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One summer day in Peleywa, there were rumors of a treehouse appearing in Route 5's Politoed Creekside. The first people, or Pokemon, in this case, to discover it was a Corvisquire and Poppilo belonging to a brother and sister. They followed their Pokemon inside to see the treehouse was full of books. The siblings and their Pokemon went on to have many adventures in that mysterious treehouse...
But this isn't a story about their adventures involving the treehouse. It's about yours.
Your first encounter with the treehouse involved a flash of light from above followed by a bruise on your forehead from smacking it on the rope ladder that suddenly appeared in front of you.
Yeah. It wasn't exactly the greatest of first impressions.
"Swee! Bounsweet?!" The Pokemon you were taking a walk with, a Bounsweet hopped around you in concern.
"Ow, I'm fine, Zena," You assured her. "But what the heck is this...?"
Rubbing your sore spot, you and your Bounsweet look up through the misty air and can make out the shape of a treehouse, with the tile roof and everything.
You heard the rumors about this mysterious treehouse, but you were the type who didn't really believe in local legends unless they up and conked you on the head. And this fits your criteria of believability.
It looked empty, but you gave a shout just to make sure.
You tugged on the rope ladder. It looked sturdy enough. There was a tugging on your pant leg. It was Zena. The Bounsweet looks up at you. "Are you seriously planning on climbing up there?" She seemed to say.
" It's just a quick look inside." You tell the fruit Pokemon.
Zena gives an unsure chirp as you let her hop into your hoodie. "Hold on tight, girl."
One rung at a time, you carefully made your way up, you don't look down, but judging by the fearful whimpers from your Bounsweet, you knew you're getting pretty high up there.
At the end of the ladder was a large square opening, a doorway. Crawling through it, you find yourself in an impossibly large room with shelves upon shelves of books.
Zena peeks out your hood to get a better look at the place. Near the entrance, there's a book and a note along with some magical looking trinket, but you decided to ignore it. How can all of this fit in such a tiny place? It was almost as large as the Madeci Town Library!
Before you can ponder further, your hoodie feels a bit lighter. "Zena?" You started as you see the little grass type bouncing off. "I thought you didn't want to be here for too long!" She was hopping towards a book that fell off a bookcase. It was a blue book with the title "Tales Beyond Our Time and Space".
Zena opened the book with the breeze of her spinning sepals. It opened to a story titled "Lost World". The Bounsweet chirps in delight. You're not sure if Bounsweet were capable of reading, but she seemed to be enjoying herself here.
"I'm sure staying here for a little while wouldn't hurt anyone..." you tell yourself as you move to another shelf.
You managed to find a book that caught your interest. But before you could take it off the shelf, a shrill squeal alerted you. "Zena?" You turned around to see that your Pokemon was nowhere to be seen. "Zena...?" Panic starts to squeeze your throat. "Where did you go?"
The library treehouse was big, so it took a while to traverse. But it was a Bounsweet! She couldn't have gotten far, could she? You frantically looked for her until you made it back to the place Zena disappeared from. Then you finally noticed the book she was last seen reading. It's pages were glowing a golden light. It had flipped to a new story. One called "The Black Knight".
You slowly move towards the magic book to read what it says. It's a story about a king named Arthur that turned evil due to a spell cast on an immortal scabbard. His most loyal knights try to break the curse, but to no avail.
A magician managed to steal away the scabbard and break the curse, but the damage was already done. The king was fully corrupted, and now dons a suit of armor brimming with black magic. He was no longer the wise and noble King Arthur, he is the twisted and cruel Black Knight.
But all was not lost. In a place hidden from the Black Knight's tyranny, the magician has a plan. Weaving a spell, the magician plans to summon two heroes from different dimensions. One who wields the purified scabbard that can restore the king's mind, and the other a sword to strike down the darkness that consumes him.
You carefully turn the page, only to see the rest of the story was nothing but blank white pages. "Huh?" You put the book down. "I wonder how it ends..." You were about to continue your search for Zena, only to be blinded by a flash of light.
The light start to spiral and spin,
faster and faster,
and then everything was dark and still.
Absolutely still.
"Ow!" As if a bruised head wasn't enough, now you hurt the rear end after landing on a floor of cold damp stone. "Where am I?" You wondered as you looked around. The only source of light were the torches lining the walls. Did you wind up in some kind of dungeon?
"Zena...?" You call. "Are you here? Is anyone here?"
"I am." A voice from behind made you jump. You turn and see a hooded figure. " I've been awaiting you."
