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Ethan’s Suck O Lux Accident
Ethan Foxtail sat on his couch browsing through news channels and old movies looking for something entertaining to watch, but nothing good was found. Even his favorite cartoons and shows were playing boring episodes or reruns, which made Ethan even more bored. He was so bored that with every channel he changed he sunk deeper into his couch cushions until he reached the pull out bed underneath. “Uuuugh come on! Is there one good thing playing at all?!” He said springing back up onto the couch. After browsing for what felt like half an hour, Ethan just gave up and ended up on a cartoon about animals running a business or so. “It’s not new but at least it’s something.” He sighed as he watched, but wasn’t happy about it.
After the episode ended there were more commercials. That was the breaking point for him. Ethan turned the TV off and hopped off the couch. “Maybe I’ll just play video games instead.” He sighed as he made his way over to the stairs. The second he was about to head up, his doorbell rang. Ethan stopped and turned towards the front door. “That’s weird? I don’t remember ordering anything from Amazoo?” He wondered as he headed over. Opening the door, he found… no one. “Lousy ding dong ditchers.” He grunted. But at the bottom of his eyes, he noticed something. It was a box, quite a large one too. Ethan never ordered anything at all recently. “Who mailed this to me?” He questioned. Looking over the box he found a label from his friend Spidwuff.
“Hey it’s from Spidwuff! What did he send me? And why?” Ethan lifted the box using it’s opened handles on the sides and carried it towards his large kitchen. Surprisingly the box was pretty heavy, but people often mistake Ethan’s strength. Ethan placed the box on his kitchen table and cut the tape and opened the flaps. He was greeted with a bunch of packing peanuts. Ethan moved the box to the floor and dived right inside as if it was a pool. Packing peanuts flew and spread across the floor as the box shifted and moved. Ethan then popped right on out with a letter from Spidwuff.
“Dear Ethan. I found this super special gift for you at a flea market. When I first saw it I immediately thought of you and your love for inflating your friends and cartoons. Please do enjoy it and be careful with it. Your friend Spidwuff.” Ethan read the letter and there was a cute little drawing of Spidwuff next to his name doing a cute blep face with his tongue sticking out. “Hehe awesome! I should get him something special too as a thank you.” Ethan placed the letter on the table before taking a deep breath and diving back in. The box shifted around more before it fell over and the packing peanuts spilled on the floor while Ethan rolled out holding something.
Shaking the dizziness out of his head, Ethan checked to see what he was holding. When he did, his eyes widened and a big smile stretched across his face. “Woah! Is this for real!? A genuine ACME Suck O Lux?!” Ethan could not believe what he was holding as his red tail wagged. The Suck O Lux was a very famous vacuum that was used on a famous little goofy rabbit in red overalls. When they hit the stores, they were near impossible to find. However they were not quite the best vacuum. Not because of the suction power or weight or anything, it was because the power cord was bulky and many people found themselves tripping and flying around the room or outside due to these things. So many of them were destroyed or returned, making these extremely rare to find, but super valuable to certain people. Certain people being someone like Ethen who loves inflating his friends.
Ethan looked over the Suck O Lux. It looked factory new, not a scratch anywhere. He could even see his own reflection due to the chrome, and of course on the side was the name itself in big bold red lettering. Ethan never stopped smiling and his tail never stopped wagging the entire time as he held the thing. “Wow. This is… perfect! How the heck am I gonna repay Spidwuff from this?” He wondered. Ethan got up and sweeped the packing peanuts off of him. He placed the Suck O Lux near his dishwasher and held the power cable. “What should I use this for first?” He wondered, desperately wanting to try it out.
