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(SW) "BLK's Gonne Be All Big!"
Look at that,
blkdragon is actually willingly allowing Alan to supersize him for once! Of course, it's in a sheltered and protective environment, so I'm sure nothing will go wrong, right? ;3
Lil speedwrite for BLK's birthday I did last month. I wanted to wait until I was finished uploading the Big Changes series before I posted this one. And what better day than the first of Macro March to upload a story about a giant, stompy, pudgy boi?
3.7k word story. I hope you all enjoy~
“BLK’s gonna be all big!
BLK’s gonna be all big!
BLK’s gonna be all big!”
BLK had to grit his teeth to stop himself from snapping at Alan. He had been stuck listening to the crimson kobold’s chattering their entire trip here. Yelling at Alan had proven ineffective; within minutes, he’d just hear the pint-sized reptile snickering and giggling before breaking out into song all over again.
Even now, as they traversed through the long hallway, the red kobold skipped around the much larger dragon, chanting that annoying line again and again. BLK had to tear himself away from the aggravating sight, staring straight ahead over Alan’s head. And so, because he just happened to not be paying too much attention, it wasn’t a surprise when his beefy tail accidentally flicked out and struck Alan’s shins, causing the kobold to topple over.
“Hey!” Alan groaned, quickly rebounding onto his feet. “You did that on purpose!”
“Oh, did I?” BLK responded in mock concern. “I’m so sorry, Alan. I just couldn’t see you all the way up here.”
“Oh, haha!” The kobold rolled his eyes as he playfully shoved at BLK’s brown scaly middle, making it jiggle. “You better not use that excuse after I turn you into a skyscraper.”
The drake’s eyes widened. “Hey, that wasn’t the deal! I told you you could make me as big as you want as long as it’s a reasonable size, and-”
“I know, I know.” Alan rolled his eyes, turning to face the dragon while walking backwards. “You’re not gonna be breaking anything, I promise. I promised like ten times on the way here, too.”
But the dragon still wasn’t convinced. After all, the multitude of bruises buried beneath his white hair were reason enough to doubt Alan’s abilities to control how tall he grew. BLK huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest, trying to ignore how squishy his torso was. “And you’re absolutely, 100% sure you’re in total control of what happens, right?”
“I’m as sure as you are.” Alan muttered back. Seeing BLK furrow his brows, the kobold continued. “Like I’ve said before, B, it’s gonna be on you just as much as it’s gonna be on me. I can do just about anything I want to a willing body, but if you start freaking out and rejecting my power...well, anything goes after that. You remember the last time I got you super tall, right?”
BLK wished he hadn’t. How could he forget casually mentioning how he wished he had a bird’s eye view of the city to help navigate it better, not knowing Alan would take it literally? The 8-foot tall dragon had every right to panic when he suddenly found himself 5 times that size, eye-to-eye with the rooftops of buildings that would normally tower over him. And with his panic came sudden growth spurts, each one adding another couple feet to his already impressive height, and girth, as well as to his growing agitation. Alan had to pleadingly scream up at the dragon until he finally regained his senses, by which point he was quite literally filling out an entire street. A miracle no one was injured during that debacle, although BLK swore there were cracks on the buildings that weren’t there before.
The dragon sighed. “I do remember, Alan, and I don’t want a repeat of that day.”
“And it won’t!” Alan beamed, his own tail wagging behind him. “We’ll take it as nice and slow as you want. Just get as big as I want you to in the end, and you’ve fulfilled your part of the deal!” The kobold’s grin grew mischievous. “‘Course, if you don’t end up having fun, that’ll just give you more incentive to get better at video games!”
BLK snorted. He didn’t need to be reminded of that either. That had been their condition for this entire ordeal: If Alan won a match, they would rent out a gym to let the mini reptile experiment with his size-changing magic. Of course, it didn’t seem like that Alan, who hadn’t been in a world with video games in it for very long, would have been able to clutch out a win at the last second. BLK’s skills were certainly rusty.
Well, he was about to have a lot of time to reflect on his strategies going forward.
Soon, the draconic duo reached the end of the hallway, which led up to a pair of double wide doors. Alan wasted no time in reaching up to unlock the door, having been the one to insist on carrying the key from the beginning. BLK agreed that was a wise idea; not like he’d be able to keep track of something so small soon anyways. Hopefully, he wouldn’t end up too big.
Upon stepping into the gymnasium, BLK realized that wouldn’t be the case.
The dragon’s goat-like ears folded back as he gazed up at the open space. This was how big a gymnasium was?! He thought it was supposed to just fit a basketball court, yet the interior was large enough to be a hangar! No wonder it was so bloody expensive to rent the room out for an hour. At the very least, however, it was certainly spacious. Everything was neat and tidy, with very little that could end up poking into him when he reached max size.
