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"This must be the place." the dolphin looked to the large campus. The Dackwill Corporation was one of the largest in the state, and had an opening for an internship. Tasgall had applied and been accepted, albeit he had no interest in advancing in the company at all. Rather, he had heard about some of the machines they were working on, and were something that could help him further his own goals. It was an easy gig, and this was going to be an easy in and out. He laughed as he walked in, believing it was going to be one of the easiest schemes he had ever partook in.
The IT office of Dackwill was as slow as ever. Every issue that got brought to them rarely required them to take more than a few minutes to fix. As such, downtime was the normal for them.
"It's slower than normal today huh?" Owen asked leaning back in his chair, hands behind his head.
"They probably kept work away from us so we can help train the new intern." Liz responded with a shrug.
"An intern? Again? How many are they going to keep sending us?" Owen chuckled. "Feels like we've had so many lately."
"Probably because they keep leaving." Liz said. "They don't all appreciate the pranking culture you set up in the department."
"That just weeds out people who wouldn't get along with us!" Owen defended himself. "Look at you, you love it now!"
"It's an acquired taste but yes." Liz shook her head. "You never work into it though."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Owen waved his hand and he got up from his chair and over to the empty desk.
"What are you doing now?"
"Do you even have to ask at this point?" Owen questioned with a chuckle as he put in a USB stick to the computer, typing in a few things before taking it out. "And that's one of the fun bombs planted." he smirked.
"Well if we're doing this, then I'm going to one-up you." Liz said walking over to the door, tinkering with the electronic lock.
"So are we making the usual wager then?" Owen asked with a smile as he sat back down.
"Read my mind. I've been wanting another excuse to go to the spa, and you were so excited to last time!"
"I haven't stopped using lavender since I was that doe..." Owen trailed off. "May of been somebody else but they had good taste!"
"Then be prepared to be lavender crazy again! Maybe one day I'll trade you away for her permanently!" she giggled as she returned to her seat.
"You'd never, you love this mug too much." Owen joined the laughter. "But what I do know what I need is a guy's night! All my normal friends are girls, so when you were that horse and we gamed all weekend I knew I needed him back!"
"Unfortunately for you, you'll have boobs by the time the day's over!"
"The only one having anything happen involving breasts is loss when you lose them!"
The two's bet was in place as they went back to check their emails and such. Their work would eventually be interrupted when there was a knock on the door, Tasgall arriving at the IT office.
"And away we go." Owen leaned up. "Who's there?" he called to it.
"I'm the new intern, excited to be here!" Tasgall said before gritting his teeth, feigning the enthusiasm was torture for him.
"Go ahead and put your hand on the scanner so it can register! Then you can get in every time after since it will unlock the door!" Liz instructed.
"How odd." Tasgall frowned, putting his hand on it as it started to feel a strange tingle. "Whatever, only one time I need to do this." he spoke, albeit failed to notice how his voice started to raise up in pitch as he mumbled.
As he opened up the door, Tasgall's whole body wasted no time in transforming rapidly before he even entered into the room.
Tasgall's body was shrinking down in size, his figure becoming more petite overall. While his overall height and width was generally shrinking, certain parts of his body would expand. Tasgall's hips widened outward, plumping out to childbearing proportions. The same happened with his rear, enlarging to make it much more pert and pronounced. The curves continue down Tasgall's legs, with both his thighs and calves becoming larger and feminine, amplified by the inclines between both deepening. A similar situation occurred above the belt, with Tasgall's sides and back both pushing inward to complete his new hourglass figure.
The femininity didn't end there, with his shoulders cracking downward. They lost their broadness and became narrow, the size of his arms slenderizing to keep up with his changing proportions. Tasgall's hands became smaller with his fingers becoming thinner and longer, giving them a petite appearance. His eyelashes elongated with thin eyebrows forming as well. The lump inside Tasgall's throat shrank down to near nothingness, giving him a much higher pitched voice. The most notable change to his body would be two noticeable lumps growing out of his chest in the way of ample breasts. Between his legs, Tasgall's manhood was gone to completely swap his sex to female.
The changes were far from over, however. Growing out from the sides of his head, two large and triangular ears emerged that were covered with light brown fur. The same color fur spread all over his head, completely covering it so no skin showed through. His snout shrank a fair bit, forming into a more petite muzzle as his nostrils became a proper nose sitting at the end of it. Behind him, his tail enlarged as it became much bushier, becoming almost as wide and tall as himself. It was covered in light brown fur with stripes of darker brown down it as well. The light brown fur spread over the rest of Tasgall's body, save for his front which was a beige color, ending his transformation into a squirrel woman.
