Patrick always gets the call from a friend or individual needing help, including the berry kind! So, the wolf comes to aid of his cow friend Martha seemingly needing a bit of assistance in rolling back to home. Patrick happily obliges seeing her blush looking down at him above her roundness. Martha's body was pretty big after all; with tiny hands and hooves wiggling. Juice sloshed when Patrick decided to give the moo a reassuring huggle. Martha appreciated this very much settling into the hug as best as her immobile body could! She's not as apprehensive of being a berry as she use to thanks to friends like Patrick being so helpful!
A wholesome juicy pic made the talented
berry-moo! They have some really awesome cute arts regarding inflation and other fun random bits! Very creative with the shapes too! I was so happy to get something like this with their sona! ;w; Thanks so much!
Martha© belongs to
Patrick Nightwind© belongs to me
A wholesome juicy pic made the talented

Martha© belongs to

Patrick Nightwind© belongs to me
Category All / Inflation
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Multiple characters
Size 1280 x 1280px
File Size 177.7 kB