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C2: Learning New Limits
Maraikoh returned to the locker room, smiling like he won without breaking a sweat, which was true. It was his easiest match yet because his opponent didn’t put up a fight at all, literally, because he never showed up. The match he was supposed to have would be against Froug, but the frog never showed up to the ring and was declared disqualified from the Other World Tournament after the bell rang three times.
Maraikoh smiled as he knew exactly where Froug was. His belly had some small extra fat as he rubbed his stomach during the wait, making a small belch too. The purple Dino was declared the winner by default. People were a bit suspicious, questioning where Froug went. Most of the crowd remembered seeing him fight in the area today, minutes ago even. but now he vanished for some reason. Most of these rumors were silenced when fans started to say: “His opponent was Maraikoh! Remember last time?” And that got people to nod their heads and understand why. Last time Maraikoh and Froug fought, the Dino threw the amphibian up and smashed him against a meteor before falling back down and landing outside of the ring. The crowd figured that Froug ran away, not wanting to be thrown into space a second time by his rival.
“Heh heh. Sorry, but I got a tournament to win.” Maraikoh said as he rubbed his stomach again, it churned for a moment before going silent.
After his easiest win, Maraikoh returned to the locker room, being the only one in there. The Dino saw Froug’s shorts and green tank top still hanging on his locker, remembering his exquisite flavor and pre-match snack that made the Dino chuckle.
“Hopefully, I can use these new powers of Froug’s against my next opponent. So I better start training.” He said as he checked the roster. He had about three more opponents to fight before he would get to this Giran guy, who was undefeated so far. Needing the open space, Maraikoh pushed away the benches to have plenty of room for training.
“Alright, so I digested and absorbed him, which means I have his power now… so… how do I activate it?” He scratched his head, confused.
“How did he do it?” Maraikoh looked over his body, not seeing anything different about himself. Trying to remember how Froug got himself to blow up, Maraikoh remembered every detail he could from that fight. It definitely involved sucking in air somehow, making his neck swell and cheeks puff up. In an attempt to copy that, he tried to suck in as much air as he could, but to no avail as it was a difficult feat. Instead he reached a limit and was forced to blow it all out.
“Dang. Uhmmm... “He thought harder for a while, remembering his match against him again. When Froug expanded the first time against him, he somehow managed to puff up his cheeks and neck without even sucking down any air through his mouth, managing to keep the air inside. Finally getting his body to grow really big quite quickly, looking like he was not struggling at all as he blew up bigger and bigger. If Maraikoh could copy exactly what the frog did, he could master it, and use it to sweep this tournament clean and win.
“Alright! I survived rougher training than this. A little air and some stretching won’t stop me!” He encouraged himself. Maraikoh started by sucking in some air, managing to puff out his cheeks just like Froug did, which was the easy part. Now the hard part was trying to inflate his neck, which was easier said than done. Trying to physically force his throat to swallow the air, he looked like he was trying to swallow a bowling ball in his neck. He did manage to get his neck to puff out some, but then had to exhale and end up coughing.
“Damn. This is a lot harder than I thought.” He complained, but kept trying, not giving up. He still had some time before his next match, so he had to really push himself. With each and every attempt, his neck managed to swell just a little bigger. It was quite strange in a way, since he never felt his neck getting sore or anything. In fact it felt normal, simply fine or even stretchier than normal. It was hard to see, but Maraikoh’s cheeks were twice as big as before and he didn’t even realize it. In a final push, Maraikoh somehow managed to get his neck to inflate to the size of a basketball. For a moment, his neck and cheeks seemed to fuse with how they were inflated, just like Froug. Taken back by surprise however, he fell back onto the floor, blowing out the air inside as his neck and cheeks returned to normal.
“Woah! I… kinda did it.” He said surprised as he rubbed his throat.
“So it is possible! Now I just need to find a way to make it expand bigger and somehow get my body to follow.” He said to himself as he got up and dusted himself off. Suddenly there was a bell ringing outside.
“My next match. Dang, I thought I would have more time. Guess I won’t be using his power in my next match. Maybe the one after this one?” Maraikoh said. He did some stretches and quick exercises to limber up before leaving the locker room for his next battle.
[Time Skip]
A few minutes later, Maraikoh returned, a little dirty and some light damage, but nothing that would really dent him.
“I didn’t think this year's fighters would be this tough. They are all stronger than last time.” The Dino said, taking a quick shower. Coming back all dried off, he reflected on his match and his training.
“If the other opponents are this tough, I might not have a chance against this Giran guy.” He said a little worried.
“But that just encourages me to start training Froug’s power even more!” He stood up confidently. He tossed his towel on the benches he had pushed back.
“Alright, so if I can just do what I did last time…” He started to build up air in his neck again. This time it wasn’t all that hard, in fact it was easier this time. Maraikoh’s cheeks and neck bulged with air, almost looking like they were fusing again. Really focusing this time he managed to hold the air in his neck and cheeks, and was ready to attempt the next step. Maraikoh felt like he was holding his breath as he lightly rubbed and saw his air filled neck.
“A-alright, now I just need it to shift it into my body.” He said to himself. He then tried to swallow that air, but struggled like trying to swallow nothing. He had to blow it out of his mouth, taking a few deep breaths in the process.
“Damn. That frog made it look effortless. Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten him?” Maraikoh started to regret gulping down his pre-match snack, but shook his head.
“Let’s see, he did it a few times with his neck and cheeks and they inflated bigger after each time. Maybe I need to get them to be bigger? If my neck and cheeks get big enough then the air might just slip right inside! Yea that must be it!” Maraikoh smiled and looked up, realizing a solution. Maraikoh started to expand and inflate his neck and cheeks once again. His neck gradually swelled bigger and bigger, much larger than the previous attempt. His throat inflated twice as big as before while his cheeks were as big as basketballs. Maraikoh also found out he could keep in the air while breathing normally through his nose.
“Alright. So just gotta…” He began trying to force the air down into his body by forcefully swallowing. The air inside was starting to shift as Maraikoh was trying to move it like a source of his power. The neck balloon and his cheeks did shift around, and wobble some, as it seemed to be moving down. Maraikoh’s air filled cheeks shrank a little as he used his hands to push and force down the globs of oxygen. When the bulge of air in his throat reached his chest, it suddenly shifted, dropping straight down. Maraikoh was taken aback in the sudden shift, falling down onto his back once again, but felt a strange new sensation. The heavy amount of air he sucked up and swallowed certainly had expansive results, but once Maraikoh saw those results for himself, he blushed.
Before Maraikoh was a big round sphere right in front of him. To his surprise though, this big round sphere was actually his own belly. It looked like he swallowed a whole yoga ball. He was wide eyed, and his face turned a shade of red.
“W-woah.” He shyly said. Placing a hand on his belly and giving it a few squishes, he could feel the air inside his yoga ball sized gut, feeling hollow on the inside. He poked it a few times, and moved around with it as it wobbled and bounced about.
“Heh heh. I guess this is a good start?” He chuckled. The Dino had managed to get the air into his body, in a way. Remembering the process from Froug, it seemed his neck and cheeks inflating was definitely part of it. Perhaps when they get big enough, that is the triggers for the inflation process? Once that happens, the air inside his torso seems to just multiply and the whole massive inflation process seems to go on autopilot from there until he reaches a ridiculously huge size. The difficult part would be to figure out how to keep this process going on its own, and to control it, so Maraikoh doesn't explode from too much pressure or overinflating. Remembering his match against Froug from another time, the amphibian made it look so easy as if it was natural, but trying to copy what he saw was completely different than having instructions on how to do it.