Thinking it over, he noticed all the packing peanuts around his feet and across the kitchen floor. The first thing Ethan thought of was to get a broom and sweep it all up, but instead he looked over at his fancy Suck O Lux and stared at it. Ethan then smiled and his red tail started to wag again. “Aww why not? I wanna see just how powerful this beast is!” Ethan grabbed the plug and then skipped over to a power outlet and shoved the plug in. Making his way back over, he did notice that the power cord was pretty bulky, but also long too. It was almost long enough for him to use as a jump rope for like 3 people. Picking up the nozzle, he bent down and saw the power switch and a suck and blow option. Ethan flicking it to suck and the power switch.
The Suck O Lux suddenly came to life with a loud but powerful sounding motor. The Suck O Lux seemed to lightly vibrate due to the amount of horsepower this thing had. Ethan made sure not to be on the other end of the nozzle as he saw the dust in the air being sucked up. “Woah. Better be careful. I am not in the mood to be sucked into a cramped space.” Ethan giggled before aming the nozzle at the packing peanuts. He didn’t even need to get very close to them before the suction started sucking them up with ease. Ethan moved the nozzle closer to the pile as a bunch of the peanuts were sucked right up. Aiming it around, the suction made easy work of the mess of peanuts as more than half the pile was cleaned in a few seconds.
One minute later and all the peanuts were gone. “Dang. This thing is powerful.” Ethan had to admit as he even saw stains on the tile floor were gone too. He was about to shut it off but then saw the large box. He would have to smash and bend and fold it and all to get it in the garbage, but another thought came to the foxes mind. “Hmmm. I wonder?” Looking at the nozzle, Ethan got an interesting idea. Moving over to the box, he shoved the nozzle against a corner of the box. What happened next shocked Ethan.
The box began to bend and fold as the motor of the vacuum got stronger. Ethan watched as the big box was literally being sucked up into the Suck O Lux. It was lifted off the ground as it bent and folded more as it vanished into the balck hole that was the vacuum’s nozzle. The flaps stuck out last before a heavy pull sucked in the box completely. Ethan stood there in amazement as this thing managed to suck up an entire box. Shaking his head he turned and shut off the Suck O Lux. The motor died down until it was silent. “Wow.” Ethen said. He unscrewed the nozzle and opened the flat backside, pulling out a white fabric bag that was the storage. Looking inside the bag, the packing peanuts and even the box itself was so compressed inside that it almost looked like it shrunk and was punched in there.
“This thing is amazing! Why would they ever get rid of this thing?” Ethen smiled as he stepped over the thick power cord. He dumped the contents into his trash bin and placed the bag and the nozzle on the counter. He stood on a rug and washed his hands, then dried them off before turning around at his own Suck O Lux. “Definitely gonna have to try this out on the others. Hehe!” Ethan giggled as he already imagined paying back Spidwuff with this. Coming back to reality, he saw one single packing peanut he missed under his kitchen table. Ethan sighed and made his way over to get it.
However, the first step he took, the rug he stood on had no rubber grip underneath. So when Ethan took a single step, the rug under him had slid out from under him, causing Ethan to almost fall over, but instead he lost his balance. “Woah woah!” With no island in the center of the kitchen, Ethan waved his arms around trying to regain his balance. Slipping forward, Ethan’s foot was caught under the thick power cable, catching his leg. Thus Ethan fell forward. “Whaaaa! Oumph!” “Click click. Vrmmmmmm.” Ethan landed on the smooth cold tile kitchen floor. The fall made him dizzy and his senses were stiff for a moment. But when they came back, he noticed something was off.
The first thing he noticed was his muzzle was deep in some kinda tight hole. After that, he felt an intense rush of air blowing into his mouth. Opening his eyes he found himself lying down right in front of the Suck O Lux. The second thing he noticed was his cheeks were puffy and filled with air. The third thing he noticed was the Suck O Lux was on and his right hand was on top at the opposite edge of the vacuum. Ethan could feel an intense wind blowing into his mouth and a funny feeling in his tummy. For some reason he felt bloated even though he didn't eat or drink anything strange. The bloating feeling only grew stronger and stronger by the second. Then Ethan felt his belly began to inflate and expand and spread across the cold floor. Putting all the pieces together, he realized what had happened. When he fell, his muzzle got stuck deep in the hole that would connect to the hose and his right hand bruised against the top, turning on the Suck O Lux and the 2nd switch to… “Mmmph!” His eyes widened when he realized. The switch was set to blow! His belly expanding, the Suck O Lux on, he was being blown up!
