If you wish to know about the MALAKAS Project, go to Timothy Soro's entry here for more info about the project.
NOTE: Half of her description here is borrowed from Lonefox's entry, as they both joined the project together.
Blaze Rodriguez, despite living in the German city of Munich, hails from the United States, formerly born in a simple suburban life until high school. For the long time, Blaze had been fascinated with German culture, ranging from cuisine up to geography, to the point of moving out into the German capital city of Berlin. However, a political war of two extreme sides was intensifying inside Berlin, forcing many Berliners to flee into farther and safer places. Blaze also had to join her new friends on their way to Munich, because as much as she wanted to brave the situation increasingly normalized by the opposing sides, she preferred living with a group of friends more. Once she settled in Munich, she took a job as a motorcycle mechanic, inspired by the best memory where she once had herself and her childhood friends pretend to be a rebellious gang in black riding on bicycles around the playground.
Blaze was of course a friend of Manuel "Lonefox" Fuchs and his girlfriend Sarah, so she had been working as hard as she could to earn money for Sarah's recovery. However, once Manuel had found his part-time job, Blaze decided to participate in a motorcross event just miles away from Munich. Even then, she would remained uninformed about the MALAKAS Project until she returned to Munich and found Lonefox in a dorm room chatting with their now bigger friends Vani Miller and Ethan Reinhardt. Now inspired by the benefits mentioned in the TV commercial paid by the said project, in addition to her childhood desire to have a gang of her own, Blaze expressed joy of signing up, receiving high-fives from the two giants. After a week of preparation, Blaze watched Lonefox kiss Sarah a heartful goodbye and joined Ethan and Vani on their trip to the US.
Sometime later, Blaze and her friends had arrived in Santo Tomas from San Francisco and met another friend Timothy Soro, who happened to be the very first instructor for the MALAKAS Project. Timothy confirmed everything Blaze saw in the commercial, as well as benefits from the project, but also added that he had been honorably discharged at the end of 2020 as he had been working as an instructor for new recruits for a year. At the end of half-an-hour long conversation, Timothy congratulated Blaze for her decision to join the project just out of her several-years-old desire to live up like a biker gangster, and with given directions Blaze ventured for a bus en route to the mountain base.
Lonefox and Blaze had arrived at the mountain base, where they would start training under supervision of Timothy's friend Diego. However this time, the dingo had an idea of boosting their training with cooperation between recruits. Such an idea here was not new, for it was first brought up by another friend of Tim's Christopher North. So Lonefox was assigned to assist Blaze in basic exercises, while Blaze got to help the fox up in cardio and agility. By the time they became Soldiers, Lonefox began teaching Blaze in gun shooting practice. and Blaze started training Lonefox in martial arts. Then as Super Soldiers, Lonefox was assisting Blaze in lifting very heavy objects (like a barbell or a big boulder) and Blaze was challenging Lonefox to a parkour race. And so on, until they had earned the temporary rank Juggernaut, which the two could grow a pair of even bigger and more aggressive monsters for anytime they wanted.
Satisfied with their new forms, Lonefox and Blaze were honorably discharged a week later, and separated ways starting back in Santo Tomas. Lonefox returned to Munich to reunite with Sarah, whose legs were completely healed, allowing her to run towards, jump onto and hug the big fox in joy. Blaze on the other hand joined Ethan and Vani, as they ventured to the Santo Tomas City's Euro Quarter so as to make new friends there.
After informing Lonefox that she would join him in a few months, Blaze stopped by the Irish pub where she bought herself a beer and a confrontation from a German gang of pompadour-wearing Dobermann greasers, who wore black leather jackets and drove on Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Even though Blaze looked obviously taller and more muscular, the German greasers remained arrogant yet firm to take her down, but they were no match for the big cat as she effortlessly punched, kicked and even threw the gangsters. As the German greasers were reeling from the fight and attempting to leave the pub to avoid her, Blaze caught them and instead asked to join the gang, much to their shock. Before the gang leader could decide, the equally muscular beaver gang barged into the pub and so happened to be rude and merciless, prompting the patrons to either flee or hide.