“I really shouldn’t have eaten him.” He chuckled, rubbing his head. Observing his big inflated belly, it reminded him of when Froug was blowing himself up in his stomach. When that happened, he felt like his belly was gonna explode from being so tight. But now it was almost as big as before, and yet it didn't feel tight or uncomfortable at all. In fact, it felt like it could get much bigger. Maraikoh was surprised that he had really absorbed Froug’s power, now he just had to figure out how to control it. Then the sound of the bell rang, making Maraikoh going wide eyed and panic.
“Oh crud! My next match!” He said, not realizing how fast time passed. Looking at his big air filled gut, the sphere was largely big and round and blocked a good portion of his view below and some of the sides.
“Gotta get rid of this thing!” He said, panicked as he used his beefy arms to push against his balloon belly… but no air escaped.
“Come on you stupid… I can’t have this in my match!” He grunted as he pressed harder, making his hands sink into his puffy gut like some kind of balloon. His knees squished against his belly as he got up. When he was on his feet, he strangely felt heavier from his front. Even though this balloon belly of his was filled with air, it felt quite... heavy. It was all new and so sudden that Maraikoh had a challenging time learning about his new enhancement. The bell rang again.
“Dammit! Two more times and I will be disqualified!” He yelled in panic. Turning towards a solid stone wall in the locker room, Maraikoh charged and smashed his balloon gut against the tiles, but still the air didn’t flow out. He pressed hard against the wall with his belly again, using his arms and grabbing onto the edges of the wall and pulling.
His yoga ball balloon belly simply squished and made sounds as Maraikoh pulled with all his might, but didn't even feel a tiny amount of air flow up to his chest. He pulled so hard that he actually managed to crack the wall. Maraikoh let go and his belly pushed against the wall, making him land on his back with a thud and a oof as his belly wobbled about.
“Crud! This is not good. How the hell am I gonna fight with this?!” He said angrily, giving his belly a heavy punch. His fist just sunk right into it, feeling only a light pressure from his punch. Maraikoh raised an eyebrow, wondering what just happened. The bell rang again. One more ring and he would be disqualified. Maraikoh grunted and gulped, getting back on his feet again.
“Dammit. I really hope this match goes smoothly and ends quickly. I’ll have to come up with an explanation for this.” He was nervous as he rubbed the sides and top of his exercise ball balloon belly. Another surprise was that these rubs felt… really nice, making Maraikoh smile a little and blush again. He stopped himself and sighed, making his way out of the locker room with his balloon belly bobbing and wobbling around, able to be seen even from behind him.
When he had entered the arena and was visible to the crowd, the first thing pretty much everyone noticed was his big round expanded belly. Maraikoh couldn’t get rid of the air stored inside, so he would have to fight with this balloon gut of his. The crowd instantly burst into lots of laughs about the rising champ who looked like he swallowed a whole exercise ball because there was no food left.
Making his way over to the ring, his belly wobbled and bounced around as while Maraikoh was felt completely embarrassed, but trying his best to stay confident and keep his balloon gut still. When he entered the ring, he could still hear the entire crowd laughing at him and his balloon belly. Even his opponent had a good laugh too, thinking this was some kind of joke. Maraikoh had to lie and explain that he was bloated from something he ate, but didn’t explain in further detail. Whatever he ate, that made his belly bloat as big as a yoga ball, must have been really bad. Funny enough, when Maraikoh said that, Froug was the first person to come to his mind, which was almost true. His opponent, who was a muscular and strong looking gorilla of some kind said he would: “Help cure his bloating, by punching it out.” He taunted as he raised his fist and smirked. Maraikoh gulped, but stood his ground as his belly wobbled, forcing another chuckle out of the ape and the crowd. The moment the bell rang for the round to start, the ape came in swinging.
Maraikoh’s arms were not long enough for him to reach around or across his big balloon gut, which was a massive disadvantage. The ape laughed and claimed that this was gonna be the easiest victory ever. The primate raised his muscular arm and his fist launched forward for a powerful gut punch. Maraikoh braced himself, hoping that this punch would force the air out of his belly so he could fight, but was also worried how much damage this gut punch was gonna do. Maraikoh braced himself and… felt a little tickle.
“Huh?!” Both Maraikoh and the gorilla were just as confused as to what had happened. Maraikoh definitely felt… something light poke his belly.
“Wha? What the hell?” The gorilla said, confused and surprised. His opponent's fist just sunk right into his belly like it was made of… jelly or something. Maraikoh was surprised too, it was just like when he was punching Froug’s body as he blew up. His fist just sunk right into his body like some kind of squishy balloon. Now he knew exactly how it felt, and smiled.
The gorilla grew angry, and adjusted his stance before unleashing a furious rush of gut punches. To Maraikoh, all those punches just felt like belly pokes against a very squishy balloon. His opponent growled as punch after punch smashed against this ball of a belly. All of his fist just sunk right on into it and absorbed all the entire impact. The ape’s plan was to try and punch enough times so that this bloated dinosaur would submit and beg for mercy from all the punches upsetting his stomach.
Instead Maraikoh smiled and actually rested his arms on his belly and relaxed! He just got comfy and allowed this monkey to keep swinging as it felt surprisingly good. Unfortunately, he didn't feel any air shifting his chest, but he didn’t mind right now, he just smirked and enjoyed the massage. Every one of his blows sunk into his ballooned belly before pushing right back as if they were nothing. His opponent started to slow down as his punches grew weaker and less impactful. Then the ape grunted and had to stop, huffing and puffing from exhaustion.
“D-dammit!” He yelled. Maraikoh laughed in amusement as he enjoyed this little brawl or rather relaxing moment.
“Haha! Thanks for the belly massage. I think it helped with my bloating.” Maraikoh smiled as he slapped his big belly, making it wobble and bounce. The gorilla growled, too tired to fight back.
“Now that you had your turn to attack, I think it’s my turn now.” Maraikoh having a smug grin as he was planning something special. Unable to reach him with his arms, he had a different idea in mind. He took some steps back, away from his opponent until he was a few good feet away. Then he charged right towards the ape. The gorilla was too exhausted to move out of the way, nor stand his ground either. Maraikoh then leaned his belly down before lifting his belly it upwards, slamming his belly hard against the gorilla. The heavy and muscular ape was taken by surprise as his feet lifted off the ground and his body sunk into his squishy, balloon-like belly before Maraikoh thrusted himself forward, launching his opponent high into the air and crashing down onto the grass outside of the ring. The crowd was shocked and amazed. They all started to cheer for Maraikoh, not believing he won with such a big bloated belly.
Maraikoh himself was amazed and impressed himself that he managed to do something like that. He smiled and flexed his muscular arms, ready to do a victory roar. However, the moment he opened his mouth to do his roar of victory, the air in his gut flowed out like a heavy gust of wind, causing it to shrink back to its normal size again. Maraikoh was relieved that his belly was back to normal, but a little sad it was gone now. He laughed, finally doing his muscular arm flex and victory roar. The crowd too also roared in cheers and whistles for Maraikoh who seemed to be this year's obvious winner.
