A trade that I made for
MellonTheFatDog with his character Mellon.
Nothing says like a night than sitting on the booths of the diner that Mellon, a black and white fat dog with glasses, and his friend, Marcus, a skinny cat loved very much. They’ve always eaten here every day for the last three years. The first day was when they first met each other and became good friends. As the three years went by, they knew so much about each other. Like how Marcus had always dreamed of making it on the swimming team, but the problem was that he was afraid of water. So much that he doesn’t know how to swim. As for Mellon, he once won a hot dog eating contest four years ago and has been slowly gaining weight ever since. Marcus knew that Mellow was getting fatter every day, just by watching him eat up burgers and gulping liters of soda. On this night, the two friends ordered a nice meal of fish and fries for the cat and a ten pound burger, extra fries, and a milkshake. His appetite was really big if the dog was able to eat it all. “It’s the same meal again isn’t it?” The cat scoffs and looks down at his own plate as if his meal was better than Mellon’s.
“Not this time. I asked for mustard instead of ketchup on my burger. Trying to make a difference here.” His burger consisted of a thick juicy patty, some lettuce, tomato, a fried egg, bacon, cheese, pickles, and mustard like he said. That was enough to give a man a heart attack, but Mellon is immune to those since he’s never had one. Marcus wonders if it’s only the humans that have heart attacks. It’ll also explain why there are so many fat furs in this town, maybe the country.
“The only difference you’ll make is gaining more weight. That belly is just going to get bigger than a beachball if you keep this up.” Marcus was a bit liking his friend’s belly ever since Mellon accidently steamrolled him on the bed during a sleepover. He might have felt crushed and unmovable, but his belly was really soft for him. If only he would admit it that he would like to see his friend get fatter, just to rub that belly again. “But if you want to eat it all, go for it. I won’t stop you.” Mellon smiles at him and picks up his burger as he took one huge bite from his chompers, the way that the mustard, tomato, and lettuce fell onto the plate. He chews so loudly but yet so quiet, like chips from the first second to the last.
“Mmm, so good.” Mellon said with a mouth full of burger. He swallows it down and sighs happily. “Man, that’s really gonna fill my belly really good.” He takes another bite out of it. Marcus looks down at his plate again, realizing that it is getting cold soon if he doesn’t eat it. Unlike his fat friend, Marcus uses a fork and knife like a gentleman and cuts the fish into pieces. He stabs each piece with a fork and eats them one at a time. After half the pieces were gone, he notices that Mellon was done with the burger, having grease stains on his face and shirt that starts being lifted up a little by his growing belly. Marcus was just staring at that belly, it looked wobbly and jiggly like if he were to slap it, ripples would appear like jello. “Wow, that has to be some new record there.” He chuckles before accidentally letting out a small burp. “Excuse me.”
Marcus looks back down at his food, ignoring Mellon’s satisfaction as he now goes for his fries. The cat does his best to finish the rest of his fish. Of course he has a small belly, one that gets full quickly because of his size. Right now, he could see a round bulging belly that was getting uncomfortable with the belt he was wearing. “Dang belt.” He groans as he undid it. “Ahhh, much better. Once that was done, he continued eating the fish and moved on to his fries. He dips them in the ranch sauce next to them and bites onto it. They were very tasty indeed. Mellon could think the same way, munching down on them greedly. If the fat bloating dog was wearing a buttoned shirt, buttons would already start popping. After Mellon was done with his fries, he went straight to the milkshake, instead of using the straw, he chugs it down like it was some sort of chugging contest. Marcus was only on the third fry but his eyes went straight back to the dog’s belly, watching it slowly expand. He wanted to rub that belly badly. “Can….you shake that belly?” He asks, shyly as Mellon finishes his milkshake.
“Sure.” He answers without any questions. Mellon puts his paws on his big bloated belly and shakes it around, hearing it sloshing around like a water balloon. “That’s a good sound.”
