Closed! Thank you so much, everyone! Donors and bidders alike <3
I'll be sending out the picture to all the donors via the email provided with their donation. As well as the animation when it's finished!
Thank you again for all the help <3 I'll be moving forward with acquiring a pc under advisory from a couple more tech savvy friends to make sure I get the best I can get. :3
Original Fundraiser Info Below:
Both zairiza and nutty_mr_gecky have agreed to allow TWO models for the bid winner at a $3000 bid. And with that bid, plus the donations, will exceed goal #1! You and a friend been wanting models? Coordinate and make it happen! Let's do this!
Bid Achieved:
If the BID (not including donations) surpasses $1500, not only will you get an animation commission with me, but zairiza and Nutty_Mr_Gecky have partnered up with me to bring your character to life as a 3D model I can work with! Zairiza will do the modeling and texturing, while Mr. Gecky will do the rigging for bipedal characters. In the case of feral style characters, Zairiza will handle the rigging for those.
Both artists' restrictions still apply.
Nutty_Mr_Gecky will rig any bipedal character to be included as a pred or prey in the animation. No internals, and face rig will be an additional $300 bid. This might interest anyone with a VR Chat model. Please note Mr. Gecky ahead of time to review your model to ensure it'll work if you want to use an existing model.
@AudioElk has also joined the team to provide audio at the $3500 goal!
- I cannot do cock vore or anal vore or unbirthing animations with characters that do not have those features. Most of my assets do not yet have those features. However, if the commissioner wants, the animation can be faked with a camera angle that hides that fact.
- Content of the animation will be restricted to the highest unlocked prize.
- Auction will last two weeks and end February 5th at noon CST, unless there is a bid within 30 minutes, then will be extended 30 minutes from the last bid.
- Finished animation will go through the normal early access cycle through Patreon like my other animations.
I can use your character IF it is compatible with Maya and is ready to animate. I will convert textures for the renderer I use but I will not do any modeling or rigging work.
How to bid:
Bid under the bidding comment I create.
MUST Bid as a reply to the last bidder to be valid.
Minimum bid is $120.
Minimum of $10 increments.
There is no maximum.
Minimum of 15% down payment within 48 hours of auction end, and payment plan of no longer than 24 months. You will be required to pay the minimum of each month or you can pay more. No interest. This will be handled as a PayPal invoice with Partial Payment selected with the terms applied. I will communicate with the winner to reach agreeable terms.
Can you support me even if you don't win the auction? YES!
You do not need a PayPal account to donate.
PayPal does charge a 2.9% + $0.30 fee per donation transaction. This is the best rate I could find while remaining convenient.
Donations will be added to the total raised on top of the current auction bid! I will be updating the total every day.
Fundraiser Rewards:
All donors get the final background image in HD.
$120 UNLOCKED - 4 second animation loop with two characters. Rendered in 540p at 30fps. No Audio.
$300 UNLOCKED - Simple textured ground plane with an HDRi background (image background).
$800 UNLOCKED - 10 second animation segment.
$1500 UNLOCKED - Turn it into an Interactive with both the 4 second animation loop and two 10 second animation segments.
$2000 UNLOCKED - Render in 1080p at 30fps.
FIRST GOAL ACHIEVED! $3500 - Add another 10 second segment. Add Audio by audioelk here on FA! All Donors get the animation in HD1080p.
$4000 - 2 Additional Camera Views
$4800 - Medium detail background.
$5500 - 2nd Goal! - Render animation in 4K at 30fps. All donors get animation in 4K at 30fps
$6300 - High Detail Background
$7000 - 3rd person 3D camera view.
$7500 - Final Goal! - Render animation in 4K at 60fps. All donors get animation in 4K at 60fps
Anything beyond $7500 will be used towards assets and software!
- What's it all about?
Lately, my current computer rig has been crashing randomly for the past month or so and it has been getting more frequent. I worry that one of these times it'll just not turn on again and I'll be unable to work and put out content. I do not work a day job anymore. This is my only source of income. Additionally, I've been restricted on what I can deliver in terms of the quality of my final product. Sure, I can produce a solid animation but I'd love to bring a high production value to the animations by having backgrounds like you see above. Currently, that is completely unrealistic to do.
The image above is in 1080p and took 17m32s to render. Imagine if it were a 30 second animation at 30fps. That would take just shy of 11 days of uninterrupted rendering. During render time, I cannot use my computer for other things, like working on other animations and recreational things like gaming. Now that's at 1080p at 30fps. Now imagine 4K at 60fps (which is a goal output). These render times would be impossible. Also, keep in mind that this render doesn't have any characters which typically take longer to render than solid surfaces.
UPDATED INFO: I just rendered this image with two raptors in it in 4K and it took 1hr2m28s to render. Now if it were a 30 second animation at 30fps, that would take 39 uninterrupted days to render.
Other restrictions I'm currently met with are how much I have in the scene. With my goal of bringing high quality, realistic backgrounds to life in my animations, I often run into memory issues. Loading up the scene with several assets with 4K textures quickly eats the ram. As soon as I try to add trees and a health dose of other foliage, render times shoot up dramatically and often times crashes the renderer due to insufficient vram.
