Grrr! Whyyyy! (Oh dear, something is clearly very wrong, whether the coyote's frustrated at coworkers who don't seem to be able to perform the core part of their job, or Microsoft changed yet another thing on Office 365, or some piece of hardware has one lacking specification breaking everything. I'm sure a few pets and hugs will calm him down. He might keep glaring at the screen from time to time though.)
HUGE thanks to BuckdaSystem for this awesome upgrade on a doodle I got from him a while back on a stream. Perfect encapsulation of angy yotie at SOMETHING being wrong with or on the computer. Or with someone sending emails that boggle the mind. Seriously, how does someone who's a senior developer not know the idea of parsing a predictable text file for -- you know what? No, don't answer that. It'll just make me more upset.
Artwork ©
buckdasystem -- thank you so much!
Kay © Myself
HUGE thanks to BuckdaSystem for this awesome upgrade on a doodle I got from him a while back on a stream. Perfect encapsulation of angy yotie at SOMETHING being wrong with or on the computer. Or with someone sending emails that boggle the mind. Seriously, how does someone who's a senior developer not know the idea of parsing a predictable text file for -- you know what? No, don't answer that. It'll just make me more upset.
Artwork ©

Kay © Myself
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Coyote
Gender Male
Size 1280 x 985px
File Size 181.2 kB
Listed in Folders
Here, we observe a squeakyote in his natural habitat. It would appear the digital apparatus in front of him is malfunctioning, as he appears to be quite frustrated...
I empathize quite a bit here, after working a sysadmin job for over five years. Easily one of the more stressful jobs I've had, especially when the rest of the office kept breaking stuff and dropping it in my lap to fix.
I empathize quite a bit here, after working a sysadmin job for over five years. Easily one of the more stressful jobs I've had, especially when the rest of the office kept breaking stuff and dropping it in my lap to fix.
*throws keyboard out the window all the way to sail through the office window in Germany, slamming into an engineer with "your hardware has fucking documentation doesn't it? read it." stickied on it*
*throws keyboard out the window all the way to sail through the office window in Germany, slamming into an engineer with "your hardware has fucking documentation doesn't it? read it." stickied on it*