A Werewolf In Hollywood (Actor To Werewolf TF)
This time, I am sponsoring my own story by another story I made. This is story is sponsored by The Pup And The Alpha. The Pup And The Alpha is a commission made for YoungIaina. The story follows the adventures of Iain, and my Fur/Weresona Fang. Iain lets Fang scratch him so he can become a werewolf like him. Now he is learning what werewolves can do and who they really are. This story is actually going to become a story series. possibly 5 or 10 pages.
Click here to check out the 1st part of the story ----> https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42178508/
Click here to check out my commissions page ----> https://www.furaffinity.net/commiss.....erewolffang13/
Please enjoy the story.
I felt the pain, It was agonizing, Painful, and most all all, burning. A beast unlike anything in the world was coming out of my body. I fell on to the floor of my movie trailer.
AGH!! THE PAIN!! I shouted as I put my hands on my forehead.
I then heard a sudden knock on my door as I sweated with a red hot head. I then heard a voice coming through the door.
Carter, It's time to come out, the director needs you on set for the next shoot. Said a Male voice.
Then suddenly, I heard a louder voice Interrupt.
CUT!! CUT!! Shouted the director as he spoke through the megaphone.
I got up as 2 assistants brought some rags to dry off the fake sweat on my head. I then went to a chair off the set of the movie.
ASHTON!! YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY "NEEDS YOU FOR THE NEXT SHOOT", IT'S JUST, "The director needs you now". STICK TO THE SCRIPT!! Shouted the director.
Ashton ran off set in panic to try and practice the line so he doesn't make the same mistake. The director sighed as he rubbed his forehead with his thumb and pointer on his right hand.
Alright everyone, let's take the day off for now and we will redo this scene tomorrow night, and Hunter, good job today, but keep practicing. Said the director. Thank you. I said. Good night everyone, be up real early today to shoot some other scenes. Said the director.
Who am I, you may ask, My name is Hunter Jackson. I'm an actor for Hollywood, but this story your about to hear is the most disturbing way on how I rose to fame. It all started in my apartment in Los Angeles. I was online on my computer when I saw an ad saying that Hollywood is looking for auditions for a movie called "A Werewolf In Hollywood". I decided to try out since it sounded fun to do. When I auditioned for the main character, they found me impressing. With that, they chose me to play the role as the main character and werewolf. I was both shocked and excited.
After taking off the clothes for the movie shooting, I walked out of my trailer and out of the studio and straight for my car. However, before reaching for the door, I heard screaming from one of the studios. Was someone making a movie at this late hour? I knew that there was only one way to find out. I walked to the studio where the scream came from. Inside was pitch dark, but the light in the center was the only one on. I walked into the studio and towards the light.
Hello!? Is anybody in here!? I said as I walked closer to the light.
I then noticed someone sitting on the floor. he seemed to be something. As I got closer, I noticed some things that were off about him. He looked canine-like. Like some kind of mutated wolf. His body looked human-like with a muscular build, but his body was covered in gray fur and had the features of a wolf. Such as a tail, wolf ears, claws, paws, fangs and even a muzzle. Could he be just a guy in a wolf costume, because if so, that looked too real. As I looked a little closer, I saw a red liquid spilling next to him. I just hoped it was a guy in a costume acting for a movie.
Um....Hi, Excuse me, the studios are closed and if you get caught yo-I said as he quickly turned it's head and saw me. As it did, he started growling like a beast.
My eyes widened as I backed away immediately. He then stood up on his hind legs. Towering over me, doubled in size to an average human, He growled at me growled with his glowing yellow eyes locked on to me as I realized that this was no person in a costume, it was all real. He was some kind of Wolf-like monster. Because as the creature lifted his arms in front of his muscular chest, I looked behind him to see that the thing he was eating was a body of a woman. Not a mannequin filled with red liquid, not a fake body, but a REAL!! LIFE!! BODY OF A WOMAN!! I quickly tried to dash for the exit in terror, but however, the wolf quickly got to me and pounced on to my body like a ravage dog. I fell to the floor, scared and horrified.
HELP!! SOMEONE HELP ME!! I shouted as I tried to call for help. It was no use, nobody came.
The wolf roared as it raised it's left paw. Then finally, the wolf slashed it's claws into my chest. I winced in pain as blood quickly rushed out. It then grabbed me by my shirt and lifted me up. It then kept growling at me as I tried to break it's grip. Before it could attack me again, I kicked it in the stomach as it winced in pain and whimpered like a wolf. This caused the creature to drop me, which was now my only chance to run. So quickly, I dashed straight for the exit while the creature was in pain. I was able to get out of there. After exiting, I ran for the car as I opened the door to the driver seat. Without checking the scratch the wolf did to me, I immediately drove off as I looked through my rear-view mirror to see the creature was standing in front of the studio gates roaring at me, but was not chasing after my car. It must have gotten too tired from attacking me, so I was safe for now.
