The following is a commissioned piece from one of the coolest peeps on this site,
RchlisNomSome which features our shared OC giants, Bulzar and his precious baby boi, Miko. Here, the two have had themselves quite a hefty meal of orange trees galore and kick back for some good ol' fashion father son bonding.
You can check out the original link here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/38405239/
Miko sighed happily as he plopped down onto the ground and rested his yellow-scaled back against the rocky mesa, resting both of his hands atop his bloated tummy. The juvenile giant licked his lips merrily and smiled the happiest, most contented smile his soft-scaled, adorable little big face could muster. "Ahh, those oranges were so yummy, huh, Daddy!" Miko asked, still merrily smacking his chops of the residual orange juice still on his lips.
The only response Miko got was a thunderous belch that echoed all throughout the valley and made the boy giggle with amusement.
The source was the child's father, Bulzar. Who groaned as he stomped over to his sons side with his positively enormous belly jiggling with every heavy step he took. Judging by the wal it was churning and how it sagged over his loin cloth, Bulzar was feeling quite full himself. Miko's big fat father groaned heavily as he slumped lazily and heavily against the ground with a resounding thud that caused the whole valley to quiver around them. And in contrast to his son, his huge, chubby belly sloshed intensely from the motion, appearing immensely bloated and sagging heavily from the sheer quantity of orange trees he had just consumed.
Another massive belch erupted from Bulzar's maw, causing a few flicks of slimy saliva to fly past his thick fangs. When it ended, Bulzar groaned with relief.
"Groooah, man, I'm stuffed..." Bulzar groaned, giving his fat, churning belly a couple of hefty pats. It was so bloated and full of citrus that that the thick, doughy surface of his brown-scaled gut rippled like a mountain of gelatin with each pat. The contents festering within the giants stomach sloshed intensely and quite heavily as his gut sagged down so much that it caused Bulzar to spread his thighs apart just to give that immensely bloated belly some breathing room. His other arm slumped around the mesa, but wrapped his big clawed hand around Miko's shoulders protectively.
Miko giggled at his fathers stuffed state and poked the elder giants fat scaly dome with a clawed finger, giggling even more when he saw and felt Bulzar's belly jiggle with each poke. "Your tummy can really fit a lotta trees in there, huh, Daddy! You were just putting a buncha trees in your mouth at once! It was like 'OM NOM NOM!!'" Miko said, humorously mimicking his fathers rather crude eating habits as he childishly acted out Bulzar aggressively stuffing his face.
Bulzar just snorted through his nostrils and shrugged. "Whadduya want me t'say, runt? I was hungry," Bulzar replied jokingly. Then, he smirked and teasingly poked Miko's own pooching belly, making the giant child yelp and giggle playfully. "Guess I ain't the only one either, huh."
Miko squirmed around adorably, playfully swatting his fathers clawed hand aside as he wrapped his arms around his bloated tummy protectively. "Those oranges were just too yummy," Miko insisted.
Bulzar just smirked and ruffled the tiny giant child's soft-scaled head lovingly with his big palm. "Heh, like father, like son, huh?"
Miko giggled and smiled back at his father. And, as if to unwittingly prove Bulzar's point, Miko grabbed his own bloated belly with both hands and let out a pretty decent burp of his own.
It was shortlived, but powerful enough to have a little bit of an echo to it. Miko giggled and smacked his chops when it ended. "Heehahah, s'cuse me!"
In response, Bulzar slapped his own thick, blubbery gut, causing it to ripple and slosh like a tidal wave was passing through the giants belly. Then, Bulzar's jaws opened nice and wide as he expelled a monstrous belch that easily dwarfed both Miko's and the ones he'd let out mere moments earlier...
It exploded past Bulzar's rippling, scaly lips for several seconds straight, causing several strands of slimy saliva to fly out of the giants maw and making the ground rumble in its wake. The sound was so aggressively loud that it frightened any nearby animals enough to scurry away for dear life. When it ended, Miko giggled uproariously with amusement while Bulzar lazily smacked his chops and gave his blubbery gut a hefty smack of relief.
The giant child was so amused by that immensely crass display that he merrily scampered his way up to Bulzar's belly, pulling himself up with his little hands as his short, stubby yellow tail wagged merrily like a reptilian puppy. "Heehahahahah! That was ginormous, Daddy!" Miko exclaimed like the excitable bundle of sentient cuteness that he was. Then, his eyes lit up with renewed eagerness as he hopped up and down while still resting his hands atop Bulzar's belly, making the whole thing ripple with Miko's excited hops. "Oooh! Ooh! Can ya do that again??"