“I agree.” His face was all red. Marcus gets back into focus and finishes up his plate of fries. He felt too stuffed and bloated. But Mellon on the other hand had one more thing to finish.
“Hey waitress!” He calls out, before rubbing his big belly. “Give me a whole vanilla cake!” Marcus couldn’t believe his ears. First time that Mellon was willingly going to eat a whole thing of cake, with icing. He was even going to support Mellon on that. The waitress gives him the big vanilla cake as he licks his lips. He then picks it up with his hands and scoffs it down his throat. The noises he made were really muffled and getting peoples’ attention. Marcus just stares at Mellon’s swelling belly as it bloats up a little more, the size of a small beanbag. After eating the cake, he rubs his belly and groans. “Oh yeah. That really filled me up real good.” He said before a big belch left his maw. His shirt lifted up more to the point that Marcus could see his entire belly. His pants stretched out, but the button wasn’t popping, not that the cat wanted that to happen.
“Oh my, you really chow down that cake really good.” Marcus was this close to just sitting right next to him and lean his entire body on him. He looks back down at his belly, not even close to being the same with his friend’s. Maybe someday he could do some belly swelling practices like the hose chugging or calorie intake. Still surprising that he was able to have a big belly in the first place instead of being thin.
“Since I ate more, I’ll pay for the food.” Mellon says, as always after they eat a decent meal at the diner. Marcus wishes that he could pay for the food, but Mellon won’t let him. He says that the person who eats more than the other has to pay. The bill for the two meals, a milkshake, and a whole cake was at least forty dollars. Mellon paid the waitress with two twenty dollar bills and he slowly stood up from his seat. The cat was amazed that it wasn’t Mellon’s belly that was fat. The dog’s thighs were extremely thick and wide like his butt that could have taken up two seats in a car. “Phew, good thing exercise isn’t my hobby.” He laughs and walks out. Marcus follows him from behind, watching his butt wobble side to side like his belly. It was hypnotizing to him that he accidentally bumps into him from behind when Mellon stopped. “Whoa, you’re ok?” He didn’t even turn around to look at his friend as he noticed that he was getting a bit stuck on the door.
“Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking of something else.” He does his best to lie, hide the fact of what he thought of his wide belly. “Are you stuck?” He asks, giving him the chance to push his fat butt. It was all soft and doughy, like a thick pillow that could sink your hands in.
“Yeah. Heh, I guess I ate too much.” He wiggles around as his friend helps him push his big body through the door. Marcus grunts, using all of his strength. He finally gets him out, only to have Mellon flop on the ground with the cat right on his back side. His fat butt and body was like a soft landing to him. “I hope my butt saved your fall.”
The cat was red as a tomato and as still as a statue. He should have known that this was going to happen, but he didn’t. “Yeah…..it did.” Almost speechless, Marcus didn’t want to get off of his friend as he was already comfortable as he was.
But Mellon wasn’t waiting around for him to stay on top of him. “Can you get off of me please?” He asks, waiting for his friend’s assistance.
“Right.” The cat got off from his friend and also helped him up, which he was pretty heavy by the way. “So where to?” He asks after.
“Let’s head to my house. I still would like that sleepover we planned.” Mellon reminds him as Marcus gets those flashbacks of the fat dog rolling on top of him again. Now he’s about to know what it’s like to have a fatter version of him on top of him if possible. Marcus doesn’t know what to decide.
The two were walking down a sidewalk that they took every time. It was like a shortcut to Mellon’s house, except this time it was different. There was an alley that the two full furs always take. In that alleyway was a group of wolves, hungry wolves who are looking for someone to eat. Mellon noticed their piercing eyes at his friend Marcus. Their sharp teeth in which their slimy tongues licked around. Even their claws were sharp to tear through metal so who knows what they’ll do to a person. Mellon also heard rumors of these guys eating up people, mostly humans since they’re the prey for the food chain of the town. But Mellon wasn’t taking any chances for Marcus, a cat smaller than all of them. “Umm, hey Marcus.” He said looking straight down at his friend.
