![Click to change the View [comm] - 'Chocolate cake'](/https://d.furaffinity.net/art/wildering/1625598849/1625598849.wildering_chocolate-cake-preview.jpg)
There's always room for dessert!
Second piece for amazing fhyrrain
Second piece for amazing fhyrrain
Check our Patreon for step-by-step process and .psd file~
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Jackal
Gender Female
Size 900 x 1200px
File Size 739.7 kB
Listed in Folders
Once again. Outdone yourselves. The textures and lighting of this piece is absolutely stunning. It’s so close to being a photograph and real. I feel as if I can actually smell and touch the food as well as the fur. Bravo. I absolutely love seeing what you all accomplish every time you post. I cannot wait to see what comes next, and to one day possess a piece or two of my own character(s). They will definitely be printed onto canvases and hung proudly in my home.
No thanks needed. Thank y’all! For being so talented and giving me not only beautiful art to look at, but helping motivate me to want to pursue my art and make it better. I really needed the push, on the 28th I lost my aunt to breast cancer and didn’t want to get up to draw anymore. But seeing the work you all do, it fills me with a burning passion to want to get back to work and make my aunt proud.
So sorry for your loss, Ro. I'm sure she would be proud just reading about your passion and desire to move foreword, in spite of this heart-ache. And I want you to know that we are proud of you too.
Hope this doesn't put pressure on you, though. Recovery may take some time, and it's perfectly fine to take a brake when it's needed, we just wish you a speedy return your full potential.
And we are very happy if our art helps with a little boost of motivation. That is possibly a best thing an artist could hope for. To have a reach with a possitive effect on someone elses life. Even if it's a tiny one. Sending you our love <3
Hope this doesn't put pressure on you, though. Recovery may take some time, and it's perfectly fine to take a brake when it's needed, we just wish you a speedy return your full potential.
And we are very happy if our art helps with a little boost of motivation. That is possibly a best thing an artist could hope for. To have a reach with a possitive effect on someone elses life. Even if it's a tiny one. Sending you our love <3
I appreciate the loving comment and the wonderful words of inspiration. I will definitely be looking forward to more art y’all produce and be making sure to better myself as an independent artist and be thinking of my aunt and y’all as I push forward in life and reach the goals I am setting for myself. Thank you again! I’m so glad that our paths have crossed and I’m able to take inspiration from such a talented couple.
"But if you go I'll lose my love, if you go I'll never love, so don't do that... Please don't do that... To me" — извиняюсь, просто эту песню недавно слушал, blue system, и видя эту ну просто невозможно милую мордочку, из-за выразительности припева как ей такое не сказать 💕 Хочется ей весь холодильник забить этими макаронами и тортиками, чтобы кушала сколько хочет ❤️ а я очень трепетно отношусь к девочкам шакалов... Из-за одной знакомой, с которой когда-то так чудесно начали общаться, но это заглохло... Хотя я и в парни-то к ней не лезу, хотя бы потому чтобы не разочаровать чудесную её 😇 Хоть рисунок к ней и не относится... Пардон за много букв 🥺