about.
“Mmmmmmph!” A muffled voice was heard coming from his belly.
“Ahhh. Heh heh. I win again. Urrrrrrp!” The plushy Lugia actually managed a big loud belch somehow. He placed one of his big white hands on top of his big, round, stuffed belly, rubbing and soothing it.
“Whew boy. A little too big for me, but so worth it.” He giggled. Nidoking and Blaziken were unaware of the events that took place in this room, but what they did know was that the giant balloon thing Lugia swallowed had Zoroark involved, and that they were too late to save him. Nidoking ran over to Blaziken, eyes locked on the happy plushy Lugia.
“W-what happened to Zoroark?” Nidoking asking fearfully. Lugia struggled to sit up, but managed as he placed his wing-shaped hands on his big, round, blue tummy.
“Well you see, I may have kidnapped Zoroark to play some games with me. Like I said he had terrible luck, claiming I was cheating.” He giggled.
“He ended up losing and well, he’s nice and safely tucked away.” Lugia patted his belly to show where he was. The squirms, the muffled voice, he was eaten. Nidoking and Blaziken grew more scared by the second.
“Holy Arceus!” Blaziken yelled before stumbling onto the floor and running out the hallway. Nidoking followed too, giving the Plushy Lugia a horrified look before he too ran out the door and down the hallway. Lugia chuckled.
“I always enjoy chasing them. They are so cute when they run.” Lugia smiled as he decided to have some belly fun before he had to leave. Inside his big belly, Zoroark was surrounded by blue fabric walls. He still couldn't move at all as he was still locked in the inflated onesie. He wiggled and waved his still sunken hands and feet and looked around as best he could as the walls squished against his balloon suit. The onesie creaked and squeaked.
“Heh heh. Hope you like having a tummy ache, you monster!” Zoroark smiled. The fabric walls had a hard time engulfing Zoroark, but they didn’t need to. The walls squished against his hands, feet, and head, forcing him to sink into the suit. In Zoroark’s mind, he felt like he would be safer if he were stuffed inside the suit instead of being outside of it.
As his hands and feet were completely engulfed, Zoroark’s head was sinking deeper and deeper into the suit. Even as his sight went dark, he still had a smile, thinking he would be untouched.
“I hope I give you indigestion.” He said before his whole head was squeezed inside. His thick red hair was pulled and slurped up inside like a thick noodle before any sign of him was gone. The blue walls closed in all around the inflated onesie before everything turned to black.
Lugia rubbed his big, bloated stomach as he no longer heard muffled noises coming from within, nor any squirms. He felt so full and bloated, but smiled as he enjoyed his balloon meal.
“Heh, so confident and playful. You will be a great addition.” Lugia using the wall to help himself up. He looked around the room, eyeing certain things, glowing actually. He eyed the bed, staring at it, remembering an event that made him smile. He turned back and opened the closet door, grabbing the sides and trying to squeeze his big blue belly inside.
“Heh heh. Maybe I should have just eaten him normally. But this belly is awesome.” He grunted again before he squeezed his big belly inside. He stepped fully into the closet before using his tail to close the door and for the room to grow silent.
To be continued...
The Plushy of Bright Moon Mansion C3: Puffy Playtime
Nidoking was panting as he ran as fast as he could down the hallway he came from.
“What the heck was that?! It just ate Nidoqueen!” The memory of her kicking feet sticking out of that Lugia's mouth before that monster simply smiled and pushed her into his mouth and swallowed her whole still fresh in his mind.
And the sound of her muffled please in it’s neck could still be heard in his ears even now.
“Crud, Lucario! I need to warn him!” Nidoking quickly changed direction, but stopped.
“Where was the laundry room?” He observed the hallway he was standing in. At the end of the hallway, he saw a sign saying, “Laundry Room”. Nidoking sprinted over and swung the door open.
“Lucario we need to go!” Nidoking yelled. There was no one in the room. All of the washing machines and dryers were silent, but one of them was open.
“Lucario? Are you in here?” Nidoking called for him.
“Oh he’s not here. He’s in a much better place.” A voice said behind him. Nidoking turned and was greeted with a big blue belly. Looking up with fearful eyes, he saw the head and face of a Lugia looking down at him, licking his lips.
“Would you care to join him and your female friend?” Lugia placed his big wing-shaped hand on his belly. Nidoking screamed and quickly dashed past him, running down the hallway as fast as he could. Lugia could have stopped him, but decided to let him run off.
“Heh, I do love chasing my meals, but that Nidoqueen was much more filling than I thought.” The Lugia rubbed his still stuffed plump belly. He giggled before stepping into the laundry room and closing the door.
“We need to get the heck out of here!” Nidoking yelled as he reached the main hall again. He slid and almost fell over before catching himself and crawling up the stairs. Running around the corner rail and down another hallway, he saw the master bedroom at the end. Funny how the hallway seemed longer as he ran with panic than walking calmly. Nidoking grabbed the doorknob and pushed the doors open, almost breaking the hinges.
