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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
Sky assists Tuka in finding the bunny woman, but another eager plush sets their eyes on Tuka, stealing him away.
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Tuka looked back up at her with a surprised look. "You'll help me find her?” Tuka asked. "Of course!” sky replied. “No plush deserves to be separated from the human they were destined to meet with, especially if it's a sweet thing like you.” she chuckled ticking his cheeks with her wings. “S-s-s-top!” Tuka giggled, squirming around as her fluffy arms brushed against the skin. Sky continued playfully tickling him, until she stood back up and spread her wings out. "Now then, let's head down shall we?” she said, reaching her bird-like feet toward the young human. Wasting no time, she wrapped her claws around his arms and flew off of the roof. “WOAH!” yelped Tuka. At first, he tried his best not to look down, but after squinting his eyes open just a bit, Tuka found himself looking out at the vast plush village, seeing only one or two plush balls still bouncing around in the distance. As they gently floated down to the ground, the young human couldn't help but appreciate the way the village looked from his bird’s eye view. Though the architecture had a little variety, the buildings look rather calming and comfy looking, each house being a giant pillow and all.
“Wow…" Tuka gasped under his breath, his eyes wide with astonishment. “It's beautiful isn't it?" Sky asked, gently flapping her wings as they descended towards the ground. “We plushes live in city's just like this, specifically made for comfort. If we find your Bunny, she may bring you to visit a place just like this someday.” she explained. Tuka smiled, the thought sparking a warm feeling in his chest. “That would be nice.” he said. Once Tuka’s feet touched the floor, Sky released his arms and landed behind him. They had arrived in one of the alleyways, one far from the few remaining plush balls. “Why don't we just fly while we look for her?” Tuka asked. “Wouldn't we be able to find her faster that way?” Sky shook her head, keeping him close while holding one of her wings in front of him. "We'd be an easy target for the plush balls if I flew, especially if I was carrying a human around at that altitude. That roof we were just on was the only safe place I know of.” she explained. “Come now, stay close.”
As they both walked out of the ally and onto one of the sidewalks, Tuka began thinking back to when he landed on the jellyfish. “How did you find me when you grabbed me out of the jellyfish?” Tuka asked. Sky tilted her beak down with a quiet sigh. "That's where I landed after we were separated.” she said, looking back up to the street, taking her attention away from the human for just a moment. “If you landed on that jellyfish, your bunny should be somewhere around here-” Suddenly, while she was in the middle of her sentence, something lunged at Tuka from the alleyway they had just left, knocking him on his back. “Tuka!” Sky shouted in surprise. Taken off guard, it took a couple of moments for the human to regain his composure. When he looked up, he saw an anthropomorphic dog plush girl sitting over him on her hands and knees.
Covered in the dark fluffy faux fur coat, with a soft white underbelly, she had a slightly anthropomorphized face with a little black nose, and an adorable puppy dog-eyed face with floppy ears. The dog was only slightly taller than him, but large enough to weigh him down as she straddled him. Looking at each other in the eyes, the dog plush wasted no time greeting the unsuspecting boy. “Hello Hooman!” she barked, her tongue drooping to the side in a goofy fashion. “Hello…” Tuka replied, chuckling nervously. The dog then leaned in closer and touched her nose against his. “Would you like to come home with me?” she proposed playfully, licking the side of his cheek with her velvet tongue. Though her tongue wasn't wet, it was incredibly warm and Tuka couldn’t help but giggle at its touch.
"Hey!” Sky said, wrapping her claw around the dog's back. “He’s already chosen a plush!” she then attempted to pull the clingy dog off him, but the canine proceeded to wrap her arms and legs around Tuka in a wholesome but inescapable embrace. “Nuuu! Dis hooman is mine!” the dog replied, burying Tuka in her fluffy chest. With one paw wrapped behind his head and the other around his back, the human was unable to pull away, smothered in her clingy hug. Though comfortable, her fabric wasn't breathable like the other plushes he had met so far, leaving him literally breathless in her arms. “Mmmmph! Mmmmmmmph!” Tuka protested, his voice muffled by her chest. “Hey! Hey! Humans need to breathe!” Sky shouted, still struggling to pry the dog woman off of the human. The dog just ignored the nosy owl woman, keeping her grip tightly wrapped around Tuka. With her prey securely snug in her chest, the dog plush tilted her head down to his, whispering in his ear. “If you come home with me, I’ll let you pet me lots.” she teased, rubbing her nose against the top of his head.
Of course, Tuka was unable to answer, barely able to even whimper in her hold. The dog plush wasn't willing to release her captured human, foolishly asphyxiating him in her hug as Tuka begged to be set free. Realizing that she lacked the strength to pull her away, Sky released the dog from her claws as she picked up a plush twig from the curb “Hey!” she shouted with a playful whistle. The dog plush immediately looked up at Sky, panting with excitement as she saw her holding a twig in her wing. Wasting no time, Sky threw the plushy twig down the street as far as she could. “Go get it!” she commanded. With her tongue drooping out of her mouth dopily, the dog plush woman released Tuka and chased after the twig on all fours. Tuka remained on the ground, catching his breath as Sky quickly scooped him up and her wings.
While the dog was distracted, Sky ran off with Tuka, heading in the direction where she found him with the jellyfish plush. After running a couple of blocks, Sky slowed down, leaning against one of the plush houses with the human still in her wings. “Phew…” she sighed, looking down at Tuka with a relieved smile. “Are you ok?” she asked. "I’m fine." Tuka replied looking down. Sky put her wing underneath his chin, tilting his head back up and looking him in the eye. Unable to ignore her gaze, Tuka gave in, puffing his cheeks out with a grumpy face. “Did that dog really just try to smother me? and then ditch me for a stick?” he huffed. Sky giggled, brushing his head with her wing. "Don't take it personally, dog plushes are easily distracted.” she explained putting him down. “If it makes you feel better, if a dog plush had caught you, they would've been your companion for life. Canines are canines after all.”
Tuka smiled, chuckling under his breath at the thought. Sky took notice of this, happily petting the top of his head. “You’re so cute Tuka.” she said. “No wonder so many plushes want you.” Tuka couldn’t help but blush, scooting closer to her as he tried to hide his flustered face. Sky welcomed him, pulling him to her side with her soft wing as she gently rubbed his back. "Come now, it’s not much farther.” she said confidently. As they entered into the next street, they found that it was also empty, making Tuka feel like he was in a ghost town. "I thought we'd be seeing a lot more plushes by now.” Tuka said curiously. “Most of the humans have probably been caught, so the only plushes left are stragglers like myself, who haven't been able to catch any humans.” she explained. Tuka looked down at the ground, feeling guilty that he didn't take Sky’s offer to come with her. Looking up at her, he tugged at her wing to get her attention as she looked down at him. “I’m sorry about what happened your human, if anyone deserves someone to love, it’s you.” he said sincerely.
Sky kneeled to his level and gave him another hug in her wings. “I'll be fine sweetie.” she said squeezing him. Tuka returned her hug, taking the moment his cuddly moment with the loving owl knowing that they may soon part. The two of them kept hugging for a while, just enjoying each other’s affection. After nuzzling the top of Tuka’s head, Sky released him from her wings, looking down at him still wishing that she could bring him home with her. Then, just as she was about to stand up, a large foot slammed into her chest, kicking her with such force that she was sent tumbling across the street. “Sky!” Tuka shouted, his heart jumping out of his chest as his friend was knocked across the ground. Just as he was about to run after her, two large arms scooped him up from underneath smolders.
