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You can't say exactly why you are out in the mountains. Not only are you looking for treasure, but you also want to train and become stronger, and maybe you could even discover a rare Pokemon. Plus, it's nice to do some sightseeing, right?
You climb up one of the steep paths that wind around the mountains. The view up here is astounding. All the colors of the ground, stretching out to the horizon, create parts of the landscape. All the greens of the plants and the blues of the water look like they're part of a painting. It doesn't even seem real up here.
After gazing out into the distance and admiring the landscape, you continue up the path. You've only been walking for an hour, but you realize that you haven't seen a single soul since you got here, with the exception of some Pokemon. It's as if the mountains are deserted. You have to admit that it feels a little eerie.
However, something else catches your eye. On the side of the path, nestled between some rocks, sits a small blue stone. It reflects the sunlight, and it even seems familiar somehow.
You pick up the stone and inspect it. It's definitely rare: you notice its iconic swirl shape inside it, and you realize that it's a coveted Charizardite X. The colors of the Charizardite glitter in the light. There are tones of black and blue swirling around inside the stone. It's almost breathtaking.
As you look closer, you realize that the stone is emitting a soft blue glow. It illuminates your hand and casts a barely visible light on your wrist. Your Mega Bracelet is turning slightly brighter, as if it were preparing for a Mega Evolution. You don't have a Charizard with you, but yet, the Charizardite is reacting to your bracelet.
For a moment, a wave of nausea passes over you, and you have a hard time staying on your feet. You notice that the stone is glowing brighter. It's hot to the touch, and you drop it on the ground.
The palm of your hand was a bit red from the Mega Stone's heat. But then a tingling sensation start overtaking it. Dark lines and dots formed all over your skin. Then the lines curved, and the spots grew bigger, these new additions were as hard and black as obsidian, and tougher than leather. Scales, you realized, black scales are starting to appear on your hand.
More and more dark scales start growing all over your fingers as they change in both shape and function. They grew longer, thicker, stronger. Two of your digits start to stick to the nearest one, and merge with it.
You watchyour six remaining nails lengthen as they turn into sharp, cone shaped claws.
More of the scales start to travel up your arm in an ebony wave. As they engulfed your shoulders, four curved spikes tipped with light blue punched through the beginning of your shirt sleeves.
The scales didn't stop their crusade as they finish up your arms and start to cover the rest of your body. They spread to your torso, all the way to your legs.
At that moment, you can feel something push up against the back of your pants and easily rips through it. It's a tail, a long, black tail with a blue underside starts growing out of your tailbone. It quickly grows to its full, intended size as a blue flame ignites on the tip of your tail.
Your neck contorts and extends a few inches longer as scales began to grow on it. You try to stand up. The scenery in front of you begins to warp as your eyes have trouble focusing on the world. The world begins to tilt as you feel yourself becoming dizzy. You squeeze your eyes shut, waiting for it to pass.
You feel an intense, blue-hot heat build up in your stomach, rising in your throat and starts coming out of the sides of your mouth. This wasn't natural... you had to get help.
One step after another, you run along the side of the cliff clumsily, searching for someone to help you. There had to be someone, anyone, who would know what's happening to you.
You didn't get very far before you start to feel your feet grow. The toes press up against your shoes as they begin to turn into claws. Three white claws punched through the front of your shoes, the broken soles slapping against the earthen trail.
There's a series of ripping sounds as your pants begin to rupture at the seams under the strain as your legs begin to change as well. Bones compacting and thickened as various muscle groups start bunching up. The fabric finally gives way, revealing short but powerful legs coated in obsidian scales.
You start to bulk up rapidly, causing your shirt to tighten considerably. Growling with discomfort, you use your newly grown claws to slice away at the too small article of clothing. Finally revealing a good portion of your onyx scales and lapis underbelly.
Wait. The black and blue scales, your flaming tail and mouth. It all seemed familiar, and then it hit you. You begin to realize that you're not only becoming a Charizard, but you're also Mega Evolving at the same time, all because of that Mega Stone.