When questioned how his “bloating” had just vanished, he responded that it was due to the multiple gut punches from his opponent and even thanked him too. The crowd had some laughs but definitely cheers for Maraikoh as he left the ring and made his way back to the locker room. But one certain opponent who watched the fight grew curious and interested. He smirked and his heavy steps followed Maraikoh to the locker room.
“Haha! That was awesome! Man, I love this power of yours, Froug.” He said, rubbing and patting his belly as if Froug was a part of it now. Maraikoh understood more of just how powerful this inflation move of Froug’s was. He was legitimately impressed.
Observing his stomach, there were no marks or any feelings of soreness or pain at all. Had he actually fought Froug in the ring this year, Maraikoh might have actually been squashed and Froug could perhaps have won this year. He made a mental note that he would absolutely reward Froug when he comes back. With his fight against that gorilla, had he fought that ape him normally, he would have had a much harder time against him, possibly even lost.
“That ballooned belly took blows like it was nothing! If I can master this move, I can be unstoppable as I grow to the size of the stadium itself!” He laughed at the thought.
“Don’t be so sure of yourself.” Another voice spoke out from behind him. Maraikoh quickly turned to see another Dino-like creature with wings. He was bigger, wider, and even fatter than Maraikoh. He approached, entering the light of the locker room as his orange eyes were locked onto him like a predator cornering its prey. His thick blue and light green body towing over him as he stood before the rising champ. Maraikoh had a strong feeling that this was that Giran guy who’s been plowing through the tournament.
“Oh yeah? And just who do you think you are fatso?” Maraikoh taunted. Giran stepped closer with a stomp and an irritated smile.
“Nice power you had back there with your belly. Are you sure you ate something that made you bloat?” Giran questioned. Maraikoh grunted, but grew a little worried.
“Yes. I did eat something. And I’m looking at seconds.” He smiled. Giran did too as they were face to face. “You threatening to make me a meal?” Giran raised an eyebrow. “I’m threatening to make you my dinner pal!” Maraikoh said back. They soon were head to head, growling and ready to fight, pushing against each other.
“Teach me that move of yours and I’ll go easy on you.” Giran demanded.
“Ha! The only thing I’ll teach you is what it feels like to be a sore loser! Or I can teach you what it’s like to be body fat! You prefer my gut? Or my butt?” Maraikoh chuckled with a smile, taunting back. Both growled and entered an arm lock pushing against each other, ready to tear each other's throats, but both unlocked their arms and backed up and distanced themselves to save it for the fight.
“You have one more opponent before you face me. Don’t disappoint me when we fight.” He said before heading to the locker room exit, but stopped. He turned and had a smug smile on his stupid face.
“You know? I recall this frog guy having the same expansion power you had just now. Plus he didn’t show up when you two were supposed to go against each other for a rematch. You wouldn’t happen to know where he is, do you?” Giran asked. Maraikoh grunted, but sweated.
“No. He probably ran off after he knew he was going against me again. He saved himself the trouble of embarrassing himself again just like last year.” Maraikoh explained, but felt really bad about insulting Froug, feeling like such a jerk. Giran grew suspicious.
“Then why are his clothes still on his locker? Did he run away butt naked too?” Giran pointed to Froug’s tank top and shorts hanging on his wall. Maraikoh grew very worried that Giran will run and tell the judges and be disqualified.
“No you idiot. Those are his relaxing clothes. He probably bailed putting on another robe he tore from his last match.” Maraikoh explained, hoping Giran would take the bait. Giran gave Maraikoh another big suspicious look. Maraikoh was still being nervous, ready to charge and tackle the brute and stuff him away, but had no idea if he would even be able to pull it off. Giran hmphed, before mumbling something and leaving the locker room. Maraikoh sighed with relief now that he was gone.
“He’s trying to learn my expansion power? As if! I’ll enjoy shoving him down my gullet if he comes back. Let’s see how he likes being butt fat.” The Dino chuckled, but it was short lived as he realized what kind of monster he was going against. Giran’s strength was not a joke. Maraikoh had to really push hard to prevent Giran from pushing him over. Had he fallen back, the fate of the match would have been decided right there. Giran didn’t seem to be pushing as hard as Maraikoh was. He was going to be the hardest fight so far.
“I gotta master this expansion move before I go against him or else I’ll have to wait until next time. If there will ever be a next time for me” He said worriedly.
Getting back to the open space again in the locker room, Maraikoh reflected on all his inflation progress so far.
“So. It definitely is getting easier for me to inflate myself like Froug did. I got my neck to bulge, and my belly to balloon out, but I still need to learn how to get my whole body to inflate like Froug did. That is the last step. (STOPPED HERE) If I can figure that part out, then my body should just inflate on its own like if I flipped a switch, just like Froug did. then I can flatten that fatso Giran and win this tournament.” Maraikoh said confidently walked before walking over and sitting on a the bench, thinking and remembering the fight again in full detail. He remembered again every detail Froug did with swelling his cheeks and his neck soon after. Maraikoh He then remembered that his belly never inflated, at least not until he activated his mega sized inflation.
“So maybe my belly inflating wasn’t supposed to happen yet? Or maybe I did it wrong?” Maraikoh grunted confused. He didn’t think a simple move as blowing yourself up would be so complicated.
“Ugh. I wish you were here Froug.” Maraikoh he sighed. Thinking about Froug inflating again, there must have been some trick, something to to do trigger it. Maraikoh remembered that Froug got his neck and cheeks to swell to a certain size before his body just started blowing up.
“Hmmm, maybe if I can get my neck and cheeks to swell as big as he did, perhaps that could be the trick. It definitely involved his cheeks and throat swelling up and then something he did to just blow up. What is it Froug? What did you do?” He questioned, getting frustrated not being able to figure it out. Getting up, he decided to try again, started sucking in air once again, surprisingly it was much easier this time then the last attempts. Maraikoh already managed to get his cheeks and neck to swell bigger than before.
“Ok, now I just need to suck in some more.” He tried to suck in more air, but the increasing pressure was making it harder, not to mention he started to feel his cheeks and throat getting tighter as his cheeks were as big as beach balls and his throat as big as a bowling ball. Maraikoh strained a little, knowing this isn't wasn’t working.
“D-dammit.” He grunted as he pressed against his cheeks and throat again, making the air shift down and making his belly fwoomp up and out again. Maraikoh He huffed and sighed, not being able to make it work again.
“Darn it. So making them bigger didn’t work either. And now I got this again.” He frowned as his yoga ball sized balloon belly was before him once again. Maraikoh poked it and lightly punched it a few times, feeling how squishy and balloon-like it was. It felt just as good as the first time he had to admit, making him blush and shyly smile.
“This balloon gut isn’t supposed to happen yet. Ugh, you make it look so easy Froug!” He groaned louder. Now he had to get rid of all this air in his belly. Last time he tried to force the air out by pushing against it and slamming it against a wall, but that didn’t work.
When he fought his opponent, he had several gut punches and a belly slam but that also still didn’t work. Then he did his victory roar and that’s what made the air in his belly go out. “So I just need to do my roar again.” Maraikoh posed and lifted his arms and did his victory pose and roared, but no air came out of his belly.
“Ok what the heck.? Why is it not working now?” Maraikoh growing frustrated. “There is so much more to this inflation power that I never realized. What more is there to this Froug?” He asked the spirit of the frog, but received no response. Maraikoh wanted his gut back to normal, so he started pushing against it again with his hands but also tried to focus on where to force the air. He focused on the air flowing out of his mouth as he pushed, and it was actually working. He could feel the air rising up into his chest as his hands squished against them, making his gut shrink some. It was going smoothly, until Maraikoh remembered Giran.