Ethan used his free hands to feel his belly. He couldn't see it, but judging from the feeling of being inflated and the size, he assumed his belly was already as big as a beachball. His expanding belly pushed against the floor, making his back and his legs rise up off the floor. Ethan quickly reached over to the Suck O Lux to try and push himself free. Fwoomp Fwoomp! He immediately felt his ears suddenly inflate like balloons. He had to act fast or else it would get worse from here. His cheeks were as big as basketballs now as he tried to fiddle with the switches. His belly now reached overinflated exercise ball size now as he felt the air spreading, making his thighs and feet inflate too. Even his own red tail was filling up with air too as it stuck straight and started to blow up into an oval shape. He could feel his shoes getting tighter as his feet inflated while the jacket he wore grew tighter and the buttons being pulled.
The air was flowing in fast, so trying to flip switches with inflating arms not bending so well didn't help. He tried to grip the switches with his fingers, but it kept slipping. Fwoomp Fwoomp! His hands now turned into literal spheres of balloons while his fingers fwoomped one by one like mini balloons, making them useless. His arms grew too thick with air as he was forced to spread them out side by side. “Mmmmph! Rrrmmmmph!” He muffled for help as he waved his inflating arms and hands. Shwoop Shwoop! His shoes flew off as his feet paws were finally free to expand and inflate with air. His body now left the ground as it reached van size now. Ethan waved and wiggled his fingers and paws and toes to try and grip something, but he never felt the ceiling yet. Funny enough, as he blew up bigger, the kitchen seemed to get larger and more open too, as if he was in a cartoon himself, and this was intended to happen.
The motor hummed as Ethan blew up bigger and bigger by the second. His cheeks now big balloons sized while his arms became beach ball sized spheres and his hands basketball sized. His body was reaching bounce house size as it kept expanding and inflating. His red tail soon became a mini balloon version of his massive inflated body. The black tip of his tail had even sunk too, making it a big perfectly smooth sphere. Even his butt had blown up as well. Pop! Pop! Pop! The buttons on his jacket popping off one at a time as the buttons flew throughout the kitchen like bullets. The last button on his jacket popped off and bounced against the floor, landing somewhere in the living room. “Mmmmmphmmghmph!” Ethan calling for help, but he was home alone. His thighs now grew to the size of cars as his feet paws became super puffy, giving him a shoe size of at least 45. His jacket started to tear and rip due to how big he was getting until it exploded, tearing to shreds. Ethan finally understood why these Suck O Luxes were banned, due to exact situations like this.
Finally Ethan’s paws and tail reached the ceiling, but it won’t help as all movemeant was now gone due to how over inflated he was. It was impossible to try and wiggle or force his muzzle out now. Ethan was now overall bigger than the biggest bounce house, but that would mean his kitchen is huge, strange. Ethan’s cheeks started to squish into his view as he kept yelling through muffled pleas. He could feel his body reaching its limits as the pressure was building. He was so full of air with nowhere left to go that even his own eyes fwoomped up like balloons to the size of basketballs too. Eithan was now fully Uber inflated as there was nothing left of him to be inflated. The expansion started to slow down as there was dwindling space for the air to spread and inflate him with. Eithan’s eyes inflated as he grew tighter and tighter, starting to vibrate as he was at his max limit of stretchiness. “Mmmmmmph!” He gave one loud muffled groan.