Taken by surprise, Tuka looked over to see who had just attacked his friend. It was a large kangaroo plush, dwarfing him in size and holding him like he was a puppy. It was cute and cartoony in design, with a white underbelly and light brown fabric covering its body, and a large but cuddly-looking belly. Its adorably large eyes looked at Tuka with excitement, just staring at him as if it had just picked up a treasure chest. “Finally! There’s still a human left...” the Kangaroo said with a soft feminine voice, with a sigh of relief. Even as he found himself snatched up in the hands of the new plush, his priorities remained with Sky, turning his head to see her lying still on the other sidewalk. "Sky!” he shouted. A spiking pain could be felt in his chest as he waited for her to respond, hoping that she'd give any sign that she was alright. Unfortunately, she didn't even move an inch, motionless as if she was just an ordinary plush.
“Hey.” the Kangaroo said, turning Tuka’s attention back to her. “She’ll be fine, plushes can’t be hurt. Give her a few minutes and she'll shake it off.” the kangaroo explained with a carefree smile. This didn't make Tuka feel any better, looking back at Sky to see that she still wasn't moving. “But… you didn't have to kick her, and you struck her so hard.” Tuka protested, trying to keep his voice from breaking. To him, it didn't matter how resilient plushes were, shaking with anguish after his friend was just assaulted before his eyes. “Awww… Don’t be sad.” The Kangaroo cooed, touching her nose against his. “She couldn't keep you because she let her guard down, but I'll take much better care of you.” she winked trying to reassure him. With that, she began carrying him back down the ally, and Tuka began to struggle. "NO!” he shouted. Surprised, the Kangaroo stopped in her tracks, looking down at the with a puzzled look on her face.
Looking her in the eye, Tuka was shaken but tried to keep his composure. "I'm sorry but... I don't want to be your human.” he said. The kangaroo didn't flinch, still looking at him with a blank face. It was like she didn't know what to make of his response. But before Tuka could follow up, the kangaroo plush pulled him closer and placed her lips onto his in a kiss. "Mmph?” Tuka’s eye’s widened, completely taken by surprise as she took him into a passionate kiss. A warm pleasant feeling could be felt in his chest, akin to sitting near a warm fireplace or getting a hug from a loved one. In their kiss, his eyes locked with hers, but he saw no benevolence from her gaze. Rather, her's were those of a predator catching its prey, or a huntress ogling her prize. But against his better judgment, Tuka became calm, his shock fading away as he relaxed in her arms.
With that, the kangaroo released him from her kiss, still looking him deep in the eye. “What you want doesn’t matter, you're mine now.” she said in a dominant but motherly tone. Tuka's strength began to fade away, forgetting his objective as he struggled to keep his eyes open. The kangaroo had done something to him with her kiss, it was like he had been hypnotized. Tuka wanted to call out to Sky, hoping to wake her up before it was too late, but his voice wouldn't even come out. It was like he had become a doll, unable to do anything as his eyes grew heavy, closing them as he started to drift away. Pinning the human to her soft chest, she reached down to her belly with her right paw and opened up her pouch. The inside of her pouch looked like a heavenly sleeping bag, lined with comfy padded velvety fabric. By the time Tuka was lowered inside, he could barely tell what was going on anymore, only feeling the pillowy warmth of her pouch moving up his legs, as if he was being tucked in bed.
Sky’s head was spinning like a malfunctioning merry-go-round, unable to tell up from down as she waited for her vision to clear. The owl woman wasn't hurt, but completely dazed as she had been taken off guard. Eventually, she was able to get back up on her knees, attempting to stand back up on her talons, but unsure what had knocked her out. The last thing she could remember was hugging Tuka, holding him as if it was goodbye. “Tuka!” she shouted, immediately standing back up as she looked around for the boy, but he was nowhere to be seen, nor was the one who had struck her. But then, Sky remembered that she was standing right outside of the alleyway before she was attacked. Wasting no time, she bolted to the other side of the street, flapping her wings in panic and even lifting off the ground a few times. Once she entered the alley, Sky stopped in her tracks, shocked to see a large kangaroo plush lowering Tuka into its pouch.
The young man looked completely out of it, either that or he was really drowsy, closing his eyes as he slowly disappeared into the kangaroo. It all made sense, only a kangaroo could kick her so hard. “Hey!” Sky shouted. The kangaroo looked up at the now conscious owl woman and smiled, lowering the rest of Tuka in her comfy pouch as he disappeared within it. Sky puffed out her cheeks angrily, flapping her wings as she flew over the kangaroo like a bird of prey. "That human is NOT YOURS! Give him back!” Sky demanded, opening up her talons as he got ready to swoop down. The kangaroo just giggled with a smug grin, firmly planting her paws into the ground. Before the owl woman could even react, the kangaroo jumped toward her, giving Sky a powerful kick to the gut and knocking her out of the air. Sky landed on the soft ground undamaged, but she was struck so powerfully that the impact of her fall alone knocked the wind right out of her.
The kangaroo harmlessly landed back onto the ground, grinning pridefully as Sky once again lay motionless before her. “If you can't protect your human, you don't deserve to have one…” she mocked crossing her arms. Sky’s chest throbbed with pain, not from the kick itself, but from the truth in the kangaroos' words. Shaking, the owl woman found herself unable to stand back up, as if she was a wounded animal. “I… I…” Sky’s voice began to break, she couldn't think of a response, unable to deny or dismiss the kangaroo’s hurtful statement, letting her words sink in like poison. With a shaken look on her formally stoic face, she pushed herself off with her wings, hanging her head in defeat as she stared at the ground. "Your right... I don’t deserve a human…” Sky sobbed. The kangaroo just scoffed, turning around as she began walking away with her prize in her belly. “Tuka…” the owl whimpered, squeezing her wings around her chest, thinking about the last hug they shared, and what it meant to her. "I failed my first human… I let her get taken away by the plush balls…” Sky said aloud.
The kangaroo stopped, turning around curiously to see the owl standing back up on her talons. "You’re right! I don’t deserve to have a human of my own! But that human has already chosen a plush! He doesn’t belong to you!” Sky shouted. The kangaroo just chuckled, placing her hand over her lips as if amused by her remark. “Silly girl…” the kangaroo said in an almost sympathetic tone. “Girl?” Sky huffed feeling offended. With her body type, it was obvious that the Sky was a grown plush woman, but she was being talked to as if she was a kid. “The whole point of this competition is so plushes can choose their humans, you should know that it’s not the other way around…” the kangaroo scolded. “Besides, humans don’t know what they want, they’re so confused and miserable, they can't be trusted to make decisions like that for themselves.” she then rubbed the pouch of her belly, tenderly stroking the human stuffed inside her like a pet cat.
Sky just paused, angered by the kangaroo's demeaning speech, but cautiously keeping her distance. “You're saying that... humans don't deserve to choose who they love for themselves?” Sky asked, gritting her beak. "Humans are like children, they don't know better.” The kangaroo huffed. “That's why it's up to us to give them the affection they didn't know they wanted. Now if you'll excuse me I have to take my boy to the checkpoint." she boasted, patting her belly. With that, the kangaroo began crouching down, looking as if she wasgetting ready to jump away. Sky gulped, but kept a straight face as she spread her wings up, getting ready to pursue the thieving roo. The owl woman knew that she didn't stand a chance against the Tuka's kidnapper, but she just couldn't give up on him, even if it meant getting kicked over and over again. “Hold on Tuka…” she thought.