While BLK looked on in dismay, Alan’s eyes lit up with glee. “Alright! We’re gonna get you freakin’ huge, dude!”
“Can you not?!” BLK hissed, flinching as the word “huge” echoed throughout the room. But the kobold was just too excited, dashing about to explore the room while chanting that obnoxious “BLK’s gonna be all big” song. Rolling his eyes, the dragon shuffled forward, his tail dragging along the linoleum floor. Sometimes he wondered if he was just another character in someone else’s story.
BLK unceremoniously plopped himself in what appeared to be the middle of the room, holding his belly until it stopped jiggling. He stared blankly ahead, trying and failing not to look completely annoyed at his current predicament.
At least sitting down finally stopped Alan from singing that stupid chant of his, the kobold making a bee-line for the dragon. “Oooh, are you ready already? No mental prepping you wanna do beforehand?”
“Nope.” BLK snorted, tapping his tail against the ground. “Let’s get straight to the growing.”
“Awesome, just what I like to hear!” With a big toothy grin, the kobold planted his paws on the dragon’s soft belly. Heart pounding in anticipation, BLK sat by and waited for his growth.
And waited…
And waited…
BLK frowned. “Everything alright?”
“Y-yeah.” Alan fidgeted in place, shuffling from one foot to the next. “It’s just...well, you know how I said you needed to be completely calm and willing for me to have total control?”
The dragon scoffed. Could Alan feel his rapid heart beat? “Alan, I’m as calm as I can get right now. I promise I won’t panic, alright?”
“O-oh, I know! It’s just…” Alan’s red cheeks turned a shade redder. “I’m actually trying to calm myself down a bit. I’m so excited to start, I’m afraid I might accidentally just...shoot you up a bit faster than you’d like, heh.”
Wonderful! Exactly what the dragon who had a fear of being too tall needed to hear before quintupling his size! BLK tried to repress the shiver that just went down his spine. “J-just take as much time as you need, then. There’s no rush.”
Alan waved a paw. “It’s alright, B. I know you’d rather get this over with. I’m sure we’ll be just fine.”
BLK didn’t share the kobold’s optimism, but objecting now would just stall this out further. He swallowed his concerns as he felt those paws press onto his belly again, noting the distinct yellow glow emanating from them. Soon, the drake felt that familiar warm feeling enter from his middle, spreading throughout his entire body.
Moments later, he was growing.
BLK grunted softly, but kept his mouth shut. It was still an uneasy sensation for him, watching his vantage point gradually rise with himself. The dragon huffed as he found himself slowly taking up more of the floor, causing Alan to step back to make room for him. It wasn’t long before the dragon was as tall sitting upright as he was standing. Well, he was growing at a steady, gradual pace like Alan had promised him.
He just wished the growing was a bit more...uniform.
The dragon frowned. “Can you quit making my belly so big, Alan.”
The kobold chuckled, pausing the growth. “That’s the thing! I’m only adding a bit extra to it!” Alan teased as he leapt onto the tall dragon, using the soft chub for handholds before pulling himself onto the belly bed. He smirked, sinking into the squishy flab. “Nothing wrong with a big, healthy belly anyways.”
BLK glared at the magic user on his belly, feeling his second chin bunch up. He should have known Alan would try making him fill this room as much as he could. While most of BLK’s height came from his torso and not from having lengthy legs, he wasn’t too pleased to find his belly extending farther than his feet. However, much to his embarrassment, he knew that Alan was right; BLK wasn’t typically that much thinner than he was now.
Feeling the heat rise to his chubby cheeks, the dragon sighed. “I-it’s just Winter weight.”
“Suuuure it is.” Alan stuck his tongue out, squeezing the ample chub in his arms. “It’s gonna be Spring and Summer weight too with that mindset!”
“Are you gonna make me bigger or not!?”
BLK grumbled as he felt the warmth enter his body once again, resuming his gradual growth. Fortunately, this time the kobold was gratuitous enough to distribute his growth; the dragon would not have been too pleased if his belly reached the wall before his head reached the ceiling. While his insecurities on his weight helped to distract him from his other growing problem, he couldn’t ignore the fact that his large tail was starting to rub against the back end of the room.
He glanced down at Alan on his belly shelf, noting how easy it’d be to hold the little reptile in his paw. “How big are we going, again?”
“Only until your head’s a foot or so below the ceiling,” Alan explained, reclining against his roommate’s very soft belly. “That good with you?”