“Yeah Mellon?” The cat asks, wondering what the dog is thinking. He also knows about the wolves and he believes that they should take the long way around.
“How much do you trust me right now?” He says, wanting to know if Marcus will be okay for what he is about to do. He turns back to the alley seeing the wolves smirking at him, ready to hunt the cat down if not any quicker.
“A lot right now. I’ll do whatever you tell me to do.” Marcus trusts him very much, risking his life for the big fat dog. He then looks straight at his belly, doing anything for his belly too.
“Then I’m so sorry for what I’m about to do.” He put his paws on Marcus’ arms before opening his mouth and went down on the cat’s head. Marcus was a bit surprised about what Mellon was doing. He was basically eating him up like food, but wholly. He wanted to escape, but he still trusts Mellon on whatever the plan was. After his head had been gulped, his shoulders and upper body were next. Mellow lifts him in the air so it’ll be easy for him to swallow the cat down. With big gulps, the dog quickly puts Marcus all the way into his belly. It bulges out more with his pant button finally popping and his zipper automatically zipping down. His pants still stay on but his shirt was not gonna last as it was now around Mellon’s chest and moobs. He lets out a big belch and looks down at his big swollen belly that squirms around. “Oh man….I feel...tight…” He puts his paws on his belly and grunts a little, trying to ease the pain of his tight belly. “Are you okay in there?” He asks, concerned with what the cat was thinking of all this.
Marcus felt warm and wet, like he was in a hot bath, but one that he loves. It didn’t matter if he felt crowded or the fact that he could be digested soon, he was enjoying this moment. “Yeah I’m fine. I…..love it in here.” Something about the way he said it made Mellon happy.
The dog waddles in the alley as the wolves were a bit disappointed that the dog ate their meal, thinking that he’ll digest it too. They couldn’t eat the dog because not only was it because of a trait both dogs and wolves share, they worry that if one of them did eat him, they’ll just pop because of his size. So they let him go along his way and wait for another prey with an unfortunate life ahead of them. Mellon was happy that he had just saved his friend’s life, like an overprotective dog who wants to keep him safe, under strange circumstances. “Phew, that was a close one. I’ll let you out a few blocks aw-”
“No!” Marcus interrupts him in fear as he hears about what Mellon was going to do. He loves it in his belly and doesn’t want to get out. It was like his own personal bed that could knock him out in seconds due to his warmth and softness. “I like it in here.” He purrs softly to show how relaxed he was.
Mellon never had eaten a person, or a cat in this situation, before and is a bit scared of what would happen if they were kept in his belly. But still, he is his friend and will do anything for the cat. So he decides to give what Marcus wants, to stay inside his belly for the night.
At Mellon’s house, the dog with the big belly sits on his chair, just admiring how large he got. The chair creaks underneath him, but doesn’t break.“Mmmph, I’m gonna get stuck between smaller doors with this kind of belly.” He said to himself before realizing that Marcus hasn’t spoken during the slow trip. “Hey buddy, are you alright?” He asks, concerned with the silent cat.
“Huh? Sorry, I was sleeping.” He said, being interrupted by his deep sleeping. “It’s very nice in here. I wish I could stay longer.”
It wasn’t a surprise to Mellon about what his friend likes. He knew that Marcus loves big bellies, the reason why he steamrolled him during the previous sleepover. Besides, he could always use someone to pin or sit on every time he grows fatter and fatter. In this case, he has his friend inside his belly in which he could just rub and shake around. “Well, if so, then I hope you have enough oxygen in there. Not sure when I’ll wake up after having a full meal myself.”
“I’ll be fine. I’ll shout shout for you to get me out.” Marcus tells him before yawning and heading back to sleep. Mellon softly rubs the sides of his belly. He couldn’t get the front of it as it was too big for his fat arms to reach. His eyes were heavy on him and he yawns too. That’s when he decides to rest his eyes and go to sleep, knowing that he’ll protect his friend at all costs.