Seeing the beaver gang yielding wooden weapons (carved like maces and nailed baseball bats), Blaze immediately armed the German greasers, two bartenders and the few brave patrons with stools, table stands, brooms, corded lamps and even glass bottles. Practically, such a group of defenders would lose to a powerful beaver gang, but with Blaze around, it took them a while to successfully fight the beavers back. This victory had left a furious but injured beaver gang, who was forced to run out the pub and swore revenge against Blaze. The patrons cheered and the German greasers were so overwhelmingly impressed with Blaze, that the gang leader immediately initiated her as a member, though not as a high ranker. While Blaze had achieved what she long wanted, consequently she had made an enemy out of that beaver gang, a small group hailing from the ever expansive, predominantly beaver Brisa Creek.
Blaze owned by
MALAKAS Project 2021:
Diego Dagdag (Alt) || Vani Miller (Alt) || Jack Switcher (Alt) || Eddison Wulven (Alt) || Shadow ??? and Sam Drogon (Alt) || Danzig and Dax Tesla (Alt) || Olivia Preuß (Alt) || Ella and Sophia Clementine (Alt) || Ryan McNeil (Alt) || Cal V. Ferguson (Alt) || Gotham Parish (Alt) || Lucas Y.T. Fox and Shinx Quell (Alt) || Jack and Jeff Joltson (Alt) || Arthur Husk (Alt) || Barlbatzz Dragoroyale and Fang Slade (Alt) || Shane Redneck (Alt) || Rex Kaipara-Drogon (Alt) || Timothy Soro's Classmates [Athletes (U/N)] || Manuel Fuchs (Alt) || Blaze Rodriguez (Alt) || Michelle Krysler (Alt)
Click here for the 2020 Edition
NOTE: Half of her description here is borrowed from Lonefox's entry, as they both joined the project together.
Blaze Rodriguez, despite living in the German city of Munich, hails from the United States, formerly born in a simple suburban life until high school. For the long time, Blaze had been fascinated with German culture, ranging from cuisine up to geography, to the point of moving out into the German capital city of Berlin. However, a political war of two extreme sides was intensifying inside Berlin, forcing many Berliners to flee into farther and safer places. Blaze also had to join her new friends on their way to Munich, because as much as she wanted to brave the situation increasingly normalized by the opposing sides, she preferred living with a group of friends more. Once she settled in Munich, she took a job as a motorcycle mechanic, inspired by the best memory where she once had herself and her childhood friends pretend to be a rebellious gang in black riding on bicycles around the playground.
Blaze was of course a friend of Manuel "Lonefox" Fuchs and his girlfriend Sarah, so she had been working as hard as she could to earn money for Sarah's recovery. However, once Manuel had found his part-time job, Blaze decided to participate in a motorcross event just miles away from Munich. Even then, she would remained uninformed about the MALAKAS Project until she returned to Munich and found Lonefox in a dorm room chatting with their now bigger friends Vani Miller and Ethan Reinhardt. Now inspired by the benefits mentioned in the TV commercial paid by the said project, in addition to her childhood desire to have a gang of her own, Blaze expressed joy of signing up, receiving high-fives from the two giants. After a week of preparation, Blaze watched Lonefox kiss Sarah a heartful goodbye and joined Ethan and Vani on their trip to the US.
Sometime later, Blaze and her friends had arrived in Santo Tomas from San Francisco and met another friend Timothy Soro, who happened to be the very first instructor for the MALAKAS Project. Timothy confirmed everything Blaze saw in the commercial, as well as benefits from the project, but also added that he had been honorably discharged at the end of 2020 as he had been working as an instructor for new recruits for a year. At the end of half-an-hour long conversation, Timothy congratulated Blaze for her decision to join the project just out of her several-years-old desire to live up like a biker gangster, and with given directions Blaze ventured for a bus en route to the mountain base.
