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mom seems to have a way to make sure emily won't be running around diaperless again.i wonder what that thing shes holding is...
If you enjoy my work, please consider pledging on my patreon! https://www.patreon.com/paddedulf it is my primary source of income, and keeps me capable of producing comics and other content !
we do monthly, patron exclusive pics and comics, as well as monthly streams where patrons make suggestions for stuff for me to draw! help me make it to the next goal on my patreon, which I'll start adding animations to the monthly polls as an option for patrons to vote on! this month is a halloween themed zootopia comic, with judy trick or treating with nick, in a fairly predictable disguise!
I'm currently working on 4 comics, 2 main, and 2 short comics
playdate-at page 23- a comic about a small bunny trying to get n touch with her little side, and finding a mommy to do it!
Emily's babying-at part 5 page 2- a comic about a bratty cat getting a little tough love(and soft padding) to set her woeful ways straight!
Sonic fan comic with rouge the bat"a messy heist" at page 6
renamon comic(sketch phase)-9 pages sketched
mom seems to have a way to make sure emily won't be running around diaperless again.i wonder what that thing shes holding is...
If you enjoy my work, please consider pledging on my patreon! https://www.patreon.com/paddedulf it is my primary source of income, and keeps me capable of producing comics and other content !
we do monthly, patron exclusive pics and comics, as well as monthly streams where patrons make suggestions for stuff for me to draw! help me make it to the next goal on my patreon, which I'll start adding animations to the monthly polls as an option for patrons to vote on! this month is a halloween themed zootopia comic, with judy trick or treating with nick, in a fairly predictable disguise!
I'm currently working on 4 comics, 2 main, and 2 short comics
playdate-at page 23- a comic about a small bunny trying to get n touch with her little side, and finding a mommy to do it!
Emily's babying-at part 5 page 2- a comic about a bratty cat getting a little tough love(and soft padding) to set her woeful ways straight!
Sonic fan comic with rouge the bat"a messy heist" at page 6
renamon comic(sketch phase)-9 pages sketched
Category All / Baby fur
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 983 x 1280px
File Size 429.6 kB
I'm waiting for Emily to say "I hate you mom I hope you die" boom one way to make your mom cry,
Then again maybe Emily Secretly likes this I mean she is barely fighting her mom, maybe its because of the spank threat but if I may I've heard kids fight more then Emily does, and some mainly me found out at a young age I loved being spanked so yeah I'd be bad purposely to get spanked XD, but eventually I got out of that stage I became a good person but still, what her mom is doing is way too extreme.
Then again maybe Emily Secretly likes this I mean she is barely fighting her mom, maybe its because of the spank threat but if I may I've heard kids fight more then Emily does, and some mainly me found out at a young age I loved being spanked so yeah I'd be bad purposely to get spanked XD, but eventually I got out of that stage I became a good person but still, what her mom is doing is way too extreme.
Yeah her mom is straight up fucking crazy like said in my comment I’d just murder the bitch and go start a new life else where xD I honestly hope the mom sees some kinda of karma for this from what I’ve seen Emily is just a typical brat plus I’m pretty sure the school “Program” is breaking at least 3 different laws xD
That's a bit harsh.
I wouldn't say her mom is "crazy", it's merely that her patience with Emily and her shenanigans has finally run out. Brittany (Emily's mom) just wants her daughter to make it to college and have a successful future. Unfortunately, Emily seems bound and determined to ruin her life by sneaking out late to get drunk (there was a liquor bottle in her room at the beginning), getting into fights at school, and some kind of very serious "incident" that we don't yet know about, but which nearly got her expelled. My guess is that the school agreed not to press legal charges on condition that she successfully complete the A.Y.A. (Act Your Age) program. She is 18 after all, therefore, as a adult, she could go to prison if convicted of a crime. Emily's mother is simply going to the extreme to keep her daughter out of trouble, out of jail, and out of the porn industry. You can't fault a mother for that.
I wouldn't say her mom is "crazy", it's merely that her patience with Emily and her shenanigans has finally run out. Brittany (Emily's mom) just wants her daughter to make it to college and have a successful future. Unfortunately, Emily seems bound and determined to ruin her life by sneaking out late to get drunk (there was a liquor bottle in her room at the beginning), getting into fights at school, and some kind of very serious "incident" that we don't yet know about, but which nearly got her expelled. My guess is that the school agreed not to press legal charges on condition that she successfully complete the A.Y.A. (Act Your Age) program. She is 18 after all, therefore, as a adult, she could go to prison if convicted of a crime. Emily's mother is simply going to the extreme to keep her daughter out of trouble, out of jail, and out of the porn industry. You can't fault a mother for that.
True, but as Ulf himself pointed out, Emily has no job, no car, and no money. Being legally an adult, she could, in theory, refuse to go along with the program, but that would mean at best dropping out of school (if they even allow her to), trying to find a job (without a high school diploma), and trying to find a place to live (without any money). And at worst living in a cardboard box and straddling a brass pole for tips. And that's if she doesn't end up in Lakeview, or jail!