Commissioned by
leonschafer, thank you very much!
Bioshock themed picture, one of the more unique videogame worlds and so rather the pleasure to paint occasionally!
If you like to get personalized art feedback, or stuff like PSD files, highres and more, or you want to have a print of my work then here are your options.
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Bioshock themed picture, one of the more unique videogame worlds and so rather the pleasure to paint occasionally!
If you like to get personalized art feedback, or stuff like PSD files, highres and more, or you want to have a print of my work then here are your options.
Patreon | Prints
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fantasy
Species German Shepherd
Gender Male
Size 779 x 1280px
File Size 1.5 MB
Listed in Folders
Thank you, yeah that's why i love portrait compositions so much. There's something so appealing about going either top to bottom or bottom to top. It's like you're looking up a tall building or something and you have to crane your neck because it doesn't fit into your field of vision entirely.
Apt comparison with the tall building! I think we are more adapted to taking most things on horizontal plane wholly in one sweeping look. Portrait, vertical layouts done especially well like here have this benefit of making us take in elements one by one as they slide into our focus. Makes it that much more fun to actually pay attention to every part of the piece instead of being influenced by its general mood haha
Having just replayed BioShock: You have hit the charm of the game perfectly. This is how I imagine it before the big breakdown.
Being into art deco to the degree of being in the process of modeling my living room to fit the exact style of the 1920/30 art deco: You really hit the style perfectly: The materials, the verticality of the individual elements, fitting floral accents...
I do like most of your works, but this is especially awesome.
Being into art deco to the degree of being in the process of modeling my living room to fit the exact style of the 1920/30 art deco: You really hit the style perfectly: The materials, the verticality of the individual elements, fitting floral accents...
I do like most of your works, but this is especially awesome.
I've been a huge fan of Bioshock for over a decade, and this is one of (if not the) best fanart of the game I've ever seen. As always the lighting is exceptional, the details in the city in the background is impressive, and the gradient of color from the inside to the outside conveys a great atmosphere to the piece. Also the statue of Atlas lifting the Earth is a brilliant nod to the eponymous character of the game !
Seriously you'll never cease to amaze me
Seriously you'll never cease to amaze me
I saw it and immediately heard this piece of music playing in my head.