The image of Giran flooded his mind, making Maraikoh growl as he pictured his wide and tall fat body and his smug grin. His strength was high, and his voice was so annoying. Maraikoh pictured sitting on top of him while Giran was beaten and bruised under him in the ring.
“Heh heh. You would make a comfy chair for my butt Giran.” Maraikoh said. Suddenly without warning, the air in his belly and chest shifted somewhere else in Maraikoh’s body. Maraikoh quickly shot open his eyes and recovered himself to prevent him falling over. His gut was back to normal, but he didn't feel any air flow out of his mouth.
“Huh? What happened? Where did it go?” He questioned. Maraikoh Then he felt his underpants feeling really, clingy and tight against the his front for some reason. It was only feeling like that now was never tight this whole time until now. Plus, he felt a lot heavier behind himself for another strange reason.
“What is… oh… my… god…” Maraikoh turned his head to the side and was greeted with some purple things behind him. It took him a second to figure it out and when he did, his eyes went wide, his mouth went agape, and his face turned bright red.
Turns out when he was thinking of sitting on a defeated Giran, the image of his rump came to mind while he was focusing on shifting the air, and this was the result. Maraikoh now had two big purple spheres the size of exercise balls behind him that were in fact his own butt cheeks. He had a big bubble butt now. His black briefs were tightly pulled in the front and failed to hide any of his rump at all from behind. The fabric sunken deep in between his balloon cheeks that were just out of sight, giving him an uncomfortable wedgie as a bonus. Maraikoh was in a state of shock and absolute total embarrassment.
“T-this is not what I wanted at all!” He yelled.
“Bwahahahaha!” A loud laughing was heard behind him.
“Wow! I’m genuinely impressed! I didn’t think you could make yourself look even stupider even more embarrassing! You are full of so many surprises.” The voice continued, revealing to be Giran who had to walk around the dump truck that was Maraikoh’s inflated butt just to get into his view. Maraikoh was still blushing madly while having an angry but shy frown. He was as stiff and still as a rock, trying not to make his butt wobble about like his belly did. Giran crossed his arms and gave Maraikoh a smug grin.
“First your gut balloons up. And now your butt? Wow. I would love to see you fight with this thing.” Giran poked one of Maraikoh’s cheeks as his finger sank right in like his belly did.
“S-shut up! T-this is just a mistake I made! I’m still learning this new power ok!” Maraikoh explained angrily, still a blushing mess.
“Heh heh, sure if that’s your excuse, bubble butt.” Giran taunted. Then, the bell rang once.
“Oh? Sounds like your next match is ready. If you can somehow beat him, then you get to face me next, and I’ll make sure you burst like a balloon in the ring for everyone to see.” Giran threatened, giving Maraikoh’s other cheek a good squeezing which made Maraikoh blush madly and moan just a little at how sensitive it was. Giran laughed hard again as he heard that moan.
“J-just go away will you?! Once I figure this out and beat whoever is next, I’ll make sure you… you never…” Maraikoh tried to think of a comeback, but just couldn't because his mind was so focused on… his big balloon bottom.
“Hahahaha! You're such a shy mess. Oh I am so gonna get some front row seats for this fight!” Giran laughed again.
“Anyway, good luck out there bubble butt!” Giran then slapped one of his Maraikoh’s cheeks hard. It made Maraikoh yip from the stinging sensation as his cheeks wobbled and bounced. Giran laughed with tears in his eyes as he made his way down the hall with his laugh still echoing.
“Stupid fat Dino!” Maraikoh yelled, calming down. He tried his best to reach back and rub where Giran slapped him, but couldn’t reach it. His inflated rump was just too freaking big.
“Ugh. Why? Why now!? I can’t go out like this! How the hell am I gonna explain this to everyone? Being bloating bloated for my gut was really stretching it, but they believed it. But this?!” Maraikoh moved his body up and down, making his yoga ball sized cheeks bounce up and down on the floor.
“How the heck am I gonna explain this situation?” He growled. Never did he stop blushing. It felt so damn good to feel it shake and bounce, but it was his butt! If he goes out into the ring with this he will be a laughingstock permanently. No one and he meant no one, will ever stop talking about this. Maraikoh bit his bottom lip, trying to think of a plan. The bell rang again, one two more and he would be disqualified. Maraikoh immediately began to use his arms and the wall and focused as hard as he could to shift the air out.
“C-come on! Just flow out already!” His mind was clouded with the image of the entire crowd pointing and laughing at him, his career over, and that fatso Giran taking the win. He couldn’t focus at all, it was impossible. Giran He pushed, but then slipped, leaning against his soft and squishy inflated butt cheeks to prevent him from falling. He sighed as he thought about just not going out there at all and letting the bell ring for a 3rd time until he was disqualified.
“Maybe I should just go home.” He looked down, ready to give up hope.
Looking around the locker room, he spotted Froug’s clothes again still on his locker. His green tank top and black shorts hung there, dry. Maraikoh stared, and smirked, wondering what Froug would do in this situation. “He would probably embrace this balloon butt as a special weapon, use it to his advantage.” Maraikoh said. Suddenly, he remembered the fight again, and it was something he didn’t think about.
When Froug started to blow himself up, he was completely fearless. Blowing himself up like the balloon he was, he never worried about what the people would think about him. Maraikoh swore he remembered when he pushed against Froug, he never heard a single laugh in the crowds. It was faint, but he swore he remembered. Even after he beat Froug, nobody still laughed. Maraikoh then looked up, and stood up.
“Yea… Yea! What am I thinking? Am I really gonna let this stop me?” Maraikoh placed his hand on his balloon-y cheek.
“If Froug can inflate himself without fear and use it to his advantage, then I sure can myself! Who cares what the crowd thinks! I’m here to win and to squash anyone who gets in my way!” Maraikoh smiled confidently. He turned and saw the hallway and the ring at the end.
The cheers from the crowds sounded much stronger now, cheering for Maraikoh. He moved in front of the hallway, and saw a vision of Giran standing there with his stupid smug grin and crossed arms. Maraikoh watched stared, then smiled, walking down the hallway and straight through the Giran vision. His big purple butt wobbled and bounced up and down, left and right. He blocked out the wedgie feeling he had and continued, the most confident he felt in a long time.
C2: Learning New Limits
Maraikoh returned to the locker room, smiling like he won without breaking a sweat, which was true. It was his easiest match yet because his opponent didn’t put up a fight at all, literally, because he never showed up. The match he was supposed to have would be against Froug, but the frog never showed up to the ring and was declared disqualified from the Other World Tournament after the bell rang three times.
Maraikoh smiled as he knew exactly where Froug was. His belly had some small extra fat as he rubbed his stomach during the wait, making a small belch too. The purple Dino was declared the winner by default. People were a bit suspicious, questioning where Froug went. Most of the crowd remembered seeing him fight in the area today, minutes ago even. but now he vanished for some reason. Most of these rumors were silenced when fans started to say: “His opponent was Maraikoh! Remember last time?” And that got people to nod their heads and understand why. Last time Maraikoh and Froug fought, the Dino threw the amphibian up and smashed him against a meteor before falling back down and landing outside of the ring. The crowd figured that Froug ran away, not wanting to be thrown into space a second time by his rival.
