If you wish to know about the MALAKAS Project, go to Timothy Soro's entry here for more info about the project.
About subject:
Danzig and Dax Tesla are twin dogs hailed from some unknown yet contested town of Trumantown, although what closely matches to the said town is Trumansburg, New York. Trumantown was likely to be either around California or in its bordering neighbors. Both aged 29, Danzig in a lean build of a wolf-dog worked as a forester while Dax being a chubby nerd worked on tech security and anti-virus protection.
Among the most of recruits who came to join the MALAKAS Project, the twins did so out of their need to protect their hometown, after gangs of hooligan beavers directly attempted to take over Trumantown twice. Fearing the worst from Brisa Creek's expansion, Danzig and Dax went to a nearby town to sign up for the Project. A week later the black-and-brown dog Christopher North learned about their background and the recent failed invasion of Trumantown, as soon as the twins had arrived at the mountain base.
The twins were assigned to sleep in a bunker which, by distance, was closer to the gym, allowing them to work out there more often. However, Dax had been working out more times on a treadmill than Danzig did, as the latter prefered weight training. Even though they were supposedly assigned to a trainer named Alex Thunder, they enjoyed training on their own, but it didn't stop Alex from giving them advices and small challenges.
Few months later and after becoming Super Soldiers, Danzig and Dax were approached by Christopher on concerns about Brisa Creek's invasion of Trumantown. They attended a small meeting with dozens of Super Soldiers, held by Christopher himself.
Christopher: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I thank you all for attending this urgent meeting in regards to recent incidents happening around California and beyond its borders. As you've heard or experienced, the beaver town of Brisa Creek has been sending muscularized groups of either beavers or mercenaries to invade nearby towns and cities to make way for Brisa Creek's expansion.
Christopher: David Oak, the formerly chubby beaver with his monopoly on his hometown's lumber industry, somehow became a bigger and more muscular dictator who is leading Brisa Creek on a brink of becoming a rogue nation against the United States. His son Peter, a thin-bodied senior high schooler, became muscular as well, and a high-ranking general leading the expansion against the town's neighbors.
Christopher: We still don't know their motives, not to mention much of their lives as of now, but if we don't have any plans effective enough to stop Brisa Creek's expansion, the MALAKAS Project will fall under Oak's hands. Who knows what he will do with it?
Christopher: Taking down muscular beavers and non-beavers can be an obvious solution, but we can't underestimate the true numbers coming out from Brisa Creek. Even if we take down most of them and have the rest scatter or surrender, David Oak has another thing up in his torn sleeves: Technology. In the middle of initial expansion, Brisa Creek managed to invade several military bases, few of them have various systems, such as that of rocket artillery, lasers and even armed drones.
Christopher: Folks, we'd be grateful if any of you give us suggestions, even if they may not be effective enough.
As Christopher asked for and received suggestions, Dax gave out an idea of uploading a virus to military devices, given that he was used to maintaining tech security. Christopher, although uncertain, appealed to listen more. However, Christopher replied that all sources of military systems were currently stationed around Brisa Creek's original perimeter and were not directly connected to each other, neither to the main command center, meaning that Dax had to reach into Brisa Creek in order to get reception from each defense system. After minutes of discussion with Dax's idea, Christopher decided to slide that and other ideas into the table of the project's higher-ups and his father, to see when they would decide. As the meeting was adjourned, those who attended walked back into their bunkers, and Dax and Danzig passed by Timothy Soro and Diego Dagdag who were planning to discuss with Christopher about the incident that happened in Monterey.
Soon, Dax and Danzig were honorably discharged and sent back to Trumantown, where it ended up in a worse state than before, due to Brisa Creek's another attempt on invasion. Those beavers failed again but they were closer to victory, had it not for Trumantown's own newly formed militia. Recognizing Dax and Danzig's involvement in repelling two invasions, the said militia offered the twins to join them in strengthening the town's defense against Brisa Creek, the twins in return willingly offer them muscle growth serums. The militia, although confused, decided to go along for a mutual offer.
Danzig and Dax owned by
MALAKAS Project 2021:
Diego Dagdag (Alt) || Vani Miller (Alt) || Jack Switcher (Alt) || Eddison Wulven (Alt) || Shadow ??? and Sam Drogon (Alt) || Danzig and Dax Tesla (Alt)
Click here for the 2020 Edition
About subject:
Danzig and Dax Tesla are twin dogs hailed from some unknown yet contested town of Trumantown, although what closely matches to the said town is Trumansburg, New York. Trumantown was likely to be either around California or in its bordering neighbors. Both aged 29, Danzig in a lean build of a wolf-dog worked as a forester while Dax being a chubby nerd worked on tech security and anti-virus protection.