Nothing says like a night than sitting on the booths of the diner that Mellon, a black and white fat dog with glasses, and his friend, Marcus, a skinny cat loved very much. They’ve always eaten here every day for the last three years. The first day was when they first met each other and became good friends. As the three years went by, they knew so much about each other. Like how Marcus had always dreamed of making it on the swimming team, but the problem was that he was afraid of water. So much that he doesn’t know how to swim. As for Mellon, he once won a hot dog eating contest four years ago and has been slowly gaining weight ever since. Marcus knew that Mellow was getting fatter every day, just by watching him eat up burgers and gulping liters of soda. On this night, the two friends ordered a nice meal of fish and fries for the cat and a ten pound burger, extra fries, and a milkshake. His appetite was really big if the dog was able to eat it all. “It’s the same meal again isn’t it?” The cat scoffs and looks down at his own plate as if his meal was better than Mellon’s.
“Not this time. I asked for mustard instead of ketchup on my burger. Trying to make a difference here.” His burger consisted of a thick juicy patty, some lettuce, tomato, a fried egg, bacon, cheese, pickles, and mustard like he said. That was enough to give a man a heart attack, but Mellon is immune to those since he’s never had one. Marcus wonders if it’s only the humans that have heart attacks. It’ll also explain why there are so many fat furs in this town, maybe the country.
“The only difference you’ll make is gaining more weight. That belly is just going to get bigger than a beachball if you keep this up.” Marcus was a bit liking his friend’s belly ever since Mellon accidently steamrolled him on the bed during a sleepover. He might have felt crushed and unmovable, but his belly was really soft for him. If only he would admit it that he would like to see his friend get fatter, just to rub that belly again. “But if you want to eat it all, go for it. I won’t stop you.” Mellon smiles at him and picks up his burger as he took one huge bite from his chompers, the way that the mustard, tomato, and lettuce fell onto the plate. He chews so loudly but yet so quiet, like chips from the first second to the last.
“Mmm, so good.” Mellon said with a mouth full of burger. He swallows it down and sighs happily. “Man, that’s really gonna fill my belly really good.” He takes another bite out of it. Marcus looks down at his plate again, realizing that it is getting cold soon if he doesn’t eat it. Unlike his fat friend, Marcus uses a fork and knife like a gentleman and cuts the fish into pieces. He stabs each piece with a fork and eats them one at a time. After half the pieces were gone, he notices that Mellon was done with the burger, having grease stains on his face and shirt that starts being lifted up a little by his growing belly. Marcus was just staring at that belly, it looked wobbly and jiggly like if he were to slap it, ripples would appear like jello. “Wow, that has to be some new record there.” He chuckles before accidentally letting out a small burp. “Excuse me.”
Marcus looks back down at his food, ignoring Mellon’s satisfaction as he now goes for his fries. The cat does his best to finish the rest of his fish. Of course he has a small belly, one that gets full quickly because of his size. Right now, he could see a round bulging belly that was getting uncomfortable with the belt he was wearing. “Dang belt.” He groans as he undid it. “Ahhh, much better. Once that was done, he continued eating the fish and moved on to his fries. He dips them in the ranch sauce next to them and bites onto it. They were very tasty indeed. Mellon could think the same way, munching down on them greedly. If the fat bloating dog was wearing a buttoned shirt, buttons would already start popping. After Mellon was done with his fries, he went straight to the milkshake, instead of using the straw, he chugs it down like it was some sort of chugging contest. Marcus was only on the third fry but his eyes went straight back to the dog’s belly, watching it slowly expand. He wanted to rub that belly badly. “Can….you shake that belly?” He asks, shyly as Mellon finishes his milkshake.
“Sure.” He answers without any questions. Mellon puts his paws on his big bloated belly and shakes it around, hearing it sloshing around like a water balloon. “That’s a good sound.”
“I agree.” His face was all red. Marcus gets back into focus and finishes up his plate of fries. He felt too stuffed and bloated. But Mellon on the other hand had one more thing to finish.