“Guys!” he yelled. Zoroark, who was still on the bed, yelled in surprise and rolled off, landing on the floor with a thud.
“Arceus, Nidoking! You scared me!” Zoroark getting back up frustrated. Blaziken stepped out of the bathroom wearing a full on tuxedo he found in the closet.
“We need to get out of this place now!” Nidoking stepped inside the room, visible panic on his body.
“Calm down will ya? I knew you would get scared on the way, but not this scared.” Zoroark drilling into his ear from Nidoking’s loud yelling.
“I saw a monster! A… Lugia! It ate Nidoqueen whole and probably Lucario too!” Nidoking explaining, his eyes full of fear and panic.
“What? You saw a Lugia?” Blaziken asked approaching Nidoking.
“And it ate both Nidoqueen and Lucario? Nidoking nodded.
“I swear I saw it. He even stood right behind me at one point and didn’t stop me. He just let me go. Probably because he knows he’s gonna get us.” Nidoking held his sides worried.
“Oh you have got to be kidding me!” Zoroark spoke up. Both Blaziken and Nidoking looked at Zoroark confused.
“That is such a made up story. A Lugia? Here at this mansion all this time? They are near impossible to find, and they live in the arctic, or ocean, or whatever. What could one be doing here at this place? And one that eats other Pokémon?” Zoroark questioning Nidoking. Blaziken thought about it and had to agree. It all sounded impossible honestly.
“It’s true! I saw it with my own eyes! Go down to the kitchen and see for yourself!” Nidoking pointing to the door.
“Hey hey let’s just calm down ok?” Blaziken speaking up. “I think we spent a long enough time here ok? Nidoking? Let’s just stick together and find the others. Then when the storm dies down he bail.” Blaziken explained.
Nidoking calmed down and nodded in agreement. Zoroark rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.
“Psh. A Lugia eating other Pokémon. This is your best myth yet.” He chuckled. Blaziken took off his tux and tossed it on the bed, not needing it anymore. They grouped up and all left the master bedroom to look for the others.
The heavy rain clashed against the windows and walls as flashes of lightning were seen followed by the low rumbles of thunder lightly shaking the mansion. The three Pokémon were treading down the hallway, calling out for their friends as the mansion was silent while also looking like it had been taken care of the entire time. There was not a speck of dust anywhere, nor a crumb in the carpet.
“Let’s head to the kitchen first to see if Nidoqueen is there. Maybe we can find Lucario with her too.” Blaziken suggested.
“M-maybe. But what if that Lugia is there?” Nidoking holding his sides scared.
“Why don’t you give it a good punch in the gut? You're supposed to be strong aren't you?” Zoroark taunted. Nidoking gave him a look of annoyance while Zoroark smirked. They took steady steps down the stairs and around another corner. Nidoking stopped dead in his tracks, causing Zoroark to bump into him.
“Hey what’s the hold up tree stump?” He questioned. Blaziken turned and saw Nidoking with a fearful look. Looking ahead, he didn’t see anyone or anything strange.
“This is where he was, right behind me.” Nidoking said with fear in his voice. Right before them was the laundry room, and further down was the kitchen.
“Well he’s not here anymore. Come on, let's check the kitchen. You can check the laundry room Zoroark.” Blaziken ordered. Zoroark grunted as he was bossed around while Nidoking stood next to Blaziken.
“If you find any good snacks, you better share them with me.” Zoroark threatened as he entered the laundry room.
“Why is he such a jerk?” Nidoking asked.
“Heh, maybe his big red hair is the source of his ego. If we shave it off, maybe he’ll be nicer.” Both of them had a good laugh while imagining Zoroark bald as they entered the kitchen.
“Stupid laundry room. I wanted the kitchen! Getting hungry honestly.” Zoroark complained as he observed the laundry room. It was dark and hard to see.
“Light switch?” He reached for the walls on the sides of the door, feeling flat smooth walls before he felt something blocky and pointing out. With a flick, the room lit up, illuminating the laundry room. There were about a dozen large washing machines and a dozen more dryers. Zoroark walked between the lines of washers and dryers like he was shopping for a new one.
“Should definitely bring the boys back after this. Wonder if we could get some hefty cash from raiding this place.” Zoroark dreamed of the money he could rake in. Each and every machine was closed and cleaned spotless.
“Hey Lucario! Where are you? Did you fall in one of them?” He laughed. Zoroark started checking each one inside, all empty.
“Welp. My job’s done here. Now for the kitchen.” He turned and sped walked towards the door. Just before he was about to reach the door, he heard a metal squeak and stopped. Zoroark turned and spotted one of the washing machines open, all on it’s own.
“Heh, good one Lucario. Got so scared you hid inside one huh?” Zoroark smirked as he approached the open washing machine. The metal door was on the top of the machine.
“Come on out man, there’s nothing to-” He looked inside, confused by what he saw. It was a spiral of white fluffy looking sheets with a hole in the middle. It looked like some kinda black hole or something. “What th-” Before he could react, two big white wings reached up and grabbed Zoroark by his sides, holding him in a tight grip.
