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(RP) Big Changes: Chapter 11
Our group of friends decide to go to the city fair for a day of fun and to stretch their legs after being cooped up in work for so long. But with how fast Denya and Arro have been growing, can they still find ways to enjoy a fair not meant to accommodate two enormously tubby dragons?
This is probably my favorite chapter of the whole series. They're going to a fun fair as friends, but there's still a bit of tension between everyone, ya know? Denya wants to keep his intentional gaining a secret while trying hard to show off that being fat isn't so bad (despite being far too fat for many attractions). Trin is trying his best to fit in with the group and to show he's not a stereotypical douche, but struggles to contain his sharp tongue sometimes. Arro just wants to have a good time and forget about his size, but is constantly reminded that he's practically a fair attraction himself with how large he is. And Rangavar...just wants Trin to shut up. Will they end up remaining friends at the end of this? And can Denya and Arro resist the temptations of deep-fried food? (Spoiler: Not at all)
rangavar is co-writer and co-fatty. This chapter's another big one: 15.6k words
I hope you all enjoy~
Like Arro, the story's too chonk to fit in the description. Feel free to read it online here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/.....it?usp=sharing
Rangavar felt relieved when the muddy pickup finally slowed to a halt in the dusty parking lot outside the fair. Sitting next to Trin was probably marginally better than having to sit on the flat bed with their two much larger friends, but they keyword was ‘marginally’. Trin would just not stop talking about football.
On the other end of the truck, Arro pricked his ears at the sound of the front doors swinging open and two sets of footsteps hopping down to the ground, one much lighter than the other. The heavier one quickly came towards the back of the truck where they were sitting, and Trin appeared. ”It’s so cool that your guys’ fairgrounds are only a half hour away. We had to drive for like two hours to get to our fair.”
“I was just telling Arro that!” Denya exclaimed. The more he lived in the city, the more he loved it. Nothing was ever too far, it seemed. Everything was accessible and available, even more so thanks to public transportation.
Trin held his arms out, and the draolf realized he had to leave his comfy spot on the back of the pickup next to Arro. This would probably be the closest they could be to actually cuddling, or act like a pair of boyfriends, around Trin. Denya didn’t dare mention anything about that sort of thing while in the back, for fear that those long roo ears would pick it up. He never did ask if Trin overheard them talking before his meltdown at the bar.
In any case, the hybrid grabbed the kangaroo’s paws, chuckling when he noticed their arms were roughly the same diameter, despite being shaped differently. With seemingly a bit more effort than the last time he did this, Trin hauled the doughy draolf out from his wedged spot next to Arro. The draolf stumbled forward onto the dusty ground, smiling up at Trin. “Thanks for the lift, dude.”
With the space in front of him cleared of the overflowing draolf, Arro was able to scoot forward. He didn’t realize how much space Denya had taken up until it was barren. The hybrid was really getting pudgy, and Arro wondered if he should say something. Not that he was in any position to.
As he clambered towards the end of the truck, Rangavar held out his paw to help pull him out. Arro rolled his eyes. “Get out of the way before I knock you over.”
Trin blinked when he noticed the interaction. He was about to offer Arro assistance as well, but remembered the big dragon being offended the last time he had. Why did his roommate get to offer him help, then? City folk were so weird.
At least Denya never looked offended when he needed help getting out of his pick up. Or squeezing out of tables. Or the one time he got his fat wrist stuck in a cookie jar. Denya got stuck in a lot of things.
Hopefully he didn’t get stuck anywhere here. He smiled seeing the face the draolf made when he looked at the fair from the parking lot, giving the little tubster a playful nudge with his elbow. “It’s a lot bigger than the one at home, huh?”
“Yeah it is!” Denya beamed, ignoring his belly jiggling from the prod. He hadn’t seen so many lights and stands before, and they were just looking at it from the outside! The draolf didn’t need to have sharp senses like Arro to smell the delicious fried food either. Oh, this was going to be a great excuse to help squeeze a few extra pounds onto himself; he must be getting close to matching Arro’s size by now! With wide eyes, he turned to his companions. “You guys have been here before, right? What’s the first thing we should do?!”
“Well, we should probably start by getting tickets.” Rangavar cast a glance at Arro, but the other dragon wasn’t paying attention. Someone would have to step up and take care of Denya today, but probably not Arro. Especially since he also didn’t know what Rangavar and Denya had been up to the past month.
The hybrid had really filled out. Although he’d already become incredibly large in the months leading up to his decision to gain weight, now that the gains were on purpose, he’d rapidly blimped up. Rangavar would say he was at least as large around as Arro by now, if not… larger. But Denya seemed determined to out-grow the rotund dragon, and his weight wasn’t showing signs of slowing down anytime soon.
It probably didn’t help that being around Denya all the time was still affecting Arro’s waistline, as well. His size was an ever-moving goalpost. Fortunately, it was moving nowhere near as quickly as Denya’s.
In typical Denya fashion, he wasn’t aware of the others’ attention on his fattened body, how they were mentally comparing him to the somewhat-chubby draolf who moved in less than half a year ago. He didn’t see how they noticed the gradually-accumulating rolls, or the rapid change in clothes he needed to go through as his weight climbed faster than ever.
But he didn’t need to know, because he certainly knew how fat he had gotten!
Sure, he’d been feeling the weight accumulating all this time. In the past, it was easy to tell when he felt a little extra give in his belly, or his gait slowly widening. While he wasn’t a type 1 like Arro or Trin, his draconic heritage, along with an active lifestyle, helped give him enough strength to bear through it fairly easily.
But man, he was getting big!
Denya could feel the extra resistance everywhere. Bending his arms and legs, or even his tail, produced thick rolls. Not only that, but he was aware that everything he did was just a bit slower than before. He felt like sitting and standing had a delay to them now. Hell, he didn’t just walk or stop anymore, he accelerated and decelerated now. He didn’t just feel like Denya anymore, he felt like Denya wearing a suit made out of even more Denya, as weird as that sounded. He was a very, very fat draolf.
And he was proud of it! He really needed to make it up to Rangavar sometime; he couldn’t have gone this far without the smaller dragon helping him out. He swore Rangavar was just as passionate about fattening him up as he was, how energetic the gray drake was in feeding him.
Oh, thinking about those feeding sessions was starting to make him hungry.
Luckily, they didn’t have to look far for food in a fair. The draolf’s ears perked up when he noticed a cotton candy stand right by the front entrance. “Oooh, I haven’t had cotton candy in ages! You guys want some?”
Trin shook his head. “I’m good, bro.”
Arro looked over at it. He already knew Rangavar wouldn’t be interested. He hated fun. “I’ll go with you, Denya.” He wouldn’t have gone on his own, anyway. He hated being stared at like a fat kid in line to get candy. Even though he knew that’s quite literally what he was, as he began walking towards it.
Rangavar watched with amusement as the two hefty drakes made their way over to the cotton candy, their rotund bulk taking up all the space around them and then some. The line looked twice as long when they entered it, even though only two people were being added.
As he watched, he also realized that he’d been left alone with Trin. He awkwardly pulled at the collar of his t-shirt. Despite the crisp air, it was feeling a bit warm for some reason. Not that the tall, buff roo was intimidating or anything. Pfft. “So… Denya’s getting big, huh?” As long as Trin didn’t start talking about football again, Rangavar thought he could maybe manage another conversation.
Trin laughed. “Oh yeah, he’s pretty fuckin’ chunky, huh? His belly’s like one of those big memory foam mattresses.” While it was easy to make fun of Denya, the roo was impressed that his little friend had stuck with his routine. The draolf had even asked him for advice on which protein shakes had the most calories! It was still weird to think anyone actually wanted to get super fat, but in a way, it was fun watching Denya slowly puff out as the weeks went by. In a way, he was being a bodybuilder, just building a different kind of body. “How much fatter do you think he’s gonna get? I thought he was supposed to stop when he was Arro shaped, but uh…” he scratched his ear. “He’s still getting bigger.”
Rangavar quietly watched the tubby draolf in line, mostly because he didn’t know how to answer. “We’ll stop when he wants to, I guess,” he said lamely. It was true, though. It really was Denya’s choice. “Maybe he just wants to make sure he’s really bigger in case Arro gains any more weight. Arro eats a lot too, you know,” he pointed out.
It was true that Arro, too, had been packing on pounds. Even when trying to keep his gaining a secret, Denya turned out to be a bad influence. It was almost enough to make Rangavar facepalm, but if Arro noticed Denya’s change in eating habits, he didn’t say anything. Denya’s secret seemed safe for now.
“Yeah, I getcha.” Trin nodded. It was like they were in some sort of contest almost, with one of them being completely unaware of it. Arro intentionally gaining weight too would be a hoot. “Arro would be a great soccer goalie, heh. Maybe we should get him into sports that way. Oh, that’s right! I never finished what I was talking about in the car! So, the Seahawks have this really deep rivalry with the Mariners, right? Well-”
Rangavar flattened his ears.
At the cotton candy stand, Arro eagerly took the huge ball of flavored sugar placed on the cone. “Thanks,” he told the friendly shark manning the cart. Behind him, Denya immediately came up and got several. Arro hadn’t been aware that they would be bringing more back to their friends. Denya acquired a cotton candy puff in each flavor, and Arro tried to recall who had wanted which one. Oddly enough, he didn’t remember anyone else asking.
As he followed the hefty hybrid back towards their waiting group, Arro also couldn’t help but notice the large jiggling side rolls in front of him, followed up by the globes of Denya’s quivering asscheeks. He was wondering if Denya should actually be slowing down on eating, if anything. Soon, the hybrid’s size might rival his own. It was a bit of a weird thought for Arro, who was used to being the largest person… anywhere.
Denya knew he should be trying to keep his appetite in check around Arro, only eating what should be a normal-ish amount of food. But then again, the fair was only once a year, and when else would he get the chance to try blue bubblegum cotton candy? Or the other 4 flavors, for that matter?
Trin blinked when he saw Denya coming over, pausing his story for now. He missed the relieved look on Rangavar’s face. “Oh, I said I didn’t want any, bro.”
“Oh…” Denya chuckled awkwardly. “These were for me.”
“Ah.” The roo nodded. Whether he meant to or not, Denya was doing a great job of taking Arro’s role of being the group fatass.
Arro tried to keep his own surprise off his face. There were like a bajillion cotton candy puffs there.
Rangavar didn’t know whether or not to feel surprised. He was just glad Trin had finally stopped talking.
Arro looked around at some of the signs nearby. Now that they had their cotton candy, there was no reason to stand around. Except for eating the cotton candy, he supposed, although they could do that while waiting in lines. “Hey, there’s a mirror maze,” he said suddenly. It was one of the first attractions that caught his eye. Well, the other one was a rollercoaster, but he was worried about, uh, ‘weight’ requirements. “Want to go into the maze first?”
Rangavar glanced over at what he was sure was a sign about the mirror maze. “I mean, I’m down for that if everyone else is.”
“Sounds good, my dudes.” Trin shrugged. The others sounded like they wanted to.
“Mmmf!” Denya had a mouthful of cotton candy, which he quickly gulped down. “Yeah, that sounds great! Those are so much fun!”
The one Arro had pointed out looked fantastic, too. Well, fantastic in Denya’s standards meant no chipped paint or other glaring issues. He was still getting used to the idea of a city fair with an actual budget. He felt like a kid again, even if he weighed more than several adults put together. The tubby hybrid was the first in line to go into the mirror maze, and as soon as he was allowed through, he made a beeline towards-
Denya grunted as his belly collided hard with what appeared to be an invisible barrier, firmly halting his movement. For a moment, he actually thought he had gotten caught on something until he noticed how his belly flattened against the screen like a pancake. Chuckling, he turned to look back at his friends, his pudgy neck folds bunching up. “Hah! This thing just saved me a broken nose!” he snickered, patting his middle.
Trin tut-tutted playfully, following behind the hybrid. “No more sugar for you. All that cotton candy gave you way too much energy for someone your size. Lead the way, tu- Denya.” The roo caught himself at the last second, in case Arro could hear them. Trin wasn’t really a fan of many of these strange amusements; the carnival games that tested his strength and precision were much more fun. But, he didn’t want to be a stick in the mud for the trio either. In any case, he was not looking forward to bumping his snout against any invisible glass like Denya almost did, so he grabbed the back of the fatty’s suspenders and let him lead the way. He thought the pizza designs on Denya’s suspenders were a little on the nose, if he was supposed to be keeping his gains a secret.
Arro put out his paws in front of him for a moment before realizing that he’d have pretty much the same results as Denya, and sighed. He was really too big to avoid his frontside colliding with the mirrors around him anyway. He supposed that in this case, the extra padding would at least make itself useful.
He made his turns carefully, trying not to smash his large body into anything in the confined space. For the most part, his belly led the way, but at least everyone was too focused to notice him blushing.
Rangavar was towards the back of the group, having a couple of close calls with the mirrors himself. The attraction between his nose and the hard, unforgiving surface of each wall was palpable. “I can’t see around any of you, by the way.”
Arro blushed harder when he realized his boyfriend was referring to his fat ass. “Sorry.” Then he wondered if maybe he was referring to Denya’s fat ass. He glanced around. Come to think of it, their group was taking up a rather large amount of space in general, most of which belonged to just two of them. “You can, uh, come up in front of me, if you want, I guess.”
Rangavar debated the offer. Walking between a very large dragon and a very tall roo didn’t sound like much fun either. He wondered if maybe he could just squeeze up to where Denya was leading the way. “I, uh. Can I be up near Denya, maybe?” Even if he ended up behind the hefty hybrid, at least he’d be able to see over his head.