As soon as I got to my apartment, I rushed up the stairs to my room. I quickly dash in and lock my door. I immediately fall on to my couch to take off my shirt to see how bad that wolf caused. As I lift my shirt, my eyes widened to see the most strangest thing. The wound on my chest was gone, like....It quickly healed up or something. I was in shock, my eyes opened up all the way from the surprise that I experienced. But however, I didn't know that it was just beginning.
During the next night.
I was back at the movie set for my final shot for one of the last scenes, the transformation scene. Since that scene was the hardest, we had to finish all the other scenes and save that one for last. The other scenes are the werewolf attacking Hollywood, which he saved until the filming is finished. Because he wanted to leave them to the VFX team.
I was in my trailer. What I had on was a pair of blue jeans, a black and red checkered flannel and a pair of black boots. However, I wasn't feeling good. My body felt like I was at the gym but without exercising, but I was burning anyway. My head was red and sweaty. I didn't know if it was the flu or a fever of some sort. But I tried my best to ignore it.
Ugh!! What is wrong with me!? I said to myself.
I looked outside of my window. Outside was the rest of the crew. They were eating lunch, doing last minute checks on their equipment and having conversations with each other. None of them noticed me, I'm glad. Because I did not want them to notice what is wrong with me.
Back in the studio, The director looked at the clock. The clock showed that it was 9:00 PM. Which meant that it was time for the final film shoot. The director turned to the VFX supervisor and pointed at the set.
Break here, start from shot 27! Try to match the shots with what was done before and make sure the lighting and everything else is right! Said the director.
The supervisor went to the camera to get ready to start from the 27th shot.
The director then called an assistant to his chair.
Bring hunter to the studio for the shot. Said the director.
The assistant nodded and ran off to bring me to the set.
Meanwhile, I was still feeling sick on the inside. I didn't know what was wrong with me still. However, this was when it finally happened. When I walked back to the window, I looked up to see the full moon, and I started to get this strange connection to it. The light from it was extremely beautiful and mesmerizing. But also it was calling me. As if it was showing me a secret about myself or something. My eyes were locked on to the moon, like I was in love with it. But I knew I wasn't. It was just a beautiful piece of rock, that's it. However, I suddenly started to feel very funny, a strange sensation built up in my body. Like I had the urge to howl at the moon like a wolf. But I knew I wasn't a wolf. it was just me. shook my head to snap out of it. However, something felt wrong, I couldn't snap out of it, the urge just grew stronger. Was I going crazy!? I decided to look at my reflection in the trailer door and had a horrifying surprise. In the reflection, I saw my normal reflection, but something was off. I looked to see some kind of black beard growing on my face.
Wh-WHAT THE!? I said before I was interrupted by something painful in my body.
It felt like a heart attack, but it only lasted for a split second, and then it was gone. But the pain stayed. I started to feel the pain become some sort of Hell-ish sensation inside of my body. I Screamed in pain as I put my hands on my burning head. It felt almost like a firework show inside my body. Except instead of fireworks, there were thousands of lightning bolts going off inside my blood. I screamed in immense pain as I suddenly then felt my hands shaking. I looked down at my hands as I grabbed a hold of the trailer's door frame to steady myself. My eyes then widened as I watched in complete horror.
The palm and fingertips of both my hands began to swell up, like they were being pumped up like balloons. Along with this, they slowly turned black and hardened to a football consistency. Turning them, into what appeared to be the paws of some kind of animal.
My scream then transformed into a howl, as my body lurched forward. My human mind was overcome by the instincts and transformations of my new nature. Immediately, I covered one my Swollen hands, Or in this case, Paws after what I just did. W-What the Hell? Did I just....Howl? I said in my mind. However, I didn't have time to even think before I did it again. The howling I was making were so embarrassing, but for some reason, at the same time, felt good. But however, I could only hope the workers were thinking I was practicing my lines. I howled again into my covered hand, and felt more of my body transforming again. my arms began to tingle in a strange warm sensation. I look at my hands and saw that they were growing what appeared to be hairs, but however, it didn't stop there. The hairs on my arms continued to grow as the hairs became a layer of what appeared to be black fur and began to slowly grow out from my skin. It was the strangest feeling, like a warm, sticky oil was being poured over me.
Wai-I-Is That F-Fur, Wh-WHATS....NGH....Happening.....TO ME!!? I grunted as I felt the fur spread over my body, except for the center of my torso and between my legs.
I stopped howling, to the disappointment of my new strange nature. And I looked down at myself in a mixture of confusion and lust. These changes felt terrifying, but at the same time, I liked it a lot. Like, I am meant to transform into this beast. However, I snapped out of it Immediately and thought about what I was doing. I began to scream in pain once more. I looked down at my hands again, and saw that they weren't done there. My nails began to jolt out through my hands as I watched them starting to grow a little longer as they turned black and sharpened to a point. Turning into razor sharp, black claws. I could then hear my thighs and lower legs going through their own transformations.