Among the most of recruits who came to join the MALAKAS Project, the twins did so out of their need to protect their hometown, after gangs of hooligan beavers directly attempted to take over Trumantown twice. Fearing the worst from Brisa Creek's expansion, Danzig and Dax went to a nearby town to sign up for the Project. A week later the black-and-brown dog Christopher North learned about their background and the recent failed invasion of Trumantown, as soon as the twins had arrived at the mountain base.
The twins were assigned to sleep in a bunker which, by distance, was closer to the gym, allowing them to work out there more often. However, Dax had been working out more times on a treadmill than Danzig did, as the latter prefered weight training. Even though they were supposedly assigned to a trainer named Alex Thunder, they enjoyed training on their own, but it didn't stop Alex from giving them advices and small challenges.
Few months later and after becoming Super Soldiers, Danzig and Dax were approached by Christopher on concerns about Brisa Creek's invasion of Trumantown. They attended a small meeting with dozens of Super Soldiers, held by Christopher himself.
Christopher: Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I thank you all for attending this urgent meeting in regards to recent incidents happening around California and beyond its borders. As you've heard or experienced, the beaver town of Brisa Creek has been sending muscularized groups of either beavers or mercenaries to invade nearby towns and cities to make way for Brisa Creek's expansion.
Christopher: David Oak, the formerly chubby beaver with his monopoly on his hometown's lumber industry, somehow became a bigger and more muscular dictator who is leading Brisa Creek on a brink of becoming a rogue nation against the United States. His son Peter, a thin-bodied senior high schooler, became muscular as well, and a high-ranking general leading the expansion against the town's neighbors.
Christopher: We still don't know their motives, not to mention much of their lives as of now, but if we don't have any plans effective enough to stop Brisa Creek's expansion, the MALAKAS Project will fall under Oak's hands. Who knows what he will do with it?
Christopher: Taking down muscular beavers and non-beavers can be an obvious solution, but we can't underestimate the true numbers coming out from Brisa Creek. Even if we take down most of them and have the rest scatter or surrender, David Oak has another thing up in his torn sleeves: Technology. In the middle of initial expansion, Brisa Creek managed to invade several military bases, few of them have various systems, such as that of rocket artillery, lasers and even armed drones.
Christopher: Folks, we'd be grateful if any of you give us suggestions, even if they may not be effective enough.
As Christopher asked for and received suggestions, Dax gave out an idea of uploading a virus to military devices, given that he was used to maintaining tech security. Christopher, although uncertain, appealed to listen more. However, Christopher replied that all sources of military systems were currently stationed around Brisa Creek's original perimeter and were not directly connected to each other, neither to the main command center, meaning that Dax had to reach into Brisa Creek in order to get reception from each defense system. After minutes of discussion with Dax's idea, Christopher decided to slide that and other ideas into the table of the project's higher-ups and his father, to see when they would decide. As the meeting was adjourned, those who attended walked back into their bunkers, and Dax and Danzig passed by Timothy Soro and Diego Dagdag who were planning to discuss with Christopher about the incident that happened in Monterey.
Soon, Dax and Danzig were honorably discharged and sent back to Trumantown, where it ended up in a worse state than before, due to Brisa Creek's another attempt on invasion. Those beavers failed again but they were closer to victory, had it not for Trumantown's own newly formed militia. Recognizing Dax and Danzig's involvement in repelling two invasions, the said militia offered the twins to join them in strengthening the town's defense against Brisa Creek, the twins in return willingly offer them muscle growth serums. The militia, although confused, decided to go along for a mutual offer.
Danzig and Dax owned by

MALAKAS Project 2021:
Diego Dagdag (Alt) || Vani Miller (Alt) || Jack Switcher (Alt) || Eddison Wulven (Alt) || Shadow ??? and Sam Drogon (Alt) || Danzig and Dax Tesla (Alt)
Click here for the 2020 Edition
Category Artwork (Digital) / Muscle
Species Dog (Other)
Gender Multiple characters
Size 3680 x 1440px
File Size 3.21 MB