Arro wasn’t sure that Trin was about to give up the prime real estate he’d taken up behind Denya’s suspenders, but tried to move aside for Rangavar nonetheless. The much narrower drake started to ease by him as Arro’s other rounded side pressed up against the opposite mirror. He was doing his best to get out of the way, but the passageway was only so big. He moved his arm over to sort of push his belly out of the way. He wasn’t sure it was helping.
Still, Rangavar was determined. He pressed the side of his own arm into Arro’s belly for a second to squeeze past. “Sorry,” he grimaced. There wasn’t really any other way to go about it. He was pressed pretty tight against the opposite mirror himself. As he slid free, he found himself immediately crashing into Trin, who had stopped to admire himself in a mirror and flex a few times. “Ach!”
Of course, Arro couldn’t stop his own momentum in time to avoid crashing into the developing trainwreck. His padded frontside kept him from damage, but he winced as his two victims fell to the ground.
The ground being a very padded, squishy draolf.
Denya was actually in the process of doubling back to grab Trin when the avalanche occurred. He opened his mouth to tease the roo for checking himself out in the mirror, but instead of insults, a startled yelp escaped his lips as the weight of two very large furs (and one not so large dragon) crashed into him! Thankfully, his plush rump cushioned his fall before he ended up on his back, but the whole experience certainly knocked the wind out of his lungs!
The draolf huffed softly. “Is everyone alright?” he asked worriedly. No groans or whimpers could be heard, just some muttered grunting and panting, thankfully. Denya tried to pull himself up, but the way Trin was lying outstretched against his massive middle made it difficult to move. Well, that and his own weight was aiding in keeping him weighed down on his back. Man, he was getting fat. “C-can you get off, Trin? You’re really heavy!”
“W-working on it!” The roo rolled his eyes at that comment. Yeah, he was heavy, not the enormous whale of a dragon currently laying on him. Vaugh, did Arro eat cement for breakfast, or was he always this heavy?! It felt so surreal to be laying against Denya while Arro pinned him down; like being smothered between two water-filled balloons. The experience probably wouldn’t be as uncomfortable if Rangavar wasn’t also being wedged into him thanks to Arro’s bulk. Man, if anyone needed a few extra pounds, it was the small dragon!
Arro stirred and tried to ease himself off; Trin figured he should try helping before Rangavar’s outline became permanently etched in his fur. The muscular roo tried to plant his palms against Arro’s shoulders and lift, but his fingers just sunk into the thick layers of chub surrounding the drake. It was as if the entire dragon was just made out of pudding! Trin didn’t want to lift any further, in fear of pinching a fold and hurting Arro, and he wasn’t about to try grabbing a pawful of Arro blubber anywhere lower because, well, that’d be totally weird. Instead, he tried patting the fat dragon’s hide. “Hey, bud? You, uh, think you could...get up, a bit?” How was he supposed to phrase that question?
Arro groaned and lifted his head. He didn’t mean to still be leaning so heavily on the roo, but he realized that as he pushed himself up, he couldn’t quite push himself… off. The weight of his gut was still settled pretty firmly against Rangavar and Trin. Fortunately, the slender dragon wasn’t saying anything as he squirmed to get up. Arro tried not to lock eyes with Trin as he sort of rocked himself back onto his knees. Still, his paunch hung heavily on the others’ legs while Rangavar hurriedly scrambled out from under it, and Trin finally pushed himself out from under Rangavar. And still from under Arro, of course.
“Sorry,” the fat dragon blushed.
“No worries, bro.” Trin chuckled. He really needed to get Arro back to the gym more often, but bringing that up now would probably be a little rude. Maybe. Later for sure, he would.
For now, the kangaroo allowed himself to finally roll back onto his feet, rubbing his shoulders slightly. Clearly, Arro was stronger than he looked if he could carry around all that weight with as much ease as he did. Even Denya was starting to slow down a bit at that size.
Oh right, Denya.
He turned and offered a paw to the flabby draolf, who was slowly pushing himself up. “You’re a pretty good cushion.”
The draolf chuckled, clasping paws with Trin as the muscular roo pulled him up. “You’re a pretty shitty blanket.”
“That’s fair.” Trin snorted.
Rangavar had managed to roll himself off of the muscular roo, and now pushed himself back to his feet. He was still between two people way larger than him, which he didn’t like very much. It was the opposite of what he’d wanted. Before everyone could turn forward and resume their trek towards the end of the maze, Rangavar took the opportunity to dart past Trin and then squeeeeeze past Denya. It turned out being slightly easier than squeezing past Arro’s more significant bulk, but it was no easy feat. Denya had been working really hard at his gaining.
“Sorry,” Rangavar grunted as he pressed up against a furry arm and a very soft globe of… hybrid. Rangavar wriggled a bit to get past him, the tight space pressing him between Denya and the wall. He was afraid of making Denya’s tight shirt ride up over his expansive belly, when he finally popped out on his other side. At least he hadn’t knocked a suspender loose.
He briefly straightened his own t-shirt and glanced away from the group. “I’m gonna, uh.” He did not want to get caught up in another collision. He decided to stay slightly ahead of the group, and determinedly plowed forward.
Denya found it somewhat interesting how Rangavar, despite being roughly the same height as Denya (or perhaps taller due to the horns), struggled to make the hybrid budge. Being fat was certainly something else; who knows, at this rate he might end up being too big for Trin to move by next month! Wouldn’t that be something?
Thankfully, the group managed to make their way through the rest of the maze without any other notable incidents, save for Denya and Rangavar bumping against a few more glass panes, the former of which thankfully was well padded for the occasion. With no more major hiccups, they eventually made it through to the end, where they were rewarded with an entire wall of mirrors, each one bent or skewed in interesting ways to give very warped reflections.
Denya found these reflections quite hilarious; looking at himself in any mirror felt like a circus mirror, thanks to the additional weight he’d been packing on. One that caught his eye the most was one that attempted to give him a slender waist, keyword being attempted, in exchange for an hilarious hour-glass shape. “Hey Trin, check it out! If I was a girl, I’d be one sexy bitch!’ The draolf snickered, waving his lengthy blond hair about. He played his paws on his moobs, which looked much more like the female equivalent in the reflection, while playfully shaking hips that looked like they could flatten a car.
“Yeah, you really would be,” Trin scoffed, watching from the back with folded arms. These mirrors weren’t nearly as fun to flex in, he quickly realized.
Instead, Rangavar tried flexing in the same one as Denya, looking at how wide it made his shoulders in comparison to his already-slender hips. “Hey Arro, check this out. I’ve got super muscular arms like you.”
Arro rolled his eyes. He’d been busy looking at mirrors too, although he avoided the one that normally made people look fat. He definitely did not need to ‘pretend’ to look fat. “There’s one over here that might finally make you look tall.”
Rangavar made a face at him.
Arro decided he was just being ungrateful and beckoned Denya over. The doughy draolf was the shortest of the group. “Check this one out!”
Denya quickly waddled over and tried squeezing himself into frame. It was very difficult for the two of them to fit together anywhere, even in front of a mirror. When he did see himself, however, he let out a snicker. “Hah! I remember when I used to be that thin,” he stuck his tongue out. The way the mirror stretched him out, he actually did look several hundred pounds lighter. And narrower. His muzzle was stretched out until he looked like a horse!
Arro stared into it with him. He was pretty sure he’d never been that thin.
He was suddenly distracted by the scent of food since they were so close to the exit. “Hey guys… wanna go grab something to eat, next?”
Rangavar glanced towards the exit and frowned. In the mirror, it made the side of his face long. “Already?”
Arro blushed when his stomach gurgled as the smell became more apparent from the air wafting in. Rangavar just turned away so he could roll his eyes. Between being supportive of Arro restricting his eating habits, and Denya doing… the opposite of that, Rangavar couldn’t really make a decision on whether or not it was a good idea.
“Yeah, food sounds great, bros. I’m starving,” Trin quickly interjected, avoiding eye contact with the goliath Trin in the mirror. He wasn’t as good at making fun of himself as the others were, it seemed. The large roo wasn’t even that hungry; he just wanted to get out before anyone saw any weird reflections of him.
Denya’s grin widened, which made his reflection look truly nightmare-ish. If two of them were ready to eat, that meant he could get away with chowing down without Arro suspecting anything. “Hell yeah! I thought I saw a sign for donut burgers earlier, and I’m dying to try those. I thought they were just a meme, hah!”
“Maybe that’s what I smell.” Arro pricked his ears at the word ‘donut’, even though he hated himself for it. He was about to look like a fatass in front of Trin again. It didn’t change his mind about wanting to try donut burgers, though, so he nodded at Denya and the side of his mouth curled in a small grin. “I’d be down to try one.” He didn’t add that ‘one’ wasn’t really what he meant.
Rangavar shrugged. He’d have whatever everyone else had. “Alright. Let’s go.”
They emerged into bright sunlight. Arro used his nose to guide the group towards the appropriate food stand, which turned out to be donut burgers after all. They actually looked good. Really, really good. He found himself standing in front of them and staring the way that a fat kid stares at ice cream. Or, the way a fat kid stares at donut burgers, he supposed. “Can I have two?” He glanced at Rangavar. “You’ll eat one, right?” He turned back to the attendant and held up two fingers. Not that he planned on only having just one for himself, but he wanted to make sure he liked it first.
He was sure he would. He wasn’t very picky.
Rangavar turned to the other two to see what they’d decided on. He had a feeling that Denya was going to order a lot, whether he liked them or not. Just one of those feelings.
Trin shrugged. “I’ll have one.”
Denya laughed. “Really? I thought you hated anything that tasted fun.”
“That’s rich, coming from someone who’s ordered one of everything in the past!” the roo scoffed. Really, he was afraid he was coming off as someone who was a stick in the mud. He was enjoying himself just being with company, but maybe he’d look like less of an outcast if he indulged a little.
Denya was just happy to see Trin trying new things. Who knows, maybe the roo would end up loving it? He turned back to the attendant. “I’ll have two for myself. Gotta save room for some deep fried cheesecake later.” He tugged on his suspenders and let them slap against his belly.
“Does everything at the fair have to be deep-fried?” Rangavar complained as they received their donuts and made their way off to a shaded area where people were eating at tables.
“What, you don’t want to go look for a good deep-fried salad?” Arro teased, and Rangavar playfully punched him. The blow glanced off his ample store of blubber, but left it rippling and quivering. Arro put his paws on it, careful not to drop his donut burger as his little plate sank into the top of his belly. Really the only area he could reach at this point.
“I’m sure the donut burger will be fine,” Rangavar said, although he didn’t sound convinced.
Denya faltered when they came to the tables, his tail drooping. He hadn’t eaten in front of an actual table since their outing at the buffet; since then, he’d mostly been on a couch with Rangavar helping to feed him. Obviously, those feeding sessions helped him grow much larger since then. He wasn’t sure if he was even built for tables at this point, unless they had a big semi-circle carved out for his gut to flow through. These ones didn’t. “I...uh…”
“They have benches here, dude, if you’d rather use those.” Trin gestured to the side of the food court. Sure enough, there were a few benches available, although Denya still felt as though he’d bend those under his weight, despite looking to be made out of metal.
Either way, Denya was relieved. There was no way he’d be able to fit his belly beneath the table anymore. Arro especially would have found it difficult; although it would have been entertaining to watch the huge dragon try. “Good eye, Trin. Gives me a chance to work out my biggest muscle.”
“What? What muscle?” The roo tilted his head.
“My table muscle!” The draolf snickered as he plopped his heavy self down on the bench, setting the large tray of food onto his shelf-like chest.
With a sigh, Trin sat on a bench of his own, given there was no room for him next to the hefty hybrid. “I’m just mad I didn’t see that pun coming.”
“What’s a table muscle?” said Rangavar, bringing up the rear of the group. He was largely ignored as the group sat down to eat. He realized he didn’t know where to sit. Two of the benches were overflowing with fat. Well…
He glanced to his left. Trin was sitting on a bench with plenty of extra room. Rangavar debated whether he wanted to sit next to Trin, or squeeze himself onto a bench with two very large fatasses with absolutely no room to spare.
He headed over to Denya and Arro and looked for a place to sit. “Can, uh. Is there any way I can sort of just…”
“You can sit on my lap,” Arro said around a mouthful of donut burger.
Rangavar rolled his eyes. “Hilarious. So, uh, is there a way..?”
“You can sit with me,” Denya offered. “Let me just scoot over and, uh…” There wasn’t much room for him to scoot anywhere. A shame these benches were pinned down; it’d be much more convenient to push them together to make a larger bench. The extra room on Trin’s was looking very appealing.
Gripping his tray of donut burgers, the tubby draolf shuffled over to the side as much as he could manage, already feeling part of his plump rump start to hang off the bench slightly. “Is that enough?”
Rangavar looked at it thoughtfully with a paw on his chin. But when he looked at Arro’s bench, and how much space the dragon was taking up by comparison, the choice became obvious. “Thanks, Denya.” He did his best to sort of… perch, on the side. He wished Trin would just go sit in the grass or something.
Arro watched with amusement as he took another bite of donut burger. He was startled and sad to find his paws already empty. He considered saying something and immediately going back for another, but saw everyone still eating, and paused. He couldn’t be that fat, especially with Trin here.
Rangavar glanced up and saw him. “Do you want another one?”
Fuck. “Uh… I mean, probably.” He felt his face heat up. He was pretty sure it wasn’t from the sun coming out. “Maybe in a bit.”