Fwoomp! Ethan, for a split second, felt his muzzle pop loose and no longer in a tight hole and the flow of air in his mouth. However, the millisecond after that, Ethan took off like a slingshot. Eithan found himself flying away from the Suck O Lux as all the air in his body flowed out of his mouth, making a long deflating balloon sound too. Ethan flew all around the kitchen, doing spirals, bouncing against the floor and walls and ceiling, bumping into everything, all the while his body deflated smaller and smaller. He actually flew out of the kitchen and into the living room too, bouncing and rubbing against more solid surfaces. His body shrinking smaller and smaller, returning to his more original shape before finally he flew over into the couch, sinking deep into the cushions and the rest of the air flowing out.
“Uuuugh. Orrugh.” Ethan moaned and groaned as he had literal spyrals in his eyes and his body felt so limp from being blown up so huge and puffy. Every part of him felt numb from his fingers and toes to even his eyes and the tip of his tail. “I see why he sent me that Suck O Lux now. Heh heh.” He laughed weakly. Eventually the numbness had died down and the dizziness began to fade as Ethan pushed himself out of the cushions. He stumbled back into the kitchen very carefully and ripped the power cord out of its socket. “Whew. Man that was intense… but kinda fun.” Ethan gave a small giggle.
He wrapped the power cord around the Suck O Lux and put it in his closet. “Heh, I'm gonna really have to pay Spidwuff back now. Wonder how he would like being Suck O Luxed?” Ethan said with an evil smile as he eyed the Suck O Lux. “Heh heh. Oh I am so gonna enjoy making you huge Spidwuff.” Ethan laughed villainously as he closed the closet door.
Ethan’s Suck O Lux Accident
Ethan Foxtail sat on his couch browsing through news channels and old movies looking for something entertaining to watch, but nothing good was found. Even his favorite cartoons and shows were playing boring episodes or reruns, which made Ethan even more bored. He was so bored that with every channel he changed he sunk deeper into his couch cushions until he reached the pull out bed underneath. “Uuuugh come on! Is there one good thing playing at all?!” He said springing back up onto the couch. After browsing for what felt like half an hour, Ethan just gave up and ended up on a cartoon about animals running a business or so. “It’s not new but at least it’s something.” He sighed as he watched, but wasn’t happy about it.
After the episode ended there were more commercials. That was the breaking point for him. Ethan turned the TV off and hopped off the couch. “Maybe I’ll just play video games instead.” He sighed as he made his way over to the stairs. The second he was about to head up, his doorbell rang. Ethan stopped and turned towards the front door. “That’s weird? I don’t remember ordering anything from Amazoo?” He wondered as he headed over. Opening the door, he found… no one. “Lousy ding dong ditchers.” He grunted. But at the bottom of his eyes, he noticed something. It was a box, quite a large one too. Ethan never ordered anything at all recently. “Who mailed this to me?” He questioned. Looking over the box he found a label from his friend Spidwuff.
“Hey it’s from Spidwuff! What did he send me? And why?” Ethan lifted the box using it’s opened handles on the sides and carried it towards his large kitchen. Surprisingly the box was pretty heavy, but people often mistake Ethan’s strength. Ethan placed the box on his kitchen table and cut the tape and opened the flaps. He was greeted with a bunch of packing peanuts. Ethan moved the box to the floor and dived right inside as if it was a pool. Packing peanuts flew and spread across the floor as the box shifted and moved. Ethan then popped right on out with a letter from Spidwuff.
“Dear Ethan. I found this super special gift for you at a flea market. When I first saw it I immediately thought of you and your love for inflating your friends and cartoons. Please do enjoy it and be careful with it. Your friend Spidwuff.” Ethan read the letter and there was a cute little drawing of Spidwuff next to his name doing a cute blep face with his tongue sticking out. “Hehe awesome! I should get him something special too as a thank you.” Ethan placed the letter on the table before taking a deep breath and diving back in. The box shifted around more before it fell over and the packing peanuts spilled on the floor while Ethan rolled out holding something.
