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Hatterene (Females only)
The decadent scent of the chocolate still lingered even when you placed it in your mouth. A strong sense of joy ripples through your body. Along with something else. Suddenly, you felt yourself transform.
You start to shrink, you feel your fingers and toes, hands and feet, start to meld together into the sticklike limbs that were now your arms and legs.
All the while your skin turns a light grey color, your head rounds, and your eyes grow and take the shape of shining black ovals.
With your diminutive stature, your clothes were either loosely hanging off you, or you completely slipped out of them.
Thankfully, that inconvenience will soon be a thing of the past.
You absentmindedly brushed a lock of your long puffy hair aside. Wait, you didn't have long puffy hair, did you? You quickly check your hair again, and sure enough, there it was! Not only was it growing, but it was changing right before your eyes!
Your hair start changing colors, going from the colors you had as a human, to a light baby blue complete with cotton candy pink ends. The hair grew longer until it reached past your thigh, past your feet, over triple your own body length!
A good portion of your hair seemed to form some sort of construct, a shape you soon recognize as a witches hat. Then some more of the hair was tied in a high ponytail at the top of the "hat". But this long braid was special. At the end of it were three sharp claws you knew were capable of tearing apart anything in its reach.
Finally, your oversized outfit starts to morph. Your shirt and pants begin to assume new texures, colors, and purpose. The clothing changed into a sort of pedestal resembling a long dress with a pink and white coloration.
Your long and full hair cloaks around your small body as the transformation completes. You have become Hatterene, the Silent Pokemon!
Grimmsnarl (Males only)
The taste and texture of the chocolatey morsel's smooth creamy filling rolled over your tongue, but as it fades, you feel a change start happening.
It begun in your chest; a growth of muscle which slowly defined itself onto your body. It seemed to be developing into a powerful upper body. Your skin was prickling wildly and something was moving under your tightening shirt.
At the same time, you noticed that your skin begun to timely shift in color.
However, you wouldn't be able to see much of it before thick trails of dark purple hair began to spring up from your legs. Your shoes felt tight as your feet cramped and swelled. The pressure mounted, and green, three toed feet burst out the front of your footwear.
Seams in your pants start to split as your legs bulked up. The bones shift in order to support the forming muscles bunching up, leaving your legs in a stout position. A series of loud ripping
later, and the legwear is in tatters, falling to the ground to reveal your legs, now completely coated in fiberous purple hairs.
The hairs continue to grow and spread, sprouting in waves across your back, with a little bit wedging itself in the center of the abs that have begun defining themselves against your form.
You watch as what little bare skin you still had began to change into a green pigment, the same color of your transformed feet.
The thick, dark hair spread across your shoulders. They spread and stopped around your sholder blades. Before you can wonder why they suddenly halted its growth, the hairs reacted to your body. They seem to grow, bulking up so suddenly and violently that your shirt, which was already straining from your increased size before, practically exploded into tatters.
Out the corner of your eye, you see tall tufts of hair on your wide shoulders. How did that happen?
That question wasn't dwelled on for long as the hair growth kicked back in.
The thick purple hairs spread across your arms, which bulked up in response, shredding the remainder of your shirt sleeves in the process.
The hairs formed over your hands, they wrapped up your main fingers, leaving one three digits to your name. The hairs at the tip of them became your makeshift nails, hardening and lengthening into sharp hair claws of sorts.
Your face tensed as it, finally, set the finishing touches to your transformation. First, the still human hair on your own head start to slick back, matching the hair that's already overtaking you.
you released a beastly roar as your facial features shifted.
Your green tinged nose thickened and lengthen until it was a triangular shape with the nostrils taking the form of a snout.
Your ears curled and stretched exponentially, poking out the sides of your head, resembling large horns.
Wicked tusk-like teeth erupt from your upper canines, with the rest of your chompers becoming large blunt molars.
Your long indigo tongue lolled out as you feel the transformation complete. Inspecting yourself, you discover the strange chocolate has turned you into a Grimmsnarl, the Bulk Up Pokemon!
Hatterene (Females only)
The decadent scent of the chocolate still lingered even when you placed it in your mouth. A strong sense of joy ripples through your body. Along with something else. Suddenly, you felt yourself transform.
You start to shrink, you feel your fingers and toes, hands and feet, start to meld together into the sticklike limbs that were now your arms and legs.