You feel pressure on two spots your back, right above your shoulder blades. Without warning, you can suddenly feel new joints and bones extending outward from your back. The new limbs tear through the back of your tattered shirt and stretch out almost painlessly. Something has happened to your back and chest muscles, too. You can feel them morph and re-form under your skin, and you shiver as they allow you to move and rotate your new limbs.
You realized that your wings are starting to grow in. Increasing in size and tearing at what's left of your shirt.
Your transformation was drawing to a close as the ebony scales crawl along your face. You utter a growl as you feel your head changing.
Two long horns tipped in blue emerged from your flattening skull. Your ears are swallowed up by obsidian scales, leaving only tiny holes in its wake. There's a series of cracks and pops as your nose and mouth soon extends out into a muzzle or snout, and sharp teeth erupt from your human ones.
Your eyes changed, narrowing as the iris fades into a deep red color illuminated by the azure flames on either side of your draconic maw.
Your transformation complete, you stood up, still a bit disoriented from everything that just happened. But once recovered enough, you looked over yourself. Was this all a dream? You flexed your three fingers. Sure didn't feel like it.
You rub at the scales that have replaced your skin. They're hard yet smooth to the touch, and surprising, their presence isn't as upsetting as you would have imagined.
You give an experimental flap of your wings, and you feel your clawed feet lift off the ground.
You looked behind yourself to see your thick reptilian tail with the large blue flame at the end. Yeah, you might want to keep a close eye on that...
Out the corner of your eye, you see what appears to be someone standing near one of the many cliffs around here. As you approach them, you realize how frightening you must look to a human. You're a Charizard dressed in tattered human clothes. It kinda reminds you of those Wereyena movies you were too scared to watch as a kid.
But on the plus side, you're wearing a Mega Bracelet. Maybe that can help explain the situation. And by the looks of it, the person is a Pokemon trainer.
You draw closer until you're just a few feet away. Towering over the poor, unsuspecting trainer, you open your mouth and try to speak. All that comes out is a faint growl.
The trainer whirls around and stares at you in awe. “Woah, a Mega Charizard X in the wild?” they say. “Unbelievable!” They reach for their pocket and pull out a round object, which you recognize immediately: a Master Ball.
Your heart starts to race. There's no time to reason with this kid. As you start to back off, you remember how hard it is to move in this new body. Your feet, which are significantly larger than your human body's feet, bump into each other, and you trip over them. You can't let yourself get captured by a trainer. What will happen to you then?
Some instinct takes over you. Your back muscles move in a way that you haven't felt before. Your black wings fold, then begin to flap up and down, in an attempt to lift your heavy body off the ground. The trainer is approaching fast, but you are faster. The adrenaline pumping in your blood gives you the strength to fly away, slowly but surely.
The sensation of being up in the air is almost terrifying. With only your wings to keep you from falling, you have no choice but to keep flapping away. You look down to see the Pokemon trainer still pursuing you, and it looks like they intend to throw the Master Ball at you.
You hear the Master Ball whistle through the air before you see it, and you dive out of the way. It goes clear over your head and falls into one of the bushes below you. That doesn't stop the trainer from chasing after you.
Another Poke Ball flies past your head.
“You can't catch a human-turned-Pokemon!” you try to shout at the trainer, but again, you can only growl. Wait, can they? Since you were once a human trainer, and now a Pokemon, do you still count as a your own Pokemon, therefore making any type of known Pokeball unusable against you?
That was a theory you really didn't want to try at the moment.
Once your wings catch the wind in a certain way, it's significantly easier to fly. The wind guides your wings, and an updraft lifts you high off the ground. You soar up the side of the mountain, dozens of feet away from the ground, and you land clumsily on a flat area near the peak. The sides of this mountain are steep, so you doubt the trainer can get up here any time soon.
Luckily for you, there's a small cave embedded in the side of the nearby rocks. You head inside without any hesitation.
Your body feels very limp and weak all of a sudden. Now that the trainer is hopefully gone, you collapse on the floor of the cave and try to relax.
The four spikes protruding from your shoulders shrink back into them. Your black and blue scales are fading into a light orange and yellow color, as did your wings, whos insides turn green as they stitch themselves back together, becoming slightly smaller in the process.