“Hey waitress!” He calls out, before rubbing his big belly. “Give me a whole vanilla cake!” Marcus couldn’t believe his ears. First time that Mellon was willingly going to eat a whole thing of cake, with icing. He was even going to support Mellon on that. The waitress gives him the big vanilla cake as he licks his lips. He then picks it up with his hands and scoffs it down his throat. The noises he made were really muffled and getting peoples’ attention. Marcus just stares at Mellon’s swelling belly as it bloats up a little more, the size of a small beanbag. After eating the cake, he rubs his belly and groans. “Oh yeah. That really filled me up real good.” He said before a big belch left his maw. His shirt lifted up more to the point that Marcus could see his entire belly. His pants stretched out, but the button wasn’t popping, not that the cat wanted that to happen.
“Oh my, you really chow down that cake really good.” Marcus was this close to just sitting right next to him and lean his entire body on him. He looks back down at his belly, not even close to being the same with his friend’s. Maybe someday he could do some belly swelling practices like the hose chugging or calorie intake. Still surprising that he was able to have a big belly in the first place instead of being thin.
“Since I ate more, I’ll pay for the food.” Mellon says, as always after they eat a decent meal at the diner. Marcus wishes that he could pay for the food, but Mellon won’t let him. He says that the person who eats more than the other has to pay. The bill for the two meals, a milkshake, and a whole cake was at least forty dollars. Mellon paid the waitress with two twenty dollar bills and he slowly stood up from his seat. The cat was amazed that it wasn’t Mellon’s belly that was fat. The dog’s thighs were extremely thick and wide like his butt that could have taken up two seats in a car. “Phew, good thing exercise isn’t my hobby.” He laughs and walks out. Marcus follows him from behind, watching his butt wobble side to side like his belly. It was hypnotizing to him that he accidentally bumps into him from behind when Mellon stopped. “Whoa, you’re ok?” He didn’t even turn around to look at his friend as he noticed that he was getting a bit stuck on the door.
“Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking of something else.” He does his best to lie, hide the fact of what he thought of his wide belly. “Are you stuck?” He asks, giving him the chance to push his fat butt. It was all soft and doughy, like a thick pillow that could sink your hands in.
“Yeah. Heh, I guess I ate too much.” He wiggles around as his friend helps him push his big body through the door. Marcus grunts, using all of his strength. He finally gets him out, only to have Mellon flop on the ground with the cat right on his back side. His fat butt and body was like a soft landing to him. “I hope my butt saved your fall.”
The cat was red as a tomato and as still as a statue. He should have known that this was going to happen, but he didn’t. “Yeah…..it did.” Almost speechless, Marcus didn’t want to get off of his friend as he was already comfortable as he was.
But Mellon wasn’t waiting around for him to stay on top of him. “Can you get off of me please?” He asks, waiting for his friend’s assistance.
“Right.” The cat got off from his friend and also helped him up, which he was pretty heavy by the way. “So where to?” He asks after.
“Let’s head to my house. I still would like that sleepover we planned.” Mellon reminds him as Marcus gets those flashbacks of the fat dog rolling on top of him again. Now he’s about to know what it’s like to have a fatter version of him on top of him if possible. Marcus doesn’t know what to decide.
The two were walking down a sidewalk that they took every time. It was like a shortcut to Mellon’s house, except this time it was different. There was an alley that the two full furs always take. In that alleyway was a group of wolves, hungry wolves who are looking for someone to eat. Mellon noticed their piercing eyes at his friend Marcus. Their sharp teeth in which their slimy tongues licked around. Even their claws were sharp to tear through metal so who knows what they’ll do to a person. Mellon also heard rumors of these guys eating up people, mostly humans since they’re the prey for the food chain of the town. But Mellon wasn’t taking any chances for Marcus, a cat smaller than all of them. “Umm, hey Marcus.” He said looking straight down at his friend.