Miko didn't even have to ask. All of his hopping around was jiggling Bulzar's fat, bloated belly so much that the gas was stirred up naturally. Bulzar grimaced, then gripped the sides of his flabby, churning gut with both hands, pressing into it as he literally belched out his reply to his son.
Bulzar burped out the word 'yep' before it just turned into another guttural belch from the very depths of his fat dome of a stomach.
Miko dropped down to his back, holding his sides as he giggled hysterically with childish amusement at his fathers rather piggish talents. When it ended, Bulzar just grinned at the reaction he got from his son, so, he pressed into his flabby belly again and dislodged another ground-quaking belch. Followed by another, then another, and yet another even after that. And with each rude, explosive belch unleashed by the giant, his son was giggling up a storm every step of the way, which only incentivized Bulzar to keep going.
Finally, when his last, lengthy burp ended, Bulzar lazily smacked his chops and grinned down at his son, smirking softly at the child's amusement.
"Heh, yer too much, y'know that, squirt?"
Miko eventually just sighed happily, beaming up at his father as he scampered back up and rested his back, not against the mesa again, but this time, against the side of Bulzar's soft, blubbery belly. He smiled contently, nuzzling Bulzar's chubby, scaly keg as affectionately as a pup would its owner then sighed happily. Bulzar's gut churned pleasantly from having the boy rested against it like that.
Bulzar just smiled and wrapped his thick, burly arm lovingly around his son like a blanket, which Miko snuggled contently, hugging his little arms around Bulzar's arm like a protective blanket that always made the boy feel safe. Despite his harsh, gruff-looking face, there was a warm, loving smile on Bulzar's face as he looked down at Miko and gently ruffled the giant child's head. "...Love ya, squirt..."
"Mmm, love you too, Daddy," Miko replied contently.
It was a truly heartwarming scene.
So, naturally, Bulzar grimaced and thumped his chest before letting out one last rumbling belch, much to Miko's amusement.
"Heeheheh, think I'll ever be able to burp that huge, Daddy?"
Bulzar grunted to himself, then smirked. "Heh, kiddo? With me as yer teacher, you'll burp loud enough to bring entire mesas down." Then, his grin turned a tad cocky. "...But'cha still won't ever top the champ though..."

You can check out the original link here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/38405239/
Miko sighed happily as he plopped down onto the ground and rested his yellow-scaled back against the rocky mesa, resting both of his hands atop his bloated tummy. The juvenile giant licked his lips merrily and smiled the happiest, most contented smile his soft-scaled, adorable little big face could muster. "Ahh, those oranges were so yummy, huh, Daddy!" Miko asked, still merrily smacking his chops of the residual orange juice still on his lips.
The only response Miko got was a thunderous belch that echoed all throughout the valley and made the boy giggle with amusement.
The source was the child's father, Bulzar. Who groaned as he stomped over to his sons side with his positively enormous belly jiggling with every heavy step he took. Judging by the wal it was churning and how it sagged over his loin cloth, Bulzar was feeling quite full himself. Miko's big fat father groaned heavily as he slumped lazily and heavily against the ground with a resounding thud that caused the whole valley to quiver around them. And in contrast to his son, his huge, chubby belly sloshed intensely from the motion, appearing immensely bloated and sagging heavily from the sheer quantity of orange trees he had just consumed.
Another massive belch erupted from Bulzar's maw, causing a few flicks of slimy saliva to fly past his thick fangs. When it ended, Bulzar groaned with relief.
"Groooah, man, I'm stuffed..." Bulzar groaned, giving his fat, churning belly a couple of hefty pats. It was so bloated and full of citrus that that the thick, doughy surface of his brown-scaled gut rippled like a mountain of gelatin with each pat. The contents festering within the giants stomach sloshed intensely and quite heavily as his gut sagged down so much that it caused Bulzar to spread his thighs apart just to give that immensely bloated belly some breathing room. His other arm slumped around the mesa, but wrapped his big clawed hand around Miko's shoulders protectively.
Miko giggled at his fathers stuffed state and poked the elder giants fat scaly dome with a clawed finger, giggling even more when he saw and felt Bulzar's belly jiggle with each poke. "Your tummy can really fit a lotta trees in there, huh, Daddy! You were just putting a buncha trees in your mouth at once! It was like 'OM NOM NOM!!'" Miko said, humorously mimicking his fathers rather crude eating habits as he childishly acted out Bulzar aggressively stuffing his face.