“Heh heh. Sorry, but I got a tournament to win.” Maraikoh said as he rubbed his stomach again, it churned for a moment before going silent.
After his easiest win, Maraikoh returned to the locker room, being the only one in there. The Dino saw Froug’s shorts and green tank top still hanging on his locker, remembering his exquisite flavor and pre-match snack that made the Dino chuckle.
“Hopefully, I can use these new powers of Froug’s against my next opponent. So I better start training.” He said as he checked the roster. He had about three more opponents to fight before he would get to this Giran guy, who was undefeated so far. Needing the open space, Maraikoh pushed away the benches to have plenty of room for training.
“Alright, so I digested and absorbed him, which means I have his power now… so… how do I activate it?” He scratched his head, confused.
“How did he do it?” Maraikoh looked over his body, not seeing anything different about himself. Trying to remember how Froug got himself to blow up, Maraikoh remembered every detail he could from that fight. It definitely involved sucking in air somehow, making his neck swell and cheeks puff up. In an attempt to copy that, he tried to suck in as much air as he could, but to no avail as it was a difficult feat. Instead he reached a limit and was forced to blow it all out.
“Dang. Uhmmm... “He thought harder for a while, remembering his match against him again. When Froug expanded the first time against him, he somehow managed to puff up his cheeks and neck without even sucking down any air through his mouth, managing to keep the air inside. Finally getting his body to grow really big quite quickly, looking like he was not struggling at all as he blew up bigger and bigger. If Maraikoh could copy exactly what the frog did, he could master it, and use it to sweep this tournament clean and win.
“Alright! I survived rougher training than this. A little air and some stretching won’t stop me!” He encouraged himself. Maraikoh started by sucking in some air, managing to puff out his cheeks just like Froug did, which was the easy part. Now the hard part was trying to inflate his neck, which was easier said than done. Trying to physically force his throat to swallow the air, he looked like he was trying to swallow a bowling ball in his neck. He did manage to get his neck to puff out some, but then had to exhale and end up coughing.
“Damn. This is a lot harder than I thought.” He complained, but kept trying, not giving up. He still had some time before his next match, so he had to really push himself. With each and every attempt, his neck managed to swell just a little bigger. It was quite strange in a way, since he never felt his neck getting sore or anything. In fact it felt normal, simply fine or even stretchier than normal. It was hard to see, but Maraikoh’s cheeks were twice as big as before and he didn’t even realize it. In a final push, Maraikoh somehow managed to get his neck to inflate to the size of a basketball. For a moment, his neck and cheeks seemed to fuse with how they were inflated, just like Froug. Taken back by surprise however, he fell back onto the floor, blowing out the air inside as his neck and cheeks returned to normal.
“Woah! I… kinda did it.” He said surprised as he rubbed his throat.
“So it is possible! Now I just need to find a way to make it expand bigger and somehow get my body to follow.” He said to himself as he got up and dusted himself off. Suddenly there was a bell ringing outside.
“My next match. Dang, I thought I would have more time. Guess I won’t be using his power in my next match. Maybe the one after this one?” Maraikoh said. He did some stretches and quick exercises to limber up before leaving the locker room for his next battle.
[Time Skip]
A few minutes later, Maraikoh returned, a little dirty and some light damage, but nothing that would really dent him.
“I didn’t think this year's fighters would be this tough. They are all stronger than last time.” The Dino said, taking a quick shower. Coming back all dried off, he reflected on his match and his training.
“If the other opponents are this tough, I might not have a chance against this Giran guy.” He said a little worried.
“But that just encourages me to start training Froug’s power even more!” He stood up confidently. He tossed his towel on the benches he had pushed back.
“Alright, so if I can just do what I did last time…” He started to build up air in his neck again. This time it wasn’t all that hard, in fact it was easier this time. Maraikoh’s cheeks and neck bulged with air, almost looking like they were fusing again. Really focusing this time he managed to hold the air in his neck and cheeks, and was ready to attempt the next step. Maraikoh felt like he was holding his breath as he lightly rubbed and saw his air filled neck.
“A-alright, now I just need it to shift it into my body.” He said to himself. He then tried to swallow that air, but struggled like trying to swallow nothing. He had to blow it out of his mouth, taking a few deep breaths in the process.
“Damn. That frog made it look effortless. Maybe I shouldn’t have eaten him?” Maraikoh started to regret gulping down his pre-match snack, but shook his head.
“Let’s see, he did it a few times with his neck and cheeks and they inflated bigger after each time. Maybe I need to get them to be bigger? If my neck and cheeks get big enough then the air might just slip right inside! Yea that must be it!” Maraikoh smiled and looked up, realizing a solution. Maraikoh started to expand and inflate his neck and cheeks once again. His neck gradually swelled bigger and bigger, much larger than the previous attempt. His throat inflated twice as big as before while his cheeks were as big as basketballs. Maraikoh also found out he could keep in the air while breathing normally through his nose.
“Alright. So just gotta…” He began trying to force the air down into his body by forcefully swallowing. The air inside was starting to shift as Maraikoh was trying to move it like a source of his power. The neck balloon and his cheeks did shift around, and wobble some, as it seemed to be moving down. Maraikoh’s air filled cheeks shrank a little as he used his hands to push and force down the globs of oxygen. When the bulge of air in his throat reached his chest, it suddenly shifted, dropping straight down. Maraikoh was taken aback in the sudden shift, falling down onto his back once again, but felt a strange new sensation. The heavy amount of air he sucked up and swallowed certainly had expansive results, but once Maraikoh saw those results for himself, he blushed.
Before Maraikoh was a big round sphere right in front of him. To his surprise though, this big round sphere was actually his own belly. It looked like he swallowed a whole yoga ball. He was wide eyed, and his face turned a shade of red.
“W-woah.” He shyly said. Placing a hand on his belly and giving it a few squishes, he could feel the air inside his yoga ball sized gut, feeling hollow on the inside. He poked it a few times, and moved around with it as it wobbled and bounced about.
“Heh heh. I guess this is a good start?” He chuckled. The Dino had managed to get the air into his body, in a way. Remembering the process from Froug, it seemed his neck and cheeks inflating was definitely part of it. Perhaps when they get big enough, that is the triggers for the inflation process? Once that happens, the air inside his torso seems to just multiply and the whole massive inflation process seems to go on autopilot from there until he reaches a ridiculously huge size. The difficult part would be to figure out how to keep this process going on its own, and to control it, so Maraikoh doesn't explode from too much pressure or overinflating. Remembering his match against Froug from another time, the amphibian made it look so easy as if it was natural, but trying to copy what he saw was completely different than having instructions on how to do it.
“I really shouldn’t have eaten him.” He chuckled, rubbing his head. Observing his big inflated belly, it reminded him of when Froug was blowing himself up in his stomach. When that happened, he felt like his belly was gonna explode from being so tight. But now it was almost as big as before, and yet it didn't feel tight or uncomfortable at all. In fact, it felt like it could get much bigger. Maraikoh was surprised that he had really absorbed Froug’s power, now he just had to figure out how to control it. Then the sound of the bell rang, making Maraikoh going wide eyed and panic.
“Oh crud! My next match!” He said, not realizing how fast time passed. Looking at his big air filled gut, the sphere was largely big and round and blocked a good portion of his view below and some of the sides.
“Gotta get rid of this thing!” He said, panicked as he used his beefy arms to push against his balloon belly… but no air escaped.