“H-hey! Let me go!” He yelled and squirmed. He was lifted up off the ground and raised over the washing machine with his head pointed down. Suddenly he was pulled down into the machine and the hole of the spiral white sheets.
“Wait! Mmmmph!” His voice became muffled as his body was pulled inside, legs kicking and squirming like mad as he was pulled and slurped up inside until he was completely pulled into the washing machine. Its door leaned forward and closed shut with a locking click. The room grew silent as the lights turned themselves off.
“I… this is impossible!” Nidoking was in shock.
“What do you mean?” Blaziken asked, looking around the spotless clean kitchen. It looked like it was never used. There were no dirty dishes, no crumbs on the floor, or even a drop of water in the sinks.
“B-but this place was a mess! There were plates and… and cookie crumbs and cake frosting! I swear I know what I saw.” Nidoking looked for any evidence to prove Lugia and Nidoqueen were here, but found nothing. Even as Blaziken opened the refrigerator, there was nothing inside. No cake, pastries, cookies, or anything. It was completely empty and clean.
“Are you sure they were here? Cause I don’t see anything out of the ordinary.” Blaziken starting to question Nidoking’s story.
“I swear I know exactly what I saw.” He even checked the exact spot where the big Lugia was standing exactly where he ate Nidoqueen. Not even a footprint was visible.
“T-they were here.” He said, sounding defeated. Blaziken put his hand on Nidoking’s shoulder.
“Dude. They probably went off exploring more. Let me tell you what I think happened.” Blaziken patted Nidoking’s back.
“Lucario dried himself off or found something to wear, Nidoqueen probably had something to eat, and then they probably left to explore and took a detour back to the master bedroom.” He explained. Nidoking did not believe it, but he didn’t know what happened to Lucario.
“B-but.” He was about to give his reason again when Blaziken stopped him.
“The Lugia you saw was probably just something from the lightning that made it look like a Lugia with Nidoqueen in it’s mouth. I mean think about it. A Lugia at a mansion like this? Eating Pokémon? Doesn't that sound kinda ridiculous?” Blaziken asked Nidoking, giving him a reality check. Nidoking was silent, trying to think of words to prove what he saw was real. There was no lighting flash, the kitchen was a mess, and he swore he saw the bulges of Nidoqueen coming from his stomach. But how could he prove what he saw was real? Nidoking sighed in defeat, unable to come up with a reasonable or logical answer.
“I’m sorry big guy. Maybe they are back at the master bedroom probably wondering where we are. Let’s head back. We can leave Zoroark behind.” That little joke made Nidoking smile and helped him ease his fear a little.
“Yea. Let’s head back.” Blaziken smiled as they both left the kitchen.
“Uuuugh. Wh-where am I?” Zoroark groaned as he rubbed his head. His vision was a blur, seeing a lot of fuzzy bright colors. He remembered the last thing he saw was a washing machine that was all white and blue inside. Then some big soft hands grabbed him and pulled him inside. After that, everything went dark and… soft. Even now, Zoroark still felt really soft and fuzzy, even his hand too.
“Wait a sec.” Zoroark rubbed his eyes as his vision became clear.
“Wha? What the heck?” He looked at his hands, wearing yellow and black mittens of some kind. It traveled up his arms too, and his legs, and feet. Zoroark looked over himself and realized he was wearing a one piece pajama set of something. He even had a big zig zag looking tail too. Besides that, he was in a room he had never seen before. He sat at some kids table with walls colored yellow like a… Pikachu’s color? And there were toys and board games all around, and a TV with a game console. Behind him was a big bed too with cute little pillows and a Lugia themed bed set with it.
“Oh Arceus. I’m back in kindergarten!” Zoroark gulped.
“Anything, anything but this.” He shook with fear. He saw a big double set of doors which must have been the exit. Zoroark tried to get out of his chair, but found himself stuck, unable to stand out of the chair.
“What the heck is this? Why can’t I get up?!” He yelled trying his best to stand up, but didn't know if it was these pajamas or what. There was no rope or belt or anything holding him down. It was as if his legs and body refused to move from this chair like some kind of binding spell or something.
“Oh good you're awake. Now we can play together.” A voice said. Zoroark stopped and looked around the room. There was no one else besides him. Suddenly, another door opened with clothes inside. Must’ve been the closet. A large white tail stuck out, followed by blue stick things and a large white body. There was some grunting and wiggling from the figure before he fully popped out.
“Heh heh. I’m bigger than I thought.” The figure spoke. Zoroark was in absolute, total disbelief. He didn’t know if he felt stupid or like a jerk for not believing Nidoking. There, right there, holding a stack of board games, was the very thing Nidoking was talking about. An actual Lugia, standing there with a smile on its face.
“Sorry I had to pull you into the washing machine. It was the best way to get you away from the others.” The Lugia approached and placed a stack of board games with the others on the table. Its big, white, wing-shaped hands were the same that grabbed him. Though Zoroark noticed something strange about the Lugia. As he saw its back, he swore he could see some white thing sticking out near its tail. Was that a… tag?