"Who are you, and where's my Bounsweet?" You demanded. "Do not fret, your Pokemon is in safe hands." The cloaked figure assures. "The world I sent your Bounsweet to has an inhabitant that will take good care of her until you fulfill your chosen duty."
"My chosen...duty?" You echo. The hooded figure nodded. "I assume you've read the tale of The Black Knight?" "I skimmed it here and there." You admitted. "Well, if you need to be reminded," the figure began, "I was the King's trusted advisor and court magician. When he became corrupted by the cursed scabbard, I was forced to flee. In order to save this kingdom, I had to choose two heroes from two different worlds to help free King Arthur from his dark curse. One to wield the Scabbard, the other the Sword. You have been chosen as one of the heroes."
Then it finally clicked. "Wait, so you're telling me that this Black Knight guy is real, and you're the magician from the story, that means I-oh, man..." you grip the clammy walls for support. "I got sucked into the story?" That was impossible, right? You watched plenty of shows and movies regarding this kind of thing happening, but that wasn't real! It couldn't possibly-
"I'm dreaming..." You realized. Yeah, that's it. Any moment now, you'll wake up, and you'll find yourself back at the treehouse with Zena asleep beside you.
But the cold and dank environment, and the wetness at the seat of your pants tell you otherwise. "I can assure you, this is not a dream." The magician confirms. "Quickly now, we must get to the Scabbard." The cloaked figure runs ahead, with you close behind.
"To think something once so beneficial could unleash such a catastrophe." The mage murmurs as a hidden door was opened.
You peered inside, and atop a small round table was a plain looking bronze scabbard. "That's it?" You point. "Looks can be deceiving." The cloaked mage delicately picked up the object. "I managed to break the curse upon it and restore its healing powers." The magician holds it out to you. "I have chosen you as the wielder of the immortal scabbard."
"The scabbard?" You picked up the sheath, finding it a bit lighter than expected. "So you're saying I have to lug this around while the other guy gets a cool sword? How am I gonna be useful with just a glorified sleeve? unless it can turn into a magic shield or something."
"I believe that shouldn't be too much of an issue..." the mage finally removes the hood, revealing a girl with braided lavender hair and pointed elfin ears. "After all, the sword still needs to be forged."
"Oh, you haven't made it yet?" You looked around. "I don't see a blacksmith shop or a furnace anywhere." It felt a bit colder than usual now, like metal pressed to your skin.
"That won't be necessary." The girl answered. "It's creation will soon be at hand."
The scabbard begins to glow a blue and white light as it floats from your hands. "Um, is this supposed to happen?" You were a little freaked out. But then you looked down at your hands.
Your eyes widen as your skin's coloration becomes as grey as stainless steel. Fading into an almost deathly grey. You brush your fingers over it. It seemed as hard as steel, too.
"W-what's going on?!" You watch in terror as your fingers merge together, forming a sharp edge. Your arms are flattening at the same time. All your bones, muscles, bodily fluids, and even your clothes were morphing into this strange solid substance.
The elf girl watches in fascination as an unseen force forces what's left of your arms to your sides. Your torso was rigid, completely consumed by your metallic flesh. You scream in fear when you feel your arms melting and merging into your body, leaving no trace they were ever there.
It didn't hurt, that you're at least thankful for, but oh, man, was it freaky.
The steel plating spreads to your legs and feet. This time, however, its your lower limbs than merge together first, before your toes melt into a razor sharp point.
Then, there was that odd pressure forming on your body, it's like being in a sandwich and a compressor at the same time. Seeing your metal body flatten and rapidly compact itself into a shorter frame is a surreal experience to say the least. You couldn't move anything below your neck at all at this point. You also feel the edges of your body sharpening like a blade. Wait, is this lady actually-
You glance at the lavender haired girl, who's clearly admiring her handiwork. "This is coming along quite nicely." She remarked.
You were about to respond, but the transformation decided that was the perfect time for the steel to crawl up your neck and cover your mouth and nose, sealing them shut. Apparently, you didn't have to breathe in this form, as your lungs and all the other internal organs no longer exist at this point.
"Don't worry." The mage assured, "Once the second hero arrives, your telepathic link be able to tell them everything that's on your mind." She giggled a bit at her own joke.
All you could do was glare angrily at her when you felt your head begins remolding. Instead of grey steel, your now nonexistent skull was covered in bronze colored metal. You couldn't see what was going on, but boy could you feel it. There's the sensations of your neck getting pulled in, your ears and cheeks pulling across both sides of your face, and the scalp getting yanked upwards like taffy. It's a hilt. Your head was turning into the sword's hilt.