I screamed again, but this time in a mix of horror and ecstasy as my hair began to change. I felt my once brown hair begin to turn black and grow longer until it stopped at the very end of the back of my neck and connected with the hairs on the black beard that grew on my face. Turning my hair into some, weird kind of mane. The hair was long enough to hide my right now human ears. As for my thighs and lower legs, I felt them getting....Stronger, like they were growing with strong muscle, but It wasn't just enough for the to destroy my pants, Luckily. I once again snapped out of this sensation I was in and tried to worry about how he has to stop this. I felt my face twisting and turning in some strange manner. My nose grew larger, until it was a strange lupine shape with 2 large nostrils. It also hardened and became wet, like....A wet football. I Screamed in horror as I put my paws on my nose to feel it. After feeling it, I clutched my body in pain as I heard my voice get deeper. My ears also grew longer and curved upwards, popping out of my long hair as the insides turned red and grew black fur to match my mane and body. I knew the actors and workers would be able to hear me from far away. As for my arms, they began to tingle as I felt them starting to change once more. However, I noticed something familiar about my body when I looked into the mirror, it was more....WOLF-LIKE!!
N-No....Was I Turning into the same beast that attacked me last night!? T-That couldn't have been a werewolf, They don't exist!! Like an animal in heat, my body grew warmer and wet at the thought of this change continuing.
N-NO!! I CANT BE TURNING INTO A WEREWOLF!! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!! I said as my voice got deeper.
The pain continued and my body continued to change, this was something supernatural, and it was horrifying and painful.
I was completely distracted by the pain, that I didn't notice that my teeth began to grow and become sharper. I bit my tongue and tasted the metallic blood in my mouth. they continued to sharpen, until they were long and thin, like the fangs of a wolf.
AGH!! PAIN!! SO!! POWERFUL!! AGH! MY GOD!! I screamed as the transformation continued.
Back to my arms that were still tingling, I watched as a tight pressure in them made me squeal as I saw the muscles in my arms starting to grow until they were bigger than my upper chest. The sleeves of my flannel began to tear apart until my flannel became sleeveless. After this happened, they began to elongate, stretch and tear until my arms became bigger than most people's legs. I looked like....Some kind of gorilla-wolf hybrid than a werewolf.
I tried to walk a little while clutching my stomach, but then suddenly, a large pressure in my feet made it difficult. I felt the bones tearing together and crushing back together as sharp, but dull pain went through my limbs. I collapsed on all fours and howled in pain, this transformation was more painful that the last time. Could it be getting worse!? I turned to see that my shoes appeared to be getting tighter, with the balls them seemed to be wearing out. Then suddenly, one of the shoes broke open to reveal one of my feet. But however, like my hands, they formed paw pages with claws on them, along with being covered in black fur. but however, my toes went from 5 digits, to 3 and were bigger. Then the other ball broke revealing the same thing. However, it got more worse, as I felt my heels began to tear open. The skin began stretching and ripping as my legs grew thicker and longer than they were before. As this was happening, the muscles in my legs began to swell and grow as I felt the bones in my legs crack and reform as well. That didn't feel good at all. which was worse, the pain or the transformation?
Then suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. Along with a male voice talking. It must have been one of the assistants!! They must've been here to get me ready for the next shot!!
ARGH CRAP!! I screamed in pain as my stomach began tearing and expanding to fit a massive beast. my legs grew, giving me thicker thighs than most men. my feet continued to get larger and longer.
This caused my pants to reach their limit as the sleeves began to tear apart, revealing my muscular wolf-ish legs that are covered in black fur. While for my feet destroyed what was the rest of my shoes.
Hunter!! It's time, we need you for the final shot for this movie!! Said the assistant through the door. Crap!! my time for the final shooting, but I cant go out like this, everyone will freak out!! I said in my mind as the pain progressed up to my torso. Suddenly, my mouth began tearing, forcing me to let out a howl. I closed my eyes as tears formed from the pain I was in as my face began to stretch out, it felt like someone was pulling on my face. I screamed in pain as my face stretched out into the muzzle of a wolf. However, my transformation wasn't finished. My body continued ripping apart as my torso was next to suffer the pain.
HELP ME!! PLEASE!! MAKE IT STOP!! I shouted in pain.
My back began tearing and reforming as my spine cracked and reformed. my tailbone began to stretch out as I turned to notice something tearing at the back of my pants. however, I started to suddenly feel the same thing as my fur growth, except, it was covering the rest of my body except my head. I pull my flannel up, careful not to tear them with my claws, to see an underbelly of white fur. White fur that formed an underbelly on my torso and between my legs.