Suddenly, and out of nowhere out, another plush pounced onto the Kangaroo from behind, nearly knocking her off her feet as a pair of shapely legs locked around her neck. Sky lowered her wings as she got a good look at the surprise attacker, it was a sporty-looking plush bunny, one matching Tuka’s description from earlier. "Hey! Who did you just put into your pouch? Cough em up hops!” the bunny plush commanded, grabbing the kangaroo’s ears like handlebars. The kangaroo wasn't having any of it, simply grabbing onto the bunny's hips before throwing her across the alleyway. Reacting quickly, the bunny landed directly on her feet right next to the owl woman, not even losing her balance as she got ready to charge back at the kangaroo. “Wait!” Sky shouted in a panic, stretching her wing out in front of the bunny.
“Keep your distance! She's too strong.” Sky warned. “What are you doing?” the bunny huffed, trying to push Sky's wing out of the way. “You-You’re looking for Tuka right?” Sky asked. Getting her undivided attention, the bunny turned to Sky, her eyes widening with a sense of relief. “You know him?” the bunny asked. Sky pulled her wing-back, pointing at the kangaroo. "I was with him, we were looking for you when this kangaroo came out of nowhere and kicked me away, she has him in her pouch!” she explained. The bunny gasped, placing her hand on her cheek. "He was looking for me?” the bunny mumbled to herself as she blushed. The Kangaroo crossed her arms, tilting her head at the two dismissively. “I'll leave you two here to talk things out, I have to take my boy home now. Turning around, the kangaroo hopped far into the air, jumping to the next street with her sleeping prisoner.
“Tuka!” the bunny shouted. Before she could jump after the kangaroo, Sky threw her wing over the bunny's shoulder. "You can't take her on in midair by yourself, I'll fly you up there.” Sky said, sounding more calm and confident than before. The bunny turned back toward the owl woman, unable to hide the surprised look on her face. “You’re... helping me?” the bunny asked, tilting her head to the side. "Tuka only wanted you.” Sky sighed, looking at the kangaroo she was still in mid-jump. “He deserves to be with the plush he wants.” the bunny looked at the owl astonished, for a moment she could barely believe what she had just heard. But then she let out a friendly chuckle followed up with a warm smile. “He’s a sweet boy isn’t he?” the bunny said. Sky nodded, jumping up into the air as she spread her powerful wings. Wasting no time the owl grabbed onto the bunny's shoulders with her talons and flew after the kangaroo as fast as she could.
"Woah!” the bunny yipped, never having actually flown before. “Can you kick?" Sky asked. “Y-yes! I can kick as good as I can jump.” the bunny replied. Sky smiled confidently. “Good, listen carefully...” Meanwhile, while the kangaroo continued jumping from street to street, now halfway to the edge of the authentic plush town. Making sure there were no plush balls around, she began humming to herself, stroking her pouch as if to comfort the sleeping human inside her. While she was in mid-air, Sky and the bunny were gliding in from behind, the owl woman keeping her wings still as not to alert the retreating kidnapper. “Ready?” Sky asked. “Yeah, do it." the bunny replied nervously. With that, the owl folded her wings back in, rolling forward and twirling the bunny behind her in a flexible front-flip. After spinning a full one-eighty degrees, Sky released her talons from the bunny's shoulders, launching her forward like a torpedo.
The bunny straightened herself out, aiming both of her feet forward the bouncy thieving roo as she closed in for the strike. Finally, she slammed into the kangaroo’s back, her feet sinking into thief's chubby plushy body like a large beanbag. The kangaroos' body and legs arched backward from the force of the kick, losing her jumping form as she was taken off guard. Then suddenly, with a soft 'pop,’ the human was thrown out of the kangaroo's pouch, as if he just been pushed out. The kangaroo was in such shock she didn't even notice, but the bunny immediately set her sights on him, his unconscious body drifting about in the air like a leaf fluttering in the wind. The bunny jumped towards Tuka, pushing her feet off of the kangaroo’s back as leverage and catching him in mid-air, holding him tightly in her arms as they descended to the street below.
Landing directly on her feet, the bunny managed to dampen the fall with her powerful legs, while safely cradling Tuka in her arms. The kangaroo, on the other hand, fell right behind them, landing directly on her back with a thud. The bunny paid little mind, making sure her human was unharmed, fortunately, he was only asleep, completely out after his time inside the kangaroo's pouch. However, he was most likely just exhausted from all the running he had done. Taking a few moments to get her bearings back, the roo pushed herself off the ground, glaring angrily at the Bunny. “You… You kicked me? What were you thinking!? He was still inside me! Don't you care if he gets hurt?” the kangaroo scolded, sounding a bit shaken up. The bunny then turned her head back around, looking the angry roo in the eyes with an almost indifferent but confident look. "Don’t give me that… I know about plush roos. Your pouch is designed to keep its occupant safe, that's why he was pushed out when I kicked you.” The bunny explained. “Besides I kicked you with only enough pressure to push him out of your belly, you probably weren’t even counting on me to strike you.”
The bunny looked back at her sleeping human, resting his head against her left shoulder and talking her right arm under his legs. “I'm confident that I can keep him safe, but if you think just keeping him in your pouch is enough, then you don’t deserve to have him.” the bunny followed up, not even bothering to look her in the eye. The kangaroo shivered, the bunny’s words striking a personal blow to her as she crouched down ready to pounce. Suddenly, two massive talons wrapped around the kangaroo's shoulders, quickly lifting her a few feet off the ground. “Huh?” The kangaroo shouted in shock, looking up to see the owl plush above her. “Gotcha! I knew this would work!” Sky boasted happily. The kangaroo immediately began kicking and thrashing her body around, trying to shake the clingy owl off of her. But with her determination for Tuka, Sky kept an iron grip on the thieving roo, keeping her safely out of reach from the bunny and her sleeping human.
All the kangaroo could do was flail around clumsily like an angry child, while Sky had no trouble supporting the extra weight with her powerful wings. "Go! I’ll make sure she doesn’t follow you.” she said preparing to fly away. "Wait!" the bunny said quickly turning around. Complying, Sky halted her ascent and looked down at the sporty plush. “What’s your name?” the bunny asked. The owl woman smiled, taking a couple of moments to respond. “It’s Sky. Sky Weatherbird.” she replied. "My name is Sweet Bun. Would you like to visit Tuka sometimes?” the bunny asked. Sky’s stoic face lit up with glee, her fluffy cheeks blushing with excitement. "I’d... love that…” she gasped. The bunny Sweet smiled back, looking at the helpful owl with fondness. “I'm sure Tuka would as well.” she winked. With that, Sky took to the air with the kangaroo in tow, taking her to the far side of the plush town. “NO! My human! my BABY! Let me GO!” the kangaroo shouted in distress, reaching out towards the bunny as if fruitlessly trying to stretch her arms towards Tuka. But within moments they were out of sight, disappearing behind the horizon of plush houses as her lonely cries faded away.