“I guess…” BLK wished he could make himself sound more convincing. Truthfully, he was getting a little too big for comfort. He wasn’t exactly slim before starting his growth, but now the walls were starting to look a little too close together. His tail had to coil up the closer his rear grew towards the wall as well. The dragon knew this was the inevitable outcome, but he was still shocked at how quickly he was growing. To think at one point he actually felt too small in this room; now he was filling it as if it were a cardboard box. That mental comparison made his stomach churn; hopefully the building was more structurally sound than a cardboard box.
Feeling his heartbeat speed up, the dragon leaned his head back and looked towards the ceiling again. He focused on how far away it was instead, and how it was gradually moving towards him, as it was his growth goal for the night. He stayed looking at it, even as his tail ended up looping around him to reach both ends of the wall, or as his doughy sides starting to rub against the walls. He wasn’t growing freakishly tall at all. No, he was just floating up...up...up...like a balloon.
His growth ended once his muzzle was only a few feet away, just like Alan promised it would. Or maybe it was more than a few feet. At this size, he couldn’t exactly make pinpoint measurements anymore. Taking a deep breath through his nose (and feeling his sides inflate further against the walls) BLK gradually glanced down at himself.
He knew what to expect, yet he was still shocked to see just how much of the once-massive room he took up. He couldn’t see the floor anymore past his belly (thanks, Alan) although he could take that as a blessing in disguise; he probably wouldn’t have been too happy seeing how far away he was from the ground just from sitting. Just like he wasn’t happy about leaving his tail in an uncomfortable position, or being too fat to properly fit in the room. Or, well, this entire situation. It just sucked.
It was worth it, however, just to see that excited look in Alan’s eye. It was like watching a little kid open up a christmas gift, the way the kobold stumbled forward to look up at the great dragon. “How ya feeling, B?”
That smile was too precious. BLK actually found himself returning it, a slight dimpled grin spreading across his chubby muzzle. “It’s...not too bad.” He tried shrugging those massive shoulders, wincing as he felt them rubbing against the walls. “Kiiinda wish you didn’t make me so fat, though.”
“Why not?” Alan smirked. “You’ve been so down about your weight lately, I thought this would be a great opportunity to show you that there’s nothing wrong with being a bit chunkier. Makes ya more cuddly, ya know?”
“I feel like there’s a better way of proving that point than squeezing me into a room. I feel like a TV dinner,” he chuckled awkwardly, his great belly bouncing Alan up and down. The kobold was so tiny, he could probably sit on BLK’s muzzle at this point, considering it was the size of the bench for the tiny reptile.
“F-fair point.” Alan grunted, waiting for the jiggling to die down. “Tell ya what: Next time we do this, I’ll make you way fatter instead of taller. We’ll get you looking like Denya in no time.”
“Please, I beg you, do not make me as big as Denya.”
Alan snickered, and BLK found himself smiling again. He really was happy seeing the kobold enjoying himself, watching Alan bounce around on his very expansive middle like it was a massive bounce house. It was nice to take time out of his schedule and do something for the little lizard. He never fully understood Alan’s obsession of making him into an actual kaiju (a pretty fat one at that), but it was something that made his best friend happy. They weren’t destroying anything, they were in a very controlled environment. And besides, if Alan could get into mischief if he’s too busy growing BLK! Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all.
The dragon tried readjusting from where he sat, bringing his arms out to rest along his curve of a belly. “So...how much longer?”
“Just a few more minutes, B.” Alan smiled, making snow angels in the dragon’s gut. “Why, you getting claustrophobic?”
BLK shook his car-sized head. “It’s just a bit cramped. There’s no chance you can get me to shed some weight while keeping the height, is there?”
“Afraid not, B. I added the pudge on pretty early, so I’d have to shrink you almost all the way back down to get rid of it. Of course, I’d be willing to do that, if you’d like to be super tall for twice as long!”
BLK snorted. “I’ll just stay fat, then.” Besides, he wasn’t confident he was much thinner to begin with. Stupid winter weight.
The kobold stumbled back towards the dragon’s head, balancing himself against that great snout. “That’s what you get for losing to me, B! You sounded so confident you were gonna beat me and everything.”
“I was gonna beat you! But I…” He frowned. Crap, he said too much.
Alan perked up, staring into those big yellow eyes. “But you what?”
“But I messed up. And lost.”
The kobold shook his head. “That’s not what it sounded like just now.
With a sigh, BLK rubbed his head. “Alright, I let you win. You were getting so worked up and freaking out, and I didn’t want you to get upset, so...yeah.”
The dragon groaned. He knew admitting his throw would hurt the kobold’s pride. He wanted Alan to think he deserved making BLK the towering mountain of brown scales he currently was. With folded ears, he craned his head forward to get a better view of his friend, expecting the half-pint lizard to go into a rage.