As soon as he set foot in the office, the last of the transformation concluded. Gone was Tasgall, the fake intern who just used that job to get into the building with no interest in whatever was happening inside. Instead, he was now Sasha, the hardworking, no-nonsense squirrel woman. She went to school to learn IT, and hoped to one day run her own department. This was just the stepping stone, and she was going to make an impression.
Her outfit change to better suit her body. Bra and panties underneath it all, with a white button up blouse and black coat along with a skirt. Matching high heels formed overneath her paws, giving her proper business attire.
"Hello. Thank you for the opportunity to work for your wonderful company." she said taking a small bow. "You must be Mr. Owen and Ms. Liz."
"Welcome to the team! That's us!" Owen gave a quick glance to Liz before looking back to Sasha.
"Glad to have you here. About time we got another girl in the department!"
"I am happy to help in any ways I can." Sasha said, adjusting glasses that had formed on her face. "And I look forward to learning everything you have to offer to teach. Getting experience with all the technical problems is something I need hands on practice with.
"We'll make sure to give you as much as we can then." Owen laughed. "Til' then, your desk is that one in the corner over there." he pointed to the empty desk, and the one he rigged earlier.
"Excellent, thank you." Sasha said. "I did have a few questions though."
"Fire away, we're here to help."
What Owen didn't expect, was just how many questions the squirrel was going to ask. It was like a dedicated job! He was hoping for an easy day of messing with the new intern, not actually giving this kind of advice! He kept trying to get Sasha to the computer, but that only brought upon more questions. After a while, Liz finally cut in.
"Alright, I think that's enough questions for now! Have to save some for the rest of the internship."
"Apologies." she gave a nod. "I'll get situated at my station. Thank you for answering."
The squirrel walked past Owen and Liz, Owen giving a silent head shake and pretended to fall asleep and mouthing "I win."
Sasha sat down, and turned on the computer when suddenly it exploded in a bright light that covered her whole body, kicking off another transformation for the former Tasgall.
Just as quickly as ears came to her, they shrank right back into her head leaving only simple holes left in their wake. The fur all over her face vanished, revealing green scales underneath it. Her muzzle becoming thinner and longer, tongue inside of it becoming thinner with a forked tip.
The scales continued to form down Sasha's body, with green forming on most of it while a yellowish beige formed on the underside of his snout and down his front. Her tail lost all of its hair while it shrank down a fair bit, forming green scales on the back and yellow on the underside. It was now only a bit shorter than her legs. The ends of both her fingers and toes formed into dulled claws, changing her into a snake woman.
Her outfit came back to life as well, the black jacket traded off for a regular hoodie that had a Triforce across the front, now the hoodie she came in wearing with her work uniform underneath it. Her blouse formed a breast pocket, of which an image of a cat "looked over" from inside of it. The glasses became more circular than triangular. Mentally, Sasha was still named as such, however, she was much more open to having fun! She loved joking around, and the antics the IT department got into. It was a dream internship for her in terms of fun and how good she got along with everyone!
"Ah, finally in from the cold!" she giggled as she took her hoodie off. "So nice and warm in here!"
"Got that right. Thank you state of the art heater." Owen laughed. "Speaking of, would you mind running to the breakroom and bringing us back some coffee?"
"Of course!" she jumped up and nodded. "Cream and with two sugar for Owen, and just cream for Liz! I memorized the order! I like learning these kind of things so I never have to ask again!"
"That's why we love ya' Sasha." Owen laughed as he waved her off and the snake woman left to get the drinks.
"Well then, I think it's clear who won today." Owen said with confidence.
"I made a good employee!" Liz defended.
"And a boring one. You made me work more than I ever have since you started here!"
Soon, Sasha returned with all the drinks in her hands, struggling a moment to open the door, but hearing what the people inside were saying.
"I'm so ready for this weekend dude!" the horse man in Liz's seat said excitedly. "We ain't sleeping baby!"
"That's what I like to hear! Been so long since we partied together!"
"Hey, you think we could invite Sasha?" the former husky girl asked
"I'm not saying no. She likes games so she'd probably fit in."
"I want to hang out with her more! I think she's pretty cute. Could be the first step of something!"
"Long as you don't get in the way of game time flirt with her all you want." Owen laughed, mumbling to himself "to be transformed and in love."
And with that, the door unlocked, Sasha doing her best to not give a goofy smile, feeling the same way about the horse. "I got your drinks!" she said, placing them down on Owen's desk, going to Liz's and giving a smile to him as he accepted it.
"Say Sasha, did you want to hang out with me and Owen this weekend? Going to be gaming all weekend!"
"I'd love that! Sounds awesome! I always wanted to hang out with you guys outside of work!"
"Then it's a date!"