Lastly, the blue flames that wreathed your mouth extinguished itself, and the blue flare on your tail cooled to a bright reddish-orange. You shudder as your body completes its changes once again.
Once your discomfort passes, you stumble to your feet and look at your body again. You're still a Charizard, and it doesn't look like you're going to become human again anytime soon. You lost your stuff, along with your map, when you were transforming, and you don't have the slightest idea as to where you are right now. You strayed off the path you were traveling when you searched for help.
Feeling dejected, you trudge out of the cave, only to accidentally kick a small, round object lying on the ground. It rolls along the rocks and falls into a shallow crack in the earth. You smile when you realize what it is: it's the Charizardite X from before. But you remembered dropping it back on the trail. How did it even get here?
You decide to ponder that later, because now that you have the Charizardite, maybe you could try to Mega Evolve again. Your Mega Bracelet is still intact. It could be useful if you would ever need to battle. And since you have human intelligence mixed with your Charizard form, you're sure you can figure out how to achieve it again.
You stretch your wings and remember the thrill of soaring through the air. It wasn't a bad experience in itself, and it would have been more fun if you hadn't been chased by that trainer. You stand at the edge of the cliff and extend your wings outward, feeling the wind brush past them. The trainer seems to be gone now. You could be safe here. It could be possible for you to make your new life here, the new life you've always dreamed of. Even as a Charizard, you could still make your life one worth living, right?
You can't say exactly why you are out in the mountains. Not only are you looking for treasure, but you also want to train and become stronger, and maybe you could even discover a rare Pokemon. Plus, it's nice to do some sightseeing, right?
You climb up one of the steep paths that wind around the mountains. The view up here is astounding. All the colors of the ground, stretching out to the horizon, create parts of the landscape. All the greens of the plants and the blues of the water look like they're part of a painting. It doesn't even seem real up here.
After gazing out into the distance and admiring the landscape, you continue up the path. You've only been walking for an hour, but you realize that you haven't seen a single soul since you got here, with the exception of some Pokemon. It's as if the mountains are deserted. You have to admit that it feels a little eerie.
However, something else catches your eye. On the side of the path, nestled between some rocks, sits a small blue stone. It reflects the sunlight, and it even seems familiar somehow.
You pick up the stone and inspect it. It's definitely rare: you notice its iconic swirl shape inside it, and you realize that it's a coveted Charizardite X. The colors of the Charizardite glitter in the light. There are tones of black and blue swirling around inside the stone. It's almost breathtaking.
As you look closer, you realize that the stone is emitting a soft blue glow. It illuminates your hand and casts a barely visible light on your wrist. Your Mega Bracelet is turning slightly brighter, as if it were preparing for a Mega Evolution. You don't have a Charizard with you, but yet, the Charizardite is reacting to your bracelet.
For a moment, a wave of nausea passes over you, and you have a hard time staying on your feet. You notice that the stone is glowing brighter. It's hot to the touch, and you drop it on the ground.
The palm of your hand was a bit red from the Mega Stone's heat. But then a tingling sensation start overtaking it. Dark lines and dots formed all over your skin. Then the lines curved, and the spots grew bigger, these new additions were as hard and black as obsidian, and tougher than leather. Scales, you realized, black scales are starting to appear on your hand.
More and more dark scales start growing all over your fingers as they change in both shape and function. They grew longer, thicker, stronger. Two of your digits start to stick to the nearest one, and merge with it.
You watchyour six remaining nails lengthen as they turn into sharp, cone shaped claws.
More of the scales start to travel up your arm in an ebony wave. As they engulfed your shoulders, four curved spikes tipped with light blue punched through the beginning of your shirt sleeves.
The scales didn't stop their crusade as they finish up your arms and start to cover the rest of your body. They spread to your torso, all the way to your legs.
At that moment, you can feel something push up against the back of your pants and easily rips through it. It's a tail, a long, black tail with a blue underside starts growing out of your tailbone. It quickly grows to its full, intended size as a blue flame ignites on the tip of your tail.
