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Buzzwole (Male Exclusive)
The tartness of the fruit flavor harmonized with the chocolate's sweetness, sending a wave of warmth and a tingling feeling in your chest.
Then the feeling in your chest increased, going from a light tingle to a sudden pressure. You started having trouble breathing as the collar of your shirt was getting tighter around the neck. It wasn’t the clothing which shrank; it was your neck, which darkened and expanded.
From the neck down to your waist, your body swelled, bulging unnaturally as various muscles start expanding. The arms definitely got the most on it, the triceps, biceps, and more pulsed, twitched, and grew into round balls of muscle.
Your torso didn't just expand, it explodes in growth. Your pecs, abs, and various back muscles all given a massive boost in size.
The fabric of your coat was snug before, but now getting tighter and tighter, until with your sudden surge of growth, it couldn’t hold the pressure anymore. Then it ripped, the rags and heat-retaining stuffing falling to the ground. The shirt underneath miraculously still held on.
You didn't have time to inspect your changed body before a fierce pain sliced between your massive shoulderblades. The sudden shock made you slip and fall on all fours. The pain was mounting, until finally, with a wet tearing sound, the source of the sudden agony revealed itself as two massive pairs of orange, translucent insect wings erupts from your back.
Still on all fours, you let the air dry out your new wings when you feel the pain subside. Breathing heavily, you look at your torn shirt, who despite the hardships, held on. Absentmindedly, you took one hand and yanked the collar open. You let out a loud sigh of relief, but that didn't last a moment before a harsh pain in your hands let's you know the transformation's about to keep going.
As the transformation went on, you splay your trembling hands on the floor. Right before your eyes, you watch them start growing to over twice their original size. Then you see something alarming. You noticed your skin was changing not just in color, but makeup. Your hands began turning various shades of red, the fingers brighter in color, the rest of your hand a dark red, and your knuckles as little bright red circles.
Flexing your new digits, you see the skin catching light, appearing shiny and hard. An exoskeleton. It clicked. The insectoid wings, the exoskeleton; You're clearly turning into some kind of mutant bug-man, and you knew it's only going to get worse. You didn't expect how much worse.
The red shell crawled along your arms, and you finally noticed how big your muscles have grown, making your head seem comically small and out of place, but that's about to change.
Your head hang downwards, facing the ground. You grunted and screamed; as you learned earlier, the transformation wasn’t painless, and this isn't any different. You grasp it, only to feel long strands part from you. To your horror, large clumps of hair had detached from your skull when you touched it. Unbelieving, you grabbed more, becoming aware of a small headache behind your eyes as you did so.
The headache increased, becoming unbearable, and you moaned in pain as your view of the world fractured, your human eyes becoming compound and actually moving further apart. The pain was incredible, but so to was your new sight. You could see almost completely around yourself, and every tiny thing that moved caught your attention.
You had time to get used to your new vision before your mouth froze and the unchanged parts of your face contorted wildly, orifices rearranging and dissolving as a single long and massive proboscis extended from the center of your visage. Your newly compound eyes widened in horror--for the last time, as the eyelids dissolved into your rapidly forming exoskeleton--and you tried to scream, but all that came out was a series of needle-like protrusions from the tip of the new proboscis.
Then things start happening to the last part of you, the lower body.
You watched in horror as your legs swelled impossibly, the red armor encasing it. You feel the changes delve deep within. which In a clear moment you saw your own quadriceps blow up to unfamiliar size, your forelegs reaching incredible proportions and white veins crawling all over your blood red chitin.
The jeans you're wearing were soon too tight and starting ripping at the seams much like the coat beforehand. Tree trunks of thighs and blown-up calves could now fully support your fully grown upper body. Your feet grew and shifted till they burst from their shoes. Revealing you no longer had feet. You only had sticklike appendages keeping you upright. But that's not enough to keep you balanced balanced in your new form. How were you-
Sudden cracks, pops, and the sensation of your insides twisting around. You try screaming again, only it came out as a rumbling bellow that shook the very street.
A second pair of legs on either side violently burst from your lower body, lengthening to match the other limbs.
Your wings, dried and strong enough to fly, start to flap almost on its own, helping you up. You knew your transformation was completed, but what the heck were you? You inspect yourself, and you utter a shocked bellow when you discovered you have become Buzzwole, the Swollen Pokemon!
Pheromosa (Female Exclusive)
A medley of sour and sweet indulged your senses as soon as you bit into the chocolate; momentarily unaware of the changes you'll soon face.
Your legs felt a bit stiff, but then you looked down to see them at first turning gray, then fading into a milk white and slightly shiny shell from the feet up. You stare in fascination as your feet are reshaped. Your toes fuse together, forming two large gold claws on the front of each of your narrowing feet. Your heels cease to exist, but one of your two claws moved to the back of your long, thin feet. You couldn't help but compare it to one of your pairs of high heeled shoes.
