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Galactic Eeveelution Trip
MY FIRST OMMISSION STORYYYYYYY!!! This amazingly cute cute was commissioned by my friend https://twitter.com/Lun_n_Em who wanted me to show off her entire cast of Eeveelution forms! (RIP Jolteon and Vaporeon though)
I honestly think this is my best piece ever! This is 6022 words long and I made sure to pack it to the BRIM with detail simply because of how AMAZING each forms' designs are!
Both of us loved how it turned out and I hope you guys think the same!
It was just a normal day for me, I was doing my errands and the like, but then it all changed when I bumped into her. I was just on my way home when I bumped into a roughly 40 meter tall Eevee casually relaxing on the side of the building. Her fur was shining a greyish black, her hands, feet and tail tip were an elegant red, her long, black hair had the ends a wonderful purple, her forehead had a crescent moon emblem in the middle, her ears had a purple tip and a blue tip on either ear, and inside one was yellow and the other a light blue. She soon took notice of me as a strolled by.
"Oh hello there!" she smiled as she kneeled to get a better look at me, "You look so adorable down there!"
I began to blush as she gently rubbed my head with a mere fingertip, her kindness to some stranger like me unusual, nut she gently picked me up and leaned against the building again. She just couldn't help but to make me smile.
"You look so adorable!" she exclaimed as she gave me a nuzzle against her fluffy, warm cheek. "Th-Thank you miss." I shakily replied, still absorbing the situation at hand.
She continued to nuzzle, rub, and even hug me for a good while. I did enjoy every second of it and my initial shyness was melting away.
"D'awww, no need to say miss or anything like that!" she smiled as she gave me one more biiiig hug, "Not really my style. Just call me Moon." "O-Okay," I stuttered as I rubbed the back of my neck, "M-Moon..."
"Holy crap," I squeaked as I looked like a mere doll compared to her, "Th-This is so nice of you." "Hehe, ya think so?" she smiled, "I just like being a cutesy with people like ya." "Definitely!" I replied as my heart racing, "Y-You're a really nice Eevee! Big Eevee too for bonus points!"
The word, "big," however seem to have sparked something within her. She started to have a bit of a cocky grin on her face as she held me up to eye level, sweat dripping from the back of my neck.
"And I can be more than just a big Eevee," she smirked at the tantalizing thought, "Do you wanna see for yourself?"
At this point, I was hesitant. I figured she's most like just be a bit bigger if she went pretty much any sort of Eeveelution, nothing all too insane is my initial guess.
"S-Sure," I stuttered as my chest was visibly thumping, "I don't think it'd hurt to see." "Oh yes!" she exclaimed, "You won't regret it one bit!"
At the end of that sentence I could feel my whole world rumble like an earthquake was consuming me, I fell over a few times trying to stand, but I was inevitably knocked out for a while, but not too long.
"Ugh, my head..." I began as I stumbled to my feet, "What just happened?"
When I came to a good while later, I was on a deserted island, trees bustling with life and surrounded by the salty sea air, tinted blue skies, and bright blue seas. I was completely and utterly baffled, I was just with Moon! How did I end up in a place like this!?
"The who and the what?" I told myself as I tried to get my head screwed on straight with a cheek pinch, "Where did Moon g-" "I was wondering when you'd wake up!" a familiar, yet explosive voice echoed all around me.
I looked all around me, but all I saw was sand, ocean, and trees, but not a single sign of her... or so I thought.
"Wh-Where are you Moon?!" I began to panic, "You're on my stomach ya cutie!" her voice exploded again as the ground shook again.
I felt to my knees, my body sinking into the sand as the ocean raged like a hurricane was approaching, but when it stopped, I took a glance upwards to see a continent sized Leafeon face with a magma like glow in her eyes and mouth, a crescent shaped glacier in the center of her forehead, and streaks of multiple shades of green in her vine like hair, plus the multiple, country sized flowers adorning the scene.
"W-Wait a minute!" I began to panic, "You mean to tell me that-" Yep!" she began as she leaned a bit closer towards the microscopic me, "It's me alright!"
My jaw dropped to the ground. She was the size of a planet! I definitely didn't expect such a HUMONGOUS increase in size. I was getting all panicked again, but the ocean doesn't seem to keen on letting me live out my panic filled dreams.
"Awwww," she began, "Is it a bit much to handle so suddenly?" "A-A little bit yeah," I replied as my sweat started to drip onto the silky smooth sand, "Definitely a uh... leap in size." "I'm not gonna hurt ya or anything," she gently smiled as the ground shook more beneath me, "I wouldn't do that in a million years!"
Just past the hazy blue tint in the sky I could see her continent of a hand slowly and carefully reach towards me, the sight making me think of the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs, but I felt only soft, caring vibes from her hand as it got closer and closer.
"Here, I'll get you a better view," Moon smiled as her hand crashed into the ocean, a tidal wave luckily avoiding me in the process, "Come on."
Her landscape of a hand was covered in trees, filled with life already and I could just barely make out her whole arm to be one giant ocean just past her wrist with the blue skies. I leaped and clung to a tree on her fingertip for dear life.
"I-I'm ready Moon!" I stuttered and squeaked as I clung for dear life, "G-Go ahead and pull me up!" "Then up ya go!" she smiled brightly as the ground rumbled again.
The mere gesture of her moving her hand to her face was the equivalent of at least a dozen tornadoes trying to barrage me into the stratosphere. I clung with as much force as I could, but still slipped. I was lucky she was so big she had her own gravitational pull.
"That's much better isn't it?" she whispered as she finally held me to her face, knowing the force of her casual tone would send me to Pluto at her size.
From where I was, I could get a clear view of her worldly form. Her limbs were indeed almost entirely oceans, He could also just barely make out that her hands and feet were also indeed continents, and her tail the signature dark green of a Leafeon as well.
"Wh-Whoa..." I said as awe consumed me, "Th-This is all you?!" "Indeed," she whispered, "There's even another continent in the shape of an upside down heart on my back."
She gave me a quick glance at her back to confirm that there was a continent in the shape of an upside down heart on her back before returning me to her face.
"Th-This is as incredible as it is a bit scary!" I exclaimed as she rubbed me with her country sized finger. "Still uneasy?" she whispered to me, "Looks like you'll need some extra time before the next one."
I nudged against her finger happily. She may have been an actual planet now, but she was still all sweet and cuddly like before. However, the, "next one," part made me a bit antsy.
"N-Next one?" I stuttered, "What does that mean?" "Oh just you wait and see," she snickered, "Just give me a little bit to get ready. You look like you could use a minute yourself."
She then began to inhale as she lowered me for a bit, seemingly getting ready to send me into the abyss known as space.
"W-Wait a second!" I panicked as she brought me back up, "I-I just want an answe-"
Before I could even finish my statement I was blown into the abyss, spinning in a ball form for a while before I could catch one last glance of her, playfully waving at me like I was gonna see her again in a bit.
"H-Hey!" I exclaimed as I raised my fist like a cartoon villain, "Don't leave me here all alo-"
I blinked for a split second, but she vanished into thin air, my heart sunk a little as well.
"H-Huh?" I wondered as I drifted away, "Wh-Where'd she go?"
I gave my eyes a quick rub before indeed realizing she was gone, now left with just me wandering through the cold darkness of space, my thoughts the one thing to keep me company.