Your hair, instead of shriveling away or falling out, underwent a more unexpected change. It turns a deep, spectral blue. While your ends became a light blue, almost white. The hair starts whipping about like a ribbon or cloth, and it grew so long it almost touched the floor.
"Almost there..." the magician whispers.
(Great, what other changes could there possibly be?) you wondered.
Then your eyes go cross.
Your vision was hazy as a bout of dizziness grips you. You squeeze your eyes shut when you feel them moving closer and closer together before finally colliding.
You opened your single round eye to reveal it as ghostly blue as your sash.
Your two foot long, razor sharp body reflects the white light of the scabbard.
You also discovered in this form, you could float around on your own accord. You see the lady pick up the scabbard that dropped to the floor.
"I apologize for this sudden turn of events." The girl tells you. "I hope you don't think ill of me because of it."
You were pretty ticked off about this, but you didn't know how to get back to your world. Zena, your Bounsweet, is trapped in a lost world, and helping this mage was the only way to get back.
Looks like there's no other choice...
Later on, you followed the magician girl out the catacombs and to a foggy forest clearing.
"Wait here while I summon the new hero." She instructed. "You will recognize them if they happen to be wearing this gauntlet." The girl shows the metal glove to you.
You agree to her terms as you sheathed yourself into the scabbard to lie on the stone slab.
Putting on her cloak's hood, the girl runs off to find a safe place to summon the second hero.
It's been an hour since she left. While you waited, you couldn't help but think about your Bounsweet. Is Zena doing alright? You hoped there weren't any predators hoping to snack on her there. What if she evolves? Will she even recognize you when you both return to your world? Wait, will you ever be human again?!
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps. Very rapid. Your eye catches a peek at what can only be the swor bearing hero.
He was wearing the gauntlet the girl told you about, but you couldn't help but feel there's something familiar about your new wielder/partner. He wasn't a human. But he wasn't a Pokemon either. But you can't help but think he looks like a shiny Jerbolta, or an Alolan Sandslash...
One summer day in Peleywa, there were rumors of a treehouse appearing in Route 5's Politoed Creekside. The first people, or Pokemon, in this case, to discover it was a Corvisquire and Poppilo belonging to a brother and sister. They followed their Pokemon inside to see the treehouse was full of books. The siblings and their Pokemon went on to have many adventures in that mysterious treehouse...
But this isn't a story about their adventures involving the treehouse. It's about yours.
Your first encounter with the treehouse involved a flash of light from above followed by a bruise on your forehead from smacking it on the rope ladder that suddenly appeared in front of you.
Yeah. It wasn't exactly the greatest of first impressions.
"Swee! Bounsweet?!" The Pokemon you were taking a walk with, a Bounsweet hopped around you in concern.
"Ow, I'm fine, Zena," You assured her. "But what the heck is this...?"
Rubbing your sore spot, you and your Bounsweet look up through the misty air and can make out the shape of a treehouse, with the tile roof and everything.
You heard the rumors about this mysterious treehouse, but you were the type who didn't really believe in local legends unless they up and conked you on the head. And this fits your criteria of believability.
It looked empty, but you gave a shout just to make sure.
You tugged on the rope ladder. It looked sturdy enough. There was a tugging on your pant leg. It was Zena. The Bounsweet looks up at you. "Are you seriously planning on climbing up there?" She seemed to say.
" It's just a quick look inside." You tell the fruit Pokemon.
Zena gives an unsure chirp as you let her hop into your hoodie. "Hold on tight, girl."
One rung at a time, you carefully made your way up, you don't look down, but judging by the fearful whimpers from your Bounsweet, you knew you're getting pretty high up there.
At the end of the ladder was a large square opening, a doorway. Crawling through it, you find yourself in an impossibly large room with shelves upon shelves of books.
Zena peeks out your hood to get a better look at the place. Near the entrance, there's a book and a note along with some magical looking trinket, but you decided to ignore it. How can all of this fit in such a tiny place? It was almost as large as the Madeci Town Library!
Before you can ponder further, your hoodie feels a bit lighter. "Zena?" You started as you see the little grass type bouncing off. "I thought you didn't want to be here for too long!" She was hopping towards a book that fell off a bookcase. It was a blue book with the title "Tales Beyond Our Time and Space".
Zena opened the book with the breeze of her spinning sepals. It opened to a story titled "Lost World". The Bounsweet chirps in delight. You're not sure if Bounsweet were capable of reading, but she seemed to be enjoying herself here.