But, to his surprise, he felt a tiny embrace along the edge of his muzzle instead. “Thanks, B...you’re too kind for your own good, you know that?”
BLK sniffed, wishing he could return the hug. “I’ve been told that, yes.” Despite the enormous size, he actually felt quite content at the moment. He wouldn’t mind letting things stay like this for now. Even if his back was starting to cramp.
Eventually, the kobold pulled away, that sinister smirk spreading across his face. “Of course, you lose points for lying to me, so now you get to be a few feet taller!” And with those words, BLK felt himself shooting up another several feet, his horns scraping against the ceiling.
BLK”s eyes widened with horror. “Alan, stop!”
Fwump! The dragon’s head pressed firmly into the ceiling at this point, debris scattering onto his snout.
Fwump! The dragon’s gut shoved painfully into the other side of the wall, his feet following.
This was a nightmare! Vivid flashbacks of his first experiences being macro flashed before the growing dragon’s eyes, just as those distinct fwumping sounds filled his ears, and his body filled the entire gymnasium! His heart nearly stopped as he heard the creaking and groaning of the building surrounding them; he was about to burst out of the damn thing!
Vaguely, he could hear a distant cry of “Calm down, BLK!” but he was too panicked to notice. His breathing hastened; it suddenly felt very hard to breathe. He tried closing his eyes, but that didn’t make the tightening feeling go away. His belly was starting to pinch between his arms and his legs, his sliding along the wall until it pressed against the ceiling, his head forcibly shoved forward with his neck stuck at an awkward angle. Everything was a blur of brown. Soon he would burst out of the building like a freaking monster, and everyone would run away screaming and call him a freak and...and…
“BLK! It’s going to be ok!”
It’s ok
It’s going to be ok…
The fwumping sound finally stopped, although the creaking building didn’t. With a whimper, BLK slowly opened his eyes, horrified to see the entire room really was filled with just him! He really couldn’t see much beyond himself, only knowing that he was beyond cramped in this teeny tiny room. Alan, thankfully, was still safe in this small pocket of air in front of his snout, although he was alarmed to see the kobold was the size of his eye.
Panting after that screaming, the kobold planted his palms on the dragon’s snout. “You’re ok. It’s going to be ok, BLK. Say it.”
The dragon blinked. “I...I dunno,” he whimpered, his voice far too small for someone as big as himself.
Alan continued staring into those enormous eyes. “Say ‘it’s going to be ok.’ Deep breaths, BLK. I’m going to shrink you back down now, but only after you’ve calmed down, ok?”
BLK nodded, or at least tried too. He really had no room to move, his head stuck craned forward in an uncomfortable position. Even moving his mouth was difficult, but he did as the kobold bid. “I’m...I’m going to be ok.”
Alan nodded, and the dragon was relieved to finally feel himself shrinking, finally able to stretch out once again. He returned to his original size much faster than he grew, holding Alan close to him all the while.
The kobold returned the hug in earnest, burying his muzzle in the dragon’s soft chest. Eventually, he spoke up. “I’m sorry for scaring you like that, B. You sounded so calm earlier, I thought you were fine. I was only gonna make you a couple feet or so taller.”
BLK responded by squeezing Alan closer into his plump body, letting the smaller reptile use him as a plush teddy bear. “I should have been a bit more honest, myself. Not just about the videogame thing, either. I was a bit anxious being that big, but you were so happy, I didn’t want to ruin your fun.”
Alan sniffled. “I didn’t mean to make you so scared…”
The dragon’s ears folded back. He thought back to the moments before his sudden panic, watching Alan hugging his snout or bouncing along his big belly. While it was somewhat demeaning to be used as basically a giant play thing, he had to admit there was some merit to being large, and not just to make his friend happy. It was...facinating, being able to tower over giant objects, and seeing the already-small kobold even smaller and cuter was a wonderful bonus. He even found himself smiling as he rubbed his fingers along Alan’s back. “Just a little heads up next time you do that, alright, buddy?”
Yeah. Next time. He would absolutely do this again.
Gradually, the kobold wiggled his way out from his chubby friend’s hug, smiling sheepishly. “We’re, uh...I didn’t get us in trouble did I?”
“Well…” BLK looked towards the ceiling, wincing. “I’m sure we can convince them those cracks have always been there. We should get going, though. I think our time’s almost up.”
Hauling himself up, the dragon strode out with Alan in tow, eager to leave behind this room. No sooner did they step outside, however, did the kobold turn to him with a grin that BLK had grown to fear. “Hey, I think we broke some new ground in there, what with your psyche and all. We should totally do this again sometime!”