"Well this is... awkward," I thought as I looked all around me, "She'd better be back soon!"
As I awaited for some semblance of... anything to interact with, I decided to look all around me, the stars shining unlike anything I would see back home.
"At least the view is pretty," I thought to myself as their glow sparkled in my eyes.
I continued to drift for what felt like hours, the way each one of the many stars sparkled, the planets I passed by feeling extra foreign to me. It was actually somewhat relaxing to fly through space... despite the chance that could be my whole life.
"Uh... Moon?" I awkwardly squeaked as I had that feeling of dread creep back into my mind, "You can come back n-"
In that instance, I crashed into what seemed to be an ocean in the middle of space. I nearly choked on some water, but I managed to get my head on straight, but freezing like no tomorrow within seconds.
"Brrr!" I shivered, "S-Since when is there an ocean in space?!"
I slowly began swimming through it, shivering violently as I made each movement inside it's planetary expanse.
"S-S-So c-cold," I continued to shiver, "J-Just got to get out o-of this ocean, then I can-"
I then felt something strange beneath me, like something was rising from the ocean.
"Wh-What's going on?!" I panicked, "H-Help!"
I was then picked up in a large, almost planet sized, beautiful teal hand connected to an arm made of slightly cracked, white ice with water sloshing around inside, yet still feeling warmer than anything that ocean could throw at me.
"Hehe, miss me?" Moon's familiar voice echoed, this time even louder than the last. "M-Moon?!" I stuttered, "Bingo," her voice echoed, "Sorry I took a while!"
I slid around on that icy cold, wet hand, so she was extra careful. I still couldn't properly see her face yet. Must've been tens of thousands of miles away, but I could see a blurry silhouette of it, a mixture of blues and white.
"Wh-What happened?!" I panicked, first a planet sized Leafeon and now a-" "Each form only gets bigger and better than the last!" her voice continued to explode.
After sliding around for what felt like an eternity, I could finally properly see her face. Her moon crest on her forehead was a thin layer of blue ice with her crescent moon mark just visible behind it. Her facial features shining in that same teal with teal, diamond markings spread throughout with more cracks, not to mention her snowy hair held together by just seemingly gravity.
"Wh-Whoa..." I couldn't help but to mutter under my breath, "This is just incredible." "Hehe, you like this one?" she smirked.
She kicked back in the vast ocean, crossing her legs at the icy ocean's surface, the comparison more like a medium pool for her. Her eyes shined down on my miniscule being like a pair of stars, but she was still comforting to be around despite her intimidating stature.
"A-A little chilly I won't deny," I shivered, "But this one looks so pretty! I-I love it!" "I get that a lot with this one," she shrugged as she began to lower me onto her stomach floating just above the water, "But won't stop me from loving it!"
She set me on her stomach to where I could make out a fact I hadn't realized before, almost everything about her except areas like her hands, feet, and tail tip were completely made of water encased in cracked, white ice. Jarring at first, but soon taken away by it's uniqueness.
"C'mere," she smiled as she lowered her hand again, "I think you've been dying for some head pats after swimming and drifting in space for ages!"
Her icy, planetary arms gently surrounded me, giving me just the right amount of hug without anything drastic happening. Her arms were cold, but the warmth of the hug overshadowed such a misty cool air.
"C-Cold, yet warm," I shivered as I laid flat with my arms out, trying to hug her, "I-It's almost as weird as your size!" "Oh you think THIS big is weird?" she smirked at the thought, "I'm nowhere near done showing all my forms!"
Those words utterly fried my brain. She still had BIGGER forms?! I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. There are a total of 8 Eeveelutions.
"Hehe, yep," she smiled as her hug tightened a bit, "Plenty more where that came from!"
I was just spouting random gibberish at this point. How big was she gonna be?! How wild will her forms look?! The questions were plaguing my mind and it was obvious that she could tell how my mind was craving for answers. She gave me a quick finger rub as I shivered again.
"Need me to warm you up real quick?" she smiled as her tail swishes parted the ocean away, the water disappearing like it was turning to stardust. "O-Oh crap," I stuttered, forming the one sentence I could.
She began to get ready to blow me away again like before, my heart thumping out of my chest again knowing what is to come.
"Oh don't worry," she smiled, "I won't leave you hanging as long as last time. I just took forever because I blew you too far away, so I had to play catch up."
I awkwardly nodded for a bit before she hit me with a smile and another blow, somehow making it more gentle in it's delivery, but still sending me into the unknown.
"Pl-Please don't leave meeeee!" I exclaimed as I drifted away, "Moooon!"
She was giving me yet another wave of comfort before I once again blinked to see that she had indeed disappeared once again.
"O-Oh boy..." I shivered as I drifted, "Sh-She's already gone again..."
I was once again left drifting through space, this time unusually cold and soaked from head to toe. Not as pleasant as the first time around I won't deny that for a second.
"Brrr," I continued to shiver, "C-Can't feel my h-hands or feet..."
I was curled into a ball as I drifted closer to planets this time around. Getting to see planets with this sort of perspective was yet another jaw dropping moment as I realized I walked along those surfaces that seemed so far away. If I wasn't freezing cold, I'd be consumed by the beauty just like before.
"Wooow..." I shivered in awe, "S-So pretty..."
I tightened my ball as I drifted. It didn't feel anywhere near as long as before, but the cold made it almost as bad.
"Pl-Please," I faintly squeaked, "H-Hurry Moon..."
I tried to get as warm as I cold, hands in my armpits and the like, but it didn't do much good. All I did was glance, shiver, and drift for a while.
"H-How much longer?" I thought, "I-I really miss h-"
I crashed into a stray asteroid with a light tap, it's composition no more than a chunk of soil and a concentration of a couple different metals.
"A-An asteroid?" I thought as I glanced around my surroundings, "A-At least I'm on solid ground for once."
I then looked to my side, the Sun shining brightly as it looked back on me, but it felt oddly close. I'm a ways away from home at this point, but I just thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.
"It feels so... close," I thought as I felt almost ready to doze off.
I closed my eyes for a bit longer than a blink, but as I opened them, the Sun looked a bit closer than before.
"Huh?" I continued to ponder, "What's going on?"
I closed them again for a bit longer, almost like a quick nap this time, but a truly jarring sight overcame me when I awoke, the Sun was reaching for me and not exactly shaped like a sun anymore!
"This a bit bit better for you?" Moon's voice exploded, ringing throughout the whole galaxy. "W-Wait what?!" I panicked, "A-Are you the-"
A bright orange finger at least half the size of Jupiter gently picked up the asteroid, a BLAST of heat almost evaporating the water off of me in an instant.
"Hehe, you got me!" Moon's voice echoed, "You're looking straight at me!" "I-I actually am?!" I panicked.
My eyes slowly began adjusting to the sunlight as I felt myself getting pulled closer and closer, a body with planets orbiting around her torso. At this point, I knew exactly what this meant.
"Y-You're a SUN now?!" I panicked as the glow began to die out. "Oh definitely!" Moon exclaimed, "Really helps you warm up after my Glaceon form right?"
The glow was merely coming from her forehead! Her core resting in the center with her fiery orange crescent moon wrapping around it, her arms, legs, and tail were a gradient orange seeping towards her white body, red and pink swirls adorning her sides and seeping towards her back, her hair was glowing a radiant white, her ears were even a light purple on the inside, and her matching face confirming that she is currently an Espeon.