Lugia turned back and approached the table, sitting down right across from Zoroark, not needing a chair. Zoroark never said anything as he still could not believe that there was a real Lugia in this mansion.
“Nidoking was right!” kept repeating in his head. Zoroark also noticed strange parts of the Lugia. There were black stitching lines across his body. The Lugia was a living plushie! A living toy of a real Lugia.
“I… wha I…” Zoroark tried to question what was going on, but it was hard to face something so unrealistic actually being… realistic. Lugia giggled.
“Heh heh, first time? I know. I usually just gulp down my intruders, but sometimes I feel like having some fun with them before I add them to the others.” Zoroark gulped.
“O-others? Gulping down? You mean we're not the first?” He questioned fearfully.
“Oh goodness no! There have been others before you. I remember snacking on a spicy Charizard one time, and a delicious long noodle of an Arbok.” Zoroark knew those two. They were bullies back in high school. One day they said they were gonna attempt the challenge and stay a night at the Bright Moon Mansion he and the others were currently residing in. They never came back the next day. Zoroark and the others assumed they got scared and fled, or moved out of town. But really they ended up with this Lugia right in front of him who was… setting up a board game?
Zoroark tried to get out of his chair again. He placed his hands on the table and tried to push himself out but that still didn’t work. Even rocking the chair didn’t work either as it felt like it was glued or nailed to the floor.
“Are you trying to leave?” Lugia asked, stopped setting up the board game.
“Yes! Get me the heck out of here! I won’t end up like Lucario and Nidoqueen you beast!” Zoroark growled. Lugia looked sad.
“Aww. You’re just like the others. I had this whole plan of us playing a few games together and I’d set you free and all.” Zoroark stopped.
“But maybe I should just eat you instead.” Lugia moved his head over and across the table right above Zoroark, opening his wide maw. Zoroark saw his wiggling soft tongue, and fleshy plush mouth made of blue fabric, and the throat of a plushy tunnel he was gonna go down. Lugia’s lips were already at his waist as he lowered his head and closed them, lifting Zoroark up and off the chair, suddenly being able to move as he kicked and squirmed.
“Wait wait wait, I’ll play! I’ll play!” He yelled inside his mouth. Lugia grabbed his legs and pulled him out.
“Really? You will play?” Zoroark saw Lugia smiling excitedly.
“Yes! I’ll play!” He yelled, trying his best to smile while terrified of becoming a meal.
“Yay!” The lugia danced as he put Zoroark back down into the chair, suddenly unable to move his legs again. Lugia sat back down.
“I’m so glad! It’s been a long time since I had a playmate. The last one was so rude.” Lugia rubbed and patted his belly to show Zoroark where he would have ended up if he disagreed. Zoroark sighed with relief as Lugia finished setting up the board game. It was a game of Arboks and ladders. Zoroark sucked at Arboks and ladders.
“Oh great. Now even Zoroark ran off.” Blaziken sighed, frustrated as he and Nidoking checked the laundry room, no sign of Zoroark. Nidoking was conflicted in a way. On one hand he was kinda glad the Lugia captured or ate him next, but on the other hand he worried about him and hoped he was ok.
“Well he didn’t come into the kitchen, so maybe the Lugia captured him too?” Nidoking asked
“You're still on that Lugia thing? Honestly my opinion is that Nidoqueen and Lucario found him. Or maybe he just decided to head back on his own.” Blaziken shrugged.
“Maybe. Heh, I kinda hope he gets lost on the way back.” Blaziken chuckled.
“Heh me too honestly. Not hurt, just lost.” Both had a good chuckle.
“Anyway, there was nothing in the kitchen and Zoroark isn’t here. Let’s just head back to the bedroom.” Blaziken suggested.
“Yea. Hopefully this storm will end, and we can go home soon.” Nidoking and Blaziken both left the laundry room and headed back down the hall. The rain still clashing against the windows, possibly staying all night long. Both headed back up the stairs, hoping they would hear the laughs or voices of their lost friends.
“I win!” Lugia smiled. Zoroark sighed.
“You cheated.” He complained.
“Heh heh, you just have bad luck is all.” Lugia laughed. Zoroark worried that now he lost he was gonna end up as his meal.
“Best 2 out of 3.” He said, hoping the Lugia would agree.
“Deal.” He said. Zoroark sighed in relief.
“Could I at least take this Pichu onesie off? I can’t find a zipper or anything.” Zoroark said, reaching for his back, front, and sides, but not finding any buttons, zippers, or any way to take this off.
“Only if you can beat me in the next game.” Lugia started setting up another board game.
“This is my best friend's favorite game.” He smiled. Zoroark looked at him confused.
“Best friend? Who are you talking about?” He asked. Lugia just kept smiling.
“It’s a long story. But you don’t look like the kinda person who would care.” He said a little harshly. But Zoroark did have to admit he was right. He wanted to escape, not hear about some freak's life story.
“I’ll let you start.” Lugia handling Zoroark some dice. Zoroark sighed as the next game was Rare Candyland. He rolled the dice as this game was for his freedom.