"This must be the place." the dolphin looked to the large campus. The Dackwill Corporation was one of the largest in the state, and had an opening for an internship. Tasgall had applied and been accepted, albeit he had no interest in advancing in the company at all. Rather, he had heard about some of the machines they were working on, and were something that could help him further his own goals. It was an easy gig, and this was going to be an easy in and out. He laughed as he walked in, believing it was going to be one of the easiest schemes he had ever partook in.
The IT office of Dackwill was as slow as ever. Every issue that got brought to them rarely required them to take more than a few minutes to fix. As such, downtime was the normal for them.
"It's slower than normal today huh?" Owen asked leaning back in his chair, hands behind his head.
"They probably kept work away from us so we can help train the new intern." Liz responded with a shrug.
"An intern? Again? How many are they going to keep sending us?" Owen chuckled. "Feels like we've had so many lately."
"Probably because they keep leaving." Liz said. "They don't all appreciate the pranking culture you set up in the department."
"That just weeds out people who wouldn't get along with us!" Owen defended himself. "Look at you, you love it now!"
"It's an acquired taste but yes." Liz shook her head. "You never work into it though."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Owen waved his hand and he got up from his chair and over to the empty desk.
"What are you doing now?"
"Do you even have to ask at this point?" Owen questioned with a chuckle as he put in a USB stick to the computer, typing in a few things before taking it out. "And that's one of the fun bombs planted." he smirked.
"Well if we're doing this, then I'm going to one-up you." Liz said walking over to the door, tinkering with the electronic lock.
"So are we making the usual wager then?" Owen asked with a smile as he sat back down.
"Read my mind. I've been wanting another excuse to go to the spa, and you were so excited to last time!"
"I haven't stopped using lavender since I was that doe..." Owen trailed off. "May of been somebody else but they had good taste!"
"Then be prepared to be lavender crazy again! Maybe one day I'll trade you away for her permanently!" she giggled as she returned to her seat.
"You'd never, you love this mug too much." Owen joined the laughter. "But what I do know what I need is a guy's night! All my normal friends are girls, so when you were that horse and we gamed all weekend I knew I needed him back!"
"Unfortunately for you, you'll have boobs by the time the day's over!"
"The only one having anything happen involving breasts is loss when you lose them!"
The two's bet was in place as they went back to check their emails and such. Their work would eventually be interrupted when there was a knock on the door, Tasgall arriving at the IT office.
"And away we go." Owen leaned up. "Who's there?" he called to it.
"I'm the new intern, excited to be here!" Tasgall said before gritting his teeth, feigning the enthusiasm was torture for him.
"Go ahead and put your hand on the scanner so it can register! Then you can get in every time after since it will unlock the door!" Liz instructed.
"How odd." Tasgall frowned, putting his hand on it as it started to feel a strange tingle. "Whatever, only one time I need to do this." he spoke, albeit failed to notice how his voice started to raise up in pitch as he mumbled.
As he opened up the door, Tasgall's whole body wasted no time in transforming rapidly before he even entered into the room.
Tasgall's body was shrinking down in size, his figure becoming more petite overall. While his overall height and width was generally shrinking, certain parts of his body would expand. Tasgall's hips widened outward, plumping out to childbearing proportions. The same happened with his rear, enlarging to make it much more pert and pronounced. The curves continue down Tasgall's legs, with both his thighs and calves becoming larger and feminine, amplified by the inclines between both deepening. A similar situation occurred above the belt, with Tasgall's sides and back both pushing inward to complete his new hourglass figure.
The femininity didn't end there, with his shoulders cracking downward. They lost their broadness and became narrow, the size of his arms slenderizing to keep up with his changing proportions. Tasgall's hands became smaller with his fingers becoming thinner and longer, giving them a petite appearance. His eyelashes elongated with thin eyebrows forming as well. The lump inside Tasgall's throat shrank down to near nothingness, giving him a much higher pitched voice. The most notable change to his body would be two noticeable lumps growing out of his chest in the way of ample breasts. Between his legs, Tasgall's manhood was gone to completely swap his sex to female.
The changes were far from over, however. Growing out from the sides of his head, two large and triangular ears emerged that were covered with light brown fur. The same color fur spread all over his head, completely covering it so no skin showed through. His snout shrank a fair bit, forming into a more petite muzzle as his nostrils became a proper nose sitting at the end of it. Behind him, his tail enlarged as it became much bushier, becoming almost as wide and tall as himself. It was covered in light brown fur with stripes of darker brown down it as well. The light brown fur spread over the rest of Tasgall's body, save for his front which was a beige color, ending his transformation into a squirrel woman.