“Yeah Mellon?” The cat asks, wondering what the dog is thinking. He also knows about the wolves and he believes that they should take the long way around.
“How much do you trust me right now?” He says, wanting to know if Marcus will be okay for what he is about to do. He turns back to the alley seeing the wolves smirking at him, ready to hunt the cat down if not any quicker.
“A lot right now. I’ll do whatever you tell me to do.” Marcus trusts him very much, risking his life for the big fat dog. He then looks straight at his belly, doing anything for his belly too.
“Then I’m so sorry for what I’m about to do.” He put his paws on Marcus’ arms before opening his mouth and went down on the cat’s head. Marcus was a bit surprised about what Mellon was doing. He was basically eating him up like food, but wholly. He wanted to escape, but he still trusts Mellon on whatever the plan was. After his head had been gulped, his shoulders and upper body were next. Mellow lifts him in the air so it’ll be easy for him to swallow the cat down. With big gulps, the dog quickly puts Marcus all the way into his belly. It bulges out more with his pant button finally popping and his zipper automatically zipping down. His pants still stay on but his shirt was not gonna last as it was now around Mellon’s chest and moobs. He lets out a big belch and looks down at his big swollen belly that squirms around. “Oh man….I feel...tight…” He puts his paws on his belly and grunts a little, trying to ease the pain of his tight belly. “Are you okay in there?” He asks, concerned with what the cat was thinking of all this.
Marcus felt warm and wet, like he was in a hot bath, but one that he loves. It didn’t matter if he felt crowded or the fact that he could be digested soon, he was enjoying this moment. “Yeah I’m fine. I…..love it in here.” Something about the way he said it made Mellon happy.
The dog waddles in the alley as the wolves were a bit disappointed that the dog ate their meal, thinking that he’ll digest it too. They couldn’t eat the dog because not only was it because of a trait both dogs and wolves share, they worry that if one of them did eat him, they’ll just pop because of his size. So they let him go along his way and wait for another prey with an unfortunate life ahead of them. Mellon was happy that he had just saved his friend’s life, like an overprotective dog who wants to keep him safe, under strange circumstances. “Phew, that was a close one. I’ll let you out a few blocks aw-”
“No!” Marcus interrupts him in fear as he hears about what Mellon was going to do. He loves it in his belly and doesn’t want to get out. It was like his own personal bed that could knock him out in seconds due to his warmth and softness. “I like it in here.” He purrs softly to show how relaxed he was.
Mellon never had eaten a person, or a cat in this situation, before and is a bit scared of what would happen if they were kept in his belly. But still, he is his friend and will do anything for the cat. So he decides to give what Marcus wants, to stay inside his belly for the night.
At Mellon’s house, the dog with the big belly sits on his chair, just admiring how large he got. The chair creaks underneath him, but doesn’t break.“Mmmph, I’m gonna get stuck between smaller doors with this kind of belly.” He said to himself before realizing that Marcus hasn’t spoken during the slow trip. “Hey buddy, are you alright?” He asks, concerned with the silent cat.
“Huh? Sorry, I was sleeping.” He said, being interrupted by his deep sleeping. “It’s very nice in here. I wish I could stay longer.”
It wasn’t a surprise to Mellon about what his friend likes. He knew that Marcus loves big bellies, the reason why he steamrolled him during the previous sleepover. Besides, he could always use someone to pin or sit on every time he grows fatter and fatter. In this case, he has his friend inside his belly in which he could just rub and shake around. “Well, if so, then I hope you have enough oxygen in there. Not sure when I’ll wake up after having a full meal myself.”
“I’ll be fine. I’ll shout shout for you to get me out.” Marcus tells him before yawning and heading back to sleep. Mellon softly rubs the sides of his belly. He couldn’t get the front of it as it was too big for his fat arms to reach. His eyes were heavy on him and he yawns too. That’s when he decides to rest his eyes and go to sleep, knowing that he’ll protect his friend at all costs.
Category Story / Vore
Species Dog (Other)
Gender Male
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 3 B