Nidoking and Blaziken made their way down the hallway, passing some double doors they didn’t really care for.
“Lucky!” A muffled voice was said. Nidoking stopped and raised his head.
“Blaziken? Did you hear that?” Blaziken stopped and turned to Nidoking.
“Hear what?” He asked. Nidoking listening for the voice again.
“You're cheating again!” A familiar voice said.
“Zoroark?” Nidoking looking around at the doors. Most of them were single, but there was a set of double doors with a name on them, “Pichu’s room.” Nidoking put his ear against the door, listening closely. He could hear sounds coming from inside. Blaziken approached too.
“I win again!” Another familiar voice said.
“Wait. That voice!” Nidoking grabbed the doorknobs and tried to open them, but they were locked.
“Blaziken! Zoroark’s in here!” Nidoking called. Blaziken sprinted close and tried to pull open the doors too. Lugia and Zoroark both looked at the door, hearing Nidoking and Blaziken on the other side.
“Guys! I'm in here!” Zoroark yelled. Lugia got up and approached the door. He unlocked them and cracked open the door. Both Nidoking and Blaziken saw the towering Lugia standing there, speechless, and shocked.
“Excuse me. But me and a friend of mine are playing a game. Could you two please keep it down?” Lugia asked so nicely before closing the door and locking it. Blaziken fell back on the floor while Nidoking took some steps back.
“What the heck was that thing?!” Blaziken asked.
“I told you! I told you there was a giant Lugia in the mansion!” Nidoking panicking again. Lugia walked back to the table and sat back down onto the floor.
“Heh heh, sorry about that. So where were we?” He asked, looking at the game board.
“Please let me go. I don’t wanna be eaten by you.” Zoroark begged. Lugia gave him a sad look.
“Oh no no no. I do not digest others. I never intend to hurt them at all. I do play with them, sure, but never to harm.” Lugia explained.
“But back to the game, I believe I was winning?” Lugia smiled before picking up the dice.
“It was real! I… I can’t believe you were right Nidoking.” Blaziken was still surprised.
“I told you and Zoroark! That thing ate Lucario and Nidoqueen. You guys didn’t believe me.” Nidoking leaning against the wall.
“Well what the heck do we do? We can’t leave Zoroark in there with him. Even if he’s a jerk, we would be the bigger jerks if we left him.” Nidoking grabbed the door handles again, shaking and pulling against them to try and open the locked doors. They rattled, but no progress was made.
“Dang it. We're gonna have to bust them down.” Nidoking grunted. He and Blaziken ran as fast as they could back to the master bedroom. Rushing inside, there were no signs of Nidoqueen, Lucario, or Zoroark which proved Nidoking’s point more.
“Grab something sturdy and strong.” They looked around, Nidoking grabbing a sturdy standing lamp while Blaziken grabbed a wooden chair.
“And… I win again.” Lugia laughed. Zoroark gulped and started to sweat.
“Oh come on! You cheated again!” He yelled and complained. Lugia looked down at him. “I never did cheat. The cards were in my favor.” He smiled. Zoroark grew scared and angry.
“Just let me go already!” He struggled in his chair again, still bound by some kinda magic or something.
“Alright. I’ll let you go.” Zoroark stopped and looked at the plushy Lugia.
“Wait? R-really?” He questioned.
“Yep. You can go……. If you complete one more game.” He held up a single plush finger.
“Aw come on! You're just gonna cheat and win again!” Zoroark going back to struggling.
“Not this time. This is a game just for you alone.” Lugia explained.
“What kind of game is it?” Zoroark asked. “Hey! What do you mean no cheating this time!?”
Lugia got up and walked around the table, picking up Zoroark in one of his big soft hands. Zoroark whimpered, wondering if this was it. Instead, Lugia reached for something behind him, his tail. Lugia grabbed the Pichu onesie tail and gave it a gentle yank. There was a click and a hissing sound as Lugia put Zoroark down on the ground. Zoroark suddenly felt strange and looked over to see what had happened. He saw the Pichu onesie shifting and… expanding?
“What’s happening?” He asked, but also realized this was his chance. He bolted to the door, but was grabbed by the tail again and stopped.
“Oh no. No cheating.” Lugia pulled him back. Zoroark grunted and tried to pull, but his grip was too strong.
“You're the one that’s cheating!” He yelled. He was pulled back near the table. Zoroark felt his movements getting stiffer and more restrictive. Looking down at himself, he gasped.
“What the!? This onesie is inflating!” He yelled as he looked over his pajama prison suit. The Pichu onesie was inflating like a balloon. The belly and back rounding out and expanding as the limbs grew thick with air. The wrist and ankles cuffed and locked to keep the air inside as the onesie inflated bigger and bigger. Zoroark could feel his limbs getting more stiff and restrictive as they were forced to spread out as he tried to struggle himself free, but stiffness was followed by a lack of strength.