Your ankles have become thinner, too. The shiny gray-to-white color spreads up your legs, and as it does your legs become thinner (though retaining and even enhancing your feminine shape) and they appear chitonous, like an insect's.
Once the transformation reaches your knees, you feel a sharp twinge, yelping out as your legs break nearly in two at the knee. Looking at your legs, it appears visually that only the newly- formed golden shell-like kneecaps are holding your lower legs to your upper leg, though the area feels even stronger before. The transformation continues to spread upwards, hardening and thinning your upper legs. All the while building up a yet unknown power in them.
Meanwhile, you find your hands, too, have changed, forming the same two-clawed bug's appendage not too similar to how your feet have become. However, unlike the ones on your feet, the claws on your hands are movable at the base, forming rudimentary fingers. Your arms undergo the same transformation as your legs. At your shoulders, the same breakage occurs that happened at your knees, and gold shell replaced your elbows.
Your spine is then forced perfectly straight as a segmented, chitonous armor spreads up your torso. Your body's feminine and humanoid shape remains unchanged, though the armor starts to form bowl-shaped discs that covers everything on your slim torso. It wouldn't look too out of place as a designer dress you'd see in a runway show if it wasn't for the fact it's being worn by an alien bug-woman!
The "dress" stops where your neck connects to your head. Your throat shrinks in width, losing its flexibility as white chitin encases it.
The skin on your head hardens, becoming tough to the touch. Your nose vanishes, and two sets of small mandibles grow out of the corners of your mouth, replacing your teeth. To avoid scaring anyone, you can put them away, allowing you to make small smiles if need be.
Your eyes widen in your face, becoming almond shaped compound eyes with a purple iris and sky blue pupils.
You feel your hair start to grow and harden, trailing across your back as a white translucent veil that formed until it reached your ankles.
Finally, a pair of antennae rises from your head and move to hang on either side of you.
The metamorphosis comes to a close, you see that you are now a Pheromosa, the Lissome Pokemon!
Buzzwole (Male Exclusive)
The tartness of the fruit flavor harmonized with the chocolate's sweetness, sending a wave of warmth and a tingling feeling in your chest.
Then the feeling in your chest increased, going from a light tingle to a sudden pressure. You started having trouble breathing as the collar of your shirt was getting tighter around the neck. It wasn’t the clothing which shrank; it was your neck, which darkened and expanded.
From the neck down to your waist, your body swelled, bulging unnaturally as various muscles start expanding. The arms definitely got the most on it, the triceps, biceps, and more pulsed, twitched, and grew into round balls of muscle.
Your torso didn't just expand, it explodes in growth. Your pecs, abs, and various back muscles all given a massive boost in size.
The fabric of your coat was snug before, but now getting tighter and tighter, until with your sudden surge of growth, it couldn’t hold the pressure anymore. Then it ripped, the rags and heat-retaining stuffing falling to the ground. The shirt underneath miraculously still held on.
You didn't have time to inspect your changed body before a fierce pain sliced between your massive shoulderblades. The sudden shock made you slip and fall on all fours. The pain was mounting, until finally, with a wet tearing sound, the source of the sudden agony revealed itself as two massive pairs of orange, translucent insect wings erupts from your back.
Still on all fours, you let the air dry out your new wings when you feel the pain subside. Breathing heavily, you look at your torn shirt, who despite the hardships, held on. Absentmindedly, you took one hand and yanked the collar open. You let out a loud sigh of relief, but that didn't last a moment before a harsh pain in your hands let's you know the transformation's about to keep going.
As the transformation went on, you splay your trembling hands on the floor. Right before your eyes, you watch them start growing to over twice their original size. Then you see something alarming. You noticed your skin was changing not just in color, but makeup. Your hands began turning various shades of red, the fingers brighter in color, the rest of your hand a dark red, and your knuckles as little bright red circles.
Flexing your new digits, you see the skin catching light, appearing shiny and hard. An exoskeleton. It clicked. The insectoid wings, the exoskeleton; You're clearly turning into some kind of mutant bug-man, and you knew it's only going to get worse. You didn't expect how much worse.
The red shell crawled along your arms, and you finally noticed how big your muscles have grown, making your head seem comically small and out of place, but that's about to change.
Your head hang downwards, facing the ground. You grunted and screamed; as you learned earlier, the transformation wasn’t painless, and this isn't any different. You grasp it, only to feel long strands part from you. To your horror, large clumps of hair had detached from your skull when you touched it. Unbelieving, you grabbed more, becoming aware of a small headache behind your eyes as you did so.
The headache increased, becoming unbearable, and you moaned in pain as your view of the world fractured, your human eyes becoming compound and actually moving further apart. The pain was incredible, but so to was your new sight. You could see almost completely around yourself, and every tiny thing that moved caught your attention.
You had time to get used to your new vision before your mouth froze and the unchanged parts of your face contorted wildly, orifices rearranging and dissolving as a single long and massive proboscis extended from the center of your visage. Your newly compound eyes widened in horror--for the last time, as the eyelids dissolved into your rapidly forming exoskeleton--and you tried to scream, but all that came out was a series of needle-like protrusions from the tip of the new proboscis.