The pain got worse from there, as my torso now began to stretch out to become long and lean like a wolf's. But this was just the beginning...as my torso stretched out more to become taller than the average wolf. Which revealed the white underbelly of fur. Then finally, the muscles in my torso began to ripple painfully as I whimpered like a wolf. This was too much for my mind to handle, as the sounds of me howling and growling caused the sound to attract the actors and workers and even the assistant to form a crowd around my trailer.
Hunter!? What's going on in there!? Asked The Assistant.
Now, the entirety of my body, besides my head, began tearing apart. However, the muscles in my torso began to swell up. My torso began to widen as my body grew bigger to fit my muscles. My organs began to tear and reform as I grew bigger muscles in them as I grew more into my animal form. I was now almost as tall from the floor, up to the roof of my trailer. However, my muscles kept growing as my flannel could not hold them, one by one, the buttons on the flannel started snapping and popping off as my body became too big, tearing the cloth of the flannel apart. Now leaving me with no top, exposing my muscular fur covered torso. The last piece of clothing standing, was what's left of my pants. However, they didn't last long, as my legs bulged a little more, and it was just enough to destroy them. Leaving me naked.
I screamed one final time as my voice deepened entirely, quickly, the scream became a howl. The crowd outside backed away in fear a little. Then suddenly, the director came into the crowd.
WHATS GOING ON HERE!!? Shouted the director. It's Hunter, something's wrong with him. Said the Assistant.
The director grabbed his megaphone and started screaming into it.
I could hear the fear in his voice, along with confusion. He was afraid, but confused. I knew he understood what was happening....Could He!?
The final jolt of pain occurred in my brain this time, It felt like a lightning storm was in my head. The rest of the fur grew on my face, however, my eyes went from light blue, to a glowing yellow. Suddenly, I couldn't think right, Like....my mind was being clouded.
I felt all my human thoughts fade, while they were replaced with thoughts of howling at the moon, killing people and rampaging.
I could still hear the director in my head, as he screamed once more into the megaphone.
STOP THIS!!! C'mon Hunter, Stop it!!! Your causing a scene!! Shouted the director.
However, my thoughts were fully werewolf. My eyes turned angry as I started growling like a vicious beast. My body shook as I felt a flood of new strength hit me.
I roared as I dashed and broke down the door. Everyone, even the director saw me as a werewolf. I smashed people aside, before acting as a flying tackle, giving the last person for a good toss over the gate. The people started screaming and panicking. The director found a place to hide. However, he noticed that I was killing people in a Hollywood studio. So that meant, he had an Idea. He found his Assistants camera and started filming from a safe distance so I couldn't kill him. I looked around, searching for my prey. I let out a roar as I saw the next victim. It was a young woman, about nineteen years of age.
I dashed at her and pinned her down on all fours . I grabbed her by the scruff like a dog and started howling into her terrified face. She tried to fight back and scream, but all she got out was a couple of breaths. Using my werewolf strength, I tore her apart limb from limb as I ate some of them and left the rest so that they could charbroil. The director was hiding behind a palm tree holding the camera once again. I felt my belly full of the best meat available. Human Flesh!! I was a true carnivore.
I might go to jail for this is they found out, but it's worth it. Said the director in his mind.
I'm basking in the glory that is my own supernatural abilities, as I watch a military force come in. Guns surrounded me as I growled and roared at them. The military weren't sure what to do. I quickly went on the attack, killing 2 people with my claws, tearing out another's throat, and biting a person in half. I felt victorious about my killing spree. I was a werewolf, not some silly myths and stories about creatures. Things got even better when the director had secretly filmed me killing people in Hollywood. I made another howl as I got ready to kill the other soldiers.
During the next day, when the sun rose up, I woke up on the floor near my trailer. I couldn't remember a thing that happened last night. However, when I got up, I saw the most horrifying thing, I HAD NO CLOTHES ON!! I quickly ran into my trailer, but when looking in the mirror, I saw blood covering my entire body. So I took a quick shower to wash it off. I then put on a new pair of clothes. I then walked outside. But then I saw the director walk up to me.
Good morning! He said cheerfully. Or should I say, good evening. He winked at me.
Oh, Uh....Morning!? I said confused.
He laughed. Don't worry. This movie isn't being filmed right now. I came to give you your for tonight's shooting. Said the Director.
Oh, Right. The lines....Then the VFX? I asked. Oh, about that, I fired them. Said the director. What? Why? I asked. The director then gave me a camera with some footage on it. He then showed me the video. The video showed a footage of a werewolf. However, it looked familiar. I THEN REMEMBERED!! I TURNED INTO A WEREWOLF AND MUST'VE KILLED INNOCENT PEOPLE!!
Oh god!! I said in shock. Yes, that was a real werewolf in your trailer. For a second, I thought it was you....But now that I know your safe and sound, that werewolf couldn't have been you. Unless you changed back and put on those fresh clothes. Said the director as he laughed.
I'm going to leave you now. WE ARE GOING TO BE RICH!! Shouted the director. I then told him that I would be here for the day. I then went back to my trailer, horrified. I achieved fame, but now I have to hide the most Horrifying secret of my life. A famous actor by day, and a BIG!! VICIOUS BEAST!! By the night of the full moon.