“This is the last game. ‘Balloon on the Run’ I call it.” Lugia giggled, still holding the tail. Zoroark whimpered as he was forced to feel his suit inflate and his limbs forced to spread to their limits. Bigger and bigger he blew up as the view of the table was blocked by his onesie’s expanding belly. “Help! Heeelp!” He cried, but no response from the other side of the door.
“Come on! I heard Zoroark down the hall!” Nidoking said as both ran down the hall. They reached the lock doors again, objects in hand.
“We focus on one of the doors. Swing with all your might.” Nidoking explained as he raised the standing lamp and swung it against one of the doors with a crash. Lugia looked at the doors, not worried at all.
“Oh boy. They will get to see what a big balloon you are soon.” Lugia poked Zoroark’s puffy onesie. Zoroark’s hands and feet were spread out, looking like divots, no longer touching the ground as he waved and wiggled them while slowly sinking into his balloon suit. His chin centimeters away from the belly of the onesie as he tried to move. He couldn’t tell how big he was, but certainly knew he was big or almost as big as Lugia was. His chin had finally rested against the fabric of his Pichu onesie while his hands and feet were halfway absorbed into the soft puffy fabric. The hissing had ceased as Lugia giggled.
“This should be big enough. How do you feel being all big and round and weightless?” Lugia asked, rolling Zoroark around some.
“I hate it! I want to get out of this stupid thing!” He growled.
“Heh heh, and you will. Now here is how the game works. If you can get to the doors, you can deflate and escape.” Lugia pointed to the doors that were being attacked, starting to crack.
“Wha… What?! Are you serious?! I can't even touch the ground with my feet! How the heck am I gonna get to the doors like this?!” Zoroark yelled, wiggling his feet and hands uselessly. Lugia giggled as he hopped onto the bed.
“You will have to figure that out. You have 2 minutes starting now!” Lugia turned the dial on a timer he had as it ticked the time away. Zoroark panicked, trying to stretch his feet to reach the ground, but they were too sunken in and high up. Next he tried to twist and turn himself, no luck either.
“Come on! This is impossible!” He yelled to Lugia.
“Come on. I know you can do it.” Zoroark gave him a confused look.
‘Is he really trying to cheer me on?’ He said in his head. Any bodily movement was pretty much gone. He had to somehow think of moving while immobile.
Bam! Clash! Smash!
Blaziken and Nidoking smashed their lamp and chair against the door. It was working, as the thick wooden door was cracking, but they were getting exhausted.
“Dang these doors are sturdy.” Blaziken huffed as he was getting tired.
“We're almost through, we just need to smash some more.” Nidoking took a breath before he swung the standing lamp again.
Zoroark grunted, trying any method to move while being a balloon. It was incredibly tough, near impossible. The best he could do was wobble or lightly bounce, but never move.
“One minute left.” Lugia warned, checking the timer. Zoroark was panicking again, not wanting to be a meal for a stuffed toy. He tried moving his body up and down with the movement of this inflated Pichu onesie. Surprisingly, he actually managed to bounce. Zoroark followed the motion and started to bounce in place.
“Alright alright, now I just need to try and bounce forward. Jeez this is so stupid.” He said as he tried to move midair. He did manage to rotate or turn, but not move. Lugia was enjoying the show as he watched the big yellow onesie bounce, with a Zoroark wiggling his stubby hands and feet.
“Heh heh, that’s adorable.” Lugia complimented.
“Shut up!” Zoroark yelled blushing. A few more bounces and Zoroark was exhausted, forcing to stop.
“D-dang it!” He huffed and sweated.
“Oh? Time’s up! You lose.” Lugia said as he hopped off the bed.
The door was now almost in two. Nidoking and Blaziken could just barely be seen through the crack. Zoroark sweated bullets and sunk himself into his ballooned Pichu onesie as Lugia stood before him.
“W-wait wait! Could we play another game? For my freedom? Best 3 out of 4!” Zoroark shyly smiled. Lugia thought for a moment.
“Heh alright. One more game.” Zoroark was relieved. This would be his final chance to escape.
“S-so what game are we gonna play? Does it involve one where I'm not as big as a blimp like this?” He asked.
“Oh no. You have to stay like that for this game.” Lugia explained.
“B-but I can’t play like this! Let alone move!” He complained.
“I know. But this is a game for me.” Lugia then picked up Zoroark like the big balloon he was.
“This game I like to call: ‘Will it fit?’ Can you guess how this game goes?” Lugia asked, licking his lips.
“N-no way! You can’t eat me like this! I’m too big and round! You have no chance!” Zoroark actually smiled with confidence and worry. He couldn't find a way to deflate himself, but he surely knew that Lugia couldn't even get close to shoving him down his gullet. Another smash behind him and a chair stuck through the door.
“Hold on, Zoroark! We're just about through!” The voice of Nidoking spoke from the other side. Lugia still not looking worried that he would be interrupted. When Zoroark taunted his size, Lugia just laughed.
“That’s the point of the game silly! Don’t you remember? I told you I ate a Charizard. He was the biggest I had. But that Nidoqueen I fattened up was the best so far.” Zoroark knew he was talking about Nidoqueen. So he really did eat her. Lugia gave his Pichu & Zoroark balloon a few good squishes and light tosses.