Looking back down at her sleeping human, the bunny couldn't help but feel a little guilty, stroking his hair out of his eyes and she pulled him closer into her squishy chest. “That kangaroo… and even the owl, they both looked so sad…” Sweet Bun thought to herself. “Sky, I can't believe she gave him up for me.” she said with a sigh. But as she continued looking down at Tuka, a satisfied smile spread across her face. "Doesn't matter, I wouldn’t have given you up for the world.” she giggled, nuzzling the top of his head with her nose. With that, she held onto Tuka tightly as she began jumping her way to the checkpoint, this time keeping a lookout for any approaching plush balls. Shortly after, she made it to the doorway in which all the plushes had emerged earlier. Entering the safe room, she made her way down a large lobby with rows of designer couches, where all the other successful plushes were warming up to their captured humans. Sitting down, she sat Tuka in her lap, nuzzling his head against her soft lycra-clad chest. Some of the contestants were still in the process of winning their humans over, snuggling and smothering them with affection, while others just made casual conversation. All the while, Sweet just sat with Tuka in silence, holding him lovingly in her arms, just appreciating that they were finally together as she gave him a kiss on the forehead.
Meanwhile, Sky finally approached the far side of the town, flying over one of the last houses before releasing the kangaroo onto the roof below. The kangaroo fell safely on the soft surface, with the owl landing right behind her with a bittersweet look on her face. Sky knew she had done the right thing, confident that Tuka and Sweet Bun got away safely, but still saddened that she couldn’t have the human for herself. Suddenly, while she was spaced out, the kangaroo walked right up to her and began pounding on Sky's chest with her paws. “WHY!? WHY!? WHAT GAVE YOU THE RIGHT!? GIVE HIM BACK!!!” she yelled, her voice breaking as if about to cry at any moment. "What? H-Hey! Calm down!” Sky said, trying to grab onto the kangaroo's wrists with her wings. “I-I HAD HIM! HE WAS JUST SLEEPING IN M-MY POUCH! I C-COULD'VE KEPT HIM SAFE!” the kangaroos yells quickly turned into uncontrollable sobs, stuttering uncontrollably with a hint of doubt in her voice.
Sky also had a hard time keeping her cool, the kangaroo continuously pounding at her fluffy chest, refusing to let up she flailed her wings around trying to stop her. The owl woman didn't know how to respond, struggling to think of something as her assailant continued flailing her arms around. Eventually, the kangaroo's voice grew weak, still pounding away at Sky's chest, but unable to raise her voice anymore. "How could you!? You took my human away from me!” she cried, though lacking tears, her face was still distraught with grief. Having enough, Sky finally wrapped her wings around the kangaroos' wrists, pulling her close enough so they were face-to-face. "So did YOU! You took him away without his consent! He was NEVER yours!” Sky scolded looking fed up. Both plushes just looked at each other in a moment of silence, and though speechless, the kangaroo couldn't stop sobbing. But then she looked the owl woman in the eyes, realizing that she had a similar look of sadness on her face.
“I... don't understand... you wanted him too, didn’t you? So why did you help that bunny…?” the kangaroo asked, occasionally pausing to take a breath. Sky just sighed, loosening her grip on the kangaroo as she looked down at the roof. “Because, he wasn't mine either…” she said, wrapping her wings around the kangaroo’s paws. Calming down, the kangaroo just tilted her head with a puzzled look on her face. “B-But, with those powerful wings, you could've taken him to the checkpoint at anytime.” she said. "That's not the point.” Sky sighed, looking back at the kangaroo with a sincere look. "I do really like that boy, but he just didn't have eyes for me…” she said taking short breath. “He had already chosen a plush he wanted to go home with, and I didn't have the right to make that choice for him.” With that said, Sky’s finally calmed herself, coming to accept her choice to let Tuka go.
The kangaroo also looked a lot calmer, no longer looking at Sky as an enemy, but as someone she was slowly starting to understand. "I know you think humans don't know any better, but that boy deserves to be with the plush he wants.” Sky finished, gently squeezing the kangaroo’s hands. The roo looked away, appearing to be deep in thought, and taking a few moments before looking back at the owl. “You're sure you're happy with this? Just... letting him go?” she asked, a hint of sadness could still be heard in her voice. "I know he’ll be happy, and that’s enough for me.” Sky said, finally releasing the kangaroo’s hands. Blushing, something ticked in the lonely kangaroo, Sky's words striking a sensitive cord deep within her, as she truly realized how affectionate the owl was. However, she still had trouble accepting that the one human she had managed to find had been taken by another plush. Walking over to the side of the building, the kangaroo sat on the edge of the roof, looking out on the horizon of the authentic plush town. Sky followed behind, sitting down on her knees behind the kangaroo. “Will you be okay?” The owl asked.
The kangaroo, didn’t respond immediately, her eyes half-closed as she was still lost in her own thoughts. "I wasn't thinking about his feelings…” the kangaroo replied. “When I saw how careless you were with the boy, I just wanted to take him away and protect him myself. Plus, then I'd have my own human to look after.” she then looked down at the street below, gently kicking her feet back and forth. "I didn't think anyone deserved that human but myself, but I guess… I was really just resentful that he was with you and not me. Then, when he rejected me, I just didn't want to hear it…” she said, hanging her head in shame. Sky then sat on the edge of the roof next to her, scooting closer as she looked over to the Kangaroo. "I know it sucks, you must've waited a long time to be a part of these games. It probably feels like you’ve been cheated.” she said, sighing under her breath. “But, even if you get your hands on a human, you can't expect them to love you unconditionally... you have to earn that human’s love.”
The kangaroo took another deep breath, still looking down at the street. "I know… If I had taken him by force, he would never have loved me. He probably would've even resented me for it…" she sighed, her breaths suddenly stuttering as she began to sob again. “I-I thought that... Just giving my love would be enough…” she cried, her chest throbbing with pain. In that moment, she felt as if everything she'd done to get here was pointless. Nuzzling up to her former assailant, Sky wrapped her wing over the kangaroo's shoulder, pulling her close in a wholesome embrace. The kangaroo leaned against the owl’s chest, accepting her hug as they comforted each other. Even after finally calming down, the kangaroo clung to Sky, not wanting to let go as the owl's warm hug eased her grief. Sky then nuzzled the top of her head with her beak. “Don't worry, we'll be alright. Someday we'll both have humans of our own who will love us as we love them.” she said gently stroking her forehead with affection.
The kangaroo still said nothing, taking deep breaths as she remained nuzzled against Skys chest. "Tell you what? Once we both have humans, let's introduce each other. I’ll show you yours, and you can show me mine.” Sky suggested cheerfully breaking the silence, wrapping her other wing around the kangaroo in a soft squeeze. "We could make it a fun little playdate. What do you think? ❤️” the owl giggled. Slowly but surely, the kangaroo looked back up at Sky, now wearing a cheerful and reassured smile on her face. "I’d… Like that…” the kangaroo said with a slight stutter. “Thank you…” both plushes smiled and giggled, just happy in each other's company, even after the final announcement was made.
“Aaaaaand in the last human has been brought to the checkpoint! Thank you all for participating in this lovely event! Haven't found any humans? That's okay! Just apply again next time! Remember, the best humans always play hard to get!" the cat girl plush announced enthusiastically.
The Tickle Belly Dancers
Dragon Mother
Massaged By The Plush Snake

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
Sky assists Tuka in finding the bunny woman, but another eager plush sets their eyes on Tuka, stealing him away.