- What are we doing?
Raising some funds for a replacement/upgraded computer! To put it simply, depending on the amount raised, I'll be either replacing my computer with similar specs (and thus similar content) or investing in a more powerful rig that can take on a busier scene with more assets and render in 4K in a reasonable amount of time.
- What's in it for you?
Obviously, the highest bidder wins a commission slot from me, which if you've been following me, I haven't been offering lately. What the commission will entail is entirely up to the total amount raised! But what about the other folks? Better content and a higher production value!
- What are the three goals?
The three goals are simply the 3 different computers I built on a website to get an idea on the cost.
A $3500 computer would be roughly the same specs as what I currently have. I estimate that the rendering speed would be a bit faster but the amount of memory remains the same, so I wouldn't be able to flesh out fancier backgrounds. Render times would be approximately 1.3x faster I estimate.
A $5500 computer is a significant upgrade in vram and speed. I would probably be able to start offering 4K at 30fps animations now and then with reasonable render times. I would also be able to fill in the scenes with trees, grass, and other physical background elements. Render times would be about 10x faster I estimate.
A $7500 computer is basically my dream machine. I wouldn't have to worry about hitting limits and I could create at my heart's content. 4K at 60fps would be a breeze to render and I could offer that for all of my animations probably. Render times would be about 18x faster I estimate.
Why are the computer's so expensive?
Rendering takes A LOT of power. I use Redshift to render which utilizes GPU power to do but a good cpu and plenty of ram is also necessary. As many may know, GPU prices are ridiculously inflated, so computer builds automatically are more expensive as a result.
Could I help render instead?
I wish I could get this kind of help! Unfortunately I use Maya/Redshift to render my animations. Both of which are paid software and not that cheap. So in order to help, one would need to have both of those. Additionally, I don't know a way to have someone help render without compromising the security of assets, some of which may have licensing that I cannot share.
Last comments:
I hope I don't overwhelm you all with the amount of information on this page. I just want to be as clear as I can. I want to thank everyone who helps out with this, whether they're bidding for the final prize, they donate, or even just spread the word about this event to their friends. Thank you <3
I may edit the page, rules, or any information in order to make things more clear if I made a mistake or didn't clarify something.
EDIT 1/31/21: I don't know why I hadn't thought of it before, but now donors will get a gift in return for their donation. The prizes that are unlocked are distributed to all donors over $1.
I'll be sending out the picture to all the donors via the email provided with their donation. As well as the animation when it's finished!
Thank you again for all the help <3 I'll be moving forward with acquiring a pc under advisory from a couple more tech savvy friends to make sure I get the best I can get. :3
Original Fundraiser Info Below:
Welcome to the Fundraiser!
Donor rewards listed in gold in the rewards section.
see "How to bid" section for details
$1,186.85 donations + $3,000 bid (as of this edit) = $4,186.85 raised! You guys are amazing <3
Less than $80 to the next reward!
Or Bid in the comments below~
Both zairiza and nutty_mr_gecky have agreed to allow TWO models for the bid winner at a $3000 bid. And with that bid, plus the donations, will exceed goal #1! You and a friend been wanting models? Coordinate and make it happen! Let's do this!
Bid Achieved:
If the BID (not including donations) surpasses $1500, not only will you get an animation commission with me, but zairiza and Nutty_Mr_Gecky have partnered up with me to bring your character to life as a 3D model I can work with! Zairiza will do the modeling and texturing, while Mr. Gecky will do the rigging for bipedal characters. In the case of feral style characters, Zairiza will handle the rigging for those.
Both artists' restrictions still apply.
Nutty_Mr_Gecky will rig any bipedal character to be included as a pred or prey in the animation. No internals, and face rig will be an additional $300 bid. This might interest anyone with a VR Chat model. Please note Mr. Gecky ahead of time to review your model to ensure it'll work if you want to use an existing model.
@AudioElk has also joined the team to provide audio at the $3500 goal!
- I cannot do cock vore or anal vore or unbirthing animations with characters that do not have those features. Most of my assets do not yet have those features. However, if the commissioner wants, the animation can be faked with a camera angle that hides that fact.
- Content of the animation will be restricted to the highest unlocked prize.
- Auction will last two weeks and end February 5th at noon CST, unless there is a bid within 30 minutes, then will be extended 30 minutes from the last bid.
- Finished animation will go through the normal early access cycle through Patreon like my other animations.
I can use your character IF it is compatible with Maya and is ready to animate. I will convert textures for the renderer I use but I will not do any modeling or rigging work.
How to bid:
Bid under the bidding comment I create.
MUST Bid as a reply to the last bidder to be valid.
Minimum bid is $120.
Minimum of $10 increments.
There is no maximum.
Minimum of 15% down payment within 48 hours of auction end, and payment plan of no longer than 24 months. You will be required to pay the minimum of each month or you can pay more. No interest. This will be handled as a PayPal invoice with Partial Payment selected with the terms applied. I will communicate with the winner to reach agreeable terms.
Can you support me even if you don't win the auction? YES!
You do not need a PayPal account to donate.