All the while your skin turns a light grey color, your head rounds, and your eyes grow and take the shape of shining black ovals.
With your diminutive stature, your clothes were either loosely hanging off you, or you completely slipped out of them.
Thankfully, that inconvenience will soon be a thing of the past.
You absentmindedly brushed a lock of your long puffy hair aside. Wait, you didn't have long puffy hair, did you? You quickly check your hair again, and sure enough, there it was! Not only was it growing, but it was changing right before your eyes!
Your hair start changing colors, going from the colors you had as a human, to a light baby blue complete with cotton candy pink ends. The hair grew longer until it reached past your thigh, past your feet, over triple your own body length!
A good portion of your hair seemed to form some sort of construct, a shape you soon recognize as a witches hat. Then some more of the hair was tied in a high ponytail at the top of the "hat". But this long braid was special. At the end of it were three sharp claws you knew were capable of tearing apart anything in its reach.
Finally, your oversized outfit starts to morph. Your shirt and pants begin to assume new texures, colors, and purpose. The clothing changed into a sort of pedestal resembling a long dress with a pink and white coloration.
Your long and full hair cloaks around your small body as the transformation completes. You have become Hatterene, the Silent Pokemon!
Grimmsnarl (Males only)
The taste and texture of the chocolatey morsel's smooth creamy filling rolled over your tongue, but as it fades, you feel a change start happening.
It begun in your chest; a growth of muscle which slowly defined itself onto your body. It seemed to be developing into a powerful upper body. Your skin was prickling wildly and something was moving under your tightening shirt.
At the same time, you noticed that your skin begun to timely shift in color.
However, you wouldn't be able to see much of it before thick trails of dark purple hair began to spring up from your legs. Your shoes felt tight as your feet cramped and swelled. The pressure mounted, and green, three toed feet burst out the front of your footwear.
Seams in your pants start to split as your legs bulked up. The bones shift in order to support the forming muscles bunching up, leaving your legs in a stout position. A series of loud ripping
later, and the legwear is in tatters, falling to the ground to reveal your legs, now completely coated in fiberous purple hairs.
The hairs continue to grow and spread, sprouting in waves across your back, with a little bit wedging itself in the center of the abs that have begun defining themselves against your form.
You watch as what little bare skin you still had began to change into a green pigment, the same color of your transformed feet.
The thick, dark hair spread across your shoulders. They spread and stopped around your sholder blades. Before you can wonder why they suddenly halted its growth, the hairs reacted to your body. They seem to grow, bulking up so suddenly and violently that your shirt, which was already straining from your increased size before, practically exploded into tatters.
Out the corner of your eye, you see tall tufts of hair on your wide shoulders. How did that happen?
That question wasn't dwelled on for long as the hair growth kicked back in.
The thick purple hairs spread across your arms, which bulked up in response, shredding the remainder of your shirt sleeves in the process.
The hairs formed over your hands, they wrapped up your main fingers, leaving one three digits to your name. The hairs at the tip of them became your makeshift nails, hardening and lengthening into sharp hair claws of sorts.
Your face tensed as it, finally, set the finishing touches to your transformation. First, the still human hair on your own head start to slick back, matching the hair that's already overtaking you.
you released a beastly roar as your facial features shifted.
Your green tinged nose thickened and lengthen until it was a triangular shape with the nostrils taking the form of a snout.
Your ears curled and stretched exponentially, poking out the sides of your head, resembling large horns.
Wicked tusk-like teeth erupt from your upper canines, with the rest of your chompers becoming large blunt molars.
Your long indigo tongue lolled out as you feel the transformation complete. Inspecting yourself, you discover the strange chocolate has turned you into a Grimmsnarl, the Bulk Up Pokemon!
It's almost Valentines Day, and when you first woke up in the morning, the last thing you expected to see was a heart shaped box on your dresser. There's a note that only says "From a Secret Admirer." on it. You open the box to find that inside is a medley of deluxe luxury Chocolates. You were a bit suspicious of the mysterious package, not to mention you haven't even ate breakfast yet, but the chocolates looked so enticing...just a piece won't hurt anybody...
you picked up a chocolate marked as Crème and took a bite...
you picked up a chocolate marked as Crème and took a bite...
Category Story / Transformation
Species Pokemon
Gender Multiple characters
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 4.9 kB