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Tuka looked back up at her with a surprised look. "You'll help me find her?” Tuka asked. "Of course!” sky replied. “No plush deserves to be separated from the human they were destined to meet with, especially if it's a sweet thing like you.” she chuckled ticking his cheeks with her wings. “S-s-s-top!” Tuka giggled, squirming around as her fluffy arms brushed against the skin. Sky continued playfully tickling him, until she stood back up and spread her wings out. "Now then, let's head down shall we?” she said, reaching her bird-like feet toward the young human. Wasting no time, she wrapped her claws around his arms and flew off of the roof. “WOAH!” yelped Tuka. At first, he tried his best not to look down, but after squinting his eyes open just a bit, Tuka found himself looking out at the vast plush village, seeing only one or two plush balls still bouncing around in the distance. As they gently floated down to the ground, the young human couldn't help but appreciate the way the village looked from his bird’s eye view. Though the architecture had a little variety, the buildings look rather calming and comfy looking, each house being a giant pillow and all.
“Wow…" Tuka gasped under his breath, his eyes wide with astonishment. “It's beautiful isn't it?" Sky asked, gently flapping her wings as they descended towards the ground. “We plushes live in city's just like this, specifically made for comfort. If we find your Bunny, she may bring you to visit a place just like this someday.” she explained. Tuka smiled, the thought sparking a warm feeling in his chest. “That would be nice.” he said. Once Tuka’s feet touched the floor, Sky released his arms and landed behind him. They had arrived in one of the alleyways, one far from the few remaining plush balls. “Why don't we just fly while we look for her?” Tuka asked. “Wouldn't we be able to find her faster that way?” Sky shook her head, keeping him close while holding one of her wings in front of him. "We'd be an easy target for the plush balls if I flew, especially if I was carrying a human around at that altitude. That roof we were just on was the only safe place I know of.” she explained. “Come now, stay close.”
As they both walked out of the ally and onto one of the sidewalks, Tuka began thinking back to when he landed on the jellyfish. “How did you find me when you grabbed me out of the jellyfish?” Tuka asked. Sky tilted her beak down with a quiet sigh. "That's where I landed after we were separated.” she said, looking back up to the street, taking her attention away from the human for just a moment. “If you landed on that jellyfish, your bunny should be somewhere around here-” Suddenly, while she was in the middle of her sentence, something lunged at Tuka from the alleyway they had just left, knocking him on his back. “Tuka!” Sky shouted in surprise. Taken off guard, it took a couple of moments for the human to regain his composure. When he looked up, he saw an anthropomorphic dog plush girl sitting over him on her hands and knees.
Covered in the dark fluffy faux fur coat, with a soft white underbelly, she had a slightly anthropomorphized face with a little black nose, and an adorable puppy dog-eyed face with floppy ears. The dog was only slightly taller than him, but large enough to weigh him down as she straddled him. Looking at each other in the eyes, the dog plush wasted no time greeting the unsuspecting boy. “Hello Hooman!” she barked, her tongue drooping to the side in a goofy fashion. “Hello…” Tuka replied, chuckling nervously. The dog then leaned in closer and touched her nose against his. “Would you like to come home with me?” she proposed playfully, licking the side of his cheek with her velvet tongue. Though her tongue wasn't wet, it was incredibly warm and Tuka couldn’t help but giggle at its touch.
"Hey!” Sky said, wrapping her claw around the dog's back. “He’s already chosen a plush!” she then attempted to pull the clingy dog off him, but the canine proceeded to wrap her arms and legs around Tuka in a wholesome but inescapable embrace. “Nuuu! Dis hooman is mine!” the dog replied, burying Tuka in her fluffy chest. With one paw wrapped behind his head and the other around his back, the human was unable to pull away, smothered in her clingy hug. Though comfortable, her fabric wasn't breathable like the other plushes he had met so far, leaving him literally breathless in her arms. “Mmmmph! Mmmmmmmph!” Tuka protested, his voice muffled by her chest. “Hey! Hey! Humans need to breathe!” Sky shouted, still struggling to pry the dog woman off of the human. The dog just ignored the nosy owl woman, keeping her grip tightly wrapped around Tuka. With her prey securely snug in her chest, the dog plush tilted her head down to his, whispering in his ear. “If you come home with me, I’ll let you pet me lots.” she teased, rubbing her nose against the top of his head.
Of course, Tuka was unable to answer, barely able to even whimper in her hold. The dog plush wasn't willing to release her captured human, foolishly asphyxiating him in her hug as Tuka begged to be set free. Realizing that she lacked the strength to pull her away, Sky released the dog from her claws as she picked up a plush twig from the curb “Hey!” she shouted with a playful whistle. The dog plush immediately looked up at Sky, panting with excitement as she saw her holding a twig in her wing. Wasting no time, Sky threw the plushy twig down the street as far as she could. “Go get it!” she commanded. With her tongue drooping out of her mouth dopily, the dog plush woman released Tuka and chased after the twig on all fours. Tuka remained on the ground, catching his breath as Sky quickly scooped him up and her wings.
While the dog was distracted, Sky ran off with Tuka, heading in the direction where she found him with the jellyfish plush. After running a couple of blocks, Sky slowed down, leaning against one of the plush houses with the human still in her wings. “Phew…” she sighed, looking down at Tuka with a relieved smile. “Are you ok?” she asked. "I’m fine." Tuka replied looking down. Sky put her wing underneath his chin, tilting his head back up and looking him in the eye. Unable to ignore her gaze, Tuka gave in, puffing his cheeks out with a grumpy face. “Did that dog really just try to smother me? and then ditch me for a stick?” he huffed. Sky giggled, brushing his head with her wing. "Don't take it personally, dog plushes are easily distracted.” she explained putting him down. “If it makes you feel better, if a dog plush had caught you, they would've been your companion for life. Canines are canines after all.”
Tuka smiled, chuckling under his breath at the thought. Sky took notice of this, happily petting the top of his head. “You’re so cute Tuka.” she said. “No wonder so many plushes want you.” Tuka couldn’t help but blush, scooting closer to her as he tried to hide his flustered face. Sky welcomed him, pulling him to her side with her soft wing as she gently rubbed his back. "Come now, it’s not much farther.” she said confidently. As they entered into the next street, they found that it was also empty, making Tuka feel like he was in a ghost town. "I thought we'd be seeing a lot more plushes by now.” Tuka said curiously. “Most of the humans have probably been caught, so the only plushes left are stragglers like myself, who haven't been able to catch any humans.” she explained. Tuka looked down at the ground, feeling guilty that he didn't take Sky’s offer to come with her. Looking up at her, he tugged at her wing to get her attention as she looked down at him. “I’m sorry about what happened your human, if anyone deserves someone to love, it’s you.” he said sincerely.
Sky kneeled to his level and gave him another hug in her wings. “I'll be fine sweetie.” she said squeezing him. Tuka returned her hug, taking the moment his cuddly moment with the loving owl knowing that they may soon part. The two of them kept hugging for a while, just enjoying each other’s affection. After nuzzling the top of Tuka’s head, Sky released him from her wings, looking down at him still wishing that she could bring him home with her. Then, just as she was about to stand up, a large foot slammed into her chest, kicking her with such force that she was sent tumbling across the street. “Sky!” Tuka shouted, his heart jumping out of his chest as his friend was knocked across the ground. Just as he was about to run after her, two large arms scooped him up from underneath smolders.