Bulzar just snorted through his nostrils and shrugged. "Whadduya want me t'say, runt? I was hungry," Bulzar replied jokingly. Then, he smirked and teasingly poked Miko's own pooching belly, making the giant child yelp and giggle playfully. "Guess I ain't the only one either, huh."
Miko squirmed around adorably, playfully swatting his fathers clawed hand aside as he wrapped his arms around his bloated tummy protectively. "Those oranges were just too yummy," Miko insisted.
Bulzar just smirked and ruffled the tiny giant child's soft-scaled head lovingly with his big palm. "Heh, like father, like son, huh?"
Miko giggled and smiled back at his father. And, as if to unwittingly prove Bulzar's point, Miko grabbed his own bloated belly with both hands and let out a pretty decent burp of his own.
It was shortlived, but powerful enough to have a little bit of an echo to it. Miko giggled and smacked his chops when it ended. "Heehahah, s'cuse me!"
In response, Bulzar slapped his own thick, blubbery gut, causing it to ripple and slosh like a tidal wave was passing through the giants belly. Then, Bulzar's jaws opened nice and wide as he expelled a monstrous belch that easily dwarfed both Miko's and the ones he'd let out mere moments earlier...
It exploded past Bulzar's rippling, scaly lips for several seconds straight, causing several strands of slimy saliva to fly out of the giants maw and making the ground rumble in its wake. The sound was so aggressively loud that it frightened any nearby animals enough to scurry away for dear life. When it ended, Miko giggled uproariously with amusement while Bulzar lazily smacked his chops and gave his blubbery gut a hefty smack of relief.
The giant child was so amused by that immensely crass display that he merrily scampered his way up to Bulzar's belly, pulling himself up with his little hands as his short, stubby yellow tail wagged merrily like a reptilian puppy. "Heehahahahah! That was ginormous, Daddy!" Miko exclaimed like the excitable bundle of sentient cuteness that he was. Then, his eyes lit up with renewed eagerness as he hopped up and down while still resting his hands atop Bulzar's belly, making the whole thing ripple with Miko's excited hops. "Oooh! Ooh! Can ya do that again??"
Miko didn't even have to ask. All of his hopping around was jiggling Bulzar's fat, bloated belly so much that the gas was stirred up naturally. Bulzar grimaced, then gripped the sides of his flabby, churning gut with both hands, pressing into it as he literally belched out his reply to his son.
Bulzar burped out the word 'yep' before it just turned into another guttural belch from the very depths of his fat dome of a stomach.
Miko dropped down to his back, holding his sides as he giggled hysterically with childish amusement at his fathers rather piggish talents. When it ended, Bulzar just grinned at the reaction he got from his son, so, he pressed into his flabby belly again and dislodged another ground-quaking belch. Followed by another, then another, and yet another even after that. And with each rude, explosive belch unleashed by the giant, his son was giggling up a storm every step of the way, which only incentivized Bulzar to keep going.
Finally, when his last, lengthy burp ended, Bulzar lazily smacked his chops and grinned down at his son, smirking softly at the child's amusement.
"Heh, yer too much, y'know that, squirt?"
Miko eventually just sighed happily, beaming up at his father as he scampered back up and rested his back, not against the mesa again, but this time, against the side of Bulzar's soft, blubbery belly. He smiled contently, nuzzling Bulzar's chubby, scaly keg as affectionately as a pup would its owner then sighed happily. Bulzar's gut churned pleasantly from having the boy rested against it like that.
Bulzar just smiled and wrapped his thick, burly arm lovingly around his son like a blanket, which Miko snuggled contently, hugging his little arms around Bulzar's arm like a protective blanket that always made the boy feel safe. Despite his harsh, gruff-looking face, there was a warm, loving smile on Bulzar's face as he looked down at Miko and gently ruffled the giant child's head. "...Love ya, squirt..."
"Mmm, love you too, Daddy," Miko replied contently.
It was a truly heartwarming scene.
So, naturally, Bulzar grimaced and thumped his chest before letting out one last rumbling belch, much to Miko's amusement.
"Heeheheh, think I'll ever be able to burp that huge, Daddy?"
Bulzar grunted to himself, then smirked. "Heh, kiddo? With me as yer teacher, you'll burp loud enough to bring entire mesas down." Then, his grin turned a tad cocky. "...But'cha still won't ever top the champ though..."
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Fat Furs
Species Dinosaur
Gender Male
Size 1280 x 916px
File Size 406.8 kB