"I'm sure staying here for a little while wouldn't hurt anyone..." you tell yourself as you move to another shelf.
You managed to find a book that caught your interest. But before you could take it off the shelf, a shrill squeal alerted you. "Zena?" You turned around to see that your Pokemon was nowhere to be seen. "Zena...?" Panic starts to squeeze your throat. "Where did you go?"
The library treehouse was big, so it took a while to traverse. But it was a Bounsweet! She couldn't have gotten far, could she? You frantically looked for her until you made it back to the place Zena disappeared from. Then you finally noticed the book she was last seen reading. It's pages were glowing a golden light. It had flipped to a new story. One called "The Black Knight".
You slowly move towards the magic book to read what it says. It's a story about a king named Arthur that turned evil due to a spell cast on an immortal scabbard. His most loyal knights try to break the curse, but to no avail.
A magician managed to steal away the scabbard and break the curse, but the damage was already done. The king was fully corrupted, and now dons a suit of armor brimming with black magic. He was no longer the wise and noble King Arthur, he is the twisted and cruel Black Knight.
But all was not lost. In a place hidden from the Black Knight's tyranny, the magician has a plan. Weaving a spell, the magician plans to summon two heroes from different dimensions. One who wields the purified scabbard that can restore the king's mind, and the other a sword to strike down the darkness that consumes him.
You carefully turn the page, only to see the rest of the story was nothing but blank white pages. "Huh?" You put the book down. "I wonder how it ends..." You were about to continue your search for Zena, only to be blinded by a flash of light.
The light start to spiral and spin,
faster and faster,
and then everything was dark and still.
Absolutely still.
"Ow!" As if a bruised head wasn't enough, now you hurt the rear end after landing on a floor of cold damp stone. "Where am I?" You wondered as you looked around. The only source of light were the torches lining the walls. Did you wind up in some kind of dungeon?
"Zena...?" You call. "Are you here? Is anyone here?"
"I am." A voice from behind made you jump. You turn and see a hooded figure. " I've been awaiting you."
"Who are you, and where's my Bounsweet?" You demanded. "Do not fret, your Pokemon is in safe hands." The cloaked figure assures. "The world I sent your Bounsweet to has an inhabitant that will take good care of her until you fulfill your chosen duty."
"My chosen...duty?" You echo. The hooded figure nodded. "I assume you've read the tale of The Black Knight?" "I skimmed it here and there." You admitted. "Well, if you need to be reminded," the figure began, "I was the King's trusted advisor and court magician. When he became corrupted by the cursed scabbard, I was forced to flee. In order to save this kingdom, I had to choose two heroes from two different worlds to help free King Arthur from his dark curse. One to wield the Scabbard, the other the Sword. You have been chosen as one of the heroes."
Then it finally clicked. "Wait, so you're telling me that this Black Knight guy is real, and you're the magician from the story, that means I-oh, man..." you grip the clammy walls for support. "I got sucked into the story?" That was impossible, right? You watched plenty of shows and movies regarding this kind of thing happening, but that wasn't real! It couldn't possibly-
"I'm dreaming..." You realized. Yeah, that's it. Any moment now, you'll wake up, and you'll find yourself back at the treehouse with Zena asleep beside you.
But the cold and dank environment, and the wetness at the seat of your pants tell you otherwise. "I can assure you, this is not a dream." The magician confirms. "Quickly now, we must get to the Scabbard." The cloaked figure runs ahead, with you close behind.
"To think something once so beneficial could unleash such a catastrophe." The mage murmurs as a hidden door was opened.
You peered inside, and atop a small round table was a plain looking bronze scabbard. "That's it?" You point. "Looks can be deceiving." The cloaked mage delicately picked up the object. "I managed to break the curse upon it and restore its healing powers." The magician holds it out to you. "I have chosen you as the wielder of the immortal scabbard."
"The scabbard?" You picked up the sheath, finding it a bit lighter than expected. "So you're saying I have to lug this around while the other guy gets a cool sword? How am I gonna be useful with just a glorified sleeve? unless it can turn into a magic shield or something."
"I believe that shouldn't be too much of an issue..." the mage finally removes the hood, revealing a girl with braided lavender hair and pointed elfin ears. "After all, the sword still needs to be forged."
"Oh, you haven't made it yet?" You looked around. "I don't see a blacksmith shop or a furnace anywhere." It felt a bit colder than usual now, like metal pressed to your skin.
"That won't be necessary." The girl answered. "It's creation will soon be at hand."