“You can have the rest of mine, if you want.” The roo held up his half-eaten sandwich.
Denya sighed around his mouthful of donut burger. He shouldn’t be surprised. “You didn’t like it.” He didn’t bother trying to phrase it like a question.
“Nah, bro! It’s more like…” Trin paused. He wasn’t quite sure how to explain that he didn’t like it, without sounding like he didn’t like it. “It’s kinda a bit much, ya know? Just, too much...everything. I’d rather just, like, eat a donut and burger by itself, yeah?”
Denya forced down the rest of his first burger, picking up the second one. He reached for it slowly, in case his jiggling would bother Rangavar pressing against his side. “Why not just take the donuts off and eat those separately?”
“Cuz then I’m left with a burger without any buns, dummy,” Trin snickered, before sitting upright to look at the 8 foot dragon. “But, yeah, you can have the rest of mine if you want, bro. You should take it before Denya tries stealing it for himself.”
“Uh…” Arro supposed he should be grateful for the offer. He could just never tell if it was just another fat joke. “I mean…” Damn that was a good donut burger though. “Sure.” He hesitantly got up to take it from him and stuff the next delicious bite in his mouth.
Aside from Trin, Rangavar was the next slowest eater of the bunch. Everyone else was done by the time he was finishing his last bite. “Alright, uh…” Why did Arro always have to stare when he ate? “Does anyone want to go play some games?”
“I mean, I’m down for that.” Arro looked around at everyone else. “There’s a few I’m really good at.”
“Oh, same, dude!” Trin flashed a toothy grin. Now they were getting to the fun stuff. There were quite a few carnival games that could easily be won with brute force alone. He couldn’t wait to impress his new friends. “What are we doing first? Darts? Dunk tank? Ring toss?”
“Bumper cars!” Denya didn’t mean to interrupt the muscular roo; the draolf was just excited to see the sign for it down the alley. He turned back to his friends with a wide, hopeful grin. “Can we do that first? I know we just ate, but I’m really in the mood to crash into people,” he smirked. A part of him wondered if his intense weight would make bumping into other bumper cars more impactful.
“I mean…we can, I guess.” Trin’s ears folded. “Those cars are kinda small for me, though. I don’t really fit in them all that well.”
Denya laughed. “Don’t worry. You won’t be the only one.”
Arro wasn’t sure exactly whether or not Denya was referring to himself, but he blushed anyway. If Denya didn’t expect to fit, then Arro wouldn’t for sure. He wondered how big the cars were. It had been a long time since he’d been in one.
He glanced at Rangavar, who would definitely fit in one. “You might be riding alone, buddy.”
Rangavar wrinkled his snout. “I wouldn’t bother.” He reached over and pinched Denya’s soft, squishy side, feeling the draolf jolt in surprise. He smirked. “We’ll see if we can make it work.”
They began to head over, Arro moving ponderously after downing those donut burgers. He wasn’t exactly stuffed, but he felt satiated. For now. He was more focused on the area for the bumper cars, which he was happy to see weren’t as tiny as he’d thought. Not that it wouldn’t still be a tight squeeze.
Rangavar put a paw on his chin. “Think it’ll work?”
“I mean… there’s one way to find out.” Arro wondered if he should let Denya go first. He wasn’t super excited about the prospect of embarrassing himself in front of the attendant and everyone else if he didn’t fit. And admittedly, the hybrid had been looking extra chunky lately…
The changes in Denya’s body hadn’t escaped the much larger drake’s notice. Everything about the hybrid had been softening the past couple of weeks, his doughy body expanding, extra chins blossoming beneath his jaw, and thickening, ponderous limbs that rivaled Arro’s own slow-moving waddle as his chubby thighs brushed by each other. Still, Denya kept downing food at an alarming rate, and if Arro didn’t know better he’d almost think the draolf was doing it on purpose.
Rangavar caught Arro’s eyes roving up and down Denya’s body from behind. He wondered how often Arro checked him out like that when he wasn’t looking. Or maybe, he was just trying to judge whether or not Denya would fit into one of the cars. “The line looks pretty short. Want to jump in?”
Arro shrugged. “Sounds good to me.” He looked at the others.
Denya’s fingers intertwined with each other as he flexed his palms out, forming folds in his fat wrists. “Hope you guys are ready to lose!” He grinned.
Trin chuckled. “You don’t really win or lose at Bumper cars, Denya.”
“Yeah, but I like to keep track of how many I bump into vs how many bump into me. And I’m really good at crashing into things!” the hybrid laughed.
The roo shook his head. “I was right not to trust you with my truck.”
The short line ended up looking much longer once the four of them were in place, although that was naturally due to both Denya and Arro taking up more space than two people combined. That, and they needed to stand in single file with one another. Denya wasn’t sure why Rangavar didn’t want to stand next to Trin, despite the two having plenty of room to stand beside one another. Hopefully they weren’t fighting or anything, the poor roo was really trying his best to make new friends.
They didn’t have to wait long until they were next in line. Denya’s chunky tail brushed against Rangavar’s side as he eagerly stepped forward, ready to run to the bumpercars and…
There was a turnstile. Oh.
The draolf looked at it intently, as did the feline attendant, both of them apparently quite curious to see how this situation was going to play out. Denya was getting to the point where he wasn’t sure if he was wider walking straight through, or turning to the side. His fat ass would clog the entryway, one way or another. He was actually having second thoughts about this; he really wasn’t in the mood to get painfully stuck again.
But Arro was watching. Gaining all this weight would be for naught if he looked like he was too fat to enjoy himself!
Holding his breath, Denya turned to the side, hefted up his belly as much as he could, and shuffled forward. It wasn’t long until his hip bounced into the wall of the turnstile; with a blush, the draolf stood on tiptoes in order to get his fat rump over that as well. He nearly let out a yip when he felt the underside of his belly rub against the metal on the other side; even through his shirt, it was cold! Thank Vaugh he was wearing his pizza suspenders, to keep his pants and shirt on. Last thing he needed was to look too ridiculous.
Further in the turnstile, the draolf felt his thighs smoosh heavily between each other. That made sense; the turnstile was meant to fit one normal-sized person at a time, and his thighs were approaching the diameter of a normal fur’s waistline. It made shuffling to the side very slow, the machine sloooowly cranking him by. He was making progress, at least; he wouldn’t have to rely on Trin’s strength to get him through this time.
At last, he stumbled out. With a sigh, he let his breath and his gut go, feeling the surge of belly spill forth until it tugged on his suspenders once more. With a grin, he turned back to his friends, noting in particular Trin’s smirk. “Piece of cake,” he chuckled, patting his middle.
With the hard part out of the way, it was finally time to drive. Denya shuffled over to the nearest blue car and stepped in, hearing the machine creak before he even shifted his full weight into it. Next foot in, and he could feel his lower belly rubbing against the steering wheel. Not a good sign. Carefully, he sat down, realizing with a huff that he actually had to squeeze his way into his seat, the edges of his incredible rump smooshing heavily against either side of the car. Not to mention the draolf’s belly pressing into the wheel, along with his love handles hanging out of the ends. He felt like a muffin in a tin! Denya hadn’t seen any weight limits on the bumpercar rules’ sign, but he figured they may start having them after he and Arro had their turn today.
Denya’s ears folded when he looked over the rules sign once more. Seatbelts were a requirement.
Fishing for his seatbelt beneath all that bulk was a challenge, but the pudgy draolf somehow managed to shove his paws between the car and his bulbous sides before pulling out both ends of the leather strap. Already, he was starting to feel winded; he was a little envious of Rangavar, who had already sat and strapped himself into his car like it was nothing. Meanwhile, the draolf looked at the two ends of the seatbelt, wondering how the hell he was gonna get this thing around his gut. Even at the loosest setting, the seatbelt looked like it’d barely be able to wrap around the base of his tail, which was already rubbing against his back along with his wings.
The feline attendant had to come over when she noticed the draolf struggling to squeeze his plump body into the seatbelt, Denya doing everything he could to suck in all that tum. There was just...so much of him! They exchanged looks, the feline’s lips pursed while the draolf’s ears fell, before the cat finally sighed. “Just...pretend it’s on, or something.”
Denya nodded. That worked for him! He shoved the seatbelt beneath himself once again to hide the evidence, looking over to see how his other friends were handling. Trin looked miserable and hilarious, the roo having a pouty face as he sat in his bright red car, his bent knees rising nearly as high as his head. And Arro…
A particularly pudgy drake gulped as he looked at the turnstile, the last of the group to go through. Arro sort of shuffled sideways, not really sure which way he’d have more luck either. His overhanging belly was sure to get in the way, but his plush ass was equally dangerous.
Rangavar gave him a thumbs-up where he was already sitting in his car. “Doing great.”
Arro made a face at him. He stifled the urge to flip him off. There were children around. “Screw you. I’ll be right there.”
He eased himself forward, his belly immediately brushing the side of the turnstile, then pressing on it harder and harder the farther he went. Not that his ass was doing any better; the little bars of the turnstile started to pinch. His thick, tree-trunk thighs were stuffed firmly between the spokes as he took another few shuffling steps. The overhang of his belly was dragging along the top of the metal podium next to the turnstile by now, a generous amount of fat flopping over the edge.
When he got to the widest part of his rump, he was now being pinched tightly on both sides, and slowed a bit. With a little shimmying though, he was able to start sliding again, now on the other side. The rest would only get easier from here. The last few steps, and a little wriggle of his fat tail, and he was free.
When he was finally sitting in the car, Arro immediately realized he had the same problem as Denya. He didn’t bother fishing out the seatbelt. The feline was already rolling her eyes and waving him along.
Denya was just relieved Arro managed to fit in his car. The doughy dragon really did look like a muffin-top, squished into the tiny vehicle like that. It was really cute. He wished he could walk over and dig his paw into some of those folds that were spilling over the edge. He figured they’d be very soft.
The cars all rumbled to life! Denya gasped, trying to reach around his broad belly to grab at the steering wheel. At least he could see the steering wheel; the pedal may as well not exist as the draolf shuffled his feet around, looking for-
Denya grunted as the car jerked back several inches, the wheel digging deep into his belly briefly, his rippling body easily visible beneath his tight clothes. Looking up, he found Trin grinning wickedly at the fat hybrid. “That’s one point for me.”
Denya huffed. “That’s the only point you’re gonna get!” Aha, there’s the foot pedal! His car lurched forward right as Trin backed away, and soon they were in a mad chase against one another.
Sure, the car was really uncomfortable, even more so whenever a collision occurred, but Denya laughed along regardless. It was fun! He got a kick out of slamming into the side of Rangavar’s car, and even managed a few bounces into Trin, the roo taking the game surprisingly seriously despite looking unenthused earlier. Denya found himself tunnel visioning on the roo, not at all noticing Arro until they slammed into each other head on!
Initially, Arro had some trouble finding his own steering wheel beneath the overhang of his belly, and it was now pressing up underneath so that he overflowed the front of the car. Well, he was overflowing it on all sides. The steering wheel was just the least convenient. He didn’t let it stop him though as he leaned forward, sought out the sides of the wheel he could reach around his fat belly, and aimed straight for Denya.
As the two collided, Arro was pushed really hard against the front, although his padded belly made it softer than it would have been otherwise. Denya’s slightly ‘lighter’ car spun away. “Point for me,” Arro wheezed. He was partially laughing, but also had the wind knocked out of him.
Rangavar was busy chasing after Trin, his desire for revenge on the roo’s endless sportsball conversations fueling his skill at smashing the car directly into his side several times before the roo was able to straighten out and veer away. Before Rangavar could try again, though, a car crashed into his own side, and he scowled at the grinning, pale-red dragon.
“Gotta be faster next time.”
“Shut up, Arro.” Rangavar hurriedly pulled the car around, but only just in time for Arro to smash him again. He suddenly saw Denya quickly coming up on his left side, but with Arro repeatedly mashing him in front, he couldn’t get his car away before the hybrid plowed into him, all of his rolls rippling with the impact.
“The pincher!” Denya laughed, his belly bouncing slightly. Bumper cars was much easier with a built in airbag. Talk about cushioning the blows. He backed up, only to find himself surging forward into Rangavar again as someone rammed into his rear. The laughter he heard told him it was Trin. “Multi-hit!”
With a huff, Denya tried flinging the machine around again, only to find it completely stationary. For a second, he was afraid they had finally broken the damn thing and he was about to get in a heap of trouble, only to realize that everyone else had stopped as well. Their time was up. A shame; he was having so much fun, he had lost track of time.
Now came the hassle of climbing out.
It was difficult for Denya to press his palms into something that wasn’t just his flabby sides, but he finally found the sides of the bumper car beneath himself. With a grunt, he pushed down, only to wince in pain as his lower belly pinched between his knee and the wheel. Crap, he was wedged again! “U-uh, Trin?”
“Already on it.” The roo had been walking to Denya from the beginning, still stretching his legs out. Man, those tiny cars were uncomfortable, although that probably wasn’t anything compared to what the draolf was currently feeling. He bent over the obese hybrid. “Squeeze your belly in for me, alright?”
Denya nodded, and Trin placed his paws beneath his friend’s arms, surprised at how malleable Denya had gotten. It was getting harder for him to find an actual hold on the flabby body, thanks to how much it jiggled and wobbled. At this rate, he wasn’t sure how much of a help he would be down the line.
For now, though, he was able to get a decent hold on the shorter canine and helped haul him out, indents forming in those plush flanks. Denya sighed as he stepped out. “Thanks again, Trin. I hope I’m at least giving you a decent workout.”