“I always wanted to try this. And don’t worry. You won’t be harmed or anything. In fact, please do enjoy yourself while I have a good meal.” Lugia kissed the Pichu onesie’s belly before he rolled the Zoroark’s head right in front of his mouth. Lugia opened his maw wide, wider, as wide as he could. Zoroark saw that blue padded maw again and the Lugia’s soft tunnel of a throat. He moved his big wing-shaped hands to the bottom of his balloon meal before he readied himself and shoved the balloon into his mouth. Zoroark muffled from inside, waving his sunken hands and feet in panic.
The door fell, but only the top part. Nidoking and Blaziken saw in horror as Lugia was shoving some big yellow balloon into his mouth.
“What the heck is he eating?” Blaziken asked. Nidoking looked around the inside of the room. There were toys and games and a table and all. The walls were colored yellow and the bed had a Lugia themed bed set. Nidoking would have investigated the room further, but the giant Lugia eating a balloon with Zoroark nowhere seen inside was a priority. They had to finish smashing the door as climbing over it would be painful as sharp splinters of wood stuck up. Blaziken and Nidoking smashed the rest of the door as the lock was far past busted, but still standing. Lugia’s plush lips and fabric maw defied logic as they stretched easily. The fabric he was made of looked sturdy, yet it stretched like it had hidden folds or so. Lugia pushed and shoved that big balloon further into his mouth, pushing Zoroark’s wiggling hands inside.
Zoroark screamed inside as he could not believe this plushy Lugia was actually eating him whole. It felt like a dream, a fantasy. It was physically not possible, but another shove proved that it was real. Zoroark filled Lugia’s entire mouth as his maw stretched easily to fit such a big round meal inside. He was at the halfway point.
The door had finally been destroyed. An exhausted Blaziken and Nidoking stepped inside, dropping a completely bent standing lamp, and the legs of what used to belong to a chair. They huffed and puffed as they saw the Lugia almost finished.
“We… we need to, huff. We need to find Zoroark!” Nidoking said between breaths. Lugia giggled as he passed the halfway point, the easy part. Lugia muffled something with the big balloon in his mouth. Using a single finger, he pushed against the bottom of the inflated Pichu onesie. It easily slipped right on inside his super stretched maw with a loud slurp like a blanket being rubbed against a pillow. The inflated Pichu onesie was now completely inside Lugia’s huge round mouth. Nidoking and Blaziken had to take a few seconds to realize that this big plushy Lugia defied logic as his plushy maw was super stretched, and the material should have torn apart the moment he started.
Now that Blaziken was near this beast, he felt so puny and the Lugia looked so much bigger than before.
“You won't have to look far.” Lugia said, probably from when they asked where Zoroark was. Lugia used his tongue to push the big balloon into one of his cheeks like a big jawbreaker. His left white soft cheek was super sized and stretched with a giant orb inside. Then Lugia moved back to the middle before pressing it into his right cheek, making sucking sounds with muffled noises coming from his cheek.
“Heh heh. It’s like a really big candy.” Lugia giggled as he sucked on it.
“Mmmmmph! Mmph!” His cheek muffled again. Nidoking looked all around the room, but didn’t see Zoroark anywhere, though someone left a finished board game on a table.
“Where’s Zoroark, you monster!?” Blaziken demanded answers as he held up a chair leg.
“Ah heh. He lost a few games. He had some back luck the entire time honestly.” The plushy Lugia giggled. Blaziken backed up. If he insulted him, he might end up being eaten himself. Lugia stuck his tongue out before moving his Pichu onesie balloon with Zoroark inside back to the center of his mouth.
Lugia then decided to swallow his candy by sticking his hands in his mouth and pressing against the balloon. As he opened his maw, Blaziken could swear he saw Zoroark’s wiggling feet inside. Nidoking caught a glimpse too, but couldn’t decide whether that was really Zoroark inside or not. Lugia swallowed and pushed, forcing the balloon into the back of his throat. His long white throat bulged and expanded like a frog as the fabric stretched itself easily. The massive sphere sliding back and down, causing his throat to bulge impossibly huge.
Blaziken and Nidoking witnessed the defiance of logic and reason, a god who could control physics at will almost. Lugia smiled as he pressed his hands against the bulge as it lowered deeper and deeper. Blaziken and Nidoking could see tiny lumps of hands and feet inside his neck while still hearing a familiar angry and fearful voice.
“No way.” Nidoking said, shocked. Blaziken had a hard time believing it too, but with Zoroark nowhere sighted in the room, there could have been only one conclusion. Lugia gulped and pressed as the massive sphere sank down to his chest and quickly shifted into his belly, causing it to surge in size and bounce Blaziken who stood too close into the air and landed on the bed while Lugia fell back from the sudden shift. Now his big round belly had a huge ball inside his belly that looked about as big as a snorlax, often wobbling about.
“Mmmmmmph!” A muffled voice was heard coming from his belly.