"I-It really is quite a nice change," I remarked as my clothes felt extra dry, "N-Nice color pallet as well." "Gotta be extra bright as a sun!" she replied, "Wouldn't you agree?" "A-Agreed," I stuttered.
At this point I let my mind become with the insanity. She gently held me at her cheek level as once feelings of unease melt away into feelings of pure comfort.
"Glad you think so!" she began in a whisper again, "Sorry to leave you freezing for as long as I did. Had to get the surprise ready!" "Y-You're fine Moon," I said as the remaining scraps of cold left my body, "This was worth the wait."
Her cosmic tail wagged at the thought, making whole stars move around, she couldn't help but to plop me against her radiant, warm cheek and give me some BIIIG nuzzles. I relished in every second of it.
"Heh, even nice and soft!" I giggled as I was nuzzled. "Thanks!" Moon replied, "I always thought so about this one!"
I was buries in miles of soft, orange-white fur. I couldn't help but to giggle and nuzzle her in return, her ears going aflutter. I could tell from the faint vibrations in her cheek.
"It's cute feeling you bury yourself in my Espeon fur," Moon smiled, "Must be extra warm too." "Mhm!" I exclaimed, "Makes that last trip look like a bad dream!" "Oh that's fantastic!" she smiled.
She pressed her other hand against me and continued to nuzzle, the planets around her orbiting faster from the faint glance I could get from the ocean sized gaps in her fingers.
"I do only get bigger and better!" she smiled as her ears went aflutter, "Wouldn't you agree?" "Oh for sure!" I exclaimed filled to the brim with joy, "And this is just the third one!"
I could tell from here Moon was getting excited, almost sensing that my once shy and panic filled demeanor had completely melted away and wrapped around in her own, cosmic source of care.
"Oh just you wait!" she almost squealed in joy, "I love the others a WHOLE bunch too!"
My heart was aflutter at those words, my mind racing at the potential ways each form could look, but knowing that Moon will show and tell me in the very near future.
"And I think I'll love them twice as much!" I exclaimed. "Oh really?" she giggled, "Then how about we find out about that one?"
She carefully removed her hands that created system shattering quakes, a solar flare from her body accidentally making me go flying again, but I didn't mind this time.
"You might want to keep your eyes a bit closed for the next one," she smiled, her voice pushing me further into the abyss. "I'll be sure to!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, "Promise!"
She let out a soft giggle before I blinked as per usual, once again vanished, but this time it doesn't bother me either.
"Can't wait to see and every one of them," I thought.
And so, the space drifting continued. I passed by any other asteroids off all shapes and sizes that were straggling around me, the wonders and awe of space once again consuming me like before.
"It's so calm an illustrious," I thought, "Yet also seems so fragile."
This trip however felt a bit different. I was so far away from the system I called my home, a bit bummed, but eh, didn't mind that much.
"Something once so close is now light-years away," I thought, "This is a once in a lifetime sight."
That was until I felt some strange force pull on my back. I thought nothing of it at first, but the force steadily grew stronger and stronger.
"Wh-What's going on?" I stuttered, "This doesn't feel all too norma-"
I turned around to see myself being pulled into a brightly lit, GARGANTUAN white hole, my eyes needing to be shielded from it's unparalleled glare.
"S-So bright!" I squeaked as I was pulled towards the center, "I-I can barely-"
I remembered Moon's advice, quickly closing my eyes when I realized exactly what this meant.
"I remembered Moon!" I squeaked as I felt my body crash into a familiar, plush surface. "Hehe, figured it out in a heartbeat I see," Moon's voice shattered through the wall of silence.
I opened my eyes a little, seeing I was surrounded in fur radiating extra warm rays of light, warmer than her Espeon form even, but I couldn't tell what form she was this time yet.
"Th-This one IS definitely a tad bright," I squinted as my eyes struggled to adjust. "Yeah true," Moon replied, "I have LOADS of energy in this one as well!"
My eyes slowly opened more and more, but as I looked up to try and see her face, her proportions seem to be blocking me off. All I could see were a few strands of hair each shining a multitude of different colors and made of pure energy.
"Minor question, but why can't I see your face this time?" I awkwardly asked. "Oh that's easy to explain," she began, "I have SO much energy it makes my proportions blow up a bit so I don't accidentally grow in this form in particular!" "Interesting," I replied," That sounds quite cool!"
I could feel her adjusting her body so she could sit up, the feeling less like an earthquake and more like folding a giant, fluffy blanket oddly enough. Still shook around a bit.
"Still as cuddly as ever!" I exclaimed as I let myself sink into the glowing blanket. "Always and forever!" she brightly smiled, her body seemingly a bit brighter as her happiness seeped through her body.
Her system sized hand then ensnared me, iridescent in look with bubbles of a rainbow of colors surrounding me, not a doubt in my mind her other hand and feet were in the same boat.
"Now you ready for the big reveal?" she gently smiled as she cautiously pulled me away from her stomach. "Oh definitely!" I squeaked in joy.
She then gently held me out for what felt like hundreds of thousands of miles to see her shining, Sylveon body in full, her eyes and crescent moon shimmering in a myriad of colors like no other, her ear tips and top of her head were also iridescent with the same colors inside their bubbles, her hair was indeed made of rainbow rays of energy, each strand not the same as the last, and her ribbon feelers weren't quite ribbons, they were streams of pure, white energy.
"A Sylveon this time from the looks of it," I faintly smirked. "Yep!" she replied, "And I've got a neat quirk in this form!" "Oh really?" I replied, "What kind of quirk is it?"
Her energy filled feelers then reached towards me, the second a mere tip touched me, my body began to grow, much to my own shock.
"These can grow anything they touch!" she smiled as she watched my molecule of a body steadily reach her level. "W-Wait, why are you growing me?!" I jumped as a tingly sensation pumped through my veins. "Oh you'll need the extra size for what's to come!" Moon replied.
The feelers then wrapped around me like I was being hugged, my head poking through in minutes, her eyes shimmering as each color danced about in her eyes like they were disco balls or a pair of auroras.
"How does it feel?" she giggled as she looked down at me. "I feel a tad tingly," I said as the feelers had to loosen their grip so they could hold me, "But just fine all around." "Very glad to hear!" she smiled radiantly.
I just kept growing as I remained in her hug, soon I was the size of her torso, but still wouldn't be let out of her grasp.
"How big do you plan on making me?" I calmly asked, "I'm already half your size!" "Oh you need to be at LEAST as big as this form," she exclaimed, "The next one is FAR larger!"
The very idea of the, "FAR larger," part made me squeak a bit. If I stayed at my normal size she probably couldn't even feel me walking around on her and the like, not to even mention what kind of cosmic being was to follow. I was just a smidge smaller than her now.
"There we go," she smiled as she removed her feelers to stop the growth, "That much better?"
She grew me to be a whole head taller than her. It was quite jarring to wrap my head around after what I've been through today, but I replied with a nod.
"Oh good!" she smiled, "Figured you wanted the minimum size for the last little bit of our showcase." "Of course!" I replied, "I want as close to the full experience!" "Same here," she giggled, "Now you'd better get ready."