The roo laughed, ruffling his blond hair. “You are, don’t worry.” He wasn’t exaggerating either, Denya was heavy! Speaking of heavy, Trin turned his attention towards Arro, in case the dragon needed help next.
Arro was trying to wriggle out on his own. He was red in the face with exertion as he tried to twist his fat hips out of the thing and get the lower edge of his belly out from under the steering wheel. Just because Denya needed help with it, didn’t mean that he would. He was stronger. And almost as strong as Trin, and Trin had managed to lift Denya out.
The real problem was that he didn’t have anything to push against, his love handles still bulging over the sides, sprawling around him. Suddenly, Rangavar was in front of him, holding out a paw. “Need help?”
Arro rolled his eyes. “Oh, yeah, you’ll definitely be able to pull me out.”
Rangavar wrinkled his snout. “I can just… I was just gonna pull. Not lift or anything.”
“I’ll pull you over.”
“Not true.”
Arro snorted. “You’re about as solid as a leaf.”
“Now you’re just being mean.”
Arro tried giving his rump another squirm, his belly still swallowing the steering wheel whole, before he finally had to admit defeat. He glared at Rangavar. “Alright. I’m going to pull you over, and you’re not allowed to complain about it.” He took the paw.
Rangavar braced one foot against the front of the car, taking Arro’s paw with both of his own, and heaved. He threw his back into it, using his whole weight as leverage against the pressure of Arro’s wedged, fat-laden body. He grunted and strained while Arro rolled his eyes, watching with a flat expression.
Trin made a step towards Arro when Denya held out his arm, looking at the marsupial. “I, uh, think you’ve done enough lifting today. Maybe I should help him here.”
The roo frowned, tilting his head. “Are you sure, bro? I don’t mind helping at all.” In fact, it was kind of funny that they needed his help so much, but he didn’t need to say that out loud.
Denya nodded. “It’s fine. I’ll call you over if I need help.” He didn’t want Arro to feel inferior to Trin like this. The tubby draolf waddled over, taking Arro’s free paw in his own while looking at Rangavar. “Alright, on a count of three, we pull. Ready?”
They counted together. “One… two… three!” It was a little cheesy, but they did manage to both fling themselves back at the same time, each straining to remove the stuck dragon from the car. Rangavar groaned with exertion, genuinely giving it everything he had, which he was sure the hybrid was doing the same.
Arro wasn’t just sitting around, of course. He was trying to unbend his legs from their cramped position. They were still trapped beneath this gut, which was heavily pushed down by the steering wheel over that. Finally, as the pressure was removed from up top slightly, he was able to push his legs slightly straighter, eventually able to wrench his ass free of the seat. He almost fell forward, but the lump of lard on the front of his figure padded him like an airbag. The other two drakes were the less fortunate ones.
Rangavar slipped off and fell flat to the ground, panting. “Fuck.”
“Shhh, there are children nearby,” Arro whispered loudly.
“Hey, I’m not-” Denya started, before blushing. He was used to Rangavar calling him “kid” occasionally. Not like a twenty four year old was a kid, anyways. He wondered if Rangavar was actually older than he looked.
They rejoined Trin by the exit, which thankfully didn’t feature a turnstile. The draolf couldn’t hide the grin that was spreading across his muzzle. “I think I won.”
“You did not!” the roo cried out, huffing. “I had way more points.”
“Did not!” Denya crossed his broad arms across his flabby chest, panting. “I hit Arro twice, and you and Rangavar three times. That’s eight, if you’re still doing the math.”
“I figured, thanks.” Trin pinched the draolf’s lovehandle, causing him to yelp. “I hit Rangavar twice and you four times. And Arro, I…” he paused, turning towards the fatter dragon. “I bumped into you at least once, right, dude?”
Arro scratched the back of his head. “Uh. I’m not sure.”
Rangavar blinked. “We were supposed to be counting?”
“Doesn’t matter.” Arro grinned down at him. “Bet you lost.”
Rangavar glared up at him. “Did not.”
“How would you know if you weren’t counting?”
Rangavar looked away and didn’t answer.
Arro rolled his eyes and kept walking until they were all back in the sunlight. “Well, that was fun.” It didn’t really matter to him who had the most points. He loved seeing his friends so happy. He was having a great time. “What’s next?”
The smallest of the bunch looked around. “We could, I don’t know…” Rangavar squinted at a line of furs doing the ring toss nearby. He pointed. “We could do that.”
“Oooh, we could,” Denya agreed. He’d rather watch them do the ring toss, he himself wasn’t very confident in his tossing abilities. However, it was apparent that the ring toss was quite popular; there was a bit of a line already. “Mmm, looks like it’s gonna be a bit of a wait, though. Is there anything else we could do in the meanwhile?” he asked, looking down the aisle.
The dunk tank had no line.
Trin spoke up. “Looks like the dunk tank’s available, bros. Anyone wanna volunteer to get dunked?” He smirked at his friends, mainly eyeing Rangavar. No doubt because the smaller dragon would actually fit in the tank the best.
Denya saw the look on the drake’s face and quickly spoke up. “Why don’t you go first, Trin? You’re the one who lost at bumper cars.”
“I didn’t lose!” the roo pouted, thumping his tail in frustration. “I just said, I bumped into you four times, Rangavar twice, and…” Crap. Why couldn’t he remember bumping into Arro? Was he that focused on chasing down Denya the whole time?
“I agree, Trin should go first!” said Rangavar quickly.
Arro immediately caught on. “I mean, Trin, you’re sort of outvoted,” he chuckled. “Three on one.”
Rangavar stifled a sigh of relief. There was no way he was getting wet today. He’d sooner leave the fair altogether. He followed along as everyone else made their way over, pausing with Arro and Denya to watch Trin step up to the tank.
The roo slipped his shirt over his head, flashing his six-pack abs at the group as he balled up his shirt and threw it at Denya. He grinned as it hit the unsuspecting draolf over the face and he indignantly snatched it off. “Hold that for me.”
They watched as the roo climbed up to the seat suspended over the water and sat.
Arro glanced around. “Okay. Now what?”
“Is this the part where we throw things? I really want to throw things,” said Rangavar. He wondered how many of those things could ‘accidentally’ hit Trin in theory before he got asked to leave.
“I want to throw things too,” Arro absently agreed as he dug some balls out of the bin nearby. He handed one to Rangavar and one to Denya. “Who wants to start?
“I could start,” Rangavar offered. He took a few steps forward. He pulled back his arm, then flung it forward as hard as he could towards the target. It was a direct hit and plunged Trin into the tank. “Yes!” he yelled as he jumped and pumped his fist in the air.
Arro raised a brow. Rangavar didn’t always get so excited over things. “Having fun all the sudden, huh?”
Rangavar stopped jumping to glare at him. Arro almost wished he hadn’t said anything. “Hey, I never said it wouldn’t be fun!” He turned back to the tank for a second, and Arro followed his gaze. They watched Trin climbing out while grumbling to himself. Softly, Rangavar said, “I really am having fun though.”
Arro put a paw on his shoulder and squeezed.
Denya smiled seeing the interaction from the corner of his eye. It was cute. He was glad they were enjoying themselves. The draolf wished he could give Rangavar a quick hug or something similar too, but he didn’t want to with Trin watching. He just...he didn’t know how Trin felt about that sort of thing yet, and he was too afraid to ask or bring it up.
But he wasn’t afraid to dunk the roo into a vat of water.
“I’ll go next,” Denya smirked. He slowly wound up his arm, trying to imagine he was back at baseball practice. Of course, it felt noticeably different from practice, namely how his center of weight changed, how his flabby arm folded in on itself, etc. He knew he wasn’t likely to be very accurate with his pitch, but in any case he let loose the ball and…
Direct hit!
Trin let out a startled yelp as he plunged into the tank yet again! “Seriously?!” he growled as he slowly climbed back out. He was about to exit the tank altogether when Denya chimed in. “Wait! Arro still has a turn!”
The roo rolled his eyes before returning to his position, arms crossed. “I won’t judge you at all if you miss, dude. Promise!” he called after Arro, essentially pleading for the hefty dragon to spare him another impromptu bath.
Arro scowled. He was so sick of Trin making fun of him. He wound back his arm, determined to make the roo pay the price, and flung the ball hard. He had to remember not to use his full type one strength, but still hucked it forcefully towards the tank. It slammed into the target and the seat gave way beneath the unhappy roo.
“Yeah!” Arro pumped his own fist in the air the way that Rangavar had. Without all the jumping around, of course. He didn’t want to traumatize everyone at the fair. “Alright!”
“Nice,” Rangavar nodded with the hint of a smirk. He crossed his arms. “Who’s next?”
Arro glanced at Denya.
Denya glanced back. He hoped his glancing would be more overpowering, but it was hard to overpower someone two feet taller than himself with looks alone. His ears folded. “Oh no…”
He looked over in time to see Trin shuffling towards them, his shoes making loud squelching sounds. Every inch of him was damp and soaked with water, dripping off his ears and muzzle. “I didn’t think...you guys would be dunk tank pros,” he grumbled. He was really regretting his decision to do the dunk tank first.
Denya laughed. “Yeah, we practice all the time, just for the chance to soak your skinny ass three times in a row.”
Trin shook his head, flinging water from his floppy ears, before snatching his shirt back from Denya. “Alright then, tubbs. Why don’t you give it a shot, now? You look like you could use a bath.”
The draolf snorted. “You just wanna see me shirtless next, is that it?”
“Yeah, sure.” The roo rolled his eyes. “Hurry up, homo.”
“Right…” Denya looked away so they couldn’t see the grimace he made. Oh, if only Trin knew the kinds of feelings he had for the two dragons standing beside them. If only Trin knew…
The draolf unclipped his suspenders and lifted his shirt up, letting his flab hang free at last. He had forgotten how tight those suspender straps dug into him. He gave everything to Arro, not trusting the soaking, angry roo with his clothes, and made his way over to the tank. Already, he could tell it wasn’t designed for furs his size when he could feel the end of his belly brushing against the front of the glass when he finally sat down. He didn’t mind so much that his flab was pressing against all ends of the glass; he was just frustrated his wings were stuck spread out across his back once he finally managed to close the door on himself. Stupid, useless wings…
Finally closed in, he found himself smiling nervously at the trio of friends waiting to dunk him. With Rangavar and Arro hitting their mark earlier, and Trin experienced in seemingly every sport imaginable, he figured his chances of waddling out dry were as slim as Rangavar. Well, he could at least have some fun with it. “Nyeeh, what’ya blokes lookin’ at, eh?” he called out in a funny accent, imitating a voice he heard on TV. “Whatsa matter with ya? Cat gotcher tongue? None of ya look good ‘nuff to hit the broadside of a barn, let alone an itty bitty target! Nuk nuk nuk!”
“‘Itty bitty’ isn’t the term I’d use,” Arro called over as he got ready to throw. He was going first this time. He cast a glance at the soaked roo briefly, realizing what would piss him off. Maybe they could turn this sport from ‘dunk tank’ into ‘make Trin pay’.
Arro chucked the ball again, deliberately missing the target. He shot a look at Rangavar, hoping he picked up on the plan. “Oh, damn, that’s too bad,” he said slightly too loudly. “Guess Denya isn’t getting dunked as many times as Trin.”
Rangavar slowly nodded in understanding. “Hmm, maybe I’ll do better,” he said carefully as he hefted a ball.
Arro stood back and watched as the smaller dragon drew back his arm and threw. The ball was way off track, soaring far past the target. Arro felt bad for whichever employee would end up cleaning up after them.
“Oh, no, I missed,” Rangavar lamented. “Maybe Denya won’t get wet at all.”
“Oh, come on!” Trin blurted out. He was trying to keep himself in check; he didn’t mean to call Denya tubbs earlier in front of Arro, but getting dunked three times in rapid succession was just frustrating as hell. Now seeing the draolf might be getting off completely free was enough to make him squeeze the ball until his knuckles were white, nearly shattering the orb in the process.
The draolf couldn’t see the expression on Trin’s face from this far back. The glass tank had quite a few smudges, after all. Instead, he continued with his playful banter. “Ey’ whatsa matter, pretty boy? Too much space between them pointy ears? C’mooon, I thought you was an athlete, not a-”
Denya didn’t even have time to process the ball hurtling into the target before feeling the seat give out from beneath him. He yelped as he went down….slowwwwwly…
It was like being on an elevator, feeling his flabby body squeak its way lower and lower into the tank. Vaugh, was he really that fat?! Holy cow, he really needed to thank Rangavar after today; their efforts were really paying off!
What took Trin an instant took Denya nearly three whole seconds as he was lowered into the water, feeling it rise to his head. He couldn’t help but laugh. “Yer throw was so borin’, I nearly fell asleep just falling down!”
“Shut up,” Trin retorted. He stepped forward, ready to help Denya out, but the draolf somehow managed to turn over towards the ladder and climb his way out, albeit slowly, with his chub grazing against the wall. Hopefully his pants wouldn’t fall down in front of everyone…
Squeezing out, the rotund hybrid waddled back to his friends, huffing.
Arro and Rangavar high-fived.
“Man...that thing is uncomfortable. Just climbing out, I felt like I swam a mile,” Denya chuckled. He needed a dunk tank the size of a hot tub, at this point. Tilting his head to the side to shake out any water from his ears, the pudgy hybrid waddled towards Trin, the one who dunked him into the tank, and started shaking his body.
“H-hey!” the roo cried out, throwing up his arms to shield himself. “Haven’t you assholes gotten me wet enough?”
“No such thing!” Denya sneered, his fla...