Lil speedwrite for BLK's birthday I did last month. I wanted to wait until I was finished uploading the Big Changes series before I posted this one. And what better day than the first of Macro March to upload a story about a giant, stompy, pudgy boi?
3.7k word story. I hope you all enjoy~
“BLK’s gonna be all big!
BLK’s gonna be all big!
BLK’s gonna be all big!”
BLK had to grit his teeth to stop himself from snapping at Alan. He had been stuck listening to the crimson kobold’s chattering their entire trip here. Yelling at Alan had proven ineffective; within minutes, he’d just hear the pint-sized reptile snickering and giggling before breaking out into song all over again.
Even now, as they traversed through the long hallway, the red kobold skipped around the much larger dragon, chanting that annoying line again and again. BLK had to tear himself away from the aggravating sight, staring straight ahead over Alan’s head. And so, because he just happened to not be paying too much attention, it wasn’t a surprise when his beefy tail accidentally flicked out and struck Alan’s shins, causing the kobold to topple over.
“Hey!” Alan groaned, quickly rebounding onto his feet. “You did that on purpose!”
“Oh, did I?” BLK responded in mock concern. “I’m so sorry, Alan. I just couldn’t see you all the way up here.”
“Oh, haha!” The kobold rolled his eyes as he playfully shoved at BLK’s brown scaly middle, making it jiggle. “You better not use that excuse after I turn you into a skyscraper.”
The drake’s eyes widened. “Hey, that wasn’t the deal! I told you you could make me as big as you want as long as it’s a reasonable size, and-”
“I know, I know.” Alan rolled his eyes, turning to face the dragon while walking backwards. “You’re not gonna be breaking anything, I promise. I promised like ten times on the way here, too.”
But the dragon still wasn’t convinced. After all, the multitude of bruises buried beneath his white hair were reason enough to doubt Alan’s abilities to control how tall he grew. BLK huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest, trying to ignore how squishy his torso was. “And you’re absolutely, 100% sure you’re in total control of what happens, right?”
“I’m as sure as you are.” Alan muttered back. Seeing BLK furrow his brows, the kobold continued. “Like I’ve said before, B, it’s gonna be on you just as much as it’s gonna be on me. I can do just about anything I want to a willing body, but if you start freaking out and rejecting my power...well, anything goes after that. You remember the last time I got you super tall, right?”
BLK wished he hadn’t. How could he forget casually mentioning how he wished he had a bird’s eye view of the city to help navigate it better, not knowing Alan would take it literally? The 8-foot tall dragon had every right to panic when he suddenly found himself 5 times that size, eye-to-eye with the rooftops of buildings that would normally tower over him. And with his panic came sudden growth spurts, each one adding another couple feet to his already impressive height, and girth, as well as to his growing agitation. Alan had to pleadingly scream up at the dragon until he finally regained his senses, by which point he was quite literally filling out an entire street. A miracle no one was injured during that debacle, although BLK swore there were cracks on the buildings that weren’t there before.
The dragon sighed. “I do remember, Alan, and I don’t want a repeat of that day.”
“And it won’t!” Alan beamed, his own tail wagging behind him. “We’ll take it as nice and slow as you want. Just get as big as I want you to in the end, and you’ve fulfilled your part of the deal!” The kobold’s grin grew mischievous. “‘Course, if you don’t end up having fun, that’ll just give you more incentive to get better at video games!”
BLK snorted. He didn’t need to be reminded of that either. That had been their condition for this entire ordeal: If Alan won a match, they would rent out a gym to let the mini reptile experiment with his size-changing magic. Of course, it didn’t seem like that Alan, who hadn’t been in a world with video games in it for very long, would have been able to clutch out a win at the last second. BLK’s skills were certainly rusty.
Well, he was about to have a lot of time to reflect on his strategies going forward.
Soon, the draconic duo reached the end of the hallway, which led up to a pair of double wide doors. Alan wasted no time in reaching up to unlock the door, having been the one to insist on carrying the key from the beginning. BLK agreed that was a wise idea; not like he’d be able to keep track of something so small soon anyways. Hopefully, he wouldn’t end up too big.
Upon stepping into the gymnasium, BLK realized that wouldn’t be the case.
The dragon’s goat-like ears folded back as he gazed up at the open space. This was how big a gymnasium was?! He thought it was supposed to just fit a basketball court, yet the interior was large enough to be a hangar! No wonder it was so bloody expensive to rent the room out for an hour. At the very least, however, it was certainly spacious. Everything was neat and tidy, with very little that could end up poking into him when he reached max size.