“Come on you stupid… I can’t have this in my match!” He grunted as he pressed harder, making his hands sink into his puffy gut like some kind of balloon. His knees squished against his belly as he got up. When he was on his feet, he strangely felt heavier from his front. Even though this balloon belly of his was filled with air, it felt quite... heavy. It was all new and so sudden that Maraikoh had a challenging time learning about his new enhancement. The bell rang again.
“Dammit! Two more times and I will be disqualified!” He yelled in panic. Turning towards a solid stone wall in the locker room, Maraikoh charged and smashed his balloon gut against the tiles, but still the air didn’t flow out. He pressed hard against the wall with his belly again, using his arms and grabbing onto the edges of the wall and pulling.
His yoga ball balloon belly simply squished and made sounds as Maraikoh pulled with all his might, but didn't even feel a tiny amount of air flow up to his chest. He pulled so hard that he actually managed to crack the wall. Maraikoh let go and his belly pushed against the wall, making him land on his back with a thud and a oof as his belly wobbled about.
“Crud! This is not good. How the hell am I gonna fight with this?!” He said angrily, giving his belly a heavy punch. His fist just sunk right into it, feeling only a light pressure from his punch. Maraikoh raised an eyebrow, wondering what just happened. The bell rang again. One more ring and he would be disqualified. Maraikoh grunted and gulped, getting back on his feet again.
“Dammit. I really hope this match goes smoothly and ends quickly. I’ll have to come up with an explanation for this.” He was nervous as he rubbed the sides and top of his exercise ball balloon belly. Another surprise was that these rubs felt… really nice, making Maraikoh smile a little and blush again. He stopped himself and sighed, making his way out of the locker room with his balloon belly bobbing and wobbling around, able to be seen even from behind him.
When he had entered the arena and was visible to the crowd, the first thing pretty much everyone noticed was his big round expanded belly. Maraikoh couldn’t get rid of the air stored inside, so he would have to fight with this balloon gut of his. The crowd instantly burst into lots of laughs about the rising champ who looked like he swallowed a whole exercise ball because there was no food left.
Making his way over to the ring, his belly wobbled and bounced around as while Maraikoh was felt completely embarrassed, but trying his best to stay confident and keep his balloon gut still. When he entered the ring, he could still hear the entire crowd laughing at him and his balloon belly. Even his opponent had a good laugh too, thinking this was some kind of joke. Maraikoh had to lie and explain that he was bloated from something he ate, but didn’t explain in further detail. Whatever he ate, that made his belly bloat as big as a yoga ball, must have been really bad. Funny enough, when Maraikoh said that, Froug was the first person to come to his mind, which was almost true. His opponent, who was a muscular and strong looking gorilla of some kind said he would: “Help cure his bloating, by punching it out.” He taunted as he raised his fist and smirked. Maraikoh gulped, but stood his ground as his belly wobbled, forcing another chuckle out of the ape and the crowd. The moment the bell rang for the round to start, the ape came in swinging.
Maraikoh’s arms were not long enough for him to reach around or across his big balloon gut, which was a massive disadvantage. The ape laughed and claimed that this was gonna be the easiest victory ever. The primate raised his muscular arm and his fist launched forward for a powerful gut punch. Maraikoh braced himself, hoping that this punch would force the air out of his belly so he could fight, but was also worried how much damage this gut punch was gonna do. Maraikoh braced himself and… felt a little tickle.
“Huh?!” Both Maraikoh and the gorilla were just as confused as to what had happened. Maraikoh definitely felt… something light poke his belly.
“Wha? What the hell?” The gorilla said, confused and surprised. His opponent's fist just sunk right into his belly like it was made of… jelly or something. Maraikoh was surprised too, it was just like when he was punching Froug’s body as he blew up. His fist just sunk right into his body like some kind of squishy balloon. Now he knew exactly how it felt, and smiled.
The gorilla grew angry, and adjusted his stance before unleashing a furious rush of gut punches. To Maraikoh, all those punches just felt like belly pokes against a very squishy balloon. His opponent growled as punch after punch smashed against this ball of a belly. All of his fist just sunk right on into it and absorbed all the entire impact. The ape’s plan was to try and punch enough times so that this bloated dinosaur would submit and beg for mercy from all the punches upsetting his stomach.
Instead Maraikoh smiled and actually rested his arms on his belly and relaxed! He just got comfy and allowed this monkey to keep swinging as it felt surprisingly good. Unfortunately, he didn't feel any air shifting his chest, but he didn’t mind right now, he just smirked and enjoyed the massage. Every one of his blows sunk into his ballooned belly before pushing right back as if they were nothing. His opponent started to slow down as his punches grew weaker and less impactful. Then the ape grunted and had to stop, huffing and puffing from exhaustion.
“D-dammit!” He yelled. Maraikoh laughed in amusement as he enjoyed this little brawl or rather relaxing moment.
“Haha! Thanks for the belly massage. I think it helped with my bloating.” Maraikoh smiled as he slapped his big belly, making it wobble and bounce. The gorilla growled, too tired to fight back.
“Now that you had your turn to attack, I think it’s my turn now.” Maraikoh having a smug grin as he was planning something special. Unable to reach him with his arms, he had a different idea in mind. He took some steps back, away from his opponent until he was a few good feet away. Then he charged right towards the ape. The gorilla was too exhausted to move out of the way, nor stand his ground either. Maraikoh then leaned his belly down before lifting his belly it upwards, slamming his belly hard against the gorilla. The heavy and muscular ape was taken by surprise as his feet lifted off the ground and his body sunk into his squishy, balloon-like belly before Maraikoh thrusted himself forward, launching his opponent high into the air and crashing down onto the grass outside of the ring. The crowd was shocked and amazed. They all started to cheer for Maraikoh, not believing he won with such a big bloated belly.
Maraikoh himself was amazed and impressed himself that he managed to do something like that. He smiled and flexed his muscular arms, ready to do a victory roar. However, the moment he opened his mouth to do his roar of victory, the air in his gut flowed out like a heavy gust of wind, causing it to shrink back to its normal size again. Maraikoh was relieved that his belly was back to normal, but a little sad it was gone now. He laughed, finally doing his muscular arm flex and victory roar. The crowd too also roared in cheers and whistles for Maraikoh who seemed to be this year's obvious winner.
When questioned how his “bloating” had just vanished, he responded that it was due to the multiple gut punches from his opponent and even thanked him too. The crowd had some laughs but definitely cheers for Maraikoh as he left the ring and made his way back to the locker room. But one certain opponent who watched the fight grew curious and interested. He smirked and his heavy steps followed Maraikoh to the locker room.
“Haha! That was awesome! Man, I love this power of yours, Froug.” He said, rubbing and patting his belly as if Froug was a part of it now. Maraikoh understood more of just how powerful this inflation move of Froug’s was. He was legitimately impressed.
Observing his stomach, there were no marks or any feelings of soreness or pain at all. Had he actually fought Froug in the ring this year, Maraikoh might have actually been squashed and Froug could perhaps have won this year. He made a mental note that he would absolutely reward Froug when he comes back. With his fight against that gorilla, had he fought that ape him normally, he would have had a much harder time against him, possibly even lost.
“That ballooned belly took blows like it was nothing! If I can master this move, I can be unstoppable as I grow to the size of the stadium itself!” He laughed at the thought.