Click here to check out the 1st part of the story ----> https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42178508/
Click here to check out my commissions page ----> https://www.furaffinity.net/commiss.....erewolffang13/
Please enjoy the story.
I felt the pain, It was agonizing, Painful, and most all all, burning. A beast unlike anything in the world was coming out of my body. I fell on to the floor of my movie trailer.
AGH!! THE PAIN!! I shouted as I put my hands on my forehead.
I then heard a sudden knock on my door as I sweated with a red hot head. I then heard a voice coming through the door.
Carter, It's time to come out, the director needs you on set for the next shoot. Said a Male voice.
Then suddenly, I heard a louder voice Interrupt.
CUT!! CUT!! Shouted the director as he spoke through the megaphone.
I got up as 2 assistants brought some rags to dry off the fake sweat on my head. I then went to a chair off the set of the movie.
ASHTON!! YOUR NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY "NEEDS YOU FOR THE NEXT SHOOT", IT'S JUST, "The director needs you now". STICK TO THE SCRIPT!! Shouted the director.
Ashton ran off set in panic to try and practice the line so he doesn't make the same mistake. The director sighed as he rubbed his forehead with his thumb and pointer on his right hand.
Alright everyone, let's take the day off for now and we will redo this scene tomorrow night, and Hunter, good job today, but keep practicing. Said the director. Thank you. I said. Good night everyone, be up real early today to shoot some other scenes. Said the director.
Who am I, you may ask, My name is Hunter Jackson. I'm an actor for Hollywood, but this story your about to hear is the most disturbing way on how I rose to fame. It all started in my apartment in Los Angeles. I was online on my computer when I saw an ad saying that Hollywood is looking for auditions for a movie called "A Werewolf In Hollywood". I decided to try out since it sounded fun to do. When I auditioned for the main character, they found me impressing. With that, they chose me to play the role as the main character and werewolf. I was both shocked and excited.
After taking off the clothes for the movie shooting, I walked out of my trailer and out of the studio and straight for my car. However, before reaching for the door, I heard screaming from one of the studios. Was someone making a movie at this late hour? I knew that there was only one way to find out. I walked to the studio where the scream came from. Inside was pitch dark, but the light in the center was the only one on. I walked into the studio and towards the light.
Hello!? Is anybody in here!? I said as I walked closer to the light.
I then noticed someone sitting on the floor. he seemed to be something. As I got closer, I noticed some things that were off about him. He looked canine-like. Like some kind of mutated wolf. His body looked human-like with a muscular build, but his body was covered in gray fur and had the features of a wolf. Such as a tail, wolf ears, claws, paws, fangs and even a muzzle. Could he be just a guy in a wolf costume, because if so, that looked too real. As I looked a little closer, I saw a red liquid spilling next to him. I just hoped it was a guy in a costume acting for a movie.
Um....Hi, Excuse me, the studios are closed and if you get caught yo-I said as he quickly turned it's head and saw me. As it did, he started growling like a beast.
My eyes widened as I backed away immediately. He then stood up on his hind legs. Towering over me, doubled in size to an average human, He growled at me growled with his glowing yellow eyes locked on to me as I realized that this was no person in a costume, it was all real. He was some kind of Wolf-like monster. Because as the creature lifted his arms in front of his muscular chest, I looked behind him to see that the thing he was eating was a body of a woman. Not a mannequin filled with red liquid, not a fake body, but a REAL!! LIFE!! BODY OF A WOMAN!! I quickly tried to dash for the exit in terror, but however, the wolf quickly got to me and pounced on to my body like a ravage dog. I fell to the floor, scared and horrified.
HELP!! SOMEONE HELP ME!! I shouted as I tried to call for help. It was no use, nobody came.
The wolf roared as it raised it's left paw. Then finally, the wolf slashed it's claws into my chest. I winced in pain as blood quickly rushed out. It then grabbed me by my shirt and lifted me up. It then kept growling at me as I tried to break it's grip. Before it could attack me again, I kicked it in the stomach as it winced in pain and whimpered like a wolf. This caused the creature to drop me, which was now my only chance to run. So quickly, I dashed straight for the exit while the creature was in pain. I was able to get out of there. After exiting, I ran for the car as I opened the door to the driver seat. Without checking the scratch the wolf did to me, I immediately drove off as I looked through my rear-view mirror to see the creature was standing in front of the studio gates roaring at me, but was not chasing after my car. It must have gotten too tired from attacking me, so I was safe for now.
As soon as I got to my apartment, I rushed up the stairs to my room. I quickly dash in and lock my door. I immediately fall on to my couch to take off my shirt to see how bad that wolf caused. As I lift my shirt, my eyes widened to see the most strangest thing. The wound on my chest was gone, like....It quickly healed up or something. I was in shock, my eyes opened up all the way from the surprise that I experienced. But however, I didn't know that it was just beginning.