I drifted backwards a bit to give her some room.
"Guess I'll see you in a minute," I smiled. "Promise!" Moon gently replied.
I gave my eyes yet another blink so she could disappear and get ready. Once again leaving me to my own devices.
"You sure don't notice the size change when you're alone," I thought as I looked around, "Just makes everything seem a bit closer."
I glanced all around me. Not a planet or star for light-years as far as I could tell at least.
"Well," I thought to myself as I leaned backwards, "Guess I'll kick back and watch the magic happen."
I then did what I thought was laying on my back, kicking my feet up and plopping my hands on the back of my head, a sigh of relief echoing through the endless seas of stars as I awaited what was to come.
"Now how much of a leap in size are we gonna have this time?" I wondered, "If I had to nearly dwarf the last one."
Then came the sensation of a sort of updraft from beneath me. Something was coming straight for me and I already knew how excited I was to see.
"You ready for THIS one?" Moon's voice boomed so powerfully, I went rocketing upwards. "Sure feels like I am!" I replied full of confidence.
I was then carried even higher up on a nose that connected to a deep black, slightly transparent face, but I still hadn't gotten a good look at which Eeveelution she chose this time.
"Wh-Whoa!" I stuttered in awe. "I diiiiid ask if you were ready," Moon smiled.
I turned around, Moon's entire body had that same, black starry glow throughout her fur, her forehead having her signature crescent moon comprised of a more condensed cluster of stars, her excess neck fluff and hair shimmering colors like red, purple, green, and blue, the two areas flowing almost like clouds, her face confirming this was a Flareon I was looking at.
"I-I was!" I swore to my bones, "Just not the entrance this time around!" "Hehe, I know," she playfully teased, "Still glad I got you! I usually slip at surprises by now!"
I peeked over the edge of her nose, the comparison between us staggering, feeling almost like if we were between the Espeon and Sylveon phases with the difference in size. Her tail shined the same colors as her hair and neck and she had another cluster of stars orbiting her right wrist, kind of like a wristband.
"Now you see why I had to give you a little growth spurt?" Moon smiled as she petted my back with her solar system of a finger. "Yeah I can definitely see why," I began as I nudged back against her finger.
The stars around her cheeks went a slight tint of red to signify a blush.
"Hehe, thanks," she giggled. "It's no problem at all!" I exclaimed, "Got to make it fun for the both of us!" "Speaking of fun..." she began with a smirk, "... this form has it's own quirk as well." "Oh really?!" I exclaimed with joy, "What is i-"
I then slipped through her nose like she was a ghost, drifting downwards until she squeezed me against her chest with glee.
"A-Ack!" I squeaked at first before I hugged her back. "Got you again!" she playfully teased again as she continued to squeeze. "Fool me once, shame on me I guess!" I exclaimed, "And now we're on fool me twice shame on you!" "I doubt I'll get the third one in this form!" she smiled.
Her tail was making whole star systems break apart, her fur letting me sink in for what felt like miles, her unbridled joy unparalleled to my own. I wish I could cuddle her forever.
"Thank you for doing this Moon," I brightly smiled, the stars in her fur twinkling brighter than ever, "This is the best day of my life!" "Awww," she smiled as she gently petted me again, "Glad you like it!"
She squeezed even tighter than ever before, my heart aflutter as she got extra cuddly.
"And just note I still have one more to show!" she exclaimed with glee and pride. "Oh really?!" I exclaimed also, "Sounds like this one will REALLY be a treat!"
All of the stars on Moon started twinkling red, even the ones around her wrist were.
"And to think at the start you were scared out of your mind," she smiled as the red tint grew darker. "I wasn't ready at first," I countered with my own blush, "But now I'm rolling with it and loving every second of it!"
She couldn't help but to let out squeals that could throw the whole solar system into complete disarray if she were any closer to it, my words clearly filling her with excitement.
"Then you'd better get ready for the grand finale!" she exclaimed, "It's gonna be a big one!" "I'm already all set Moon!" I squealed in unadulterated enthusiasm, "Just say the word and I'll be set!"
At those words, she let me go one last time after one last cuddle.
"Then just hit me with one more blink," she smiled, the stars glowing ever brighter in their white light. "Can do," I said as we neared the final encounter.
I gave my eyes a few seconds closed before I opened them, seeing she was gone for the final time.
"Let's see which of the remaining 3 is the last one," I thought, "No matter what it'll be a sight to behold."
I kicked back once again to take in the view.
"I do hope I like... end up home or something though," I thought, "Space is cool, but home does sound quite nice right about now."
After just a few minutes, I soon realized I was being pulled again at an alarming rate like with Sylveon. Moon only JUST disappeared as well, so I certainly think it isn't her pulling any strings.
"Wh-What's that?" I stuttered, paralyzed with fear, "I-It can't be a-"
I turned around to see that my fears were correct, I was getting sucked into a black hole!
"A-Ah crap ah crap!" I stammered as I tried to swim away, "H-How did I not notice it?!"
My struggles were in vain. I was only getting sucked deeper into it's supposedly deadly grasp.
"I-It's all over!" I panicked, "All ov-"
But then I saw an Umbreon shaped silhouette with her hair parted to the side as the event horizon and all my worries melted away in an instant.
"Y-You scared me for a second there!" I stuttered in my mind as my heart rate calmed down. "I couldn't resist it at all," I could almost hear her say in my head. "Guess she got the fooled me the third time," I smirked.
As I was sucked in, I could make out a reddish-yellow glow around her, her eyes and crescent moon mark with that same hue, rings of space debris orbiting areas like her wrists, ears, ankles, and tail. I could tell I would have issues talking in this intense gravitational field.
"Scariest form of them all," I thought, "But still a magnificent form nonetheless."
The comparison was clear at our sizes. She made me look far smaller than the Sylveon comparison, the thought of me being normal sized in this situation made my mind pulse with ideas. I was about to make contact with her as she got ready to hug me one last time.
"Thank you Moon," I thought as her hug ensnared me.
I was pulled into her silhouette of a body, feeling like I was gonna be crumpled into a ball like I was paper, but within seconds, I blacked out again, that was until...
"So how was our little trip?" her voice gently echoed around me, almost like we were back at the start.
I soon opened my eyes, revealing that I was back on the sweet earth I called home, Moon currently having my normal sized body laying in her lap as the birds chirped all around us. We were home for certain.
"I-It was..." I groggily began. "Hehe, you still seem pretty dazed," she smiled, "Always happens when I get hungry in my Umbreon form."
I quickly snapped back to reality. All the amazing memories flooding back to me as I hugged and nuzzled her stomach with nothing but joy.
"It was just the coolest trip ever!" I exclaimed at the top of my lungs, "No astronaut would've gotten to experience anything near that amazing in space!"
She then hugged me back as gleefully as possible, like I was a tiny doll or teddy bear.
"Thanks a bunch for agreeing with me there!" she squealed, "I can't get enough of it!"
I hugged and nuzzled her fur for quite some time, the memories irreplaceable to me, and something that I will forever take to heart...
I honestly think this is my best piece ever! This is 6022 words long and I made sure to pack it to the BRIM with detail simply because of how AMAZING each forms' designs are!
Both of us loved how it turned out and I hope you guys think the same!