“Don’t be so sure of yourself.” Another voice spoke out from behind him. Maraikoh quickly turned to see another Dino-like creature with wings. He was bigger, wider, and even fatter than Maraikoh. He approached, entering the light of the locker room as his orange eyes were locked onto him like a predator cornering its prey. His thick blue and light green body towing over him as he stood before the rising champ. Maraikoh had a strong feeling that this was that Giran guy who’s been plowing through the tournament.
“Oh yeah? And just who do you think you are fatso?” Maraikoh taunted. Giran stepped closer with a stomp and an irritated smile.
“Nice power you had back there with your belly. Are you sure you ate something that made you bloat?” Giran questioned. Maraikoh grunted, but grew a little worried.
“Yes. I did eat something. And I’m looking at seconds.” He smiled. Giran did too as they were face to face. “You threatening to make me a meal?” Giran raised an eyebrow. “I’m threatening to make you my dinner pal!” Maraikoh said back. They soon were head to head, growling and ready to fight, pushing against each other.
“Teach me that move of yours and I’ll go easy on you.” Giran demanded.
“Ha! The only thing I’ll teach you is what it feels like to be a sore loser! Or I can teach you what it’s like to be body fat! You prefer my gut? Or my butt?” Maraikoh chuckled with a smile, taunting back. Both growled and entered an arm lock pushing against each other, ready to tear each other's throats, but both unlocked their arms and backed up and distanced themselves to save it for the fight.
“You have one more opponent before you face me. Don’t disappoint me when we fight.” He said before heading to the locker room exit, but stopped. He turned and had a smug smile on his stupid face.
“You know? I recall this frog guy having the same expansion power you had just now. Plus he didn’t show up when you two were supposed to go against each other for a rematch. You wouldn’t happen to know where he is, do you?” Giran asked. Maraikoh grunted, but sweated.
“No. He probably ran off after he knew he was going against me again. He saved himself the trouble of embarrassing himself again just like last year.” Maraikoh explained, but felt really bad about insulting Froug, feeling like such a jerk. Giran grew suspicious.
“Then why are his clothes still on his locker? Did he run away butt naked too?” Giran pointed to Froug’s tank top and shorts hanging on his wall. Maraikoh grew very worried that Giran will run and tell the judges and be disqualified.
“No you idiot. Those are his relaxing clothes. He probably bailed putting on another robe he tore from his last match.” Maraikoh explained, hoping Giran would take the bait. Giran gave Maraikoh another big suspicious look. Maraikoh was still being nervous, ready to charge and tackle the brute and stuff him away, but had no idea if he would even be able to pull it off. Giran hmphed, before mumbling something and leaving the locker room. Maraikoh sighed with relief now that he was gone.
“He’s trying to learn my expansion power? As if! I’ll enjoy shoving him down my gullet if he comes back. Let’s see how he likes being butt fat.” The Dino chuckled, but it was short lived as he realized what kind of monster he was going against. Giran’s strength was not a joke. Maraikoh had to really push hard to prevent Giran from pushing him over. Had he fallen back, the fate of the match would have been decided right there. Giran didn’t seem to be pushing as hard as Maraikoh was. He was going to be the hardest fight so far.
“I gotta master this expansion move before I go against him or else I’ll have to wait until next time. If there will ever be a next time for me” He said worriedly.
Getting back to the open space again in the locker room, Maraikoh reflected on all his inflation progress so far.
“So. It definitely is getting easier for me to inflate myself like Froug did. I got my neck to bulge, and my belly to balloon out, but I still need to learn how to get my whole body to inflate like Froug did. That is the last step. (STOPPED HERE) If I can figure that part out, then my body should just inflate on its own like if I flipped a switch, just like Froug did. then I can flatten that fatso Giran and win this tournament.” Maraikoh said confidently walked before walking over and sitting on a the bench, thinking and remembering the fight again in full detail. He remembered again every detail Froug did with swelling his cheeks and his neck soon after. Maraikoh He then remembered that his belly never inflated, at least not until he activated his mega sized inflation.
“So maybe my belly inflating wasn’t supposed to happen yet? Or maybe I did it wrong?” Maraikoh grunted confused. He didn’t think a simple move as blowing yourself up would be so complicated.
“Ugh. I wish you were here Froug.” Maraikoh he sighed. Thinking about Froug inflating again, there must have been some trick, something to to do trigger it. Maraikoh remembered that Froug got his neck and cheeks to swell to a certain size before his body just started blowing up.
“Hmmm, maybe if I can get my neck and cheeks to swell as big as he did, perhaps that could be the trick. It definitely involved his cheeks and throat swelling up and then something he did to just blow up. What is it Froug? What did you do?” He questioned, getting frustrated not being able to figure it out. Getting up, he decided to try again, started sucking in air once again, surprisingly it was much easier this time then the last attempts. Maraikoh already managed to get his cheeks and neck to swell bigger than before.
“Ok, now I just need to suck in some more.” He tried to suck in more air, but the increasing pressure was making it harder, not to mention he started to feel his cheeks and throat getting tighter as his cheeks were as big as beach balls and his throat as big as a bowling ball. Maraikoh strained a little, knowing this isn't wasn’t working.
“D-dammit.” He grunted as he pressed against his cheeks and throat again, making the air shift down and making his belly fwoomp up and out again. Maraikoh He huffed and sighed, not being able to make it work again.
“Darn it. So making them bigger didn’t work either. And now I got this again.” He frowned as his yoga ball sized balloon belly was before him once again. Maraikoh poked it and lightly punched it a few times, feeling how squishy and balloon-like it was. It felt just as good as the first time he had to admit, making him blush and shyly smile.
“This balloon gut isn’t supposed to happen yet. Ugh, you make it look so easy Froug!” He groaned louder. Now he had to get rid of all this air in his belly. Last time he tried to force the air out by pushing against it and slamming it against a wall, but that didn’t work.
When he fought his opponent, he had several gut punches and a belly slam but that also still didn’t work. Then he did his victory roar and that’s what made the air in his belly go out. “So I just need to do my roar again.” Maraikoh posed and lifted his arms and did his victory pose and roared, but no air came out of his belly.
“Ok what the heck.? Why is it not working now?” Maraikoh growing frustrated. “There is so much more to this inflation power that I never realized. What more is there to this Froug?” He asked the spirit of the frog, but received no response. Maraikoh wanted his gut back to normal, so he started pushing against it again with his hands but also tried to focus on where to force the air. He focused on the air flowing out of his mouth as he pushed, and it was actually working. He could feel the air rising up into his chest as his hands squished against them, making his gut shrink some. It was going smoothly, until Maraikoh remembered Giran.
The image of Giran flooded his mind, making Maraikoh growl as he pictured his wide and tall fat body and his smug grin. His strength was high, and his voice was so annoying. Maraikoh pictured sitting on top of him while Giran was beaten and bruised under him in the ring.
“Heh heh. You would make a comfy chair for my butt Giran.” Maraikoh said. Suddenly without warning, the air in his belly and chest shifted somewhere else in Maraikoh’s body. Maraikoh quickly shot open his eyes and recovered himself to prevent him falling over. His gut was back to normal, but he didn't feel any air flow out of his mouth.
“Huh? What happened? Where did it go?” He questioned. Maraikoh Then he felt his underpants feeling really, clingy and tight against the his front for some reason. It was only feeling like that now was never tight this whole time until now. Plus, he felt a lot heavier behind himself for another strange reason.