The scabbard begins to glow a blue and white light as it floats from your hands. "Um, is this supposed to happen?" You were a little freaked out. But then you looked down at your hands.
Your eyes widen as your skin's coloration becomes as grey as stainless steel. Fading into an almost deathly grey. You brush your fingers over it. It seemed as hard as steel, too.
"W-what's going on?!" You watch in terror as your fingers merge together, forming a sharp edge. Your arms are flattening at the same time. All your bones, muscles, bodily fluids, and even your clothes were morphing into this strange solid substance.
The elf girl watches in fascination as an unseen force forces what's left of your arms to your sides. Your torso was rigid, completely consumed by your metallic flesh. You scream in fear when you feel your arms melting and merging into your body, leaving no trace they were ever there.
It didn't hurt, that you're at least thankful for, but oh, man, was it freaky.
The steel plating spreads to your legs and feet. This time, however, its your lower limbs than merge together first, before your toes melt into a razor sharp point.
Then, there was that odd pressure forming on your body, it's like being in a sandwich and a compressor at the same time. Seeing your metal body flatten and rapidly compact itself into a shorter frame is a surreal experience to say the least. You couldn't move anything below your neck at all at this point. You also feel the edges of your body sharpening like a blade. Wait, is this lady actually-
You glance at the lavender haired girl, who's clearly admiring her handiwork. "This is coming along quite nicely." She remarked.
You were about to respond, but the transformation decided that was the perfect time for the steel to crawl up your neck and cover your mouth and nose, sealing them shut. Apparently, you didn't have to breathe in this form, as your lungs and all the other internal organs no longer exist at this point.
"Don't worry." The mage assured, "Once the second hero arrives, your telepathic link be able to tell them everything that's on your mind." She giggled a bit at her own joke.
All you could do was glare angrily at her when you felt your head begins remolding. Instead of grey steel, your now nonexistent skull was covered in bronze colored metal. You couldn't see what was going on, but boy could you feel it. There's the sensations of your neck getting pulled in, your ears and cheeks pulling across both sides of your face, and the scalp getting yanked upwards like taffy. It's a hilt. Your head was turning into the sword's hilt.
Your hair, instead of shriveling away or falling out, underwent a more unexpected change. It turns a deep, spectral blue. While your ends became a light blue, almost white. The hair starts whipping about like a ribbon or cloth, and it grew so long it almost touched the floor.
"Almost there..." the magician whispers.
(Great, what other changes could there possibly be?) you wondered.
Then your eyes go cross.
Your vision was hazy as a bout of dizziness grips you. You squeeze your eyes shut when you feel them moving closer and closer together before finally colliding.
You opened your single round eye to reveal it as ghostly blue as your sash.
Your two foot long, razor sharp body reflects the white light of the scabbard.
You also discovered in this form, you could float around on your own accord. You see the lady pick up the scabbard that dropped to the floor.
"I apologize for this sudden turn of events." The girl tells you. "I hope you don't think ill of me because of it."
You were pretty ticked off about this, but you didn't know how to get back to your world. Zena, your Bounsweet, is trapped in a lost world, and helping this mage was the only way to get back.
Looks like there's no other choice...
Later on, you followed the magician girl out the catacombs and to a foggy forest clearing.
"Wait here while I summon the new hero." She instructed. "You will recognize them if they happen to be wearing this gauntlet." The girl shows the metal glove to you.
You agree to her terms as you sheathed yourself into the scabbard to lie on the stone slab.
Putting on her cloak's hood, the girl runs off to find a safe place to summon the second hero.
It's been an hour since she left. While you waited, you couldn't help but think about your Bounsweet. Is Zena doing alright? You hoped there weren't any predators hoping to snack on her there. What if she evolves? Will she even recognize you when you both return to your world? Wait, will you ever be human again?!
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps. Very rapid. Your eye catches a peek at what can only be the swor bearing hero.
He was wearing the gauntlet the girl told you about, but you couldn't help but feel there's something familiar about your new wielder/partner. He wasn't a human. But he wasn't a Pokemon either. But you can't help but think he looks like a shiny Jerbolta, or an Alolan Sandslash...
In Peleywa's Route 5, there are rumors of a mysterious treehouse appearing in Politoed Creekside. While you weren't the first ones to discover it, you and your Bounsweet climb the ladder to discover what's inside. Next thing you know, you're swept up into another world as one of the heroes in an old tale.
however, the stories never told you anything about the heroes being necessarily human...
however, the stories never told you anything about the heroes being necessarily human...
Category Story / Transformation
Species Pokemon
Gender Any
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 13 kB