Your neck contorts and extends a few inches longer as scales began to grow on it. You try to stand up. The scenery in front of you begins to warp as your eyes have trouble focusing on the world. The world begins to tilt as you feel yourself becoming dizzy. You squeeze your eyes shut, waiting for it to pass.
You feel an intense, blue-hot heat build up in your stomach, rising in your throat and starts coming out of the sides of your mouth. This wasn't natural... you had to get help.
One step after another, you run along the side of the cliff clumsily, searching for someone to help you. There had to be someone, anyone, who would know what's happening to you.
You didn't get very far before you start to feel your feet grow. The toes press up against your shoes as they begin to turn into claws. Three white claws punched through the front of your shoes, the broken soles slapping against the earthen trail.
There's a series of ripping sounds as your pants begin to rupture at the seams under the strain as your legs begin to change as well. Bones compacting and thickened as various muscle groups start bunching up. The fabric finally gives way, revealing short but powerful legs coated in obsidian scales.
You start to bulk up rapidly, causing your shirt to tighten considerably. Growling with discomfort, you use your newly grown claws to slice away at the too small article of clothing. Finally revealing a good portion of your onyx scales and lapis underbelly.
Wait. The black and blue scales, your flaming tail and mouth. It all seemed familiar, and then it hit you. You begin to realize that you're not only becoming a Charizard, but you're also Mega Evolving at the same time, all because of that Mega Stone.
You feel pressure on two spots your back, right above your shoulder blades. Without warning, you can suddenly feel new joints and bones extending outward from your back. The new limbs tear through the back of your tattered shirt and stretch out almost painlessly. Something has happened to your back and chest muscles, too. You can feel them morph and re-form under your skin, and you shiver as they allow you to move and rotate your new limbs.
You realized that your wings are starting to grow in. Increasing in size and tearing at what's left of your shirt.
Your transformation was drawing to a close as the ebony scales crawl along your face. You utter a growl as you feel your head changing.
Two long horns tipped in blue emerged from your flattening skull. Your ears are swallowed up by obsidian scales, leaving only tiny holes in its wake. There's a series of cracks and pops as your nose and mouth soon extends out into a muzzle or snout, and sharp teeth erupt from your human ones.
Your eyes changed, narrowing as the iris fades into a deep red color illuminated by the azure flames on either side of your draconic maw.
Your transformation complete, you stood up, still a bit disoriented from everything that just happened. But once recovered enough, you looked over yourself. Was this all a dream? You flexed your three fingers. Sure didn't feel like it.
You rub at the scales that have replaced your skin. They're hard yet smooth to the touch, and surprising, their presence isn't as upsetting as you would have imagined.
You give an experimental flap of your wings, and you feel your clawed feet lift off the ground.
You looked behind yourself to see your thick reptilian tail with the large blue flame at the end. Yeah, you might want to keep a close eye on that...
Out the corner of your eye, you see what appears to be someone standing near one of the many cliffs around here. As you approach them, you realize how frightening you must look to a human. You're a Charizard dressed in tattered human clothes. It kinda reminds you of those Wereyena movies you were too scared to watch as a kid.
But on the plus side, you're wearing a Mega Bracelet. Maybe that can help explain the situation. And by the looks of it, the person is a Pokemon trainer.
You draw closer until you're just a few feet away. Towering over the poor, unsuspecting trainer, you open your mouth and try to speak. All that comes out is a faint growl.
The trainer whirls around and stares at you in awe. “Woah, a Mega Charizard X in the wild?” they say. “Unbelievable!” They reach for their pocket and pull out a round object, which you recognize immediately: a Master Ball.
Your heart starts to race. There's no time to reason with this kid. As you start to back off, you remember how hard it is to move in this new body. Your feet, which are significantly larger than your human body's feet, bump into each other, and you trip over them. You can't let yourself get captured by a trainer. What will happen to you then?
Some instinct takes over you. Your back muscles move in a way that you haven't felt before. Your black wings fold, then begin to flap up and down, in an attempt to lift your heavy body off the ground. The trainer is approaching fast, but you are faster. The adrenaline pumping in your blood gives you the strength to fly away, slowly but surely.