Then things start happening to the last part of you, the lower body.
You watched in horror as your legs swelled impossibly, the red armor encasing it. You feel the changes delve deep within. which In a clear moment you saw your own quadriceps blow up to unfamiliar size, your forelegs reaching incredible proportions and white veins crawling all over your blood red chitin.
The jeans you're wearing were soon too tight and starting ripping at the seams much like the coat beforehand. Tree trunks of thighs and blown-up calves could now fully support your fully grown upper body. Your feet grew and shifted till they burst from their shoes. Revealing you no longer had feet. You only had sticklike appendages keeping you upright. But that's not enough to keep you balanced balanced in your new form. How were you-
Sudden cracks, pops, and the sensation of your insides twisting around. You try screaming again, only it came out as a rumbling bellow that shook the very street.
A second pair of legs on either side violently burst from your lower body, lengthening to match the other limbs.
Your wings, dried and strong enough to fly, start to flap almost on its own, helping you up. You knew your transformation was completed, but what the heck were you? You inspect yourself, and you utter a shocked bellow when you discovered you have become Buzzwole, the Swollen Pokemon!
Pheromosa (Female Exclusive)
A medley of sour and sweet indulged your senses as soon as you bit into the chocolate; momentarily unaware of the changes you'll soon face.
Your legs felt a bit stiff, but then you looked down to see them at first turning gray, then fading into a milk white and slightly shiny shell from the feet up. You stare in fascination as your feet are reshaped. Your toes fuse together, forming two large gold claws on the front of each of your narrowing feet. Your heels cease to exist, but one of your two claws moved to the back of your long, thin feet. You couldn't help but compare it to one of your pairs of high heeled shoes.
Your ankles have become thinner, too. The shiny gray-to-white color spreads up your legs, and as it does your legs become thinner (though retaining and even enhancing your feminine shape) and they appear chitonous, like an insect's.
Once the transformation reaches your knees, you feel a sharp twinge, yelping out as your legs break nearly in two at the knee. Looking at your legs, it appears visually that only the newly- formed golden shell-like kneecaps are holding your lower legs to your upper leg, though the area feels even stronger before. The transformation continues to spread upwards, hardening and thinning your upper legs. All the while building up a yet unknown power in them.
Meanwhile, you find your hands, too, have changed, forming the same two-clawed bug's appendage not too similar to how your feet have become. However, unlike the ones on your feet, the claws on your hands are movable at the base, forming rudimentary fingers. Your arms undergo the same transformation as your legs. At your shoulders, the same breakage occurs that happened at your knees, and gold shell replaced your elbows.
Your spine is then forced perfectly straight as a segmented, chitonous armor spreads up your torso. Your body's feminine and humanoid shape remains unchanged, though the armor starts to form bowl-shaped discs that covers everything on your slim torso. It wouldn't look too out of place as a designer dress you'd see in a runway show if it wasn't for the fact it's being worn by an alien bug-woman!
The "dress" stops where your neck connects to your head. Your throat shrinks in width, losing its flexibility as white chitin encases it.
The skin on your head hardens, becoming tough to the touch. Your nose vanishes, and two sets of small mandibles grow out of the corners of your mouth, replacing your teeth. To avoid scaring anyone, you can put them away, allowing you to make small smiles if need be.
Your eyes widen in your face, becoming almond shaped compound eyes with a purple iris and sky blue pupils.
You feel your hair start to grow and harden, trailing across your back as a white translucent veil that formed until it reached your ankles.
Finally, a pair of antennae rises from your head and move to hang on either side of you.
The metamorphosis comes to a close, you see that you are now a Pheromosa, the Lissome Pokemon!
There's a Heart-Shaped box on your doorstep when you get home. You have no idea where it's from, and there's a note that says "From a Secret Admirer". You cautiously open the box to see it filled with a various assortment of expensive-looking chocolates.
Not willing to waste perfectly good chocolates, you decide to try one called a Fruit Ganache. That sounded like an interesting flavor, you thought. you had no idea how interesting things will get...
Now I know Buzzwole and Pheromosa are genderless Ultra Beasts, but for the sake of theming, and the fact that certain nongendered Legendaries (Like Solgaleo, Lunalla, and Zacian,) have canon genders, I decided that maybe that's the case of some Ultra Beasts. So here we are, and enjoy!
Not willing to waste perfectly good chocolates, you decide to try one called a Fruit Ganache. That sounded like an interesting flavor, you thought. you had no idea how interesting things will get...
Now I know Buzzwole and Pheromosa are genderless Ultra Beasts, but for the sake of theming, and the fact that certain nongendered Legendaries (Like Solgaleo, Lunalla, and Zacian,) have canon genders, I decided that maybe that's the case of some Ultra Beasts. So here we are, and enjoy!
Category Story / Transformation
Species Pokemon
Gender Multiple characters
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 8.2 kB