During the next night.
I was back at the movie set for my final shot for one of the last scenes, the transformation scene. Since that scene was the hardest, we had to finish all the other scenes and save that one for last. The other scenes are the werewolf attacking Hollywood, which he saved until the filming is finished. Because he wanted to leave them to the VFX team.
I was in my trailer. What I had on was a pair of blue jeans, a black and red checkered flannel and a pair of black boots. However, I wasn't feeling good. My body felt like I was at the gym but without exercising, but I was burning anyway. My head was red and sweaty. I didn't know if it was the flu or a fever of some sort. But I tried my best to ignore it.
Ugh!! What is wrong with me!? I said to myself.
I looked outside of my window. Outside was the rest of the crew. They were eating lunch, doing last minute checks on their equipment and having conversations with each other. None of them noticed me, I'm glad. Because I did not want them to notice what is wrong with me.
Back in the studio, The director looked at the clock. The clock showed that it was 9:00 PM. Which meant that it was time for the final film shoot. The director turned to the VFX supervisor and pointed at the set.
Break here, start from shot 27! Try to match the shots with what was done before and make sure the lighting and everything else is right! Said the director.
The supervisor went to the camera to get ready to start from the 27th shot.
The director then called an assistant to his chair.
Bring hunter to the studio for the shot. Said the director.
The assistant nodded and ran off to bring me to the set.
Meanwhile, I was still feeling sick on the inside. I didn't know what was wrong with me still. However, this was when it finally happened. When I walked back to the window, I looked up to see the full moon, and I started to get this strange connection to it. The light from it was extremely beautiful and mesmerizing. But also it was calling me. As if it was showing me a secret about myself or something. My eyes were locked on to the moon, like I was in love with it. But I knew I wasn't. It was just a beautiful piece of rock, that's it. However, I suddenly started to feel very funny, a strange sensation built up in my body. Like I had the urge to howl at the moon like a wolf. But I knew I wasn't a wolf. it was just me. shook my head to snap out of it. However, something felt wrong, I couldn't snap out of it, the urge just grew stronger. Was I going crazy!? I decided to look at my reflection in the trailer door and had a horrifying surprise. In the reflection, I saw my normal reflection, but something was off. I looked to see some kind of black beard growing on my face.
Wh-WHAT THE!? I said before I was interrupted by something painful in my body.
It felt like a heart attack, but it only lasted for a split second, and then it was gone. But the pain stayed. I started to feel the pain become some sort of Hell-ish sensation inside of my body. I Screamed in pain as I put my hands on my burning head. It felt almost like a firework show inside my body. Except instead of fireworks, there were thousands of lightning bolts going off inside my blood. I screamed in immense pain as I suddenly then felt my hands shaking. I looked down at my hands as I grabbed a hold of the trailer's door frame to steady myself. My eyes then widened as I watched in complete horror.
The palm and fingertips of both my hands began to swell up, like they were being pumped up like balloons. Along with this, they slowly turned black and hardened to a football consistency. Turning them, into what appeared to be the paws of some kind of animal.
My scream then transformed into a howl, as my body lurched forward. My human mind was overcome by the instincts and transformations of my new nature. Immediately, I covered one my Swollen hands, Or in this case, Paws after what I just did. W-What the Hell? Did I just....Howl? I said in my mind. However, I didn't have time to even think before I did it again. The howling I was making were so embarrassing, but for some reason, at the same time, felt good. But however, I could only hope the workers were thinking I was practicing my lines. I howled again into my covered hand, and felt more of my body transforming again. my arms began to tingle in a strange warm sensation. I look at my hands and saw that they were growing what appeared to be hairs, but however, it didn't stop there. The hairs on my arms continued to grow as the hairs became a layer of what appeared to be black fur and began to slowly grow out from my skin. It was the strangest feeling, like a warm, sticky oil was being poured over me.
Wai-I-Is That F-Fur, Wh-WHATS....NGH....Happening.....TO ME!!? I grunted as I felt the fur spread over my body, except for the center of my torso and between my legs.
I stopped howling, to the disappointment of my new strange nature. And I looked down at myself in a mixture of confusion and lust. These changes felt terrifying, but at the same time, I liked it a lot. Like, I am meant to transform into this beast. However, I snapped out of it Immediately and thought about what I was doing. I began to scream in pain once more. I looked down at my hands again, and saw that they weren't done there. My nails began to jolt out through my hands as I watched them starting to grow a little longer as they turned black and sharpened to a point. Turning into razor sharp, black claws. I could then hear my thighs and lower legs going through their own transformations.