The sensation of being up in the air is almost terrifying. With only your wings to keep you from falling, you have no choice but to keep flapping away. You look down to see the Pokemon trainer still pursuing you, and it looks like they intend to throw the Master Ball at you.
You hear the Master Ball whistle through the air before you see it, and you dive out of the way. It goes clear over your head and falls into one of the bushes below you. That doesn't stop the trainer from chasing after you.
Another Poke Ball flies past your head.
“You can't catch a human-turned-Pokemon!” you try to shout at the trainer, but again, you can only growl. Wait, can they? Since you were once a human trainer, and now a Pokemon, do you still count as a your own Pokemon, therefore making any type of known Pokeball unusable against you?
That was a theory you really didn't want to try at the moment.
Once your wings catch the wind in a certain way, it's significantly easier to fly. The wind guides your wings, and an updraft lifts you high off the ground. You soar up the side of the mountain, dozens of feet away from the ground, and you land clumsily on a flat area near the peak. The sides of this mountain are steep, so you doubt the trainer can get up here any time soon.
Luckily for you, there's a small cave embedded in the side of the nearby rocks. You head inside without any hesitation.
Your body feels very limp and weak all of a sudden. Now that the trainer is hopefully gone, you collapse on the floor of the cave and try to relax.
The four spikes protruding from your shoulders shrink back into them. Your black and blue scales are fading into a light orange and yellow color, as did your wings, whos insides turn green as they stitch themselves back together, becoming slightly smaller in the process.
Lastly, the blue flames that wreathed your mouth extinguished itself, and the blue flare on your tail cooled to a bright reddish-orange. You shudder as your body completes its changes once again.
Once your discomfort passes, you stumble to your feet and look at your body again. You're still a Charizard, and it doesn't look like you're going to become human again anytime soon. You lost your stuff, along with your map, when you were transforming, and you don't have the slightest idea as to where you are right now. You strayed off the path you were traveling when you searched for help.
Feeling dejected, you trudge out of the cave, only to accidentally kick a small, round object lying on the ground. It rolls along the rocks and falls into a shallow crack in the earth. You smile when you realize what it is: it's the Charizardite X from before. But you remembered dropping it back on the trail. How did it even get here?
You decide to ponder that later, because now that you have the Charizardite, maybe you could try to Mega Evolve again. Your Mega Bracelet is still intact. It could be useful if you would ever need to battle. And since you have human intelligence mixed with your Charizard form, you're sure you can figure out how to achieve it again.
You stretch your wings and remember the thrill of soaring through the air. It wasn't a bad experience in itself, and it would have been more fun if you hadn't been chased by that trainer. You stand at the edge of the cliff and extend your wings outward, feeling the wind brush past them. The trainer seems to be gone now. You could be safe here. It could be possible for you to make your new life here, the new life you've always dreamed of. Even as a Charizard, you could still make your life one worth living, right?
A simple trip to the mountains takes a turn in an unexpected direction upon the discovery of a Charizardite X. Mega Stones have more hidden powers than one might think...
So on this website, there's a Mega Charizard Y version of this story made by the artist Unusual / r0yalblue, (who's accounts are either unused or deactivated, but I'll provide links anyway) https://www.furaffinity.net/user/unusual/ And https://www.furaffinity.net/user/r0yalblue
They never made a Mega Charizard X variation of their incredible story, and I know a lot of you guys are Mega X fans. So now, I take it upon myself to finish what was started 5 years ago! I hope you enjoy, (And that it doesn't get taken down...)
Read the Mega Charizard Y Version here:
So on this website, there's a Mega Charizard Y version of this story made by the artist Unusual / r0yalblue, (who's accounts are either unused or deactivated, but I'll provide links anyway) https://www.furaffinity.net/user/unusual/ And https://www.furaffinity.net/user/r0yalblue
They never made a Mega Charizard X variation of their incredible story, and I know a lot of you guys are Mega X fans. So now, I take it upon myself to finish what was started 5 years ago! I hope you enjoy, (And that it doesn't get taken down...)
Read the Mega Charizard Y Version here:
Category Story / Transformation
Species Pokemon
Gender Any
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 11.8 kB