Shaking the dizziness out of his head, Ethan checked to see what he was holding. When he did, his eyes widened and a big smile stretched across his face. “Woah! Is this for real!? A genuine ACME Suck O Lux?!” Ethan could not believe what he was holding as his red tail wagged. The Suck O Lux was a very famous vacuum that was used on a famous little goofy rabbit in red overalls. When they hit the stores, they were near impossible to find. However they were not quite the best vacuum. Not because of the suction power or weight or anything, it was because the power cord was bulky and many people found themselves tripping and flying around the room or outside due to these things. So many of them were destroyed or returned, making these extremely rare to find, but super valuable to certain people. Certain people being someone like Ethen who loves inflating his friends.
Ethan looked over the Suck O Lux. It looked factory new, not a scratch anywhere. He could even see his own reflection due to the chrome, and of course on the side was the name itself in big bold red lettering. Ethan never stopped smiling and his tail never stopped wagging the entire time as he held the thing. “Wow. This is… perfect! How the heck am I gonna repay Spidwuff from this?” He wondered. Ethan got up and sweeped the packing peanuts off of him. He placed the Suck O Lux near his dishwasher and held the power cable. “What should I use this for first?” He wondered, desperately wanting to try it out.
Thinking it over, he noticed all the packing peanuts around his feet and across the kitchen floor. The first thing Ethan thought of was to get a broom and sweep it all up, but instead he looked over at his fancy Suck O Lux and stared at it. Ethan then smiled and his red tail started to wag again. “Aww why not? I wanna see just how powerful this beast is!” Ethan grabbed the plug and then skipped over to a power outlet and shoved the plug in. Making his way back over, he did notice that the power cord was pretty bulky, but also long too. It was almost long enough for him to use as a jump rope for like 3 people. Picking up the nozzle, he bent down and saw the power switch and a suck and blow option. Ethan flicking it to suck and the power switch.
The Suck O Lux suddenly came to life with a loud but powerful sounding motor. The Suck O Lux seemed to lightly vibrate due to the amount of horsepower this thing had. Ethan made sure not to be on the other end of the nozzle as he saw the dust in the air being sucked up. “Woah. Better be careful. I am not in the mood to be sucked into a cramped space.” Ethan giggled before aming the nozzle at the packing peanuts. He didn’t even need to get very close to them before the suction started sucking them up with ease. Ethan moved the nozzle closer to the pile as a bunch of the peanuts were sucked right up. Aiming it around, the suction made easy work of the mess of peanuts as more than half the pile was cleaned in a few seconds.
One minute later and all the peanuts were gone. “Dang. This thing is powerful.” Ethan had to admit as he even saw stains on the tile floor were gone too. He was about to shut it off but then saw the large box. He would have to smash and bend and fold it and all to get it in the garbage, but another thought came to the foxes mind. “Hmmm. I wonder?” Looking at the nozzle, Ethan got an interesting idea. Moving over to the box, he shoved the nozzle against a corner of the box. What happened next shocked Ethan.
The box began to bend and fold as the motor of the vacuum got stronger. Ethan watched as the big box was literally being sucked up into the Suck O Lux. It was lifted off the ground as it bent and folded more as it vanished into the balck hole that was the vacuum’s nozzle. The flaps stuck out last before a heavy pull sucked in the box completely. Ethan stood there in amazement as this thing managed to suck up an entire box. Shaking his head he turned and shut off the Suck O Lux. The motor died down until it was silent. “Wow.” Ethen said. He unscrewed the nozzle and opened the flat backside, pulling out a white fabric bag that was the storage. Looking inside the bag, the packing peanuts and even the box itself was so compressed inside that it almost looked like it shrunk and was punched in there.
“This thing is amazing! Why would they ever get rid of this thing?” Ethen smiled as he stepped over the thick power cord. He dumped the contents into his trash bin and placed the bag and the nozzle on the counter. He stood on a rug and washed his hands, then dried them off before turning around at his own Suck O Lux. “Definitely gonna have to try this out on the others. Hehe!” Ethan giggled as he already imagined paying back Spidwuff with this. Coming back to reality, he saw one single packing peanut he missed under his kitchen table. Ethan sighed and made his way over to get it.