I screamed again, but this time in a mix of horror and ecstasy as my hair began to change. I felt my once brown hair begin to turn black and grow longer until it stopped at the very end of the back of my neck and connected with the hairs on the black beard that grew on my face. Turning my hair into some, weird kind of mane. The hair was long enough to hide my right now human ears. As for my thighs and lower legs, I felt them getting....Stronger, like they were growing with strong muscle, but It wasn't just enough for the to destroy my pants, Luckily. I once again snapped out of this sensation I was in and tried to worry about how he has to stop this. I felt my face twisting and turning in some strange manner. My nose grew larger, until it was a strange lupine shape with 2 large nostrils. It also hardened and became wet, like....A wet football. I Screamed in horror as I put my paws on my nose to feel it. After feeling it, I clutched my body in pain as I heard my voice get deeper. My ears also grew longer and curved upwards, popping out of my long hair as the insides turned red and grew black fur to match my mane and body. I knew the actors and workers would be able to hear me from far away. As for my arms, they began to tingle as I felt them starting to change once more. However, I noticed something familiar about my body when I looked into the mirror, it was more....WOLF-LIKE!!
N-No....Was I Turning into the same beast that attacked me last night!? T-That couldn't have been a werewolf, They don't exist!! Like an animal in heat, my body grew warmer and wet at the thought of this change continuing.
N-NO!! I CANT BE TURNING INTO A WEREWOLF!! THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!! I said as my voice got deeper.
The pain continued and my body continued to change, this was something supernatural, and it was horrifying and painful.
I was completely distracted by the pain, that I didn't notice that my teeth began to grow and become sharper. I bit my tongue and tasted the metallic blood in my mouth. they continued to sharpen, until they were long and thin, like the fangs of a wolf.
AGH!! PAIN!! SO!! POWERFUL!! AGH! MY GOD!! I screamed as the transformation continued.
Back to my arms that were still tingling, I watched as a tight pressure in them made me squeal as I saw the muscles in my arms starting to grow until they were bigger than my upper chest. The sleeves of my flannel began to tear apart until my flannel became sleeveless. After this happened, they began to elongate, stretch and tear until my arms became bigger than most people's legs. I looked like....Some kind of gorilla-wolf hybrid than a werewolf.
I tried to walk a little while clutching my stomach, but then suddenly, a large pressure in my feet made it difficult. I felt the bones tearing together and crushing back together as sharp, but dull pain went through my limbs. I collapsed on all fours and howled in pain, this transformation was more painful that the last time. Could it be getting worse!? I turned to see that my shoes appeared to be getting tighter, with the balls them seemed to be wearing out. Then suddenly, one of the shoes broke open to reveal one of my feet. But however, like my hands, they formed paw pages with claws on them, along with being covered in black fur. but however, my toes went from 5 digits, to 3 and were bigger. Then the other ball broke revealing the same thing. However, it got more worse, as I felt my heels began to tear open. The skin began stretching and ripping as my legs grew thicker and longer than they were before. As this was happening, the muscles in my legs began to swell and grow as I felt the bones in my legs crack and reform as well. That didn't feel good at all. which was worse, the pain or the transformation?
Then suddenly, I heard a knock on my door. Along with a male voice talking. It must have been one of the assistants!! They must've been here to get me ready for the next shot!!
ARGH CRAP!! I screamed in pain as my stomach began tearing and expanding to fit a massive beast. my legs grew, giving me thicker thighs than most men. my feet continued to get larger and longer.
This caused my pants to reach their limit as the sleeves began to tear apart, revealing my muscular wolf-ish legs that are covered in black fur. While for my feet destroyed what was the rest of my shoes.
Hunter!! It's time, we need you for the final shot for this movie!! Said the assistant through the door. Crap!! my time for the final shooting, but I cant go out like this, everyone will freak out!! I said in my mind as the pain progressed up to my torso. Suddenly, my mouth began tearing, forcing me to let out a howl. I closed my eyes as tears formed from the pain I was in as my face began to stretch out, it felt like someone was pulling on my face. I screamed in pain as my face stretched out into the muzzle of a wolf. However, my transformation wasn't finished. My body continued ripping apart as my torso was next to suffer the pain.
HELP ME!! PLEASE!! MAKE IT STOP!! I shouted in pain.
My back began tearing and reforming as my spine cracked and reformed. my tailbone began to stretch out as I turned to notice something tearing at the back of my pants. however, I started to suddenly feel the same thing as my fur growth, except, it was covering the rest of my body except my head. I pull my flannel up, careful not to tear them with my claws, to see an underbelly of white fur. White fur that formed an underbelly on my torso and between my legs.
The pain got worse from there, as my torso now began to stretch out to become long and lean like a wolf's. But this was just the beginning...as my torso stretched out more to become taller than the average wolf. Which revealed the white underbelly of fur. Then finally, the muscles in my torso began to ripple painfully as I whimpered like a wolf. This was too much for my mind to handle, as the sounds of me howling and growling caused the sound to attract the actors and workers and even the assistant to form a crowd around my trailer.
Hunter!? What's going on in there!? Asked The Assistant.