This is probably my favorite chapter of the whole series. They're going to a fun fair as friends, but there's still a bit of tension between everyone, ya know? Denya wants to keep his intentional gaining a secret while trying hard to show off that being fat isn't so bad (despite being far too fat for many attractions). Trin is trying his best to fit in with the group and to show he's not a stereotypical douche, but struggles to contain his sharp tongue sometimes. Arro just wants to have a good time and forget about his size, but is constantly reminded that he's practically a fair attraction himself with how large he is. And Rangavar...just wants Trin to shut up. Will they end up remaining friends at the end of this? And can Denya and Arro resist the temptations of deep-fried food? (Spoiler: Not at all)

I hope you all enjoy~
Like Arro, the story's too chonk to fit in the description. Feel free to read it online here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/.....it?usp=sharing
Rangavar felt relieved when the muddy pickup finally slowed to a halt in the dusty parking lot outside the fair. Sitting next to Trin was probably marginally better than having to sit on the flat bed with their two much larger friends, but they keyword was ‘marginally’. Trin would just not stop talking about football.
On the other end of the truck, Arro pricked his ears at the sound of the front doors swinging open and two sets of footsteps hopping down to the ground, one much lighter than the other. The heavier one quickly came towards the back of the truck where they were sitting, and Trin appeared. ”It’s so cool that your guys’ fairgrounds are only a half hour away. We had to drive for like two hours to get to our fair.”
“I was just telling Arro that!” Denya exclaimed. The more he lived in the city, the more he loved it. Nothing was ever too far, it seemed. Everything was accessible and available, even more so thanks to public transportation.
Trin held his arms out, and the draolf realized he had to leave his comfy spot on the back of the pickup next to Arro. This would probably be the closest they could be to actually cuddling, or act like a pair of boyfriends, around Trin. Denya didn’t dare mention anything about that sort of thing while in the back, for fear that those long roo ears would pick it up. He never did ask if Trin overheard them talking before his meltdown at the bar.
In any case, the hybrid grabbed the kangaroo’s paws, chuckling when he noticed their arms were roughly the same diameter, despite being shaped differently. With seemingly a bit more effort than the last time he did this, Trin hauled the doughy draolf out from his wedged spot next to Arro. The draolf stumbled forward onto the dusty ground, smiling up at Trin. “Thanks for the lift, dude.”
With the space in front of him cleared of the overflowing draolf, Arro was able to scoot forward. He didn’t realize how much space Denya had taken up until it was barren. The hybrid was really getting pudgy, and Arro wondered if he should say something. Not that he was in any position to.
As he clambered towards the end of the truck, Rangavar held out his paw to help pull him out. Arro rolled his eyes. “Get out of the way before I knock you over.”
Trin blinked when he noticed the interaction. He was about to offer Arro assistance as well, but remembered the big dragon being offended the last time he had. Why did his roommate get to offer him help, then? City folk were so weird.
At least Denya never looked offended when he needed help getting out of his pick up. Or squeezing out of tables. Or the one time he got his fat wrist stuck in a cookie jar. Denya got stuck in a lot of things.
Hopefully he didn’t get stuck anywhere here. He smiled seeing the face the draolf made when he looked at the fair from the parking lot, giving the little tubster a playful nudge with his elbow. “It’s a lot bigger than the one at home, huh?”
“Yeah it is!” Denya beamed, ignoring his belly jiggling from the prod. He hadn’t seen so many lights and stands before, and they were just looking at it from the outside! The draolf didn’t need to have sharp senses like Arro to smell the delicious fried food either. Oh, this was going to be a great excuse to help squeeze a few extra pounds onto himself; he must be getting close to matching Arro’s size by now! With wide eyes, he turned to his companions. “You guys have been here before, right? What’s the first thing we should do?!”
“Well, we should probably start by getting tickets.” Rangavar cast a glance at Arro, but the other dragon wasn’t paying attention. Someone would have to step up and take care of Denya today, but probably not Arro. Especially since he also didn’t know what Rangavar and Denya had been up to the past month.
The hybrid had really filled out. Although he’d already become incredibly large in the months leading up to his decision to gain weight, now that the gains were on purpose, he’d rapidly blimped up. Rangavar would say he was at least as large around as Arro by now, if not… larger. But Denya seemed determined to out-grow the rotund dragon, and his weight wasn’t showing signs of slowing down anytime soon.
It probably didn’t help that being around Denya all the time was still affecting Arro’s waistline, as well. His size was an ever-moving goalpost. Fortunately, it was moving nowhere near as quickly as Denya’s.
In typical Denya fashion, he wasn’t aware of the others’ attention on his fattened body, how they were mentally comparing him to the somewhat-chubby draolf who moved in less than half a year ago. He didn’t see how they noticed the gradually-accumulating rolls, or the rapid change in clothes he needed to go through as his weight climbed faster than ever.
But he didn’t need to know, because he certainly knew how fat he had gotten!
Sure, he’d been feeling the weight accumulating all this time. In the past, it was easy to tell when he felt a little extra give in his belly, or his gait slowly widening. While he wasn’t a type 1 like Arro or Trin, his draconic heritage, along with an active lifestyle, helped give him enough strength to bear through it fairly easily.
But man, he was getting big!
Denya could feel the extra resistance everywhere. Bending his arms and legs, or even his tail, produced thick rolls. Not only that, but he was aware that everything he did was just a bit slower than before. He felt like sitting and standing had a delay to them now. Hell, he didn’t just walk or stop anymore, he accelerated and decelerated now. He didn’t just feel like Denya anymore, he felt like Denya wearing a suit made out of even more Denya, as weird as that sounded. He was a very, very fat draolf.
And he was proud of it! He really needed to make it up to Rangavar sometime; he couldn’t have gone this far without the smaller dragon helping him out. He swore Rangavar was just as passionate about fattening him up as he was, how energetic the gray drake was in feeding him.
Oh, thinking about those feeding sessions was starting to make him hungry.
Luckily, they didn’t have to look far for food in a fair. The draolf’s ears perked up when he noticed a cotton candy stand right by the front entrance. “Oooh, I haven’t had cotton candy in ages! You guys want some?”
Trin shook his head. “I’m good, bro.”
Arro looked over at it. He already knew Rangavar wouldn’t be interested. He hated fun. “I’ll go with you, Denya.” He wouldn’t have gone on his own, anyway. He hated being stared at like a fat kid in line to get candy. Even though he knew that’s quite literally what he was, as he began walking towards it.
Rangavar watched with amusement as the two hefty drakes made their way over to the cotton candy, their rotund bulk taking up all the space around them and then some. The line looked twice as long when they entered it, even though only two people were being added.
As he watched, he also realized that he’d been left alone with Trin. He awkwardly pulled at the collar of his t-shirt. Despite the crisp air, it was feeling a bit warm for some reason. Not that the tall, buff roo was intimidating or anything. Pfft. “So… Denya’s getting big, huh?” As long as Trin didn’t start talking about football again, Rangavar thought he could maybe manage another conversation.
Trin laughed. “Oh yeah, he’s pretty fuckin’ chunky, huh? His belly’s like one of those big memory foam mattresses.” While it was easy to make fun of Denya, the roo was impressed that his little friend had stuck with his routine. The draolf had even asked him for advice on which protein shakes had the most calories! It was still weird to think anyone actually wanted to get super fat, but in a way, it was fun watching Denya slowly puff out as the weeks went by. In a way, he was being a bodybuilder, just building a different kind of body. “How much fatter do you think he’s gonna get? I thought he was supposed to stop when he was Arro shaped, but uh…” he scratched his ear. “He’s still getting bigger.”
Rangavar quietly watched the tubby draolf in line, mostly because he didn’t know how to answer. “We’ll stop when he wants to, I guess,” he said lamely. It was true, though. It really was Denya’s choice. “Maybe he just wants to make sure he’s really bigger in case Arro gains any more weight. Arro eats a lot too, you know,” he pointed out.
It was true that Arro, too, had been packing on pounds. Even when trying to keep his gaining a secret, Denya turned out to be a bad influence. It was almost enough to make Rangavar facepalm, but if Arro noticed Denya’s change in eating habits, he didn’t say anything. Denya’s secret seemed safe for now.
“Yeah, I getcha.” Trin nodded. It was like they were in some sort of contest almost, with one of them being completely unaware of it. Arro intentionally gaining weight too would be a hoot. “Arro would be a great soccer goalie, heh. Maybe we should get him into sports that way. Oh, that’s right! I never finished what I was talking about in the car! So, the Seahawks have this really deep rivalry with the Mariners, right? Well-”
Rangavar flattened his ears.
At the cotton candy stand, Arro eagerly took the huge ball of flavored sugar placed on the cone. “Thanks,” he told the friendly shark manning the cart. Behind him, Denya immediately came up and got several. Arro hadn’t been aware that they would be bringing more back to their friends. Denya acquired a cotton candy puff in each flavor, and Arro tried to recall who had wanted which one. Oddly enough, he didn’t remember anyone else asking.
As he followed the hefty hybrid back towards their waiting group, Arro also couldn’t help but notice the large jiggling side rolls in front of him, followed up by the globes of Denya’s quivering asscheeks. He was wondering if Denya should actually be slowing down on eating, if anything. Soon, the hybrid’s size might rival his own. It was a bit of a weird thought for Arro, who was used to being the largest person… anywhere.
Denya knew he should be trying to keep his appetite in check around Arro, only eating what should be a normal-ish amount of food. But then again, the fair was only once a year, and when else would he get the chance to try blue bubblegum cotton candy? Or the other 4 flavors, for that matter?
Trin blinked when he saw Denya coming over, pausing his story for now. He missed the relieved look on Rangavar’s face. “Oh, I said I didn’t want any, bro.”
“Oh…” Denya chuckled awkwardly. “These were for me.”
“Ah.” The roo nodded. Whether he meant to or not, Denya was doing a great job of taking Arro’s role of being the group fatass.
Arro tried to keep his own surprise off his face. There were like a bajillion cotton candy puffs there.
Rangavar didn’t know whether or not to feel surprised. He was just glad Trin had finally stopped talking.
Arro looked around at some of the signs nearby. Now that they had their cotton candy, there was no reason to stand around. Except for eating the cotton candy, he supposed, although they could do that while waiting in lines. “Hey, there’s a mirror maze,” he said suddenly. It was one of the first attractions that caught his eye. Well, the other one was a rollercoaster, but he was worried about, uh, ‘weight’ requirements. “Want to go into the maze first?”
Rangavar glanced over at what he was sure was a sign about the mirror maze. “I mean, I’m down for that if everyone else is.”
“Sounds good, my dudes.” Trin shrugged. The others sounded like they wanted to.
“Mmmf!” Denya had a mouthful of cotton candy, which he quickly gulped down. “Yeah, that sounds great! Those are so much fun!”
The one Arro had pointed out looked fantastic, too. Well, fantastic in Denya’s standards meant no chipped paint or other glaring issues. He was still getting used to the idea of a city fair with an actual budget. He felt like a kid again, even if he weighed more than several adults put together. The tubby hybrid was the first in line to go into the mirror maze, and as soon as he was allowed through, he made a beeline towards-
Denya grunted as his belly collided hard with what appeared to be an invisible barrier, firmly halting his movement. For a moment, he actually thought he had gotten caught on something until he noticed how his belly flattened against the screen like a pancake. Chuckling, he turned to look back at his friends, his pudgy neck folds bunching up. “Hah! This thing just saved me a broken nose!” he snickered, patting his middle.
Trin tut-tutted playfully, following behind the hybrid. “No more sugar for you. All that cotton candy gave you way too much energy for someone your size. Lead the way, tu- Denya.” The roo caught himself at the last second, in case Arro could hear them. Trin wasn’t really a fan of many of these strange amusements; the carnival games that tested his strength and precision were much more fun. But, he didn’t want to be a stick in the mud for the trio either. In any case, he was not looking forward to bumping his snout against any invisible glass like Denya almost did, so he grabbed the back of the fatty’s suspenders and let him lead the way. He thought the pizza designs on Denya’s suspenders were a little on the nose, if he was supposed to be keeping his gains a secret.
Arro put out his paws in front of him for a moment before realizing that he’d have pretty much the same results as Denya, and sighed. He was really too big to avoid his frontside colliding with the mirrors around him anyway. He supposed that in this case, the extra padding would at least make itself useful.
He made his turns carefully, trying not to smash his large body into anything in the confined space. For the most part, his belly led the way, but at least everyone was too focused to notice him blushing.
Rangavar was towards the back of the group, having a couple of close calls with the mirrors himself. The attraction between his nose and the hard, unforgiving surface of each wall was palpable. “I can’t see around any of you, by the way.”
Arro blushed harder when he realized his boyfriend was referring to his fat ass. “Sorry.” Then he wondered if maybe he was referring to Denya’s fat ass. He glanced around. Come to think of it, their group was taking up a rather large amount of space in general, most of which belonged to just two of them. “You can, uh, come up in front of me, if you want, I guess.”
Rangavar debated the offer. Walking between a very large dragon and a very tall roo didn’t sound like much fun either. He wondered if maybe he could just squeeze up to where Denya was leading the way. “I, uh. Can I be up near Denya, maybe?” Even if he ended up behind the hefty hybrid, at least he’d be able to see over his head.
Arro wasn’t sure that Trin was about to give up the prime real estate he’d taken up behind Denya’s suspenders, but tried to move aside for Rangavar nonetheless. The much narrower drake started to ease by him as Arro’s other rounded side pressed up against the opposite mirror. He was doing his best to get out of the way, but the passageway was only so big. He moved his arm over to sort of push his belly out of the way. He wasn’t sure it was helping.