While BLK looked on in dismay, Alan’s eyes lit up with glee. “Alright! We’re gonna get you freakin’ huge, dude!”
“Can you not?!” BLK hissed, flinching as the word “huge” echoed throughout the room. But the kobold was just too excited, dashing about to explore the room while chanting that obnoxious “BLK’s gonna be all big” song. Rolling his eyes, the dragon shuffled forward, his tail dragging along the linoleum floor. Sometimes he wondered if he was just another character in someone else’s story.
BLK unceremoniously plopped himself in what appeared to be the middle of the room, holding his belly until it stopped jiggling. He stared blankly ahead, trying and failing not to look completely annoyed at his current predicament.
At least sitting down finally stopped Alan from singing that stupid chant of his, the kobold making a bee-line for the dragon. “Oooh, are you ready already? No mental prepping you wanna do beforehand?”
“Nope.” BLK snorted, tapping his tail against the ground. “Let’s get straight to the growing.”
“Awesome, just what I like to hear!” With a big toothy grin, the kobold planted his paws on the dragon’s soft belly. Heart pounding in anticipation, BLK sat by and waited for his growth.
And waited…
And waited…
BLK frowned. “Everything alright?”
“Y-yeah.” Alan fidgeted in place, shuffling from one foot to the next. “It’s just...well, you know how I said you needed to be completely calm and willing for me to have total control?”
The dragon scoffed. Could Alan feel his rapid heart beat? “Alan, I’m as calm as I can get right now. I promise I won’t panic, alright?”
“O-oh, I know! It’s just…” Alan’s red cheeks turned a shade redder. “I’m actually trying to calm myself down a bit. I’m so excited to start, I’m afraid I might accidentally just...shoot you up a bit faster than you’d like, heh.”
Wonderful! Exactly what the dragon who had a fear of being too tall needed to hear before quintupling his size! BLK tried to repress the shiver that just went down his spine. “J-just take as much time as you need, then. There’s no rush.”
Alan waved a paw. “It’s alright, B. I know you’d rather get this over with. I’m sure we’ll be just fine.”
BLK didn’t share the kobold’s optimism, but objecting now would just stall this out further. He swallowed his concerns as he felt those paws press onto his belly again, noting the distinct yellow glow emanating from them. Soon, the drake felt that familiar warm feeling enter from his middle, spreading throughout his entire body.
Moments later, he was growing.
BLK grunted softly, but kept his mouth shut. It was still an uneasy sensation for him, watching his vantage point gradually rise with himself. The dragon huffed as he found himself slowly taking up more of the floor, causing Alan to step back to make room for him. It wasn’t long before the dragon was as tall sitting upright as he was standing. Well, he was growing at a steady, gradual pace like Alan had promised him.
He just wished the growing was a bit more...uniform.
The dragon frowned. “Can you quit making my belly so big, Alan.”
The kobold chuckled, pausing the growth. “That’s the thing! I’m only adding a bit extra to it!” Alan teased as he leapt onto the tall dragon, using the soft chub for handholds before pulling himself onto the belly bed. He smirked, sinking into the squishy flab. “Nothing wrong with a big, healthy belly anyways.”
BLK glared at the magic user on his belly, feeling his second chin bunch up. He should have known Alan would try making him fill this room as much as he could. While most of BLK’s height came from his torso and not from having lengthy legs, he wasn’t too pleased to find his belly extending farther than his feet. However, much to his embarrassment, he knew that Alan was right; BLK wasn’t typically that much thinner than he was now.
Feeling the heat rise to his chubby cheeks, the dragon sighed. “I-it’s just Winter weight.”
“Suuuure it is.” Alan stuck his tongue out, squeezing the ample chub in his arms. “It’s gonna be Spring and Summer weight too with that mindset!”
“Are you gonna make me bigger or not!?”
BLK grumbled as he felt the warmth enter his body once again, resuming his gradual growth. Fortunately, this time the kobold was gratuitous enough to distribute his growth; the dragon would not have been too pleased if his belly reached the wall before his head reached the ceiling. While his insecurities on his weight helped to distract him from his other growing problem, he couldn’t ignore the fact that his large tail was starting to rub against the back end of the room.
He glanced down at Alan on his belly shelf, noting how easy it’d be to hold the little reptile in his paw. “How big are we going, again?”
“Only until your head’s a foot or so below the ceiling,” Alan explained, reclining against his roommate’s very soft belly. “That good with you?”