“Ahhh. Heh heh. I win again. Urrrrrrp!” The plushy Lugia actually managed a big loud belch somehow. He placed one of his big white hands on top of his big, round, stuffed belly, rubbing and soothing it.
“Whew boy. A little too big for me, but so worth it.” He giggled. Nidoking and Blaziken were unaware of the events that took place in this room, but what they did know was that the giant balloon thing Lugia swallowed had Zoroark involved, and that they were too late to save him. Nidoking ran over to Blaziken, eyes locked on the happy plushy Lugia.
“W-what happened to Zoroark?” Nidoking asking fearfully. Lugia struggled to sit up, but managed as he placed his wing-shaped hands on his big, round, blue tummy.
“Well you see, I may have kidnapped Zoroark to play some games with me. Like I said he had terrible luck, claiming I was cheating.” He giggled.
“He ended up losing and well, he’s nice and safely tucked away.” Lugia patted his belly to show where he was. The squirms, the muffled voice, he was eaten. Nidoking and Blaziken grew more scared by the second.
“Holy Arceus!” Blaziken yelled before stumbling onto the floor and running out the hallway. Nidoking followed too, giving the Plushy Lugia a horrified look before he too ran out the door and down the hallway. Lugia chuckled.
“I always enjoy chasing them. They are so cute when they run.” Lugia smiled as he decided to have some belly fun before he had to leave. Inside his big belly, Zoroark was surrounded by blue fabric walls. He still couldn't move at all as he was still locked in the inflated onesie. He wiggled and waved his still sunken hands and feet and looked around as best he could as the walls squished against his balloon suit. The onesie creaked and squeaked.
“Heh heh. Hope you like having a tummy ache, you monster!” Zoroark smiled. The fabric walls had a hard time engulfing Zoroark, but they didn’t need to. The walls squished against his hands, feet, and head, forcing him to sink into the suit. In Zoroark’s mind, he felt like he would be safer if he were stuffed inside the suit instead of being outside of it.
As his hands and feet were completely engulfed, Zoroark’s head was sinking deeper and deeper into the suit. Even as his sight went dark, he still had a smile, thinking he would be untouched.
“I hope I give you indigestion.” He said before his whole head was squeezed inside. His thick red hair was pulled and slurped up inside like a thick noodle before any sign of him was gone. The blue walls closed in all around the inflated onesie before everything turned to black.
Lugia rubbed his big, bloated stomach as he no longer heard muffled noises coming from within, nor any squirms. He felt so full and bloated, but smiled as he enjoyed his balloon meal.
“Heh, so confident and playful. You will be a great addition.” Lugia using the wall to help himself up. He looked around the room, eyeing certain things, glowing actually. He eyed the bed, staring at it, remembering an event that made him smile. He turned back and opened the closet door, grabbing the sides and trying to squeeze his big blue belly inside.
“Heh heh. Maybe I should have just eaten him normally. But this belly is awesome.” He grunted again before he squeezed his big belly inside. He stepped fully into the closet before using his tail to close the door and for the room to grow silent.
To be continued...
The Plushy of Bright Moon Mansion C3: Puffy playtime
2 Down 3 more to go. After Nidoking witnessed the beast that roams the abandon mansions hallways, he quickly bolted to tell the others. Zoroark and Blaziekn have a hard time believing that such a mythical creature would exist in such a place. After one of them get's kidnapped, the suspicion begins to grow. In order for one of them to get free, he will have to have a game night with the Plushy, for his freedom.
Chapter 3 of the Bright Moon Mansion series has finally been finished. Much like the Shukaku series, I slacked got lazy and as I was making other stories, I kinda forgot about this series of mine. But chapter 3 is finally here. I do plan on making 2 more chapters and then it will end there. If you all would love to have another group of people enter the mansion for another story, perhaps I could turn it into a YCH story where you get your pokesona's involved? It's just a thought for now, but one I would be willing to make if it's by popular demand.
Special thanks to oracionsigil for proof reading and grammar checking this story as well. He helped made the story look organized and spaced out so it's not a wall of solid text.
I do not own any of the pokemon mentioned above nor do I own Plushy Lugia as the all belong to their proper creators and owners. This is merely just fan fiction. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3 of the Bright Moon Mansion series has finally been finished. Much like the Shukaku series, I slacked got lazy and as I was making other stories, I kinda forgot about this series of mine. But chapter 3 is finally here. I do plan on making 2 more chapters and then it will end there. If you all would love to have another group of people enter the mansion for another story, perhaps I could turn it into a YCH story where you get your pokesona's involved? It's just a thought for now, but one I would be willing to make if it's by popular demand.
Special thanks to oracionsigil for proof reading and grammar checking this story as well. He helped made the story look organized and spaced out so it's not a wall of solid text.
I do not own any of the pokemon mentioned above nor do I own Plushy Lugia as the all belong to their proper creators and owners. This is merely just fan fiction. All rights reserved.
Category Story / Vore
Species Pokemon
Gender Male
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 39.1 kB