Still, Rangavar was determined. He pressed the side of his own arm into Arro’s belly for a second to squeeze past. “Sorry,” he grimaced. There wasn’t really any other way to go about it. He was pressed pretty tight against the opposite mirror himself. As he slid free, he found himself immediately crashing into Trin, who had stopped to admire himself in a mirror and flex a few times. “Ach!”
Of course, Arro couldn’t stop his own momentum in time to avoid crashing into the developing trainwreck. His padded frontside kept him from damage, but he winced as his two victims fell to the ground.
The ground being a very padded, squishy draolf.
Denya was actually in the process of doubling back to grab Trin when the avalanche occurred. He opened his mouth to tease the roo for checking himself out in the mirror, but instead of insults, a startled yelp escaped his lips as the weight of two very large furs (and one not so large dragon) crashed into him! Thankfully, his plush rump cushioned his fall before he ended up on his back, but the whole experience certainly knocked the wind out of his lungs!
The draolf huffed softly. “Is everyone alright?” he asked worriedly. No groans or whimpers could be heard, just some muttered grunting and panting, thankfully. Denya tried to pull himself up, but the way Trin was lying outstretched against his massive middle made it difficult to move. Well, that and his own weight was aiding in keeping him weighed down on his back. Man, he was getting fat. “C-can you get off, Trin? You’re really heavy!”
“W-working on it!” The roo rolled his eyes at that comment. Yeah, he was heavy, not the enormous whale of a dragon currently laying on him. Vaugh, did Arro eat cement for breakfast, or was he always this heavy?! It felt so surreal to be laying against Denya while Arro pinned him down; like being smothered between two water-filled balloons. The experience probably wouldn’t be as uncomfortable if Rangavar wasn’t also being wedged into him thanks to Arro’s bulk. Man, if anyone needed a few extra pounds, it was the small dragon!
Arro stirred and tried to ease himself off; Trin figured he should try helping before Rangavar’s outline became permanently etched in his fur. The muscular roo tried to plant his palms against Arro’s shoulders and lift, but his fingers just sunk into the thick layers of chub surrounding the drake. It was as if the entire dragon was just made out of pudding! Trin didn’t want to lift any further, in fear of pinching a fold and hurting Arro, and he wasn’t about to try grabbing a pawful of Arro blubber anywhere lower because, well, that’d be totally weird. Instead, he tried patting the fat dragon’s hide. “Hey, bud? You, uh, think you could...get up, a bit?” How was he supposed to phrase that question?
Arro groaned and lifted his head. He didn’t mean to still be leaning so heavily on the roo, but he realized that as he pushed himself up, he couldn’t quite push himself… off. The weight of his gut was still settled pretty firmly against Rangavar and Trin. Fortunately, the slender dragon wasn’t saying anything as he squirmed to get up. Arro tried not to lock eyes with Trin as he sort of rocked himself back onto his knees. Still, his paunch hung heavily on the others’ legs while Rangavar hurriedly scrambled out from under it, and Trin finally pushed himself out from under Rangavar. And still from under Arro, of course.
“Sorry,” the fat dragon blushed.
“No worries, bro.” Trin chuckled. He really needed to get Arro back to the gym more often, but bringing that up now would probably be a little rude. Maybe. Later for sure, he would.
For now, the kangaroo allowed himself to finally roll back onto his feet, rubbing his shoulders slightly. Clearly, Arro was stronger than he looked if he could carry around all that weight with as much ease as he did. Even Denya was starting to slow down a bit at that size.
Oh right, Denya.
He turned and offered a paw to the flabby draolf, who was slowly pushing himself up. “You’re a pretty good cushion.”
The draolf chuckled, clasping paws with Trin as the muscular roo pulled him up. “You’re a pretty shitty blanket.”
“That’s fair.” Trin snorted.
Rangavar had managed to roll himself off of the muscular roo, and now pushed himself back to his feet. He was still between two people way larger than him, which he didn’t like very much. It was the opposite of what he’d wanted. Before everyone could turn forward and resume their trek towards the end of the maze, Rangavar took the opportunity to dart past Trin and then squeeeeeze past Denya. It turned out being slightly easier than squeezing past Arro’s more significant bulk, but it was no easy feat. Denya had been working really hard at his gaining.
“Sorry,” Rangavar grunted as he pressed up against a furry arm and a very soft globe of… hybrid. Rangavar wriggled a bit to get past him, the tight space pressing him between Denya and the wall. He was afraid of making Denya’s tight shirt ride up over his expansive belly, when he finally popped out on his other side. At least he hadn’t knocked a suspender loose.
He briefly straightened his own t-shirt and glanced away from the group. “I’m gonna, uh.” He did not want to get caught up in another collision. He decided to stay slightly ahead of the group, and determinedly plowed forward.
Denya found it somewhat interesting how Rangavar, despite being roughly the same height as Denya (or perhaps taller due to the horns), struggled to make the hybrid budge. Being fat was certainly something else; who knows, at this rate he might end up being too big for Trin to move by next month! Wouldn’t that be something?
Thankfully, the group managed to make their way through the rest of the maze without any other notable incidents, save for Denya and Rangavar bumping against a few more glass panes, the former of which thankfully was well padded for the occasion. With no more major hiccups, they eventually made it through to the end, where they were rewarded with an entire wall of mirrors, each one bent or skewed in interesting ways to give very warped reflections.
Denya found these reflections quite hilarious; looking at himself in any mirror felt like a circus mirror, thanks to the additional weight he’d been packing on. One that caught his eye the most was one that attempted to give him a slender waist, keyword being attempted, in exchange for an hilarious hour-glass shape. “Hey Trin, check it out! If I was a girl, I’d be one sexy bitch!’ The draolf snickered, waving his lengthy blond hair about. He played his paws on his moobs, which looked much more like the female equivalent in the reflection, while playfully shaking hips that looked like they could flatten a car.
“Yeah, you really would be,” Trin scoffed, watching from the back with folded arms. These mirrors weren’t nearly as fun to flex in, he quickly realized.
Instead, Rangavar tried flexing in the same one as Denya, looking at how wide it made his shoulders in comparison to his already-slender hips. “Hey Arro, check this out. I’ve got super muscular arms like you.”
Arro rolled his eyes. He’d been busy looking at mirrors too, although he avoided the one that normally made people look fat. He definitely did not need to ‘pretend’ to look fat. “There’s one over here that might finally make you look tall.”
Rangavar made a face at him.
Arro decided he was just being ungrateful and beckoned Denya over. The doughy draolf was the shortest of the group. “Check this one out!”
Denya quickly waddled over and tried squeezing himself into frame. It was very difficult for the two of them to fit together anywhere, even in front of a mirror. When he did see himself, however, he let out a snicker. “Hah! I remember when I used to be that thin,” he stuck his tongue out. The way the mirror stretched him out, he actually did look several hundred pounds lighter. And narrower. His muzzle was stretched out until he looked like a horse!
Arro stared into it with him. He was pretty sure he’d never been that thin.
He was suddenly distracted by the scent of food since they were so close to the exit. “Hey guys… wanna go grab something to eat, next?”
Rangavar glanced towards the exit and frowned. In the mirror, it made the side of his face long. “Already?”
Arro blushed when his stomach gurgled as the smell became more apparent from the air wafting in. Rangavar just turned away so he could roll his eyes. Between being supportive of Arro restricting his eating habits, and Denya doing… the opposite of that, Rangavar couldn’t really make a decision on whether or not it was a good idea.
“Yeah, food sounds great, bros. I’m starving,” Trin quickly interjected, avoiding eye contact with the goliath Trin in the mirror. He wasn’t as good at making fun of himself as the others were, it seemed. The large roo wasn’t even that hungry; he just wanted to get out before anyone saw any weird reflections of him.
Denya’s grin widened, which made his reflection look truly nightmare-ish. If two of them were ready to eat, that meant he could get away with chowing down without Arro suspecting anything. “Hell yeah! I thought I saw a sign for donut burgers earlier, and I’m dying to try those. I thought they were just a meme, hah!”
“Maybe that’s what I smell.” Arro pricked his ears at the word ‘donut’, even though he hated himself for it. He was about to look like a fatass in front of Trin again. It didn’t change his mind about wanting to try donut burgers, though, so he nodded at Denya and the side of his mouth curled in a small grin. “I’d be down to try one.” He didn’t add that ‘one’ wasn’t really what he meant.
Rangavar shrugged. He’d have whatever everyone else had. “Alright. Let’s go.”
They emerged into bright sunlight. Arro used his nose to guide the group towards the appropriate food stand, which turned out to be donut burgers after all. They actually looked good. Really, really good. He found himself standing in front of them and staring the way that a fat kid stares at ice cream. Or, the way a fat kid stares at donut burgers, he supposed. “Can I have two?” He glanced at Rangavar. “You’ll eat one, right?” He turned back to the attendant and held up two fingers. Not that he planned on only having just one for himself, but he wanted to make sure he liked it first.
He was sure he would. He wasn’t very picky.
Rangavar turned to the other two to see what they’d decided on. He had a feeling that Denya was going to order a lot, whether he liked them or not. Just one of those feelings.
Trin shrugged. “I’ll have one.”
Denya laughed. “Really? I thought you hated anything that tasted fun.”
“That’s rich, coming from someone who’s ordered one of everything in the past!” the roo scoffed. Really, he was afraid he was coming off as someone who was a stick in the mud. He was enjoying himself just being with company, but maybe he’d look like less of an outcast if he indulged a little.
Denya was just happy to see Trin trying new things. Who knows, maybe the roo would end up loving it? He turned back to the attendant. “I’ll have two for myself. Gotta save room for some deep fried cheesecake later.” He tugged on his suspenders and let them slap against his belly.
“Does everything at the fair have to be deep-fried?” Rangavar complained as they received their donuts and made their way off to a shaded area where people were eating at tables.
“What, you don’t want to go look for a good deep-fried salad?” Arro teased, and Rangavar playfully punched him. The blow glanced off his ample store of blubber, but left it rippling and quivering. Arro put his paws on it, careful not to drop his donut burger as his little plate sank into the top of his belly. Really the only area he could reach at this point.
“I’m sure the donut burger will be fine,” Rangavar said, although he didn’t sound convinced.
Denya faltered when they came to the tables, his tail drooping. He hadn’t eaten in front of an actual table since their outing at the buffet; since then, he’d mostly been on a couch with Rangavar helping to feed him. Obviously, those feeding sessions helped him grow much larger since then. He wasn’t sure if he was even built for tables at this point, unless they had a big semi-circle carved out for his gut to flow through. These ones didn’t. “I...uh…”
“They have benches here, dude, if you’d rather use those.” Trin gestured to the side of the food court. Sure enough, there were a few benches available, although Denya still felt as though he’d bend those under his weight, despite looking to be made out of metal.
Either way, Denya was relieved. There was no way he’d be able to fit his belly beneath the table anymore. Arro especially would have found it difficult; although it would have been entertaining to watch the huge dragon try. “Good eye, Trin. Gives me a chance to work out my biggest muscle.”
“What? What muscle?” The roo tilted his head.
“My table muscle!” The draolf snickered as he plopped his heavy self down on the bench, setting the large tray of food onto his shelf-like chest.
With a sigh, Trin sat on a bench of his own, given there was no room for him next to the hefty hybrid. “I’m just mad I didn’t see that pun coming.”
“What’s a table muscle?” said Rangavar, bringing up the rear of the group. He was largely ignored as the group sat down to eat. He realized he didn’t know where to sit. Two of the benches were overflowing with fat. Well…
He glanced to his left. Trin was sitting on a bench with plenty of extra room. Rangavar debated whether he wanted to sit next to Trin, or squeeze himself onto a bench with two very large fatasses with absolutely no room to spare.
He headed over to Denya and Arro and looked for a place to sit. “Can, uh. Is there any way I can sort of just…”
“You can sit on my lap,” Arro said around a mouthful of donut burger.
Rangavar rolled his eyes. “Hilarious. So, uh, is there a way..?”
“You can sit with me,” Denya offered. “Let me just scoot over and, uh…” There wasn’t much room for him to scoot anywhere. A shame these benches were pinned down; it’d be much more convenient to push them together to make a larger bench. The extra room on Trin’s was looking very appealing.
Gripping his tray of donut burgers, the tubby draolf shuffled over to the side as much as he could manage, already feeling part of his plump rump start to hang off the bench slightly. “Is that enough?”
Rangavar looked at it thoughtfully with a paw on his chin. But when he looked at Arro’s bench, and how much space the dragon was taking up by comparison, the choice became obvious. “Thanks, Denya.” He did his best to sort of… perch, on the side. He wished Trin would just go sit in the grass or something.
Arro watched with amusement as he took another bite of donut burger. He was startled and sad to find his paws already empty. He considered saying something and immediately going back for another, but saw everyone still eating, and paused. He couldn’t be that fat, especially with Trin here.
Rangavar glanced up and saw him. “Do you want another one?”
Fuck. “Uh… I mean, probably.” He felt his face heat up. He was pretty sure it wasn’t from the sun coming out. “Maybe in a bit.”
“You can have the rest of mine, if you want.” The roo held up his half-eaten sandwich.
Denya sighed around his mouthful of donut burger. He shouldn’t be surprised. “You didn’t like it.” He didn’t bother trying to phrase it like a question.
“Nah, bro! It’s more like…” Trin paused. He wasn’t quite sure how to explain that he didn’t like it, without sounding like he didn’t like it. “It’s kinda a bit much, ya know? Just, too much...everything. I’d rather just, like, eat a donut and burger by itself, yeah?”