Taken by surprise, Tuka looked over to see who had just attacked his friend. It was a large kangaroo plush, dwarfing him in size and holding him like he was a puppy. It was cute and cartoony in design, with a white underbelly and light brown fabric covering its body, and a large but cuddly-looking belly. Its adorably large eyes looked at Tuka with excitement, just staring at him as if it had just picked up a treasure chest. “Finally! There’s still a human left...” the Kangaroo said with a soft feminine voice, with a sigh of relief. Even as he found himself snatched up in the hands of the new plush, his priorities remained with Sky, turning his head to see her lying still on the other sidewalk. "Sky!” he shouted. A spiking pain could be felt in his chest as he waited for her to respond, hoping that she'd give any sign that she was alright. Unfortunately, she didn't even move an inch, motionless as if she was just an ordinary plush.
“Hey.” the Kangaroo said, turning Tuka’s attention back to her. “She’ll be fine, plushes can’t be hurt. Give her a few minutes and she'll shake it off.” the kangaroo explained with a carefree smile. This didn't make Tuka feel any better, looking back at Sky to see that she still wasn't moving. “But… you didn't have to kick her, and you struck her so hard.” Tuka protested, trying to keep his voice from breaking. To him, it didn't matter how resilient plushes were, shaking with anguish after his friend was just assaulted before his eyes. “Awww… Don’t be sad.” The Kangaroo cooed, touching her nose against his. “She couldn't keep you because she let her guard down, but I'll take much better care of you.” she winked trying to reassure him. With that, she began carrying him back down the ally, and Tuka began to struggle. "NO!” he shouted. Surprised, the Kangaroo stopped in her tracks, looking down at the with a puzzled look on her face.
Looking her in the eye, Tuka was shaken but tried to keep his composure. "I'm sorry but... I don't want to be your human.” he said. The kangaroo didn't flinch, still looking at him with a blank face. It was like she didn't know what to make of his response. But before Tuka could follow up, the kangaroo plush pulled him closer and placed her lips onto his in a kiss. "Mmph?” Tuka’s eye’s widened, completely taken by surprise as she took him into a passionate kiss. A warm pleasant feeling could be felt in his chest, akin to sitting near a warm fireplace or getting a hug from a loved one. In their kiss, his eyes locked with hers, but he saw no benevolence from her gaze. Rather, her's were those of a predator catching its prey, or a huntress ogling her prize. But against his better judgment, Tuka became calm, his shock fading away as he relaxed in her arms.
With that, the kangaroo released him from her kiss, still looking him deep in the eye. “What you want doesn’t matter, you're mine now.” she said in a dominant but motherly tone. Tuka's strength began to fade away, forgetting his objective as he struggled to keep his eyes open. The kangaroo had done something to him with her kiss, it was like he had been hypnotized. Tuka wanted to call out to Sky, hoping to wake her up before it was too late, but his voice wouldn't even come out. It was like he had become a doll, unable to do anything as his eyes grew heavy, closing them as he started to drift away. Pinning the human to her soft chest, she reached down to her belly with her right paw and opened up her pouch. The inside of her pouch looked like a heavenly sleeping bag, lined with comfy padded velvety fabric. By the time Tuka was lowered inside, he could barely tell what was going on anymore, only feeling the pillowy warmth of her pouch moving up his legs, as if he was being tucked in bed.
Sky’s head was spinning like a malfunctioning merry-go-round, unable to tell up from down as she waited for her vision to clear. The owl woman wasn't hurt, but completely dazed as she had been taken off guard. Eventually, she was able to get back up on her knees, attempting to stand back up on her talons, but unsure what had knocked her out. The last thing she could remember was hugging Tuka, holding him as if it was goodbye. “Tuka!” she shouted, immediately standing back up as she looked around for the boy, but he was nowhere to be seen, nor was the one who had struck her. But then, Sky remembered that she was standing right outside of the alleyway before she was attacked. Wasting no time, she bolted to the other side of the street, flapping her wings in panic and even lifting off the ground a few times. Once she entered the alley, Sky stopped in her tracks, shocked to see a large kangaroo plush lowering Tuka into its pouch.
The young man looked completely out of it, either that or he was really drowsy, closing his eyes as he slowly disappeared into the kangaroo. It all made sense, only a kangaroo could kick her so hard. “Hey!” Sky shouted. The kangaroo looked up at the now conscious owl woman and smiled, lowering the rest of Tuka in her comfy pouch as he disappeared within it. Sky puffed out her cheeks angrily, flapping her wings as she flew over the kangaroo like a bird of prey. "That human is NOT YOURS! Give him back!” Sky demanded, opening up her talons as he got ready to swoop down. The kangaroo just giggled with a smug grin, firmly planting her paws into the ground. Before the owl woman could even react, the kangaroo jumped toward her, giving Sky a powerful kick to the gut and knocking her out of the air. Sky landed on the soft ground undamaged, but she was struck so powerfully that the impact of her fall alone knocked the wind right out of her.
The kangaroo harmlessly landed back onto the ground, grinning pridefully as Sky once again lay motionless before her. “If you can't protect your human, you don't deserve to have one…” she mocked crossing her arms. Sky’s chest throbbed with pain, not from the kick itself, but from the truth in the kangaroos' words. Shaking, the owl woman found herself unable to stand back up, as if she was a wounded animal. “I… I…” Sky’s voice began to break, she couldn't think of a response, unable to deny or dismiss the kangaroo’s hurtful statement, letting her words sink in like poison. With a shaken look on her formally stoic face, she pushed herself off with her wings, hanging her head in defeat as she stared at the ground. "Your right... I don’t deserve a human…” Sky sobbed. The kangaroo just scoffed, turning around as she began walking away with her prize in her belly. “Tuka…” the owl whimpered, squeezing her wings around her chest, thinking about the last hug they shared, and what it meant to her. "I failed my first human… I let her get taken away by the plush balls…” Sky said aloud.
The kangaroo stopped, turning around curiously to see the owl standing back up on her talons. "You’re right! I don’t deserve to have a human of my own! But that human has already chosen a plush! He doesn’t belong to you!” Sky shouted. The kangaroo just chuckled, placing her hand over her lips as if amused by her remark. “Silly girl…” the kangaroo said in an almost sympathetic tone. “Girl?” Sky huffed feeling offended. With her body type, it was obvious that the Sky was a grown plush woman, but she was being talked to as if she was a kid. “The whole point of this competition is so plushes can choose their humans, you should know that it’s not the other way around…” the kangaroo scolded. “Besides, humans don’t know what they want, they’re so confused and miserable, they can't be trusted to make decisions like that for themselves.” she then rubbed the pouch of her belly, tenderly stroking the human stuffed inside her like a pet cat.
Sky just paused, angered by the kangaroo's demeaning speech, but cautiously keeping her distance. “You're saying that... humans don't deserve to choose who they love for themselves?” Sky asked, gritting her beak. "Humans are like children, they don't know better.” The kangaroo huffed. “That's why it's up to us to give them the affection they didn't know they wanted. Now if you'll excuse me I have to take my boy to the checkpoint." she boasted, patting her belly. With that, the kangaroo began crouching down, looking as if she wasgetting ready to jump away. Sky gulped, but kept a straight face as she spread her wings up, getting ready to pursue the thieving roo. The owl woman knew that she didn't stand a chance against the Tuka's kidnapper, but she just couldn't give up on him, even if it meant getting kicked over and over again. “Hold on Tuka…” she thought.