It was just a normal day for me, I was doing my errands and the like, but then it all changed when I bumped into her. I was just on my way home when I bumped into a roughly 40 meter tall Eevee casually relaxing on the side of the building. Her fur was shining a greyish black, her hands, feet and tail tip were an elegant red, her long, black hair had the ends a wonderful purple, her forehead had a crescent moon emblem in the middle, her ears had a purple tip and a blue tip on either ear, and inside one was yellow and the other a light blue. She soon took notice of me as a strolled by.
"Oh hello there!" she smiled as she kneeled to get a better look at me, "You look so adorable down there!"
I began to blush as she gently rubbed my head with a mere fingertip, her kindness to some stranger like me unusual, nut she gently picked me up and leaned against the building again. She just couldn't help but to make me smile.
"You look so adorable!" she exclaimed as she gave me a nuzzle against her fluffy, warm cheek. "Th-Thank you miss." I shakily replied, still absorbing the situation at hand.
She continued to nuzzle, rub, and even hug me for a good while. I did enjoy every second of it and my initial shyness was melting away.
"D'awww, no need to say miss or anything like that!" she smiled as she gave me one more biiiig hug, "Not really my style. Just call me Moon." "O-Okay," I stuttered as I rubbed the back of my neck, "M-Moon..."
"Holy crap," I squeaked as I looked like a mere doll compared to her, "Th-This is so nice of you." "Hehe, ya think so?" she smiled, "I just like being a cutesy with people like ya." "Definitely!" I replied as my heart racing, "Y-You're a really nice Eevee! Big Eevee too for bonus points!"
The word, "big," however seem to have sparked something within her. She started to have a bit of a cocky grin on her face as she held me up to eye level, sweat dripping from the back of my neck.
"And I can be more than just a big Eevee," she smirked at the tantalizing thought, "Do you wanna see for yourself?"
At this point, I was hesitant. I figured she's most like just be a bit bigger if she went pretty much any sort of Eeveelution, nothing all too insane is my initial guess.
"S-Sure," I stuttered as my chest was visibly thumping, "I don't think it'd hurt to see." "Oh yes!" she exclaimed, "You won't regret it one bit!"
At the end of that sentence I could feel my whole world rumble like an earthquake was consuming me, I fell over a few times trying to stand, but I was inevitably knocked out for a while, but not too long.
"Ugh, my head..." I began as I stumbled to my feet, "What just happened?"
When I came to a good while later, I was on a deserted island, trees bustling with life and surrounded by the salty sea air, tinted blue skies, and bright blue seas. I was completely and utterly baffled, I was just with Moon! How did I end up in a place like this!?
"The who and the what?" I told myself as I tried to get my head screwed on straight with a cheek pinch, "Where did Moon g-" "I was wondering when you'd wake up!" a familiar, yet explosive voice echoed all around me.
I looked all around me, but all I saw was sand, ocean, and trees, but not a single sign of her... or so I thought.
"Wh-Where are you Moon?!" I began to panic, "You're on my stomach ya cutie!" her voice exploded again as the ground shook again.
I felt to my knees, my body sinking into the sand as the ocean raged like a hurricane was approaching, but when it stopped, I took a glance upwards to see a continent sized Leafeon face with a magma like glow in her eyes and mouth, a crescent shaped glacier in the center of her forehead, and streaks of multiple shades of green in her vine like hair, plus the multiple, country sized flowers adorning the scene.
"W-Wait a minute!" I began to panic, "You mean to tell me that-" Yep!" she began as she leaned a bit closer towards the microscopic me, "It's me alright!"
My jaw dropped to the ground. She was the size of a planet! I definitely didn't expect such a HUMONGOUS increase in size. I was getting all panicked again, but the ocean doesn't seem to keen on letting me live out my panic filled dreams.
"Awwww," she began, "Is it a bit much to handle so suddenly?" "A-A little bit yeah," I replied as my sweat started to drip onto the silky smooth sand, "Definitely a uh... leap in size." "I'm not gonna hurt ya or anything," she gently smiled as the ground shook more beneath me, "I wouldn't do that in a million years!"
Just past the hazy blue tint in the sky I could see her continent of a hand slowly and carefully reach towards me, the sight making me think of the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs, but I felt only soft, caring vibes from her hand as it got closer and closer.
"Here, I'll get you a better view," Moon smiled as her hand crashed into the ocean, a tidal wave luckily avoiding me in the process, "Come on."
Her landscape of a hand was covered in trees, filled with life already and I could just barely make out her whole arm to be one giant ocean just past her wrist with the blue skies. I leaped and clung to a tree on her fingertip for dear life.
"I-I'm ready Moon!" I stuttered and squeaked as I clung for dear life, "G-Go ahead and pull me up!" "Then up ya go!" she smiled brightly as the ground rumbled again.
The mere gesture of her moving her hand to her face was the equivalent of at least a dozen tornadoes trying to barrage me into the stratosphere. I clung with as much force as I could, but still slipped. I was lucky she was so big she had her own gravitational pull.
"That's much better isn't it?" she whispered as she finally held me to her face, knowing the force of her casual tone would send me to Pluto at her size.
From where I was, I could get a clear view of her worldly form. Her limbs were indeed almost entirely oceans, He could also just barely make out that her hands and feet were also indeed continents, and her tail the signature dark green of a Leafeon as well.
"Wh-Whoa..." I said as awe consumed me, "Th-This is all you?!" "Indeed," she whispered, "There's even another continent in the shape of an upside down heart on my back."
She gave me a quick glance at her back to confirm that there was a continent in the shape of an upside down heart on her back before returning me to her face.
"Th-This is as incredible as it is a bit scary!" I exclaimed as she rubbed me with her country sized finger. "Still uneasy?" she whispered to me, "Looks like you'll need some extra time before the next one."
I nudged against her finger happily. She may have been an actual planet now, but she was still all sweet and cuddly like before. However, the, "next one," part made me a bit antsy.
"N-Next one?" I stuttered, "What does that mean?" "Oh just you wait and see," she snickered, "Just give me a little bit to get ready. You look like you could use a minute yourself."
She then began to inhale as she lowered me for a bit, seemingly getting ready to send me into the abyss known as space.
"W-Wait a second!" I panicked as she brought me back up, "I-I just want an answe-"
Before I could even finish my statement I was blown into the abyss, spinning in a ball form for a while before I could catch one last glance of her, playfully waving at me like I was gonna see her again in a bit.
"H-Hey!" I exclaimed as I raised my fist like a cartoon villain, "Don't leave me here all alo-"
I blinked for a split second, but she vanished into thin air, my heart sunk a little as well.
"H-Huh?" I wondered as I drifted away, "Wh-Where'd she go?"
I gave my eyes a quick rub before indeed realizing she was gone, now left with just me wandering through the cold darkness of space, my thoughts the one thing to keep me company.
"Well this is... awkward," I thought as I looked all around me, "She'd better be back soon!"
As I awaited for some semblance of... anything to interact with, I decided to look all around me, the stars shining unlike anything I would see back home.
"At least the view is pretty," I thought to myself as their glow sparkled in my eyes.
I continued to drift for what felt like hours, the way each one of the many stars sparkled, the planets I passed by feeling extra foreign to me. It was actually somewhat relaxing to fly through space... despite the chance that could be my whole life.