PayPal does charge a 2.9% + $0.30 fee per donation transaction. This is the best rate I could find while remaining convenient.
Donations will be added to the total raised on top of the current auction bid! I will be updating the total every day.
Fundraiser Rewards:
All donors get the final background image in HD.
$120 UNLOCKED - 4 second animation loop with two characters. Rendered in 540p at 30fps. No Audio.
$300 UNLOCKED - Simple textured ground plane with an HDRi background (image background).
$800 UNLOCKED - 10 second animation segment.
$1500 UNLOCKED - Turn it into an Interactive with both the 4 second animation loop and two 10 second animation segments.
$2000 UNLOCKED - Render in 1080p at 30fps.
FIRST GOAL ACHIEVED! $3500 - Add another 10 second segment. Add Audio by audioelk here on FA! All Donors get the animation in HD1080p.
$4000 - 2 Additional Camera Views
$4800 - Medium detail background.
$5500 - 2nd Goal! - Render animation in 4K at 30fps. All donors get animation in 4K at 30fps
$6300 - High Detail Background
$7000 - 3rd person 3D camera view.
$7500 - Final Goal! - Render animation in 4K at 60fps. All donors get animation in 4K at 60fps
Anything beyond $7500 will be used towards assets and software!
- What's it all about?
Lately, my current computer rig has been crashing randomly for the past month or so and it has been getting more frequent. I worry that one of these times it'll just not turn on again and I'll be unable to work and put out content. I do not work a day job anymore. This is my only source of income. Additionally, I've been restricted on what I can deliver in terms of the quality of my final product. Sure, I can produce a solid animation but I'd love to bring a high production value to the animations by having backgrounds like you see above. Currently, that is completely unrealistic to do.
The image above is in 1080p and took 17m32s to render. Imagine if it were a 30 second animation at 30fps. That would take just shy of 11 days of uninterrupted rendering. During render time, I cannot use my computer for other things, like working on other animations and recreational things like gaming. Now that's at 1080p at 30fps. Now imagine 4K at 60fps (which is a goal output). These render times would be impossible. Also, keep in mind that this render doesn't have any characters which typically take longer to render than solid surfaces.
UPDATED INFO: I just rendered this image with two raptors in it in 4K and it took 1hr2m28s to render. Now if it were a 30 second animation at 30fps, that would take 39 uninterrupted days to render.
Other restrictions I'm currently met with are how much I have in the scene. With my goal of bringing high quality, realistic backgrounds to life in my animations, I often run into memory issues. Loading up the scene with several assets with 4K textures quickly eats the ram. As soon as I try to add trees and a health dose of other foliage, render times shoot up dramatically and often times crashes the renderer due to insufficient vram.
- What are we doing?
Raising some funds for a replacement/upgraded computer! To put it simply, depending on the amount raised, I'll be either replacing my computer with similar specs (and thus similar content) or investing in a more powerful rig that can take on a busier scene with more assets and render in 4K in a reasonable amount of time.
- What's in it for you?
Obviously, the highest bidder wins a commission slot from me, which if you've been following me, I haven't been offering lately. What the commission will entail is entirely up to the total amount raised! But what about the other folks? Better content and a higher production value!
- What are the three goals?
The three goals are simply the 3 different computers I built on a website to get an idea on the cost.
A $3500 computer would be roughly the same specs as what I currently have. I estimate that the rendering speed would be a bit faster but the amount of memory remains the same, so I wouldn't be able to flesh out fancier backgrounds. Render times would be approximately 1.3x faster I estimate.
A $5500 computer is a significant upgrade in vram and speed. I would probably be able to start offering 4K at 30fps animations now and then with reasonable render times. I would also be able to fill in the scenes with trees, grass, and other physical background elements. Render times would be about 10x faster I estimate.
A $7500 computer is basically my dream machine. I wouldn't have to worry about hitting limits and I could create at my heart's content. 4K at 60fps would be a breeze to render and I could offer that for all of my animations probably. Render times would be about 18x faster I estimate.
Why are the computer's so expensive?
Rendering takes A LOT of power. I use Redshift to render which utilizes GPU power to do but a good cpu and plenty of ram is also necessary. As many may know, GPU prices are ridiculously inflated, so computer builds automatically are more expensive as a result.
Could I help render instead?
I wish I could get this kind of help! Unfortunately I use Maya/Redshift to render my animations. Both of which are paid software and not that cheap. So in order to help, one would need to have both of those. Additionally, I don't know a way to have someone help render without compromising the security of assets, some of which may have licensing that I cannot share.
Last comments:
I hope I don't overwhelm you all with the amount of information on this page. I just want to be as clear as I can. I want to thank everyone who helps out with this, whether they're bidding for the final prize, they donate, or even just spread the word about this event to their friends. Thank you <3
I may edit the page, rules, or any information in order to make things more clear if I made a mistake or didn't clarify something.
EDIT 1/31/21: I don't know why I hadn't thought of it before, but now donors will get a gift in return for their donation. The prizes that are unlocked are distributed to all donors over $1.
Category YCH / Sale / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1920 x 1080px
File Size 1.17 MB