Denya forced down the rest of his first burger, picking up the second one. He reached for it slowly, in case his jiggling would bother Rangavar pressing against his side. “Why not just take the donuts off and eat those separately?”
“Cuz then I’m left with a burger without any buns, dummy,” Trin snickered, before sitting upright to look at the 8 foot dragon. “But, yeah, you can have the rest of mine if you want, bro. You should take it before Denya tries stealing it for himself.”
“Uh…” Arro supposed he should be grateful for the offer. He could just never tell if it was just another fat joke. “I mean…” Damn that was a good donut burger though. “Sure.” He hesitantly got up to take it from him and stuff the next delicious bite in his mouth.
Aside from Trin, Rangavar was the next slowest eater of the bunch. Everyone else was done by the time he was finishing his last bite. “Alright, uh…” Why did Arro always have to stare when he ate? “Does anyone want to go play some games?”
“I mean, I’m down for that.” Arro looked around at everyone else. “There’s a few I’m really good at.”
“Oh, same, dude!” Trin flashed a toothy grin. Now they were getting to the fun stuff. There were quite a few carnival games that could easily be won with brute force alone. He couldn’t wait to impress his new friends. “What are we doing first? Darts? Dunk tank? Ring toss?”
“Bumper cars!” Denya didn’t mean to interrupt the muscular roo; the draolf was just excited to see the sign for it down the alley. He turned back to his friends with a wide, hopeful grin. “Can we do that first? I know we just ate, but I’m really in the mood to crash into people,” he smirked. A part of him wondered if his intense weight would make bumping into other bumper cars more impactful.
“I mean…we can, I guess.” Trin’s ears folded. “Those cars are kinda small for me, though. I don’t really fit in them all that well.”
Denya laughed. “Don’t worry. You won’t be the only one.”
Arro wasn’t sure exactly whether or not Denya was referring to himself, but he blushed anyway. If Denya didn’t expect to fit, then Arro wouldn’t for sure. He wondered how big the cars were. It had been a long time since he’d been in one.
He glanced at Rangavar, who would definitely fit in one. “You might be riding alone, buddy.”
Rangavar wrinkled his snout. “I wouldn’t bother.” He reached over and pinched Denya’s soft, squishy side, feeling the draolf jolt in surprise. He smirked. “We’ll see if we can make it work.”
They began to head over, Arro moving ponderously after downing those donut burgers. He wasn’t exactly stuffed, but he felt satiated. For now. He was more focused on the area for the bumper cars, which he was happy to see weren’t as tiny as he’d thought. Not that it wouldn’t still be a tight squeeze.
Rangavar put a paw on his chin. “Think it’ll work?”
“I mean… there’s one way to find out.” Arro wondered if he should let Denya go first. He wasn’t super excited about the prospect of embarrassing himself in front of the attendant and everyone else if he didn’t fit. And admittedly, the hybrid had been looking extra chunky lately…
The changes in Denya’s body hadn’t escaped the much larger drake’s notice. Everything about the hybrid had been softening the past couple of weeks, his doughy body expanding, extra chins blossoming beneath his jaw, and thickening, ponderous limbs that rivaled Arro’s own slow-moving waddle as his chubby thighs brushed by each other. Still, Denya kept downing food at an alarming rate, and if Arro didn’t know better he’d almost think the draolf was doing it on purpose.
Rangavar caught Arro’s eyes roving up and down Denya’s body from behind. He wondered how often Arro checked him out like that when he wasn’t looking. Or maybe, he was just trying to judge whether or not Denya would fit into one of the cars. “The line looks pretty short. Want to jump in?”
Arro shrugged. “Sounds good to me.” He looked at the others.
Denya’s fingers intertwined with each other as he flexed his palms out, forming folds in his fat wrists. “Hope you guys are ready to lose!” He grinned.
Trin chuckled. “You don’t really win or lose at Bumper cars, Denya.”
“Yeah, but I like to keep track of how many I bump into vs how many bump into me. And I’m really good at crashing into things!” the hybrid laughed.
The roo shook his head. “I was right not to trust you with my truck.”
The short line ended up looking much longer once the four of them were in place, although that was naturally due to both Denya and Arro taking up more space than two people combined. That, and they needed to stand in single file with one another. Denya wasn’t sure why Rangavar didn’t want to stand next to Trin, despite the two having plenty of room to stand beside one another. Hopefully they weren’t fighting or anything, the poor roo was really trying his best to make new friends.
They didn’t have to wait long until they were next in line. Denya’s chunky tail brushed against Rangavar’s side as he eagerly stepped forward, ready to run to the bumpercars and…
There was a turnstile. Oh.
The draolf looked at it intently, as did the feline attendant, both of them apparently quite curious to see how this situation was going to play out. Denya was getting to the point where he wasn’t sure if he was wider walking straight through, or turning to the side. His fat ass would clog the entryway, one way or another. He was actually having second thoughts about this; he really wasn’t in the mood to get painfully stuck again.
But Arro was watching. Gaining all this weight would be for naught if he looked like he was too fat to enjoy himself!
Holding his breath, Denya turned to the side, hefted up his belly as much as he could, and shuffled forward. It wasn’t long until his hip bounced into the wall of the turnstile; with a blush, the draolf stood on tiptoes in order to get his fat rump over that as well. He nearly let out a yip when he felt the underside of his belly rub against the metal on the other side; even through his shirt, it was cold! Thank Vaugh he was wearing his pizza suspenders, to keep his pants and shirt on. Last thing he needed was to look too ridiculous.
Further in the turnstile, the draolf felt his thighs smoosh heavily between each other. That made sense; the turnstile was meant to fit one normal-sized person at a time, and his thighs were approaching the diameter of a normal fur’s waistline. It made shuffling to the side very slow, the machine sloooowly cranking him by. He was making progress, at least; he wouldn’t have to rely on Trin’s strength to get him through this time.
At last, he stumbled out. With a sigh, he let his breath and his gut go, feeling the surge of belly spill forth until it tugged on his suspenders once more. With a grin, he turned back to his friends, noting in particular Trin’s smirk. “Piece of cake,” he chuckled, patting his middle.
With the hard part out of the way, it was finally time to drive. Denya shuffled over to the nearest blue car and stepped in, hearing the machine creak before he even shifted his full weight into it. Next foot in, and he could feel his lower belly rubbing against the steering wheel. Not a good sign. Carefully, he sat down, realizing with a huff that he actually had to squeeze his way into his seat, the edges of his incredible rump smooshing heavily against either side of the car. Not to mention the draolf’s belly pressing into the wheel, along with his love handles hanging out of the ends. He felt like a muffin in a tin! Denya hadn’t seen any weight limits on the bumpercar rules’ sign, but he figured they may start having them after he and Arro had their turn today.
Denya’s ears folded when he looked over the rules sign once more. Seatbelts were a requirement.
Fishing for his seatbelt beneath all that bulk was a challenge, but the pudgy draolf somehow managed to shove his paws between the car and his bulbous sides before pulling out both ends of the leather strap. Already, he was starting to feel winded; he was a little envious of Rangavar, who had already sat and strapped himself into his car like it was nothing. Meanwhile, the draolf looked at the two ends of the seatbelt, wondering how the hell he was gonna get this thing around his gut. Even at the loosest setting, the seatbelt looked like it’d barely be able to wrap around the base of his tail, which was already rubbing against his back along with his wings.
The feline attendant had to come over when she noticed the draolf struggling to squeeze his plump body into the seatbelt, Denya doing everything he could to suck in all that tum. There was just...so much of him! They exchanged looks, the feline’s lips pursed while the draolf’s ears fell, before the cat finally sighed. “Just...pretend it’s on, or something.”
Denya nodded. That worked for him! He shoved the seatbelt beneath himself once again to hide the evidence, looking over to see how his other friends were handling. Trin looked miserable and hilarious, the roo having a pouty face as he sat in his bright red car, his bent knees rising nearly as high as his head. And Arro…
A particularly pudgy drake gulped as he looked at the turnstile, the last of the group to go through. Arro sort of shuffled sideways, not really sure which way he’d have more luck either. His overhanging belly was sure to get in the way, but his plush ass was equally dangerous.
Rangavar gave him a thumbs-up where he was already sitting in his car. “Doing great.”
Arro made a face at him. He stifled the urge to flip him off. There were children around. “Screw you. I’ll be right there.”
He eased himself forward, his belly immediately brushing the side of the turnstile, then pressing on it harder and harder the farther he went. Not that his ass was doing any better; the little bars of the turnstile started to pinch. His thick, tree-trunk thighs were stuffed firmly between the spokes as he took another few shuffling steps. The overhang of his belly was dragging along the top of the metal podium next to the turnstile by now, a generous amount of fat flopping over the edge.
When he got to the widest part of his rump, he was now being pinched tightly on both sides, and slowed a bit. With a little shimmying though, he was able to start sliding again, now on the other side. The rest would only get easier from here. The last few steps, and a little wriggle of his fat tail, and he was free.
When he was finally sitting in the car, Arro immediately realized he had the same problem as Denya. He didn’t bother fishing out the seatbelt. The feline was already rolling her eyes and waving him along.
Denya was just relieved Arro managed to fit in his car. The doughy dragon really did look like a muffin-top, squished into the tiny vehicle like that. It was really cute. He wished he could walk over and dig his paw into some of those folds that were spilling over the edge. He figured they’d be very soft.
The cars all rumbled to life! Denya gasped, trying to reach around his broad belly to grab at the steering wheel. At least he could see the steering wheel; the pedal may as well not exist as the draolf shuffled his feet around, looking for-
Denya grunted as the car jerked back several inches, the wheel digging deep into his belly briefly, his rippling body easily visible beneath his tight clothes. Looking up, he found Trin grinning wickedly at the fat hybrid. “That’s one point for me.”
Denya huffed. “That’s the only point you’re gonna get!” Aha, there’s the foot pedal! His car lurched forward right as Trin backed away, and soon they were in a mad chase against one another.
Sure, the car was really uncomfortable, even more so whenever a collision occurred, but Denya laughed along regardless. It was fun! He got a kick out of slamming into the side of Rangavar’s car, and even managed a few bounces into Trin, the roo taking the game surprisingly seriously despite looking unenthused earlier. Denya found himself tunnel visioning on the roo, not at all noticing Arro until they slammed into each other head on!
Initially, Arro had some trouble finding his own steering wheel beneath the overhang of his belly, and it was now pressing up underneath so that he overflowed the front of the car. Well, he was overflowing it on all sides. The steering wheel was just the least convenient. He didn’t let it stop him though as he leaned forward, sought out the sides of the wheel he could reach around his fat belly, and aimed straight for Denya.
As the two collided, Arro was pushed really hard against the front, although his padded belly made it softer than it would have been otherwise. Denya’s slightly ‘lighter’ car spun away. “Point for me,” Arro wheezed. He was partially laughing, but also had the wind knocked out of him.
Rangavar was busy chasing after Trin, his desire for revenge on the roo’s endless sportsball conversations fueling his skill at smashing the car directly into his side several times before the roo was able to straighten out and veer away. Before Rangavar could try again, though, a car crashed into his own side, and he scowled at the grinning, pale-red dragon.
“Gotta be faster next time.”
“Shut up, Arro.” Rangavar hurriedly pulled the car around, but only just in time for Arro to smash him again. He suddenly saw Denya quickly coming up on his left side, but with Arro repeatedly mashing him in front, he couldn’t get his car away before the hybrid plowed into him, all of his rolls rippling with the impact.
“The pincher!” Denya laughed, his belly bouncing slightly. Bumper cars was much easier with a built in airbag. Talk about cushioning the blows. He backed up, only to find himself surging forward into Rangavar again as someone rammed into his rear. The laughter he heard told him it was Trin. “Multi-hit!”
With a huff, Denya tried flinging the machine around again, only to find it completely stationary. For a second, he was afraid they had finally broken the damn thing and he was about to get in a heap of trouble, only to realize that everyone else had stopped as well. Their time was up. A shame; he was having so much fun, he had lost track of time.
Now came the hassle of climbing out.
It was difficult for Denya to press his palms into something that wasn’t just his flabby sides, but he finally found the sides of the bumper car beneath himself. With a grunt, he pushed down, only to wince in pain as his lower belly pinched between his knee and the wheel. Crap, he was wedged again! “U-uh, Trin?”
“Already on it.” The roo had been walking to Denya from the beginning, still stretching his legs out. Man, those tiny cars were uncomfortable, although that probably wasn’t anything compared to what the draolf was currently feeling. He bent over the obese hybrid. “Squeeze your belly in for me, alright?”
Denya nodded, and Trin placed his paws beneath his friend’s arms, surprised at how malleable Denya had gotten. It was getting harder for him to find an actual hold on the flabby body, thanks to how much it jiggled and wobbled. At this rate, he wasn’t sure how much of a help he would be down the line.
For now, though, he was able to get a decent hold on the shorter canine and helped haul him out, indents forming in those plush flanks. Denya sighed as he stepped out. “Thanks again, Trin. I hope I’m at least giving you a decent workout.”
The roo laughed, ruffling his blond hair. “You are, don’t worry.” He wasn’t exaggerating either, Denya was heavy! Speaking of heavy, Trin turned his attention towards Arro, in case the dragon needed help next.
Arro was trying to wriggle out on his own. He was red in the face with exertion as he tried to twist his fat hips out of the thing and get the lower edge of his belly out from under the steering wheel. Just because Denya needed help with it, didn’t mean that he would. He was stronger. And almost as strong as Trin, and Trin had managed to lift Denya out.