“I guess…” BLK wished he could make himself sound more convincing. Truthfully, he was getting a little too big for comfort. He wasn’t exactly slim before starting his growth, but now the walls were starting to look a little too close together. His tail had to coil up the closer his rear grew towards the wall as well. The dragon knew this was the inevitable outcome, but he was still shocked at how quickly he was growing. To think at one point he actually felt too small in this room; now he was filling it as if it were a cardboard box. That mental comparison made his stomach churn; hopefully the building was more structurally sound than a cardboard box.
Feeling his heartbeat speed up, the dragon leaned his head back and looked towards the ceiling again. He focused on how far away it was instead, and how it was gradually moving towards him, as it was his growth goal for the night. He stayed looking at it, even as his tail ended up looping around him to reach both ends of the wall, or as his doughy sides starting to rub against the walls. He wasn’t growing freakishly tall at all. No, he was just floating up...up...up...like a balloon.
His growth ended once his muzzle was only a few feet away, just like Alan promised it would. Or maybe it was more than a few feet. At this size, he couldn’t exactly make pinpoint measurements anymore. Taking a deep breath through his nose (and feeling his sides inflate further against the walls) BLK gradually glanced down at himself.
He knew what to expect, yet he was still shocked to see just how much of the once-massive room he took up. He couldn’t see the floor anymore past his belly (thanks, Alan) although he could take that as a blessing in disguise; he probably wouldn’t have been too happy seeing how far away he was from the ground just from sitting. Just like he wasn’t happy about leaving his tail in an uncomfortable position, or being too fat to properly fit in the room. Or, well, this entire situation. It just sucked.
It was worth it, however, just to see that excited look in Alan’s eye. It was like watching a little kid open up a christmas gift, the way the kobold stumbled forward to look up at the great dragon. “How ya feeling, B?”
That smile was too precious. BLK actually found himself returning it, a slight dimpled grin spreading across his chubby muzzle. “It’s...not too bad.” He tried shrugging those massive shoulders, wincing as he felt them rubbing against the walls. “Kiiinda wish you didn’t make me so fat, though.”
“Why not?” Alan smirked. “You’ve been so down about your weight lately, I thought this would be a great opportunity to show you that there’s nothing wrong with being a bit chunkier. Makes ya more cuddly, ya know?”
“I feel like there’s a better way of proving that point than squeezing me into a room. I feel like a TV dinner,” he chuckled awkwardly, his great belly bouncing Alan up and down. The kobold was so tiny, he could probably sit on BLK’s muzzle at this point, considering it was the size of the bench for the tiny reptile.
“F-fair point.” Alan grunted, waiting for the jiggling to die down. “Tell ya what: Next time we do this, I’ll make you way fatter instead of taller. We’ll get you looking like Denya in no time.”
“Please, I beg you, do not make me as big as Denya.”
Alan snickered, and BLK found himself smiling again. He really was happy seeing the kobold enjoying himself, watching Alan bounce around on his very expansive middle like it was a massive bounce house. It was nice to take time out of his schedule and do something for the little lizard. He never fully understood Alan’s obsession of making him into an actual kaiju (a pretty fat one at that), but it was something that made his best friend happy. They weren’t destroying anything, they were in a very controlled environment. And besides, if Alan could get into mischief if he’s too busy growing BLK! Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all.
The dragon tried readjusting from where he sat, bringing his arms out to rest along his curve of a belly. “So...how much longer?”
“Just a few more minutes, B.” Alan smiled, making snow angels in the dragon’s gut. “Why, you getting claustrophobic?”
BLK shook his car-sized head. “It’s just a bit cramped. There’s no chance you can get me to shed some weight while keeping the height, is there?”
“Afraid not, B. I added the pudge on pretty early, so I’d have to shrink you almost all the way back down to get rid of it. Of course, I’d be willing to do that, if you’d like to be super tall for twice as long!”
BLK snorted. “I’ll just stay fat, then.” Besides, he wasn’t confident he was much thinner to begin with. Stupid winter weight.
The kobold stumbled back towards the dragon’s head, balancing himself against that great snout. “That’s what you get for losing to me, B! You sounded so confident you were gonna beat me and everything.”
“I was gonna beat you! But I…” He frowned. Crap, he said too much.
Alan perked up, staring into those big yellow eyes. “But you what?”
“But I messed up. And lost.”
The kobold shook his head. “That’s not what it sounded like just now.
With a sigh, BLK rubbed his head. “Alright, I let you win. You were getting so worked up and freaking out, and I didn’t want you to get upset, so...yeah.”
The dragon groaned. He knew admitting his throw would hurt the kobold’s pride. He wanted Alan to think he deserved making BLK the towering mountain of brown scales he currently was. With folded ears, he craned his head forward to get a better view of his friend, expecting the half-pint lizard to go into a rage.
But, to his surprise, he felt a tiny embrace along the edge of his muzzle instead. “Thanks, B...you’re too kind for your own good, you know that?”