"Uh... Moon?" I awkwardly squeaked as I had that feeling of dread creep back into my mind, "You can come back n-"
In that instance, I crashed into what seemed to be an ocean in the middle of space. I nearly choked on some water, but I managed to get my head on straight, but freezing like no tomorrow within seconds.
"Brrr!" I shivered, "S-Since when is there an ocean in space?!"
I slowly began swimming through it, shivering violently as I made each movement inside it's planetary expanse.
"S-S-So c-cold," I continued to shiver, "J-Just got to get out o-of this ocean, then I can-"
I then felt something strange beneath me, like something was rising from the ocean.
"Wh-What's going on?!" I panicked, "H-Help!"
I was then picked up in a large, almost planet sized, beautiful teal hand connected to an arm made of slightly cracked, white ice with water sloshing around inside, yet still feeling warmer than anything that ocean could throw at me.
"Hehe, miss me?" Moon's familiar voice echoed, this time even louder than the last. "M-Moon?!" I stuttered, "Bingo," her voice echoed, "Sorry I took a while!"
I slid around on that icy cold, wet hand, so she was extra careful. I still couldn't properly see her face yet. Must've been tens of thousands of miles away, but I could see a blurry silhouette of it, a mixture of blues and white.
"Wh-What happened?!" I panicked, first a planet sized Leafeon and now a-" "Each form only gets bigger and better than the last!" her voice continued to explode.
After sliding around for what felt like an eternity, I could finally properly see her face. Her moon crest on her forehead was a thin layer of blue ice with her crescent moon mark just visible behind it. Her facial features shining in that same teal with teal, diamond markings spread throughout with more cracks, not to mention her snowy hair held together by just seemingly gravity.
"Wh-Whoa..." I couldn't help but to mutter under my breath, "This is just incredible." "Hehe, you like this one?" she smirked.
She kicked back in the vast ocean, crossing her legs at the icy ocean's surface, the comparison more like a medium pool for her. Her eyes shined down on my miniscule being like a pair of stars, but she was still comforting to be around despite her intimidating stature.
"A-A little chilly I won't deny," I shivered, "But this one looks so pretty! I-I love it!" "I get that a lot with this one," she shrugged as she began to lower me onto her stomach floating just above the water, "But won't stop me from loving it!"
She set me on her stomach to where I could make out a fact I hadn't realized before, almost everything about her except areas like her hands, feet, and tail tip were completely made of water encased in cracked, white ice. Jarring at first, but soon taken away by it's uniqueness.
"C'mere," she smiled as she lowered her hand again, "I think you've been dying for some head pats after swimming and drifting in space for ages!"
Her icy, planetary arms gently surrounded me, giving me just the right amount of hug without anything drastic happening. Her arms were cold, but the warmth of the hug overshadowed such a misty cool air.
"C-Cold, yet warm," I shivered as I laid flat with my arms out, trying to hug her, "I-It's almost as weird as your size!" "Oh you think THIS big is weird?" she smirked at the thought, "I'm nowhere near done showing all my forms!"
Those words utterly fried my brain. She still had BIGGER forms?! I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. There are a total of 8 Eeveelutions.
"Hehe, yep," she smiled as her hug tightened a bit, "Plenty more where that came from!"
I was just spouting random gibberish at this point. How big was she gonna be?! How wild will her forms look?! The questions were plaguing my mind and it was obvious that she could tell how my mind was craving for answers. She gave me a quick finger rub as I shivered again.
"Need me to warm you up real quick?" she smiled as her tail swishes parted the ocean away, the water disappearing like it was turning to stardust. "O-Oh crap," I stuttered, forming the one sentence I could.
She began to get ready to blow me away again like before, my heart thumping out of my chest again knowing what is to come.
"Oh don't worry," she smiled, "I won't leave you hanging as long as last time. I just took forever because I blew you too far away, so I had to play catch up."
I awkwardly nodded for a bit before she hit me with a smile and another blow, somehow making it more gentle in it's delivery, but still sending me into the unknown.
"Pl-Please don't leave meeeee!" I exclaimed as I drifted away, "Moooon!"
She was giving me yet another wave of comfort before I once again blinked to see that she had indeed disappeared once again.
"O-Oh boy..." I shivered as I drifted, "Sh-She's already gone again..."
I was once again left drifting through space, this time unusually cold and soaked from head to toe. Not as pleasant as the first time around I won't deny that for a second.
"Brrr," I continued to shiver, "C-Can't feel my h-hands or feet..."
I was curled into a ball as I drifted closer to planets this time around. Getting to see planets with this sort of perspective was yet another jaw dropping moment as I realized I walked along those surfaces that seemed so far away. If I wasn't freezing cold, I'd be consumed by the beauty just like before.
"Wooow..." I shivered in awe, "S-So pretty..."
I tightened my ball as I drifted. It didn't feel anywhere near as long as before, but the cold made it almost as bad.
"Pl-Please," I faintly squeaked, "H-Hurry Moon..."
I tried to get as warm as I cold, hands in my armpits and the like, but it didn't do much good. All I did was glance, shiver, and drift for a while.
"H-How much longer?" I thought, "I-I really miss h-"
I crashed into a stray asteroid with a light tap, it's composition no more than a chunk of soil and a concentration of a couple different metals.
"A-An asteroid?" I thought as I glanced around my surroundings, "A-At least I'm on solid ground for once."
I then looked to my side, the Sun shining brightly as it looked back on me, but it felt oddly close. I'm a ways away from home at this point, but I just thought my eyes were playing tricks on me.
"It feels so... close," I thought as I felt almost ready to doze off.
I closed my eyes for a bit longer than a blink, but as I opened them, the Sun looked a bit closer than before.
"Huh?" I continued to ponder, "What's going on?"
I closed them again for a bit longer, almost like a quick nap this time, but a truly jarring sight overcame me when I awoke, the Sun was reaching for me and not exactly shaped like a sun anymore!
"This a bit bit better for you?" Moon's voice exploded, ringing throughout the whole galaxy. "W-Wait what?!" I panicked, "A-Are you the-"
A bright orange finger at least half the size of Jupiter gently picked up the asteroid, a BLAST of heat almost evaporating the water off of me in an instant.
"Hehe, you got me!" Moon's voice echoed, "You're looking straight at me!" "I-I actually am?!" I panicked.
My eyes slowly began adjusting to the sunlight as I felt myself getting pulled closer and closer, a body with planets orbiting around her torso. At this point, I knew exactly what this meant.
"Y-You're a SUN now?!" I panicked as the glow began to die out. "Oh definitely!" Moon exclaimed, "Really helps you warm up after my Glaceon form right?"
The glow was merely coming from her forehead! Her core resting in the center with her fiery orange crescent moon wrapping around it, her arms, legs, and tail were a gradient orange seeping towards her white body, red and pink swirls adorning her sides and seeping towards her back, her hair was glowing a radiant white, her ears were even a light purple on the inside, and her matching face confirming that she is currently an Espeon.
"I-It really is quite a nice change," I remarked as my clothes felt extra dry, "N-Nice color pallet as well." "Gotta be extra bright as a sun!" she replied, "Wouldn't you agree?" "A-Agreed," I stuttered.
At this point I let my mind become with the insanity. She gently held me at her cheek level as once feelings of unease melt away into feelings of pure comfort.