However, the first step he took, the rug he stood on had no rubber grip underneath. So when Ethan took a single step, the rug under him had slid out from under him, causing Ethan to almost fall over, but instead he lost his balance. “Woah woah!” With no island in the center of the kitchen, Ethan waved his arms around trying to regain his balance. Slipping forward, Ethan’s foot was caught under the thick power cable, catching his leg. Thus Ethan fell forward. “Whaaaa! Oumph!” “Click click. Vrmmmmmm.” Ethan landed on the smooth cold tile kitchen floor. The fall made him dizzy and his senses were stiff for a moment. But when they came back, he noticed something was off.
The first thing he noticed was his muzzle was deep in some kinda tight hole. After that, he felt an intense rush of air blowing into his mouth. Opening his eyes he found himself lying down right in front of the Suck O Lux. The second thing he noticed was his cheeks were puffy and filled with air. The third thing he noticed was the Suck O Lux was on and his right hand was on top at the opposite edge of the vacuum. Ethan could feel an intense wind blowing into his mouth and a funny feeling in his tummy. For some reason he felt bloated even though he didn't eat or drink anything strange. The bloating feeling only grew stronger and stronger by the second. Then Ethan felt his belly began to inflate and expand and spread across the cold floor. Putting all the pieces together, he realized what had happened. When he fell, his muzzle got stuck deep in the hole that would connect to the hose and his right hand bruised against the top, turning on the Suck O Lux and the 2nd switch to… “Mmmph!” His eyes widened when he realized. The switch was set to blow! His belly expanding, the Suck O Lux on, he was being blown up!
Ethan used his free hands to feel his belly. He couldn't see it, but judging from the feeling of being inflated and the size, he assumed his belly was already as big as a beachball. His expanding belly pushed against the floor, making his back and his legs rise up off the floor. Ethan quickly reached over to the Suck O Lux to try and push himself free. Fwoomp Fwoomp! He immediately felt his ears suddenly inflate like balloons. He had to act fast or else it would get worse from here. His cheeks were as big as basketballs now as he tried to fiddle with the switches. His belly now reached overinflated exercise ball size now as he felt the air spreading, making his thighs and feet inflate too. Even his own red tail was filling up with air too as it stuck straight and started to blow up into an oval shape. He could feel his shoes getting tighter as his feet inflated while the jacket he wore grew tighter and the buttons being pulled.
The air was flowing in fast, so trying to flip switches with inflating arms not bending so well didn't help. He tried to grip the switches with his fingers, but it kept slipping. Fwoomp Fwoomp! His hands now turned into literal spheres of balloons while his fingers fwoomped one by one like mini balloons, making them useless. His arms grew too thick with air as he was forced to spread them out side by side. “Mmmmph! Rrrmmmmph!” He muffled for help as he waved his inflating arms and hands. Shwoop Shwoop! His shoes flew off as his feet paws were finally free to expand and inflate with air. His body now left the ground as it reached van size now. Ethan waved and wiggled his fingers and paws and toes to try and grip something, but he never felt the ceiling yet. Funny enough, as he blew up bigger, the kitchen seemed to get larger and more open too, as if he was in a cartoon himself, and this was intended to happen.
The motor hummed as Ethan blew up bigger and bigger by the second. His cheeks now big balloons sized while his arms became beach ball sized spheres and his hands basketball sized. His body was reaching bounce house size as it kept expanding and inflating. His red tail soon became a mini balloon version of his massive inflated body. The black tip of his tail had even sunk too, making it a big perfectly smooth sphere. Even his butt had blown up as well. Pop! Pop! Pop! The buttons on his jacket popping off one at a time as the buttons flew throughout the kitchen like bullets. The last button on his jacket popped off and bounced against the floor, landing somewhere in the living room. “Mmmmmphmmghmph!” Ethan calling for help, but he was home alone. His thighs now grew to the size of cars as his feet paws became super puffy, giving him a shoe size of at least 45. His jacket started to tear and rip due to how big he was getting until it exploded, tearing to shreds. Ethan finally understood why these Suck O Luxes were banned, due to exact situations like this.