BLK sniffed, wishing he could return the hug. “I’ve been told that, yes.” Despite the enormous size, he actually felt quite content at the moment. He wouldn’t mind letting things stay like this for now. Even if his back was starting to cramp.
Eventually, the kobold pulled away, that sinister smirk spreading across his face. “Of course, you lose points for lying to me, so now you get to be a few feet taller!” And with those words, BLK felt himself shooting up another several feet, his horns scraping against the ceiling.
BLK”s eyes widened with horror. “Alan, stop!”
Fwump! The dragon’s head pressed firmly into the ceiling at this point, debris scattering onto his snout.
Fwump! The dragon’s gut shoved painfully into the other side of the wall, his feet following.
This was a nightmare! Vivid flashbacks of his first experiences being macro flashed before the growing dragon’s eyes, just as those distinct fwumping sounds filled his ears, and his body filled the entire gymnasium! His heart nearly stopped as he heard the creaking and groaning of the building surrounding them; he was about to burst out of the damn thing!
Vaguely, he could hear a distant cry of “Calm down, BLK!” but he was too panicked to notice. His breathing hastened; it suddenly felt very hard to breathe. He tried closing his eyes, but that didn’t make the tightening feeling go away. His belly was starting to pinch between his arms and his legs, his sliding along the wall until it pressed against the ceiling, his head forcibly shoved forward with his neck stuck at an awkward angle. Everything was a blur of brown. Soon he would burst out of the building like a freaking monster, and everyone would run away screaming and call him a freak and...and…
“BLK! It’s going to be ok!”
It’s ok
It’s going to be ok…
The fwumping sound finally stopped, although the creaking building didn’t. With a whimper, BLK slowly opened his eyes, horrified to see the entire room really was filled with just him! He really couldn’t see much beyond himself, only knowing that he was beyond cramped in this teeny tiny room. Alan, thankfully, was still safe in this small pocket of air in front of his snout, although he was alarmed to see the kobold was the size of his eye.
Panting after that screaming, the kobold planted his palms on the dragon’s snout. “You’re ok. It’s going to be ok, BLK. Say it.”
The dragon blinked. “I...I dunno,” he whimpered, his voice far too small for someone as big as himself.
Alan continued staring into those enormous eyes. “Say ‘it’s going to be ok.’ Deep breaths, BLK. I’m going to shrink you back down now, but only after you’ve calmed down, ok?”
BLK nodded, or at least tried too. He really had no room to move, his head stuck craned forward in an uncomfortable position. Even moving his mouth was difficult, but he did as the kobold bid. “I’m...I’m going to be ok.”
Alan nodded, and the dragon was relieved to finally feel himself shrinking, finally able to stretch out once again. He returned to his original size much faster than he grew, holding Alan close to him all the while.
The kobold returned the hug in earnest, burying his muzzle in the dragon’s soft chest. Eventually, he spoke up. “I’m sorry for scaring you like that, B. You sounded so calm earlier, I thought you were fine. I was only gonna make you a couple feet or so taller.”
BLK responded by squeezing Alan closer into his plump body, letting the smaller reptile use him as a plush teddy bear. “I should have been a bit more honest, myself. Not just about the videogame thing, either. I was a bit anxious being that big, but you were so happy, I didn’t want to ruin your fun.”
Alan sniffled. “I didn’t mean to make you so scared…”
The dragon’s ears folded back. He thought back to the moments before his sudden panic, watching Alan hugging his snout or bouncing along his big belly. While it was somewhat demeaning to be used as basically a giant play thing, he had to admit there was some merit to being large, and not just to make his friend happy. It was...facinating, being able to tower over giant objects, and seeing the already-small kobold even smaller and cuter was a wonderful bonus. He even found himself smiling as he rubbed his fingers along Alan’s back. “Just a little heads up next time you do that, alright, buddy?”
Yeah. Next time. He would absolutely do this again.
Gradually, the kobold wiggled his way out from his chubby friend’s hug, smiling sheepishly. “We’re, uh...I didn’t get us in trouble did I?”
“Well…” BLK looked towards the ceiling, wincing. “I’m sure we can convince them those cracks have always been there. We should get going, though. I think our time’s almost up.”
Hauling himself up, the dragon strode out with Alan in tow, eager to leave behind this room. No sooner did they step outside, however, did the kobold turn to him with a grin that BLK had grown to fear. “Hey, I think we broke some new ground in there, what with your psyche and all. We should totally do this again sometime!”
Category Story / Fat Furs
Species Dragon (Other)
Gender Male
Size 120 x 89px
File Size 81.9 kB