"Glad you think so!" she began in a whisper again, "Sorry to leave you freezing for as long as I did. Had to get the surprise ready!" "Y-You're fine Moon," I said as the remaining scraps of cold left my body, "This was worth the wait."
Her cosmic tail wagged at the thought, making whole stars move around, she couldn't help but to plop me against her radiant, warm cheek and give me some BIIIG nuzzles. I relished in every second of it.
"Heh, even nice and soft!" I giggled as I was nuzzled. "Thanks!" Moon replied, "I always thought so about this one!"
I was buries in miles of soft, orange-white fur. I couldn't help but to giggle and nuzzle her in return, her ears going aflutter. I could tell from the faint vibrations in her cheek.
"It's cute feeling you bury yourself in my Espeon fur," Moon smiled, "Must be extra warm too." "Mhm!" I exclaimed, "Makes that last trip look like a bad dream!" "Oh that's fantastic!" she smiled.
She pressed her other hand against me and continued to nuzzle, the planets around her orbiting faster from the faint glance I could get from the ocean sized gaps in her fingers.
"I do only get bigger and better!" she smiled as her ears went aflutter, "Wouldn't you agree?" "Oh for sure!" I exclaimed filled to the brim with joy, "And this is just the third one!"
I could tell from here Moon was getting excited, almost sensing that my once shy and panic filled demeanor had completely melted away and wrapped around in her own, cosmic source of care.
"Oh just you wait!" she almost squealed in joy, "I love the others a WHOLE bunch too!"
My heart was aflutter at those words, my mind racing at the potential ways each form could look, but knowing that Moon will show and tell me in the very near future.
"And I think I'll love them twice as much!" I exclaimed. "Oh really?" she giggled, "Then how about we find out about that one?"
She carefully removed her hands that created system shattering quakes, a solar flare from her body accidentally making me go flying again, but I didn't mind this time.
"You might want to keep your eyes a bit closed for the next one," she smiled, her voice pushing me further into the abyss. "I'll be sure to!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, "Promise!"
She let out a soft giggle before I blinked as per usual, once again vanished, but this time it doesn't bother me either.
"Can't wait to see and every one of them," I thought.
And so, the space drifting continued. I passed by any other asteroids off all shapes and sizes that were straggling around me, the wonders and awe of space once again consuming me like before.
"It's so calm an illustrious," I thought, "Yet also seems so fragile."
This trip however felt a bit different. I was so far away from the system I called my home, a bit bummed, but eh, didn't mind that much.
"Something once so close is now light-years away," I thought, "This is a once in a lifetime sight."
That was until I felt some strange force pull on my back. I thought nothing of it at first, but the force steadily grew stronger and stronger.
"Wh-What's going on?" I stuttered, "This doesn't feel all too norma-"
I turned around to see myself being pulled into a brightly lit, GARGANTUAN white hole, my eyes needing to be shielded from it's unparalleled glare.
"S-So bright!" I squeaked as I was pulled towards the center, "I-I can barely-"
I remembered Moon's advice, quickly closing my eyes when I realized exactly what this meant.
"I remembered Moon!" I squeaked as I felt my body crash into a familiar, plush surface. "Hehe, figured it out in a heartbeat I see," Moon's voice shattered through the wall of silence.
I opened my eyes a little, seeing I was surrounded in fur radiating extra warm rays of light, warmer than her Espeon form even, but I couldn't tell what form she was this time yet.
"Th-This one IS definitely a tad bright," I squinted as my eyes struggled to adjust. "Yeah true," Moon replied, "I have LOADS of energy in this one as well!"
My eyes slowly opened more and more, but as I looked up to try and see her face, her proportions seem to be blocking me off. All I could see were a few strands of hair each shining a multitude of different colors and made of pure energy.
"Minor question, but why can't I see your face this time?" I awkwardly asked. "Oh that's easy to explain," she began, "I have SO much energy it makes my proportions blow up a bit so I don't accidentally grow in this form in particular!" "Interesting," I replied," That sounds quite cool!"
I could feel her adjusting her body so she could sit up, the feeling less like an earthquake and more like folding a giant, fluffy blanket oddly enough. Still shook around a bit.
"Still as cuddly as ever!" I exclaimed as I let myself sink into the glowing blanket. "Always and forever!" she brightly smiled, her body seemingly a bit brighter as her happiness seeped through her body.
Her system sized hand then ensnared me, iridescent in look with bubbles of a rainbow of colors surrounding me, not a doubt in my mind her other hand and feet were in the same boat.
"Now you ready for the big reveal?" she gently smiled as she cautiously pulled me away from her stomach. "Oh definitely!" I squeaked in joy.
She then gently held me out for what felt like hundreds of thousands of miles to see her shining, Sylveon body in full, her eyes and crescent moon shimmering in a myriad of colors like no other, her ear tips and top of her head were also iridescent with the same colors inside their bubbles, her hair was indeed made of rainbow rays of energy, each strand not the same as the last, and her ribbon feelers weren't quite ribbons, they were streams of pure, white energy.
"A Sylveon this time from the looks of it," I faintly smirked. "Yep!" she replied, "And I've got a neat quirk in this form!" "Oh really?" I replied, "What kind of quirk is it?"
Her energy filled feelers then reached towards me, the second a mere tip touched me, my body began to grow, much to my own shock.
"These can grow anything they touch!" she smiled as she watched my molecule of a body steadily reach her level. "W-Wait, why are you growing me?!" I jumped as a tingly sensation pumped through my veins. "Oh you'll need the extra size for what's to come!" Moon replied.
The feelers then wrapped around me like I was being hugged, my head poking through in minutes, her eyes shimmering as each color danced about in her eyes like they were disco balls or a pair of auroras.
"How does it feel?" she giggled as she looked down at me. "I feel a tad tingly," I said as the feelers had to loosen their grip so they could hold me, "But just fine all around." "Very glad to hear!" she smiled radiantly.
I just kept growing as I remained in her hug, soon I was the size of her torso, but still wouldn't be let out of her grasp.
"How big do you plan on making me?" I calmly asked, "I'm already half your size!" "Oh you need to be at LEAST as big as this form," she exclaimed, "The next one is FAR larger!"
The very idea of the, "FAR larger," part made me squeak a bit. If I stayed at my normal size she probably couldn't even feel me walking around on her and the like, not to even mention what kind of cosmic being was to follow. I was just a smidge smaller than her now.
"There we go," she smiled as she removed her feelers to stop the growth, "That much better?"
She grew me to be a whole head taller than her. It was quite jarring to wrap my head around after what I've been through today, but I replied with a nod.
"Oh good!" she smiled, "Figured you wanted the minimum size for the last little bit of our showcase." "Of course!" I replied, "I want as close to the full experience!" "Same here," she giggled, "Now you'd better get ready."
I drifted backwards a bit to give her some room.
"Guess I'll see you in a minute," I smiled. "Promise!" Moon gently replied.
I gave my eyes yet another blink so she could disappear and get ready. Once again leaving me to my own devices.
"You sure don't notice the size change when you're alone," I thought as I looked around, "Just makes everything seem a bit closer."
I glanced all around me. Not a planet or star for light-years as far as I could tell at least.
"Well," I thought to myself as I leaned backwards, "Guess I'll kick back and watch the magic happen."