“What is… oh… my… god…” Maraikoh turned his head to the side and was greeted with some purple things behind him. It took him a second to figure it out and when he did, his eyes went wide, his mouth went agape, and his face turned bright red.
Turns out when he was thinking of sitting on a defeated Giran, the image of his rump came to mind while he was focusing on shifting the air, and this was the result. Maraikoh now had two big purple spheres the size of exercise balls behind him that were in fact his own butt cheeks. He had a big bubble butt now. His black briefs were tightly pulled in the front and failed to hide any of his rump at all from behind. The fabric sunken deep in between his balloon cheeks that were just out of sight, giving him an uncomfortable wedgie as a bonus. Maraikoh was in a state of shock and absolute total embarrassment.
“T-this is not what I wanted at all!” He yelled.
“Bwahahahaha!” A loud laughing was heard behind him.
“Wow! I’m genuinely impressed! I didn’t think you could make yourself look even stupider even more embarrassing! You are full of so many surprises.” The voice continued, revealing to be Giran who had to walk around the dump truck that was Maraikoh’s inflated butt just to get into his view. Maraikoh was still blushing madly while having an angry but shy frown. He was as stiff and still as a rock, trying not to make his butt wobble about like his belly did. Giran crossed his arms and gave Maraikoh a smug grin.
“First your gut balloons up. And now your butt? Wow. I would love to see you fight with this thing.” Giran poked one of Maraikoh’s cheeks as his finger sank right in like his belly did.
“S-shut up! T-this is just a mistake I made! I’m still learning this new power ok!” Maraikoh explained angrily, still a blushing mess.
“Heh heh, sure if that’s your excuse, bubble butt.” Giran taunted. Then, the bell rang once.
“Oh? Sounds like your next match is ready. If you can somehow beat him, then you get to face me next, and I’ll make sure you burst like a balloon in the ring for everyone to see.” Giran threatened, giving Maraikoh’s other cheek a good squeezing which made Maraikoh blush madly and moan just a little at how sensitive it was. Giran laughed hard again as he heard that moan.
“J-just go away will you?! Once I figure this out and beat whoever is next, I’ll make sure you… you never…” Maraikoh tried to think of a comeback, but just couldn't because his mind was so focused on… his big balloon bottom.
“Hahahaha! You're such a shy mess. Oh I am so gonna get some front row seats for this fight!” Giran laughed again.
“Anyway, good luck out there bubble butt!” Giran then slapped one of his Maraikoh’s cheeks hard. It made Maraikoh yip from the stinging sensation as his cheeks wobbled and bounced. Giran laughed with tears in his eyes as he made his way down the hall with his laugh still echoing.
“Stupid fat Dino!” Maraikoh yelled, calming down. He tried his best to reach back and rub where Giran slapped him, but couldn’t reach it. His inflated rump was just too freaking big.
“Ugh. Why? Why now!? I can’t go out like this! How the hell am I gonna explain this to everyone? Being bloating bloated for my gut was really stretching it, but they believed it. But this?!” Maraikoh moved his body up and down, making his yoga ball sized cheeks bounce up and down on the floor.
“How the heck am I gonna explain this situation?” He growled. Never did he stop blushing. It felt so damn good to feel it shake and bounce, but it was his butt! If he goes out into the ring with this he will be a laughingstock permanently. No one and he meant no one, will ever stop talking about this. Maraikoh bit his bottom lip, trying to think of a plan. The bell rang again, one two more and he would be disqualified. Maraikoh immediately began to use his arms and the wall and focused as hard as he could to shift the air out.
“C-come on! Just flow out already!” His mind was clouded with the image of the entire crowd pointing and laughing at him, his career over, and that fatso Giran taking the win. He couldn’t focus at all, it was impossible. Giran He pushed, but then slipped, leaning against his soft and squishy inflated butt cheeks to prevent him from falling. He sighed as he thought about just not going out there at all and letting the bell ring for a 3rd time until he was disqualified.
“Maybe I should just go home.” He looked down, ready to give up hope.
Looking around the locker room, he spotted Froug’s clothes again still on his locker. His green tank top and black shorts hung there, dry. Maraikoh stared, and smirked, wondering what Froug would do in this situation. “He would probably embrace this balloon butt as a special weapon, use it to his advantage.” Maraikoh said. Suddenly, he remembered the fight again, and it was something he didn’t think about.
When Froug started to blow himself up, he was completely fearless. Blowing himself up like the balloon he was, he never worried about what the people would think about him. Maraikoh swore he remembered when he pushed against Froug, he never heard a single laugh in the crowds. It was faint, but he swore he remembered. Even after he beat Froug, nobody still laughed. Maraikoh then looked up, and stood up.
“Yea… Yea! What am I thinking? Am I really gonna let this stop me?” Maraikoh placed his hand on his balloon-y cheek.
“If Froug can inflate himself without fear and use it to his advantage, then I sure can myself! Who cares what the crowd thinks! I’m here to win and to squash anyone who gets in my way!” Maraikoh smiled confidently. He turned and saw the hallway and the ring at the end.
The cheers from the crowds sounded much stronger now, cheering for Maraikoh. He moved in front of the hallway, and saw a vision of Giran standing there with his stupid smug grin and crossed arms. Maraikoh watched stared, then smiled, walking down the hallway and straight through the Giran vision. His big purple butt wobbled and bounced up and down, left and right. He blocked out the wedgie feeling he had and continued, the most confident he felt in a long time.
After having a delicious pre-match snack of a nice plump frog, Maraikoh begins his training to learn how to inflate himself just like Froug did. However, seeing him inflate is one thing. Trying to do it from watching is a whole different story. It is a real struggle, and also has some expansive results if not done correctly. Will Maraikoh learn this new move and fight his now rival Giran?
YES! Your eyes do not deceive you. This is real. Finally, finally I finished part 2 of Maraikoh. I know I said it would be coming very soon, but 3 months later is not considered very soon is it? Heh heh, well I deeply apologize for that. Despite the lack of motivation, my friends helped push me off my lazy butt and start typing again. And this is the result. I am so thankful for them and so happy I finished another big story. And thank you all for sticking with this sloth too. I could not ask for better friends or fans like you guys! ❤
A super sized thanks to oracionsigil who made the Baron blueberry story for helping proof read my terribly organized paragraphs and misspellings. And for him helping me get this story done. Go give him some love for me. https://www.furaffinity.net/user/oracionsigil/
I do not own any rights to the characters mentioned or used in the story. Froug Maraikoh & Giran belong to their creators and the creators of dragon ball. All rights reserved.
YES! Your eyes do not deceive you. This is real. Finally, finally I finished part 2 of Maraikoh. I know I said it would be coming very soon, but 3 months later is not considered very soon is it? Heh heh, well I deeply apologize for that. Despite the lack of motivation, my friends helped push me off my lazy butt and start typing again. And this is the result. I am so thankful for them and so happy I finished another big story. And thank you all for sticking with this sloth too. I could not ask for better friends or fans like you guys! ❤
A super sized thanks to oracionsigil who made the Baron blueberry story for helping proof read my terribly organized paragraphs and misspellings. And for him helping me get this story done. Go give him some love for me. https://www.furaffinity.net/user/oracionsigil/
I do not own any rights to the characters mentioned or used in the story. Froug Maraikoh & Giran belong to their creators and the creators of dragon ball. All rights reserved.
Category Story / Inflation
Species Dinosaur
Gender Male
Size 120 x 80px
File Size 33.9 kB