Suddenly, and out of nowhere out, another plush pounced onto the Kangaroo from behind, nearly knocking her off her feet as a pair of shapely legs locked around her neck. Sky lowered her wings as she got a good look at the surprise attacker, it was a sporty-looking plush bunny, one matching Tuka’s description from earlier. "Hey! Who did you just put into your pouch? Cough em up hops!” the bunny plush commanded, grabbing the kangaroo’s ears like handlebars. The kangaroo wasn't having any of it, simply grabbing onto the bunny's hips before throwing her across the alleyway. Reacting quickly, the bunny landed directly on her feet right next to the owl woman, not even losing her balance as she got ready to charge back at the kangaroo. “Wait!” Sky shouted in a panic, stretching her wing out in front of the bunny.
“Keep your distance! She's too strong.” Sky warned. “What are you doing?” the bunny huffed, trying to push Sky's wing out of the way. “You-You’re looking for Tuka right?” Sky asked. Getting her undivided attention, the bunny turned to Sky, her eyes widening with a sense of relief. “You know him?” the bunny asked. Sky pulled her wing-back, pointing at the kangaroo. "I was with him, we were looking for you when this kangaroo came out of nowhere and kicked me away, she has him in her pouch!” she explained. The bunny gasped, placing her hand on her cheek. "He was looking for me?” the bunny mumbled to herself as she blushed. The Kangaroo crossed her arms, tilting her head at the two dismissively. “I'll leave you two here to talk things out, I have to take my boy home now. Turning around, the kangaroo hopped far into the air, jumping to the next street with her sleeping prisoner.
“Tuka!” the bunny shouted. Before she could jump after the kangaroo, Sky threw her wing over the bunny's shoulder. "You can't take her on in midair by yourself, I'll fly you up there.” Sky said, sounding more calm and confident than before. The bunny turned back toward the owl woman, unable to hide the surprised look on her face. “You’re... helping me?” the bunny asked, tilting her head to the side. "Tuka only wanted you.” Sky sighed, looking at the kangaroo she was still in mid-jump. “He deserves to be with the plush he wants.” the bunny looked at the owl astonished, for a moment she could barely believe what she had just heard. But then she let out a friendly chuckle followed up with a warm smile. “He’s a sweet boy isn’t he?” the bunny said. Sky nodded, jumping up into the air as she spread her powerful wings. Wasting no time the owl grabbed onto the bunny's shoulders with her talons and flew after the kangaroo as fast as she could.
"Woah!” the bunny yipped, never having actually flown before. “Can you kick?" Sky asked. “Y-yes! I can kick as good as I can jump.” the bunny replied. Sky smiled confidently. “Good, listen carefully...” Meanwhile, while the kangaroo continued jumping from street to street, now halfway to the edge of the authentic plush town. Making sure there were no plush balls around, she began humming to herself, stroking her pouch as if to comfort the sleeping human inside her. While she was in mid-air, Sky and the bunny were gliding in from behind, the owl woman keeping her wings still as not to alert the retreating kidnapper. “Ready?” Sky asked. “Yeah, do it." the bunny replied nervously. With that, the owl folded her wings back in, rolling forward and twirling the bunny behind her in a flexible front-flip. After spinning a full one-eighty degrees, Sky released her talons from the bunny's shoulders, launching her forward like a torpedo.
The bunny straightened herself out, aiming both of her feet forward the bouncy thieving roo as she closed in for the strike. Finally, she slammed into the kangaroo’s back, her feet sinking into thief's chubby plushy body like a large beanbag. The kangaroos' body and legs arched backward from the force of the kick, losing her jumping form as she was taken off guard. Then suddenly, with a soft 'pop,’ the human was thrown out of the kangaroo's pouch, as if he just been pushed out. The kangaroo was in such shock she didn't even notice, but the bunny immediately set her sights on him, his unconscious body drifting about in the air like a leaf fluttering in the wind. The bunny jumped towards Tuka, pushing her feet off of the kangaroo’s back as leverage and catching him in mid-air, holding him tightly in her arms as they descended to the street below.
Landing directly on her feet, the bunny managed to dampen the fall with her powerful legs, while safely cradling Tuka in her arms. The kangaroo, on the other hand, fell right behind them, landing directly on her back with a thud. The bunny paid little mind, making sure her human was unharmed, fortunately, he was only asleep, completely out after his time inside the kangaroo's pouch. However, he was most likely just exhausted from all the running he had done. Taking a few moments to get her bearings back, the roo pushed herself off the ground, glaring angrily at the Bunny. “You… You kicked me? What were you thinking!? He was still inside me! Don't you care if he gets hurt?” the kangaroo scolded, sounding a bit shaken up. The bunny then turned her head back around, looking the angry roo in the eyes with an almost indifferent but confident look. "Don’t give me that… I know about plush roos. Your pouch is designed to keep its occupant safe, that's why he was pushed out when I kicked you.” The bunny explained. “Besides I kicked you with only enough pressure to push him out of your belly, you probably weren’t even counting on me to strike you.”
The bunny looked back at her sleeping human, resting his head against her left shoulder and talking her right arm under his legs. “I'm confident that I can keep him safe, but if you think just keeping him in your pouch is enough, then you don’t deserve to have him.” the bunny followed up, not even bothering to look her in the eye. The kangaroo shivered, the bunny’s words striking a personal blow to her as she crouched down ready to pounce. Suddenly, two massive talons wrapped around the kangaroo's shoulders, quickly lifting her a few feet off the ground. “Huh?” The kangaroo shouted in shock, looking up to see the owl plush above her. “Gotcha! I knew this would work!” Sky boasted happily. The kangaroo immediately began kicking and thrashing her body around, trying to shake the clingy owl off of her. But with her determination for Tuka, Sky kept an iron grip on the thieving roo, keeping her safely out of reach from the bunny and her sleeping human.
All the kangaroo could do was flail around clumsily like an angry child, while Sky had no trouble supporting the extra weight with her powerful wings. "Go! I’ll make sure she doesn’t follow you.” she said preparing to fly away. "Wait!" the bunny said quickly turning around. Complying, Sky halted her ascent and looked down at the sporty plush. “What’s your name?” the bunny asked. The owl woman smiled, taking a couple of moments to respond. “It’s Sky. Sky Weatherbird.” she replied. "My name is Sweet Bun. Would you like to visit Tuka sometimes?” the bunny asked. Sky’s stoic face lit up with glee, her fluffy cheeks blushing with excitement. "I’d... love that…” she gasped. The bunny Sweet smiled back, looking at the helpful owl with fondness. “I'm sure Tuka would as well.” she winked. With that, Sky took to the air with the kangaroo in tow, taking her to the far side of the plush town. “NO! My human! my BABY! Let me GO!” the kangaroo shouted in distress, reaching out towards the bunny as if fruitlessly trying to stretch her arms towards Tuka. But within moments they were out of sight, disappearing behind the horizon of plush houses as her lonely cries faded away.
Looking back down at her sleeping human, the bunny couldn't help but feel a little guilty, stroking his hair out of his eyes and she pulled him closer into her squishy chest. “That kangaroo… and even the owl, they both looked so sad…” Sweet Bun thought to herself. “Sky, I can't believe she gave him up for me.” she said with a sigh. But as she continued looking down at Tuka, a satisfied smile spread across her face. "Doesn't matter, I wouldn’t have given you up for the world.” she giggled, nuzzling the top of his head with her nose. With that, she held onto Tuka tightly as she began jumping her way to the checkpoint, this time keeping a lookout for any approaching plush balls. Shortly after, she made it to the doorway in which all the plushes had emerged earlier. Entering the safe room, she made her way down a large lobby with rows of designer couches, where all the other successful plushes were warming up to their captured humans. Sitting down, she sat Tuka in her lap, nuzzling his head against her soft lycra-clad chest. Some of the contestants were still in the process of winning their humans over, snuggling and smothering them with affection, while others just made casual conversation. All the while, Sweet just sat with Tuka in silence, holding him lovingly in her arms, just appreciating that they were finally together as she gave him a kiss on the forehead.