I then did what I thought was laying on my back, kicking my feet up and plopping my hands on the back of my head, a sigh of relief echoing through the endless seas of stars as I awaited what was to come.
"Now how much of a leap in size are we gonna have this time?" I wondered, "If I had to nearly dwarf the last one."
Then came the sensation of a sort of updraft from beneath me. Something was coming straight for me and I already knew how excited I was to see.
"You ready for THIS one?" Moon's voice boomed so powerfully, I went rocketing upwards. "Sure feels like I am!" I replied full of confidence.
I was then carried even higher up on a nose that connected to a deep black, slightly transparent face, but I still hadn't gotten a good look at which Eeveelution she chose this time.
"Wh-Whoa!" I stuttered in awe. "I diiiiid ask if you were ready," Moon smiled.
I turned around, Moon's entire body had that same, black starry glow throughout her fur, her forehead having her signature crescent moon comprised of a more condensed cluster of stars, her excess neck fluff and hair shimmering colors like red, purple, green, and blue, the two areas flowing almost like clouds, her face confirming this was a Flareon I was looking at.
"I-I was!" I swore to my bones, "Just not the entrance this time around!" "Hehe, I know," she playfully teased, "Still glad I got you! I usually slip at surprises by now!"
I peeked over the edge of her nose, the comparison between us staggering, feeling almost like if we were between the Espeon and Sylveon phases with the difference in size. Her tail shined the same colors as her hair and neck and she had another cluster of stars orbiting her right wrist, kind of like a wristband.
"Now you see why I had to give you a little growth spurt?" Moon smiled as she petted my back with her solar system of a finger. "Yeah I can definitely see why," I began as I nudged back against her finger.
The stars around her cheeks went a slight tint of red to signify a blush.
"Hehe, thanks," she giggled. "It's no problem at all!" I exclaimed, "Got to make it fun for the both of us!" "Speaking of fun..." she began with a smirk, "... this form has it's own quirk as well." "Oh really?!" I exclaimed with joy, "What is i-"
I then slipped through her nose like she was a ghost, drifting downwards until she squeezed me against her chest with glee.
"A-Ack!" I squeaked at first before I hugged her back. "Got you again!" she playfully teased again as she continued to squeeze. "Fool me once, shame on me I guess!" I exclaimed, "And now we're on fool me twice shame on you!" "I doubt I'll get the third one in this form!" she smiled.
Her tail was making whole star systems break apart, her fur letting me sink in for what felt like miles, her unbridled joy unparalleled to my own. I wish I could cuddle her forever.
"Thank you for doing this Moon," I brightly smiled, the stars in her fur twinkling brighter than ever, "This is the best day of my life!" "Awww," she smiled as she gently petted me again, "Glad you like it!"
She squeezed even tighter than ever before, my heart aflutter as she got extra cuddly.
"And just note I still have one more to show!" she exclaimed with glee and pride. "Oh really?!" I exclaimed also, "Sounds like this one will REALLY be a treat!"
All of the stars on Moon started twinkling red, even the ones around her wrist were.
"And to think at the start you were scared out of your mind," she smiled as the red tint grew darker. "I wasn't ready at first," I countered with my own blush, "But now I'm rolling with it and loving every second of it!"
She couldn't help but to let out squeals that could throw the whole solar system into complete disarray if she were any closer to it, my words clearly filling her with excitement.
"Then you'd better get ready for the grand finale!" she exclaimed, "It's gonna be a big one!" "I'm already all set Moon!" I squealed in unadulterated enthusiasm, "Just say the word and I'll be set!"
At those words, she let me go one last time after one last cuddle.
"Then just hit me with one more blink," she smiled, the stars glowing ever brighter in their white light. "Can do," I said as we neared the final encounter.
I gave my eyes a few seconds closed before I opened them, seeing she was gone for the final time.
"Let's see which of the remaining 3 is the last one," I thought, "No matter what it'll be a sight to behold."
I kicked back once again to take in the view.
"I do hope I like... end up home or something though," I thought, "Space is cool, but home does sound quite nice right about now."
After just a few minutes, I soon realized I was being pulled again at an alarming rate like with Sylveon. Moon only JUST disappeared as well, so I certainly think it isn't her pulling any strings.
"Wh-What's that?" I stuttered, paralyzed with fear, "I-It can't be a-"
I turned around to see that my fears were correct, I was getting sucked into a black hole!
"A-Ah crap ah crap!" I stammered as I tried to swim away, "H-How did I not notice it?!"
My struggles were in vain. I was only getting sucked deeper into it's supposedly deadly grasp.
"I-It's all over!" I panicked, "All ov-"
But then I saw an Umbreon shaped silhouette with her hair parted to the side as the event horizon and all my worries melted away in an instant.
"Y-You scared me for a second there!" I stuttered in my mind as my heart rate calmed down. "I couldn't resist it at all," I could almost hear her say in my head. "Guess she got the fooled me the third time," I smirked.
As I was sucked in, I could make out a reddish-yellow glow around her, her eyes and crescent moon mark with that same hue, rings of space debris orbiting areas like her wrists, ears, ankles, and tail. I could tell I would have issues talking in this intense gravitational field.
"Scariest form of them all," I thought, "But still a magnificent form nonetheless."
The comparison was clear at our sizes. She made me look far smaller than the Sylveon comparison, the thought of me being normal sized in this situation made my mind pulse with ideas. I was about to make contact with her as she got ready to hug me one last time.
"Thank you Moon," I thought as her hug ensnared me.
I was pulled into her silhouette of a body, feeling like I was gonna be crumpled into a ball like I was paper, but within seconds, I blacked out again, that was until...
"So how was our little trip?" her voice gently echoed around me, almost like we were back at the start.
I soon opened my eyes, revealing that I was back on the sweet earth I called home, Moon currently having my normal sized body laying in her lap as the birds chirped all around us. We were home for certain.
"I-It was..." I groggily began. "Hehe, you still seem pretty dazed," she smiled, "Always happens when I get hungry in my Umbreon form."
I quickly snapped back to reality. All the amazing memories flooding back to me as I hugged and nuzzled her stomach with nothing but joy.
"It was just the coolest trip ever!" I exclaimed at the top of my lungs, "No astronaut would've gotten to experience anything near that amazing in space!"
She then hugged me back as gleefully as possible, like I was a tiny doll or teddy bear.
"Thanks a bunch for agreeing with me there!" she squealed, "I can't get enough of it!"
I hugged and nuzzled her fur for quite some time, the memories irreplaceable to me, and something that I will forever take to heart...
Category Story / Macro / Micro
Species Pokemon
Gender Any
Size 120 x 120px
File Size 33.5 kB
Listed in Folders
👉👈 i know im probably mildly butting in but i was thinking of a headcanon, Moon has a "normal anthro size" like 5 to 6 ft / 1.5 to 1.8 m tall in their Eevee form - Jolteon has the gray coloration and 40 ft height the narrator stumbled across her in, Vaporeon would be a continent-sized, like a swimming wandering landmass on Earth, an in-between of Jolteon (Eevee in the actual story) and Leafeon
Just saying what i came up with in my mind 😅 I liked the story and Moon, she seems like a nice girl
Just saying what i came up with in my mind 😅 I liked the story and Moon, she seems like a nice girl