Finally Ethan’s paws and tail reached the ceiling, but it won’t help as all movemeant was now gone due to how over inflated he was. It was impossible to try and wiggle or force his muzzle out now. Ethan was now overall bigger than the biggest bounce house, but that would mean his kitchen is huge, strange. Ethan’s cheeks started to squish into his view as he kept yelling through muffled pleas. He could feel his body reaching its limits as the pressure was building. He was so full of air with nowhere left to go that even his own eyes fwoomped up like balloons to the size of basketballs too. Eithan was now fully Uber inflated as there was nothing left of him to be inflated. The expansion started to slow down as there was dwindling space for the air to spread and inflate him with. Eithan’s eyes inflated as he grew tighter and tighter, starting to vibrate as he was at his max limit of stretchiness. “Mmmmmmph!” He gave one loud muffled groan.
Fwoomp! Ethan, for a split second, felt his muzzle pop loose and no longer in a tight hole and the flow of air in his mouth. However, the millisecond after that, Ethan took off like a slingshot. Eithan found himself flying away from the Suck O Lux as all the air in his body flowed out of his mouth, making a long deflating balloon sound too. Ethan flew all around the kitchen, doing spirals, bouncing against the floor and walls and ceiling, bumping into everything, all the while his body deflated smaller and smaller. He actually flew out of the kitchen and into the living room too, bouncing and rubbing against more solid surfaces. His body shrinking smaller and smaller, returning to his more original shape before finally he flew over into the couch, sinking deep into the cushions and the rest of the air flowing out.
“Uuuugh. Orrugh.” Ethan moaned and groaned as he had literal spyrals in his eyes and his body felt so limp from being blown up so huge and puffy. Every part of him felt numb from his fingers and toes to even his eyes and the tip of his tail. “I see why he sent me that Suck O Lux now. Heh heh.” He laughed weakly. Eventually the numbness had died down and the dizziness began to fade as Ethan pushed himself out of the cushions. He stumbled back into the kitchen very carefully and ripped the power cord out of its socket. “Whew. Man that was intense… but kinda fun.” Ethan gave a small giggle.
He wrapped the power cord around the Suck O Lux and put it in his closet. “Heh, I'm gonna really have to pay Spidwuff back now. Wonder how he would like being Suck O Luxed?” Ethan said with an evil smile as he eyed the Suck O Lux. “Heh heh. Oh I am so gonna enjoy making you huge Spidwuff.” Ethan laughed villainously as he closed the closet door.
Ethan Foxtail get's a one of a kind offical ACME Suck O Lux from one of his friends. He is super happy to have such a famous treasure due to his own love for inflation. But when he get's it set up, a loose rug and some cables will cause Ethan to test out his new vacuum personally, on himself.
This was part of a trade story with EthanFoxtail: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/ethanfoxtail/ Who makes awesome digital style inflation art and is a really swell guy. (Heh heh) He is accepting trades if anyone is interested in setting up a trade with him for some great inflation art. Please enjoy the story and give the ballooned fox some love.
His part of the trade: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42287250/
Ethain Foxtail and Spidwuff belong to him as I do not own these characters but was allowed to use them with his permission along with the thumbnail image too.
This was part of a trade story with EthanFoxtail: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/ethanfoxtail/ Who makes awesome digital style inflation art and is a really swell guy. (Heh heh) He is accepting trades if anyone is interested in setting up a trade with him for some great inflation art. Please enjoy the story and give the ballooned fox some love.
His part of the trade: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42287250/
Ethain Foxtail and Spidwuff belong to him as I do not own these characters but was allowed to use them with his permission along with the thumbnail image too.
Category Story / Inflation
Species Fox (Other)
Gender Male
Size 120 x 67px
File Size 15 kB