🚩Becoming distant in order to get to the next step🚩
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ouch... yeah, i totally understand what you are saying, a lot of things you had experienced i feel so related. the workaholism, the verbal abuse, my escape on the internet, the family trauma, it's really a fucked up situation. specially with the grooming.
i know you have still 5 pages left, but i hope you can get some help so that they help you with your traumas and you can feel better.
i know you have still 5 pages left, but i hope you can get some help so that they help you with your traumas and you can feel better.
that's some of the worst advice I've ever seen. minors need to stay out of adult spaces PERIOD, not hide their age and pretend they belong there. minors need to stay in minor spaces. you should NOT be encouraging minors to invade adult spaces but "just keep to themselves". thats so irresponsible.
Yeeah, hidden this guy's comment and blocked them.
I just hope they are just being ignorant, because this project is literally to warn minors to not interact with horny adults (specially furries) and learnt to identify some red flags.
But then I see this guy writing a bible trying to justify and encourage minors lying about their age x_____________x, whyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
I just hope they are just being ignorant, because this project is literally to warn minors to not interact with horny adults (specially furries) and learnt to identify some red flags.
But then I see this guy writing a bible trying to justify and encourage minors lying about their age x_____________x, whyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
I don't leave comments often, but I really can't help it-- this is some of the most dangerous advice I've ever seen offered and I seriously hope no one reading it, minor OR adult, winds up taking it.
It's true that there will always be teenagers who seek out adult content and even, because they don't have the maturity or experience to realize why it's so bad to do so, lie about their age in order to get away with hanging out with older people who they may idolize. But the solution is absolutely NOT to just encourage them to keep doing it but even sneakier-- do you understand that the ONLY people this benefits are predators who will now have plausible deniability ("Ohh, how could I have known?? They never SAID...") to wiggle out of trouble with and then go on to prey on someone else? If you think that the best way to protect children from predators is for them to "avoid being a target" rather than making it 100% clear that no one should be interacting with them sexually in the first place, your priorities are already focused in the wrong direction.
Not only does it put those children in danger, but it's also incredibly violating for the normal adults in those spaces, who should be able to have the reasonable expectation that they're surrounded by other adults and not inadvertently having horny conversations with underage kids without realizing it.
I do hope that you're simply ill-informed rather than malicious, but starting off by saying that it shows "a lot of trust" for an adult to treat a minor as a fellow adult really isn't a good look. That's exactly the kind of mentality that enables groomers again and again. Don't make excuses for these people-- no matter how "mature" a teenager is, it is the adult's responsibility to keep the relationship appropriate. Something that gets a lot harder to do if you don't even actually know you're talking to a minor.
(Apologies for the long comment-- I just know too many people who have been hurt in the same way that Sifyro is talking about in these uploads, and it brings up some really heavy emotions. Which, thank you so much for speaking out about this kind of thing,
blitzdrachin. Many people don't realize how often this occurs and how insidious it can be. I'm so sorry you went through this.)
It's true that there will always be teenagers who seek out adult content and even, because they don't have the maturity or experience to realize why it's so bad to do so, lie about their age in order to get away with hanging out with older people who they may idolize. But the solution is absolutely NOT to just encourage them to keep doing it but even sneakier-- do you understand that the ONLY people this benefits are predators who will now have plausible deniability ("Ohh, how could I have known?? They never SAID...") to wiggle out of trouble with and then go on to prey on someone else? If you think that the best way to protect children from predators is for them to "avoid being a target" rather than making it 100% clear that no one should be interacting with them sexually in the first place, your priorities are already focused in the wrong direction.
Not only does it put those children in danger, but it's also incredibly violating for the normal adults in those spaces, who should be able to have the reasonable expectation that they're surrounded by other adults and not inadvertently having horny conversations with underage kids without realizing it.
I do hope that you're simply ill-informed rather than malicious, but starting off by saying that it shows "a lot of trust" for an adult to treat a minor as a fellow adult really isn't a good look. That's exactly the kind of mentality that enables groomers again and again. Don't make excuses for these people-- no matter how "mature" a teenager is, it is the adult's responsibility to keep the relationship appropriate. Something that gets a lot harder to do if you don't even actually know you're talking to a minor.
(Apologies for the long comment-- I just know too many people who have been hurt in the same way that Sifyro is talking about in these uploads, and it brings up some really heavy emotions. Which, thank you so much for speaking out about this kind of thing,