Now, the entirety of my body, besides my head, began tearing apart. However, the muscles in my torso began to swell up. My torso began to widen as my body grew bigger to fit my muscles. My organs began to tear and reform as I grew bigger muscles in them as I grew more into my animal form. I was now almost as tall from the floor, up to the roof of my trailer. However, my muscles kept growing as my flannel could not hold them, one by one, the buttons on the flannel started snapping and popping off as my body became too big, tearing the cloth of the flannel apart. Now leaving me with no top, exposing my muscular fur covered torso. The last piece of clothing standing, was what's left of my pants. However, they didn't last long, as my legs bulged a little more, and it was just enough to destroy them. Leaving me naked.
I screamed one final time as my voice deepened entirely, quickly, the scream became a howl. The crowd outside backed away in fear a little. Then suddenly, the director came into the crowd.
WHATS GOING ON HERE!!? Shouted the director. It's Hunter, something's wrong with him. Said the Assistant.
The director grabbed his megaphone and started screaming into it.
I could hear the fear in his voice, along with confusion. He was afraid, but confused. I knew he understood what was happening....Could He!?
The final jolt of pain occurred in my brain this time, It felt like a lightning storm was in my head. The rest of the fur grew on my face, however, my eyes went from light blue, to a glowing yellow. Suddenly, I couldn't think right, Like....my mind was being clouded.
I felt all my human thoughts fade, while they were replaced with thoughts of howling at the moon, killing people and rampaging.
I could still hear the director in my head, as he screamed once more into the megaphone.
STOP THIS!!! C'mon Hunter, Stop it!!! Your causing a scene!! Shouted the director.
However, my thoughts were fully werewolf. My eyes turned angry as I started growling like a vicious beast. My body shook as I felt a flood of new strength hit me.
I roared as I dashed and broke down the door. Everyone, even the director saw me as a werewolf. I smashed people aside, before acting as a flying tackle, giving the last person for a good toss over the gate. The people started screaming and panicking. The director found a place to hide. However, he noticed that I was killing people in a Hollywood studio. So that meant, he had an Idea. He found his Assistants camera and started filming from a safe distance so I couldn't kill him. I looked around, searching for my prey. I let out a roar as I saw the next victim. It was a young woman, about nineteen years of age.
I dashed at her and pinned her down on all fours . I grabbed her by the scruff like a dog and started howling into her terrified face. She tried to fight back and scream, but all she got out was a couple of breaths. Using my werewolf strength, I tore her apart limb from limb as I ate some of them and left the rest so that they could charbroil. The director was hiding behind a palm tree holding the camera once again. I felt my belly full of the best meat available. Human Flesh!! I was a true carnivore.
I might go to jail for this is they found out, but it's worth it. Said the director in his mind.
I'm basking in the glory that is my own supernatural abilities, as I watch a military force come in. Guns surrounded me as I growled and roared at them. The military weren't sure what to do. I quickly went on the attack, killing 2 people with my claws, tearing out another's throat, and biting a person in half. I felt victorious about my killing spree. I was a werewolf, not some silly myths and stories about creatures. Things got even better when the director had secretly filmed me killing people in Hollywood. I made another howl as I got ready to kill the other soldiers.
During the next day, when the sun rose up, I woke up on the floor near my trailer. I couldn't remember a thing that happened last night. However, when I got up, I saw the most horrifying thing, I HAD NO CLOTHES ON!! I quickly ran into my trailer, but when looking in the mirror, I saw blood covering my entire body. So I took a quick shower to wash it off. I then put on a new pair of clothes. I then walked outside. But then I saw the director walk up to me.
Good morning! He said cheerfully. Or should I say, good evening. He winked at me.
Oh, Uh....Morning!? I said confused.
He laughed. Don't worry. This movie isn't being filmed right now. I came to give you your for tonight's shooting. Said the Director.
Oh, Right. The lines....Then the VFX? I asked. Oh, about that, I fired them. Said the director. What? Why? I asked. The director then gave me a camera with some footage on it. He then showed me the video. The video showed a footage of a werewolf. However, it looked familiar. I THEN REMEMBERED!! I TURNED INTO A WEREWOLF AND MUST'VE KILLED INNOCENT PEOPLE!!
Oh god!! I said in shock. Yes, that was a real werewolf in your trailer. For a second, I thought it was you....But now that I know your safe and sound, that werewolf couldn't have been you. Unless you changed back and put on those fresh clothes. Said the director as he laughed.
I'm going to leave you now. WE ARE GOING TO BE RICH!! Shouted the director. I then told him that I would be here for the day. I then went back to my trailer, horrified. I achieved fame, but now I have to hide the most Horrifying secret of my life. A famous actor by day, and a BIG!! VICIOUS BEAST!! By the night of the full moon.
Category Story / Transformation
Species Wolf
Gender Male
Size 1023 x 767px
File Size 52.1 kB