The real problem was that he didn’t have anything to push against, his love handles still bulging over the sides, sprawling around him. Suddenly, Rangavar was in front of him, holding out a paw. “Need help?”
Arro rolled his eyes. “Oh, yeah, you’ll definitely be able to pull me out.”
Rangavar wrinkled his snout. “I can just… I was just gonna pull. Not lift or anything.”
“I’ll pull you over.”
“Not true.”
Arro snorted. “You’re about as solid as a leaf.”
“Now you’re just being mean.”
Arro tried giving his rump another squirm, his belly still swallowing the steering wheel whole, before he finally had to admit defeat. He glared at Rangavar. “Alright. I’m going to pull you over, and you’re not allowed to complain about it.” He took the paw.
Rangavar braced one foot against the front of the car, taking Arro’s paw with both of his own, and heaved. He threw his back into it, using his whole weight as leverage against the pressure of Arro’s wedged, fat-laden body. He grunted and strained while Arro rolled his eyes, watching with a flat expression.
Trin made a step towards Arro when Denya held out his arm, looking at the marsupial. “I, uh, think you’ve done enough lifting today. Maybe I should help him here.”
The roo frowned, tilting his head. “Are you sure, bro? I don’t mind helping at all.” In fact, it was kind of funny that they needed his help so much, but he didn’t need to say that out loud.
Denya nodded. “It’s fine. I’ll call you over if I need help.” He didn’t want Arro to feel inferior to Trin like this. The tubby draolf waddled over, taking Arro’s free paw in his own while looking at Rangavar. “Alright, on a count of three, we pull. Ready?”
They counted together. “One… two… three!” It was a little cheesy, but they did manage to both fling themselves back at the same time, each straining to remove the stuck dragon from the car. Rangavar groaned with exertion, genuinely giving it everything he had, which he was sure the hybrid was doing the same.
Arro wasn’t just sitting around, of course. He was trying to unbend his legs from their cramped position. They were still trapped beneath this gut, which was heavily pushed down by the steering wheel over that. Finally, as the pressure was removed from up top slightly, he was able to push his legs slightly straighter, eventually able to wrench his ass free of the seat. He almost fell forward, but the lump of lard on the front of his figure padded him like an airbag. The other two drakes were the less fortunate ones.
Rangavar slipped off and fell flat to the ground, panting. “Fuck.”
“Shhh, there are children nearby,” Arro whispered loudly.
“Hey, I’m not-” Denya started, before blushing. He was used to Rangavar calling him “kid” occasionally. Not like a twenty four year old was a kid, anyways. He wondered if Rangavar was actually older than he looked.
They rejoined Trin by the exit, which thankfully didn’t feature a turnstile. The draolf couldn’t hide the grin that was spreading across his muzzle. “I think I won.”
“You did not!” the roo cried out, huffing. “I had way more points.”
“Did not!” Denya crossed his broad arms across his flabby chest, panting. “I hit Arro twice, and you and Rangavar three times. That’s eight, if you’re still doing the math.”
“I figured, thanks.” Trin pinched the draolf’s lovehandle, causing him to yelp. “I hit Rangavar twice and you four times. And Arro, I…” he paused, turning towards the fatter dragon. “I bumped into you at least once, right, dude?”
Arro scratched the back of his head. “Uh. I’m not sure.”
Rangavar blinked. “We were supposed to be counting?”
“Doesn’t matter.” Arro grinned down at him. “Bet you lost.”
Rangavar glared up at him. “Did not.”
“How would you know if you weren’t counting?”
Rangavar looked away and didn’t answer.
Arro rolled his eyes and kept walking until they were all back in the sunlight. “Well, that was fun.” It didn’t really matter to him who had the most points. He loved seeing his friends so happy. He was having a great time. “What’s next?”
The smallest of the bunch looked around. “We could, I don’t know…” Rangavar squinted at a line of furs doing the ring toss nearby. He pointed. “We could do that.”
“Oooh, we could,” Denya agreed. He’d rather watch them do the ring toss, he himself wasn’t very confident in his tossing abilities. However, it was apparent that the ring toss was quite popular; there was a bit of a line already. “Mmm, looks like it’s gonna be a bit of a wait, though. Is there anything else we could do in the meanwhile?” he asked, looking down the aisle.
The dunk tank had no line.
Trin spoke up. “Looks like the dunk tank’s available, bros. Anyone wanna volunteer to get dunked?” He smirked at his friends, mainly eyeing Rangavar. No doubt because the smaller dragon would actually fit in the tank the best.
Denya saw the look on the drake’s face and quickly spoke up. “Why don’t you go first, Trin? You’re the one who lost at bumper cars.”
“I didn’t lose!” the roo pouted, thumping his tail in frustration. “I just said, I bumped into you four times, Rangavar twice, and…” Crap. Why couldn’t he remember bumping into Arro? Was he that focused on chasing down Denya the whole time?
“I agree, Trin should go first!” said Rangavar quickly.
Arro immediately caught on. “I mean, Trin, you’re sort of outvoted,” he chuckled. “Three on one.”
Rangavar stifled a sigh of relief. There was no way he was getting wet today. He’d sooner leave the fair altogether. He followed along as everyone else made their way over, pausing with Arro and Denya to watch Trin step up to the tank.
The roo slipped his shirt over his head, flashing his six-pack abs at the group as he balled up his shirt and threw it at Denya. He grinned as it hit the unsuspecting draolf over the face and he indignantly snatched it off. “Hold that for me.”
They watched as the roo climbed up to the seat suspended over the water and sat.
Arro glanced around. “Okay. Now what?”
“Is this the part where we throw things? I really want to throw things,” said Rangavar. He wondered how many of those things could ‘accidentally’ hit Trin in theory before he got asked to leave.
“I want to throw things too,” Arro absently agreed as he dug some balls out of the bin nearby. He handed one to Rangavar and one to Denya. “Who wants to start?
“I could start,” Rangavar offered. He took a few steps forward. He pulled back his arm, then flung it forward as hard as he could towards the target. It was a direct hit and plunged Trin into the tank. “Yes!” he yelled as he jumped and pumped his fist in the air.
Arro raised a brow. Rangavar didn’t always get so excited over things. “Having fun all the sudden, huh?”
Rangavar stopped jumping to glare at him. Arro almost wished he hadn’t said anything. “Hey, I never said it wouldn’t be fun!” He turned back to the tank for a second, and Arro followed his gaze. They watched Trin climbing out while grumbling to himself. Softly, Rangavar said, “I really am having fun though.”
Arro put a paw on his shoulder and squeezed.
Denya smiled seeing the interaction from the corner of his eye. It was cute. He was glad they were enjoying themselves. The draolf wished he could give Rangavar a quick hug or something similar too, but he didn’t want to with Trin watching. He just...he didn’t know how Trin felt about that sort of thing yet, and he was too afraid to ask or bring it up.
But he wasn’t afraid to dunk the roo into a vat of water.
“I’ll go next,” Denya smirked. He slowly wound up his arm, trying to imagine he was back at baseball practice. Of course, it felt noticeably different from practice, namely how his center of weight changed, how his flabby arm folded in on itself, etc. He knew he wasn’t likely to be very accurate with his pitch, but in any case he let loose the ball and…
Direct hit!
Trin let out a startled yelp as he plunged into the tank yet again! “Seriously?!” he growled as he slowly climbed back out. He was about to exit the tank altogether when Denya chimed in. “Wait! Arro still has a turn!”
The roo rolled his eyes before returning to his position, arms crossed. “I won’t judge you at all if you miss, dude. Promise!” he called after Arro, essentially pleading for the hefty dragon to spare him another impromptu bath.
Arro scowled. He was so sick of Trin making fun of him. He wound back his arm, determined to make the roo pay the price, and flung the ball hard. He had to remember not to use his full type one strength, but still hucked it forcefully towards the tank. It slammed into the target and the seat gave way beneath the unhappy roo.
“Yeah!” Arro pumped his own fist in the air the way that Rangavar had. Without all the jumping around, of course. He didn’t want to traumatize everyone at the fair. “Alright!”
“Nice,” Rangavar nodded with the hint of a smirk. He crossed his arms. “Who’s next?”
Arro glanced at Denya.
Denya glanced back. He hoped his glancing would be more overpowering, but it was hard to overpower someone two feet taller than himself with looks alone. His ears folded. “Oh no…”
He looked over in time to see Trin shuffling towards them, his shoes making loud squelching sounds. Every inch of him was damp and soaked with water, dripping off his ears and muzzle. “I didn’t think...you guys would be dunk tank pros,” he grumbled. He was really regretting his decision to do the dunk tank first.
Denya laughed. “Yeah, we practice all the time, just for the chance to soak your skinny ass three times in a row.”
Trin shook his head, flinging water from his floppy ears, before snatching his shirt back from Denya. “Alright then, tubbs. Why don’t you give it a shot, now? You look like you could use a bath.”
The draolf snorted. “You just wanna see me shirtless next, is that it?”
“Yeah, sure.” The roo rolled his eyes. “Hurry up, homo.”
“Right…” Denya looked away so they couldn’t see the grimace he made. Oh, if only Trin knew the kinds of feelings he had for the two dragons standing beside them. If only Trin knew…
The draolf unclipped his suspenders and lifted his shirt up, letting his flab hang free at last. He had forgotten how tight those suspender straps dug into him. He gave everything to Arro, not trusting the soaking, angry roo with his clothes, and made his way over to the tank. Already, he could tell it wasn’t designed for furs his size when he could feel the end of his belly brushing against the front of the glass when he finally sat down. He didn’t mind so much that his flab was pressing against all ends of the glass; he was just frustrated his wings were stuck spread out across his back once he finally managed to close the door on himself. Stupid, useless wings…
Finally closed in, he found himself smiling nervously at the trio of friends waiting to dunk him. With Rangavar and Arro hitting their mark earlier, and Trin experienced in seemingly every sport imaginable, he figured his chances of waddling out dry were as slim as Rangavar. Well, he could at least have some fun with it. “Nyeeh, what’ya blokes lookin’ at, eh?” he called out in a funny accent, imitating a voice he heard on TV. “Whatsa matter with ya? Cat gotcher tongue? None of ya look good ‘nuff to hit the broadside of a barn, let alone an itty bitty target! Nuk nuk nuk!”
“‘Itty bitty’ isn’t the term I’d use,” Arro called over as he got ready to throw. He was going first this time. He cast a glance at the soaked roo briefly, realizing what would piss him off. Maybe they could turn this sport from ‘dunk tank’ into ‘make Trin pay’.
Arro chucked the ball again, deliberately missing the target. He shot a look at Rangavar, hoping he picked up on the plan. “Oh, damn, that’s too bad,” he said slightly too loudly. “Guess Denya isn’t getting dunked as many times as Trin.”
Rangavar slowly nodded in understanding. “Hmm, maybe I’ll do better,” he said carefully as he hefted a ball.
Arro stood back and watched as the smaller dragon drew back his arm and threw. The ball was way off track, soaring far past the target. Arro felt bad for whichever employee would end up cleaning up after them.
“Oh, no, I missed,” Rangavar lamented. “Maybe Denya won’t get wet at all.”
“Oh, come on!” Trin blurted out. He was trying to keep himself in check; he didn’t mean to call Denya tubbs earlier in front of Arro, but getting dunked three times in rapid succession was just frustrating as hell. Now seeing the draolf might be getting off completely free was enough to make him squeeze the ball until his knuckles were white, nearly shattering the orb in the process.
The draolf couldn’t see the expression on Trin’s face from this far back. The glass tank had quite a few smudges, after all. Instead, he continued with his playful banter. “Ey’ whatsa matter, pretty boy? Too much space between them pointy ears? C’mooon, I thought you was an athlete, not a-”
Denya didn’t even have time to process the ball hurtling into the target before feeling the seat give out from beneath him. He yelped as he went down….slowwwwwly…
It was like being on an elevator, feeling his flabby body squeak its way lower and lower into the tank. Vaugh, was he really that fat?! Holy cow, he really needed to thank Rangavar after today; their efforts were really paying off!
What took Trin an instant took Denya nearly three whole seconds as he was lowered into the water, feeling it rise to his head. He couldn’t help but laugh. “Yer throw was so borin’, I nearly fell asleep just falling down!”
“Shut up,” Trin retorted. He stepped forward, ready to help Denya out, but the draolf somehow managed to turn over towards the ladder and climb his way out, albeit slowly, with his chub grazing against the wall. Hopefully his pants wouldn’t fall down in front of everyone…
Squeezing out, the rotund hybrid waddled back to his friends, huffing.
Arro and Rangavar high-fived.
“Man...that thing is uncomfortable. Just climbing out, I felt like I swam a mile,” Denya chuckled. He needed a dunk tank the size of a hot tub, at this point. Tilting his head to the side to shake out any water from his ears, the pudgy hybrid waddled towards Trin, the one who dunked him into the tank, and started shaking his body.
“H-hey!” the roo cried out, throwing up his arms to shield himself. “Haven’t you assholes gotten me wet enough?”
“No such thing!” Denya sneered, his fla...
Category Story / Fat Furs
Species Dragon (Other)
Gender Male
Size 120 x 84px
File Size 209.7 kB
Listed in Folders
This chapter really struck a chord with me, especially the dynamic between Denya and Trin. I'm fairly open online about being gay, but in person, I'm mostly in the closet, so their exchanges in this part of the story definitely resonated.
Keep up the excellent work!
Keep up the excellent work!