As soon as he set foot in the office, the last of the transformation concluded. Gone was Tasgall, the fake intern who just used that job to get into the building with no interest in whatever was happening inside. Instead, he was now Sasha, the hardworking, no-nonsense squirrel woman. She went to school to learn IT, and hoped to one day run her own department. This was just the stepping stone, and she was going to make an impression.
Her outfit change to better suit her body. Bra and panties underneath it all, with a white button up blouse and black coat along with a skirt. Matching high heels formed overneath her paws, giving her proper business attire.
"Hello. Thank you for the opportunity to work for your wonderful company." she said taking a small bow. "You must be Mr. Owen and Ms. Liz."
"Welcome to the team! That's us!" Owen gave a quick glance to Liz before looking back to Sasha.
"Glad to have you here. About time we got another girl in the department!"
"I am happy to help in any ways I can." Sasha said, adjusting glasses that had formed on her face. "And I look forward to learning everything you have to offer to teach. Getting experience with all the technical problems is something I need hands on practice with.
"We'll make sure to give you as much as we can then." Owen laughed. "Til' then, your desk is that one in the corner over there." he pointed to the empty desk, and the one he rigged earlier.
"Excellent, thank you." Sasha said. "I did have a few questions though."
"Fire away, we're here to help."
What Owen didn't expect, was just how many questions the squirrel was going to ask. It was like a dedicated job! He was hoping for an easy day of messing with the new intern, not actually giving this kind of advice! He kept trying to get Sasha to the computer, but that only brought upon more questions. After a while, Liz finally cut in.
"Alright, I think that's enough questions for now! Have to save some for the rest of the internship."
"Apologies." she gave a nod. "I'll get situated at my station. Thank you for answering."
The squirrel walked past Owen and Liz, Owen giving a silent head shake and pretended to fall asleep and mouthing "I win."
Sasha sat down, and turned on the computer when suddenly it exploded in a bright light that covered her whole body, kicking off another transformation for the former Tasgall.
Just as quickly as ears came to her, they shrank right back into her head leaving only simple holes left in their wake. The fur all over her face vanished, revealing green scales underneath it. Her muzzle becoming thinner and longer, tongue inside of it becoming thinner with a forked tip.
The scales continued to form down Sasha's body, with green forming on most of it while a yellowish beige formed on the underside of his snout and down his front. Her tail lost all of its hair while it shrank down a fair bit, forming green scales on the back and yellow on the underside. It was now only a bit shorter than her legs. The ends of both her fingers and toes formed into dulled claws, changing her into a snake woman.
Her outfit came back to life as well, the black jacket traded off for a regular hoodie that had a Triforce across the front, now the hoodie she came in wearing with her work uniform underneath it. Her blouse formed a breast pocket, of which an image of a cat "looked over" from inside of it. The glasses became more circular than triangular. Mentally, Sasha was still named as such, however, she was much more open to having fun! She loved joking around, and the antics the IT department got into. It was a dream internship for her in terms of fun and how good she got along with everyone!
"Ah, finally in from the cold!" she giggled as she took her hoodie off. "So nice and warm in here!"
"Got that right. Thank you state of the art heater." Owen laughed. "Speaking of, would you mind running to the breakroom and bringing us back some coffee?"
"Of course!" she jumped up and nodded. "Cream and with two sugar for Owen, and just cream for Liz! I memorized the order! I like learning these kind of things so I never have to ask again!"
"That's why we love ya' Sasha." Owen laughed as he waved her off and the snake woman left to get the drinks.
"Well then, I think it's clear who won today." Owen said with confidence.
"I made a good employee!" Liz defended.
"And a boring one. You made me work more than I ever have since you started here!"
Soon, Sasha returned with all the drinks in her hands, struggling a moment to open the door, but hearing what the people inside were saying.
"I'm so ready for this weekend dude!" the horse man in Liz's seat said excitedly. "We ain't sleeping baby!"
"That's what I like to hear! Been so long since we partied together!"
"Hey, you think we could invite Sasha?" the former husky girl asked
"I'm not saying no. She likes games so she'd probably fit in."
"I want to hang out with her more! I think she's pretty cute. Could be the first step of something!"
"Long as you don't get in the way of game time flirt with her all you want." Owen laughed, mumbling to himself "to be transformed and in love."
And with that, the door unlocked, Sasha doing her best to not give a goofy smile, feeling the same way about the horse. "I got your drinks!" she said, placing them down on Owen's desk, going to Liz's and giving a smile to him as he accepted it.
"Say Sasha, did you want to hang out with me and Owen this weekend? Going to be gaming all weekend!"
"I'd love that! Sounds awesome! I always wanted to hang out with you guys outside of work!"
"Then it's a date!"
Commission for

Category Story / TF / TG
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 120 x 102px
File Size 11.1 kB