Meanwhile, Sky finally approached the far side of the town, flying over one of the last houses before releasing the kangaroo onto the roof below. The kangaroo fell safely on the soft surface, with the owl landing right behind her with a bittersweet look on her face. Sky knew she had done the right thing, confident that Tuka and Sweet Bun got away safely, but still saddened that she couldn’t have the human for herself. Suddenly, while she was spaced out, the kangaroo walked right up to her and began pounding on Sky's chest with her paws. “WHY!? WHY!? WHAT GAVE YOU THE RIGHT!? GIVE HIM BACK!!!” she yelled, her voice breaking as if about to cry at any moment. "What? H-Hey! Calm down!” Sky said, trying to grab onto the kangaroo's wrists with her wings. “I-I HAD HIM! HE WAS JUST SLEEPING IN M-MY POUCH! I C-COULD'VE KEPT HIM SAFE!” the kangaroos yells quickly turned into uncontrollable sobs, stuttering uncontrollably with a hint of doubt in her voice.
Sky also had a hard time keeping her cool, the kangaroo continuously pounding at her fluffy chest, refusing to let up she flailed her wings around trying to stop her. The owl woman didn't know how to respond, struggling to think of something as her assailant continued flailing her arms around. Eventually, the kangaroo's voice grew weak, still pounding away at Sky's chest, but unable to raise her voice anymore. "How could you!? You took my human away from me!” she cried, though lacking tears, her face was still distraught with grief. Having enough, Sky finally wrapped her wings around the kangaroos' wrists, pulling her close enough so they were face-to-face. "So did YOU! You took him away without his consent! He was NEVER yours!” Sky scolded looking fed up. Both plushes just looked at each other in a moment of silence, and though speechless, the kangaroo couldn't stop sobbing. But then she looked the owl woman in the eyes, realizing that she had a similar look of sadness on her face.
“I... don't understand... you wanted him too, didn’t you? So why did you help that bunny…?” the kangaroo asked, occasionally pausing to take a breath. Sky just sighed, loosening her grip on the kangaroo as she looked down at the roof. “Because, he wasn't mine either…” she said, wrapping her wings around the kangaroo’s paws. Calming down, the kangaroo just tilted her head with a puzzled look on her face. “B-But, with those powerful wings, you could've taken him to the checkpoint at anytime.” she said. "That's not the point.” Sky sighed, looking back at the kangaroo with a sincere look. "I do really like that boy, but he just didn't have eyes for me…” she said taking short breath. “He had already chosen a plush he wanted to go home with, and I didn't have the right to make that choice for him.” With that said, Sky’s finally calmed herself, coming to accept her choice to let Tuka go.
The kangaroo also looked a lot calmer, no longer looking at Sky as an enemy, but as someone she was slowly starting to understand. "I know you think humans don't know any better, but that boy deserves to be with the plush he wants.” Sky finished, gently squeezing the kangaroo’s hands. The roo looked away, appearing to be deep in thought, and taking a few moments before looking back at the owl. “You're sure you're happy with this? Just... letting him go?” she asked, a hint of sadness could still be heard in her voice. "I know he’ll be happy, and that’s enough for me.” Sky said, finally releasing the kangaroo’s hands. Blushing, something ticked in the lonely kangaroo, Sky's words striking a sensitive cord deep within her, as she truly realized how affectionate the owl was. However, she still had trouble accepting that the one human she had managed to find had been taken by another plush. Walking over to the side of the building, the kangaroo sat on the edge of the roof, looking out on the horizon of the authentic plush town. Sky followed behind, sitting down on her knees behind the kangaroo. “Will you be okay?” The owl asked.
The kangaroo, didn’t respond immediately, her eyes half-closed as she was still lost in her own thoughts. "I wasn't thinking about his feelings…” the kangaroo replied. “When I saw how careless you were with the boy, I just wanted to take him away and protect him myself. Plus, then I'd have my own human to look after.” she then looked down at the street below, gently kicking her feet back and forth. "I didn't think anyone deserved that human but myself, but I guess… I was really just resentful that he was with you and not me. Then, when he rejected me, I just didn't want to hear it…” she said, hanging her head in shame. Sky then sat on the edge of the roof next to her, scooting closer as she looked over to the Kangaroo. "I know it sucks, you must've waited a long time to be a part of these games. It probably feels like you’ve been cheated.” she said, sighing under her breath. “But, even if you get your hands on a human, you can't expect them to love you unconditionally... you have to earn that human’s love.”
The kangaroo took another deep breath, still looking down at the street. "I know… If I had taken him by force, he would never have loved me. He probably would've even resented me for it…" she sighed, her breaths suddenly stuttering as she began to sob again. “I-I thought that... Just giving my love would be enough…” she cried, her chest throbbing with pain. In that moment, she felt as if everything she'd done to get here was pointless. Nuzzling up to her former assailant, Sky wrapped her wing over the kangaroo's shoulder, pulling her close in a wholesome embrace. The kangaroo leaned against the owl’s chest, accepting her hug as they comforted each other. Even after finally calming down, the kangaroo clung to Sky, not wanting to let go as the owl's warm hug eased her grief. Sky then nuzzled the top of her head with her beak. “Don't worry, we'll be alright. Someday we'll both have humans of our own who will love us as we love them.” she said gently stroking her forehead with affection.
The kangaroo still said nothing, taking deep breaths as she remained nuzzled against Skys chest. "Tell you what? Once we both have humans, let's introduce each other. I’ll show you yours, and you can show me mine.” Sky suggested cheerfully breaking the silence, wrapping her other wing around the kangaroo in a soft squeeze. "We could make it a fun little playdate. What do you think? ❤️” the owl giggled. Slowly but surely, the kangaroo looked back up at Sky, now wearing a cheerful and reassured smile on her face. "I’d… Like that…” the kangaroo said with a slight stutter. “Thank you…” both plushes smiled and giggled, just happy in each other's company, even after the final announcement was made.
“Aaaaaand in the last human has been brought to the checkpoint! Thank you all for participating in this lovely event! Haven't found any humans? That's okay! Just apply again next time! Remember, the best humans always play hard to get!" the cat girl plush announced enthusiastically.
The Tickle Belly Dancers
Dragon Mother
Massaged By The Plush Snake
Category Story / Fantasy
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 120 x 107px
File Size 2.49 MB
Listed in Folders
I would like the kangaroo or find a nice tiger. I would really enjoy a snuggly pouch, it's one of my quarks. Sounds like even on capture, plushies would have to win them over. I know they want humans but part of the process is thinking on their feelings. What if they have a human that is always unhappy with them? I have been having some ideas for some kind of similar story.
That's a good question, even though plushes are known for giving unconditional love, sometimes they might not end up with a human that's compatible with them. Be preference, personality, or something along those lines. It also depends on what kind of relationship the human wants.
The plush has to choose their human carefully, but even then, they have to see if their relationship will work.
The plush has to choose their human carefully, but even then, they have to see if their relationship will work.