Lonefox and Blaze had arrived at the mountain base, where they would start training under supervision of Timothy's friend Diego. However this time, the dingo had an idea of boosting their training with cooperation between recruits. Such an idea here was not new, for it was first brought up by another friend of Tim's Christopher North. So Lonefox was assigned to assist Blaze in basic exercises, while Blaze got to help the fox up in cardio and agility. By the time they became Soldiers, Lonefox began teaching Blaze in gun shooting practice. and Blaze started training Lonefox in martial arts. Then as Super Soldiers, Lonefox was assisting Blaze in lifting very heavy objects (like a barbell or a big boulder) and Blaze was challenging Lonefox to a parkour race. And so on, until they had earned the temporary rank Juggernaut, which the two could grow a pair of even bigger and more aggressive monsters for anytime they wanted.
Satisfied with their new forms, Lonefox and Blaze were honorably discharged a week later, and separated ways starting back in Santo Tomas. Lonefox returned to Munich to reunite with Sarah, whose legs were completely healed, allowing her to run towards, jump onto and hug the big fox in joy. Blaze on the other hand joined Ethan and Vani, as they ventured to the Santo Tomas City's Euro Quarter so as to make new friends there.
After informing Lonefox that she would join him in a few months, Blaze stopped by the Irish pub where she bought herself a beer and a confrontation from a German gang of pompadour-wearing Dobermann greasers, who wore black leather jackets and drove on Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Even though Blaze looked obviously taller and more muscular, the German greasers remained arrogant yet firm to take her down, but they were no match for the big cat as she effortlessly punched, kicked and even threw the gangsters. As the German greasers were reeling from the fight and attempting to leave the pub to avoid her, Blaze caught them and instead asked to join the gang, much to their shock. Before the gang leader could decide, the equally muscular beaver gang barged into the pub and so happened to be rude and merciless, prompting the patrons to either flee or hide.
Seeing the beaver gang yielding wooden weapons (carved like maces and nailed baseball bats), Blaze immediately armed the German greasers, two bartenders and the few brave patrons with stools, table stands, brooms, corded lamps and even glass bottles. Practically, such a group of defenders would lose to a powerful beaver gang, but with Blaze around, it took them a while to successfully fight the beavers back. This victory had left a furious but injured beaver gang, who was forced to run out the pub and swore revenge against Blaze. The patrons cheered and the German greasers were so overwhelmingly impressed with Blaze, that the gang leader immediately initiated her as a member, though not as a high ranker. While Blaze had achieved what she long wanted, consequently she had made an enemy out of that beaver gang, a small group hailing from the ever expansive, predominantly beaver Brisa Creek.
Blaze owned by

MALAKAS Project 2021:
Diego Dagdag (Alt) || Vani Miller (Alt) || Jack Switcher (Alt) || Eddison Wulven (Alt) || Shadow ??? and Sam Drogon (Alt) || Danzig and Dax Tesla (Alt) || Olivia Preuß (Alt) || Ella and Sophia Clementine (Alt) || Ryan McNeil (Alt) || Cal V. Ferguson (Alt) || Gotham Parish (Alt) || Lucas Y.T. Fox and Shinx Quell (Alt) || Jack and Jeff Joltson (Alt) || Arthur Husk (Alt) || Barlbatzz Dragoroyale and Fang Slade (Alt) || Shane Redneck (Alt) || Rex Kaipara-Drogon (Alt) || Timothy Soro's Classmates [Athletes (U/N)] || Manuel Fuchs (Alt) || Blaze Rodriguez (Alt) || Michelle Krysler (Alt)
Click here for the 2020 Edition
Category Artwork (Digital) / Muscle
Species Housecat
Gender Female
Size 2560 x 1440px
File Size 1.6 MB